PERSONALS . ff Misses Louise and Ninnie t, Sowell returned to ltock mil night after a week and visit U> Oliver Hlackmon. Clerk of Court Paul M jo re a ded the funeral of Major B. F. 1 Jlnson in Rock Hill Saturday. Miss Athleen Kine in Elgin school, spent Sunday with Corinne Jones. Messers Elliott W. Sp'-'.ngs John I). Wylle motored up to C lotte and attended the cotill'on r night. Mrs. M. F. Murelilnson of U? eon, N. C., is the guest of '.or Rev. Hugh R. Murchion. Miss Nell Hough who has teaching at Stover near I3lack i has returned home. Judge Ernest Moore has ret; home from St. George where heid court lat week. Mr. J. II. Wltherspoon has turned from a business lanta. Mrs. T. M. Jones lett :r.loy her home jn Pulaskla Tonn ift v visit to her daughter M*-s L Upr.ngs. Mr. Robert Mo. H. Matlldln the week end t his home in Gr ville. Mr. C. K. Coiinony ? it with relatives In Chester. Mr. Willie Ross Moore came h from BlshOpVille and spoilt Sunday with his parents, Mr Mrs. Ernest Moore. Miss Jessie nuchanan of C lotte has returned home after a to Miss Etta Skipper. Miss Mary Hood went yestei ' ^ to Rock Hill where she will 1 bridesmaid Wednesday eeenlng the wedding of her cousin, Essie Poag, and Mr. Edwin Aldvett of Ellrebeth City, N. C. Mrs. W. E. Pardue returned h today from Union ville N. ti , wi he has been visiting her f.t Mr. W. J. McGuirt who i? crU'< 111. Miss Lula McKle th i efhc teacher of the Cross Roads sol gave an Easter egg hunt Satui afternoon on the school lawn wl was much enjoyel by all prosen Mr. H. R. Pardue leaves today Atlanta Ha. tr? vtslf Vila r.f.. . y. v? H. Pardue. Mr. Russell Mc. Elwee of f Tlill spent Sunday In Lancaster. Capt. and Mrs. A. II. Greene am tie Miss Laura Gilbert Willi were the Easter quests of Mr and G. H. Greene In Rock Hill. Mr. W. S. Hough spent Sunda; Mathews. N. C.t Misses Lucille Roswell, Kathe and Jack Josey Wlnthrop iol students came home Saturday t Miss Perry Belle Bennett and sj the week end with her here. Mrs. M J. Perry went to B Hill today to attend the weddlnj her cousin Mr. Albert Johnson Miss Carrie Anderson. ?.*Mlss Florence Moody of Gi Is expected here today for a yfftl Miss Molda Hodges B. W. CROUCH QV-jfs SKNAT1 Has Qualified as Assistant U. -I. ] trlct Attorney. Saluda Special to Charlef News and Courier April 11.?-? ator B. W. Crouch who has accej the appointment of Assistant lTni States Attorney South Caro ilia mailed his resignation as a mem of the State Senate to I..leuten Governor Charles A. Smith, Pr dent of the Senate. The follow Is a copy of the letter to the Lleul ant overnor: "Having accepted the appointm of Assistant United States Attor for South Carolina, I herewith 1 der my resignation as a member the State Senate, the same to come Immediately effective. "In severing mv connect'oi * the Senate of South CaroMii i 1 sire to express my apprmvatlon the great kindness and conslderat shown me by you as the presiding fleer, and the als through you express the same sentiment tow each of my colleagues In that bod Mr. Crouch has returned fr Charleston, where on Wednesday % took the oath of office and ente upon his official duties. He has received numerous lett and telegrams from his frlei throughout the State eongratu! Ing him on his preferment. A number of these were from colleagues In the State Senate, t without exception great regret i exnreaeed that his aerlces In the per branch of the General Asa em would be lost to the State. Raster Herrlce* In I .encash Churches. Contrary to the predictions of 1 weather man. Raster was fair i balmy. In fact a more Ideal day ci not well be Imagined. Sum morning services were held at b< the Methodist and Presbyter) churches and sermons appropriate the day wore preached hy the p tors. Revs. E. T. Hodges and H. Murchtson, respectively. At I former house of worship the Eaa decorations were beautiful. On 1 pulpit platform, choir an?l orgi . lofts were hanrdsome palms, fei and other ornamental plants, wh T/ pots of hyacinths and tall crys vases of red and white carnafc ^ added a striking note of color. . vviiuciit WI uiti nunc I-jirn \ jj, boon Property, was transferred to the cky | ' to the principal hospital, where he ur< will bo In charge of the mechanical sev force. his rned Rules for tho government of , viti 1 e Institution and the medical staff have been prepared by a committee w't of the board, but will be given fur rr" ther consideration before being an- m, nounced. ^ for Social News T" A delightful meeting of the Fri- 1 een" day Afternoon Hook Club was that lTn held lat week with Mrs. Hasel "'K ? r Witherspoon as hostess. After roll i tRO big Raster rabbit, while the booby, I a little bunny, went to' Miss Mary Rol ?ent Woodley. A sweet course, consisting I 1 of jelly, molded to represent a nest re;, ock eRK8 a"(U?ake, was served during < hil the afteriyimn. A number of other sell ? ?* Raster egg hunts, large and small, | and vs^Vo held on Friday. Saturday and Monday and caused the children rPer much happiness. The weather was ideal, making each gathering all 1 to the more enjoyable. ' ' ? ? Mackey's hall was the scene of a small, but very pleasant d ?nce. last Friday evening given in honor o' DIs- Misses Frances Nicholson of Union Luclle Melton of C'ies?*- an.I Harriet i iton l'^w'8- Music was furnished by a ? ?en- Charlotte orchestra and the jnR ?ted new dances were enjoyed till a late 8jPi, Ited h?ur- San has * * * HJt( bPr Mrs. Oliver C. Rlackmon enter- j w ant talned yesterday at her attractive fPel esj. home on Rim street in honor of her tite house guests, Misses Louise and J the ten- Nannie Lee Sowell of Rock Hill, trie Progressive games furnished the met Pnt amusement and four tables of play- ach, nPy ers enjoyed the games. After an spri en_ hour or more of play a delicious 60c i of salad course was served, he VETERANS MEET. f! 1th IH'legates and S|M?nwors to Reunion I II ' 1 Elwtwl. ?r' The Confederate veterans of Lan?. caater county met at the court house ? on the 11th day of April, 1914, with ftr<,, the following In attendance; !y' W. A. Marshall, J. D. Caskev, J. M. ?JT1 Hough. R. J. Lowery,, B. A. Oalner, n* B. F. Halle. O. D. Williams, J. M. ^ Haglna, J. B. Rowell, W. B. Bruce, A. M. Taylor, J. R. Lucas, W. O. A. Porter, Fred Lucas, T. B. Craig, W. Q. C?.k?T. I Miss Bula Caakey was unanlmousj,l8 ly elected sponsor for Dixie Camp, ind and Miss Ellen Porter waa elected vaB maid of honor. up- | It was decided to hold the annual bly reunion on the 6th day of August, || 11914, at Hopewell church grounds, and a committee on arragements was sr ' appointed, consisting of W. O. A. Porter, J. M. Hough and W. T. Vanthe Landlngham. ind W. A. Marshall. B. A. Oalner and an- W. B. Bruce were elected delegates, lay with W. Q. Caskey, J. M. Hough and )th W. T. Vafi Landlngham as alternates, Ian to the Confederate reunion to be held to at Jacksonville, Fla., on the 6th. 7th as- and 8th of May next. II R. I A rMAfnilnn waa - . ^.?wrr uuniou CU1U J Kill the unanimously adopted, expressing j I111 ter thanks to the ljanoaster Pharmacy |III the and Dr. W. F. I,aney. for courtesies | jjl an, extended In furnishing cold drinks I III rns for the veterans, itle W. Q. A. PORTER, tal Commander. >ns W. T. VANLANDINOHAM. \)? I Adjutant. I r\ CIIA\(iKS AT sr\T?-2 AS\ l.fJ.M. ? l)r A. II. Patterson. of It.unwell i? Have Cl?n:ge of stale Park. Columbia Special to CharVsU u k,,e News and Courier Apr'l lv?Dr. Margaret Whlo-t-tn'.ns of CheB'er | ,F county has been ele ted t&l ?o- .he . Insane, succeed *ng l)r. iLk-noru I>. it*>n- Saunders. Dr. White tides was se'- ('r< ected to fill the place temporarily RU* some weeks ago. and this was made I j permanent at the meeting of the 1 ns the board of regents this afternoon, it Miss was announced. litt Dr. A. H. Patterson, of Barnwell, |{0 was elected as physician in charge of 81 ^ the State Park. !har- Miss Willie R. Steele who tinniml Ti'ri last as director of nurses of the princl- j jp pal hospital. She has been connect- , ed with the Hospital for about IX'"" twenty years. ! but son, Mr. W. H. Wylle, who has been ; ?nnnrl??tniwlo??* '?f *1*^ iVhen the Hancock steams south . , lorrow she will probably be ac- Ba0fl npalned by the U. S. hospital ship tree ace, under orders to hasten the 'ron vement of the Hancock. mos \RKNT-TEACIIP3RS* MEETING. frag beln ilgsville School House Scene of sldei Interesting Session. llch< Vt 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon, eye ril 10th, tho Parent-Teachers' fron I Improvement Association of are rth Lancaniaer met at Oraigsville, 1, school house. Exercises were I by the children first, consisting . ' original stories. readings, diaues, recitations and declamations. ?re* i children did unusuallly well. Cl?1 er the reading of a few pas- how es of Scripture by the president, tenu yer by Rev. W. S. Patterson, the weel I was called by the secretary and are lutes read and adopted. The theii owing program was carried out: V $tory, Easter Time, by Rev. W. Patterson. yj Vhat the Parent Can Learn fron Child Mrs. J. W. Craig. ^ultivatlne Social Omfoa Mr i or Craig. Pfrt s the Child to Blame9 Mr*. I'. L. ?* 1 :>inson. whle i'hey were all papers and very woil esBa ! A'ter th? :ne..t'.ig closed the Or Idren ? i oa ?-g.: *" >' 'i tr-" her ool grounds. comi COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. from rema from to cure a Cold in One Day tshet eUX AT rvitnROMO Quinine. It.topxth* Bver "h ? '1 II' mil works off the Cold ""II it fails to curr ** ?n<*h box. 25> Th of M mgthens Weak and Tired Women, hlms I was under a great strain nursa relative through three months' dear, mess," writes Mrs. J. C. Van De for h do, of Klrkland, 111., and "Electric man .ers kept me from breaking down, titles ill never be without it." Do you wajtf tired and worn out? No appe- not ( and food won't digest? It isn't spring weather. You need ElecBitters. Start a month's treat- wn'" it today; nothing better for stom- ro8t , liver and kidneys. The great pared ng tonic. Relief or money back, and fl.OO, at your Drueerist ~~ 1 JYOU SEEjnpHEVl For durability; low cost of tfecre,-aftd-get-back; qualit FORD. None bettter at a 113 v * f ? . f? v . man wno o\vi## one. CaIT, for demonstration. I PLYLER BROS. & R. Heath Springs, Distributors for Lancac ?I1KT,ANCASTKR NKWS, A Tocal dots G ?The Dry Creek School will close day next after a five months ses Ti s taught by Prof and Mrs. W. J. alon ?en. ?Mr. W. L. Slstare of Riverside "j"2 ed. t a flue Jersey cow Saturday. a Cf ?Mrs. E. E. Cloud and ono of the he le girls are sick with gtippe. whil ck Hill Record you ?Miss Annie Bell returned day to Hock Hill after uuring lit- *jlat Marion Sims Witlierspoon. Jr.. Und? o was sick with meales last .vcek ovei has now recovered. cast ?Mr. C. S. Starnes will -eletMate tr'r the mule's tail That tall sh a man who blew out the g s a shadow over the boy v i to get on' a moving train. S side the pretty creature who s had her corset laced on the 1 i and the intelligent idiot v i a bicycle nine miles in ten rr sleep unmolested. At repose ictor who took a dose of his o icine. There with a top of a si driven over his head is a rich who married a young wife. Av there reposes a boy who wi ng on Sunday, and the won kept strychnine powders in i joard. The man who stood t of the mowing machine to sickle is quiet now and rests the careless brakemon who self to the seventy-ton engine, e by may be seen the grave of i who tried to whip the editor > County Post. NTIEST OF BIRD'S NES le Leaf of Ordinary Size Will C ceal the Home of the Humming Bird. ie most exquisitely dainty ho I by the bill and feet of birds of the ruby throated humml , says a writer In the Craftsm >n completed It Is scarcely larf i an English walnut and Is usua lied on a small horizontal limb o or shrub frequently many f? 1 the ground. It Is composed t entirely of soft plant flbe ments of spiders' webs sometin g used to hold them In shape. T s are thickly studded with bits in. and practiced Indeed Is t of the man who can distinguish > a knot on the limb. The eg the size of quinine plllB. though the humming bird's ni zceedtngly frail, there appears othlng on record to show that a ,t numbers of them come f during the summer rains. It ever, not called upon for a lo re of occupancy. Within thi lis after the two little white eg laid the young have departed r tiny pinions. ibducted In Her School Days, le mistress was a leading momt le village woman's club, ana w Icularly Interested In the cours wyj il i TCS IIMON wn Wi ioe M Sum 11 Loans are a Teat old , , my l^voiy merchant, tarmcr ent P tan Ml vocation ol life, are at tir the M . in w on his Bank for assistant be- M dealing with a large and in?i W is helpful. the |Wi ? This is a Bank for 1)1 [M fail also a Hank for BOKK1 TS & ra standing. You arc cordially invi checking account with us. me ? THE BANK OF : The Old Rc ?et gjajl _____________ aiTfl, #a jrr^^ * les b0? Business Notices Bv h? IMI'Ol'NDED One Black row. Owni tt I to 'gs er an>^et her by paying for nd. rui and feed bill. TVd^ess M. Gooch. solid puj Lancater, S. C., Route? No. -tr you I _ servh nT THE LANCASTER TELEPHONE Ea8tfl i will to CO: Announces that they will very I .U (j ^ Is, soon ratit on a new directory and that Home -ng calls VfrH-~tTV made by numbers. All of br? "?? those contemplWrrBkJi^talling Phon- |ianios please notify them ailTtire I.ancas- IV'1' I1 OQ IIP, I ter Telephone Co. that they ma/ be nlr.h listed properly. thing Mark I _ I HEREB^ forbid anyone harboring tor or paying afty- to imy boy, I WAN ,aa Fred, seventeen years olcTS?S. C. bo, Vaughn. I kinds 108 Mark m. en VETERINARY SURGEON. I have located in Lancaster for the , cjK nd practice (of my profession, and nm rvrnr^o ??r? <1* ?-* 4 m#vo 4 '* * * * ,v- uoai your nve biock tor ce any and an^NUseases. Calls answered be day of night. cTHtKjjje at Gregory- FOR t Hood Live Stock Comply. j hoi . W. H. BOTZ, Veterinary Surgeon, fence Graduate U. S. C. Veterinary Sur- healtl r*1 geons, Washington, D. C. raontl Notice of Discharge. Notice is tiereby given that the un- i WE T dersigned wrU, as guardian of Maggie j 2 ! ^ B. Love, on cH^3 0th day of April, |I2.BO make his fithkLreturn aa such ply C guardian and apply tW the probata ? court of Lancaster counW for letters WAN' er dismlssory. j mlr WILLIE A. LOVE. ! eoon, i'b Guardian of Maggie B. Love. Want id March 31, 1914. |before re DR*C. B. PRATT, s't" ie \ Dentist, to ten e- Khone 28A. ' ? Office over Lancaster Pharmacy. Kgrsh Office hours, 9 to 1; 2 to 6. ? ? runi ^ 0I^ Graun Privileges MONEY IN WHEAT BUY1 brin Puts and eiuta are the safest and do the .. . \ . , . Stands surest method of trading In wheat, g corn or oats, ^iecauso your loss is absolutely United to the amount TYPE1 bought. Nq fw^her risk. ^* Positively the fkost profitable way of trading. g C. Snii Open an accourc. You can buy 10 ter's Ii puts or 10 calls Vi 10,000 bushels grain for $10, or\pu can bay both ( orapa for $20, or as many more as you wish. ~ An advance or decline of 1 cent gives you the chance to take $100 profit. A movement of 5 cents, $600 profit. 3p,K ^ Write for full particulars and Bank ' ncrr* References. prlcen R. W. NEUMANN wlthou New First National Bank Building Lancan MONEY TO LOAN. ? i wi: I am now Vf*P*red, as heretofore, day, a to negotiate lma ef $800 and up- nf wards en first mortgage on leap rowed ^ cottea farms la Laoc-alter oouaty, oa * long time, repayeble Jin annual in- ?11 stallmenta at 7 perAent interest. armi" No commission charged. Only s m nuu (ui small fee for furnishing abstract of Terms at 10:1 R. E. WYL.IE, Attorney at-I,aw. * 5 313l313fiOFl[|3 >AN| L11 ure of this Bank. ? tiV and men in every ^ lies obliged to call e. Thii^s where W stkon(j\axk M S :i'()SiTOi;S, and g OWEBS of good ^ w m tod to have vonr M 5 5 LANCASTER g :liable. 0 isiness Notices OUR CUSTOMERS?We are ining only one market now and t your business We will give best of meata and prompt ;e.^?tPfcone us y ur orders for >r. A latgo shir an nt of Shad arrive tolay and one of trout )lack fishVrNL mulet tomorrow, mber we carina complete line >akfast bacon. curTftkham, boiled etc., fresh country pork. We or only 4he best str.U fed cat horefore, are prepared to futyou the best beof. If it's someto eat, call us. The City Meat et. 54-55 TED-^-To buy good cattle, pork ,s, alsb-?-HWT^hens and all of green hidesT~>Clty Meat et. 54-55 rai,fV- you sell. Capers Cauthen. 1R5 read my free offer. This aiN^your address entitles you dayl?" IPUlilmAifttthat positively all female weJTfcHesses. Adwlth stamp. Mrs. M. A. Hilton, aw, S. C. 52-59-P iENT?Two four-room cottages Uarr street. Apply to W. P. ft* ^ 51-54 in door", and windows, oar aro "rfghTTtmL material is t oqual. Bulldo^VRupply Co., iter, S. C. 5461 Administrator's Rain I soli at public auction on Frttril 17, 1*14, at the residence llt^John K. Harris, deosaaod, > personal prqoerty, to-wit: lold and kltche^ furniture, K tools, one bugj\ and harinn wagon and harafe^a, oorn flder, one mule, one yearling, of sale cash, sale commences JO a. m. JOHN C. HARRIS. Administrator. X i