The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 10, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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K ' MILtTftNTS FIGHT nni mr hi i n? i county m THE LANCAS' 1 pie, had quite a livel I balling during the g enow. Abraham Wright, a FEK MEWS, MARCH 10, y time snow- | Hand No ood, old-time STATEMENT OP 1 Rood old eol- ^ 1914. r?G CONDITION J f iu Used Bu 3u; jj fULIlit IN LUP Arrest of Sylvia Pankhurs cipitates Conflict. : MISS EMERSON IN CUS 1UUN i PIjEASAXT VAIA.1 Pre- Special to The News. Pleasant Valley, Marcl many friends and relative II. C. Andrews, formerly Cousart. of this place, were TODY | learn of he/ death, which c ored man, was found d< last Wednesday morni BY. llUFOKI). Special to The News. ^ Buford, March 5.?I J I w i bad weather Sunday, clety met and has begu , ,?'a that in each month a co pained to i^tllie Usher and Mr. 'j tccurrcd at ij??*-i<. j?p? .. number ol pad in his bed * The Farmers' ] ng. i Oomp located at Lancasti close of business Mi n spite of the RESOUi the Bible So- Loans and Discount u a new work. Overdrafts . . . . iramtttee. Miss Furniture and Fixtu \. N. Funder- Due from Banks r miestimiK Id i)nni>n>? Bank & Trust any, er, S.C., at the arch 4th, 1914. ftCES. 8. ...$111,144.6 5 Mothers Who T< . . . 1,726.97 | Now CJivl ires.. 2,875.00 | CI and ' t . i There must b Three C (H>k It When Children I ng It to Their M liildren. e genuine m?fft to an 9tK: fenerations V ( Mrs. Kmnicline Paiiklmrst Ad Another Letter to Kinj CJcorue. 1 1 London. March 8.- Militant i. gettes fought the police tot their favorite battlefield?Tr square?and in a pouring rain, rest of Sylvia Pankhurst. for tl risiiKlll. N. Y., February as well ujs her dlstingulshei I whotn she survived but si I < I losses xvert, both victims of ty 5 j Mr. Andrews was a brllliat cessful lawyer, formerly with ex-Governor Hughe! sufTra- York. Miss Cousart, befor lay on rlnge to Mr. Andrews in afalgar an accomplished and succes the ar- ed nurse, being a graduate le sixth the leading hospitals of I1 26. She, answered, the one 1 husband, ,UOst correct, the pres 'e\v weeks, \v. Parker, is going to f berevilosis. ,,riZo, and the secretai it and sue- Taylor, is going to gi associated tin* one in the primary s of New the most correct, e her mar- ]\ir. Haskell Porter. 1007. was on a visit to his parent) isful train- pome. of one of | TUe W. M. lT. of Betl lostoti and ?,!>? l.oirm, > who Rpts the Currency ident, Mr. H. ciol<l :i\o a \uluable silver and other ry. Mr. Leslie Q , ve a prize, to ,,, , : * * *. ' * class who ?ets ( h,nks a:,<, Caah Tu who has been Total > has returned LTABII.l Capital Stock Paid ilehetn church Surnlua Fund . . . ...i.. ?i i Undivided Profits . article that haR .... 3.025.00 generations of i .... 1,005.00 in the field c Minor had greater sr.e< .... 740.35 success to a gre ;ms.. 314.76 Caldwell's Syrif now being used $132,103,04 ^ people. Its i [TIRS. atantly becomiit In. . . . >50.000 oo reason, primatnl 1,500.00 It Is what is/re 1,?s? a laxatlve-t/wile stood the^est of two ' users. , >?, medicine none has fllsFv oss, nor retained that nter dcRree. than l>r. t p Pepsin, which Is three generations t'se in families Is cong more general. *The y. is that it lias merit. I presents 1tsel* to be, it nni'E ii??r mnbn |f time under the "cat and mous precipitated the conflict. Sevet women and three men were ar One of those taken into custo Miss Zelie Emerson, of Jackson Miss Emerson has been arrest eral times for participation in gette demonstraaions and r< there were rumors that the 1 Government was preparing to her from the country as an ui able alien. Reolvine February ie" law of the Presbyteriai Hospit i other York. They are survived rested. , little girls, dy was ; A particularly sad death , Mich. ) here Friday morning, whe ed sev-1 Hood, the bright little si suffra- son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. ' ecently cumbed to a combination of British cough and pneumonia. HI i expel ' were Interred in the Plea ndesir- } cemetery, after funeral s< 2fi tn Rev. A. H. Thomasson of 1 al of New js going to meet the by three NV|th Mrs. B. P. Carson | Miss Myrtle Thomps< took place day night with Mrs. B. in Erskine | Mr. Ernest McManus Ix-year-old day night with his ps Hood, sue- | Tradesville section, whooping J Is remains I sant llill _ _ _ ^r?.nyitt/nuiT I'm ft foutli Sunday Current Expense: Taxes Paid . . . . on spent Sun- Individual Deposits F. Carson. I Ject to Check. . i spent Satur- Timp Certificates o irents In the _ p?,l j* V V '' Certified Checks. . Cashier's Cheeks. . Total 0 Qnrif STATK OF SOUTH R and exaggerated' cla: .... 6.994.71 language to set Sub- ' It Is a medio gentle a mhdlci f T)e- mothers give It 21.540.39 yet. In a slight 1.453.74 equally efleetlv* 31.31 Is for any djsoi / liver or bowtils, $132,163,94 matter how chV( CAROLINA. matter how aei ims uor use coarse \v\, forth its virtues. ine, but so mild and the country ne that thousands of p , 'ln ^ to tiny infants, and , r ly larger dose, it is Mrs- W. ACi for grown-ups. It Beloit, Wis. rder of the stomach, and gltfes D for constipation no sin to all of >tic, for dyspepsia no Wifliam use .^te, for biliousness, with cramps / ' ? O^VVELL/TAYLOR. /ire cieva'r without Syrup tie lioijAe, among them raylotf 717 Lincoln Ave., Stfe has five children r. Caldwell's Syrup Pepthem as needed. Little d to cry half the night and pain, but since be a question put to the House ol mons as to whether this repo true. Reginald McKenna, hon retary, declared no such steps being taken. He added, howev "If Miss Emerson again comn offence bringing her within th visions of the Aliens Act, the qn of applying to the court for i I me lation for her expulsion v considered." I Com- Our community Is being rt was an epidemic of measles ar le sec- ing cough. i were The Pleasant Valley Farn er: a local organization of th nits an of this community, was pi e pro- few weeks ago. and bids f lestion come an important factor recom- velopment of our communit rill be the same general plans and as the Farmers' Union, an visited by | U 11 I III n id whoop- \? As Any Youi e farmers * a7retoe<bi Nothing Like ROOl in the de- Make Old Folks Fe y. it has ?Guarantee I purposes d alroadv "B>' Hokey, that ROOl , clne works like a chann. 1 U Jill v oumy 01 i,an r # I Before me rami ? Cashier of the abo 111 \TPr I who. beinK duly swi IIuU I III j above and forepoln true condition of sal ! JUICE to < by the books ?r sal el Younger | a y j ? J Sworn to and sub this 10th day of Mi ' JUICE medl- | W. P. Never saw any easier?ss , e W. H. Millen, headaches, drov ve named hank, a, Rlniilar com orn, says that the cond K statement Is a '8 P'e^sant ti Id hank, as shown no*" Kr'Pe- It d bank. and K?od result f H MILLEN aRe or 'n an^ scrib ed before me ?"dJha' pe"oa irch 1914. prove. Every dr ROBINSON. price Is only fif! Notary Public. a bottle mit-.v" muiiuuMi, iiik Kive.i ay vslness after- bating longer. The plaints arising from a teach you t< lition of the bowels, purgatives a o the taste and does they are en n be used safety Pepsin curet Ls by anyone at any is comfortat condition of health, I Families 's health will im- sample bottl uggist sells it and the by addressii Ly cents and one dol- 419 Washin i A postal car< rup repsin ne noes bo no > use of this remedy will g 5 avoid cathartics, salts, ^ ind physics generally as tirely too harsh. Syrup i gradually, but the cure >le, safe and permanent, wishing to try a free e can obtain It postpaid ig Dr. W. B. Caldwell, gton St., Montlcello, 111. 1 with your name and ad SYLVIA IN A "TAXI." Several hundred women an< late today had marched in proc to the Square to attend a meet the Men's Federation for VVoma frage. Sylvia Pankhurst, wh been hiding, arrived in a taxh deliver a speech, but detective rounded the cab and started fo loway jail before the militants ed what was happening. When buying 'n an organized cap: I men things as fertilizers, seed ession sugar, etc. The followini ing of | were elected for the ensu II Suf-1 1>- K. Hall, president; J. ? o had vice president: W. C. Mod cab to lain; S. E. Bailes, secretary r sur- and trade agent. r Hoi realiz- HEATH SPRING. . ^ 11 ^ Siuuilol in Thn Man.o >iv>uiow uy thing give such wonderfu acitv such my life." That's the stor nnt-iinf"; I who ever tries this body-1 ' L cleansing, vim-restoring ? otneers does the work and does Ing year: | don't hnve to use a barrel it ii*irric six montlis for results Ilk ' ' . ' ' ordinary medicines. In tf Inn, Chap- most people begin to sho -treasurer the relief they feel. Thii days?the ilrst bottle?an It Is all gone. I results in nil Correct?Attest: y of everybody . building, blood- " stem tonic. It j W. P it quick. You A. B of it and wait ;e you do with n days or less ? ut with Joy at Yotiee of 1 ik of it! Yen notice or j d relief before Whereas, one-thii and one-third of th< | siding In Cnrnes sc 18, ,n Lancaster t i nousanos or . GREGORY, . BENNETT, FERGUSON, Directors. Election. rd of the electors b free-holders, re- B m., hool district, No. ^ ounty, have pe- V.. rammes throughout dress on It \ . D. ROW vlll do. ELL uiEtutereu ilicti mius I'ailKnun been abducted the chairwoman Patterson, who later was amor arrested, shouted to her supp< "follow the flag and see if we find something to do." The militants then surged t the government building in Tie 11 with the suffrage banners aloft, but a cordon of mounted barred their way. Some of tl: men assailed the police with , Miss I Heath Spring. March 7 ig the ! >?. Maxwell of Salisbury, > srters, | here Tuesday and Wedne! can't successful effort to organlz I cil of the Daughters of Lib oward iliary to the Junior Orde WhiteJ American Mechanics. H borne state councilor of the ordei police , Carolina. le wo- Rev. J. D. Chapman, D short here Monday and Tuesday 'day in a e a coun- fJ erty, aux- >/ >j&/i r United in North J ' inVT gcAlb T1 y/^\ uioneu mo county j tion or order an c ygWASyM) mine whether or no ilviLr^ (Cnrnes and Bufor< LI m shall be consolidate 1206; 1900 XXIII |K I We hereby orde; Uim be held by the trust I'- I 8Chool district. No. fl^UM j March 19. at Dwlgh 1^1 At which election as return real or ] Doarci or educadertion to deter- Has got iuat , it the two schools 1) tn said district , . id. Civ. *02, Sec. antl oais mac 360. 361. . . : the election to only perfect n ees of said Carnes 18. on Thursday, Labor-Saver s t. only such electors and leave youi personnl property what \he farmers neems, a con hine. V^imple, durablXjmd c lachine of its kind you hae^v aves you 75c"eaeh day used. orders at once. ibination guano, pea theap. In fact, the er seen. Stewman's ^S^and examine it, sticks, but the marchers soon dispersed. Having been refused an au with King George. Mrs. Kmi Pankhurst. the militant leade addressed another letter to the arch. In this letter she declar intention to lead a delegatk Buckingham Palace to see the In reply to Mrs. Pankhurst1 letter to King George requiri niiHinttpn iltn hnnto u rnt were terest of the Greenville Fe lege. (lienee Mrs !rby Hlnson of R meline spent the week with her i r, has this place, s mon- ' Messrs. W. J. Vaughn, es her Greighton and Bertram Ho >n to heen confined to their rc King. I sickness this week, s first ' Mr. Ernest Bell of Bell ng an the misfortune to lose a h< r. iw,?. in town WednesHnv male Cel- ? \ ock Hill L\J jarents at flferl Hezekiah K^hrr! Thi?t root juic irton have The lilnkN From St loms with It's guaranteed, too chances when you use HOI , , got to give results or you Itown had cent It cost you. irso while There never was nnytli the pains and aches and i VHpfV for taxation and exh and registration cei allowed to vote. The opening an shall be the same 1 elections. 'P. Surely Took V. lit Joints." "| i . You take no I 3T JUICE. It s JO get back every ; County Boari ilng like It for ?????? list of ol<l folWs libit their receipts Latt rtiflcates shall be d closing hours as in all general A. DINGLE, 3. RICHARDS, S. K. CONNORS, i of Education. caster's Invention.. "Lancast< D. ROW ir Leads." ELL "The secretary of state ha your petition before the King, reports that he lias not been s advise his Majesty to comply wi prayer contained in it.' ' In her last letter to the Kinf rankhurst said: "Wo utterly deny the constiti rights of ministers who have no elected by women and were r sponsible to them, to stand b< s laid Tjlttlo Sarah Vincent, wh but lie ill with pneumonia, is on t ible to recovery. Ith the Mrs. Walter Hough anc went to Relltown Thursdi t, Mrs. llor father. Mr. Hush Hell I been quite indisposed for s Itional Mr. Will Vincent" went it been , bia Wednesday on a buslnt lot re- Mrs. Roper of Columt itween Thursday to spend a few , . It cleans out tlie blood ai 0 lias nen mat ism poison out of tho s ho wav to ly nnd completely that yoi It happened, wonder wher .... ache and soreness have gc 1 children not au. hoot juii'H w ay to see appetite such as you havt wbn liiv months ami you'll digest , w lio nas Uto n Rtlrs up lftzy b< omo time. , livers, tones up the kidney to Coll'.m- fire and life and vim ^vs tr'n nerves. It gives the wl strength. You'll soon be r jia came too frequent, painful urln days with complaints and you'll sli ml drives rheuystem so quirki'll wonder how e the pain an<l inc. And that's . ill Rive you an ;n't enjoyed for what you eat, ?wels and lazy s and puts new into shattered hole body new id of backaches, gA ation and such I w V ?ep like a top. | / ourselves and ino in rone to p os having an audience. I ha honor, therefore, respectfully, form you that in pursuance < undoubted constitutional rigl petition the sovereign in per nnd representatives of the W< Social and Political Union wi sent ourselves at Buckingham for the purpose of claiming an ence." Women threw circulars an revent r :>irs. r raser wicn ve the I Mr. IT. A. Aldrieh, who to' fn- work in the lower pai af our ' state for several weeks, lit to home Wednesday night., son, I| . ?,man*8 I SIMS. II pre- I Palace i audi- ' Special to The News. ! Sims, March 7.?The 1 d at- n.ia II... i.. 11 pum I * ui ?tii u' 'U 1 ?J U 11.* I'j ' ' bo<ly. Nothing harmful lias boon after effects, no reaction. rt of !bo Oct n guaranteed bottl rotumoil driiB store and start takl rt wi u cofJtB on,y ;i (,ol|nr an(, , sand to anybody who nee< low yourself to Ret sidetr thing else this time?net ?guaranteed. money-hack There Is nothing made t Rood" and you'll say so have tried it. lealth of j c?n i nurt anyin it, no bud o today at any ng it riRlit off. Is worth a thou- ^ Is it. Don't alackcd on someROOT JtJIOB ROOT JUICE, hat is "Just as us soon as you As dooc 7 1^5 *9 tempted to speak t:i two tl: fl'led with fashionable audienc n'.ght, but ushers dragged thei May (i<*t .lefferson Home. Washington March 6.?S need, of Missouri, today introd bill which would authorize the < cf a commission to acquire for G overnment by purchase or cc re.tlon the home of Thomas Je: ft \fr.ntinoll? V o uiim pui v v/i mr * wimii > in teatres os la<t rpPtl?K a few cases of mea* m out Masters Floyd and Fosl dale are quite 111 with p , but we are glad to -.tore a ?nator bett*ruced a Mrs. Annie Lane, who ertain sP(,rK'inK 51 'ow 'lays with the Frank, of Lancaster, has ndem homefferson Mr' ,jUther Trusdale of who has been spending a K'umj, r.\Ocs. SOUTHERN mnimon'l'a" Premier Carrier of re a little bar been j PASSENGER TRAIN i her son. Trains arrive Lant^ returned xo. 118?Yorkville, R Camden intermediate static few days N"' ?'.3-Ch?r! t?"-. lILWAY. I tlio South. SCHEDULES. ?ter from: ock Hill and ma 8:31 a. m. Columbia and If a ihriMr-fc. 7T ~>nr noahoir >rs y/c Ti T.evy, of New York, who owns property, has declined frequei nncider celling it. BBAINS DULLED B C0NSTIPA1 Some Peoj>le Only lliif Klivp son's liver Tone licnns \ Quit all IT" (ChIci's ' Yf?i I*r?. '""the w'*b h's brother, Kd, has t, t home. He was accompnnl nephew, Master Austin Tr I Miss Delia Steele spent and Sunday with her sis Y John Hailey, of Sprinprdell. 'TOTJ Misses Emma and Euli .lvrl spent the week-end with I j Lane of Lancaster. ; D?m1- Miss Lillle Mahaffey s roh | Monday with Miss Ella Mo: I* Mr T) r> Qlmo * i returned T 8la led by hie ? ** ra" uesdale. ^0- ?Marlon, Hlnr Saturday lotte and intermet ter, Mrs. ... 1:35 p. m. No. 117?Columbia, K v Hallman Intermediate statin diss Docia Trains leave Lanrast i No. 118?Kingvllle, C pent last intermediate statin rris. No 113?Rock Hill, ' Marion. Charlotte ?ni lions l<>-o j ksburK, CharHate stations. iiiRsville and i >ns, 7:48 p. m. :er for: olumbla and ins. 8:31 a. m. Rlacksourg, ll Intprmnllnto 7 "J' ~ this to you, <5 t skyouvsolf //* r<-/ r? -v? 7 why 1 --T When jfronstipation is havi evil effyt-s on your body and NaturfV^Tl^ng her best to hem mhfd overcome the *.n\y(e But insually Nature cannoc <1 unaided. / / In th* Pfl|f -?"anv suffers i n tim(?*^ua/d to turn lio dan ralomel ijr hope of renef. Fo peopre?t*alomel dorjjr appear t p temporary beneiyif but as a 1 - """? ????-?. , ng its in Monroe, brain. | Mrs. W. L. Motherahed offsetidren spent a part of last itself. I Mrs. Cleveland Gregory, lo this Mrs. Jesse Hlackmon, been visiting relatives in it such has returned home, gerous Little Miss Hernlce Lai r some turned home after spen .o give week with her grandparent matter Mrs. A. M. L. Hallman. ' cuucouav . . stations, 10:05 a. and chil- No- 114?Kingville. C'c week with leaton and interme 1:35 p. m. who haa No. 117?Rock Hill, Rock Hill, intermediate atatit N. B.?Schedule fig le haa re- llfilied aa Information ding the | not guaranteed. For i :a, Mr. and i to passenger fares, etc. W. B. CAUTHEh m. ' * ilumbla, Char diate stations, Yorkville and >na, 7:48 p. m I urea are pubonly and are information as , call on 1. Aeent. / \sjrj U us (. o 10 COTTLJpGLvisOTl ULL? OLCLJ IAJLCLULL \ 9 n #o_ J ?v * ? . ui itici 11 m a pojnuii mai pre te Injurious andr even danger many. If you Ifave ever take mel you probacy have suffere evil condition/ following its i But nowawtys great numt people have /earned how to i( trr, brightei/and healthier by Podsoa's Lifer Tone Instead c mel. Inde?, this harmless table llqull is recommended guaranteed \y the Standard >ves 10 Mr. ana Mrs, j. Mllie ous to and little son, John Miller n calo- last Sunday night with th d from parents. ise. The old, as well as the ; ?ers of sel bettaking tf oaloi vege1 and Drug T>aa/Iv* r Mailman w e mcGEB. A. Jr., spent e former's u w. h. caffey, i young peo- Char ? O. P. A., umbla, S. C. 3. P A., leston, 3. ('. * ' T?t TP, *r. j. KS-, > ADC MARh S.Rr yoU~ 1 4 0 Company an<^J>y Lancaster macy, who wllWefund the pi price to you without question ?re not completely satisfied v Get a bottle of Oodson's # Tone for only 50c. and lear yourself how easily and natui resists Nature in Kitting rid r trrecting constipation and 1 n^HS, how it clears away th< headache and coated tongue a: t r.K ?V> nrli hAiit ootlo /\r Phar- nCflUJf l^hv?08? Horses digest their Hth u other farm animals. In r i??, digestion of all the food - for horses readier for next ally It evening feed a teaspoonf ?S Bee De< id 8?t8 ( iui x u-iuurruw, frcd less thoroughly than order fo insure Thorough I am Ustn eaten>9nd to make your stock: mi day's work, add to their ul of? \ on feed, li 1 them h(i?Hhi CTn/^ir clean. It ulUviV Irs Jo ' MEDIC&E " J 4 regularly and ig proposition t alao makes thriving and ihnston. F. D. No. I. 5'Nelll, Nebr. Ml F.S.Rovjs Nor Sold :eistmxo "ter G\iai\o Co folk.. A/a. <rv/erywk?r? J A y -? Usui ?' >" ^'thout any interference wltl r xular hablta. Fine for the ch Tl ey like to take It. t \ m 11 win lessen ; lUdretV! ^^^^i|wlllii?cress J jrour reea Dili*. \ ?? \ 2*c? SOc an c your profit*. y At ytm d f 1. per cam. I r dealer's. a 4 I'-* ~tV' , ? * SOLD BY L. P. CLYB1 . : URN LANCASTER, S. C. r< &