E 6 "COLUhMLijS ULT1MATU ror a While It Made Napoleon II | The ii. sit r> THE LANCASTI - REFUNDED THE S ! ^ ^ Financial Scheme Thi ?R MEWS, MARCH 10, IS URPLUS. 1 Trapping a The coyote is one at Carried a of all tur l?c If.Ilk IV.. /la.ll..l.to It. )14. Coyote. M'LAURIN I II TUP* erous supply |u I Hp condition in a II I ML rooms throng 9 of oxgen. This la the . large number of school hout the land today, os op ana lane notice. The mni) \vlu? sent the tirst p nessnite over the Atlantic cablt jonimeniorated in a recent Co MaKUZine. AccordiiiK to tliat l tie. It was William Cilpin, win lppointcd v.<'veinor of Colorad President Lincoln in 1 H??1. The line was ready for Imsinc Aug. 5, ISCti. At that time Naj (11. was in the nlenittide of his i rw.u'ocrap o( was i rnhlll ? inugu- The Scotchman Score > was j Johu Butler Yeuts. who pi lo by traits r.nd incidentally is the William ltutler Veats, the I ?ss on is a regular patron of a cer poleon York restaurant. Among the lower, of (his nlaee lie lias acmiired mr surprise With J J|\ A story about souio 1111 Epworth league i?> Brook suppressed up to now, but id. out." nints por- The youi g Indies of tl father of elded to give an entertaii risli poet, ception. The entertaiiiine tain New to cost a little money !< ' habitues incidentals, but it had t? a renuta- nn acconinaniiuent of the It. ur uuiifiiua in iinbora of uii sprluKiiiK them, eatl l.vu has been otherwise disturbing "murder will Rotting caught. Ills | very acute. The best ie league be given as bones of sage hen or g * reeention ;it 1 habitually searches UI^KIllfe U|? 11U(J3, UK tlie bait uud DA Of" T the eet without nill|| r sense of suiell is lUlUU I way to trap hliu nver *he set after ' properly placed. 's ?l Candidate hers some hacon | Cole I * or. better yet. i rouse. The coyote npcrviTP about campfires , EI ,NITE OR GOVERNOR ? i il&es i : to Succeed (iov Blense. }. j[ Q> JNOUNCEMENT. *?*' . L; Succcs: many or trie rural section or the South. ? H5f stomach Yea? hil St^nach Remedy : :!.lv TrAsn In Cases Bis every movement was 01 watched from l??>tli hemispheres whs believed to Imve bis eye o hernia. Mr. (?ilpin was a man of huino it occurred to h : i 11 t it woiilt good joke to hand to the aseats Atlantic cable this incs>iso f? French emperor: "Denver, Colo., A us. i. IStHi ugerly tiou iis a raconteur. i. He i "In my part of Ireland." in B<>- "there was a noisy Scotch 111 alaise of everything Irish r. and neighbors considerably. At i I be a ever, he refrained from brag) of the Scotland, anil we decided to >r the he should be guilty of that !i<>n In fore acting drastically i. To "Thf? chance came at last. , which a v'hUIiik pastor, he tells, time had been reel or ol an whose was to he a jpiest of hoi t iled the A subscript ion to defra; [lrst. how was started It loot wit ;iu^ about erous response and soiii wait until vidua! coutributions. V indiscre- tertainnient and receptioi ed the committee of youi lie had had the linn twos in chary who at one I or strn-v blts.1?,f "u;a r the church, ! ,1>ss 1 he " . traces or the set. elin 1 and smell of a hum; v the expense , , , , . . odor of the hurned 11 a very uen- ... , . him Irom a hum (list; ie I a rye null- ... , ,, , . .. likely to walk into t i lieu the en . . ... .. ? , . mused with the rem a were luiisli- . .. ., lire than anv other i iU ladies who ... .. carcass literally sum e heuan reek ... with a severe winter t ami Is therefore 1, .. , . ... . .. Intentions of i' obliterates the i , .Unites the tracks | >Iakos lentl in hehiK. and the ! meat will attrnet Columbia Sp??( nice, lie is more N,'?w8 and < our he trap thus .lis- ? M<-l'nurln. of . ? , . . the definite anno of a camp- ,s a II.less you have a ,.nior t() suc,.ee, ninded with traps ltiease. It lias ' on :ii 11 no oilier m. ninniin ii. f Mnrlltoro Senator Ci E'tCIi i Candidate for e Job. I ) % ? ,> nal to Charleston ler March 6 -John Hciincttsvtllo, mad'? nnccmcnt tills inorncandidate for Gov- > I Governor Cole L. been understood for \t.. M..I .......1.1 Li:sr and In Ulj ) Pi.iF'll.tS v i* " 3 Ctcn Dispelled ! j -3" Sul^ring ;A '* *. ? ' ' ' ? jS... M;. Vo? i^rfu-i f iXHiis Napoleon lioiiii parte. Km Tulleries, Paris, France: Please Bohetnja alone. No interferenc b? tolerated by tliis territory. "WILLIAM QILP Mr. Gilpin wrote his dispatch t in the exuberance of hutnor. T ble people, eager for custom and ia? that the former governor of rado could pay the bill, forwan It was dulv delivered at the Tn 1110 tor. MHMinii; ,-ii tuf i nan | leave ,',t> Iri>?li rain and the Irish . e will ?udod tip by saying: 'Hoot, i land was veWa dooferont. It IN." 'flowing with milk and honey uerely "Well, we went ft?r him. he ca- we pointed out. was known know- i barren waste inhabited by s ' Colo- biblical quotation he Jed It. coll'd n?t have been more oul tileries ! misapplied. in-iii incN, omug U|>- 11"'.\ round il spuds and $lso t cuntriluit- , ... . ,,, In "Insect llinfjrii >mu>!ttee wo- . ^ .... mid Camera the at i i ... plight of the unlock: do. and we I ! " . ..... .. ? tered Mrs. Spiders ti another tlnan- ... . .. * It Is HtrueKlini; to .. . . unexpected net whh ndod find ro. a.?W. I'\ Wilcox make the race, li the first time he nite unnounceme _ . , a candidate for t s. Spider. ination for Gover phios With I en (j,e coming priii itlmr tlie Democratic noni r fly who has en- to election, inrlor: I The political < escape from the man from Malbo eh in 'some iu.vs- cely has an equa iiit this morning was ( authorized the deli- I \ ' 1 ' dit that lie would be ^ V- v / the Democratic nom- ^ nor, to !)?? selected at ?, iiarios. Securing the J C / ? 1 Ination is equivalent ^aroer of the gentle- ' iM ? ro Is one which scar- May,*e Won, 1 in the political an- wai,y be tfrme Miai?ay wilt change ce[ tferfut Stomach Remedy car d n v? ruiertul remedy and th? and for awhile startled and my the emperor. ( The freak cost Mr. Gipin ?30, t he got for his money was the r tlon of inaugurating the,, Atlantic and the satisfaction of playing on the French emperor. Cheerfulness. Mirth is like a flash of lightnlr stifled "IIe us over with eye. 'Ye're wranjj.' he said. ' tnd all Prove '* Scotland flowed v eputa- nn<1 Iua-vbo honey, all the ti cable waK there- 1 'eft when I a Joke months ?"'d!'"-New York S Equality. Come. kIvo me your band. sir. >B that ' and my brother. * If honest. Why. sure, that's er bis canny I turned. The committee 'and I con had shown some of t vlth milk. folk (hnt it knew liow l me that I enterprise successfully. was ten grim old deacon on tin Itin. day and accosted him ment on their success. "Don't you think we my friend gratulation ? running a ! ment. paying expenses j lOURh. i .. .. terlous manner has plumed Itself . , ed It when a creatu he mere men . . ... . l>ect hastily rushes o :o conduct an , .... . . head-like eyes glare lhey met a . ...... ' . . . terrified fly. A large, e street next a , , ? finger-like palpus on for a compli- ... ' * appalling face wavi with angry menace deserve con. . , ently quivering witl in entertain1 hen one of those ? aud returning . - suddenly envelop- 01 me nano ire of terrible us- >ou,,P manhood ? ? ... wave swept over ut upon It. bikhl Mr jvtcLaurln wi wildly upon the clpn, Ueuteiiants hairy and bristly Tnan aIui stood each side of this ^,0 "reformers." ps and flourishes w|th political hi in the air. appar- of the Genera.''a i malignant glee. in shaping leglslj -oinbed and claw- Tllln?u.i lie was t<>?.ii Of Capt R. R. Till- Ailment*, ?. i~i. i.. i. . heslth ana arc high in the r?nks of e,;.. i;l(;rc is i He WH', rewarded dio-.vonderful r< As a member '1, , . , . , . vin the source cr ssembly he took part rcmovh.g tl'.a p< ition under Governor door. taking ou then elected Attor- s ,ri _ _ ciniiSv. . w- I from thorn wont to wHoh a !.< lives ir. :nany it the most cnroti rich Trouble '..as spread its (ami f the country to the other. N< 1* live?you will find people wh< rith S.'omacA, Liver and Inlet' ctc..nnd have been restored t< loud in their praise of this rem lot a day but ?hot one hears n sultsebtained from th's rented; s are entirely nntural, as it acti id foundation of these ailments >l/onous catarrh and bile accro I the inflammation from the in ,_ ?* * ? II t WI_ ood us an- moneythey ;iske?' threads <"oncresB to repr lenly tight".,,.,! up Hp wn* ?PP?,nt IS their. toother. Jr';" to All the % ... . States Senate ms ; *, ?r of Senator * a,M' it is niarios won the lid on the threads elected for the last it Is securely the colleague of , in silken Imnds. Senator M. R. Ti How Senator ^ amont Cured. Tillman dirfted ?f 4l.? esont the fith district wine* y >u ed by Governor Elacnncy in the United *i> ?ot\ an'. veil" ido vacant by the x??-r- end onr< Bnrle. and at the pri ^ Nlayr.K'; nomination and was vbetter til?.o't full terra, bocoratng his old-time loader, llman. lcl.aurin and Senator Peabody < apart because of the Nashivlle, >re you to good health. Pu ?the results will be n revelatloi will r? h-ie; over y 'ur quick r? ay tin know the joys of hvinp t oil Stomach Ailments to Gee 1 11.. .t. lrf> Whit..lg St..ChicaK< jt.'ii:-. i from yourdruKgis' rollege for Teachers. Tenn., March 9. 1914.? leetlne of the Trustees evening before. "How did you like her a KSlla?" asked the mistress. "Oh, mum," sighed the maid, ' ~~?TwV. SbP sung lust as if sb What has become of our 1 Club? We notice other co getting to work already. T1 a reminder to our boy fan Not more In the night of the ir I H taker IQglUg. > je majesty shrouded and dca?! 'it was none of u? Jeeringly scoff at bor - wa> IvrKvrK/^oV'K.>/*? '.s.Mrtfc, , inv?' pn,n senate and the other I . , representatives, and h Un are general assembly of his is just South Carolina." tiers, who Tllo tiiu, ??? ??vrm\i I'l 111^ mill i iiito undtr legacy; labor turns out I and with busy pen or rii lays the foundation of a t his neigh- , _ Only a Misunderst the house Several ^oars ago in i ioth toget.1 wholesale house in a bi| the state Idk town an old bacheli who had been many y< .-..i Arm. suddenly annoucce ue m?wu oi it i |t wju pe news to i at t? o'clock H(is of admirers to hi iglng hummer nrtist Tltlens "used competence. t>n<1 temper, and h i she felt a strong de* ending. thing that came hnni 11 well known was u'tluiately caret < mauufactur- Ganz relates In h >r bookkeeper. "She was sitting at ? ?urs with the cert tn n provlncla rl that he was matiy of lier myrl- ... ? o . , Democracy by Si ?ar that thut nohio tjJO flnaj culmlnn to suffer from a w|th a personal f i those outbursts nf the United St.i tire to smash any- in South Carolin fly." Ilow Titiens I.aurin filled oui 1 of the habit Mr. to private life, is reminiscences: ' The death of supper after a con- a ^Ta?^I!0y ! i from Marlboro < l town when the Spnator McLaur pnator McLaurln and and Preslder ition of their troubles College for 1 'nrountpr on the flmr nine new nai itos Senate Is recalled faculty list, i a. When Senator Me- ander, Ph.D. t his term he retired ministration; Associate Pr Senator J. B. flreen Coulter, i the State Senate Rural Econo County in 1912, and Ph.D., Profc in was chosen to fill Fletcher B. it of Georgia Peabody reaehers, Just adjourned, tnes were added to the is follows: Carter Alex, Professor of school Ad; Lula O. Andrews, A.M., ofessor of English; John Ph.D., Professor of mlcs; Kary C. Davis, >SBor of Agriculture; Dresslar, Ph.D., ProfeesA J T T should be up and doing. We call attention to J Vore's able and instructive the grand jury, especial]; part of it relating to publi It is true that there is a cry" going up for educutic meet this popular demand, uaKCV/NI r.w.ilitlA? ,.1 1 .1 i to ape President \\ i pearing in person and udge I)e veri,ai message, but tl charge to vi 11 d e r a provision of tlu y to that of tho united States, c schools, .jftpr previous notice i "hue and ment, bejore a Joint ass m and to genate and house of re| , the best caUed in the oonstituth . j l' "> to be married. son. 1 The partners Rave him delivering jay, and bis fellow clerl lie Preside] tie purse and presented constitutl expenses of bis wedding has appear A couple of days nfte uid arrangouo of the members of embly of t d?wu 1? H aenside reso presentativ? ,0,,"^,nK about the para .... ently enjoying bimself I m the ( c ... ... ? j 'fti.nmrr mnut* ouuit* noyod her. An usual a week's boll tiling that came to li cs raised a lit- bottle, and flung it f it to pay the n(rt.r was sitting nt trip. back to the window, r the wedding e need of all the education sh The retirement of Hon. M. Ayer from the field of ji is a distinct loss to the Estate. As editor of The Times, he has for many y holding up high ideals, no in- given. gres8," and delivered a i sadly In instructive messages jer e can got. weifare of the nation. ' wish to emphasize is tl Hartwell moase had no authorll ournallsm his message before the i Fourth rosentatives, and shou Florence ruied out of order by th< ears beet pec|aiiy when the point it onlv to J in* recently inarr dignified a keeper, but a|om, i.lining to t "Whore's your wife?" i The point * cipnl. Iiat Govern "She's at home," was ( Ly to doliv "I?ut I thought you hai house of r( you for a wediting trip?' 1(1 have be "So 1 e speaker. , mhlewtaild Ui?t / ^

le Senator Mol.aurin ?'ate, cf Colu ;ues had forced him so successful r Governor. of Rural So ment of Senator Mo- In this posit >n avowed oandidales for himself Governor, the others because of t ""ommissioner John O. cienoy of thi Lor U. A. Cooper Rep- building up '. Irl>y, Jr., former rep State. Browning Prof John 1 Professor r'Vnfinci Pnrrnl Rural sehoo i of Professor William K. mbia, S. C., who has been 1 at the State Supervisor hools ofSouth Carolina. Ion he has made a name ns v. .-11 as for the State, he thoroughness and effle work he has done In the rural schools of the Tate is recognized as the 1 snecinlist in thn Smith the people of his county, b entire state A fearless, editor such as he Is badly in times likes thes. We a< high stand he has taken, in refusing to sacrifice pr popularity. Mr. Ayer ht compromised with evil, a: fore, may feet the satisfact ?quur?*iy inane an issue. >ut to the tlie disgraceful scene e: uprgiht hoU8e was not justified needed in not have been allowed tlmlre the sidlng officer under any ( however. nut this man Blease it tnciple to 0f the rights of others, ts never At the Star ohambei nd there- whJch exciuded her fath? ion which fpi?n(,a n- ?? At all even Rose to the Occ 1 acted In t "Stuffy" Dnvls. who i I and shou uintie critic to helm; ? by the pi njrent and then descent onsideratlc fiction. came Into a Hi ? no respect with foUr da>'8' growth ? his chveks. "Why don't you shave r lnqulsltlc j|u? n<>xt table called out sr and all tl "J would If I had a rai oilier? ne couia npj a*'on" others. An anecdol ose from dra- i i?nrjH pigaro attests i circus press , A crltk. was lndi led to writing t ,8e of roadway hotel Bnd wound hls fl of whiskers on ..WnBIier. Whll, ... . , ent is most nbsurdl :? a friend at h||Ve {o p,ck nn(, c| ~ ?f rubbish in Wagm r.or, Stuffy re- ... irecinte genius in .... o, :e taken from Uie Slmms. Speaker jj. nt Governor C. . . ntor R. I. Manni tiffing n extrava Spnator John isenet to bis face CoiJnty> may a, attery: Governor. He was he? His tal- mentioned and ly exaggerated. 1 sideling the ma loose among a lot nmented Massenet 1 IiE ' IM,V*L! M. I*. Smith, Lieuten- and this raei A. Smith, formor Son- country, If ng. Professor Ti F. Williams, of Aikon the National so enter the race for make a spec Is being prominetnly ! Ijc Swkrerla Is known to bo con- ; traeted wide ttor. I wisdom wltl j between the I found In the HEALTH IN HOME j recommends * u/Mln/tl | , ans the best In the entire not In the whole world, ate was commissioned by Pupreau of Education to dal study of the schoohs .nd. Tils report has ati attention because of the i which he discriminated good and the bad points ' Switzerland schools. The itions of his report have comes rrom duty v/ell p Our best wishes jso with h retirement. KEEP OUT OF POIilTl MOFFATT. Under the caption, "Sc Must Lead," The Greenville erformed. ^ with his stenographei 1m In his whole business, despite he had no more right the meeting than had ICS DH citizen. Then again, du e.eedlngs before the as; gating committee, wt >me One quasi court, he was pres Piedmont to day interjecting >, lie leuiiii lorii'il. r and ran tl Tlu? friend produced the fact th. from his pocket and sei to remain Hrlnn me n charlotte any p va unabashed I?arl rinK the pn^gjji there. New York flum Invest ?,(,h was Pretty Feeb ent from da a dapper little drum remarks an nelled bv rircumstnnei. . . ; sun vol v. 1 shook a safety razor ... , , . with what you leav< it it over by a russe," direct- ! ?'rc Is. and shaved The ,,rst v World those of the presen i odactyl, suj>posed tt l8 bird life, was a fpa monster, with ?re; mer was com- , . ... . s nn? ?h.. hl"?" of the w,nR? .1.1 I 1 be quite happy Augusta Chronl Two problems and physical am ? . ... of a child comf vere not much like foday. ron8,dor, t time. The pter- aldp of srllooi al ? be the pioneer of ylronmont with! at feather winged Whether In c at spears on the home influence i and a mouth full important. A c , I UllSt'U ItllU'l can educate icle. cause many eoncerninK the health i(i,e Switzerl [1 mental development 0l,r meriu ort thoufthful parents , Professed ptlon of the child out- jbave been rul attention to Its en- j (.|0s?dy relal in the school. jwork. Some ountry or in city, the i solutions fc on its health is most problems in onstant and controUa- , erg- Manual i discussion among AmcTi ir? everywhere, and will of the best features of and system to be used n [in schools. Tate's other wrlttlngs of a special character Led to his special field of of these are "Suggested >r some Rural School South Carolina," "Teach for the Elementary words, "Long lift' to Senor came the minister's name. It stuffed rabbit whleh a keeper :i bout by a string. "It was a year before my i forgave me for tbe trick I play* liim " concluded Alfonso. i , He Told Her. Oscar Seagle is a stanch Ai x- * lii'M 'k II" it'll ellcyCIOpetllBS H ; then innrki't wns lining written 11 was a dons specialists were in tli pulled NV,,rk the historian tun mathematician and asked, ninister vo,j Spen ingestion?" sd ujion otlier, not understan was said, replied: "In Jest? of course." "No. 'Ingestion.' I apprt meriean i?Um> tmt ?ni? i? ?io i??t " low <>n me n|Ki,t in a village luifel ind the va minds popularly called ie sanctum i breakfast he ordered ?< led to the 'pb,. waitress deposited t How do before him. Iiooklng nier said. "IMeasnrhreak idlng what _ WiUi a J. ' i ciate your , _ ' In that part of "f, 8,,nrk ,ke teeth I "Egypt." At J d not ?iu*\ f,,d 01 >ft boiled egg*. ; l!m we would not wo In the ahell ouraelvee. True up. the drum- y the warb era. an : the egga In u mere v in the carbon! fen singers. in all pn greatly antedate t New'York America The pterodactyl i?le ractor lis is on Id we have Heen bomo responsll have felt like sing- ^be must learn birds, and especial- f owing child I , . / tnnce to Its feet1 s very ate in geo- thn| (hp Krpntei ins no bird melody fr0m plain nutr ana Jungles. The aslly digested f otmhility. did not tain foods for he human race.? ther foods to si n. . A child should nlav because th rood, iiennm ties me School* in >ilitv of tho mother. Arithmetic that the food of the South Caro, s next only in Imporling an an Infant; and ? st good comes to it Itlous well-cooked and To Pre ood; that it needs cer- a*.piy at once body Rtructnre and porter's an ipply heat and e^^rfty. dossing frolic and romp and iere in a natural rela- , South Carolina," "Farm for tho Rural Schools In Ina." vent Blood Poisoning the wonderful old reliable DK. T1SKITIC HHAI.ING OIL,an. that relieves pain and hea!? * Not a liniment. 25c. 50c. t> J. nod proud of bis American The baritone's fumily. who art erner^, lost most of their fortn ing the war l?etween the states, the father died while quite yoi family was left In rather sti circumstances. Bo Oscar, flred American spirit of lndepe vocation to earn son -ey for himself and arranged to lineage. To whlfch the mathematlci > south meekly: "With a (J. ne dur- Same as gestation. Isn't It?" and as The authority on 'physic ung the overheard the reply, brok ultened conversation to explain tha by the. and gestation had nothing fidenee. each other and added thai te mom- ranee of hia confrere* on aoi accom- reminded him of the Judge Whirl Sent! .Mary Johnson In has Mrs. Oreen, one r-N V\1 ; reply to the heroin I ] \ |j i could make money I i I j-Vm 80 woinei I | r\l n There's more wnyi [% they can. It's whi a^jr 11 \ meut' flKhU them. Zrl I mind their being I . Q. tlon betwe'en si T . .P*W and the proper ber l>ao* "nagar" mater1nl ? of the characters, ^fictions. The la's wish that she ire that rest fa t>y saying: "It ain't child its play, a.i 1 to make money, restful sleep d< i they can't than storing energy ?t they call ':*entl- P.?tfect develop Sentiment don't HU**8h'be and fi industrious, bat It sh?",4dw"lee(P in uch muscular activity performance of such Ii.i In carrying on their 265 Acre mother must also real g as Important for the Blde pif id that sufficient quiet, belng oes Its equal part In trap, of lft jl and bringing about tlmher ment Children need f?t 6t jJJ resh air. and -at night a for lalace to given to the Spartan pole (. One the banquet table, but ift aa If thrust the letter under hii ay, Just saying, "Business tomorrow nd P*8- long ere that sun arose oreman nnmK#rjirt wiik A**mA nd eleven soft boiled eggs in a Kb > put At- go to a hospital."?Natii ;tter coo- aalne. plot was march at That Curioua Archiat Rosemary-Have you ? cushion, pressed by the mystery *f" But 1 Thornton?No. *i me Just flice some worm ber best to laugh at o um* you'd better ? anal Food Mag- Not y, Ma?You're been It 1n your breatb. Smile. I're been eating fro ever been 1m- gm?u la the bop.?f of Mona Lisa's She looks to in who la doing Unlo< ne of her hua- "Did yon gain In duty to Bee that " Into overcrow* Weky. overheated clai drinking! I smell breathe for five Pa?Not a drop, ration a from f gs' lega. What you lungs, and Its < larvand lampoon M }? render-It tacks of infectl on reflection, v j ^ the futility of t progression, pi weight after your > * rh,ltiJn bis child Is not forced T. led poorly ventilated is-room, compelled to ? hours a day the expl- ? orty or fifty pairs of ;ondttlon so weakened Notice Is vulnerable to the at- derslgned ^ ous disease. Any one, j^e estate o /111 be Impressed with ceased, on expecting a maximum 1914, make jyslcal and mental, admlnlstrat ATA hmmAll tn nu?r. * M. ItKIJC, A KMC. ? ,t Joe of DlachaPKe. hereby given that the unwill. as administrator of f Louisa Delilah 8ims, dethe 26th day of March, ? his final return as such or and apply to the pro "tune akwtf and spoke to him. I?e afraid," with ticb aarcaam.