SPRING TERM OF nniinT ftftiii schools. It Is your duty ti these things, adjusting ties that may exist, not m ff-iir-n isfy the whims or to be THE LANCAS o Investigate any difflculierely to sat- J / A | nelit one or 5TKR NKWS, MARCH K NEAI DOTS A Pretty \\>, 15)14. ?>K F?XS UK Sunday Kvoning [C0J mnnmn I r> lYlYlYCfl^ uuuki m\ Judge J. W. DeVore of Circuit Presiding. DUTIES OF GRAND /L|V|l.V more individuals Interes vLnLO koo<' B?hooi. are interested in educat willing to be taxed to sup but they want value recel Fifth money. i The judge next callei tion of the grand jury to in relation to the public 11II? V county- J" many coui JUKI. year as much as $15,00( snent on the ro?rtn wlihr ted, but for 1 The people Ion and are ?The ladles of Vi port schools, terian church will s ved for their give a hot supper ( March 13. All are 1 1 the ntten- ?Remember that their duties Men. Maids and Ma roads of the be given by local ta titles every opera house Prldaj ) or more Is benefit of the King's tilt n??v loaf I j in Midi* A very beau til ?n Wyck Presby- evening, March I erve oysters and the home of the >11 Friday night, the marriage of nvited to attend.' Kon of Mrs. Will! a play, entitled N|altchmakers," will ?? Neal, lent at Mackey's ' r night for the The attendant! * Daughters. Knight, with Mi av Section. MP 'ul event on Sunday MA 8th, at 2 o'clock, at brde's parents, was CP^ Mr. Eugene Catoe, MA lam Catoe, and Miss j lighter of Mr. and PP. A of the Midway sec- Mp X; MA s were: Mr. Ernest Wd ss Iti'iil.'iti C.ardner; [PPj Ba Statement THE BANl located at La TVTr??iT close of busine L NEW ?i Loans and Di . . Overdrafts. . cltCIltCIlI Honds and Stc ffi jik No. H3. M of the C/Ondl?on ( |Hj C OF LANCASfER, Jj ncaster, S. C., at the iss March 4th, 1914. ^SOURCES. 2 scounts. .. $444,964.59 4,295.10 M >ck8 owned M Presiding Jiirand Jury, Instru Them in l>etuil. The regular spring term o! cult court convened in th house at 10 o'clock Monday with Judge J. W. DeVore of circuit presiding. Solicit Henry and Stenographer Hi Caw were both nresent at IIip ing benefit. It is your di 5 Charge tajn how much is being : eting roads of your county ant of tlie work done. The Rested that It would bo I) r the cir- than waste so much mon e court for a county to issue soi morning $200,000 or $.100,000 it the fifth vise the money in pert or J. K. work. In many parts irry Mc- the people are being t i niipninPr ? iU iity to aseer- --Thorc will be spent on tho a. .a?"?'! Kch()l 1 the nature nlght fwr the *"'?>eflt ( judge sug- ?Mr. Thurlow E etter, rather A. Railway Compat ey annually, nie down last Sui met hint; like sister. Mrs. D. J. ( 1 bo nis and cuperatlng from a * nanont road ?Miss Mattie Ti of the state Judsou Steele, botli axed every tion were married ;vi r. j. i-ierman i a basket supper Horton; Mr. Job ol bouse Friday Cora Neal; Mr. of the school. witj, ^jss Roseau vans of G. S. & Gardner. with ly, Spartanburg, Mr. M. Hartford may to visit his Miss Kssie K. la larris, while re- Roberts, witli Mi (pell of sickness. Croxton Gardtu nrleton and Mr. Hove; "Mr. hrn of the Unity sec- Miss May Ogbu Sabbatli evening New, with Miss [jOIir, with Miso Ola MAI 11 Morgan, with Miss Freddie it. Ilorton, V9 We ond Long Mr. Gilbert >?im Miss Tlessie Catoe; t'?n c Faulkenberrv, with SB .. >ve; Mr. Kirby U. the ar !>'>ctn \ Furniture an d ? . 4.\ Banking IIou invite the\atten- Due from Be ?f the public to ,5ailkers. . ( urrency.. . . inexed statement^ *??id " Silver and Ot presenting this Coin . Cliecks and C aent, we are not k dble of the fact V Totul K 1 U.OUU.UU [Fixtures. . 1.(too.00 Ml se 5,800.00 fw] inks and 104,630.67 [M] 15,808.00 8,770.00 kWf her Minor Ml 2,026.08 rgi?1 iish Items. 905.55 $504,479.89 [Ml of the court. The grand j organized by the twelve ne jurors being sworn in, whi the six hold-over men, made i the full panel. After bei panelled, they were instructs judge to retire to their ro select a foreman, which tt selecting Mr. T. E. Howie Belalr section. Judge Ue Vo upon proceeded to deliver I - ion mi v?m ?v on mo rui iury was are almost impassable, w grand tion obtains i:i my ooui: ch, with know whether the bond eighteen, or not. 1 simply throw ng em- yon for your considerati >d by the jjjs honor next called om and 0f grand jury to the ley did, j,a(j jUst been administc of the by the clerk. "1 don't si re there- )u?. "that any of you t them his although it has just pass ms jinii mpy uy :ipv. \\ . h. t'atte This condi- ?Horn to Mr. ity. I don't Crawford yesterday, issue is host ?The governor h tliis out to following board of on. Lancaster county: the attention W. Morris, Wylle oatli which ?'I he slight flur ired to them ('a>f afternoon and tppose," said lnK remind us that emember it. Rors, even in this fa ed your lins. ?Mr. T. I/. Hilt srson. Tlie groom w and Mrs. John broadcloth, and a daughter. dress of white s> as appointed the veil registration for The ceremony W. G. A. Porter, Notary Public t Q. Caskey. addition to the ry of snow Sun- about two hundi again tins morn- lives present. winter yet 1 in- fill dinner servi vored section. ing. on, the county a suit of black faA! the bride wore a t'iat f 'ilk with gloves and M factor mm was perlornmd by been 'V. F. Kstridge. In above, (here wore M only rod friends and relariioro was ii bounti- 'fiend 3d during tlie even- M ? age o wm Mi I a r mcli a very satis- t^iVital Stock Surplus Fund. y showing has Umivided Pi made possible T-fc'paM* through the ')Uf> toHJanks Iship and patron- IndividuA T)e - .. jeet toVohc f the people of Savings l)>s?) Time CertitldS \BILITIES. Paid i:i. . $ 50,000.00 99 100,000.00 lfj?1 ofits. loss penses and 99 24,605.00 and Hank A posits Sub- mm fk 216.860.39 iSl sits 91.800.28 99. it< of i)"- ftm vuu? bv' He said as a majority'of were new uie:i, lie wouiu them in detail as to their du said that he was afraid that t jurors not only in Lancaste) but all over the state, did n< what their duties were. Tl more to do besides atteiulii passing on indictments and their final report. These d perfunctory in large measuri It Is comprehensive the jury much." He then went ci instruct the different parts of t ties, tie plaining iO the jury wl he grand imposed upon V,*?m. r county, Tim above charge a it realize ablest and most practh liey have been delivered to a gn lg court, Lancaster county In ma making The gran(j jury has not're- the fol,owlnK bil,s of ,n and moans treasurer, who was m to analyse ?Hlce 'n l',ft last p he oath, ex- ceived a new appol lat duties It a clerical error hy appeared as "P. I s one of the w r?.: that has to rorre,t th,s n,,st and jury In ny years. HONOR dlctmpn "P?n ?? elected to that l*liilli| rimaries. has re- Mr. John 11. ntment owing to Patsy Phillips \v< which his name :it the home of t. Hilton." The after preaching ns made in order rnond. on the ake. Many friends present. Mr. J. ItOLL. in Charleston. home is at La I Ciraded Schools will live. They |is.\\ Itulo) . Wfl Whaley and Miss re married last wo k ] tunitj the bride's mother. ; by Rev. Mr. Ham- 1 patro night of March 1 t. and relatives were ; tneir R. Whaley's ltome is AA nnr? and Miss lMtillips' ncaster. where both 1914. will stay for a while uuiuiuuii;. posit . . . . take this oppor- ^ertl,,fio(.1 C^,?f Cashier s Ch? r to thank our Other Liabilit Reserved for n8, and to ask Savings and . Deposits. . continued supduring the year i'otal STATK OF S( We invite new County < ltefnre mo < V 88.250.60 . .. 14.099.55.flR >(,V .... 388.15 am iesTsyiz: Interest on flfl I CerAflrate JW -X. . 7.045.12 >3 I . $594,479.89 W )1'TII CAROLINA, E<' >f Lancaster '.'I nir* r.on VV Wllllnmc JHfc quiring much knowledge, 15-year-old boy might do tli You are the grand inquesl county, the guardians of the interests, and if you do yi you have much more to d the interval between the coi while court is in actual sesf likfe the presiding judge of whose duties do not end \ court is adjourned. So if ; honn nn/lnr ihrv 4 Indeed a State vs. T. J. Hunter lis much, battery with intent to k t of the William Boyd, assault i people's with Intent to kill, true our duty Robert Barnes, bugge o during Money Wilson, murd arts than ; William Graham, mur don, just Steve Small and Beuli a court, tery, true bill, vhen the Samuel Knight and adultery, no bill. , assault and ? ,?r M* ' 111, true bill, i CENTRAL : and battery 1 First Krade^- Ire bill. diver Wilson, Miti"; ry. true bill. ?" b^h lj&zen^,\ er. true bill. JJary D"n"om der, true bill. JJav 8' R,uth ib Key, adul- J mY,V May I David Williams. 1, . A.-oh e ! ingle, VUV Ola Threat, j.torri\ ruary. wim me urine s SCHOOL. Later they nM>?, no Poovey, Van- ,)"ia l" 1,1 it"" 11 Markey Hough T nr, A tajanehe Mobley, "" iiUvA herspoon, Lillian ' ey, ftalsy ltd I Some People W Kills. Ivy Po Profit by llei Mrhige La; n ?y. ' This is a pun un Frost. r-i (ti- 'e . 11 took place f Not in some - ? - I V?,. ??1? < mother and lather. ) ^ accou et to ro to PhiladelIielr home. Att rocal >2 L INTEREST. SB p Know, and We Will 'fQ iriiiK About Them. I V ^ sly local event. in Lancaster, faraway place. "Th nts upon a r cip- Cashier of U baata. w,ho- boln,K. above ana fo oura to Berv?, true condition by the books ( E BANK OF Sworn toc *JCASTER N( Old Reliable." Correct?Attc le above named bank, sworn, says that the roRoiiiK statement is a $9 of said bank, as shown l>?|^ jf said bank. iEO. W. WILLIAMS, and subscribed before |^3 lay of March. 1914. i>^^| J NO. II. POAG, M )tary Public for S. C. !st: Waddv R. Thom duty Is simply to come hen tend court and then go ho nothing more to be attendei abuse your mind of this id have been drawn to serve tl of the county for the next months. The people for w are the guardians look to y tend to their interests. One of your duties is to 1< the county officers, to see if i and at- ,J: ( ' Small and Tabi >me with ad^tefy. no bill. J to. dis- . Be88,R "unter- kcel ea. You house' :i? b,Ule people William Rullard, larc< twelve Oscar Taylor, arson, hom you Two murder oases, th ou to at- George Ellis and Jack ] other against Walter aok after bepn Ret for trial tomori they are As we to press tTi< I Iiri diiil -A rn(!l"- A1 tha Johnson, Edward Croxton. G ter Davis. William ping bawdy Hughes. Beulah Mi Murchison, Marian ;ny, true bill. I-ee Sherard. Thurl true bill. asson, Emory Pennj e one against Third grade?Ma Ellis and the fook. Catherine SI Stack. have Barnes. Galdys Ci row morning. Jeannette Huggins, i court Is en- erspoon. Mar>- Eva unapei Biack.v.on,' *wu a,c ?*"*? ?*neva Culp. Wnl Ashed to bel! Hough, Eugenia To confirm a ie Eaney. Colin A,,y article Pollakofr, Jennie home Is more ow Carter Thorn- thftn one V011 1 r, endorsed by un Hon Long. Eva A w- Chanc stare. Catherine Lancaster, R. C lip. Daisy Ellis a?PPly of Doa Elizabeth With- Crawford Rros. lis Riddle. Ruth not on,y strong U CU III Vf ?LlK(ite 11. leve a citizen's word; CM citizen's statement. that is endorsed at worthy oI confidence [jTH'l know nothing about,. * ; known people. Nat.1 e, grocer, Main St.,!ry efro^ W'H1 !., says; "I pot my man wb? is n's Kidney Pills at8 an 'nipressh ' drug store. They nars ''J1' also thened my kidneys,. , a KI I i son, v;. fa '\v. J, Cuuuini onal Government. I M | be made to see that -M. ^_J visiting this meeting :>n not alone through through his eyes. eat thing for the for your lyseur, it. \j. irawiuru, LVHJ sham. Directors, W mmmi lUe Seed Irjsh Pota attending to their duties an examine their books; eomn: your body should be appoi this purpose. Rut before a tory examination of any offh made, some man on the ? should know something a law pertaining to the office self, would be at a loss ho amine any one county office posted myself as to the reqt nf f l?n lonr norn 1 ** r? thnl d also to KaKe(l with the trial ol littees of charged with obtaining luted for fa,8e pretense. satisfac :e can be ommittee b"T.Z- PERSON w to exuuless I lirements , _ Mr. S. F. Tavlor of P r Ed Caston, Threat, Sara Wtllla money under Landingham. Marin i Mcllwain, Hal Go< liams, Dorothy Port< I Fourth grade? Glennie Crenshaw, son, Ned Gregory, A T C Marjorie Hirsnh, S> '' Parks, I.,ueUe Rodd ion Reed, Ross Rut tlemyre, Margaret ' !nrk Hill wna tsmi. ms. Martha Van- but made me n Milliard, Ford way- Thp ben< ich, Louise Wil- not hesitate one r. Gladys Pearee. a11 Charles Burpess K'(lney Pills. Kathleen Ferpu- flrm my formo' . Jewel Ilinson of Doan'fi Kidne d?il Linple, Sadie For Ra,p hy ! ey. William Mar- *ent8ledpe. Marie Set- Yf "k> RO,e Thomasson. States. . Remember i feel bettor in everylur IO neHr c?i 4fit lias lasted. I do1 "lis8W??1 i moment in advising*'"1 l)f> 'nfinlb rers to take Doan's " at work. I am pleased to con-t,on opportun r public endorsement manV questic sy Pills." who have hf ill dealers, Prire B(V8 ?*P?cted th Milburn Co.. RufTalo attendance. agents for the United The Rest Thi the name?Doan's timore Sun. i uiis newer coopera- | ^ . ping the rountry, but ; toee, lr ely better for him to Early R, It will also be a ity for him to have Plants, >ns answered by peoid actual experience. Garden ! at thousands will be u have go n* About Wilson. SCC<1' Maine a ish CobblWs and ed Bliss; /cabbage Onion Sets and Seed of al\ kinds. I t the best Maine k >wn in the itate of nd ;irp hpf fi>r I His honor then Illustrated meant by the treasurer's c plaining to the jury how mi paid through that office, vou Ing taken therefor, etc. You s notify any officer of your to examine into the affair office, but you should "ligh unexpectedly," so that he wc no time to prepare for youi I dont' mean to say any of what he a recent visitor in Lam >fflce. ex- ^ Mr D E. Boney of oney was e this week, chers bo- Mi*. J&ck Whito is wp hould not here w*th iii? fan intention ^ Adams o s of his BPent Sunday here with t on him Mr- s- w- of S >uld have a vtsttor here this week comine Miss Eva Hough is th< vour offl- Mrs. E. E. Cloud. ' U(n? a i --- r mil Kraue M raster. Wylle. I,ewis Murch Yorkvtlle is Reulah Bennett, All Gilbert Williams, El ending a few Ferguson, Mildred illy. Bradford, Mary V 1 Rock Hill Sowell, Ethel Cauth relatives. Barnwell Allison, toneboro was Carl Jordan. I Sixth grade?Mai 9 guest of her Mildred Billings, I in Rock Hill. Monica Canes, I D.kineve and take no oth ison, Ethel Perry. na Knight, Laura lza Moore, Nannie LrK1",?* lv!;ir,garel Busmen loodley, Malvena ( en, JS JN OllCCS?noe ,n BanP r _1 in the Inter o .111 further notice ^ strength an caster, S. C.. plana of nat . of thf s of Woodrow Wilson .. i nurber of tangible tnan all arms. But the best there ? e spirit of public eonirogresslve policies buy you] gity of the Aminis- ... iem, in the subsiden- thing1 to f hysteria, and in In- Sunrise at the same time of ,, , forward along high- that you ional life. The mat- from risi ^ae twelve month* ta ? others, no bugs up See me before you r groceries, and the not to forget is Flour. You know can't keep the sun ing, neither can you cers nave *one wrong as I lutely ignorant of the contf any of the office* of your What the people want and v have a right to expect Is a faithful report of the actu tton of affairs. I*, is often that the grand Jury's repo usual stereotyped affair, ? like this: "We have passed bills of indictment given to solicitor. We have examl am abso- i,llOD ^?uyu i lltionH of Sumter to make her h< county. unc,e. Mr- S- A. Cloyd. yhat they ^?,rs' v true and ,n Kershaw last week, al eondl- Hon. Mendel L. Smlt the case Was ,n t?wn yesterday rt Is the uPon c?u^;nmflthln? D.kM. Jones visit? upon aU Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jon, us by the ? Messrs. E. D Blaker nod the Massey of Kershaw w ias gone 10 Margaret Ferguao >me with hor Gatllng, Frederics Hicks, Mary Hough, Islted friends ida McDow, Lily J McMurray, Matthfew h of Camden p'erry. In attendance Seventh grade?J mon, Caroline Port* d his parents, son, Guy Skipper, T es. this week, otis Hinson, Mary e-r and J. C. Izzle Adams, Ki ere here on FMnride Ponnv Mil n, Mary Allre FOIt SALE?Je Gooch. T. C. old- aVi*Katherlno Klein, I-ancaster, S. C (cManuH, Landry ? ' Pollakoff, Curry CAR LO^Ji-ot - f livered at 01 rtary Ellen Black- Porter. ftr, Lucia Murchl- ? weedle Crenshav., I HEREBY FO Elliott Carnes, nota^Kpubllc ntharlne Wylle,? thority toJt6?to] ^ n l*? IIInoAK T<>a mnn v a ? looim 1 rsey Calf, two monthhat. but the i ^Crawford Rutledge.ater. Other I ^ 4 6-P Ivered lnaugu their terms w first class coal. De-hlnp; to men i Phone F. B.them have li\ 46-47 Jte conscious ?Ifion to the sp RBID any mlnister'ledlcatlon to I or others having auJ made his m rm the marriage cer^-nths, doubtle ?? ?.. J ?- !."? f V. .... V.? . spiritual gain la far keep thl, 'residents may have v iral at the beginning Yours rhich seemed equally of their day, but few . . ed up with such abness as Woodrow "]^ JT lrit of their profess- [VI Lhe public service. He lstakes these twelve bs, like the rest of s flour from rising, for service, korJlI's filV^orv books of the various count and And them neatly kept, eti reports give the people lilt Information. Many thous dollars have been lost to because grand jurors have their duty, because their rep been misleading, giving tb no light on the condition of eral county offices, into wh taxes go. I know of a case y officers ^ness yesterday, e." Such . Dr- F E- Jordan ?Pe :le or no kanctser. ands of Messrs. W. M. and I the state and J M Cherry of tl not done bar were here yesterday orts have uP?n c?"rt- , e people Mr. W. L. Tlla .kmon the sev- waB bere on business to Ich their J- Cscar Wiillar where a daughter of New Yorl ...i been milte slek for th? n: Lee Porter, Evelyn nt Sunday In Knlglit. W. ,B. Cau Manua, ?oy Stogne I. M. Dunlay Klghtfc grade?-TK tie Hock Hill Gregory, Brighton In attendance King. Helen Derrick Ivah Nlsnet. Willie of Kershaw Nln*h grade?En day. ' Tenth grade?H na and little Kannn Perry, Juar i, who have ior H-illiday. Ddt t UTA WOOI/O Mobley, Freddie ter, Florence K then. Walter Mc- as Florence Mo r. age. Mrs. E. 1 falter Beaty, Toy Horton, John ?? . Pauline Marion. TYPEWRITER Roed. I in stock two lest Beaty. pie) typewriter :enry Blackmon, wood, RoVaI_ Ol ita Sowell, Elea- C. Smith maohp ter's Ideal," th? m^ync, iu my UUUKU ?"?i iuc; iiu ImraH better knowrl the whole rton, aa she is undeP the rate cr< Morton. Ity, honesty a 4 5-4 9 ?r we may di ? ?.a or that pollc RIBBONS?We hav?t of feeling t color (red and pur'tte House a a ' ribbons for Undervanl In the be liver, Monarch and L1 w't.h whom aes. These ahe "Car.1 always be the market. | tc uui ueeii senous, I country today gives I idlt of absolute sin,nd patriotism. Howsagree with him on y, we have the combat we have in the man who is a public st sense of that word the public interests paramount to party / l4A?e?lAno J L IEN 1 _ piuuani juuK? wttw niiun ?i like $100. The foreman car told me of It. but said "T1 Is willing to make It up." ed to know whether or not 1 say anything about it in hi I told him if he wanted t with this official and covei fact of the shortage, he cou ' but that it was his duty I ' the facts. The renort of a grand lu UIUULII1IIK 7. . " " ne to me, at the home of Mr. T. ip offlrisii were Joined here Sum He want- willlan,s and left Mom m should den Th?y w,n probabl; h rpnnrt a'ao before returning h< o coHude . Mrs W, W. Boykln r up the v,sltlng Judge and Id do so. Jones to report ^ Death of Mr*. M. C. rv while Mrs- m*KK'o Courtnej M. Hughes, I MILL SC lay by Mrs. _ Fo?rth gradelay for Cam- l1"? Adams. y go to Aiken X r(' grade?Wi ,me ' Second grade?L of Charlotte SJotale Ghent, I Mrs. Ira B "'nn'e McManus Theo Barton. I. W , Knight, Lonton McB Courtney, iMattox. John Uober -. wlfo of Mr. HOOL. trice 7 5c. I Purman Denton, Company' Iden Barenrd. 'FOR RENT?T izzie Bell Adams, furnishei^rru damte Burgess, Ferguson. Mable Reeves ? . ? \ Oauthen, John X rlrtiius, Walter ? 1* this tson Horton. Ian Barton, Cleo ZT7ZZT ~~ _i ? W1NTHT)?T? Lancaster Publishing hree furnished or unuujL Apply to G. F. 43-tf ^OE^OjJSHINQLES "weflr i9dward? ft Km vntip county. Tou mint keep thai i; If rod fail to do ao you-arc tng them Tou ahdiitd'flTa ' to .(ho .books .of the.- rarlou trates bf the count*. The [ bring their books tee you for aphelion acid you should act amine them. We bare plent a W .11 .V * 11 e, is not ,M- c ,c?urt2*y' and 1 r-the ln-\,adf of th? Sepp-Cross of the ^ *hli cou"Th ? ported. reb/.Uanr..2#' waft*r an mUlud- tending through temi fttentlon Mri Courtney we, ? is meets- and * d&u?hter qf the li should mon King of tfciloft cot our In- 8h? waa ' fhithfol tilly ex- B?th?? Method lei churel r of lew, ?T?T a tra? Christ y el I her lode suffertns , _ ^ . ??? * iwib Vvi nil ley- Earl I'ov?. E. Shaven I^oretU Hui ufnia ^ 'ham- A,m* C? ". Ulneea ??*, ^udd!e , Bokhara. 5S "".t)' M burk, liny Walden, Ml,<5a Welle. Clyde I ln*? J ?. I 1 Member?" of J ' . . N?f*? * fc'apd wrfe in \ Mil X 'YiibmMrf' 13 ian lady^J 1$ Trebletbwnahtp c*] aha nkrar and sti rrpndat-nd Yl< r^Tw: iter. Willie Beck- 2?*?; Andrew Harris. 7*^* * "* rTj Robert Fender- M?r? f -a , ,.Blmnco ** ?* , VKTKRIN. ?? ,. I I hare locate * ** f practice of my Lilted. prepared to tr? lUfckraon of frlat any and all die be uf> yeeterday day of night. I m aalf ?? l#? -? * ? ' ^muskrau, 'possum, 1 *t and horse. bUM. I mis st not. mo mo To Coport CtslkML I IRY HURGKON. Silyei 1 In Lancaster for the I profession, ond am I fV?T-n stSmUr? stock for I ^orneases. rVlls answered . Call me s\Qregory- g IriSIl ?IT? car loads of Crystal Pah loaf Flour. One ctr loac Thirty Bags B)Lsl Pota Cobbler Potatoes. ITen 1 ice, Primrose and I White Oats and toes, Thirty Bags iushftls nn/i f /iuu mcj mo BJI 1191m it jui * thgt they are enforced. Bee y coAtity officials do their dui 1 they fait, report them to the Tou have Jurisdiction ov< ' stltutions that are run by 1 of the people. This ap schools. It Is the duty of t Jurors to visit the schools county, but I don't suppose 1 do it. The people should rated. There is a groat ' that th? faltered 4n her fidelity t ty and tf 8h# w,n b? ?Teatly mi sollrttnr cpmmualty, where ebe 1 ?r all in- labored,and .taught; fo rh? ta?AA 100,1 8P?c,al care In teat piieH to MPw,al,y th? y he eranrf Her PurP??? was always I nf The mak" better. thev ever Sh? ,s 8"rvlv?*l by be edu *n<* two 8?nB- Grover C. hue and Courtney, both of tt o her Matter. Hunter. Mr. B|a l*a?d in *Uie vcharged witfi'the r Ian lived ^and < Basldn, colored, wl r she a 1 ways at the house of Jar hing and ad- W. P. McManus' | oung people. White Bluff in this to uplift and Johnson empanelled 1 an Inquest yesterday her husband were examined, via and'B. Bas- Alice Catoe and Mar ie Sapp Cross Sapp. The w t/uonu nwu uiTfi nwr ckmon win be W. H. BOTZ, ntiVder of Jamm Graduate U. S. 10 met his death goons, Wash! aes Catoe on Mr. 3 plantation) near AW Ol county. Coroner a Jury and held Be it ordalnt . Four witnesses Aldermen of th J. M. Catoe, in council asset nle Catoe and Dr. thorlty of the sa negro was lying 1. That it a k ivompaij. v , Veterinary 8nrtfaon. Whit* C. Veterinary 8ur- lllW " c- Cane fWINANCE. the Ci *d Jiy the Mayor and e itwn of Lancaster thnt I nble^andU.y the au- Umt 1 ime: ihall be unlawful for StlVCS } Onion Sots, New (Kardei Seed, Carno Mule Feed i in Goods Line. Want to tc vA-KO?makes cake in fil buvintr hicrh-nrifpH hntfo l Seed, Sugardrip 1. md everything in ill the ladies about fteen minutes and r? arul iiopirc T1"? cry" Kolnjf up from the p? education and I am In hea pathy with the cry. Muc ' has been wasted in the em - of teachers, who are not fit Trustees in many instances teachers because of their rel to some trustee or indtvidu community. Teachers shoul employed for their own bei for the benefit of the child a ra #r\ tearh T fa vaii r , f n?i?u toiilllliliuiy. 1 n mv vm sympathies of the entir go out to the husband 5J52S kage, only 15e. NNETT-TFI * """ ' V ?RY ro overlook your county auperl of education an well an tt trustees, and nee that thei friction or dinnention existir uuv/ w ov|*ainwi7, UUI r? r wtt.111 ntendent that every act of klndnei te school appreciated and the re e 1b no them will be rememhere iK In the P D. E. itii 10 Know skull. The Jury o is was deeply a verdict that the c collection of his death from a bio id. the hands of persoi GORDON. known to the Jury. f Inquest found sembled this 3r< leceased came to J.