The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 10, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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o The Kitchen the most Impc TIIK LANCASTK through other means than vu success of our individual d ?# perhaps, it is quite probat :r NEWS, M A U< H IQ. I<> i the mere | MAltCII. esiros and, ? ... . , ile that we "n,U'morG Amorioan. , \\ inds mad howlintr. si u. TI?o Holy Chrlstiun Herald, dos nil sonu l. The Holy (Irail wi $71,000 I [is the name Riven Although det i ? 10BBERY alls have not been tant Ro( Washington. 1). O., March 9. importance to the farmer of ha an economical farm house has emphasized by the farm arehlte< the department of Agriculture etates that the menal and phy w v n in The Ho Th?? additional expense. The kit ving the most imporUmt room i:i tl been house. ?t of Per the overage farmer, e who bars a room especially res?r sical weddings and funerals. do so more onen man we : rome of us the way seem: the work monotonous, j: MCP if the Joy of living whirl from youth's expectantcy i our hearts, but there in a eheti is of living which perhaps I: tie farm more beautiful because it < the maturer years that ronomy i much a;ul we shall feel it .' i'l fjrlnize it when we realize th V hacit come into our own. suspect. ii? . wp s long and 0 J}gp artlcularly _ S??shi..e scared awa, h proceeds Gr^t Kunf blowing, h s stifled in _ btorn,\s by nlfht and another joy S:i??-V flU8t?r- ,00lI" ?' i all the "lows that pinch ail comes with ^y /oldness. roaring counts for That 8 th<* month of iV'w/'h-'iTn The tornado its brnvad Scat tors wreck arou \T ! ?i Lr I *wi to the cup used by v Last supper. Accord u'voc showing, tradition this cup w (jay seph of Arlmathea ncl bluster, celv?2 fome?of, ch\ d parch cruclflxlon. He is sal blodnesB, the cup the British March point the traditions Grail was In charge lG successor to this n(j his fitness by askln t. question. The chief the Savior at the Kjveu out a pacl ling to an ancient , . , -as secured l?y Jo- local bank conU and into it ho re- S. treasury note ist's blood at the package of mag d to have brought (The substitution i Isles. After this ! tin the package differ widely. The | when the cashie of a king, and the |Gf "Laff" magazl king must prove read some of the g a mysterious interested that 1 form of the leg- h.nk directors t< iago addressed to a lnlng $71,000 In U. ^3# s was taken and a aziiics substituted, was not found out reached the bank, r found the bundle Ines. He started to stuff and became so tie agreed with the j mnae ud the loss fitness of the laborers both withii house in the fields are vitally afft by the buildinp that affords the fly shelter. The averape Amei farm home has failed to share ii improvements that are everv da nip made in aprieiiltural eondii and aeeordinp to tlie architect is bake to our bottled civilization. K tnrv stpo with her llrepl ice <00 ??a , .'.in !. tier 11 n 1 \ id. . i tlio stair\va> mi small houses is an >cted ?ssary 1. xi ry. Large -uil's fain are never used lo live in hut "iean a ? through'ares, are a fea?ur 1 the ean lie dis-ensed with in ili ? y he- a ot niel'er outlay of nmm-v Iio ts Other fi atures tlmt sho.ihl g a re- a ?< Pifortahle and eo.i elati k i t eh en are narrow porehes eeii work iiuin"rous angels in w; king root. ttseh door . Thei 1. 1 for an i : r? nt purpo for \ . unnc'-| Because wo do not fill ji ?> hl< h ticular place in this world I merely i reined for ourselves in ??;i ? which is no reason why we have interest 1< -s desirable one. Inueed, that our accomplishments. ive way i-,si' i;inc:>nt though they n iv *i?i nt lis. have lea'lv lieon of mac tilapree parlance than the binder a ill - and v e hafl in view ltesnlts , oil hi Le V III he mea-Mfed l?V tl i oil i (!. Iii i \ i ry nt ten mere ist the parhat we tm- Prostrate to the pro. irli?*r veirs Pouring, roariiiK. ruin not rifle.) a ! ? In. u,s onwnnl path. i( may he j :vi,'n s "reath seizins, < small ami 1 , 'l?5* . . lay seem to ,)own U s,'n,ls ,l wrat h more im- | , .hievem. nt s",k ou,'s r<>ar It. stron !ir,, 1M>t in a strusslius Ash ieir ni i-ii i Willi nrltted. U hv their 'r? ro"ist i,s 1)I1(j." ' end is that tho Oral! storing t,ie soart'11 for b( quest of knighthood -hilling, free/.- ?>un> ''J he?rt "h | Ac-rording to atiothi' ! was conimttted by i | of knights who glial g ones bear it n,0,n>tain. Ii appr< t not holy, the cup a'inst it pitted !,as ,n< ?n of (lio llolv (Ir.iil i . . tin* Ivitte *' mid t lm I disappeared, and if they would pit came the chief scriptlon list of I. None except the order to got you I 1 find and see it. help you forget r legend the tlrail hies, domestic 01 mgei to a hody agree to send von riled it on top of a ,at the ridiculous tachetl hy any one 1 cents. would ilisapear. | Thls National torated the legend 'making greater Into his "Idyls <>t 0tlu r magazine 1 l.lvl I,, > ? r I??Ill-it ice him on the sub"Laff" for life. In In a good humor and even your big trour financial we will dL i "Laff" for one year dy low price of 50 Magazine of Fun 1b strides than any before '.he American t The nio^t important building farm i 111 ? homo. n . tli < on nn<l liappim of (ho '.unilj an peiobiit upon it- coio'trurllon equipment, ami unlr- those ma are looked after tho <anitary ( burn of tho oeononih all> eopstrt buildings for took are of little \ llappiro's and eontoptm< lit in fan 'v aro i- ential t > ell' tort of > | nml for c\ r> on a material nl out the huildi i.; itfort slide. an 1 It may not ho found pnutlc tiers llu* d<'|>aii 1111*111 of Aki'IciiH laliv furnish plan and spool lieu t nM< d i.irin housi-i work'd out for a" a. lar individii I . > < *d ||o\vc\ ilio believed to bo desirable to \\ at plans and specifications goner; ... ..< r.,........ i,, i1i...I t ,I,. :>" ? f < !!'< ' i iiuiiti d though tlx no. - it mi th<> ir.m wlin takes ii moil on thl- earth may in .1 |?lo count for tor more 1: able for 111:111 In- who lives in the < nm to whole v orli! I!\ i In tin* I ions of il?' of linnio lifo ;i mini cm portico- hi own w ith far ^renter re or, it is pinoss hotli for liini 1 f an ork out about him than if lie w r< il needs wonder oiii in the world a . 11 <1 . . \ . for :i hurt in r . n 1 i I w I. i III .y 111 IV III'. M" ,,n 01 s'??T"HUI1K. \VI l> but lit 11*' S' 'liliiiii inibl or Hoa aki1 bis ox- ' ' bali'il, mcanc iii^r L-i.o.l Month of all tho yon i\vps of the : narrow <ir- ? 1 c-oino Into ;"}:,r n!:.!!: suwi-n,e r?r iukIiI Home ml on jo\ il il t.iviiiv <1111111 mill ('iiik'Ii inns aiarminn. , "" : ? l? caption is om> of t st rated :?r xerios. In :i leccud represents tl' us* 1 happiness. To li , is i?) linti <'lirist a:u rn, XT Smiths \cil I he News. Wp thlnk i demons! rations of of the different ?ra Ito.nmlv lliout the Idlest tl puDiic today. n lie most beautiful ; Nvin koe tho xvh i Ron oral way tho ],umor> The st; 10 search for spirit artists, caricaturl ml tho Holy (irail rank among the 1 his salvation. lt ls highly lllust I colors. It will 1 moment. Uy cheerful the or H. D. Smith's can afford to spc the relative value this. Send this <los of cotton is , CKNTS today t( ling that has boon l-aff, Dayton, <1 is a magazine inai ole family in a good iff of Laff contains s. and writers who best in Ihc country, dated and printed in coop the whole fainyear 'round. You iid 50c a year to do clipping and FIFTY > the Publishers of ihlo, for one year's MT\ ICO ;i - 1 111 | M I) I'll I III! .Mill Imildinu. Although tho housowifi spor. 1 many oa>es. a lifetime in her "w shop" (In kitchen and tiio fa rooms, site is not, a - a rule, <aj of planning a house in the hiphes pro serviceable and comfortable OH' -i :aiite. Her help, how ef hi .11 ti lho farm irehitect. a n-.uli of his plans most vitally corns her. plain tho plans so that tho . in may under-aiul tln> prinoiph s <>"K- t ?l and apply thoin w lion ho r mi'V his prosont house. Tin- otiio >ai lo Farm Managtnent Is oinloav t .10- holp tho farnn-r and tho fa with wife along those linos. or. is i tho con- ( oiniiig into Our Own. stiinda \ New farinor It i not iioot -ai>. as a rt involv- tar f??r our happinos, It imiumIi-1- oijvv "a< h.atnl w lillo wp n ? of optii/i at fir-t tin' oltani orni? to ^ o sit. ' not alway- pass rmer's 01100 rooopn l/oil it will not fun* wo roali/.o tin* lilosslttf into our own. \ won I Willi <il> Now ilo, (i> look Croup is a terrible lit-- witir.'i tacks children so such: i:iy not ret-- very apt to choke un t - are that proper remedy at oin it by, and nothing better in the \ be lone be- King's New Discovery. : of coining borlaln, of Manchester about his children: severe attacks we wei would die, but since w ?pn|>crs. certain remedy Dr. K disease, it at- oft " 1??K I<>nly thoy are ~"n"' lime for tin- j less txiven tlio '''1 pt'Hinp re There is 1 "''y understood we vorld than Dr. l?'?l>le will not fail I Lewis Cham- 'ias done. Ai . Ohio, writes 'Sometimes in ^ e proved what Inn's New Dis- ! I *OD v >oiss # ii?. i.. I oiioiiwii'dai time. It will til Up subscription. T inblic (d fully uu- j $1.00 and we s; but when it is SI'KCIAIj OKKK are quite sure the Lo appreciate what idemon Mail. A Sail SI; Til Coluiiihia 'zoi *?>u o d ^ poorest paid cot t^tjw x M ? is worth far tin ho regular price la Jft arc making this U to get acquainted. 35 4 0 lie of Affairs. State says "the inly school teacher ire to South Caroll Ill 1 f* 1 f> ;i western farm pap" the sukh< tlon of tho D< t> ,rlni". Agriculture, conducted a com; -t for farm house plans. \bout ).Ian.s of farm liousese wore mi! od not one of which was 'uliv lsfactorv. The lartror number it ed on some particular pat notion onphasizi'd a single feature to the lect of otlier important one. The and women who familiarize tl or.1 - ne Uto U'nrb r\ l\n l|,uin r- The trouble with tno < <?f in wi> do not know wlion wo oo "eri ,Hir ow"> ,,,al is- vv,M'n w,> 1 . roup the bonolit of our hi|?ho though v.iriod oniloavors. s;''" wo sot oureslvos a dollnite ohj? eoniplish a:id unloss wo sue ;mm1 aehioviiiK tlio ond wo liavo in oen- a \(?ry literal way wo are not 1 mon think wo liavo suoeooded at al iiik into our own. however, is m, \iiniii> 1tn?',nm i. - is Unit wht'ii a metropolitan I mc into ,proles eonsidt ruble spa< egin to front pnpe theorizing on >t. even (<ont \stor is point; on li a rule ,our with the date of ti et t?? a< lloj oven annoutieed. we pi eood in out it leil to say that Mr vi'w in painted his henhouse, - lb ikely to Aniuslnp and amazi'tp Is II. font- sonie of our bigper brot not al- clty who fondly dream tli ' in, w u llrt> f I1U newspapers on u for cr<>up. cough re on it< So c:,n J'011- 50c an<l where Vin- should be In every is wedding druggists. 11. E. 11 le wedding Philadelphia and St. 1 less we are : Jones has j irre Times. | the conceit ^BnnQKWQ icur. vve reiy b oN u!>1s-pu? ji?h ?Si a!1 I OOH13W S. f l.UO. A l)Ot- H puw JU.MII JU.?i| ? A W ( | I home. At all I 'p^)i{8uXdo3 *1 -o uokIon & Co., mmmdm MDISSI>tOW I *"K,W*. W 11 ()6 tnotuv.j jij) puw <'U, W 11116 tlH* ( I N aleI<| uoii|t>?j I Ni'Ws notes the f I3H-I HCM (IN3S*J oIili:i sP?'H<ls ""I mtijjwi IWUHP 'Ik* education of ignorance of the demagogue in po magogue keeps a nee in order to over them. It fairs, 1)iit the s niii- urtM'ii 01 (i? ina~ il?-li wo arc aflllctlostor Semi-Weekly act that "South CarIv $3 per capita for her children." Tho masses keeps the wer while the dothe masses in ipnorretain his power is a had state of afad part of it is tho then apply themselves to the si task of devising means, are the who through the cooperation of farmers, ami their wives, can handle the farm house problem One of the most important d< regarding the average Amei farm house Is that it must bo ine> tlve. The average annual net In< of a farmer today, after de.lin live per eoit interest on his in ways tin' luitiimoni 01 our m? ingle ,j(.sires, and because of tills fa onos persons eou it themselves as whereas they have probably 'M>s' pi isheil more real in life they had carried out their orif tails tentlons Naturally a perso ricau happier and certainly is more i cp?*n- jf |in ,.nii?loys his energies "?me nenlal ptirsuits than in thos< r-tlng ;ir,, distastefnl to him. We art vest- ways able, however, to cho milium th,",r,. tn the newspap? rt many ,s tti,,irs. While they poki failures country papers they forge acconi- themselves are open to th than if t)0ing the most provinel tinal in- sue8 in the country. For 11 fools countrv paper can equal i nterest- "prom front page i in con- s(ich matters as the Astc > which lrip for instance, one i > not al- tthat the fate of a 1 OSO the 1, ,,,, .1 nllllnn O""1" fun no ^^HPIH|HHHMHM the P J displays of 8^E ^n| ^ wPA W >r wedding tgH^^flJL^JISj^-j tat ion of a I li^fr fifeST A V7 W P fi ^Mi US Hf> tfl M r^ - in night.?Dillon = ment. is loss man Jinn. inis not moan that tlio houses niav m nttraotivo. They may. If intellui planned with the help of vinos, si and troos become the prettiest sp the lansrapo, and more beautiful Inexpensive than the crow dot! house. The tenant-house problem is f inir in importance can ho seen the fact that the number of r< farms increased by more than (io?s conditions under which w*? w I"' iIuto are inan> rases where a entlv |-on.,Ml through circumstances irubs certain opportunities whirl otsin coulil liavo been useil to ail' I and would have completely than fity coarse of his life. It i< alway of course, to choose if pos.dld trow- ctipatio i f<?r which we are n front inclined, and. as a rule, far hi nted milts are attained under such 3U4,- utnnrrs tint life is so nneert OI '"V balance on tlio move of t in.ui s yOU|lg nian. who by the ~ iiirth. has come into a swol 1 ' '' ^ which could not boar tin ' "i n > "p'1* ?' modern thought ( " acquisition. For it is tru< "* ' '/ of the big city papers ai '"'bis of gossip and drivel ties, and are deserts of r r< formation; in other word i nam- J)rlp0r j, m,re loyal to the 4ii a Soapmaker all ri^ it\? so l;A3Y - - so QUICK 'sio/vi a iJin of me In a quart ot water. Si fi 1% \*.iter Into tour pound a of melted Urea mi srt-mt^u. mwm r v The M "FLORENCE" I on an Oil Sto\? meant BEST. r- Simple I Contrt vT % W X> ;u Lever I )1 SL Heat I OOO during; thr- last dorado . T littlo more than half the farm this country arc operated by owners. TO ECONOMIZE THE HO WIPE'S STRENGTH. Tho possible economy in hous? labor and the conservation of strength of the housewife are Important factors to he conslden the construction of a farm h oday offers so ninny conflicting pha * 'n it happens we aro at times ol tlio reltnuuish the fruits of sure ! lie >re they are within our gr USE- to turn our faculties to the aer i merit of some wholly unexpet 'hold probably not nearly aceeptal the I The man who aspires to ui two training and who is able to ed la 1 hegin his course looks w ith co 0Use. ' ,f> h's future ncromplishnien .... Weal ill 11 the average m iT* i'.1 publica .011. of course tin ,llKO? t(? hie exceptions, ess just v asp a*id omplish ted and For Weakness and Loss c lie task. I The Old Standard general itrrni ilverslty gkovks tastki.ksschili to? actually Malaria and builds up the systeu llfldence sad sure Appetiser. I'oradults*\ni ts when letro poll tan M Ana yoii re ar?? nota 50c. wort I I I arr f Appetite rtheninir tonic. ?'1C. driven oat , ^ A true tonic v ri children. 30c. ?JIMLT will have sfcren pounds of fine, hard i, and I onlyVist 5c., a nickel, a half i RED DEVIL U V ME AT ANY GOOD STORI soap, I d"ne- E The "Flon /p E Wick less, Flame ()il hums ordin works on a ^C. you regulat OMI v turn of the * the cut ab<?\ is alwavs ur ?nre-Automatic" Yalveless, Blue Cooking Stove ary kerosene oil? new principle? tthe flame by a vet. as shown in e, ?o yiat the heat ltler all fsolwte rnn- I ^ Pleasant and comfortable farm h tend to hold families together; the cheerless, unlovable and ins ary houses drive boys and girls t< cities. Investigations of prisons in asylums and houses of correc aeem to prove the fact that the which account for the existancf these institution are often lire Inadequate and unhappy farm ho So ths social aspect of the problc * ?>!? <iil t-r:? omen H,laM uiiuerutm- in nuive 11 t,ut !enis thoroughly equipped so anlt- Preliminary training Is con no i [? the rosts his highest hopes upo isane ttchlvemont of that end and tion. perhaps begun to drink from sins ?' learning has learned to taste anil thirsts for more Th d in s,"l?len turn of fortune force! ones surrender his hopes and to ta in is an early age. and without t preparation, duties for whicli It* pi ill)- I far his nod. He | having ^ the cup w -W Y'Wr him to W Mf kc up at lie least i he has ?_. FT'S j trol? aiway and econon in, J. or leaky v; ? 11 some wick, no kitchen in five popi s temp,convenient licaM-no clogging lives J no t roublehe nl e no smoke, full of soot. Made ilar si^es. Ilie The public is awakening to the that better farm houses are no. and the special feature which i farm papers now issue as a "II ltuihling Number," proves Its hit to thousands of readers. The olbce of Farm Manaireme the depar.mept of agriculture now undertaken to investigate problent system at icatly ind to e if possible, practical improver f. 110 desire and which may oven oughly distasteful to him. It ' ' 1 ; sometimes. however oven in nan> v,.rso conditions, that the w ' which ho hellevod himself toi , r's tit yields him in the end far h turns, perhaps not so much i n* terial way as in its higher a lias far-reaching effects. lie mi into his own after all and to a vol ve than he followed h nents iTliij course, hut because of 1 uLUUU A siifh a?l i ork for I ! ____ _ ally un-| "'""-I f1 ?j|\ ,1,1 * AJJIm JL M i.v come ????? Kroator nswuaonmwsBisawBi^M orifc- | ils oarlv ND BUNE LIZER J XlinM !^4fti 'g ftJMILJ IXj^JUK J+Lu. "miftjfi i-J\tT.' W 1 y on Florai '# ' tcrrruztUz Stoves and i ?ce p vens l >r tho hew fit of the farmer's <ir Certain features art- often looked in providing eeono arrangements for the household they might he easily provided fine of the specialists of the ?'li farm management learne 1 fron woman in Pennsylvania, who broken down from overwork, thf had been carrying coal from the for years. When the hti shand Kt t V\o ro u/u c on v rnttann disappointment wlifln forred ? "r" <|nIhts preferred ambitions 'lliral ably never feels wholly satisth w hen results lie may obtain. for It is not a small mnttor to 1 <'< of t,, Kive up tlie life-work for v 1 o feel ourselves best fitted anil had up an entirely different line c it she't ynr and one which makes m barn to us; yet this is heinK done < was iy and while, of course such n to n-lin- , in-proh FITT 1 M at tlio A ^ >c forced LUTE GL 1oU: SATISFAC f ondea- I . r> appeal H and more is onstantm occurkl* l.ll L VALUE for IARANTEE of q rriON in the use, assured to buyers the price paid? )UALITY?COM and in crop resultsY ABSO- I 7m PLETE i | -all this la ran teed by iCKOEELL CAS STOVE CO.. Hlkm r4oer. Mai*. a rial could not have been pro near the cookatove and filed dl from the wacon, he answered was none, but that no one had thought of it. This one dotal been found neglected In other where it could have been easll medled, if only some one had th of it. After economy in the constn of the building an the house i rm *3 ivauim in many inmr-rr vlded ures and much distress of m redly also quite true that in a nil thorn rases the enforced change woi ever benefit. The trouble lies in on 1 has ity to distinguish between ou' cases nttles and our failure to 'v te- those which because of theli ought appeal, we do not deem prr It is possible to come into ictlon work " iwir I ill IInd, it I* W | imbnr ot Wm k? real- mt r inhabl- V r oportucultivate r lark ot X >T 1 icticabie. | IMade e ZIZ TERIALS II r o : r ^ a 4 VIFTS FE :xclusively from CI ?Ammoniated with t t RTILIZER} IOP PRODUCE i Blood and\Cattle' Tankage Z-..- r mW <*rrTI ** f?5/' t "KViprf *>H) v has been attained attention w Riven to developng beauty. Sit Ity in line and Rood prortlous meant by the use of this word h and not so-called applied "c meats." This simplicity is entir keeping wth a general plan <?f oniy. Kconomy however is not a syn for cheapness Double ctr glass may even be more eeonr in e tenant house than s'n"1e Wonderful CotiKh Rrm 'tipHr- j are Dr King's New Discovery >eauty everyWhere as the remedy w ?rna -1 : . ' ,.|v in surely stop a cough or cold e<on- Dawson of Eldson, fonn, "Dr. King's New Discover mnym most wonderful cough, c< ngth In my store. It can't bo inieal sells without any trouble al trc-n neds no guarantee." This nij. irorn owm oc t I* known ?They repres hlch w,n TU cixr i. d. p. 1 he SW ywri's"Jh? ?Manufac ->1 cl and beat. It w t all. It WH la true, kj or 1 company s own racKii ent the BEST in Fertili IFT guarantee of HIG1 tu red by /IFT FERTIL ng Mouses?Mdehamea zers. hi EST QUALITY IZER WORK! Pcrfecl Subscribe with tvcry Lancaster d .Schedule In E Eat SWK Lv. lAncaHter. i for The News. Eg Chester Ry. Co. Effect Not. ?th, 1913.. itern Time. iSTBOUND 6:00a?3:1&n K'l> liotwitln landing it t'r?-;tt? const. A kll'hftn sink may be a j Innvestnont although it eveide window or a fireplace which boon the motion of the i wife. rirr-ened-ln kitchen po sleeping jx r< he-^ double or triph dovs and 1 itelien conve.pen*" flu* economical feature which the smallest house plans m >\ consider f-cparate dining root r fir t throat an filling medicine I < :tjiii!;? because Dr. Kind's New I a ba> will relieve the most obtst: lia. ' oiiRhs and colds. Diiuk i ,,i c quickly helped by Its ust p hi . should keep a bottle In the all times for all the membc are family. T>0c and $1.00. J ovfii Mats or by mall. H. K. H v . n < o.. Philadelphia or St. Don a* ? . i j ^ ^ _ . ever sold Msrovery Inate of troubles _ You Other factories: bouse, at ( ALBANY, CiA. rs of the VII drug ucklen & - JONE ATLANTA SAVANNAH. GA. MOULTRIE. OA. FOR SAI :S MERCANT A, GA. CHESTER,'S. C. SPAR1 COLUMBIA, S. C. W1LM1 LIE BY ILE COMPAN Lv. Kort Lawn Lv. Haflconivlll Lv. IllchbnrK. Ar. Cheater. . IANRIIRG. S. C. KA INGTON, N. C. I,v Cheater. . . Lv. Itlchburg. Lv. Ilii'comvll! I - . Kort Lawn ? Ar I^ncaater. I Connection a I J. f3riI _ ? pil 6.30a?3:66p I" 6:47a?4:16p 6:68a?-4:20p 7:40a..6:16d ^ 8TBOUND. 9:30a?6:45p 10:20a?7:27p I? 10:31a?7 :3 8 p 11:03a?7:64p ... . .11:30a?8:26p -ChoHter, with South- A iiinl < <.. ? /. .. famili ; t|>:?? generally < ? kitchen .ire loss important as "par'nrs." Those separate room ha' complete systems of i lm heating lighting wh .1 ii '! \IJVIMII1.TJIXU HKIIIH 1IOK? I are any man rlrh, but It fa may and sure ntgn that the man iblng, It In bent endeavors to got a' <>1 v? business and be la sure to i Hit limit n ? ? n certain 1 Id URlng | J the beet |! _ jet it. LANTASTIC !, S. C. wfHt?irii Knllw I'ort Lawu, \ Railway, ..i ?- LancnHtnr, u A ...... . muniiii a rxonn- t ays. wllli Seaboard Air Line rlth Southern Hallway. ^ . P. Mcl.URK, Supt.