The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 10, 1914, Image 1

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t nM r ^ VOL. 9, NO. 46, SI FRANK SENTEHCED :mt-weekly. MAY RKKUI/r IX T1 LANCASTl "Iw,| snN m WWW APAr I :k. s. c. tltksi>|vy. ma F(1 RFfl W Ml I1CI1 10. 1914. INflFDRIIT ?* INCOME TAX. ! TAI/TM $1.50 PER YEAR. rnni\/i nruT FOR SECOND His Execution is S April 17. STILL DENIES HIS MShcalv Bennett, Shot by < not Kxpcrtnl to S Walterboro Special to News and Courier Marc Griffin, a nraber of one i for prominent famlles In Col and assistant to the chle Walterboro shot and pr< wounded Shealy Bennet near town, last night at GUILT The trouble arose, it is si . , ,, lltl II iuvwi i I I if II\j rally Grftlin, BY ENG h 8.?Grady t of the most lleton oountv , , . f of police of laudatory < omrru >bably fataly Canal Tolls t. who lives 12 o'clock. aid. from the k. i * wrn omw. > L.i/ ulu, ii. ir L1SH PRESS . OF Bll ?nt on Panama Succumbs to i Stand. t ion for / 1HULI\UIL I -TMORE DEAD "IZ. <M:i\ lnw hi (Is I pootntions of Effects of Opera- producing :ilx ... in revenue, p appendicitis. Individuals. clnla decided i lip for t^io or ihmin c;?>ts $50,000,000 Ffoni l liicninc Tin\us. 11 March 0 The Income 1 r:iir t<> livo 110 to the ?*xtlm Administration by >ut $50,000,000 nnnualy ("ri'W of aid by close to 425t000 I Although treasury otll- | toniht not to make pub mm bum i N BLINDING SNOW Foundered Craft Saved by Chance. Immediately After Decree Condemned Man Again Pi His Innocence. Atlanta, Ga., March 7.? Frank was resentenced to de today for the murder of Mi . Kan, a factory girl. His ? was set for April, 17. Tho ?? act of Bennett sometime i ptlng to Klve trouble to I Is Ito.ul, Griffin on acount of a rcTi rotes ts When the shooting oc pears that Mr. Bennett t . ? ting to take from Mr. Gi ,.? , tol whic^i Mr. Bennett all a Sure to h,m 11 "PP^ared t tiry na- nett ?OUght to use a knl! ixecution are Bevera] gashes in thi Mr. Griffin. igo of attorn- I A1^ ' 1 ?*KAIU the family of I .ool boy guar ' I)erIarp Presl,IcntN rnrred it ap- Make for Ilett vas attemp- I standii rlffln the pis- I leged belong- I '-ondon. March 6.? hat Mr. Ben- nients on President 1 re, and there to Congress are publ e clothing of the newspapers of i day. The Govenmr ii i UUALIIM; VI HILTMOI Attitude Will <'???? to North ( xt Under* Stayed for 1*1 )g. a Mod< -Laudatory com- Washington, M Wilson's message Vandervilt, 52 ; ished In most of millionaire philar Z?try i?~ man of ?nternatic >nf nrcon t ho IE 25 ^ EARS, ternal re vein romp tax, it I) than 400,00(1 "nrolinn for Health, returns in the ensure and Huilt to Monday, n I Village. Hmit it was under [arch 6.?George W. merit probabl pears old, raulti- than $40,000 ithropiRt and sports- _ Z1,k??* . ... j. . fl^'als that tl >nal reputation, died m - cnCnv tur Ui 111- | ie collectors on the in- i SIGNAL ppamp known that more I i individuals had made 63 collection districtsup J Observed lidnight, when hte time Who S From these individuals, (,ju stood that the Governy would collect more Newpor ,000. Bringing i i the opinion among of- members ionsands of individuals can steam ' LIGHT SIGHTED. by Captain of Rescue Ship, 0011 I'icks I'ji Men Front u-leiuajcne Tower, Jr. t News, Va., March 7. ['apt. H. C. Simmons and 1# of the crew of the Amerier Charlemaene truvor t? tuv) uaic nei i or hip exe< the priBoner's 30th blrthda fact was not known until was pronounced, when Frank to a friend: remarked that would be his birth ann Frank was born in Quero, ' April 17. 1884. Judge B. H. Hill of the court in pronouncing senten ly carried out the or the supreme court of CUllOn 18 ? ?? 11 v thi? Doctors attending Mr. sentence th*t there is little hope fc turning ry> flve bu,letfl entering the 17th 801116 ?' which puncture iversa rv en and ,un*srexas on ,, Immediately after the Griffin surrendered to tl superior ?cprs- Mr; r'r,"hl'B thC ce mere- ,nte Sen"itor Drlffin of der of nnd lomily connectlo: Georgia, "ennptt ,R niarr,6d a' Bennett say Westminster Gazette >r his recover compliment to I his body, 'or attitude In rei d the abdom t,on of Panama Cans "It Is not always ? shooting Mr. a statesman of anotl ?e proper of- ( JURt judge when he son of the caURe against a sectl this county, countrymen. We cai ns are many, lever, from expressln nd has severl miration of the cou noca it'lHt ii.hinV, T">?? ."pay"*" the high- bere at 1 ?'c,oc 'resident WUbou from heart failui gard to the ques- operation for ap il tolls. It says: His,death came onvenlent to hail Aithoueh ser< ler country as a Although ser ndvocates your time, Mr. Vande on of his own | the operation an* inot refrain, how j 8jgnK 0f improv ragePSandtfmMli- j Pli?a_t,0in8 unex,K ? I nuuiu ittRe Hi k this afternoon ! extension of 1 re following an absence and pendicles Tuesday. suddenly. given In the iously 111 for some collectors. If i rbilt had sustained this view. th< 1 continued to show f,,ose *? time the legi ement until com- Krpss. This sctedly arose. inclined to b uvantage or me 3U days I which wei :lme granted In caaea of : yesterday sickness and they ex- j Rteamer I figures to show at leant this aften reporting than were landed at preliminary lists from ! boarded 8 they are not mistaken in | jng Norfol e actual results will he | With fc estimates made at the posure, tl slatlon was before Con- picked up agreement officials are terday aft elieve will not only in- o blindlnc nt down of the north coast morning the whaleback lay port reported here late 10011. Wreck survivors were Sewell'8 Point, where they i trolley for Norfolk, leavIk tonight for New York. >ur men half dead from exile shipwrecked crew were near Barnegat Light yesernoon at 5 o'clock during wnien on February 17 appr conviction. Frank previoi been sentenced to be execut ber 10, 1013. but sentence ws ding suspending decision of i * for a new trial, an appeal t( preme court, and a motion efforts to save the life of tl factory superintendent was by decision of the supreme February 25, PnnTPQTQ TMMOCr<M( oved the c"jsly had ? ANOTHER BRIT a motion J GETS IN T! ) the suof these I le young Ilryan Drerts Consulni defeated j 7?fake ln?|tiirv and Pr court on ? I Jeromes Neress ^ TT* ut -i. looo ? IHI WUU II I I I' handles the Panaifia i "The President of I ON sets an example of DftTTDT t-i which may be reeorn KU U rSLiili mats of the Old Wor men in other countri doing the thing he hi r Agent to Gf theni would fetcl otest if It tlomatlc phrases or i ary. j guments to save the ' governments or to co mucin wuson ; rnsvious io n (oils question. | alarm had been f the United States covery and plivs stralsht dealing 1 ... . mpnded to dlplo- u,tlon was lm?,ro Id. Othpr states- Wit. who forinor ps arp capable of Dresser of New ^ \s done but most r0|1Htant attondai 1 about for dip-\ . . . . makP-bPllPVP ar- most Prostrated facPR of their sudden death, inceal from their j deace which Mr. tieir appearance noK""'0 the ntn elt for his re- but the amou .Can, said hi. s,,?J \ing. Mrs. \ander- tlmnted that t ly was Miss Edith j this source v fork had been in- | ^5,000,000. ace. She was al- j by her husband's TELL OF At the palatial resi- | j-m Vanderhitt ni-pnnimi i Tiber subject to the tax 0f where nt to be collected. jr>) found the corporation tax as rected by ic present law. It was es- attr? he annual revenue from Reragnor could amount to about steamer \v small boa! - : ily and it TRAGEDY ? ,n* Capt. II MINE VILLAGE I bridge ba ?..W..?v\/IUI, ii*c unit's Huutn the Charlemangne Tower ered. Their rescue was efthe barest chance, a signal icting the attention of Capt of the Bayport just as the .as in the act of passing the t. Snow was falling heavwas fast growing dark. RELY SA WEIGHT, eranger, though on the rely could see the licht na Tmmedlatly after the form; of execution was read by Ju the condemned man made i statement to the court, prote Innocence. He spoke with coi Varying his tone of voice onl phaslze various points touch in his statement. Attorneys for Frank alref announced their intention of extraordinary motion for a : | ** nniiiii^iuii, 1*1 U I t'll al decree British subject has pot ripe Hill. 1" the State of Chihual i brief state department apain stlnp his railed on to extend its pi mposure, f^ecil Sprlnp-Rlce called y to em- , department to inform led upon Rryan that nn Enplishm Syndan had been driver idv have his ranch and that his i flllinp an 'n danper. Secretary Rr lew trial etely telepraphed Consu ' ?/vnomor own public that they Into trouble j change of policy. ^"a and the A GREAT E3 has been . rotectjon. Sir . J tTa ?rP, , at tile state of th? United States Secretary wf?fpel confident th lan named , *'n ?fcftv? .J011? mupl ? awav from Just difference b< property was us with regard to yan Immedl- fot* trea,ty- T,hey 1 Letcher at co^1 of Profound li are proposiiiK a I 1 v *n here as his Wini (AMPLE. I whs sa,(1 l?n'Kht pie. If the people ' funpral arranKem respond to It as I "*>til the wishes ey will do thev relative had been 1 more than ad- uJidestood. howe'tween them and ri cements woul he Hay-Paunn- iporrow when 1 1 have set a pre- brother. will re nportance to the ? George Washin ler residence it . Efforts Made no announcement of lents would be made an of Mr. Vanderbilt ascertained. It was Calumet, M i-er. that the ar- wttnossep 1 d be announced to- conKressmen 'rodriok Vanderbil* Casey of Pei >noh Wasnington. prcssionnl cor pton Vanderbilt \\ as i; (.nppcr strike. j it flared u ' and disco to Discover Identity of pnow cove is Held Responsible j foot boat. POT 1'iinie. "!l' "In'' :l |ed and nu tich., March 7.?A score (to make vere examined today by carpo sorr Taylor of Arkansas and to lie in t tinsylvania of the con- these wei nmitteeinvestit?ntinp the the others in an effort to ascertain cil with ? p. The Bayport put about vered the half frozen and >red men huddled in a 20A stiff wind prevailed at nd the men were watersoakinb from the cold. In order room for the overcrowded ie of the men were forced he bottom of the hoat and e in worse condition than . four of them being restornrt.^ ?.?i on ground of newly diseove denee. This notion. It is < will be delayed several we ? sending: disposal of the motir superior court, the date o tion may be still further dof< While no definite annou has been made of the nature Ratio ?s to be incorporated it traort.inary motjon, it is exj touch upon several affidavit! Iv made nubile bv counsel fo >red evi- Chihuahua to makefan expected, necessary a protest jwill ieks and Carranza or Vllja. >n by the Technically the comml f execu- with in vestipatinp the li >rred. S. Benton will continue incement an(i Secretary Bryan sa 5 of alle- functions simply had bee 1 the ex- There deems to be nc lected to tention of returninp any j s recent- i communication from f r Frank protestinp apainst the re Inquiry. If V>, ?<-> m. be made to' herring o Pre; l mention of other i slon charged *rent(%Z delicacy" tl :illing of W. ; 0a"Prtte S!\>'S:, , . in existence ... We understand t dd today its V- L* - ?? Say? n suspended. h?m'!"* ?f ? present in- ^ <,U inswer to the ?,f the other and mo 3en Huerta ,lo"H n"\uWt,] ?v moval of the .. ?? the ?n>'ec of \ lident Wilson's fuoun of the so matters of even , Ham II. Vanderb tie Westlmlnster nttlve part nances where otl he allusion, and family Rained w? at once that Mr. family pained we this question He wis a student let consideration his chief interest re delicate quen- .jrent estate at Ril fville, N*. C\, wher Vllllam R Hen to.1 ^ro:,ter part of hi i iiuuiimy me leasi * # ns of the lato Wil- h? ?f lit. He never took ln iJJ? J? ' in business and fl- 1 her members of the! , alt hadndiviltrs. J, alth and distinction. . ni ' .1 , t and a traveler and t\l.i nh was his mapnifi- 1^ Itmore near Ashe- ; ' . ' e he spent the n a r" Is time. be'orf, ,bo na the Italian hall panic aboard th< jersons lost their lives, termaster >o were In the hall tes- Oreen. F man stood in the door- and Mess led "fire." Some said finally res t lapel horn a "Citizens' others thi ton. but no one attemt-j t|1g ful - him. Frank Sclialz, a p10 Haypo he had seen the same n)ons phi d Jacket several weeks Second M nic, carrying a club, p p V/M,V.T ? ? UCJIIK lei Ki ll P Bayport. The men?QuarJohn Dowlinj? Steward Cec ireman A. M. Hendrirkse man Ralph Holmes?were ttored and landed with the s afternoon. 1 list of those peeked up by rt follows: Capt H. C. Sinf Engineer H. A. "Wilben ate H. Neaves Third Man itney. First Assistant Fine These include sworn stateme two State witnesses at the t Frank last autumn that thf fled fasely In regard to the ments of the 14-year-old far and Frank on the day of hei der, April 26, 1012. Two o davits purport to establish for Frank. Another chargi ^ splraey of evidence against hi Judge Hill, who pronoun nts from embargo on arms. The rial of would not rare to risk I >y tostl- tlon that such a respons move- Rtltute a formal recognil tory girl Huerta government, r mur- Consular Agent ("arot ther affl.- huahua was directed 1 an alibi- ; Hryan today to Intercede %s a con- Rtltutionallst leaders in m. Luis Terrazas, who pr< iced sen- had been condemr nrtloco n a f n { department CJ'? liril,s" "nchman die construe- l,,p samo "awppaper e would eon- "When we are dea don of the ff such manifest up irnod win as Fresldoi hers at Chi- shall certainly not ex jy Secretary force those I i with con- 1'isrlcal and con tenth behalf of The ?nly material po sss reports 8h'.er Is whether. If t ied to death was non-existent In ?- could do anvthlnir killed at Juarez Mr vnnrtorbll Ray a: | old Van dor hilt li line with a xuan ?t*ten Island. Nc rlghtneRS and he norai it \711son -\e mountain region poet our Govern- Carolnia and b> issues In a chop- chases he arcuro >us spirit. * c + 1 h??.not acres or Int for us to eon River, and laid o he United States park, and ererte this affair, we WAlc which seldi better for our- led in this coun t was born In 'ho ' , .omr at New Drop. n. w?nr ?c vomber 14. 18?J. "'*"1, in ' ne Interested In Die . ir' ' . 1P of western North ha" V?\ b??n ( successive nur- ?nPr f ..i?? i . . Peter Marc ulnted an estate of . m- u r> i ticket room o i the French Broad . , ..* ? . be was Inside ut there a vast . _ , sd buildings on a pi{ TVuoDti' i Et.omTf'n,' trv. Mr. Vanclor- . ....... .i? IW?J neor II A Citizens' alliance in- cinopr \V. doorway after the call j0|,n now testimony of those two men jj j>( brought out at the cor- Prs ijU|8 ] t. bin, Stews hesi. who was in the naipi, Ho itisde the man hall, said di-M see s the hall near the door he heard no one yell, j testified he was at the < aP' e steps when the rush rescue of iililn, Second Assistant KnDobar, Quartermaster linp and C. Doheson, Soenchohson and W. Walla, Oil Kdward and I3ert Alird Cecil flroon, Mossman lines and Firemen H. Honi n d W. W Kbb. lUClUT T11KM LOST, inmons did not know of tho First Oeer Thompson, one tence today, recently s Judge I... a. Roan, who pres Frank's trial sentenced him on August 26 on October nied him a motion for a new In his statement to the coi Frank charged that populai for a "blood sacrifice" had sponsible for his conviction. "The law says that when lost his life through violent other," he said, "that perpe ucreeded ?? v.,. ? tided at som was Pai(> ?>>' his fa to death American a*ent was dir 13 de- evpr>' effort to prevnet trial. out of ^is threat, point irt today American tolerance mlgh r clamor ^roni the constitutional^ heen re- act. one lias McIIm I (kcs Voice |)iu e of an- Opera, trator of Boston. March 7.?< imlly. The se'ves than !t la en ected to uae ^or ns To this quest! the parrying a negative answ ing out that "We greatly deprei t he alinated this country to force I t cause by 'nt? an adventurous keeping with Presi Ideas." ring Iloston The Pall Mail Oaz "President Wilson !">ne of the Pn|a atmospnere deavorlnR to do hMl devoted mosi 011 there is none personal supervl er. In the valley he rate nil efforts In "nd called it III the United Suites w?re tilled with policy out of ho devoted thous dent Wilson's the scientiflc i forests which cc ettp says: part of his prope 's action sweet- OeorRe Vander of International never a factor in u no ai.MAAan,! I./ i i.i n . .. oPRiin, ann no t of his time to the oh|ld wjth s on of the estate. ho?erod flro built a model town ltmore. His farms blooded stock an I DEATH T ands of dollars to conservation of the IN CLE >vered the Rreatest | rty. hilt's fortune was Tliirt> to Th i Wall Street. He St. Loui arn no cry, although hts nremun ai m told him "somebody rival in p up there." men were small boa 'OLL HEAVY o[wn sea B HOUSE FIRE little craf . , , be baled " Loso 1Ato in drift and is Disaster?Seven It was 5 in iwo seamen until his ar>ort as when last seen the struggling jn the surfe their t having been swamped, ger boat put toward the fearing a similar fate. Unake headway in the rough h poured water into their I Almost as fast as ii could out, the men decided to depend on being picged up o'clock and snowing hard the deed must answer with But the law does not say thi on has heen killed a blood must he made of the next co Individual. Previous to an my trial gossip on the street vile, damning stories coneer ** and my wife. From a publi state of mind the jury that was chosen. The virus of t Insinuations entered the mi-n 19 mon nnH utnlo ou-nv Mmlr his own. mosI patriotic ami dramr nt whore on thp opera stage In sacrlflco P'arc at the Roston Oper nvenient afternoon when Madam d during appeared before the foo! a carried costnme of "Mlmi" In ' nlng me aru' 'n an almost inaudl c In this hfir audience that she I tried me Pectin* to sing, but had i hese vile r voloe. da of the Thp great diva said li <tiH<s?<oi had warned her that It w me incidents l,u"" ur Poston took ?*her s'de ?f the A' a House this n,^stJ?" ,fvw,!1 ( Nellie Melba whicli the high mora lights in the |P* President Wilso 'PaRoheme " l,efl to Mexican quesl ble tone toid i)Ut,,n nU? matters we lad heen ex- feeI confidence that suddenly lost controls affairs of SI he conducted as by icr physician orn \lnA? h,? n,el^ ould he dan- not. it w CTI1U Mill r\iu nil ? ar? nil , III tlantio. We may of America's woa lie wisdom with had a number c 1 principle guld- spent money wit i has been app- developmnet of ] tlons and others. He seldom came shall henceforth spent part of his in so far as he Harbor, Maine, v Late, they will handsome home one who. havng In 18!?8 Mr. ibor disappointet Miss Edith Stuv^ ere his own hln- Vanderbilt and < n>rvcr, tu uc uni; ? , lthiest men. He ,l?" >f charities and he St Louis, ? hout stint upon the thirty to thirt his mountain estate souri Athletii to New York, hut Annies that <1 Summer at Bar morning shere he had a ?f club to Seven bodi Vanderhilt married an^ from twe .'esant Dresser, Mrs. occupants of t me child, a daugh- accounted fo iok Uncovered. when thoj If arch f>.?That from {!!! '? n'!^ v-five guests of the Mis- ' q.' r- Club perished in the ' . . ' " estroyed the building " K ']nin is the belief of officers * night. boat. Car es have been recovered h(),tnm se nty-three to twenty-nine wa'or P?' he structure are still un- two llo,,rf r. At sundown tonight b,'r "PPP1 . . . . hornlir \t n ' saw the lights of the Maysot off a torch. Had this soon and a response made imons and his mon could survived many more hours, ling the foundering of the >t. Simmons said that her >ams opened and all Friday trod in at such a rate that ? later the ship was fdled to r beams. He and his mon frame of mind. The issue was law, but the poison of Hpeakable things took its plai "But If the State will thai he taken as the blood atone the little child who was r killed by another, then it rer me only to die with whate\ tude my manhood may allow In a card addressed to th Frank, tonight reiterated 1 Involved Kpr?u? for her to attemp the un- "* nm dppply grieved ce. you. my friends," said th t my life nft- "bnt 1 hoPe to make ment for soni? other way later." uthlessly A Part of the audlenc natns for er fortl- Tillman Puts End to Ci| e public, Washington, Special to lis inno- News ?nd Courier Marcl ' - Hnir 11 n hlo poanlnHnn 4 it to sing. I .V\j[rui| to disappoint . accePtance e prima don- <? Part cipate In thi up for it in : Exposition at San 1 he incomparable In ? lAft the highmlnded act Wilson the British it in Its hands to glv gars in Hall, ciprocal good will." > Charleston 1tar heels e ter, survive him. of the Invitation p Panama-Pacflc Votv r?v *? Pranoisoo would unh 11 magnitude with of President p]cr)( 0f tlio lion Government has re a token of re- "p" Columbia Spec News and Couriei 'AT TTtf Hoyt, the clerk o 'A A AW resentatives. filer nretnen oonm ies in the smi >PROPRlATION. opened headq ise Hoyt Files Certl- and ask?'<l Report. *??"PJ Athl port, thirty t< ial to Charleston later, and hou r March 9.?Jas. A. nil these wer< >f the House of Hep- Hope was 1 a certified conv of SwinRley Intr nueo hip soarrn ror hod- .* >" :>uldering ruins under *ma" hoj searchlights. f?rp 'he omniittec early today first > uarters at the Press club mon took who were guests of the remainde etic Club last night to re 'e 20-fe > thlrty-flve did not reg- Bayport. rly the feeling grew that The f'l ? lost. owned by given by Fire Chief company today that the water one trip t <i 11 iiii" n> ^fi, mi m me only its the steamer carried beplunged to the bottom. Tate Thompson and three to the small boat and the r of the crew crowded Into >et boat picked tip by the larlemapne Tower. Jr., was ' the Southern Steamship and with the exception of o Wilmington, had been out cence ana neciarea mat ne he was entitled to a new trii The shadow of physician d< not dismay me," he said. " * be my end I shail ko to it fear and without qualm. I ar born to face and endure thi the ehance of my fate taay 1 "In the sljcht of God and H by the honor which I hope restored to me, by everythir a man may hold fcacred. I sv Denevea -k ll. smoking during the execi ?nth does *>f the Senate, In the cloal If such at?r Tillman this afternt without Planatory comment whh n a man, an(^ amused the sallerie at which ?*teut that the Vice I'rei irlng. check their applause. T Is name, waa adopted almost unan i will be out a roll-call. ?K which The Senator addresse /ear that for perhaps fifteen itive sessions SQUARE M! i rooms. Sen^Interested An"??1 Ban1?et of s to such an Society Held ir ddent had to Friday N he resoiytton ColumbiRt March imouslvj w ith native Tar Heels and . . . I ? residents of Sonth Ct j1 / around the festive bo minutes, ex- _ _ |j0tei iast nteht pat TniVKT the House Journi kALi iuwn of that body on ? the general appi North Carolina the Secretary of i Columbia morning. Compt lf,ht has not paid out propriation and 1 7.?Nearly 150 \ j Rothea. the their wives, now an(j r. m. McCo' irolina. gathered state, to furnish ard at the Jeffer- COpy of the appr and rpn?w?d ? " - " ?' a! showing the votes could he pum the various items of night and tha ropriation hill, with then he resui State on Saturday While the roller General Jones fifteen person any part of the ap- under treatim tie has called on Mr. hospitals. 1 code commissioner. There was tvn. the Secretary of tifving recovi him with a certified and some of 1 oprlation hill, show- der two or tl ped out of the ruins to- commi t search for bodies might mod KKV. TH search continued today s injured in the fire were ent at public and private lv failed much dlffioulty in iden- Rpv. J, F?red bodies of the dead ltmston p them were identified un- church S iree different names. Sunday e sslon for six years, it is said. IAYKR PRKACHES HERE. to the Pastorate of the First Baptist Church. H. Thayer, Th. D.f of Wilreached at the First Baptist unday morning and also vening. These services *vere I am innocent of crime." Jack Front Will Continue i With us m Few Day* Washington, March 8.?1 a week of bracing seasonal)] er with generally fair skies out tonight by Weather Buri casters to practically every the storm battered, snow a covered country. "Ma Imnnrtont otnr 4a r>h plaining that previous t 1 four years ago the sme lis Stay i had not affected his hed i, ever since then he had iope for to endue it. e weath- ; ?: . was held | FIRE AT STAR Ti sau forepart of Jid ice Motion Picture Marhln and Other Damage mrf o/1 t A f out rticrlit fl ra a # tKn n # ?IHneaa their allegiance to th? iif k! tZC?. Thp occaaion being ' banquet of the Nort been unable ety The banquet uiark cial act of the society ikatrk. ted a short while b quet a business sess _ . . which the following cted: Colonel Wile ) Done. bla pregjrtent; j a. Qtfi r Thnfltrn n * ..t^. ~ " I . ink ine neniH vei *,P - 5 overriden and th the flrRt annual wjt^ those items h ( arolina Soci- and sustained lef i The Comptroll ed the first offli- thls |s done he , recently organi- part of the appr efore the ban- doesn't propose t Ion was held at getting anything officers w?re ele- no Clerk or empl y Jones, ( olum- has received any Summerset, Col- of the y(,ar ,uea unci wnicu were e bill as amended Opei i which were veoted Fort Mill, t out. News and Co.i er General says until meeting of thi vill not pay out any Presbyterian opriation bill for he derided to h? o take any rhanre en during the n wrong. Meanwhile every Sunday oyee or State official park. An exi salary since the first w'as made las ifylng reeulti T" both wel n Air Meetings. an earnef Special to Charleston his hean urier March 9.?At a were log] p officers of the Fort Mill w ith for* church yesterday it was 0f the yo >ld open air meetings eiation, 1 tuning summer months leader. i night in Confederate , After 1 >eriment along this line gregation t summer with such grat tended a n that the officers have Thaver t 1 attended. Dr. Thayer is it, able preacher and pleased ptrs greatly. His sermons ieal and eloquent, delivered e and power. Though one linger ministers of the assoDr. Thayer is a recogni7eo Lhe evening service, the coni met in conference and excnanimous call to Dr. o heenrm> tTietr noatnr nut* j' cross the country during th said the bulletin, although a ance of moderate Intensity vail over the middle West day or Thursday and the States about Friday; the t preclplatlon will be genera ^ and confined to the Norther "There will be frosts at ginning of the week In Gulf a Atlantic States, except cen e week," caused a loss of several disturb- lars, destroying: the m< will pre- machine and damaging Wednes- the building considerab Eastern to the manager. Mr. Pa ittendlr.g estimated at $800, part lly light by insurance and the dj n States, building, owned by Plv! the be- was also considerable, b ?d South by insurance. The Arc tral and responded quite prompt uv?. - ... .... - u 111 inn, iirai vice pre? hundred dol- l,owrance, Columbl >tlon picture president; C. P. Wi the front of third vice president; ly. The loss Columbia, fourth vlc< rr, has heen Seawell, Ratesburg, tally covered treasurer, image to the Governor Please, |er Rrothers, program to respond ut Is covered unable to be present > department of regret to the ass ly and extln- which was read by unem; w. tv | a, second vice ay, Rldgeway, I Wot Supp D. W. Robinson. 1 There will be ? president; T. M by the members secretary and Retterment Club 13th. at the reel who was on the Walkup. There v to a toast, was of amusement, and sent a letter nlty Is urgently lembled guests erate with us ai D. W. Robinson, proceeds will 1 ] decided to no stitutlon. er at Tirzah. a hot supper Riven House of the Tirzah School Last nigl Friday night, March o'clock the f< dence of Mrs. D. M. pled by Mr. trill he several games M. Oly burn's The whole commn- tents, was de requested to co-op- originated in id br present. Tho Mr. Knight 1 te used for general effects The inke it a permanent in- Haptist t j did choi< that thej Destroyed b.v Fire. this exee it between 9 and 10 our-room dwelling oeeuS. M. Knight, on Mr. L. Mr plantation, with its eon- Rev. S stroyed hq fire. The fire here yes1 i a defertive stove flue, services < ost all of his household Rrock < rf* war Tin lnfliirQif?o nlon?ofl irothren have mad? a Rpien*e and It Is sincerely hopeu r can secure the services of llerit man. Brock lias CJood Taste. . It. Rrock of Rancaster was terday to attend the funeral if the late C. R. Craven. Mr. sxpressee himself as much vt- i t h hiu no\i' hr\mn southern Florida.'' r ?uiHn<>ci the names. i ' who acted aa toastn I laster. school Improvem I ?nt. either on dwi elllng or contents. Hill Heri ) 1