V TAKES] LOCAL DOTS ?.. 1*. Soon this ?Remember the supper to be ford Klein, given by the King's Daughters Fri- ploy of Mr. day. treasurer of ?Mr. Dean Wingo is quite sick at waterworks the home of Mr. W. P. Bennett, where '"to the ofh he is hoarding. to the Post< ?Miss Moselle Hood has gone to jT,^ormedeir Lancaster to nurse a pneumonia pa- , tient.-Chester News. ^ eni ?The Columbia Tailoring Com- Hunter and pany will occupy the Payseur build- on hand an Ing, just vacated by (Jus Beleos. This matter. Mi storeroom will be renovated and pected that otherwise improved before the new iruiltv nartv firm goes into it. finding In t ?Postolfice Inspector W. M. Hollo- the office way of Washington, D. C., is now in money whic Lancaster looking over the various the night b lots with a view to selecting a suit- tioned by t able site for the government post- finally admit office. carried the ?Mr. G. L. Cauthen of Dry Creek at the r,'ar was in town Saturday for the first under whic time in a long while. We are glad money was to see him out again after having chief. Mr. ( been confined at his homo for months 'y omitted t with rheumatism. *he 8afe the ?Mr. T. M. C. Mosler, whose ill- J a,]f JJf y. ness with pneumonia was mentioned ,lri. . . recently in The News, has been grad- ( ually improving for several days, but . ?v,ri_tltt.i7n 1 ment at the Magdalene Hospital. longed to 1 . ?The King's Daughters will serve the waterw k a salad course and oysters at the which was court house Friday afternoon and man was ta evening, beginning at 5 o'clock. We W1U be swi hope all our people who appreciate grand laref the work of this charitable circle will 20 years of take supper at the court house Fri- Qf Prof, an day and thus help in the work. See much symp ad elsewhere in this issu?. inunity. ?Miss Jessie Dee Hlackmon, teach- , ? er of the seventh grade of the Central school, asks us to say that she inadvertently omitted the name of C) Tweedie Crenshaw from the honor O C/L7 roll of her grade. On the honor roll for the sixth grade, Ida McDow's name appeared by mistake Ada Me-, Dow. We wish to correct this mis- Mrs. Uob print. | hostess at ?The following bill has been In- yesterday troduced In the house by Representa- lemlng of tlve J. C. Massey: "A bill to amend honor, section 2 of an act entitled 'An act to were placec provide for the establishment of a w! v.Wer? new school district In Lancaster Yft hyaci county, and to authorize the levy and , ,,er, a co' collection of a special tax therein,' delicious sa approved December 23, 1891, so as to j*prvpd- Mr provide a flve-year term for each , rP* .8COT , trustee of said school dirtslct." , P'nk received th? KII.I.S HIS WIFE. | Sed"cue?ld o silk hose. Cedar Creek Negro Fires Fatal Shot. Miss Mar . ' . . , was complii William Graham, colored, son of party ja8t v Dave Graham of Cedar Creek town- Miss Virgin " ship, living in the Tank section of rook. The the county, shot and killed his wife decora younger e on Saturday last. The woman was an(j about 25 years of age and is a daugh- nient in the ter of Frank Rarnes, colored. The derburk wo gun from which the fatal shot was kprchief. ar flred was a single barrel shotgun and of-hom>r'pr] belonged to Mr. Joseph Lynn, who hostess se lives near Graham. Graham sent course with his wife to Mr. Lynn's house Friday ? for the loan of his gun to kill, as he HANK E claimed, a rabbit which had its bed near the negro's house. Saturday 11. J. Rham morning about 10 o'clock, while the stitution woman was stooping down at the fire PnniiUinn In the house she received a load of riv . . shot in the back. Lewis Absolom and ?h . '. nthAr nplvltlinro Wrlnir SUOWU to J. and screams of the woman, rushed ^ .L >y Into the house and found the woman (< ' on the floor and Graham with the ? . 'You1 wtl' gun In his hands. The woman ling- "that the d< ered on until the afternoon when she orably with died. She stated several times that the banks d she knew she was going to die, that that they w she did not want to do so with a lie Quldating th In her mouth, and that her husband counts for had shot her Intentionally. 8he said shows $1,64 she told him the gun was loaded and ?n the othe not to fool with It. Graham affirms that overdrn that the shooting was accidental. He &n abnorma has but little use of his legs and thy banks a arms, having become afflicted about their custon three months ago. He claims that he undue exten put a crutch under one of his arms which this < and got the gun from off the bed to correct, but go out and hunt the rabbit, when the over amoun gun went ofT accidentally. Dr. S. L. P*?t. and th Allen of Heath Springs attended on need of legl the woman and testified at the coro- ? ner's inquest, whlcn was held Sun- U. j># < day by Magistrate W. P. Hudson of Gedar Creek township. Graham was chance for arrested Sunday and brought to Jail,, Write where he Is now confined. The ver- Th T /tint r\t tho 411 rv wa a thai wAmon J"' J " "" -""V ... 1 came to her death from a gunshot ^ . wound ififllcted by William Graham. Hampton \vr FIHH AT NEGRO INSTITUTE. fJf ?nro,1?d the county. lllnzc in Boys* Dormitory Causes Con- ?, siilerulile 1/wn MCCRrciej Yesterday a^ternoonbetween 3 and ?}ltn ord(>! 4 o'clock, It was discovered that one fU('K<8 appot of the rooms In the boys' dormitory ..(* opj of the Lancaster Normal and Indus- ? trial Institute was on fire. Immedl- musi "ol "e ately the colored boys and girls who are studenta at the institute, began B6'60* * to fight the flames, carrying buckets Gus Helec and tubs of water and thus keeping getic proprii the Are under control until the Are Kitchen, is n department responded. This they storeroom o* did promptly and effectively, so that Hunter and only three rooms were damaged. The Pollakoff. 1 dormitory contains twenty-three Improved, a rooms and the president of the school, and the bul Prof. M. D. Lee, is very grateful to and without, the fire company for rendering them tractive appe assistance, which saved the building, candy store Professor Lee thinks that It is prob- patronized, able some boys were smoking slgar- Gus has a ettes, contrary to rules, and that the soda fountali fire originated from the carelessness has succeede of the smokers. to his close The property of the school is in- and to his 1 sured so the greatest loss was sus- tomers. tained by the several young negro men whose wearing apparel was burn- Oai ed. As the Institution Is a charitable We take t one and those whose effects were lost our neighboi are poor boys, working for an educa- kindness to tlon, we urge our people to send any and death oi ? out-grown garments, old suits and Cora Asllee. any clothes they can spare, to Pro- blessings resi feasor Lee for the use of these stu- Mil. AND Ml dents. THE LANCASTER NEWS, FE1 MONEY FROM SAFE. ? n n Yields to Tempta- PERSONALS tlon. W / morning young Ruther- f who has been in the em- Mr- J- Coulbourn is at home John Crawford, clerk and from the University of South Caro the town, and also of the Una to spend a few days. DE commission, after going Mrs. J B. Patrick of Rock Hill is 1 ce, sent the negro Janitor the K"e8t of her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. sid ifflrp ami sHortlv nfiwr- C. T, Connors. mil out on the streets and Mlss Margaret Harrison, one of rep hief of Police Bell that the teachers in the Elgin school, car id been broken open and sPe"t the week-end with Mrs. D. E. ? ered and robbed. Sheriff J Penny. DP Mr. Crawford were soon | Mrs- w- J- Montgomery left yes- < d began looking into the 1 terdny after a visit to her daughter, adc r. Crawford at once sus-.^'rs- Hazel Witherspoon. Ro the vonne man wng tim Mr. R. E. llenrv of t'nrt Mill oni>?i ? by his demeanor and by Sunday with Col. Leroy Springs. Til ho drawer of his dosk in Mr. '* E. Fleming of Laurens has 1 one of the packages of joined Mrs. Fleming on a visit to her opt h he had left in the safe j father, Mr. W. McD. Brown. 13l efore. After being (|ues- Mrs. S. W. Heath and daughter, the he sheriff young Klein Miss Lucinda, of Stoneboro are the ? tted taking the money and quests of Mr. W. McD. Brown. NC sheriff to an outbuilding Mrs. P- McLure is the guest of | of Mr. Crawford's office, ' her sister, Mrs. William McLure, in ext h he had hid it. The;Un,on' lar wrapped up in a handker- ' Mr. E. Lee Skipper was a visitor tht Crawford had inadvertent- ,n Charlotte tlie past week. pQ 0 turn the combination on Mlsa Leila Gregory was a visitor (ju night before, after bolting ,n Charlotte last week. j oung man, on going to his Mr- C. C. Hinson made a business Nr norning, finding the safe tr,P to Columbia Saturday. juld not resist the tempta- Mr Frank Harper was in Charlotte ' ? the money. In his hurry on business during the past week. ft* y forgot the package of Mrs- Marv II. Barron was a recent " tad placed temporarily in visitor in Spartanburg. i. Irawer. The sum taken Mr- M- Plyler has returned ., 9, of which $216.50 be- from a business trip to Columbia. i he town and $154.49 to Capt. J. M. Hough has returned) orks commission, all of ;from n triP to North Carolina, recovered. The young Mrs. H. C. Cook returned yesterday N< ken to jail and a warrant to hor linmo in Cabarrus county, N.I orn out against him for ('-? after a visit to the home of her "e >ny. Mr. Klein is about brother, Mr. John A. Cook. j7. age and is the only son Miss Janie Green of Lancaster is id Mrs. Klein, for whom t,,e attractive guest of Miss Alta Few- v. iathy is felt in the com- H1-?Uo?>y verified wit\ the undersigned pa; ks In South Carolina is U>ose indebted^ said estate will ha inuary 13 in a statement *?ea*e make n. J. Rhame. Slat. b,?K A(lmr E9tat?fcofLEE Ue- W* ceased. \ notice," says Mr. Rhame Feb. 10, 1914. 38144-T ] aposlts compare very fav- ' any statement made by lfOWV Tn r A A v luring the past yoar, and 1U IjvAH. i ere successful in 11- ?? eir bills payable and redis ' new prepared, as heretofore, **,1B 1913. The roport only te negotiate loans of $800 and up- rtm 7,000 of borrowed money, wards on first mortgage on Improved r hand you will notice cetton farms is/Lancaster county, en 1* its amounted to $734,000 leng time, repayable In annual In\1 amount, showing that etallmenta at 7 per cent Interest. ? re very easy in allowing Ne eoamlasien cmifcued. Only a aers to overdraw to an small fee for furnishing- abstract of r t. This is one of the evils tide. office has been trying to R. B. WTLIB, ( . has not met with an Attorney-at-Law. offi t of success during the ile State is very much in ^ I3RUARY 10, 1914. usiness Notices ^SSSSfSSSSSM iMHinAT ONCE?500 fat chick- W in hen^iini il jii.l iiyn. I'l i Hr?*. W SK WANTED?Will purchase at S jargain a flat top office desk with e drawers or typewriter desk with I M a 1VTI71L47 C idle cmiwi^js. Must be in good J\ |\ yy air and barffftfw lildress H. C., e News. "mgp Oj i j ^ ???? 1 r >151101110111 H< mn-tv jnitHtiY STOCK HOG, any | M )!>^4iHpreKtedmay call on me or AA Fi iress I'm In.ill IfltJpr, Lancaster, j Bi ute 7. 38-P J Wo invite the atten- j), K IHiO^S to the stock of the' S U?n ?f the PUb,iC l? Cl I epst-( ol^itottling Works will be the annexed statement. mi for subscrrpU^ufrom February [$*$] Si h to February '"ftTTTti tlir niliu* of W In presenting this company. 3 Cl statement, we are not 'IK I'. OF It 1-. M( )\ A L As my insensible of tlie fact business hfas increased to such an ent 1 have~rtk?cldod to move into .w?. that such a very satis- Ci ger (|uarters. 1 T\u now occupying , Si ! store formerly dS\med by M. ?E< factory showing has U liakoff. The New CandyTCTtclien. ,.w?. ? ?? , ... s Beleos, Prop. been made possible ?? ' only through the ^ 1TICE?This Is to certify that . , Tr through oi district, No. i ?]? their continued supand Craigsville sidml^iMslrii't No. I W . . . A1_ on the 12th and 1 IthTosfovclively. ! S port durlnB the year g, A. Lingle, for Board of Education' 1914. We lnvlte nGW m ICS F?)R HATCHING?White accounts upon a r cip- c PlymoutlrSieelui and Single Comb ^^4 , w , w lode Island Redo^$1.50 for 15. (0 rocal baBls. al ii ks 15c each. Su^Hard Poultry W Yours to serve, ti ,rds, Lancaster, S. C. b' ______________ B HAVE C^ipFN^L' SHINGLES W HANK 0I< to sell this n im II' " ij d'l & | \J^TKR d 1 w NNING NOTICE?We will gin 011 W ,The 01,1 Rel,able " C Fridays rfh*y>M?t1^Jjucther notice. ncaster Cotton Oil CoTfftfiJhy. fl? 3 4 -tf PEWRITER RIBBONS?Just re-' JJJJ celved a lot of "Carter's Ideal" ;. I and ri^rplj^iibbor* for Roya' and ver Tvmr^rir.tbter . ib- m ^ 1 . "JUST A 1NTED?To buy your cow hides, mink, otter, muskrats, 'possum, >n, sheep,V?iand horse hides. I E^ESEEl^^ int 6,000 pounolTXLjmce. S3e me ? fore you sell. CapersNcKutlien. L A lady canV&*jp to ask - I nil v nrJ loof tironl^ on/] Kof vjui au lant *t s^s~i\,i tuiv* wvi R RENT OR LEASE?From ono had sold her J ?I)C sack Primrose flour, oss Koflupon which Is locutod ^-y * ?/ ? ? jn ? 1 _ ?i ? two-story residence of the late One- half bushdl Ashevil pt, w. J. McnVaVe-^Appiy to One pound Rumftrd Bakinj tin c. McDow. I One 3-pound can TsJhase & 1 One half-pound ChaNe & ie royal typewriter is rec- j ()ne 25-pound sack Fiankl ognizei everywhere as a first- Three 3-pouild cans f)ld-T rhighfe3^rrurer?a'wWeCha" 0|,e Package Legget/s Mi absolutely new tjbb at less than I One pound Kingan J C rea lolosale price. Admass H. C., | One can Heinz's T(fmato "e The i Lancaster News, Lancaster, ; Three Cans A rmour^, Vivi 2; lfii-tf J One package National Ri: Notice to Debtors and Creditors, 1 One package Quaker Oats. All perjbns indebted to the estate , One gallon C?eorgia Cane ? K. G. linings, deceased, will make One package Graham Flou rment ar"*oVce; and all persons One box Diamond Matches ring claims afeiilnst Bald estate will I ase file same,\july verified with lllams A WllllamSVAdtorneys. J" c Just like Terry, he will Administrator. Psb. Ird. 1914. Sfi-iS-T get to explain. WANTBR lUUVble baslneas mn, whs m. HP1T1TI "IT automobile, to rep- 1/ || Iml Iml li rat Lyo?.WHthl ears la last? T\ I ? I P J**?17' opportmmlty. 1/LilU lLl Jl 1 rticalars write E H. Palates, B7 a* ? ?a o /V * w*| C7?.| VfTiUfWJW, CS U* ~ DR. C. B. PRATT, veterinary surgeon. XJkenttat. i hare located In Lancaster for t Phqn? practice of my prefesalen, and a )fllce over I.an caster ,lo'na>aiacy. prepared te treat year lire atock f ce hours, 9 to 1; 2 to 6. amy and all dlaeasaa. Calla anawer jew Arrivals " THE BIG CLARENCE SAI goods arrive at this live store and as lliey arrive the\ iifference wliat day you attend it will plv you to come $ since our sale started. ^ TWO CASES BLEACH ' rds for J ... . NEW SPRING COAT SUITS T e an extensive line of Spring Coat Suits of atfetr^ ewe ouiws are very moderately need for tins sale $10.75 lIR More days of the BIG tded it will certainly pay you to come. We guarante SON-CLOUD CON (JCCESSORS TO E. E. CLOUD . . .. .... r .... ... ... - - [station along this line." {vy ?. OFFERS PRIZE. Bright Boy or Girl to i Kssay on Hampton. // M aster Chapter. U. D. WW >n Field Day, March -7, II tin beat eaaay on Wade I " 'it.er. by any white sch J In any of the schools of j All essays must be in ' f the president, Mrs. M. A I I, on or before March i XjL J. * that the committee of nted by the chapter may Each dftV SCCS mailV 110W portunity of coiiHldoring i * c< a i ' 1 ' each paper. The papers Oil SftlC. it 11U1KCS llO (I signed. ccived so many new goods loves Into New Quarters. J >h, the active and enor- iOC Mllf E HI('tlCil, 12 VftFi ator of the New Candy * ]*,e M\\\ C. Bleach, 12 VU (loving this week into the | ' vned by Postmaster J. F. / recently vacated by M. 'he store has been much Wu.'ta , We are showing quit It presents a very at- DC&llty, 110 t.\VO Alike. LiV aranca and an a fruit and a will continue to be well M \ P I lso ordered a handsome , a for hl? new store. He It y<)U HAVC IlOt AttCIl on anything you buy. fair dealings with cuu r?l of Thanks. i ROBINS his method of thanking *b and friends for their us during the sickness Q1 ! our loved one. Utile O' May Ood's richest t on them. US. MASON L. THOMP-I^X, SON. V" ? 5 t??tti??t?tire flj? Bank No. S3. W Statement of the Condition of THE BANK OF LANCASTER, >9 cated at Lancaster. S. C., a tthe 3se of business January 13th, 1914. RESOURCES. W >ans and Discounts. . . .$453,674.87 rerdrafts 7,490.15 (ft )nds and Stocks owned g| by the Bank 10,500.00 |>^?I lrniturc and Fixtures. . 1,000.00 inking House 5,800.00 AjjA ue from Banks and Bankers 155,165.22 .WJ irrcncy 18,702.00 ggjl >lil 3,650.00 Ivor and Other Minoi LRR Coin 3,035.35 leeks and Cash Items. 301.72 Total $659,319.31 W LIABILITIES. iS ipital Stock Paid in . . . $ 50,000.00 iW lrplus Fund 100,000.00 ndivided Profits, less Current Expenses and RR, Taxes Paid 22,105.15 ue to Banks and Bankers 3,640.38 kW. (dividual Deposits Sub- lift Ject to Check 282,855.29 iSi wings Deposits 88,268.18 JRR ime Certificates of DePosit 89,827.61 21' ertified Checks 14,338.38 ashler's Checks . . . . 513.47 ther Liabilities, viz: Interest Reserved on JRw. Savings Accounts and RA Certificates 7,770.95 Total $659,319.31 'M TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Q County of Lancaster?ss. j>^R< Before me came Geo. W. Williams, RR ashler of the above named bank, ho, being duly sworn, says that the bove and foregoing statement Is a RR ue condition of said bank, as shown y the books of said bank. OEO. W. WILLIAMS. RR Sworn to and subscribed before me RR lis 19th day of January, 1914. JNO H. POAG. RR Notary Public of S. C. rr orrect?Attest: Leroy Springs, R. L. Crawford, L. C. Payaeur, Dlrec- RR, tors.. rr I MISTAKE" : us wny we put ai to "lure" in ore we could explain it, Terry $2.75 le meal 55 g Powders 25 Sanborn's Cotfee 10 Sanborn's Tea 50 in Sugar 1.35 'ime Tomatoes 35 iccaroni 15 m Cheese 25 Soup 15 Sausage 25 *c\it Co.'s Baronetts. .. . 10 . I 15 jyfup 60 r . 20 1 $7.75 sell the fladies, and we never TERRY CO. day or Bight. Cah m? at Gragaryha I Haed Lira Stock Company, m I W. H. BOTZ. Vatarlnarr Inrnam r Graduate U. C. Oollaff*, Waahlnftaa ad W. C. 5 iE ' are marked and put again as we have re $1.00 $1.00 ?les. Each a , $19.75, $21.75 iLE. ve you money LrANT V T K