The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, February 10, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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r _4 (Ebr Catiraslrr Nruia A? (SKMI-WKKKH .) selves ~~ most ] JUANTTA WYLH Editor of ch W. B. HOUGH... Business Mgr. Colle* TUBliUHRRS' ANNOUNCEMENT: ,rlglU lege ? Published Tuesdays and Fridays at Lancaster, 8. C., y 11 by The Lancaster Publishing under Company, successors to The the w Ledger, established 1862; The nlele Review, established 187*; The Entb.-prise, established 1891, ''aiise and entered us second-class joiily matter Oct. 7, 1905, at the \et tl postofflce at Lancaster, 8. C., year I under Act of Congress of * March 3, 1879. an ln puv el SUBSCRIPTION Pit ICE: , % v natlvt (In Advance.) , . claim! On? .Ye** which Six Mouths 75c *"e r<1 greatt TO SUBSCRIBERS. (,uced ? -..1 1 - I _...? I .... K- 1 . I our HUUHt'l I|JIIUU U1UOI uc 1< (,iou paid up to and Including year fnr hi marked on your label. It paper la stopped look at your date and you will probably find you are behind one year. C. Ca We cannot send each sub- gift f, crlber a statement. Look at Your Isabel. n,u 1 his na TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. states If you don not receive your been i paper promptly we would appre- lies elate it If you will notify us out j we will correct the mistake. . ' In the hurry of mailing out the " " paper names of subscribers are fluent I sometimes left off inadvertently. great TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1011. l?'it to the ii ?Weather forecast for South s',ou'(l Carolina: Generally fair Wednesday, politic standi Have you done your Valentine . shopping yet? u . Poor roads are much more exoen- l'ult NN 8*ve than good ones. ernine cannot The weather forecast for the week of dut is in accoru with the prophecy of the tions. ground hog. in l"e taken One sure sign the world is grow- of Am lng better is that we seldom see payme lightning rod agents nowadays. the Pi constr Do a little work for your town oc- treaty ca8ionally. It will not hurt your the Ui business, but rather will do it good, alike i the Ui When our farmers begin to raise lo more hogs and cattle their farms will lojjs j, yield much larger profits than at Con Those suffragettes who are so ' x' ,u|' loud in their insistance upon inter- s' ls " viewing George should remember nianj that "a cat may look at a king." was a Let South Carolina control her 's now great agricultural college and give it Liins the name of her greatest statesman, "lo Calhoun. treaty dent 1 Of course our subscription list is and h growing. Just ask our advertisers who all of are finding out that by the continued repeal use of our columns their trade is Great increasing steadily. Pre: the co Field Day is not far off, yet we we thl know of some schools which are not ^or preparing for it as they should. The such t honors, both literary and athletic, 'lent i are sure to go to those schools which a,H' deserve them, viz: those which have Senate practiced faithfully and well. lawyei able c "Harry Thaw may not be dan- ment, gerous. but he should be made to he, an suffer the punishment he deserves." ?Lancaster News. Why are you hard The on Thaw? Wouldn't von he trvlinr Kenntr to regain your liberty If imprisoned? States asks The Newberry Herald and News. L. Sii Perhaps so. but society is interested Times as well as Thaw. States are bi One of our exchanges, which been i knows a thing or two about adver- loyal tising, says. "A live advertisement in high c the home paper is a sort of wireles and t< message going into thousands of the best homes of the surrounding coun- "if try inviting the good people to come v? ner< and buy the nice things you have to posed offer them." . ,th a and s Governor Please says he will have j,roSp, the penitentiary pretty well emptied u by August next, as he will send the gleet'" remaining convicts back to the coun- advice ties from whence they came, to work and H on the chaingangs. This working of heed convicts in the counties has proved work' to be rather an expensive luxury in all. some quarters. But the whim of the chief executive must be carried out, It i cost what it may. man 1 vestig We are not at all surprised at tbe Hospi conduct of the governor of the state sary. in interrupting Dr. Babcock, super- a mil intendent of the State Hosnital for the r ? BWii Insane, while In the witness chair, by intent charging him with swearing falsely ied to and threatening personal violence to behoh him. No, we are not surprised, and lnforr are prepared to hear of like incidents that < on the part of the chief executive on down to the lowest constable. But Wh how long, oh how long will the peo- toting pie of South Carolina suffer such we sh things to happen? in shi give the state entire control of <>"<' rap for discussing public istltution. In our opinion it matters." We hope the average I he done, some antiquated citizen or Lancaster is not built that (h* ians to the contrary notwith- w?y. but we are equaliv sure that we ,j0 ng_ have some of this build and we be- ne lieve that if we had public meetings. ?P X HONEST PRESIDENT. J the purpose of which were the ads great satisfaction to know | vancement of the interests of Lan- hu e have at the head of our gov- caster a,on* a" lines- would at" | nt an honest man. one who tond and take '"terest in them. But : be swerved from the path what is everybody's business Is no- | ] v and honor by any considers- bod>'"s business. So. Mr. Major, sound en This is strikingly illustrated the assembly call and lets have a Is stand President Wilson has *rGat bi* meeting and that at an early ?>< ri'itp t n; in reference to the exemption . erican coastwise ships from the CAN AL Pl'KCHASE en nt of tolls for passing through . " no inuma canal. The Presidents chesa|*?ake and Delaware Itoute to nb uction of the liay-Pauncefote 1^ Bought. I ca is that all nations, including Washington, Feb. 8.?Purchase of tiited States, are to be treated the Chesapeake and Delaware canal. ' In the matter of tolls and that from the Chesapeake bay to the Dela- Ga aited States is in honor bound wnre river, as a part of the intra-' ?* , . costal waterway from Roston, Mass.. ! m' rge Amercian \essels tin- same ]jpnufort, N. C. has been tentative- su L imposes upon those of foreign ly agreed upon by the house rivers hy s. and harbors subcommittee. Final ac- I ha gress. in 1912. passed an act l'on 'n tbo committee will be taken 1 kc tomorrow. The plan will bp Incor- j ,~i, ting American coastwise ves- porated ln the rlvers and hnrbors | " rom the payment of tolls and bill. which is to aggregate $40,000-) l'1 Democratic senators and con- 000 and to he reported to the house . nen voted for tne act, which very shortly. . . .. . - . ,, . While the details of the bill are pproved by President laft and withhpId> tho wnr department report ob the law. (Ireat Britain main- urging this action proposed the purthat the act violates not only chase of the canal at a cost not to exlirit but the verv terms of her r<>0(i $2.51 4.290 with a view to en... IT f. , o. . r? larging it into a sea level canal of . with the I nited States. Presi- n> fppt depth ;md ,,0 fppt w,d(h Rt be Wilson is of the same opinion maximum cost of $8,000,000 of which as announced that he will use $ 3.000,000 would be available now in his influence to have Congress ?tnd the balance at from $500,000 to that part of the act to which ^ 1 M1 'MM' r- . .. aeHHe.t ** * The committee majority decided aj Britain takes exception. not take up at this time the pro- gj sident Wilson is a man who has ject for the proposed waterway from urage of his convictions. While Delaware river to New York bay. Ink It was a most foolish thing SHArK|jKTOX FUND COMPDKTK. tv e United States to enter into ** in agreement, yet if the Preel- j Barrie Contributes g.V),(MH> to s right in his construction of Antarctic Kxpedition. I be is supported in his view by New York, Feb. 9.?Sir Krnest " >r Hoot, perhaps the greatest Shnckleton was able to announce that I r of his time, the only honor- h<? had finally collected necessary j ourse is to stand by the agree- f "nd"for? h'a ?nilAr?JC e1xpftd,lU<?1) . * after Sir J. M. Barrie, the playwright whatever the consequences may RaVe the remaining sum desired, ac- I d repeal the act. cording to announcement made here , ? today. I J1* , ? ,. Barrie was a close friend of the selection by the President of ,ate Captatn Scott and ,n th,? fact hla I**1 >r F. H. Weston for United friends here connect his interest ln ' district attorney and of James Polar expeditions. Mr. Barrie regards THE LANCASTER I CHANGE ITS NAME. ' GETTING TOGETHER. ^ a general thing we And our- TheJU^p^^fimes, In urging the i differing from the governor in peo^^^^^hat city to turn out to public matters, but in the matter nMi^ineetlngs and discuss matters ? anging the name of Clemson^^^ating to the welfare of the muni?e we agree with him. He Is cipality, cites Cheraw as an exin his contention that the col- ample of the good to be accomplished hould never have been accepted by such meetings. We believe that ? state from Thomas G. Clemsou wonders could be done for Lancas- de the terms of his will. Under tf>r if a number of our citizens would ou ill tne state can never gain com- assemble from time to time, and con(o.itrol of the Institution be- slder and discuss the common in- na the lite trustees are in the ma-.terests of all the citizens. We have Ju: tnd are self perpetuating and a Arst-class town, admirably located th u state is called upon year by in the center of a fine agricultural *ni to make large appropriations to country. We have men of as good ^ stitution in which she has the , business judgment as are to be found |)(] to name only a minority of the anywhere. They have their capital lai os. Besides Clemson was not ?\ invested here and should be interest- Pr > of South Carolina and had no ed in seeing Lancaster keep abreast, s on the state. The land upon at least, of surrounding towns. But st. me college is suuaieu comains mere is a wain 01 common unuersidence of John C. Calhoun, the J standing. There are too many nc st mind the state ever pro-, pettv jealousies. Some of our men ')l I cu . So that If it can be done the spend many hours each day in dis- ft) iture should name the college |cussing non-essentials upon the side- fo Im and correct a great wrong walks. If the same amount of ener- su itted by the state when it for'gv were put forth once every two *** me forgot the memory of John months, even in a public meeting. lnl llioun and accepted a so-called discussing the needs of our town and wl rom Mr. Clemson on condition j county, we would soon see good re- l):l he great institution should bear suits. i ^ ' me instead of that of the great j It is a good thing for people to un- ' re, man after whom it should have derstand each other and if our citl- rei named. zens would assemble themselves to- an ides, as the governor points getlier oftener they would find that ohn C. Calhoun, the grandson there is much more good in each great man, is very rich and in- other than they imagine and they otl ill and is in a position to be of would thereby learn to pull together 'I" benefit to the college. The better. The Times says "The average njl . ..... ....I.. ... . I... ......... nltlvnn ..r Plnronoa Snaa .w.l 1 us. editor of The Orangeburg thp Shackleton expedition as a ful.111... . , .. , men t of an ambition that Captain' and Democrat, for United gpott gave hljJ ?fe for p \m* marshal for South Carolina The sum Barrie was said to have uth the best that could have given was $50,000. nade. Both are good men and The expedition will start from Bue- 1. . i ..hi rii .? nos Aires in October, the object be- ; . Democrats and will fill these ,uR to (>ros8 th# goufh po,ar coJntlnent < 5 >111 ces with c redit to themselves from the Weddell sea to the Boss sea an > the state. a distance of 1,70ft land miles. More na than half this distance will be over an an aeroplane, motor sledge, 12ft you want a prosperous town supported better than any other pre La people can come vh > ire <1is- vious polar expedition, the Shackle- w' to make homes, thou do a*v*y ton party will set out equipped with pu ind bury from sight n.? jealousy fn earpPjane? motor sledges 120 aa trained dogs and a complete supply aD p;te work, move for common cf ajj |jie latest scientific apparatus. VP rity and mutual benefit. Wake ???? 8t' ib your eyes and roll up your 30,000 VOICES. - and go to work." This Is the ' of a live Weste: i newspaper ,\n?l Many Are th Voices of Ijincaa- ~~ I is good advice, ?oo. Let >is ter People, it here in Lancaster. "Team Thirty thousand Voiras hat a , . , . , . ? grand chorus! And that* the num- an la what we need here most of ber Qf American men and women who sic are publicly praising Doan'S Kidney Nc Pills for relief from backachp. kidney tit iceems to us that Senator Till- and bladder Ills. They say it to to 'ailed to specify wherein an In- frieinls.^ 'n, ^ . I 4? _ ^ I 4. . CIA ^ A ^ y*'? i irt iK-anw7i ^upic ? ? ??i iiun jaj atlon of the affairs of the State choruB. Here's a Lancaster case- acl tal for the Insane was neces- , Mrs. O. H. King, Market St., I>anIt was because of his letter to caster. S. C., says: "Do4a/s Kidney be tual friend of himself and the Pl''s have certainly been beneficial lei , . . . . ... , to me. I was dizzy and nervous and Tl nor. and one which he did not my hao|j an(j |,ea(i ached intensely, bo 1 for the governor to see. that i aiRO had a great deal of trouble from the investigation. But lo and the kidney secretions. Doan's Kidney to 1 the senator gives but little Pl"*? which I got at Crawford Bros, ta ~,i?? , drug store, gave roe complete relief re from the pains and restored my kid- sh >f a purely heresay nature. neys to a normal condition." ??????? I For sale by all dealers. Price 50 sh en the laws against pistol- cents. Foster-Mlluburn Co., Buffalo, eh are enfoced in South Carolina N'ew York, sole agents for the United all not have to hang our head. aU? omhor the at our homicide record. an(j take no other. *** tfEWS, FEBRUARY 10,1914. riLSON APPOINTS 1 lAV.VV?VV>V>V.V.,,V.V WESTON AND SIMS ; dutnbia ami Orangeburg Men j J ' a p Named District Attorney ' ^^111 tl | gj Marshal, Respectively. Washington Special to Charleston * iws and Courier( Feb. 9.?Presi- V nt Wilson ended the long drawn- >*< a "YWT t contest over the South Carolina Fj rleral district attorneyship and mar- ' alship by sending to the senate the J , ^ ,me of Francis H. Weston of Co- IB *-< inbia to fill the former position, and e name of James L. Sims of Orange- J irg to fill the latter. I | | Mr. Weston is a prominent lawyer \ " 1 the Columbia bar and at present # dds the otllce of senator from ltlch- j ud coutitv. Mr. Sims is editor and -*7- j ? i .. oprietor "of The Times and hem?- J \ Oil 11CC(1 lloi \ at of Orangeburg. He has never >! Id public olllce except that of * SUlllCCl ^TCRt pi'Of hool trustee. The resignations of District Attor- ! COUllt. y Ernest Cochran and Marshal J. J mean Adams, the Republican in- ; V mbents, have been in hand here ; r a number of months, having been y I ^ rwarded immediately upon the , I I ^ ggestion of Attorney General Mc-, B W\ W ^ ?ynolds that the administration y )uld like to appoint men in sym- V thy with its policies. No fault J Our patrOHS, TC latever has been found by the de-I npea HntiP tpcpIvp rtment of justice with the work of I ficr>r> uoiic, ictuvt ,, . i : ? i. i-?. vutinaii aim auuiii a. # UUSUiCSS Cli LAUSLCI III spite of the delay which occur-' cnfn Uo?Vi'nir w/? nt! In presidential action on the , > ?IIC \\ C CJ commendation of Messrs. Weston SftvillgS AcCOlUlt ? d Sims by the attorney general, due V "gely to the desire of Mr. Wilson to pOUllCltd qiiaiteil} Uge Senator Tillman, who had * ped to have Congress establish an- M ACTIVE DEPO! lier judicial district rn South Caro- > < a by this time, the ultimate nomi- STAT] tion of Weston and Sims was made liost certain when Mr. Mclteynolds * BHHMBBBBBnRCBSdl dorsed them. y Senator Tillman endorsed J. Wil- V in Thurmond of Edgefield for the * w?> itrlct attorneyship and Sims for I hp |H 1T*^' s marshalshlp. Senator Smith en- ^ rsed Weston for the district attor- * yship, and said that he would not V T pose Sims for the marslialship if ! JjA mlnated. Later Senator Tillman v thdrew his endorsement of Sims, CHAS. D. JONES, Presl t submitted no other name. . ; E. M. CHOXTON, Cash! Nickel In Soap-Making. y it will probably be news to the aT- < ice ablutlonlst that the metal nickel used lu making his soap. And furar, perhaps, he will be glad to learn , it although the nickel, finely ground, mixed with the other soap Ingredl- ] _ _ __ _ ts, the finished product contains I4 am ne of It. This is so because the -! vfl. :kel acts as what the chemists call a talyst; that Is, Its presence causes rtaln desirable changes to occur, alough it takes no part In the cheml1 reaction. Offensive oils and those b thin for satisfactory use, when xed with finely divided nickel and W"b 1 bjected to the action of a current of drogen, become deodorised and HI CdUs, Iv rder and suitable for the soapma- \ r's use. Cottonseed oil, for exam- \ \ after the nickel-hydrogen treat- ? . _ _ . U makes a aatistactory soap. V\ hy not have It good 8TICKELI/S SELF-RISING m Borrowing Trouble. Queen of Maryland, Stlckel Mary Alice had been punished and ' ut up In the bedroom. She had been they are manufactured fror ilet for some time and papa was just ? .. out to open the door and tell her vor P?cuHar to that BO'h ie might come out when her sobs porter & Co., or L. F. Dabni trst forth afresh. i "Don't cry any more," he said, sooth-. II A W gly. Papa has forgiven you. "Oh. I Know, papa," she answered ?J| A/il >tween sobs. "Hut Just think! What ml a. aval l awful thing It would be If I should 1 t)w up and have a little girl as CITATION. LUghty as 1 am." STATE OF SOUTH OAROLI1 l>N'T LET CONSTIPATION County jt L?nc?.tor. RUIN YOUR HEALTH Oybur^h , . suit to me td grant him lettei Deaden* the. Brain and/Weakens . , ? A. . ? . ? A . 7. ministration tof the estate an< the Body. Nature NmHh Heal . . ?,V _ ' .. . ... V- of Iyouise StoVenr, dfcceaaod. and Harmless Aid <f> Over- .. *1^1,. ? _ T These are, therefore, to dte mt s * , me. #. ? monish all and singular the Nature does her beta to fight con- . ... . T? patlon and Its evlj effects. She *nd creditors of /the said d hta to the lastV atom of her that they be andvgppear bel eiygth, but usuall^she has to have (q the oonrt of probata, to be sls^ancs. / Lancaster on Friday, rebrua To avoid the afngglsh brain and _ ' [ ,, >aken?C bodj-.Xha ?lck headache, next, after publication ftted tongue m\A biliousness, it is at 11 oclock In the foronc wise to use mpnleasant calomel, a show aaose. If any they have, >dlcine so string that it leaves-most ________ ople "all knocked out." Don't take ances withryour health. A great number of people have imed that iSidson's Liver Tone I Oc.) makes on ermlghter, healthier i V I lIUI I d happier In a perfectly easy and IIVI M tural way, with no pain nor gripe > PI VI d no bad after-effects^ M Vat mmJk A The Standard Drug /ompany and incaster Pharmacy ^guarantee It thout condition a/d will refund rchase price if yyf are not entirely JP.3^. A tlsfied. DodsonJ* Liver Tone Is ail solutely safcy pleasant tasting ? , , getable llquld'and a wonderful liver AllVtHKly ("111 III; muiani wnrcn laaes uie p.ace or a(l(l \Vat('l\ DaKC 111 lomel, but be sure you get Dod- T . . , .. n's. Just receidev frt five different style* Notice of Election. that I knookedthc Whereas, one-third of the electors XniAS inst rofpivo d one-third of.the freeholders ro- II lets, J lust, I ( < < l vt ling in Charlesboro school district, Doll't forget oil >. 34, in Lancaster county, have pe- fi 4. mnnov pmi 1*. loned the counts board of education UIOIK V (ail 1)1 order additional tax of one (1) r rOSIl HllC of call ill shall be levifed on all real and Viimnn'u tl??ia rsnoal property rtTVaid district for . lj? > 1I1I1H hool purposes. I CeivCu. Kill^ K(1 We hereby order/the election to 1 ni,fti V*?lv.? held by the trusJes of said Char- Ye,Va ^VrU] iboro school distrUt. No. 34, on OoffoeS, OUT l)l*ai "Ch,rl" 8i"nrft a?d ('ln ; At which election inly such elec- Wftllt WO will ^ot i rs as return real of personal for ? vnnr < Wo xtatlon and who exhibit their tax . ' 1 s* ' celpts and registration certificates 1 all be allowed to y<*e. The opening and closing hoars fs all be the same as In all general I* actions. v. a. lingle, "anna j. g. richards, uuuu J. K. CONNORS. | ^ County Board of Education. I ^4, 0h, if^ \ ~ r * Accounts i * LL AS LARGE j i ARE WEL- j ME HERE. j rait until your business has as- ; >ortions before opening an ae V V V >o To-Day gardless of the amount of busi- j every courtesy in an inatteis ui ^ I to us, and there is nothing in > innot perform. Interest paid on > it the rate of four per cent, com- > : a SITORY OF THE UNITED j SS GOVERNMENT. I y y t National Bank i V NCASTER, S. C. I Ident. II. E. WYIJE, Vice President. or. E. CURTIS MACKEY, Asst. Cashier. m is : ^p^p^psp wwwwwww*>* wwwwmvvwmww+m .V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V,''.V.V.V.V.Tl Try a News Want Ad. the Staff of Life tr A all BA?^dward8 & idrtln's for a sack of ||y FIXJUR had be \ Our plain Flours, Li's Dost ano^M^nollq can not be excelled, n native Marylani^vheat with a rich, nutty Every sack guarantoeuV Get them of J. O. sy & Co. ^ riGKELL & SON ERSTOW MD. I aald administration should not be granted. NA. Given under my hand, this 6th day of February, Anno Domini 1914. Probate J- K- STEWMAN, 1 roDale Probate Judge, as made rs of add effects Noti/fte of ??*** . Notloe Is hereby given that the nni and ad- derslgned #111, as guardian o( the kindred estate of CTHflds Faulkner, on the eceaeed, 1 2?th day of February. 1914, make her lore me, fln*l return as guardian and ee* i held at' p't to the probate 40art of Tenoaeter ry 10th,! ?*?ntr for letters dbiJVlaaory. thereof. | MRS. A. B. l^EQLHR, >on, to Osardlan Estate of Gladys Faulkaem 4 why the | 14-41-T HING NEW I \-KO I like cake <?i11 of KA-KO. Just medium oven. 'sh shipment rT<?]? Notch Bread, 125 barrels of the same Flour > bottom out of the price on for d. r TIP TOP FLO UK, the best iy- , , i poods 011 hands at all times, and Breakfast Bacon just renous Bed Velva, Vesma, Blue l>s in stock at all times. Pure ids are Continental, Jackson \. If we haven't pot what you t for you. Phone, call or send are here t<> sorve you. \T ? * ours lor business, W. SISTARE I THINGS TO EAT." v.