r 2 1 15-D/ ? I ?% V X i v :: V V v :: :: ?*? x ?====================== ? i: CLOI * < #X# o 6c Calico (10 Yards to Customer( Per ' X ' * White Homespun. 6c value. Clearing Pi V Olt Aitlr U m Aomi n C a vol MO ploorltl W \ VllCVA iiUUiCOUUU. VW TUtUV. VIVU. ...? Jk 4 < J < Bleaching, 6c value. Clearing Price... V Cham bray, 10c value, Clearing Price.. | J Apron Ginghams, 6c value, Clearing Pi % <> Bleaching, 10c value. Clearing Price 0 Dress Ginghams, stripee, 10c value, CI 1 J | Outing for Underwear. 10c value, Clear i <> Amoskeag Madras, 12 Vic value, Clearanc A> A i jp ,, Cheviots, 10c vaiue, Clearance Price.. || Brown Sheeting, extra heavy, 10c value, ? White Fancy Waistings. 12 Vic value, CI . > Amoskeag Dress Ginghams, 10c value, < Percales, 10c value. Clearing Price. . . . X ? Ticking, 7c valuo, Clearing Price.... V o Ticking, 10c value. Clearing Price.... 1 \ Poplin, fancy and solid colors, 2 5c Valu v Fancy Worsteds, 3 5c value. Clearing P X Serge, 35c value. Clearing Price J Amoskeag, All-Wool Serge, 75c value. ^ x Brown and White Linen, 12 Vic value, C J y Brilliantine (52 inches wide! 7ic value V* t Silk Missaline, all colors, $1.25 value, C X Corduroy and Velvet, 7 6c value, Clearing A A Curtain Scrim, 12 Vie value, Clearing P y Flannelette. 10c value, Clearing Price. X Jacquard Silk, 35c value, Clearing Prici | Pound Cloth, 5 pounds to Bundle, $1.00 11 LADIES' ? I /fcA DRESSES X ^11.2 5 Value House i '' Jf $2.00 Value House ?':l pit? QCP <$? <> IBli* Hetter grades also X ' being sacrificed. I R E ME Y | Y % Y t Y : Y : Y : Y 1 Y | Y t Y $ Y ? I HIRS ?! : i ? . n THE LANCASTER NEWS, I IYS-15 = rH HANDKERCI Y ard rice 8Hc lc and Up rice * 'learing Price 8*?c lAjK^tl?* ItLvImi! !, Clearing Price 37 He ' ifWaK *'% Q1 learing Price Tile '? y t SJ^fcjjffcr dl LADIES' SKIRTS ?... , , Children s Ure J 11^ JmSi -iiia M*w P*TB *w*?b P??O Eg & dreo'i Dreeeee, all eiaee and 38c P anj tj I FEBRUARY 10,1914. 1 \ ck at your Mercy? Days. Being overs two oi the reaso DRED DOWN PI IIEFS j. , ^ Lamps Coat jh Suits Jl VA1STS 9c $3.49 ' and Up id Up ' 'atsta at Ham- Children's Co, Down Prices. Children's Wool | sses Coats J 4lL: ;98c ??>>>>! LANCASI -not considering PRC itocked arid in neecf o ms for this GREAI tfCES. V LADIES') SHOES $1.25 Ladies' Dress Shoes, Clearing Price. $1.50 Ladies' Work Shoesr^^ri?K Price Yy/l\ $1.75 Ladies' Dress Vici Kid Shoes, C ! jjjgiay'l $2.00 Ladies' Dress Vici and Pitent Shoes l raHIl ? j *n? Price J , A I tH $2.25 Ladies' Dress Vici and Hatent Shoes I j I ing Price y.. .... , $3.00 Ladies' Dress Vici and Patem^Shoes l # ^^1' No Imit of Children's Shoes at lov^**ic< ill NECK OTHA ! i The Latest in Mert^V P vet and Silk Ties Ats gg MISCELLANE Agafo Ladies' White Handkerchiefs, Clearing Pi VW Men's Fancy and White Border Handkerck KJB| One Dozen Packaged Hair Pias, per packa I JF Spool Thread, Clearing Price Kaa Men's Socks, assorted patterns, Clearing f I Sgflk Safety Pas (all sizes) per oard, Clearing ' jp| Pins, two papers, Clearing Price HP1 Coats Spool Cotton, Clearing Price Towels, per pair. Clearing Price 'Men's and Boys' Cape, Clearing Price.. .. M Men's heavy Underwear, 60c value, Clear! ? ? Men's Elastic Seam Drawers, Clearing Pri Fancy Table Oil Cloth, 26c value, Clearing i 9 Mm I/ace Curtains, 76c value, per pair, Clearaii W Bureau Scarfs and Pillow Shams, per pair, m w Window Shades, Clearing Price Suit Cases, $1.25 value, Clearing Price.. . Overalls, $1.00 value, Clearing Price. V.. . ** ivertise There's ney. SALE ST THE POINTI A / oxr \\/u VI r y aj y y 1 id c i| !R'S FASTI f Children's Teddy Bear *K I Coats * HIRSCHS' A< s for Your Mo: rv/M/ ' run t Leads the \ LANCASTE