I ^ jljl VOL. 9, NO. 23, SEMI-WEEKLY. SFNATF Wll I PAW OLIInlL HILL I nOO going treatment, CURRENCY BILL TODAY SaSS was found that 1 night. Leaders Expect President to Mr. Muldrow \ ofifl war n nntivn Si^n Bill Before Christmas. had spent all of twlnn A It" ivc mai i icu, in of Mayesvllle, a orcctnLS iyj dl ku. , Witherspoon. of ! j wife he is survive I Miss Sadie Muldi With Defeat of Hitchcock Amend- ; his immediate fai mends Affirmative Work Will passed away, alt . large family cc be Started. death the county __ . . _ . _ . and his death li Washington, Df*c. 17.?An agree- many friends. I ment to vote on th final passage of were held at Brii the administration currency bill "on the legislative day of Friday, Decern- Dx>T?CJTTvTiXTfi j ber 19," late today was reached in -a JtvJSiSllJlliN j A the senate. The agreement provides p . -py-i that debate tomorrow and Friday shall be limited to fifteen minutes for ? each senator upon each amendment First Under l'rei ?rwm? Vif , Includes Few While the log'slative day may run over into Saturday it is the expectation of senate leaders that the bill Washington, will be passed before midnight Fri- cabinet dinner ui day night. If important amendments ministration tonij are pending at that time, however, a 1 President and IS recess may be taken until Saturday i White House. D morning, as the Republicans would ?f the cabinet j not consent to the agreement until daughters, the the Democrats promised they would i Mrs. Marshall, not keep the senate in session all and some close night Friday. ison family wer Democratic Reader Underwood, of were prepared fo the house, today was in conference Outside the with senate leaders in preparation for quests included the final stages of congressional ac- Purroy Mitchel tion on Din enrrnnov mrauiirn Tt Ic Mrs. Mitcliel, ('1 thought that but two days will be Combs of the 1 taken for the completion of the bill committee and M In the joint conference committee. "?rry A. ( House leaders have kept In close College and M touch with all changes made hv the enr^m, l'ine ?* senate and they expect President * ?' Mr. and Mr Wilson's signature'to he attached to New lork, Hem the measure before Christmas. The Wilmington, Del big task or organizing a federal re- David II. Jones c serve hoard and creating the vast trustees of Pi system of regional hanks then will w"pn Mr. Wilson begin. an(l their wlvei AMENDMENTS DEFEATED. i "ate'o A^Pre. The sennte spent today in consld- Mrs William R eratlon of further amendments pro- p0j' w w ,r? posed by Senator Hitchcock, defeat- the'President. D. A D*?bJL41 t0 37 h?lB anJe"dn?en,t to ?*~ and Miss Strong tend the guarantee of hank deposits to cover state banks that joined the icvicv x#* 1 new system, as well as national *K~ T() 1 banks. Senator Owen expressed his ' ? approval of this Idea, but the Demo- Newburger Cottoi crats would not support It because It l^>t f0ttc had not received the endorsement of ; the caucus. A motion by Senator This from The Hitchcock to Increase from DO days ?' Wednesday is to 180 days the maturity date of pa- concerning a big per that could be submitted for re- ton shipped fror discount at the regional banks also C. D. Jones: was defeated. 39 to 34. I "The Newburp The Democrats at 6 o'clock tonight received yesten gathered In a hurriedly called confer- hales of cotton ence to settle all final differences days ago from over the bill and agree upon amend- Lancaster, S. C., ments which they would support. The aK? of 13% cer list of amendments submitted to the. cotton was brou caucus Included many of those which shipment and stc had been proposed by Senator Hitch- 'nK with the Mer cock, or by Republicans and vot?d Warehouse Pom] down, and It was said several of to 8? to Liveri these might be offered tomorrow or Eastern mills, w Friday by Senator Owen and adopted is destined for as part of the bill. . cotton is of go< 1 manded a good >OH\ W. THOMAS. JR., OKAO. . burger Cottop C< Head of Nashville, Chattanooga A into Charlotte St. Ixwis Passes Away. points 10,000 ba ' shipment and mo Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 17.?John day. This conce W. Thomas, Jr., 57 years old, presl- in Memphis, Ten dent of the Nashville, Chattanooga important branc & St. Louis Railway, died at his home this cotton into here at 2 o'clock this morning. Mr. meni. requires Thomas had been 111 for three weeks Bums of money ^ with pleural pneumonia. the local banks. Mr. Thomas was born at Murfrees- tlonal Hank flna - boro, Tenn., August 24. 185(5. At an this fiOO bale lc early age he moved to Nashville. In yesterday." 1878. at the age of 22 years, he ob- I talned his first Important railroad n %i ncsition, although previous tc that 'me he had been In the railroad ser- ? vice He served In a Nashville. Chat- Parents llring Y? tanooga & St. Louis machine rhop. Next Wednex then advancing to ngent >nd dispatcher, purchasing agent, assistant ,wa!1* evei general manager, finally succeeding ?-?mu >" i-annis his father as general manager in Lancaster on thi 1899. He will arrive ii On March 1. 1906, shortly after "rated car with the death of his father, he was elect- 'r?ni the North a ed president of the road. Mr. HtoP at tho 1 ?c 1 Thomas was nn authority on railroad for Hie benefit c appliances, and was considered a me- have gone to th chanlcal genius. One of pi.< most/ ?'d Santa stop important Inventions was a pneurra- mas and he will tic switch and signal system. He street-at 11 o'cl was an active member of the General him. He v Managers Association of the South- things to show j east, and was a member of the as- treat to the litth sociation's committee on maintenance FIVE AND TEN and appliances. Mr. Thomas Is survived hy hie iwth ur wife, formerly Miss Dillle Duncan. OI >Irof Nashville; three daughtres, Mrs. News was recc Elizabeth Thomas Kirkpatrlck, Mrs. Ing of the death Martha Thomas Riddle and Miss son, which occur Ellen Thomas, all of this city, and Camden liosplta one son. John W. Thomas, of Phila- been in bad heal delphia. had recently u operation, from C OL. J. R. MULDROW DEAD. ^Mr** HlnsoTv Flat Creek aectl< Aged and Prominent Citizen of had been living Huniter County. 'or a number _ . , , about 70 years Sumter Special to Charleston W|fe an(j gevera News and Courier. Dec. 17.?News _ has been received of the death, Mon- 1 r- t day night, at his home In Salem, this confer county, of Col. James Reid Muldrow, London, Dec. i a well known and highly respected icle announces t citizen of that section. He had been this week will in had health for over a year, and his Law, the opposit death was not unexpected, although formal conversai '? v.. _? "r?fyir i v^'i *5 -T GHW 5S?. i \% LANCASTER, S. C., FRIDAY 'SeSrE NEWS FROM CHIHUAHUA AERON igo. Monday It was n,., aM wakL _ . ? ;?S KtlM III UtPARIMENT A be had died in the vas 73 years of age News Received of Safety of Moors F of Salem, where he his life. He was Americans and Foreigners. st to a Miss Cooper, ind later to Miss Salem. By his first GEN. VILLA HEARD FROM. AIR CR ad by one daughter, row. All others of mily, however, have Denies That Any Foreigners Were j Kxi?ert? i hough he lea\es a Molested Except Spaniards, Stat4 tnnection. In his 1 v loses a good citizen, Who Were Expelled. s a big loss to his ? __ ? , ,, services Washington, Dec. 17.~-~Reassur- Madrid k church todav ance as to the safety if Americans in of Moorii " * Chihuahua conveyed today by Con- with heai nto 8ul ,"etcher immediately on the re- troops at L S FIRST opening of telegraphic communloa. Morocco, wpm TIT'N'NPP tion between that city and El Paso, threw tin lAihl DinniilV came as a relief to the administration showers < here. Washington officials had be- The Sp sent Administration Hoved that the stories emanating with a b ,rom refuKees and federal partisans battalion to the effect that Americans and of artillei Circle. other foreigners in Chihuahua were auxiliarie Dec. 18.?The first being subjected to gross mistreat- When l ider the present ad-1 ment were without foundation, but vance of ;ht was given by the (in the absence of official information e*i seven Irs. Wilson at the it had been impossible to convey taineers lesides the members definite assurance to the many anx- i th ind their wives or . ious inquirers alarmed for the safety A floti Vice President and of relatives and friends. sent up t Secretary Tumulty ] So far Consul Letcher has for- <,aK signi friends of the Wil- warded to the state department no column c e invited. Covers reply from General Villa to its rep- artillery r 50. resentatlons regarding the treatment iards wil cabinet circle the of the Spanish residents of Chihua- then asct Mayor-elect John hua, but it is assumed that the con- range of of New York and sul has found it difficult to communi- over the uiirman W. F. Mc- cato quickly with the rebel general in the gn >emocratie national owing t ohis military activity. Little what the rs. McCombs, PresL doubt is felt that Oenersii viii- ...hi _? > larfleld of Williams heed the admonitions of the depart- ?r i>nmiM rs. Garfield, Prof. ment. In this connection department men intr Princeton and Mrs. officials deprecate the demonstrations vftor I s. ltalph Pulitzer or in favor of Huerta which are said to uh Infm ry II. Thompson of have been made by the Spanish ele- net and .. Thomas D. and ment on the American side of the their . >f Chicago, all three border. : p"s 1 nee ton University Americans and the whole foreign hers of was president there, colony at Tampico are now enjoying field s and Miss Jones; a period of quiet after the exciting rhf Sn f New York, a class- events of the past week, but their siderahle itdent at Princeton; peace of mind is marred by the news n, . Hall of Washington, that 4,000 Constitutionalists are rumtJ ts, military aide to encamped within 20 miles of the i r. Grayson, U. S. A , town and may renew the attack as of Princeton. soon as they can replenish their ' store of ammunition. There is likely ' KOBE, JAPAN. to bG little change in the disposition r??*>ty J ?' the vessels of the American fleet to n Company Buys Big neBr Tamp,co for present. , ast n >n in Lancaster. . O. Sowel n>u . ?? * "la Heard From. Auditor > Charlotte Observer TT ... ? an Item of interest ~ I!0, Sonora, Mexico, Dec. mfltlv consignment of cot- pen rancisco Villa in a long J n Lancaster by Mr. rGP"rt received hern today by Gen-! ^ ? 'J I eral Carranza. denied that any for- , , P" ;er Cotton Company molested In Chihuahua lay one lot of 600 f"* wltb thp exception of the Span- a,U'. m0!j purchased several VM,a snK" I ?? Mr" S Mr. C. D. Jones in f?ato?d ?hat Chihuahua City be made intprp8te for which an aver-,tha. "at,?"al Provisional capital. I AudUor its was paid. This 1 _ The fore'K" consuls asked for lasier (H guarantees for their countrymen and pfUHent i ght tn here for re- these were Riven in full for all ex- I ired for the time be- cept Spanish," General Villa said in chants and P'armers report. pany. Some of it is "These, as you know, almost en- I II pool, some to the ttrely have taken an undue part in hile a portion of it jnternnl struggle of our country, Kobe, Japan. This an(j have put themselves always od grade and com- against the cause of thq people of ? PKE. price, as evidenced whom we are the defenders." >y this concern for it. i fjeneral Villa told of the Institu. . . . .. season the New- ^ion af a 0|vji government at Chi- s ompany has brought huahua City and of the enlsitment from neighboring 0f 200 federal soldiers who were the j; les of cotton for re_ RPnt to Juarez on their own recog- Pl re is coming in every nizance. jn requesting Carranza to Vfli11.,?.jp trn has headquarters move his military headquarters to f* ' ,, n., with Charlotte an chihuahua, Villa argued that the T. f h. The bringing of 8tate was in the hands of insurgent ... the city for reshlp- forces and that its central location tn the outlay of "J1"*0 would make the move most advan- kt vhlch is provided by u worning Thus the Union Na- n wag Hal(1 here that General Xno'ole need the deal where parranza had made no decision In . not?. it was brought here piattpr. hut w ? "" | very pi shower < *H TO BE IIEHK. Mr. S. r. Gardner Celebrates His 7ltb ?lay nigl i Birthday. ?ur ( hildren to Town Special to The News. away th! day to See Him. Heath Springs. Dec. 18.?The cele- Christ y man. woman and hration of the 7 4th birthday of Mr. again wl ter county to be i-v S. C. Gardner took place at his home and all t b 24th to see Santa. am' was greatly enjoyed by his chil- piness to ii a handsomely lee- dren. grand children. great grnnd bring h? some of his friends children and other friends and rela- and henr it 11 o'clock and will tives. Among the number were Mr. member! Store during the day an(' Mrs. Frank Gardner and Mrs. years pa >f the children We Mattie Vincent of the Flat Creek see- urorM m e expense of having t,on- :v,r- Gardner received many from sin with us this Christ- valuable presents from his friends We hi I pass through Main and relatives. shape wi ock. So be here to 11 a great pleasure for all the a Woodi 111 have many nice children to meet there nnd enjoy the Literary ^ou nnd it A-111 be a day as we d,d- We wish Mr. Gard- week, a e ones to see him. ner many more such birthdays. large att CENT STORE MAN. GRAND SON. tl.e weat ________ | least, wi (Jfty H('ll( Jolin S. Hinson. AccommodationM at White House three goi Ived here this morn- i Better. apprecia' of Mr. John S. Hip- ' Washington. Dec. 17.?To prevent red last night in the ? ,K, . 1 We hi 1. Mr. Hinson had recurrence or one of the most em- gchool Ji th for some time and barrassing incidents that ever befell Mrs. P. ndergone a serious the wife of a President of the United Mrs. B. the effects of which fitates?that which occurred during M'ss Ad ver" , - , ihe Taft administration, when Mrs. vas formerly of the _ . .. . ? , . ' _ , meeting >n of this county but Taft lnvJt*d Col. and Mrs. Ooethals inK ,n Ja in KerBhaw county to the White House as Christmas all the i of years. Ho was guests and had to rescind the invl- school d of age and leaves a tations and send them to a hotel be- carry on .1 children. cause of insufficient accomraoda- The 1 . tlons?Ave additional guest rooms very goo on Home Rule have been added to the executive Mr. J. mansion. Heretofore the limited week.em '8.?The Dail Chron- number of bedrooms has restricted daugl.tei hat Premier Asqulth the number of guests to two or three. Mr. V meet Andrew Honar This winter, Mrs. Wilson will be en- spent Mi Ion leader, for an in- aided to invite her friends to visit her Mrs. Wi lion on home rule. without fear of embarrassment. Mrs. 1 DECEMBER 19, 1913. AUTSROUT RMY WITH BOMBS =5$ family of here the lee Before Spaniards at at Home" Muley Abselam. Suppos some on< ? come ags AFT PREPARES WAY. basket 1/ n Signal Corps of United Army Interested In The Mov Experiment. G( , Dec. 18.?A large force sPec'al sh tribeomen was routed Dongs\ ry loss today by the Spanish Blackmoi Muley Abselam, Spanish RP^nd th< Spanish military aviators Ju" e Moors into disorder with Mrs. J >f bombs. Wednesd: aniards attacked the Moors Cliristma irigade of sharpshooters, a Rof infantry, four batteries tr'P to ^ *y and a large body of native Mr- Ris. Monday, the order for the g?-ueral ad- The the Spanish guard discover- Misses Ei il thousand Moorish moun- Klfrelda concealed iu the irregulari- Sunday ^ e ground. Dancaste: I la of military aviators was J" o reconnoitre. By means of (bl>' 'n b ills the aviators guided the Mr. B. if Spanish troops. A heavy (little gir lire was opened by the Span- w'*h Mr. thout effect. The aviators 1 Mrs- T .'tided to an altitude out of th? rille lire and flew directly,T- T>- ^ai place where the Moors were section. PHtest numbers. Then came Mrs. 'I dispatch to the Spanish war RPf>"< Sal scribes as a "veritable rain V'V1' 'V! , tossed by hand by the air- , ? ". " ? the midst of the Moors." | nis nomoardment the Span-I try charged with the bayo- . dislodged the Moors from ''a"IK^t" itions, causing them to flee * disorder, leaving largo num- ' dead and wounded on the spent a lanisli troops also lost a eon- on number of men, as the rifle V fy,? he tribesmen was verv ae- , If1,1 a .officers v year: P SOWELL-KNIflHT. IvR* Fa esct.: H. Vuditor Married Last Night enberry, Mrs. Mary O. Sowell. and E. 1 ight at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Mary '... ? 1 was married to County JJ? 5J1 Joseph W. Kp.ght at her "J ^ East Parr street. The cere. ? . . is performed by the bride's I, s' lev. W. S. Patterson of the v'? , church and was witnessed a few of the near relatives ,? t intimate friends of the ng parties. women a owell's many friends will be rl to learn of her marriage to Knight, who is one of Lan- P junty's most popular and officer. , . . . Special t Pleasa lUNTY NEWS their wa and wer< ISANT PLAINS NEWS. Mr. Pattc the next ng Facts At>out Life in ~ W old-time That Community. wish the Jditor of The News: happines allow me space in your I The ^ columns for a bit of news w"' "av leasant Plains community, aftornoo irmers are abdllt through ? .?. cotton. They have notliitig for do. Some are hunting, some q,Pr(>y at various trades, such as , p. r work, saw milling, etc, and '' '* rking for Road Walker, doling. We are having some ' 'Skiing easnnt upntiipr a ii.rv,? their re; af rain fell during Wednes- a,u' ^'a< it. We have a good string A'r> ^ lieli meets occasionally and "1P Mar * us good music to while "no ,n s lonely night hours. i ,)r- A mas will soon be with its a th its fire crackers, candles brother-i he good things to bring hap- Ordim i old and young. We should xxm,bl fa ippiness to as many homes s,ea<1 of 'ts on that day as we can, re- ibis won ng on that day so many on t,u> ssed, that the Savior of the ?ur m?f me to light to save our souls roals in the country with f od teachers and we certainly fa'zena te the interest they take in PeoP'? j| our children, fortunati ive lately organized a Rural meant t] mprovement Association with votes J K Hlflplrmnn npooUont. Ward Wi C. Harris, vice president; 1,8 one 11 a iiorton, secretary and r. We will have our second the second Wednesday even- 1 Cott< inuary and would be glad for -waahi mothers and fathers of this istrict to come and help ?* 01 the good work. for the lealth of the community Is nounced d except for the measles. show 28 R. Roberts and son spent the era had i with his son-in-law and tons of ( \ Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Talbert. from th< yill Neal of near Pageland cember r>nday night with his sister, seed oil lltara Love. tabllshm Ft. A. Love and little son prior to $1.50 PER Y iday? home M,. w.nu-||Mmy|p 01 AHl/ . L. Horton spent the week- J Ul inilll ULnllll her parents, Mr. and Mrs.; 'fill fcRJIITW pes of Chesterfield. j I Al AlylI I Y rate John L. Caskey and | lUnLnlfll I Lancaster visited relatives | past week. j istln Hinson of Rock Hill is . . . Tor the hoiidavs. Answer to Mann s e I better ring ofT and give lure of County ? else a little room. Will iln if this misses the waste LIG1TT. THREAX OF DNCiKVILLE NEWS. Democratic Sj>eaker II ements of the People and of Senator Root? >neral News in Brief. Against Pro 0 The News. Washington, Dec. dlle, Dec. 18.?Mrs. Mary Clark left his chair li 1 has moved to Lancaster to day to challenge tht 8 winter with her daughter, "calamity howling' us Blackmon. Minority Leader Man . A. Ellis and family spent speech picturing the a V in T.onnootor ? V. ~ ? ... ?uuiug mt-ir throes of business am s shopping. . pression as a result Blackmon tnade a business tariff legislation. At incaster Wednesday. calamity howlers in F. Long went to Kershaw speaker presented former Speaker Can easant Plain school teachers, Hilles of the Repul - a and Emma Jones and Miss committee, former Gi Poag spent Saturday and 0f Missouri and Repre vith Miss Poag's parents at . Vigorously defenditi r. law. Mr. Clark declar mes R. Ellis spent Wednes- had been any hold-ui aneaster. | was simply because pi M. Welsh and two of his ing exercised. He sai Is of Antioch spent Sunday father of the though J. W. Welsh of Longsville. publican leaders and '. A. Dabnev of White Bluff it was strange no 011 I day Wednesday with Mrs. signs of falling prices II lk on berry of the Longsville XTNPARDOXABLE PI \ li. Horton of Longsville 1 p,., '7.'"propose to' turday and Sunday with her no ; ?rs ,, afto] id mother. Mr. and Mrs. : . , ,n Ipes of the Catarrh section isgihig to irfleld count>. people that never tho oleman D^bney of Lancaster P m n (o pt(1(]y a ednesday with Mrs. T. D. th|nk!npf mpn this wil terry at Longs\il1 . a monRtrous and unj Blackmon and wife made a fonnanPO? trip to Lancaster Friday. Representative Mai W. Welsh of Longsville a ploomy plct ure of 1 few days in Charleston last Democratic business. threat of political cot last meeting of Pleasant and rurroncy. "T nip, W. O. W., the following rountrv today," lie f t-ere elected for the ensuing * . K. Blackmon. P. P.; R. F. " , congregaieo iv. Rent.: T. L. Morton, B.; Ith?1 nulet discussion ulken berry. P.; B. P. Harris, }v'lon weather st J. Harris, W.; T. D. Faulk- |fy\ wiI1,1t end ,n a [c O. P. Trustees, C. Estridge J5at.wl" fVPn P?IH'tr ") Outen deaf statesmen on >ol Improvement Association ^ tanized at Pleasant Plain n. n"""* evening. Mrs P F Black- ere at x\ork three 1 elected president. Mrs. B. P. preslrieni""^ iVlears. LNCLE BILL- MAKES SPIRIT! lotaivfr ? 1 * c*- Taking the floor 1 IjEASAAT * AIjIjEi . minority leader had fl Plark launched into o The News. to the Republican pri nt Valley. Dec. 18.?Mr. S. astor from tho enaT,^ rson of this place and Miss ren?y measure. Rid uin of Pineville, tiring of a Rations of Senator R ingle blessedness, wended predicted that tin ty to Pharlotte on Tuesday passml by next Mom ? happily joined in wedlock. "nT*d after it become E>rson brought his bride home try will blossom like day and ?hat night the "I don't believe eople serenaded them in ye "that I exceed boun wav. Their many friends or of fact in saying m many years of wedded of disaster look lil is. conspiracy against leasant Hill Sunday school republic. Mr. Mann e a Christmas tree 011 the calamity, disclaims 11 of Christmas day. Suit- calamity howler, but ^rcises have been prepared Cannon, Mr. Hadley occasion, and these will be- have been the greates iptly at 3 o'clock. lers in this country t Measant Valley school will idav for the Christmas holi- 1IAV4vI} ..... , rofessor Marchant and Miss H,,V,K 111 1 will spend the holidays at sportive homes in Edgefield Everybody Pulling '1 ^kville. Cause of Ed rank Stephenson is teaching p, t Rrade_Roni vin school, just across the rr forth Carolina. ' Second grade?E. L. Anderson of Florida Mo?v Ush few days last week with his prade_M1 in-law, Mr. J. Z. Bailes LouiRP Duncan. Eul irily your correspondent ? ? R , ] , Ug] vor quadrennial elections in- , waters. Eugene biennial, but in one respect rr , , . j , . rimmons, Ona Lee r Id prove a greater hardship Tlmmons and Hovt V people of Pleasant Valley. p , grade?Et d used and most necessary c Ethel Neil. Cc ' one from the Lancaster and ru??n o, , roa.l to th? Balk* bri,lg,. ?lftbvlorFrank ! d onlv in election years. Our ,,:l> 1 law was passed in 1907 and ! Ki^hthg^ade--Loy at time this road has been Tv ' ,, , but twice, in 1910 and 1912. t^o Psom- >^at0 T 10 d is only ten or twelve feet places and full of holes, yet f nT ' \ .t liore than any other road In ?VT It" .and township. One of our has been at Buford supervisors told one of our Both patrons and pu .. few years ago that the [?T tbP RO"(1 of the,r a the Pan Handle were un- tbe ^b?Tnn?^ r?H ely situated. 1 nresume he . on. e ... . names ana spienaio rtat we didn t have enough have 55 enrotfed> an Vnyway, we are looking for- anceof45. We also th hope that 1914 will give , and Rural .ore working for this road. mpnt 'A880clatlon> w * ! pulling the trees ui ' ground, getting read; in Seed and Oil Hejmrt. | Congratulations to _Tw,? .0 o. may we strive as o ngton, Dec. 18. Statistics build up the cause a otton seed products industry tbe uplift of the con present cotton season, an- "P by the census bureau today, 9,118 running bales of lint- To Bnlld (hlne been obtained and 2,201,276 ottou seed had been crushed Peking, Dec. 18.? a crop of 1913 prior to De- been signed by a Bri 1. The number of cotton construction of a rail mills and other dellnttng es- in Hu-Peh province, ents active during the period Kweichow province, December was 860. about 600 miles. EAR. RAPS HOWLERS Gloomy Picnder Tariff. CONTROL. lidicuIeK Spe?ch -Conspiracy gre.ss. 18. ?Speaker ti the house tos patriotism of ' Republicans, in had. made a country in the d industrial deof Democratic 5 the "greatest America," the Senator Root, inon. Chairman )liean national overaor Hadley sentative Mann, ig the np\v tariff pd that if there 1 iri hlicinooe O "?donco was boid the wish was t with tho Rpsuppested that o olso had soon i. 'TtFORMANCE. itinued Speaker pet it Into tho * day, that tho tho dops qnd tho deuco and upht of a panic hout it. To all II ho oonsidorod pardonable pernn had painted tho country- untariff and tho ltrol of hanknp hrouphout tho ?aid. "wherever thero now is poinp on. which rikes the ooun>ar and a howl ate the oars of the Democratic Ion with wives to work, who nonths ago, are portunity. Tho uch towards rele would, do of this house hoy are pursudes which they i the stump so :d reply. as soon as the Inisher, Speaker a spirited reply ^dictions of disnent of the curiculing the as. loot and others, f> bill would be lay or Tuesday, s law the eounthe rose." ," he shouted, ds of propriety that predictions on the school y to farm. tnp patronR ana ne in trying to if education and lmunity. RECEPTOR." ae Railway. -A contract has tiah firm for the Iway from Shasi, to Sing Yifu, in a distance ot j