Significance of Exchange. I earth, For thousandn of years men had | ?gU,n^ otriitrylo/1 nnri fnncht tocpfhor A n i .1 they advanced in intelligence and draw watched the coming and going of the In seasons, the onward sweep of the cotistellatton8 of stars at night, they KiPatl] watched men advance rrom childhood is tht on to intelligence that sometimes blessc shook the earth and then quickly p1?, withered and passed away; as they faniil stood beside one open grave after an- sense othtr and asked helploislv: "Is this fereni all?" no matter how Intently Ihey Mstened no voice replied. Then hnving \ aNyee^ no Cod. they invented gods, ileason- j blessc ing in their own narrow round, they exper gave to these gods such attributes as |l^yWt' they understood. These gods had ,.ai", n human passions, they were moved by to be such emotions as mortals are moved 'mtl by, so when they seemed angered Pre(" they carried to them gifts to propit- e late them; they offered obligations to them when they wanted favors; they jmPr< carried to their altars gifts in grnti- ae w' tude for mrecies vouchsafed, and so the years drifted into centuries, and while men advanced in knowledge, their hearts were not much changed. Prisoners of war were sold into On slavery; women, though petted when recei young and beautiful were, after all. j mas chattels: wars worn tnrr??Rnnt- tho I 11,0 a history of the early world was little brold more than continuous war bulletins Thos and man's future home was no more mad* tangible than is the Indian's who peopl "sees God In clouds and hears Him er si in the wind" and whose utmost these dream is of phantom, happy hunting buy I ground on heights yet to be dis- j,-0 covered. thinp Still men continue to turn and covei ask: "What is this life for? Where toole does an immortal mind find a resting frani place at last? Why were we given i if to live and to enjoy so much, if it all are ] ends here? At last the men of Israel Ther prepared a hypothesis for a plan of beat* redemption and fixed a place for the en s soul which Is to he superior to death | quail and decay and on that hope some ; uf ct more centuries were unwound. , for ; And finally came the mighty an- comj nouncement that a Messiah was born, be a and the simple story as it was report- , cand ea has within it more dramatic power i have than any other story ever told, and and without discussing its truth, there Vi are some facts which cannot be put bask aside. From that era mankind really size? began to live, to hope, since the as- twis surance had been given them that of tl this life is but a phase of eternity. J sign Civilization really dates from the ; If birth of Christ. Even th ose who ! ence have their doubts of the divinity of I smal ^ the Nazarene, concede that there atIof f * Bethlehem was born besides Tim, an brol Inspiration that has transformed the [cove % BEDSTEAJ X ? Yes, strong ones, ?? Will hold anything f bed bug to the larges ?? or woman in the Stat< Y them, that's all. ? I : | r / # r 1* i JI H I M l Oil | THE LANCASTER V 3* Here's yoru chance t ocoi the purchase of one of our j* bine utility and convenien j* embellishments and lend a j* freshment to your home. Come look them over, a ?! Come get them quick, they JL in a hurry. That is what t X don't get any of these bai A warning! Last call. I THE LAN CASTE that his spurred on learning. rt, and invention, so that now * WjbS?'^ ^er before In the history of the '5 t- " ^the coming of the kingdom the American family, Christmas \ ns of hearths this morning will , a realization that there are difi forms of happiness, and that Xtlg| uth to make mamma, or lltte HgP|p|^^ er than to be the one directly ' R >d. From one Christmas day's | fc? fP^JflHgg^W. f4 with a family of children ' * JfU HvHkJU 10 carefully watches can get the 1 o the character of each one and I I W Jj lake shrewd estimates how it i-; ! Vv with each one. and at night will himself looking forward and 1 one will be found when one I onor had sewed, painted or em- ^ e days have gone by. The hand- llllliSre le have grown wise and no long- tm tend time and work in making \ little remembrances. They XJ^jC^Xn them in the shoos. ) A3 r a friend who likes leather :r one may And portfolios, liook s. desk appointments and hand > \ <1 boxes, card cases and picture rr "1 es. candlesticks he a hobby there s plenty of them to choose from, e are hammered brass sticks, , . . . ... n silver standards, carved wood- X ticks for the hall tlreplace and v nt saucer sticks. There are sets i \ - ,T|| >pper scones, too. Just the thing A Cl a brown dining room. An ac >animent to any of these would box of the home-made bayberrv a,.,,.,, n,.m les. These grayish green dips ? Away in am an a peculiar lustre when lgihted , L The little Lord their fragrance is pleasing. | Xhe stars in the iriety is found in hand-made jf ets. They are of all kinds and X The little Lord t, from large wood baskets of , 5 ted twigs to little work baskets The Cattle are I le finest weaving in Intricate do- X p.a t n?-d and of nice coloring. X 15Ul nuie AjOI(I needlework is the special prefer- x I love Thee, L( .the shops offer towels, large and X And stnv Vw m 11. with borders and inset motifs X Anu SUiy uy 111 ancy work and lace; little em- X dered boudoir pillows, dresser X rs and centerpieces. IM buy Furnitur< j| /'* -z M VOU t()Ul<1 ' '111 i ff ^lCill IM iir China w are. V\ II I JMsmil ^ Diamond Rintf ii tt. -JiAjLL^f purchase you *re that has tin- ln< HARDWARE SAYS: "J*1*?"h and a nappy ai nbine luxury and economy in Library Tables. They comce, the delight of handsome m n air of distinction and re- I AH AQ | great chance, at low prices. UllWlAI are here for you, so get them he people are doing, so if you rgains don't blame us. Fair % R NEWS, DECEMBER 19, 191: ? \G^H TMNTQ ' X-> vv M,'MH!MX";,^,W,rd Jesus! look down from the sky, y cradle till morning is high. ?MARTIN LUTHER. fc. I INC FROM THE ? lardware C( Thank Each and Every 0 if Our Customers ige in the past, and sincerely trust t ne fee's toward us as we feel toward have had a good business this year, ; ireciation of same we are reducing Limiture for your benefit alone. We n r store, and by giving the people a cha e at such low prices we feel that we r ourselves but giving the people of their lives to buy this stock ch< resent any one with a nicer Xmas j our Furniture, Rugs, Art Squares e also want to call your attention to n our show window that we are goinj December the 21th. With each and e\ t a ticket, so hold this ticket and the ;y ticket gets the Diamond Ring f ask for your tickets when you mak and every one a Merry C hris id prosperous New Year, we ; Yours respectfully, ster Hardwa Company I J At Toy Roswell (N. M.) News. still, t ?Q The tide of Christinas shoppers lisi<1 'S JgJ ebbed and flowed up and down the ' tov counters, trying with many a ! , i i .1 i i i would squawk and snap the mechanical do- . i . vices that modern skill lias given u " to the child, chattering gaily with - ? ,'c light hearts as they left with armfills of burgling bundles, to be smug- . . gled into many hiding places till the . dim liglit of Christmas morning is ''* . lit up with the gleam of little eyes ^ and made musical with the childish ,? K shouts of glee. s For Silently a man and woman stood womai watching the stream that of itself been s I was a whole sermon in the perennial their ; beauty of human love. There were shots of gray in his cloisely cropped s heard, and line about her eyes that told a mute story of Getlisemane and lilies, but on lier face was a tender ',fl smile as one by one she watched a little mother select playthings and would go out into the night, knowing the I" happiness that lay behind it all, the (,'I1U1K mother-love that is as strong now uinon> as in the time when the maid looked vv',at down into the manger and smiled *s !l " with holy joy over the blessed man- moPt I child. The man saw them tor. hut If t I there was no light in his eyes, but ntas-g rather a stern despair that was with- Part c out light. peopW Then the woman's hand followed ry her eve and from the heaps of toys, gn?j. she picked up a soiled and tousled s . ' * Teddy Monkey that was weary with .. . . the handling of two seasons, and Kir whose value was glaringly less than " ,s/ when he was new of person and first (| .1, , on the market. Her hand trembled a , . little as she raised the toy, and in her " J dark eyes were the midst of unshed *' f tears. In his eves there was the A flash of awakened memory, and lie ? turned awav unsoftened, so that his f | eves fell upon an Irish Mail, gay in ^. so red paint, seemingly waiting for the ls thrust of little legs and the pull of , boyish arms, to be spinning over the A. 1 ' , ! walks, while corn-tassel hair flatten- " '. 14*11. in mi k ?m 1 to tlw br?M?zo. heav? , The man was thinking of little Iloy .**>*4 rA ; itiuo as liis expanding heart called supre Y for the agents of growing muscles all(j | X and the dawning instinct of the man an,j t to come, and there were stern lines jn ,nj about his mouth as he looked be- \yj a yound the long aisle and its now thin- giadn Y ing ranks of buyers. ' man X She say only the baby that lay on took Y her arm, rosy and round and cooing one 1 *j* back the sweet content of the child (Jo A that is loved and blessed with its enoui Y mother's bounty. Beyond that she frieni Y saw not, for the memory was to her plent ^ of a chihl that sprang from her heart Til X in the days when the world was the c X bright with the glories of the dawn, grow Y and before the sable wing had left ly a X the cradle empty and hearts in which into i Y the long sweet song was changed to from Y I a dirge until God could bring the rare. A rosemary and rue and sweet forget- It fulness, and the boy was a baby worl< (g* CIl. 21 I guess ye Any kind ( may want \ >mpany l: zl~ ne 'r1 jjj W rl ^ m.% A M | mt*n m A m % * + * /^mv^*v mm a ml. m THE LANIA51EK HAKI dlC That besides the utility of a CI cheer to the dining room and adds pearanee, and what woman has not: some choice pieces of china that sh 1^ Q Pu* 'n a conspicuous place in order pi best advantage and a tthe same t I U cover. We kindly ask each and every 01 the next 10 days and look over o Furniture and China Closets, an< their quality, and see the ridiculou are great bargains. Com eand see J^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^jK. A^A A^A.A^A V|V v^r V^V # ^ ^ I / 1 11 * Counter is it will be so long as tho see that the holy peal rings was thinking of the boy that have cherished his old age, ' the babe that blessed her womanhood, for such is tho f man and the way of woman, both understood. Without a he Teddy Monkey was laid tendown and they walked out tounder the stars that are soon mi as brightly as they did over able at Hethlehem. theirs was the lot of man and 11 who love each other. It has io since the morning stars sang glad refrain. '.veetest Christinas Music. Hill Record. Christinas season, instead of the gladdest time of the year, he an intolerable bore but for >y of the children. The exe of presents and greetings j grown-up folks is far from it is "cracked up" to be. It lerely formal observance which people are glad to be done with, here were nothing else in Chistiving than this, the happiest >f the Christmas time with nine 3 in every ten would be the day The signs of relief on that foil Id he sincerer than all the i of the whole week before. nit* joyous laugmer 01 me ue(1 children Is the Christmas that sets the heart-strings in vibration. call the Christmas hells sweet, ley would sound solemn and I* gloss but for their accompani' joyous shouts and laughter little ones. J joy of a child is the only pertappiness in the world. And it easy to cause. is is why Christmas, the day on i wo all unite in gi\ing joy to tiildren, is the nearest approach ind can make to a foretaste of >n. i us remember that Christmas is moly the day for the children, that the day for the children, hat our own best joy must lie iking them as happy as we can. lat a glorious feast of universal iess the day would he if every and woman in selecting gifts care lirst of all to make at least ittle child supremely happy! d knows there is opportunity ?h. If the children of your own ds are all supplied, there aro y of children of the friendless, ey swarm In the alleys, where lollar that, if spent o nsome n-up friend would bring scarcesmile of pleasure, will, divided a dozen gifts, bring shouts of joy a dozen hearts to which Joy is is the sweetest music in the 3. * 1 T A I UK l -m. a ml. a. V s, aood ones ? i>f a chair you ve have it and V duction. Come ver quick. V 'J ^ t ^VYU ^ V "o -No ? 1 . "t?* ??IC SC*. jii