7 2 X it h 9 iv r ^X^X^M^X^/v^'vv'X'-XK'vvv vv*! n iftiii a\ THE LAE ' WHEN Hl'MOK S V T t l^_? .. . ... .. ICASTER NEWS, NOVE I'KI) THE DAY. canopy; when oui _ fatal slope, now ..... dead, we came abi I MBER 18,1913. r eyes swept up that ' down the line gray with Southern ! The command out as near knowinsr I nnnnrtnna tiio' i, snapping the tension. ling officers, seizing the ?T SEND Fi tuilt Of O fV?^ r- 1 ? ORFRERCatalog-Circular^g Ul.i. KJ _ 1 - H Iivien s l\ei Lovely Hats Ar Charleston Post. o Millinery Upe e Shown in Alpine and Vel I against the ool uui when whole-page ads appe long but incomplete list of millinery establishments li fer in the way of winter lie; the feminine side of hu sense of simple recognition that something be said ol vlously less important what will crown the brow sourer sex, who once in a also favored with a change pearance occasionally. ? , .1 j latest descendant of \ t will, like the minute sc , . f be little seen. do. pite s. . then only on occasion \> 01 i n. on- ers woul), |lot ,)(. counte while are. ordinary t or two 1,1 still can man v a 11 en re Tin1 "Pulled little pleasantly In ft hat. popu- ,u>aly peril turned u 11 extant ami victory for us at Por a rare sight sidered by Stonewa taut relation most desperate of a the skull cap battles." said an old alp covering. "Stonewall brigade" its size, and crate army, hen the oth- "General Shields' naneed. Not composed of the flow rap, this will troops then in the Sin which would a moment of ittor defeat into -pp t Republic, con- I I II Jackson the I lip II his desperate I veteran of the of the Confed- The high , line of battle, should enable or of the Union . L>nundoah valley, insure his DUi ii.,..i, .....ti.... You can' much caro, an average. All quality. Prlo cents per 1,00 price of cotton $100 per 100 every farmer to ALFRED ildings and live- . t buy better cabbage plants. Ther d I don't know of any which will varieties. The price is most reai e 75 cents for 300; $1.00 per 1,0 0. Jouannet's lOarly Giant Arget >; $4.00 per 1,00. Satisfaction gu > JOUANNKT, Box 18, e are none raised with so head as well on the sonable considering the '00; 5,000 and over 85 iteuil Asparagus Roots aranteed. Ml.Pleasant, S. C. style. MEN'S MILLINER That auspicious day lia arrived when some inorni apart l'or a mammoth an opening of men's millenry, manner of work is suspends oral consent, to allow of a u upon the doors as a means selections, but d< spite tin progress there are certain otherwise be wearing a I Y- SUMTINCJ ONE'S " "ol ^' J Large men take to lai "g ls , said. liile often it is tl gvo, and in front well-pouted bat- ()r see FAR! rful fiold guns nto tbe Confedon must have ? ? . . .. . Notice to Doltto FARMERS' MUBONEY, Mgr., Yorkville, S. C. HERS' BANK, Lancaster, S. C. ll'N mill ('willlnru THE ONI Show < Coming stores to tho arrival of b headwear intended, for th at least, exclusively for nie Such a season is here seen by a glance at certain lows, which are as usual owed by other windows, wl brilliant blazers, skimpier ? (towns, and other subjects < sation. In the slighted wind er observation would rove; , snotiding stylos. At tir ' ' , would sooin that again o p ? s? i ttike kindly to the dignifi , an authoritv statos tha !,,s can alwavs so. hv a long sl?. storo win- (,polarod th), iddorl v aro morshad (.(iptjvo ln (hoir motlv V.1;;11 'V # romos to taking though " tlio ho. d shall ho olothoi >r convoy- ... .1.1 ii , 'in froiiuoiitlv tho oollogo ows. clos- . . 1 . , . , lus nrrn.tl that tho sto il oh|ort . , , .. , nicked ovor st though it mosp guns; 1101 oniy inon would ! sary to victory, but od modes,but ' i"rom complete defeat t ?11 i> is not i t? withdraw his mot: nt. Often, he l-liat deadly shell f the most do Already two CScorKla es when it hurled themsolves a t as t<> what terv and then reeled, 1 In. and not rear. Ceneral Tavlo boy linds on orans of San Jacinto ck has been war, had twice storm slope to the muzzle o was tins necesto save himself All persons lia1 , for to attempt the estate of N. i In the face of are hereby notlfi ire meant rout, duly verified, wit regiments had and those indebtei gainst the hat- please make paym crushed, to the JEUUSU r's Texans. vet- Adtnx. Estate of in tiie Mexican ceased, ed up the steep Oct. 14, 1913. f the guns, only . . *lng claims against B. Small, deceased, V icd to tile tho same I ^^ _ li the undersigned, I Qfl|' (1 to said estate will I jfM III ent likewise. [A A. SMALL, N. B. Small. Do Nn aster,Frida; \/ p m h p i <>I ICSSCr 111 ei haps. 1>\ a, "'charge that hat s to connect j)(l spouted to o rat.ures still ofTi? rs. pointing t< Jifcht is wcl puns. T.eneral .lacks biing ilea i e r p., V(> those guns: a year away. vii?K half tholr j ^ rosorvo, In full HP1 mountain sldo. I U/\ L 4 aide from (Ion JJ J torv and tako ur commanding W~fc > tin- bristling K nn on says ho must I 1/11 ho must have A. ^ V J W irmers' ,p?qj* k & r*> V A A I M I way in order to preser sense of direction, it may ho again a variety of colors sa navy blue, valdos, seal. 1 granite, and other fninilia Vahles. which inqury d< means "green", is one of th ing colors this fall, and will have a lor.ger career than t green bean-gear which at flourished and was soon < o ... i .... i nM.. . ... . However, tlio ciirfcw ha Vn-, on the darkening straw, i l More is js p0ssn,iP stin to wear met lonod can sport one. ilnek mill r terms. tormineil LAVNTII <>l' TIIK I o prevail probably The yellow leaves go saili ho crass- stream, one time Whose whisporiiiK wi lit down. seek the sea. s been rung "A murmur ran ind although Xone. neither friend t one, nohody | cnso,j (jlo old Stonet i being afraid. Hut v I up at those grizly IjK.WKS. hlaek-inouthed benea lug down the .H'WiE FOR V iters run to W hich is Hotter?I r> down our lino. ior foe. ever ;?< - I Vitpf I ivall brigade of II I |]N| hen we looked m guns. yawning, tli their smoke I{a8 a pajt] $50,000 and (H'KSELF $5,000 whicl growing. It it an K\|ioi*impiit State Deposi Compy Ny in capital of a surplus of i is steadily (??* j a County and I rS w, tory, is under Sfrfl I UMML ot'tll I 11 < 1 ?I I " Ullll'l shades in tho way of foils. C.KT ON ! : OP TI1K3 A now wrinklo is soen in of "woltoil edges" which hj tion from tho ohscuro sb turning hack of tho outor 1 offoct suggesting tho old-ti polished up and otherwise presentable. Those who 1 that this inspiration will i durability. Whoso -1 ii?I? r alders a pons gleam I And every wycli-olin si the form < on tree. transla-| \nibor and brown and r inlflos a | leavc?8 float; brim. the I Vou cannot see th?- | mo hoin. j prow, rendered Hut each rray galleon I enow say boat? make for j The good folks thror from ito<>i> to bo\ ii<1 pa 10 as- } in- I'rolit liy a <'it i/.en's l'.xp noma a gold; Soinothing now in oil tho light Must i?i- proved to od. "Mxoy at tin* Tho stntomont of is not eon vineing pro is a fairy's |:nt tho oiidorsoinr: Now suppose you I ig the eratt A lanto, woak, or V. Wnnlil VOI1 uviuirii I .minister the otate 11 priiMire. prudent mar an . si.nrimr.nt. 'm9 never lo I... as rnprnsnnt- loansThe Han ;i manurai'turer the confidenc "' writ. mers hv at nt of friends is. ??ers oy at iail a hail hark. an" COntinuec arhing one. We inv: linn t mi it'* I inU/tlU/tH ln .. ispection and gK7 lavement and WL at a cent on W k has gained | ? (;V.n' e of its cuato- j Jy\ !commodations I1 1 service. ite accounts '.Hi KA Mili fiy^M THE Fl'ZZlKS. Alpine lids, or those whi upwards, and velours, the t'u are again in vogue this set former being ehieliy in navy I valdes. "Tobac" velours 1 just like brown hats, and are, while vadles, or olive gi blaek are some of the other which the fuz/.v creations wi Mostly the $:>. $:l.r>0 and , You cannot hear tho 1; i , J tho song, ' 1 " 1 j Though to swoop rood ol'Ys' 1 laugh and sing; ;lron- , You'll sav "So lato tho hluos and . , , ... . i , j and long. 1,1 This autumn twilight probably , of sprillK mon. and Th)> jf,1Ilt,.rv Moon is r n"1"" and bright, jipp ,ti. ^ hron/.n lamp in tho a .>.? km lis . lughtor. ami You wiil road of ' cu ros. y plpos thoy Kndorsod by strain away plaoos, robin sings it's dilToront who niont oomos from bo has a sound Kasv to provo looa Road iliis hanoastc isiiiR, broad K. \V. Sistaro, mo shon-oolorod s' Ramastor, S. C huok ai'bi-d sunt tin I wuctuei itii many so-railed Hrintf US yoUl ,,rs from far- COtton deposit tee safety an< ti thi- endorse- in return. me. 1 testimony. Tour per r ease: paid on time reliant. Diuilap pounded tjuar says: "My ? Kt.- ur smaii. m (' . * fourteen-cent Is. Wetfiiaran- fefk ^ iV i good service v crnl interest d?'iM?sits eoni of foils arc bought, while th looking fuzzy affairs stick t at the same rate Derbies, \ the way. have wider brims, crowns and slightly curled bi season, remain at the same o RAH, RAH LIDS. College men will come in share of the felt hats, alpine erwise, the telescope or lla ing suppressed to a certai ' wintry T() |{K|1t t|u>ir shallops lu- buyer j stream tonight chich. by j j.-ar through the wood medium white owls cry. rims, this prom (pp |o\v bridge I Id priees. on t|M.jr way, ' Fleeing the sunless, sta tor their to he and oth- How- would my soul rej< t lid he- j as they, n extent.' I, too. might follow st down th?' through my loins and I used Doan's Kidne; s I hear the Rot at <'raw ford Hr< They improved my < watch them '-v ' t as represented." irveling days F(>p sa,fi ,)y a? ^ . cents. Foster-Mill?iir >lce lf- even New York S()lt. ., United States. iturner over si?l< s. Finally _ . v Fills which I CADMP )S driiK store r AIvITILI oiidition great\is remedy acts ^ TRU tiers. Price 50 . ivr, n Co., Huffalo, Kent* for the ?. B. LINGLE, or iiM BANK KB ST CO., PM ASTER, S. C. Imhem ' ^rest- iXWiLB II I CM r.A:.. Kllll Jlfl'J: dkuu raps, wnicn envelope 1 very sparingly, and are i ^? Liio aome soa. >rotectiv?> ?Rosamund Mariotl ltoniomhor the n L Watson. and take no other. aine?Doan's? m i 1| cm n vnn ? ^aIke ADVAN1 "AGE OF THE PR !_ , ICES IUU rvn\f f AT \$ Clothing i/\rv?\n HIGH \ y for ME1 VE OFF1 !ff, BOYS BR OUR and CHI /? 4 rnrnm^m GOODS, LDREN xx A f i ? - ? * ? ? 1JKI I ? 4 VY lUUDd OF F ===== SHOES 1 ^ VERY Dfc.SCRIP tor the Whole Family : r, LJII noN LADlfc ?At Prices Low?All 3C/HL S lUAls, Musi Go?Come See INI LUA1 SUITS Them. = AND Kit Y M A A ^ V ^ M lil\, v ma Always LOOK It LEAD IQVr for the POINT S THE WAY? 111^ ING Finger Ovt LTH SPRING jr Our DOOR. s, s. c. illpp SmictiiA&i Where Y ou Get the BIG rGEST barga: [N for the LEA T II ,