'if _ | kjALUE OF ?LE AN ai THE LAN p CASTER NEWS, OCTOI *ER 21,1913. > < I ?Hi LIVING' Columbia Record. Rov. Augustus Harnett, a delphia pastor, found a text fo mou Sunday on clean living li ewson's work in the ninth ini last Wednesday's game of the series. The pastor had atten* yi ? .? YI m i m vl BIB. rc SR riiiia- IJ B r a t| B ^BB 1 Moth- ? ! B ^Bgfi y?| niiig of JJ ?3 ^SSl g?s world's tj B ^B?j f?P led the ?? B ? XI ^Bi M |HB v BR MH SsiB^s SB tr?j i^n BLmm^R ix|^ ggf1 . ^B JBL ^bR^ c t riHft ",001 OS game anu nuu ousi-i n-? uun , sure and machine-like the w the players was as a whole, was the ninth inning that excl admiration to the highest pit "In that last inning," the pi declared from the pulpit, "I s finest display of the result o living I ever expect to witness gladiators, each at the zenith ear. >er, pitched superbly, as on -fcould who had conserved vi ? V ork of T but it ted his J* readier %. aw tiie ?% f clean J Two V '"is | In th Le Season l's Most Attractr # ve Styles } and $ Strength bv clean ana wuu life. "With two men on bases a out, Mathewson's eye was as as his brain was clear. He ? bis team-mates because he 1 of that energy, saved for tli moment when he really neei Matty couldn't have delivered crucial moment If his nerv< been tense, his brain befudd his eyes befogged by any of i si ? Patt< iatl all p vital ssa I: Coun led or JJ>. the in ?rns Are ters in G Now Hei l-reat Qui :e on Oui mtities . p Shelves i I i and | ? T V A *? discretions so common to the i today. "If this great pitcher had sp years in riotous living. If he 1 the virtues of the world at nan he had succumbed to the temp of the barroom, if, in s" ">rt, ] allowed one Jot of his strengtl ebbed by self-indulgence. I ] that the result of that mom ninth Inning would have bet forpnt" men oi y out his *t4 lad set M ipht. if tations t lie had i to be predict J entoua 'n dif- A For Your Inspec i ;tion * x ! T T Y Y There is no doubt that the of moral cleanliness can be, i dally demonstrated In the si physical health and happiness exemplar-, and the benefits of living and proper exercise a gienic sequences that do r.ot i on Scriptural teaching to s them. Any man of good sense mus ize this, brt. unfortunately, ten ? - ? l? V? j1 - j? j virtue inil is, I^J iperior I of its hi We are si ilfwlS lid tlie nei , L%1 ials an< it real- I fl > many I y| tliese 0 rnm^it I X I COAT SUITS lowing a strong line of Coa vest and best styles and ii d shades. We would be g ver before buying, as we f< it Suits this season in i the choicest materlad to have you look eel it would be to our DEV D. S. Clotl; is a new teed fast colors ar yard only ONSHIRE CLOTH one. It's wide and strong id is in neat stripped patt giiaran;erns. The V 20c % * SUt't'UUlU W U.r % ..t which Zeb Wince of North C once wittily worded. "Be T\rtu< you will be ha,p?:r bvt y: have much fur." OA>fE WARDEN^* PtY \T Prominent speakers to IVitv dresses Parsiar. Ow. 3 ; v mutual >X1-? -ir.vJ F V1K. V J? Ladies', " ;; styles ; Vl were b benefit. .Prices range iroi COATS Misses and Children's Coa and materials in the new ought with due considerat 11. . . . $1U.UU 10 3>ZD.UU ts in a big variety of effects. These Coats ;ion of the value fea Pretty Percales in li PERCALES ight and dark shades, at 10c and 12y2( CHEVIOT 3 the yard special 10 i * Columbia. Oct. I*?\:cor: an announcement made fro: chief game warden's orEee. Mr Richardson Is making plan* meeting of the game wardens state on Thursday of Fair w Columbia, in the auditorium fair grounds. Hon. Ben F secretary of the Audubon : will speak on that occasion a tornev General PeepV-5 will so >iu.t to ! tures a n ti- V a a % prices ;:r 1 A of th* __ *i?k In % at th* Taylor. kx*i?tv. A nr\ ,=.i At- Queen ( ^a* on nriniioc is well as style, so you 11 are low. SHOES?LADIES' ? Quality," "Doris," and " +ir\nnlil\r rlo'rinnrlohlp my feel assured the >HOES Roxbury" Shoes are nc +n efvln nnrl athIha One case 28-inch ^ checks and plaid dresses and boys* Vermont Cheviot, in neal Is, is excellent material blouses and shirts. The VTCT.VTJTS k stripes, both for yard only 10 c ?* ! the legal side of the earn*1 laws state. There are several other ers of state-wide prominen t and will probably make an at the meeting which is to 10 o'clock on the morning < :10th. This will be the first meeting of this kind and Chie Warden Richardson hopes thi ing will have the effect of bei terpretatlon and enforcement cnme lmvs ftnri th:?t his r, ? of the ;? *peak- In all 1< invited lddrees V 'art at A >f the anmal %, f Game ? m t tter in- V 0 of the ?,% Splendid fir.im** * x eathers and best shapes at $2.00, $2.50, INFANTS' SHO Soft Sole Button Shoes in A 1 A A 1 $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 E3 black, white, red and n r- ' Costume Velvets an< DR Beautiful new Dr( :1 Corduroys, in the wanted 50c, 90c and $1.5 .ESS TRIMMINGS ?ss Trimmings in Bands, M> 4 I shades, at |3?| 0 the yard |&| I Tassels, IVI wardens will after eonferrin one another he better fitted tending to their duties on a and better basis. I*. S. REVENUE 1NCREAS Four Millions Ahead of Same of liflst Fiscal Year. Washington, Oct. 18.?The g with V* TAD, S1Z for at- ? ? higher | ED. #t? i? ? . A We are s Period V , T<1 and J11 actual not onl ;es u to % at omy CHILDREN'S SH ole agents in tliis 1 >< .!?ty i II" Scuffer Shoes These v look up-to-date, but are a zoc pair OES tor the famous " Jack excellent little Shoes vide, comfortable and Buckles, All-Over New Fall line Ladie in all sizes, asso s, etc. RAIN COATS s' Children's and Men's R rted colors, full length ar *} ? T ain Coats, Y id at low ?neti ui in* it*-w tin in iu\> u| government's revenue will pr be disclosed by detailed comp and computations now being n Secretary McAdoo. The esttm expenses for all branches of ernment are almost finished, dent Wilson has passed wore for a sane economy and treasi cials interpreted i as neither I the estimates beyond what is sary to provide a margin for t juii inr f 'esently SGrviCG arisona rnnlrA f lade by 1 maKe I ates of the go- % ???? Preal- Jk 1 along lry offl- M lo raise Excelleni neces- T he con- % witllOU able. If you haven't aire or the little girl or boy, trj BABY SHOES t little Shoes for the wall t raised heels, in black, t; ady been buying this r a pair this season. I king baby, with and an, red and combina prices. Men's and Boys' C are here in the se at low prices. Yc CLOTHING lothing, Suits, Pants and ason's newest styles and v iu will find us very strong 1 t \ Overcoats *r reaves and & ;his season ?? gressional appropriations com to cut down. While the customs revenm fluctuated too much to warm satisfactory estimate as to wh be expected the internal rove < eipts are running up a nori crease all along the line, so fa nig $4,000,000 ahead of the si riod of the last fiscal year. mittees >? .. | tion co is have y Priees int any & 1 licea at may J nue re- y ?????? aial inr show- 1 BOS imp pe v In every > lors. Every pair a splend TONIANS FAMOUS SH line of manufacture the 4 i ci rl nf ai*rri i >-* a/1 Ktt on rkoi id value, sizes 1 to 5. .50c, 6Cu, 75c and 85c OES FOR MEN relative merit of the in Men's and B< wear, Shirts, etc. We have this seasoi +r? + V)n cplo^ti/m a Dys* Hats, Caps, Underw i MILLINERY 1, as in tlic past, given clos< f fYiit* foil cj+r^lr r\f T n/Unn 1 ear, Neck- ?? e attention V ' ~,1 i resents mis i riMionmih Queen. The Hague, Netherlands, C Jrof. Henry Van Dyke, forn I'rinceton University, the new Slates minister to the Nethi today presented his credent Queen Wilhelmina at the pa TVtloo. He expressed to the the complimentary wishes ol ? at. Wilson. T'rof. Van Dyk of his own peculiar pleasure io tne ii piwuwv )ct. i6 | quality lerly of OVCT a United V uvu rt elands. valllCS tials to I ? , ilare of V 01 Stvl Presi- Y perfecl r* npoke in tak- ???? > t AO UL-tUl kJJ (All V^O 1 r and value. Bostonians 1 third of a century as re in all the essentials of fine es and sizes insures to v< b fit. LUtJlIOllVU nuiil-.ll' VI V7A. lave been famous for presenting standard footwear. Our range oil satisfaction and a drcn's Hats, ende style combines w tractive to the ej of these facts an< very moderate in mistake in buying *. i/ui liiia otw'i\ ui j savoring to buy those good itli conservatism in makin fe, and desirable for wear 1 assuring you that our ] deed, we feel sure you wiJ I your hats of us. UilU v illi- J s in which X g them at- 4J4 . In view A trices are II make no V Y ing up his mission. "Holland was the home of t others," he said, "and gave erica the fundamental ideas < ioiis liberty, public educatic feiieral union." The Family Cough Medh In every home there shou l...ttle Of Dr. King's New Di ready for immediate use wt 4*4 ny fore- t to Am- M )f relip- Big l0t I ?n and t ? , V solids +? dne. ^ Id be a J sco very, 4.? ?en any J, WASH GOODS?GIN )ress Ginghams, in prett to match, at GALATEA 'GHAMS y new patterns with 10c yard Trading Stain] moans a saving to ; cards to be punche< you to an exceller FREE when you h n a **11 j a )S given 011 cash purchas ^ou of 4 per cent on spent i with cash purchases whi it $3.50 Aluminum Meal ave traded forty dollars \- rs ? les which money or A ch entitles ?S? t Roadster and paid Y member or the ramily conti cold or a cough. Prompt ? stop the spread of sickness. Stid, of Macon, Mich., writes whole family depends up King's New Dlscov ry as t cough and cold medicine world. Two 60c. bottles cu of pneumonia." Thousands < families have been equally b and depend entirely upon Dr New Discovery to cure their ? ?" i< Pretty G V, | on Dr. he best A I???????? In the ired mo fJ ot other A4 W A eneflted t I f\ King s I . coughs, A * m ialatea, in excellent qualit; NCAS' y, at 121/2C and 15c yard fER M rorty-eignt cents n Your patronage sol ERCAIs or packing and shipping icited. JTILE ( charges. ? est. 11 colds, throat and lung Every dose helps. Price, 5 $1.00. All druggists. H. E. ] &. Co., Philadelphia or St. Li trouble. 71 Oe. and VL,.mmmmm_mmmm Bucklen ^?, >.A a ouls. VW\m^6^ V. . .*;:,W <'* ^