V ?2 QIljp iGanraster 5 ( SKMI-W KKK L Y.) JUANITA WYL1E I W. S. HOUGH . . . Business __ t- ym *mmc- '? ,T tislng a plac Salisbui SviUli Post Card Day and now Be is about to adopt the idea. ' is a good one, so we ment .gain. Mgr. THE LAN( ry had a i?????????? COUNTY K Ion it'once DRY CREE FASTER NEWS, OCTOB] of Lancaster spen ipiirn Mrs. E. \V. Hammoi HW\ Miss Docia Peacl lUVVkS 'her sister. Mrs. S. J place, returned to h ville, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. ER 21,1913. V _ t Saturday with pT^TyTiTTT li. after visitiim * I. Vincent, at this V er luune at WestT. Twltty spent : wn % TtoURBILl H CHECKS. _ 'iTis m I * PUBLISH KKS* A NXOUNCE Published Tuesdays Fridays at Lancaster, S by The Lancaster Publi Company, successors to Ledger, established 1852; Review, established 1878; Enterprise, established and entered as secondmatter Oct. 7, 19OS, at ii t I .nn ciiHtfir. S SnSNT* "Gold '""kes coal uecessa and ^'le Greenville Piedmont. q makes coal fly. shlng The "Of course Charles F. M the Imp In the recent im The 1891 trial In New York." says 1 -class wood Journal. There v the peach in the impeachment C.. ti'ft (iovo Koon nnuKIp tn Hi iry," sighs | It also Special to The News. Dry Creek, Oct. 20.Cauthen spent Sund James A. Cauthen. Hi ^as for Greenvllle peachment Mlss Dlllk Mathis s rhe Green- with her friend, Miss ras also a ney. but so far ! Mr- ?: " Pel1 8Pent w, I, w? ; Mr.vw^ . Saturday and Su Twitty's mother. Ml ?Mr. Everett ne?r Stoneboro. ay with Mr. Miss Virginia Ta; p left Monday visited her sister, M Monday. tpent Sunday Misses Ivor Brc Gertie Court- Twitty attended th< County Teachers' Ai ; Sunday with caster Saturday. Mr. H. H. Hort c 1? ? 11?- sr?ti_ Mi inlay with Mrs. 1*1 " ? rs. J. C. Hllliard, * ylor of Lancaster ! [rs. E. B. Mobley, J' N >wn and Gladys b meeting of the jsoclation at Lan on of Lancaster H. A. Horton. I*1 f IE NT. j CREDIT |;j GOOD [:] under Act of Congrest March S. 1879 SUBSCRIPTION PRICC (In Advance.) One Year Six Month* * TO SUBSCRIBERS. Your subscription mus "~im ?n nnH includine 1 don't think Mrs. Sulzer fil j. Since the limited meat about to become a real p . . $1.50 should not eat veal. If ...75c general would refrain frc ~~" calves would be spared. be glad to save the calves j t raise more cattle or the pr year . , ? " - | iur. r^u nuuius speui Is the bill. \ his friend, Mr. Rich M _ Mr. Wulter Cuutlien supply is Greenville Saturday w? mW?m ..._ his mother heard from roblem ?e _he ,s lng alQng ftU people in ?m il- the DOUGLAS We should ind should _ . . . XT ... Speial to The News, oblem will i _ , ^ . OA Douglas, Oct. 20. . ouuutty v? im ? F Ills. Monday, left home for Heath Spring hi sek and when Mobley a striking; e i him he said who believes with right. the higher educatloi and in those childre examples of those v ucation of the higl willing to underg< hardships and put fc Mrs M J efr?rt to obtain it. as In Mr. Berry l*| V K'\ xample of a man 1*1 jf ili'L all his heart In l#i fl JJ'y. a of his children; l*l A n no less striking Ijl i'ho desire an ed- l*| B Ir ler type and are I*1 T o the necessary IJl ?rth the necessary l?| Mr. Mobley has I*1 k" 1:1 yaiu u|/ w w-v. w marked on your label. If j Is stopped look at your date you will probably And yoi behind one year. We cannot send each scriber a statement. Loo Your Labei. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, J ?Weather forecast for >aper soon Decome quite serious i and i are The sudden death of P will cause regret throug k^at S?uth an(l admirers in will miss the visits he has - from time to time. His 1913. songs and stories have don ??? keep alive In the hearts of South people of the South the ' Green is spending a f ? her parents in Edgefiel oik Miller Mr. Pierce Graham hout the with Mr. Tom Barton. Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. (.! . , Sunday with their rel made here mlH v(llage> plantation | Mrs. Annie Cnskey si e much to , day with her sister, Mr the young i of th? Dl"y Creek sectio i *. , r,, i Mrs. Hassle Crenshu beautiful | weefc wlth , dauchtt aw days with dliultllter8 Three spent Sunday V",'1""Iff ?EoIiej state, the fourth, on latnbers snout neas' lackin* onl>' c athea at the uat,on at W,nthr?P atives at the are n! " i account of sick- J ?ne year of grad- - ? The other three ses In as many of * is of higher edu )eat this record? J I of such a noble I bank, will ?. yea, much, In ind self-sacriflce. J Our offi< >nservative, yet progressive, promote the interests of our p :ers invite, at all times, the dis ^1 methods of our |?j mtrons. |*| jcussion of mat- ill Carolina: Fair Tuesday anc nesday. A high price for cotton he high cost of living a whole lo There are many game laws, slaughter of song birds goes 01 day. I Wed- sentiments of a by-gone c genial, courtly gentleman - to a generation which i lps the passing, to an age of chi\ t. romance on which our tho to dwell. yet the II every I AVE I'M CDl'KSE FO CASTER. Wn wlaVt tn I'nnirrfitiilntn lay. This Graham. belonged | Mrs. L. L. Blaekmon s swiftly Helms spent Sunday > .niMr o.. ? Mrs. J. E. Sowell. y and | Mr. F. M. Stogner ughts love Moriah Association at 1 Sunday. _ Miss Janle Green ii It Ii\N- while with lier brothe Green. Mr. Charley Caskey tho lndip<4 Inr Tll'inb mnn anmit Q isux me nrsi essem ?.wi T T to do it, for the wi i; -h the way. Far bet j and lands and banl j j .1. these are, is an ed attended the t eliililrcsii. that they r ? HlH 1 ly equipped for life !it said to their credi 3 "m m* xn ?n<1 around Heath S| r, Mr. M. J. ,y equlppC(1 for lifo , ?. . sou Kilt and are seeki and Mr. Wal- dren a coUege edu , *??" ? ?*? |;j ters of mi 11 usually makes |*| . , ter than houses K| assistance k stock, pood as |?| w ... lucation for our Ijl we WU1 nay be thorough- I.J put in our 's struggle. Bet |*1 t that there Is in Ijl months, pring an unusual- I*J __________ 's struggle. Let |*| iBanKTa Ing for their clill- Ijl cation; but not |*J ___ itual interest and are ready to to our patrons. pay you 4 per cent interest on bank and compound the intei give reasonable M the money you |*J est every three [ ? Running for governor seem almost as popular a pastil Massachusetts as in South Cs Read the good advice of Agent W. \V. Long in this iss bow oats. "Speak your mind but min BnAOfh " sounds almost like ; s to bt Qj. tjie Lancaster Library A no in upon securing a list of sp trolina. (.eum attractions for the wl State 'iavc ')een without such ue and ment ^or severa' seasons felt the need of them. 0 should be very grateful t d vour terprising women who ar i nara- us t,ie advantage of tin association home of Mr. T... A. Gre Ion did lv- I Mr and Mrs- Vance " Hast Sunday with Mr. J nter. We entertain- n.KASANT VA and have ?ur people I , , x .. i Speelal to The News, o the en- ,, , I Pleasant Valley, C o to give commiinity was shoeket 3 lyceum morning to learn of the . within the scope l'\am* .. . 1 knowledge has any Threatt spent ypars applied the r . A. Houze. universally as has a we not "think on tl filiKV. go and "do likewise SOCIAL EVE1 Dot. 20. Our rTlTTTJ1! 1 on Saturday OUXvJIjI > death of Mr. or the writer's r ^1-. other, in recent 'J I irinciple quite so V Ir. Mobley. Shall ? tiese things" and v Z C. D. JOM tfTS AT ; President I COLLEGE >: First N ations OF LANCASTER. ES, R. E. AVYLIE, E. Vic? President. il Bank I 1 M. CROXTON, Cashier. ' , dox, as indeed it is. Boll rot causes a loss of tv lion a year but the loss from i cannot be estimated. Hawthorn's description of j prison life and Sherman's c] tion of war are very similar. course and should help the ing season tickets at one to mil- must place a certain numb dry rot son tickets immediately to < guarantee to the lyceum cc They hope, of course, \tlanta more than mere expenses, lescrip- brary needs every dollar i Our citizens should rally i rvnrt n f thn llhrarv niul V m by buy- Perry R. Collins, which e. Thoy ; his homo early Satun * f ' ! He was 111 only a day or t j seemed only slightly lr over their on Friday night lie g iinpany. worse and the end ca to make hours. Mr. Collins wi 41 ./'federate veteran and 1 for the li- jy ol(, H|g Jov|alit: t can get. P(] disposition and li o the sup- caused him to be one ioin iimw 1 known citizens, and he took place at'W4. . ? .lay morning. stu?>?*.,tH C.ive i?, two and then mane? or "liariiu idisposed. but Other t'ollej rew suddenly me In a few Special to The New! is an ex-Con- Hartsvllle, Oct. 2 tvas about 73 of the meeting of t /, good natur- the homesickness < .is big heart dents are things of of our best old and new girls a numbered his The different classes Amateur Perfor- __________ m's Circus"? _ , , v. official organ o: *e News. ..Fifty women R] 5< thcdral to demoi ,n rp, . . thy with their Ei . . ! hUarit> prote8t against t he old girls and thorities at New if the new stu- Mnj pankhurst the past. Roth re hard at work. I)m|os , p, i, societies, dubs, Hnn llf f the organization, so went to the Ca- M ' istrate their sympa- ? j tiglish sisters and to he action of the auYork in preventing -y from landing." I I ^ ps For Keorganir.a- V/ Is. rniprv1 Ftiion M L?g=_. >tton ) Are you ready for wint< seems to be coming our way lessly, whether or not we wai The Sumter schools are si have an excellent system of r inspection, something we ne< need badly. Tho nricp r>f nip:it is alread ;r? It wj1Q have labored so long relent- going. Then too, by thus it it. good cause we will, at the s be adding to our own c lid to hearing something worl nodical Sevpraj of tjie numbers ar ?d and one Js magicjan and a lecture. They will all b v sum- lng and those of our pe< *"T i friends by the humlrt to keep it majns Wero Interred Sui helping a church, after funeral tame time, I ducted by his pastor, ulture in 1 Hardin of Van Wyck. ... i many friends, he leaves ,h wnile. , j|y connection to mour e musical, ' Your correspondent 1 the last is ure of spending a few e interest- York county fair in F , . ; Friday, while we knew 3P e w ho ePOJ1 f conntv. we wer ?ds. His re- and all brandies of nday at Belair have been organiz services con- every indication ol Rev. H. W. most successful yea Resides his of Coker College, i a large fam- The monotony c n his loss. broken occasionally liad the pleas- event, for Coker C hours at the lieve in the truth o Lock Hill last "All work and no that York is a dull boy." e most asrree- One of the most the college work _ wr r? e.l and there Is _ r- R< r this being the South Carolina I ir in the history "leotf lfarm?1 the following pit >f hard work is ?! reorganizing t by some social ? 'ollege girls be- ,, Wednesday 0 f the old maxim, 11 a" m Ric^,11 play makes Jack Thur?day. OcC 11 a. m.; Flint R nleasant social Springs, 7 p. m. eed, state agent of farmers' Union, will The high ] s of the county at ices for the purpose enable ever he County Farmers' hjg bui,dins irtober 22: Buford. th FARME ill, 7 p. m. ober 23: Fork Hill, Write D idge, 3 p. m.; Heath VS rite v. price of cotton should y farmer to insure fs and live-stock in IRS' MUTUALS. E. BONEY, M*r.t XT 1 *ii n clently high for the farmers section to begin to make raising profitable. The Atlanta Constitution si that "work?real work?for < a decade" may be the reasc United States senators "do n< so important" now. of this I)atronize high class entei cattle- w'" c'? we^ lo buy seaso which can be used by any i a family. jggests All progressive towns al >nce in lyceum entertainments am >11 why Kresslye citizens of the^e t )t look rokiize them. Here Is th< The Newberry Observer u| rtainments ably surprised at the n tickets quality of the good thli member of at their first county fall I department was fine, ai I of live stock and farm fiord good ; crf.(]jt to York county d all pro- j farmers. We feel sure owns pat- , will give the agrlcult > Vnni nf county an impetus thai j could do. We were tli ion it: | ,iaVf nn(j nearly nil the quantity and events which has t igs on exhibit school opened, waf r. The ladies' ception, in the fori id the display garden fete, given b products did the faculty and studi 's progressive evening, October 14 that this fair The spacious lawn ure of York with its stately oa i nothing else beautiful setting f ere on school The artificial light schools in the pale moon in the li aicen place slnAr Friday, octo 1 the annual re- Pla'n, 11a. r in of a brlflfiuit bouse, 3 p.Nnj.; y Major Coker to Saturday, Oe ent body Tuesday Grove church, 1] i of Major Coker, furnished a or audi n p/trty. I s vied with the I f|B loavona to mjtk* I 8 ber 24: Pleasant! n.; Midway school Plat Creek, 7. p. m. Or see F tober 25: Centre L a. m. lorKvine, a. ARMERS BANK, Lancaster, S. C. r Ilobson succeeded in sinki Merrimac but he will hardly so easy to sink the possibilit Mr. Underwood's election t United States senate. The Augusta Chronicle si the advisability of having the gansett "run alongside Mexit iik the strong that it can afford to find it w'thout a lyceum. Our c is like every oomiriunity?it ies of tonjc 0f a, new tHbUght, o the festival, an evening or tw< fqr pleasure and culture, orally true that the towns unrests l,ort Rood lyceums lead t towns that do not, and it it Narra- arally true that the people *o and who patronize the lyoeuni ; i ?ai u auu county lurufii uui ru live a year York county may be | ommunity hrst fair, certainly she . needs the that her boys and girls a musical greatest asset, a together j Lancaster may "lea< It is gen- many things, but she is that sup- leading much in the he other county fair. Since Rod 5 also gen- what centrally located, in a town do to have a tri-county ire among let York, Lancaster VVIIIir t > * I ? (lllllfs 111? ?r? I illvl [>roud of her j The most amusin must realize evening's entertain constitute her ' amateur "llarnum I head of the parade 1" in a good ( making the welkir certainly not i music from such in matter of a j pans, combs, horns c Hill is some- ; led by the foremost how would it ! ers, C'arl Jean Tol fair there and time with a featlie and Chester i followed in order, k feature of the^ H 11^ iment . was thej f I Iff circus." At the came the band, 1 rinK with the . struments as tin,,, etc. This wa? ' of musical lotfT |J CtOCl [man, who went r duster. Then =^^== Miss Kirven as IIIUUC r 28, 29, 30, 3 l n v. mi n ?w rair ;l, 1913 v ^ - sj pour oil on the trobulod wa1 that bubbling republic." "Sulzer will rest in summer says a headline, which was pr set before the cold spell rami us. He may journey thither 1 do not envy him the rest. The snow and sleet of yes or? oi ine most useiui ana prourt pie in the town. "A t?reat educator said ,, 'The lyceum as an institut hotel, highest embodiment of the obably instinct in man. It is tl upon PLUS. It is. literature 11 >ut we an'* interpreted. It is the densed into an hour. It personified. It is the epic e It is classical music mad iterday and popular music made cla ;ssi ve poo-1 counties participate? Quito a good many o recently: ' went down to Lancast ion is the some as jurors, some. > dramatic and we are sorry to sa lie stage, two went as principals, lumlnated recollection of your i novel con- this is the first time th is poetry people have had to settl pitomized. i ences in the circuit ci e popular trust that we shall not issical. It happen again soon. PI Queen of Sheba 01 if our citizens steed; Miss Hicks, er last week, a pony just imp6rte as witnesses, land Isles. Then y that one or decorated float from Within the rope performers, M correspondent I Lawton. wafted kiss at any of our Next came the hear, le their differ- I trained dogs, clow ourt, and we ; dlans. have this to I Mr. C. W. Coker, i easant Valley trodueed the uerforr a?a cleopatra,a on DlggCF WW (I from the Shetrame a prettily nhich the ti^ht ifr 1 .j Issos Coker and ' w,th a message. , , tertainment and educatl ro,d ized.'" o defy "A 1,1 VK TOWN ANI> COI'NCII,." proved 1un pdltorial In The Gr tiised? we find this paragn when reminds us so forcibly of < ny in- jn |<;1nraster that we feel it It la en- is justly proud of her on vital- a law-abiding com muni ! HK.XTH SPItl A OKA I) Special to The News, eer News- j Heath Spring. Oct iph which hoUHfl artd an apprecia conditions tpd thft (.omlc play. our duty reputation as formance took plae ty. of Japanese lantern or her part perfectlj After the show tl about Major Coker ? of college sours. Ic< were served, soon on ? f?ii ' girls departed for th' 1. i The Raraca and 1 tlve audience'of tfc# Sunday K(.lu "Maidens All liaptlst church ente m.w./vt. In lw.ll ??!#?? r* ? A n/\llor*o or I 1 e u^de1 a^lrZ\* 1 he b6 s. Each did his ip girls gathered Farm Pi mil sang a round < ? 5 cream and cake Id") DUT^ after which the " r dormitories. Uw ? i'hilabhea classes >ol of the First lac- ? l ie. I/r 1 .1 *i v avnn. st EjUnbit ot Live roducts Ever Show County. vmmm? ' ? Stock and n in Meek- V, conveniences. \\ hen are we relief? "Mexico has appendicitis Huerta is the appendix," is tt The News and Courier dlagnos trouble. A simple operation bring relief. Then why not c the appendix? to got to ((l,0te here: "There is not a stretol feet of (ierent street withil unci limits today. What is th le way l'lfi council? With ' the treasury, why should w 5es the j,linip over such streets?" might There is much street w< ut out shOUi(| he done here and u done we will soon he wad FIJI MM II, Kit (-11 111 *!??" by Misses MacPhers 1 of fifty Jones. Brown and Twit n the city ulty of the Heath Sprini ,e matter Mrs. Sallle Morgan M money in night. Hover, the ma e have to t-lic* evening's entertaini recital In which Miss K >rk which Pherson of the music c! nless it is the Heath Spring i . pianist, Mrs. Morgan M ing up to ftnd Mf w Twit( .iiii.-tuiiir iiciii liiij dim ruicf>( p> i (on, Lathan, ing. The entertain ty of the far- form of a carnival ? schools, and "Black Creek Car ibley, Friday given , at Preswoo in feature of grounds were brillia merit was the largo bonfires and <1 atherine Mac- evening music was I lepartment of HartsviUe band. He ?chools, was sisting of red lemo obley, soloist, were served. :y, cornetist. | Several new stud* nent was in the II , known as the lL,.?Jt nival" and was k ntly lighted with J \ V luring the entire l|~V^ ^ \1 famished by the II n r/7 y 'freshments, con- IL\ yy nade and fruits l|5?A W-~. (Ajw ;nts and two old f New York has a club for dc servants and It is at last possl the lady of the house to teh her cook and ascertain whet not it will suit her pleasure to and cook the next meal. The perfect man in domes as described by The Augusta our anKios in mun, or gc >mestle j,ioc^s out of our way to i ble for the 8treet. Are we to at Bphone clas3 with small towns 1 her or w^en wo should take ou return place among the thriving the state? The editorial to which w tic life terrefj closes thus: Chron- ,,jfl Dosslblo that a 11^ ' several ftar>h number was grf get across Miss MacPherson hade ay in the nn impersonator. ike flreer That waa an abundar nnd appetite satisfying r rightful ^he home of Mr. H. cities of the 10th Inst., in helel I birth. Several of his e have re- tha!r and a I gathered there to enjo fill dinner and good fe /e town la him. and all went awin >atly enjoyed, girls registered tins quite a hit as | Mrs. Tolman, wifi ' of music, and her ne it, appetizing, Colby of Maine, dinner spread campus Friday at n P. Mobley on iration of hia children with SERVICES INT1 few friends, y the bounti- Suffragettes Recite How ship with Paul's for C< r wishing him 1 r? of the director ^ lee, MIsh PrlHollc Iffis&yJ /j arrived on the oon. ww STUDENT. KRRUPTKD. IMUl Prayer* at St. a?*e Scientifi omradea. extremes of _ 11 4Lf wmamr^. ith & Milligan cally prepared and carefully b ' heat and cold, excessive dryne X ! -L * J ^ ? Paints I alanced to resist ss or moisture and iele "la a good provider, saves for the rainy day, educates h; dren and is kind to his family the "perfect woman" is she u sists him in all these things. Why can't Lancaster have Post Card Day we suggeate< summer? It has been tried lf^A*..n v* Ka a *yi on n a nf a little being handicapped by a d Is ctall- cil?" and Now if our city fathen .'ho as- men, let them make knowi by beginning work at om sidewalks and street cross I that would be sorry for strangeT 1 last our town by some of its sti and is can improve them and we i n/1unr_ t 11 of nnnn oad coun- many happy returns o I Something ^over six s are live lars have been colleete i thin fart Connie-Maxwell Or t. result of Work Day re co on the R(, by thp Baptj8t Sundn Ings. We | Mr. and Mrs. W. T. IV s to judge ed home Monday evenli eets We ter- with their little sot should be- ILT^TT1,," (,0,tCxat< the hospital there. He ** Uf?l4A. AM n /vl, /v., f the day. I London, October ty-three dol- today again interru d and sent to at St. Paul's and at phanage as a slngton, where the I cently observ- was preaching, by i y school here, for "Mary Richards lobley return- Kenney, who are be! ng from Sum- | After the women \ l, who recent- St. Paul's they atte i operation at meeting 011 the steps is doing well, but the police Inter nn,l n. A./v ? .rv A 19.?Suffragists | a" minKB w pted the services B Paintfl foriT st. Luke's, Ken- I which rema Mshop of London E trallons of Ireciting a prayer I *BI'?ns 01 r. ion and Annie I B? three fjal lug forcibly fed." I vera ejected from I Ol j inpted to hold a I I 111 of the Cathedral I fered. Two woIa ?I,A 'men quicKiy uesiroy ordinary m i a tough, tenacious, elastic, le ins in perfect condition for m [. & M. Paint will cover as muc lions of ordinary paint. We cai 1 third Drag Co eaaurea. H. & M. ather-like coating: any years. Two h surface WELL f prove it. ? mpany _ i ivuuwii iaj uu a fiuuu luuauo wi UUICi | hi" WIIVVI auu riiuuirii uiru ? ci c ui cow u. /\VtUI Ulllfs VW / ?t g a