The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, October 21, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Project For South Ca Slipping. i 1 NOT ENOUGH BUSU> Western Ilnlf ?f Common IIas Not Much For Fedei m NO NEW DISTRICT 1 FOR THIS S trnll r? , f THE LANCAST 1 ER NEWS, OCTOBER 2 rT 1 1,1913. 1 i V-T" 3 =ir h vj LiAl tvcalth rnl tra 1 es II Court to Do. Washington Special to Col State, Oct. 18.?The State s respondent had information from a source which is belle' be entirely reliable and trust\ that there will be no new v? district of South Caroliua, a templated in bills recently offe Senator Tillman and Represei Aiken, and that i? ?' ... r A r w ved to vorthy s conrcd by ~' itatlve o i R S i ? TOU T V\ /OMI EN j the last has been heart! of th district matter for a lyng t come. The reasons which are belle have brought about the prese nation arose from the fact th department of justice is said t< made careful and paistaken i from high sources as to the bility of authorizing this new w district and that the infori u new I oureiy a he ime to I v.a I agonizing t nt sit- 9 i i JUSe I 'ikingHi Those dj nation | adline to a good b iespair that was yoi lys are over. Nov it of news. For < Lirs in your many a v you can come hei ill of you must 1 ttempts to choose re, and at your ease lave seen recoiled styles that were ju: and takincr ac m i tion of the st to your loK fl rv. rv ? isivuy iiiuhc 10 wnom appe; made was to the effect that the not business enough In the pr< western district to justify its tion at the hands of congress of the federal business in South lina, it is said, arises in what be the eastern district; there i admiralty cases In what would western district, and the latter tions of the Internal revenue This is said to have been one Jewas I y?U ,lRe Sd aposed I Alii i ! MoS I All the k i Caro- I r would I tacturer wh are no I be the _ would want. So d laws. of the I t ect just the suit yc itest and best Fall ; o makes a specialt; lo we, and we are r >u fancy?and at t\ and Winter styles ; y of making suits f eady for you. H; le very price you f and colors are here or stout women, andsomely tailorec , HO 111 ^ eel like buying at. They come fro He knows what yoi 1 of the beef rr*of *>_1J L1I11C itS m a manu- I u need and r?n I n 17 reasons "hlch the deparm< Justice found to militate again plan of creating an eastern disti It will readily be seen tlia all of the most important bu of federal courts to be hand! the eastern district, there woi little left for the western disti do, except, as stated, to give tion to internal revenue cases, other reason assigned is that s the new ilistHft i?r> ?nt of ten days on St the J riot. I with i led in 11 ihl he 11 riot to I atten- 11 An- | I diould j I ly, $9.50 to $22 .50. October Sees Wi ii i y under Values in 11 ? * ? ww?. niaivi i lciio. r ur would result in the salaries < district attorneys and the ma being materially reduced. While the salaries of these o are fixed in the new bills now ing at $4,500 a year each, it i that should the hills pass it result in a cut and that neitln distrlc attorneys nor the ma would receive the amounts me ed. In other words, two distr: ru u if the rshals ^ fhelals | sfo pend- /*viN s said | I ' i. would ; " 1,^ er the V. ' rahals J ntlon- i { lot at- j nomens, ui Misses' Coats such as arc 11 far-famed Fashion c( viceahlo. mntorinla? nldrens and Coats. ow being featured in nitres. Lovely, ser_ef V.nn..i:?,.1 ' v ' M lorneys would not receive *5>, year, and two marshals would i celve a similar amount. This Information will doubtl received by many persons In Carolina with a considerable < of surprise. Among the month the legal fraternity who have t ed the matter closely it will i less not he acceptable news to that, unless present plans are < ed. South Carolina will continin 000 a> lot re- | ess be i South legree ers of { vatch- A iloubtlearn han gp. with colors. Unusually lo> wfuuiii ui rV prices. iV. VA a I o I: but one district. as now constl These two reasons are said t< been satisfactory to the depar of justice, and The State's info was of the opinion that in all ability, as stated, there would new district, at least at this Lack of business in the new pre western district and the dlsp< on the part of the governmeii rials here not to cut the sjdai tuted. I j have I 'tment I rroant I prob- I he no I time. I jposed I H/V* HI Misses an id Women's Suit) I '|a M CORSE! A .4 1 ! . 1 I s K tut- uifii who win succeed r.rn Cochran and J. A. Adams as d attorney and marshal are th< sons in brief, for the present tion. A00,000 CHRISTMAS SKA I Ofticials of Red Cross Order. ? ? T7U U..? d * a r* . 1 PSl r. . iistrict <>f heavy all-v VZl beautifully ta satm, at I s ; Also splendid v ials and styles Plarc higher pric< ool Serge and Mixtures ilored and lined with bos $9.5 allies in the newest matei ?, special prices >0, $13.50, $16.50 and $22.5 ed Suits are the talk of th 0 I j ? Id Pi i\ \ Oc wi an if I Ja -?ii ujinu'JlM' SIDl'K <>I Til issard Corsets has just bee 11 be glad to have you look eye to their unusual nierii e $3.50 to $8.50. Also R. & < ckson Corsets in tln? vwv e tasmonablc I n installed, we at these with t"s. The prices (?. Corsets and I IIIIIIIHCU lllUUMilllll Christmas seals have been o from Washington as a prellr for the state-wide sale In South Una," according to a stateme sued by the Red Cross seal co sion of South Carolina. "This order," continues the ment, "Includes placards, sign? ters, envelopes for packing the slides of the seal to be used motion picture shows." I TOSH town. They rdered ? , . . . / ninary tasilion llistor c.aT.?-> tinctiveness ii *nt Is- . immiflstate seals, ???????? In the , have literally been makin v. A style and certain (lis adividual to each $30.00, $35.00 and $40.0 * ! 0 8? opted to the Fall styles, so a line of Corsets at oOc t od values. XUUUtJlS $1.00 to $3.00. Iiat are mighty * The plan of the commisslor secure some organization or Ir ual In every city, village and 1 In the state to push the sale Christmas seals. As the entire ment Is a volunteer effort to money for the fight against kind's worst enemy," tuberc the commission feels sure of th hearty co-operation. It. is a well established fac tuhercnlosls Is noiirlv nlwnvu o oweate ininlet " vwlv of the i move- ! I M COlllltlcSS ] "man- Misses and Chil e most t,l? g?(,d CoW (1<r t that I iipuIiIa B I X T A T irs and taps pretty weaves for Womer idren. Fine and warm fo tys ahead. T 1 OUR HOSI Departm( Offers values that are line ?re you will find the fan ERY I ;nt I quailed surely. I ions Phoenix. I In Its early stages ami above preventable. The disease is with the simple weapons of ire both day and night, good foo plenty of rest. It Is to sprea gospel of the means of good that the commission is devoti energies to the sale of the Red seals. Already at the headquarters lumhia unsolicited requests f( , rvnit i fought I? ami ?r Infants, ( heau'h 1 an' especially u ng its Cross in (? Infant! >r the jnaerwear "hildren and Misses. Thes* nclerprieod for this month s' Silk Caps ,T< loproof, and W oiulcr II<?s? in Kirl H-Hn , Vf / e >r ?* ?!? uuvr imfln received rron pie who wish to sell them In respective communities. Tho South Carolina who are interep the movement and who desire of assistance as agents are nsl send In their names to the Red Seal Commission of South Ca 509 Union National Hank bu Columbia, S. C. If 1 peo" their ? ani ae in v*C A ,ted ,n rpi , to be I iK'Sfc are snn - ?'il to | , , (tork dainty and mod rollna, d Coats. wn in white, and are ven eratcly priced. 11 ill 1 \f o offer the well-known CY for Women, Misses and 1 and lengths $1.00 to V litemeri Glove, 0 Soys, all colors $3.50 the pair airnnvMi* Boston Tranacrlpt. f>.^raw?Why (ltd you give thi o^ayours the nante of Paradox! dhute F"?r the reason thai pointer he'8 decidedly a dlsapp< fo euro a Cold In One Da; TakeLAXATIVUHROMO Quinine. Iti Coutfh and Headache and work* off t! ' DfWMteta ftftnkl nonay If It faila I j()js t as a [>lnter. V tops the he Cold. _ to Core. ??????? "JES : "L A N MERC CASTER'S JANT LIVE S T < LLE i 3 R E." CO. tt. w. ukovi-.s sUunture op each I >or. 25c. - mmmmmmmmmmmmmm \ 11 J