f 2 Men Resp if (or onsible for "Vc Wdincn." THE LAN( 1 it of them whether t t in Him or not. The eh || are all the nation lias sliip of tomorrow. \ there be of any Rove the reform schools, th< FASTER NEWS, OCTOB] hey BELIEVE year out, or that h? illdren of today contract, leaving t for its citizen- worse, the crop ro Vhat hope can The Constitutioi rnment fed by his women, most ol 5 houses of cor- 110 better. As doni ER 21,1913. s will not jump his Notice to Deh lebts and. what is All persons h tting In the field." the estate oVJK i says: "Many of ceased, aroJtfere r them, in fact, are Bame. duJyveri estic servants they signed,/add th< * tors and Creditors. Ik i0jrttfg~~claims against STATEMEN1 rs. M. A. Adams, deby notified to flle the THRFARMF fled, with the under- "trAitinc jse Indebied to said 1 Ic ated at L ink No. aka. ? ' OP THE CONDITION* . OF l m I rsbank&trustTo. ] ancaster. S. C.. at th? lu ?Southern Christian Advocate Dear Brother Nettles: liwing article by Mrs. Evelj Dodd. of Covington. Ky., clip the Central Methodist Adv< clearly and strongly present tltude of the large majority c that I am sending it to you lication. I am sure the worn ?. the whale, but of the w T, f , nah," which is a far moi n Baker situation for whether ped form I th? wha.!,e ?r 'J.01 5? f ; be seen. Even if the cs s the' it i torious, thinking men a ir women ! ,nust see that it cannot tor nnh. i 8 reversal of the natural on m our aud wil1 be re-adjusted an i reciion, ana me juvei I This situation is no imagination to be ilisi hale in Jo- facts; the evidence is t re appalling cannot be suppressed. Jonah can face unwelcome . remains to aU(| strike out, detern iuse is vie- i? women rests with the m< last. Such tjie8e evils; they and r. do it. American men id that alter Rreatest men on the gl me courier are unnormiy un picture of the and independent ov pelled by stern to their ability to ci everywhere and The questions of m Far better to alence of communi truth at once, not be mentioned, [lined to reme- evitably affecting t Manifestly, the m Ml to overcome race, in city and ci they only, can i'ed from the eci have been the j as long as this con obe. Ths mag- j The Constltutloi reliable, inaoient estate /frill pleas it of all proportion wise. / ure for themselves. / w. S. FA lorals and of prev- Admrl Estate o: cable disease need Deceased, save as issues in- SentTSu). 181he industrial side. ass of the negro . _ w ountry, are linper- Notice to Deb tnomic standpoint All persons'.Ji idltion continues." the estate orlit i'8 remedy is all ed, aro ^^freby e make o^yment like- close of bust / R ULKENBERRY, Loans and t Mm; M. A. Adams, Overdrafts. . yf Furniture &i Due from ] Bankers. . tors and Creditors. ' ?VTng~^alms against silver'and "( m F. Gilrley, deceas- p0ln notified; to file the uess AuguBt 9th, 1918. E80URCE8. Discounts. . $141,249.11 1,986.97 id Fixtures 2,875.00 Banks and 20,809.21 8,673.00 9,42.50 )ther Minor 126.69 T* P A n A. Conference will enjoy read Yours truly Mrs. .fas. W. 1 Greenwood, S. c., Sept. '2 It is the part of wisdom tin root of any serious condi lias 1). come menacing, in ord remedy may be sought and intelligently, and also, that t may be placed where it rij 1 ing it. \ j cerned. I^jj, !} i It is sometimes possibl ... j.(i ; | things in nature turn o course and make new c themselves, but it has ji to go to impossible for women tion that They are on the highest or that a let them hold to it and l applied scribed work in their e\all he blame if only the immense tlitly be- persistence being employe v... .... | tiinoent country provt I are STILL great and e t^iat some possibilities, but they ut of their j hen idea of what Is a j hannels for , attitude towards their ilwavs been They should break tl to do this. [ their bondage to wo tin plane now. ;ll 0nce the responslhil (lo the pre- to them only, and ml a d position. as their forefathers di energy and il to get the j _____ s mat. rney , right. Tint prelim hold sublime I cities and towns hi luive a mista-1 form, and tills, all ust and kindly in reiteration, for I countrywomen, j the newspapers in le shackles of 'over and over agaii en and assume 1 duty. Compel the itles belonging cities to go to wor e this country idl< vs. too. If the; d of old. in the cities, then 1 employment await country. If they v linnry thereto the same, duly veri sive a duty to per- signed, and th< so, is pointed out estate wil/ pleas ;his and almost all wise. the South have, pEOR( ii, emphasized tiiis 'Admr. Estate ol Id'e negroes in the ceasedA k and the white Sept. 30X1 !jU / cannot get work > is abundance of 0 . . , ^ ing them in the Schedules St ,-ill not seek work Premier Can fled, with the under- "uu >86 indebted to said Tntnl e make/payment like- * * ' ' * LI IE IVOURLEY, Capital Stock f Hon F. Gurley, Do- SurpluB Fun* Undivided P r Current E: Taxes Paid Dividends U mthern Railway. individual u< rler of the South. iect to Ch v/uou i it 111 h duo.05 $171,666.00 IAHILITIES. i I'ald lu..$ 50,000.00 1 1,250.00 roflts, Icbs vpenses and 3,898.74 npaid.. .. 12.00 spoBlts Subi>rk . . 1 d ?* The iiuestion of miual ri nlw iv^ been regarded as on* la ; wholly to women, ,t thoo nit- - invention -nothing < farther from >h 1 truth! \ proj'I'toil the cause for the of the women. Men establt first clubs, whefe tllev sougl ment ontshle the homo, lea family Isolated and d'scc N Men first employed women nanm nan inifii appiifu phis lias j|u, land of the saloon ai > helon^- n?'ss and to the care o! tlu ry of wo- ,i,e children- imapinati ould he picture the beautilie state Ion have tIV (h niands Already a nil of bitter shed the ntont is heard in the land it enjoy iju. failure of the wome vlnp the evils whore they could so mteiiiod. ,;,)!)(. so. notably In T'tah : 10 i mump; THE NEGRC 011 cannot of tin coun / / ( disappoint betMusn.ot Augusta Chronicle, h to defeat ; nasilj have | The remedy? It lies ind Color. atltutlon has reiterate d ilv hriiiTom the Southern w iii the country, put ) J\l the stroetR and ro supervision. ? coca-cola. Hut hit. el,nr. lies thnt sor? of !l"?? ? tliein to work on j N. B.?Schodi ads, under police as information : punranteed. ElTe d. over and over Dally departr '(|uire half a dozen 1 No. 113?10: liair barber shop, j Hill and way sti dp fellows to con-| No. 118?8:3 oi a soft-drink Columbia nnd w of a dozen bottles ; No. 114?1:4 tlieiv i plenty of Columbia, Char] jotnp on. I tions. No. 117?7:4 ulo figures published Time Certlfic only mid nro not posit. . . . ictlvo Sept. 16, 1912. Cortlfled Clie< iro from I ii;h1 (H < Shunt to try have encouraged ol\ at 1? i RV1 in bu8in< -s outfits Hi of plontv, 1,00 . 'Ob ni> u-i-u ?n'?- (0 complaints from bo t reports walking tbo Ktn<-ts foi a- ^' > ' enoucli to sunuort his fan th men mill mill win mvi' iu mm' ;? m stiffrugo ' tit ho of the nttentlo i is long a; 'I'" broadening of nog mi1! I'"' the tasks awaiting a nji, and Atlanta Constitution. >uhl lie pay The proposed rem 111 v. It lius I condition suggested ii louinern ]) rro n nov. paid (<> 1'nils and " in Kansas City Times, . , , . tiolf Hi: ' man Has 1 their ootlvltv. ... .. ... i.. i?w g~...i falls and falling i that fir t lutIm it* i tno negro.? .. r? , a Fall in (lie Qnrd"; , , What season is edy is for the . ,, . . . , the fall of the you i a telegram . . . , ? 11111, Yorkvllle ai Charlotte, Wash niid Now York. r \v< itln-r pnrtio- W. K. McGee, it ] rtni Mo to S. C.; W. i >n'!io for ' harlot ton, S. C liinca over since ? Lancaster & it tro 1"Y< 1 than Schedule it) RfTe ir? Wh it period Rust* ,,f Int.. ...! II, ..r? ? diai i'j ur ? (id way Htatloup AH? County < liiRton, Philadelphia Before iuo Cashier of tl A. Ci. P. A., Coluiu who, being ? II. CafToy, 1). P. A., tho above ai is a true con Bhowu by tile Chester Ry. Co. Sworn to , ct March 3rd. 1912 me this 15th irn Time. ? HJTI1 UAKUL.INA. )f Lancaster?sv came W. H. Millen. ho above named bank, luly aworn, saya that id foregoing statement dltlon of said bank, at books of said bank. \V. II. MILLEN. and subscribed before day of August. 1r13. W. P. ROBINSON. and arc hunting for it fron city, from farm to rail roar from ditches to lumber Then there Is Interpolated ii V "-t this insignificant fact, would not be a single man \v to work, out of a job, if the tory owm rs hadn't enslavet and children." The report r thus: "When once the natlc It a crime to wring dollars o .nx worn cheapened wagi s and the 1 track This disappointment ^ camp^ " p-aps and bounds when fin 1 tlv re jjp, dio ballot It' the cot "There oJlIy r0alizt? that prevent! Iio wants as , nmv win be. so 1 rich far- tliiin a cure affected aft< 1 women ,-h|0f is done, it would hast (includes this nia(1 rilsi, after in makes . ?'riKi1ts.'* lit ot the iphnra > rn tin" nlnn-ln aponed wo ; from Columbus, (la., \ slated that farmers, in ill prow bv eotton pickers at work 111 > woini'ii i iced soft drinks In the 111 try Would eluding paragraph of on. dinicttlt | road inn: nucli easier "-^s a Rontleman ren t tlx mis oident is enough to ma ten to check j Southern planter, with so-called ,,or ?nd complete cont i over in his grave." ?r 41.^1 Asserting that no 1 \ herein it was .. , the decline and la order to ke< i? .. ? , h ill pi re? . wore serving .. , n .I.-, .. 1* roin other lall> fields, tho roil- .. ,. , . ,, . , Niagara, pass light the dispatch ... ,,, 1 things. I he rain it mines o'er us lik narked, the in- .... .. . . - that breathes upon hi1 I "''Vi vr The falling snow ; r i r i'' i ' fantastically down: of it. turn lown roJon thp aborer in the . ' , W K8 ? ' Lv. Lancaster.. ; Lv. Fort Lawn . svuli as those ol :Lv 'Rlchburg.. I> now to falling Ar. Cheater on the roof -oil, ? ? e the -weet sound a hank of violets Lv. Cheater. .. the leaves coining kv. Klchburg.., the "petals from kv. Bascomvllle grass." Port Lawn. Ar. Lancaster.. pnn noel Innn rnouN'1). ; 6:00a?3:36r Correct?Attf ...... 6:30a?4:08p V 6:66a?4:43p A 7:30a?6:20p ^ moUND. 9:30a?6:46p 10:20a?7:26p| Notice to I) 10:30a?7:36p All pcrsonf 11:00a?7:60p ' the estate of 11:30a?8:16p are hereby i Notary Public. iHt: 1. T. GREGORY, . B. FERGUSON. 7. P. BENNETT. I Director*. lohtors ami Cmlltors. ' having claims against N. B. Small, deceased, lotiflcd to iile the same tlosh and blood of women ; Iron; then men will have i uork and ran support thoii and children." The ballot in the hands o will never accomplish thii generations of opportunity th y do not vet understand i "Why don't YOl' vote? 1 duty," was asked of the wr suffragette college bred wot again, "It isn't at all dlsagr< uid chil- J American women who ar? plenty of content to remain at the ii r women tJl|l flroHhle. to try to sol ' the grave (Hiestious that f women pecjally to women, notab s. After vant question, which ha to learn, ^iiom for so long and t ,s ,,s,> so many have fled, well 1 t is your jnp (jl(> Monies of the lsii itei b\ a men settle* that first, nan. And Nine-tenths is a big ma. ?eal)le at , - * - * * more than 1 world's history was iost of duty, than the negro in tli vp some of The fonstitutioi belong es- that the contempt o ly; the ser- 'arm negro for contr s mastered 'io?s Is proverbial. T1 rom which fully "sign de papers" ligli wreck- or* as tenant or as labo id let wo- They may even avail their relation to the | jority who ,lis credit for food v snnnll nu better treated Subscribe ft 10 ante-bellum i stresses it f the average A (Jentlo nn m.ni. tol , vv/UUV)ViVIUUD \v The News. !ern' Seaboard I Northwestern lte Fort Lawn, eotive Laxative. Line Railway. ,nd effective laxa- Lancaster, wit le demand when A. 1 stipation. Thou- -King's New Life nan, of San An- mb ^ "They are, be best pills my wife JQ fnn ? vyuuuwjr who souin- duly verified, and Carolina & and those ind illways. please make j with Seaboard Air J EH Admit. Estate h Southern Railway. ceased. P. McLXJRE, Supt. Oct. 14, 19 n/i i r with the undersigned, ebted to snid estate will myinent likewise. .USHA A. SMALL, of N. II. Small, De13. TPFk t.h?' polls; all tin- ladies wo candy and we had a very time." "We don't believe1 in the 1 wom< n anel couldn't vote inl ly if we did. a? we know tie tin* qualifications of any of dldates," we replied "That don't make one hit e once: Just always veite the democratie ticket and you wi he1 richt." saiei one: while , crjvptl Willi! 1(1 WHO. IHH I I i invulnerable and may bo< ' oil if so strenuously pressi rillnf for Thoy should bo protectoi Lollleeiit-1 Tho ?"ffriiKPtlp women itbiiik of (',;n;l T!,,?yll,0lT th4>\ flaE tho can- ? ,H> ''tnHijiht. The It flop to them, would bo t< of dilTor- t,,pir Iioiiips. If thov want straight " ,oor ^orkiiiR Kirls." oto l alsv ivv only to Rot their wo:ilth\ ' a'liotli'or and father ; to nov are noi " *oine affect- "Hut. and the a vera I'd to do so us out' Hioro is m ,1 antoe tlutt tin- negro are not sin- i and glare ? MAT* sacri- I || o return to I ' " to help the . they have I husbands, " g?> farmer will cause pain. Price ever any guar- or by mall. H. E. will work lh?- Philadelphia or St. 1 Beautv Is i Paint D( 2Be, at* druggists', I II Bucklen & Co., H M ??1 ii Only -^c-r cep X ( UW M >ur Busii ILK ness advised, "You must ask sot and 1:< will tell von how to What then is the necessity men to vote? If men know direct the votes of women, wh the men do all the voting. Strange that men cannot by giving support to the eqm movement they are heaping ti tains of trouble for themsel all conc* rued. V m f >ri i :< n ltinti ti r> 1?im\ n no M\.\ no",r'ou^ business met ho vote' awful wrongs resulting, for wo- '' ' they won't how to yn"llK uf>rl v not let 11 ,,loro s 1)0 I'OP" ?t?I vote right. if for no 01 her 1 see that ttnscrupulous w il ri 'hts u'" "rs* ;,t the polls 11 laomi- M10 kooiI women who xx i lvos jl)Mj ' nifTragr ttes seem their high mission in Hi calling a> out nt sight a I \| wnm it cr>m. to houses. wears ofl", the 1> >u-e imi i ! A house in i >! i int \ a commun::v. In ju.-tice bors, a \n? 11 as to your tshould k- ]? your liouse w in ji.:-tue to yours< It, you Atlantic Wlii \\ hen the paint ,b ",ti,'u.L With a f i- an eyesore to 1 ;K1v\hn at live an <. .-re.-pcct, you 11;-painted nnd, should see that HICIll, V. it for Le? lie Load irst class Stock of ! d let live prices, hei Jet it at Broom's, I ?s " Merchandise ice my statefor He Sells geous. ami pallntit. and th by their very indulgence 1111 (1 women of tlx* count r\ to u-< lot wisely. It is now a huge i tencv and a cruelty to give agement to this prnpngandui half of women's right to vote is a wide field for men to exei virtues attributed to them, would he a most manly and service to the women thenm. i>\ lia .i ""'ii A woman was (Joel's itod the '"reaMon: we arc tolil lie t tin |,;,|- ^ woman was his chosen to on -is- "1,> s:|1' alimi ol" t Ik- v am our- s'n" ^';in s,0"'l iisido win n in ho- "" vino Son: could an lj(rp mlRhtlor Mian thai? The raise tlio oil thi- earth so pov atnl it KOO(1 or a ,,lp 111M110 I kinillv "ltiii! "Man i- the nohli* I" - as MAN'S SAY I ( I ( ) I ) S ('.lit 11 1 It I k l* : f n'.vr.ii'i mmi1 instrument fllsSlra I i \ t Is ii?j. he ^ I r? i- not 11 A-i^S1 lor | >..) n-nmon ' (Dlitch Hoy Painter ' and Pure Lin> paint i\ e 1 ?.-i y .iir tunit secut-' ti in>^t beautiful can I . ic .. \v. . rrmlo-Mnrk.) S1IOKS. seod Oil The celebrated tint,'. You cad a* well as tlie KO,ld leothor and this paint. By UI>' ! any shade $4.50 Barry Sho $3.50 Harry Shot tl it .t SHOES. SHOES <>l STAND Harry Shoo for men $2.75 Dixie (] r the best shoo that onlv.. union labor can put $3.50 True M only Virginia Girl os only 1 1-4 ypi, g !8 for Stt.lh vtJ"SV.V.' OTIIEH MAKES OF Alt QUALITIES. (neon Shoe* for Ladies Sil.lO erlt Shoeoos for Ladies Shoes for Ladies, No. ol box calf, while they SI. 75 MOW If iMTt'lMl (| j MM*. ll is a most propitious time tunately, there -;re uine-tenth women who do o >t tenderest. as for \y0 tread softly near tli of the j,,.|o\od mother. wife, or >te, wlio use wo fool that lovo n; '?!? t 1m* holiest lovo thai :""1 >ri\.*. When that MV1NC 11 them 111 riM*d aside or withdrawn lis th? y ,.ovprs n?d the real tra(. he poli- js upon n all the liusl li thev (.|,||(lt submerged. When n tain; motherless children is hoar I ip prnvo of daughtor, lies hiirlpi! pnrtli can t ..... a> ?>tli ; j u rcquisit* s. C a: ! hr?' ; a tall, v if v i in i ? n^'csc a color : hou c that v. i i appeal to y< Lancaster Hardwj w k % ? i i & rMrmi % / VI.i as an me Non_KquaI Harrv u':h us, and s)Q(l taste. 1 Lot Planter 1 Lot Men's D p 1 Lot Men's D ir6 10. A" the at) .>? JM. 1 1 O 1 , J 1 Shoes only. . 's Hats for men, black only. . 's Hats for men, grey and bki ressy Cloth Hats, grey and ^ri ressy Black Hats, for men onl; >ove Hats are cut 50 per cent 1 a?j, wnuo they last V Uj 81.41* ?& V ?? f 98c \ . ick only $1.19 ?en only $1.24 y $1.19 >elow regular price. What kind of man can it WANTS a woman to vote? man worthy of the name slum to ho tho head of his own hold ?that is his place. W allows or helps a woman to share his place in home e there is something wrong wii and the fact that women can the franchise without tnatt't h blame for the present unnatu IIIII till" 1.111*1. \\ 1IIP Cilll (ICS 1)0 who plight? Tlio picture is to* Kvery any l.rush to paint or h l.i want contcinplate. Oh! that this house- he dipped iii the waters ol lien he of life that from their i tiike or some words might reach >r state of the women of our com 111 him. ring tlietn to stop and tlii not get n is too late. Let them elp. the consider the reform school ral and ses of correction, the juvei ! pen could ??????? tllO ri\Cr inspiration ! for OVI nk. before | __ . _ _ "'Z'S' THE NAME iile courts i-aai.am nit, : :u HALF A GKN ALLAN Hi l>. UNDK 1 Cnse Ladle*' 1) ? Undervost, onl 1 Case Ladles' h< ,rri 1WV Vests and Pai ' * * ** " 1 j Case Misses' 1; I P nrril i"?d Pants, 2 t( \S BEEN ; II WEAK. UN ieavy Fleece Ribbed 1 Case Men's y 28o and Rnnts, >avy Fleeced Ribbed 1 Case Hoys' its, each only. .48c and Vests, < icavy Fleeced Vests 10 Dozen full 3 12 years, each 28c Overalls. . DKKWKAR. heavy Fleeced Vesta 32 to 44, only each l;*c heavy Fleeced Panta only each 2*lc standard Blue Bemou Jiemif'IOIIS Mill!1 < > I ailillis ( ?'.cretely with the men. The conclusion is forced tl suffragette men do not want sponsibilities rightly tlieirs; t dens of the family espeolall would and do shift to the They 110 longer hear all the h support of those belonging to it has been left to the daught mothers of the country, wh all too willingly asumed it. ai iis con ti11 over tliis fair land a to Ili?' parents of any conn hat the are the answer of a supply the re- mand, the host stagger tov he bur- the state can make but tin y, they homes. They are a st.am women, that the "parents have e nancial grapes and the children's i them; on edge." ers and i The public schools and o have cannot bring up the childrei ad now neither fathers nor mo reproach KE Synonymo pv arc not rj , ling proof l>0St aten sour teeth are the fltate Thesam. ?ti,I. yarTi' this busines . 12 us with everything thi in the Jewelry Trade e lofty ideals upor ;s was established o My line ol at is best fau8t,est acllinK while we can p i 1================ ' WASH DH 1 Which Pieces Fleece . . 20 Pieces exera btain to- inf?8 Millinery has proven to be oi lines 1 ever have shown in this lease you in your millinery wa LESS GOODS. lVWTS GOOD Flannellette. ,H%c 3 Pieces 25c heavy Dress Out- 1 Piece 3 5c \\ 8J.4C i p i p??i ne of the best and s town. Come in mts. >S FOB WOBK PANTS Wood Jeans 10c rool Casmere. . . . 27J?c they have turned to the wo straighten out with the hall affairs of state and nation whi have tangled; to rid the land ruption?privilege, white sla> tic, child labor, and all the il hp.ve allowed to become firn trenched. We ask again?What kind can they be? The deluded wo not realize that they have , men to takes two parents?both f ot, the mother and a home, be it t eh they cottage, or a tent?to rigl of cor-j important a work, and tl re tvaf- | sufficient substitute for thi is they | men and women have he illy en- duty to perform and Ood w of men Catarrh Cannot lie men do iiininf.fl *,,h tXJCAh APPLICATIONS, a? ,l . ' rearh the acat of the dlaenao. C?i? i palace n;!j day, namelj lele iR? no "No unreliat ase. Both . ro a h,gh Walrlirs 111 require 11 Dia Cured they cannot rrh la n KLwul r. >le Merchandise at any price." rrastworthy tfoods at lowest fij \ / (ponds Novelties KilvprurArp 1 Case Dress Oil 1 Case 4-4 Perc while they lasi fureB." 1 Case Pull Stanc Only a few of t they will go at 5 Lb. Scrap Bi iRharaa 8^c only ales, worth 12 Vie, i Piece Ashlar t only Oc Suits and P lard Prints 5Hc the yard 01 :hone Suitings left, The above only lOc ! values. See t indies for Quilts, not rags onl; .unauo, extra neavy, ^ " 17*? id Broadcloth for Boys' 'anta, 64 Inches wide, ily 44c aro exceptionally good hem. y 84c into a nery rurnace wnen tney ed Into the political maelstro there is no magic in the hi bring about all they fondlj It all depends upon public i which governs the results of t lot and they can influence thl out voting. They do not knc with women voting and men i from business in their favor, will arise more acute than ai has ever confronted the natioi piling- I or constitutional disease, and In ori n that i 7?? niust take Internal remedies. 1 . t Curo la taken Internally, and acts illol, 10 tho blood and mucoua surfaces. I r wish. Curo Is not a quack medicine, opinion crlbed by ouo Of the best iibyel >w n?l country for years and is a regular ne nai- jt I, c0tnp0w.,j of the beat tonics ft with- blned with tho best blood purlflei iw that rectly on tbs mncoua surfaces. ... combination of the two Injtredlcnts retiring dares such wonderful resulta In ct a crisis Bond for testimonials, free. IV that F* * CHENEY A CO.. Prop#. Bold by Druggists, price 76c. ler to euro It lall'e Catarrh directly upon Ialt'a Catarrh It waa pre- . ^'prpaoription" Repair departme known, comWi .1AME , Toledo, o. Write for free Plated Ware Jewell nt in charge of most skilled me Every job guaranteed. IS ALLAN & catalogue CHARLE 16 Matting: Ru 6 Matting Rug ry 5 Dozen Men's chanics. CO. w JSToN. S. C. ? gs only left of 27x54 inches, s s only left of 36x72 inches, sah Work Shirts, fancy stripjs an* Yours truly, , F. BRO ale price 15c 2 price 39c d plaids 42c >OM It will not be a case of "Jc jnah in ; T"ke Famiij puu for a I ooatlpcttoo. I ' Oct. 18th, 1! )13. LA NCASl^R, K C- J- #