NEW HAMPSHIRE JAIL < HOLDS HARRY K. W He Howls and Struggles Officers Deport Him. FREE ONLY THREE HOU1 Across Holder Into Vcrnn Fugitive Motors Into New IInni|i shire. Only to Hun into Sheriff. Colebrook, N. H., Sept. 10.?Ha K. Thaw enjoyed three hours of erty in northern New England toe' but was arrested shortly before n< on a country road live miles fi here by Sheriff Holman Drew Coos county. Thaw, in an automobile with st newspaper correspondents, was d lng down the road and had reac a rural school house when an ai mobile containing the sheriff peared in sight. The sheriff, rec nizing Thaw, held up iii? lmuu the car to s*op. Thaw ordered the chauffeur. French-Canadian, to bring the cai a standstill, and then alighted went into the sheriffs car with protest, although the officer had warrant for his arrest. Thaw the newspaper correspondents t proceeded to Colebrook. Thaw J ? I?? 4r*ll Knt tit a a t o UUl iui:r\ru up III jau, w uv nuo v>% to the office of Tom Johnson, a 1< attorney, whom he retained as legal adviser. During the early part of his fll from Norton Mills. Vt., Thaw lost hat, and when he reached here wore a cap borrowed from one of newspaper companions. His only possession was a bvincl clgarft. As soon as he arrived li with his prisoner. Sheriff Drew wl William Travers Jerome of the rest of Thaw and requested Jerome to come here to take cha of the fugitive. Later In the day Thaw will taken to Lancaster, the county si and confined In the county Jail. Thaw Howls and Struggles as Offl< Deport Him. Coatlcook, Que., Sept. 10.?Ha K. Thaw, removed forcibly from quarters In Jail here today, Is no1 free agent In United States terrlt< traveling In an automobile wltl number of American newspaper porters. Trie Matteawan fugitive was dr ped over the border by the Canad authorities Into Vermont. Ale dazed and free, he did not kr what to do. The newspaper men lowing him took him Into their < Already they have passed from mont Into New Hampshire. As car progresses the newspaper n report Thaw's movements. The situation Harry Thaw fl himself In today Is by far the m extraordinary that has marked progress of his sensational case si he fled from Matteawan August Relieving this morning that he 1 being kidnapped, he resisted forci his removal from Coatlcook, only find that the outcome of his qu dash to American territory was bring him unexpected freedom i fllace him In the bands of the r who up to the present time had voted their energies to the report of his case. Thaw was dazed at the suddenr of the morning's events. With his array of legal counsel he did know where to turn for advice. A1 a brief consultation with the ne paper men, the automobile hired the reporters, with Thaw In It, w onto Averlll. Here a brief stop was made i by 10 o'clock he had crossed the \ mont line Into New Hampshire. THAW WAS DEPORTED Armed with written orders to port Thaw Issued by C. J. Dohei acting minister of the Interior, Ottawa, E. Blake Robertson, as tant superintendent of immigratl came here unheralded last night, told no one of his plans, except a ordlnates necessary to aid In exe( Ing them and two Dominion poli men. Accompanied by his subordlna and the two policemen, Robert went to Thaw's quarters in the det tlon penitentiary shortly before o'clock this morning. They found 1 up and dressed and about to start what he calls his day's work. R ertson, as spokesman for the gro told Thaw that he had orders to port him to Vermont. Thaw could not have been m surprised had he been told that was free. Before, Thaw could re (Robertson ordered him to get rej ? An OA f, Xf frln n/l/1 here representing New York ! were notified of the plan to d , in Thaw, and none of Thaw's la> lAf had any inkling of what was ii \|| air. They were dumfounded | they learned later what had :pened. Townspeople unloosed their 1 as nation when the news became | eral and sought Hector Verret counsel for New York state, fc | explanation. Mr. verrett naa I to offer. Neither he nor Mr. Jei jc he said, had been told of the dep *. tlon plan. | Neither had any part In it, h clared. >nt. Thaw was well on the road t International line before the 1 paper squad learned what had 1 pened. They followed him. 1 crossed the line near Norton i trry He was well within the state b lib- the Immigration officials stf lay, their car. deposited him on oon ground, told him he was free om drove back to the Canadian be of . >me Facts You May not Know. rlv^ Kxchange. hed There are hemtts in Italy win solitary lives in mountain caves Rp_ they number no fewer than ,OR_ Among these recluses there ai iu. are over years of age .three centenarians, while all others have passed the age of 5 r The lard used In the United S an . in a year would fill a pail 205 f< 0,1 diameter and 324 feet deep, no hen ' Famed f?r unfailing sprln pure sparkling water, the Islai . ' Tnboga lies about ten miles froi 1 city of Panama, In the Pacific, his mall steamers playing bet Ralboa and San Francisco lie h t their Ripply of fresh water as d< ffht the steamers that sail south hls from Panama, ha h'8 The doll Is probably the mof tlque of toys. Dolls have been I 1 ?' Inside the graves of the chlldr iere ancient Rome, rod ar~ At the railway stations In R Mr- books are kept wherein passe rRP may enter any complaints they to make, be pa*. : A dummy areoplane secured pivot, but swayed by the wlnr been designed to get students 'ers qualnted with the sensation of 11 ! School children and teach? 1 Polnte Coupee parish. In the floe trict of Louisiana, planted 1 w a fruit trees last year. Superlntei Jry, Trudeau has also a plan wh 1 a road work in the parish will be re" by school boys. '?P" More than R00 Missouri ec ian make, less than $12 a week from ?ne, iai)0r8 '?^v Ada county, Idaho, has a s district containing 3 24 square i ;ar. pr~ A motor driven machine ope by one man has been lnventei apn harvest sugar cane and delive readv for the mill, nds lost Dictating extemporaneously a 1P rate of 211 5-6 words a mlnut "C? nine consecutive minutes .1 * ' Vrutib II T? iwll' in r\ f SnnUn tiD \\ Is credited by court reporters \v inly world record in delivering ch . , to a Jury, lick The telephone wires of the IT 1 States are long enough to make "T" lines to the moon. de- * ing The Swedish government ope public employment bureaus. ' " services are free of charge, out not success of three depart tor stores in China has led to the r llshment of a fourth in the sou \ part of the republic. The greater of the trade is with the Chinese Easton, Pa., has a school sur or" tendent. in W. W. Cottlngham has taught sixty years in the position. de rty; GOING TO CHURCH, at ____ s's Oecren.sing Attendance That Alarming Noted. . Union Republican. , " W'e have heard the statement .u " not 50 per cent of the uiembe co~ the average church atend with degree of regularity on the s services of the church. If tht son true it is alarming, and we mus en" our observation bears out the i 8 ment. This strange condition t 1'm from the fact that when many p on join the church they do not rf ?k- that they assume an obligatic iin ~I .. ((illli IIIu(.0 iitii. (liny muii luuurj ^G" themselves to advance Its Intel They blame everybody except oro ones who are to blame, nai themselves. No matter whethe Ply preacher Is Interesting or not, *^y their duty to be on hand. The r an may draw outsiders, but It si not either attract or repel those belong to the church. They c to go for the same reason the pr er goes, or the faithful members urv never miss. The habit of golr 4n(* of staying away can be cultivate is dangerous to fail to be prot in our seats at such service. low an unfailing sign of a moral de< de. we can not be efficient Chrlstla the We stay away from the churcl ?lm gervlce.?Charity and Children. Editor Johnson Is right. Not u8~ of the people attend church r.-g au- jy name can not be said rci his jnR picture shows, baseball, and 'n8 er amusements. The causes assl above for non-church attendant ilm in the main correct, but there 1 ing other even more Important. It his fault with parents not going t Ion selves and encournging their chll Ing to do likewise. The local edltoi the raised In Salem, N. C. Forty ; po- ago children went to church. It ind one of the duties required of t And such habits formed in youni red are never forgotten. The samr ind be said today. Children do p for much as they please and this nly sown Is bearing fruit. You cat hat It, look where you will. THE LANCASTER NEW! vyers Plea For Mcl>aurln. pi eoort Columb,a Record. vyers We veI*y cheerfully give space In vj l the our "betters from the People" col- jj when umn today to the plea for "fair W( han- P^y" tor Hon. John L. McLaurln, af signed "W. T. C." of Laurens, S. C. so ndla- Tbe Record has nothing but the ' _ gen- friendliest feelings politically, per- e(j t sonally or otherwise?excepting Journalistically?for Mr. McLaurln ? none anc* we wou*d just as cheerfully print ^ ome, a defen8G of him as a plea for ''fair ar orta- Play" our astute and ingenious f,j Laurens correspondent had under- t e de_ taken a defense of Mr. McLaurln. In his study of Mr. McLaurin, . , 0 the however, our correspondent starts . lews- from two false premises which bring hap- a" his theories and arguments to a . , lame conclusion or no conclusion at } Mills. all. He sets UP a straw McLaurin r efore which he himself knocks down, and >pped he assumes the premise that The or Record is voicing some class or fac- ro , anfj tion in asking "Can McLaurin Come >rder. Hack" when the editorial of Th ? :,F Record which he criticises was purely a piece of journalistic work that i confined itself rigidly to a statement of histcry and facts?without preju- ,)( 1 ]jvo dice or feeling, beyond those natural i,f 5 and 'y arising from the facts stated, and 9;>n. le*ft the answer to whoever it might ^ e 16 r?ncern by asking "Can McLaurin and Back?" the assure our Laurens correspon- Hi q dent that The Record has no class or w factious feeling with reference to hi States slalP polities or the present political it iet in situation, in which, we confess, we ?1< can see no clearly defined factious 01 demarkations. The truth Is. that we T gs of are doubly immune to the disease in ai id of po ^ar as state politics is cone rued, ni n the have n?l only had the disease and si Here recovered hut we have been inocuween bated "P to the handle apainst any re- S( iv for currence of it. We are in the news> also PaPpr business for Journalistic pur- ni tward P?ses an(l reasons purely, and we re- 'n, cited Mr. McLaurin's record merely, to keep the record straight. We dealt " it an- 'n ,l? "inuendoes and insinuations" j round afi>a'nst the Marlboro statesman. We j . en of morelJf stated facts that are mat- | ter of common knowledge to tne poo- | pie of South Carolina. These facts ussia may bave become a little blurred in tigers the public mind?the public memory wish 's sor"ptimes short and the lapse of a decade in this electric age may give the air of ancient history to events to a we" known so short a time apo, hut 1 has wp 'ep' a'""p that in brushing the ac_ dust of ten years from Mr. Mc- j lvjnR Laurin's picture since it was turned to the wall we have neither added to >rs of or a'tpred it in any way that it will >d dis not he readily recognized by all ? q00 South Carolinians familiar with the iident P?"tical history of the state, erebv assure our Lurens friend that done *hp editorial in question was not "meant to compliment a certain class in South Carolina" for the very sim)it pie reason, if no other, that we are their 'Knorant of the class that it could he known to "compliment." The chool p'pnip,1ta' trouble in dealing with Mr. niles Mchaurin, as we see it, Is to know " ' what class he certainly stands with rated or where he Is "at" or liable to be 1 to "at" 'n the future. Our corresponit dent w'" bear us out?or does bear us out?In this because in his plea for "fair play" for Mr. McLaurin he . % confesses to Mr. McHaurin's uncere for talnty 011 tills point. T11 defining the r terms of "Tillmanism" and "Blease- ! rash! Is'"" "W- T c " sn>'R: a "Both terms simply mean, pollti- ' arges pa'ly speaking, that the interests of the masses of the people must he consulted first, rather than the manlted chlnations and tricks of lobbyists tlltv n to inp hovlne that nothing could with- j hut stand. In those days McLaurln was i rests, classed hy his hitter conservative 1 the critics amonp the "coat-tail swing- , tnely, prs." He didn't really belong to the ; r the j "wool hat hoys," the "class," if it is "class" you must call it. that follow- | QUBlc ed Tillman in those days. He in- I lould herited means; he was college bred WHO and educated: Ills soft hands had night novor raised warts or corns from coneach tact with the plough handles to hurt who jfjs critics said that or insinuated 'K or that McLaurin was in the game for m1.It McLurin pure and simple, an implinptlv cation that the present editorial peril Is sonality of The Record, who was a cline. friend and supporter of McLaurin in ns II those days, resent d Rut to make 1 ?1 a long story short, Mr. McLaurin fol- 1 lowed up and backed up Tillmr.n so half faithfully that in due, or perhaps j ?ard- Strengthen Weak Kidneys. ?th- Don't suffer longer with weak gned kidneys. You can get prompt relief I 0 are | by taking Electric Bitters, that wons an- derful remedy praised by women is a everywhere. Start with a bottle tohem day, you will soon feel like a new Idren woman with ambition to work, with was out fear of pain. Mr. John Dowllng years of San Francisco, writes: "flratit was tude for the wonderful effect of j hem. Electric Bitters prompts me to write. I g life it cured my wife when all else fail- ' can ed." Oood for the liver as well.: reity Nothing better for Indigestion or | Nfld biliousness. Price 50c and $1.00 at I 1 tea Lancaster Pharmacy and Standard ; Drug Company. [ ^ S, SEPTEMBER 12, 1913. emature time for his own good, he The Mosquito n ached the United State ssenate. a_ . roni this elevated pinnacle his pro- 1)41 ,u 8 H? nciai mind, like that of Walter Lr. Lawrence lues Page, saw a now light, under- touiologist of tli But a marvelous illumination, his cluture, comes I tilth t'nrnUno J 'nr v/?. %/...*? |/icuuct tiuiin uiiu as- '"* VMV UV*/UI va elates took on a phase of crass ^rom the bedro udeness and littleness that revolt- on ^e theory tli 1 htm, he discovered or adopted the jHSOCt, and the >ctrlnes of an alleged new "Com- Jurisdiction ercial Democracy," became an ar- those who hold >nt admirer of President McKlnley ^ar as ferocity i id later of President Roosevelt, and Quito might be rted so openly with the G. O. P. as classified as a provoke Senator Tillman to lose At any rate, 1 s temper and come to blows with tlon Is thus pr m on the floor of the senate cham- "Have your < >r. lowing prepar Now, of course, all this is anc ?nt drops of it on story with which our Laurens the bath towel iend is as familiar as we are, and bed, and sleep e really have no interest, personal wakes you: O political, in restating it except to ounce; spirits ol cord the truth of public matters as oil of cedar, oi e know them. We care very little doesn't do the \ i to what the answer may be to our of the mixture < lestlon, ' 'Can McLaurin Come and the mosqu nek?" We should not care to help in getting out o m to come back, not that we are | The first thin irsonally or politically pr? judlced is to search tli lainst him, hut we like, at least, to there are any dieve that we can always know 1 about. If there here to put our finger on our pub- be staked with c men. any pails, hot But, Individually, we don't be- containing watt eve he can come back, because he ptied. ould at least have tried to succeed "Even a very imself in the senate ten years ago ter will make V- < < "r vwuivi niiv^ cunie duck, nnn wo very many mo m't think there Is any excuse for Howard. "I k ir Laurens friend suggesting that where a verital he Record Is voicing the animus of toes was trace< lv "class" against McLaurln, for a beer bottles all an who could get to the United back yard for tates senate as a Tillmanlte and so summer." mersault so completely as to ask 11 most >hn D. Archbold tor Standard Otl c^t ioney to help keep him there, can i retire try Dr. ot bo said to stand for any "class." cltronella, cam] TheReat will be delighted w Hei Semi-We ?t The Lane ONE FOR ft ONLY J Brings THE NEW and the SEMI-WE H ere is more reading vou have ever had offered AS scriber to The News, se Money Order for $1.50 ai Weekly State. We do n will remain in force, so sei at once- Address Lancaster ? LANCAS1 ^ === iid How to liun Hi 111. does not last I will evaporaU srald. i m0squito O. Howard, chief eu- more drops < e department of agrl- towel. 'orward with a recipe , |jut if the i tion of the mosquito you awake dc om. The doctor goes ordinary mosq lat the mosquito Is an j0w fever or i irefore comes within a piece of or , though there are rut, it gently to the view that so WOn't know yc s concerned the mos- j more appropriately ?? beast. \ Dr. Howard's prescrip Bishop "I opounded: here'" druggist mix the folation, throw a few Struggling a bath towel, hang ard of moral! over the head of the i "j am glad until the alarm clock ' t ?? il of cltronella, one demaud* cash r camphor, one ounce; ( le-half ounce. If tliat i vork. rut) a few drops )ii the face and hands I ito will lose no time if your bed chamber." I g I>r. Howard advises I I.. le premises to see if I f\| q | (j open sewer traps ; | are any they should I keroseno. If there are g ties of pans around >r they should be em- _ small amount of wa I n K f! a breading place for | H ItEllJ suultoes," said D.\ j _ now of one instance | ?ie pingue or mosqui- I 1 to a case of empty \? T|iq 11 owed to remain in a I lib fl some weeks in mid-|B* luito gets into your I of these precautious 11 . swat him before you [l pnn ^AIC Howard's mixture of U ,Mn phor and cedar. If it ' bmhhhhb lingPu ith our latest club 1 re it is: I ;ekly Sta LND aster Ne YKAH 12.50 S, your County pa EKLY STATE 1 ; matter for less mc I. If you are alrea< nd us Check or P< id we will include T tot know how long; nd your money an 'uklisliiiig rER, s. c. # 7 the night through, as it i in time awake Imfnm nabs you and put a few >f the mixture on the Bkeeter gets you before ?n't be alarmed. The luito won't give you yelrualarlu and if you wet dinary toilet soap and over the puncture you >u've been bitten. Good Test. low are you succeeding Pastor?"The standty is rising gradually." to hear that." 1 no longer obliged to in advance." iu a Vir oman ? | Cantoi foman"s Tonic I AT All DRUGGISTS I ===^!? blic ist. ite !WS J per, year >ney than \y a subost Office "he Semithis offer d address Co.,