The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, September 12, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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4 ?l)c Haurastrr Krm (8EMI-WEKKLY.) JUAN IT A WYLJK Editor W. s. HOUGH. . .Business Mgr. PUBLISH K R8* A N NOU NCBMKX Published Tuesdays and Fridays at Lancaster, S. C., by The Lancaster Publishing Company, successors to The Ledger, established 1852; The Review, established 1878; The Enterprise, established 1891, and entered as second-class matter Oct. 7, 1905, at the postofflce at Lancaster, S. C., under Act of Congress of March 3. 1879 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: (In Advance.) One Year 91. Six .Mouths 7 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1011 Let's all get together. Those suffragettes in Dublin, t< seem to have their Irish up. Congratulations to Columbia the establishment of a curb mat ket In that city. Some towns have greatness thri upon them, Coaticook for examp and Colebrook. The men who have succeeded business are those who have r spared printer's ink. Why should it take months pass the currency bill when they ha Weeks in Congress? With the taboo of the finger ho\ many old chestnuts may happily relegated to the rear. "Democrats lose in Maine." Maine they lost but in the main th are gaining all the time. We are not going to have a cou ty fair this year, so let's get bu on that chamber of commerce. The Amazons are said to ha been the first militants but it is n yet phopliesied what race will he t last. With Senators Tillman and Sini not in accord on the matter who w get the plum, Weston, Thurman some other man? That was indeed a Frank Llv< fight made by Miss Noma Lee Jol: son in behalf of the young aspira for the naval acadamy. The dispatches say "Thaw fou>; like a madman." Yet there are go folks who want to see him turn loose upon the public. The two so-called Democratic s? ators from Louisiana drank the 1 publican cup to the hitter dregs 1 found 110 sugar therein. The State says, "When you see paragraph that contains no pol just remember that there are peo| to whom that paragraph is suiter It Is hard to estimate the lmp< tame of thorough sanitation in community. The health, nay t very lives of tin* citizens, depei upon it. Uncle Hardy still insists that t Yankees crossed the Catawba Rocky Mount ferry, lie further sa that "Watermillions is good 'till fro comes." -rIf you want to increase your sa of goods, we guarantee that it c, be done by letting the people kilt what you have, through the coluin <of The News. An exchange informs us that w men shut their eyes when they a kissed, but adds, "You can't blai some of them when you see wli they kiss." We suggest to the two Rook il papers to stop squabbling and un in forcing the authorities to give t citizenship a clean and health place. The per cent of tax on Incomes over $100,000 a year has been r; ert Thank eoodness this does affect "editors and niggers," wh' cause Mr. Connors always so loyr cham pioned. New goods are arriving at various stores every day, but li are the people to know about if you don't tell them about Mr. Merchant? The Atlanta recorder fined couple for spooning the other c And where did he find them do Huppose? The Atlanta papers tel it was on the steps of the capitol, The Times and Democrat Orangeburg, edited by that g Methodist brother, Mr. Jamef films, says, "We hoard of a p Methodist brother who objects t pipe organ in church, but who a< THE I rated and voted for the dispensary'-" CAN This brother having evidently fallen from grace, we suggest a protracted On meeting for his beuetit with the use Qf th of the pipe organ and only such devel __ hymns to be sung as "While the day, X: Lamp Hold Out to Burn," etc. of th out < All of the Republicans, with two peuj4 exceptions, aided by two nominal ->2UCi 1 Democratic senators, did all iu their |)een power to defeat the tariff bill but stricj without success. week i We are glad to hear that Con- ?' 4 c t , . wouli gressman A. F. Lever will not enter ^ ^ t the race for the United States sen? ate. We hope Congressman Under\\(? | wood of Alabama will do likewise. liealt 50 "The country is about to get a keep: '5c Democratic tariff, and here's^ hoping to that it will bring the relief that is Persc expected of it," says The Salisbury s'lou' Post. Here's hoping also and more? here's believing. Simp no q >o, Newspaper men are frequently be- to w ing remembered by the President, off t' His latest appointee is Marion Lucas, town on city editor of The Savannah Morn- the t 'k- ing News, to be postmaster at Sa- the 1 vauuah. atten years lst Governor Blease is of the opinion dleab that an anti-Blease man is not quali- dlpht lied to make a success of the liquor owini business. We hardly expected the city 111 governor to pay such a high compli- enfor lot inent to his opponents. lined Th Vacationists who have sought the slioul to mountains and the beach for com- sider %e fort or for pleasure, conn* home aRaj|1 convinced that Lancaster leads all | other places in climate, in lios- |nR j ^ pitality and in every other good that quality. lead ^ "All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl," is the revision by The ey Anderson Mail of the old proverb. We are glad to know the hard-workn_ ing. uncomplaining Jills have at last lntor sy found a champion. The Jacks have a^%el long had sympathy enough and to t,u>m spare. . . own the 1 ve [Qt The Charlotte Observer takes issue Time with The Yorkville Enquirer, in as- papei serting, "that there is developing all t throughout North Carolina a strong Flort th sentiment against the election of "T ill lawyers to the legislature." The Old or North State is too sane to leave lawyers out of her law-making body. they to i)f ?ly Orangeburg has to do Without a ,.p WUKC m- dispensary which the people voted in 11)1 and all for the reason that his excel- ^ lency, the governor, will not appoint on the board the anti-Mease men ;ht recommended by the legislative dele- j'01111 ?'' gation. Yet he is wont to say the jvami will of the people is supreme. ] Augi Captain Klob, one of the guberna- j ' 11 torial candidates In Alabama, has re- . . te- , his p fused to say ugly things about the rvinj! other candidates. We hope that timt South Carolina olllce-seekers will and ? take note of this fact and we want a self |lt I hem to know that because of his voar. gentlemanly attitude lie is being beyo: i I well received by the people. ,M' a j posit itT t x , . frolii >r- Wo have been carrying a great ,, a ileal of matter recently on educa- time lie tion. We do It of course for a pur- j task* nd pose, and that purpose Is to arouse ,inV1' our people to the vital need of this | commonwealth. We need education J 1'? more than we need aught else We : at need elementary well as y? higher education, but above all we <,ov'' IS? need compulsory education. assai Sontl Young Japan is doubtless quite s'u>" militant but what jingoes wouldn't n'^or 1,11 he yet more strongly moved should ant' )U they see that they had behaved ''like s,'''ai ns a gang of London suffragettes," as URe 1 The Charleston Post describes their r'u,r recent demonstrations. That simile al,ird ' alone should suffice to quell the mob W'K> spirit and we believe it would, could ('OSV1' n they see themselves, as others see '"''I1 lat act t them. 1 of tl rjii The children who are to be kept it is awav from school for the next ten I itself j days are just as likely to be exposed ( ?! to contagion at Sunday school, social gatherings, the picture shows, etc., and for that reason parents are 1 ' of urged to.keep them from any large lis- gatherings until all danger of an n't epidemic is past. sonn use are illy If our men don't hurry up and or- \V ganlze that chamber of commerce, it, c the ladies of the city will go ahead up" the and effect some such organization has iow resulting in their fathers, husbands to it and sons having to spend more thro it., money for the common good than Mai they would have to expend In an for organization composed of men only, are a to, hurry men, hurry, hurry. suet lay., unit you The second race for Mayor of 1 us Spartanburg will be between two SCI uhlrh means, of course, T that the incumbent, who refused to chll of help Sheriff Whit? In his successful mat ;ood stand against the mob who wero bent Of i L. on lynching his prisoner, will be dro ;ood elected. Spartanburg, for her good, fori x> a had better consider the advisability san dvo- of being annexed to Greenville. , tri ? ' I - ANCASTER NEWS, SEPTEMBEh 1 LANCASTER AFFORD TO metropolis unable HAVE AN EPIDEMIC? demands of its litt account of one of the children education, a coudif e Central graded school having not exist. The ex oped a case of diphtheria Tues- nation is indeed a the second day of the opening will surely b? e school, the board of trustees, 'or that great it abundant caution have sus- , niany little ones t?d the school until Monday, the training they mus instant. If proper steps had that they may bi taken to establish and maintain citizens. , quarantines ten days or two 1 s ago, this action on the part le trustees in all probability FROM 0THI il not have been necessary. There L men entirely too much laxity Governor Foss , le whole matter of health and ville Piedmont. lope that those who have the h of the community in their Everybody is f Ing are now thoroughly alive p^^ delayed curi ie situation. The homes of all ' ] ' " ???? < ' Rontnmhor Unr, IliD ? IlflC lliric ?o OUVII CV VM0V *'?V ? ? Id be instantly quarantined and flse. is ceasing t quarantine rigidly enforced. ^ auta Journal. ly tacking up a yellow flag is Roads, good ro uarantine. The flag is simply call that should br am the public and keep them ?Anderson Mall, he premises. In addition, a Charle8ton b~ officer should he stationed oil day as ro^ulurlv us remises to keep the inmates of a cloud to disturb I lome from coming out and to to'1 Post. d to their wants. Fifteen T . 4l In shaping thini i ago, such a quarantine as in- ter tban a niirro ed. was maintained in a case of mould public opin heria in our community, and it-?Abbeville Med g to the prompt action of the _ , , , , . # . ... , Live merchants council and board of health in bundlng up of a to cing it, the disease was con- bringing in of new to that one family. live ones can get e health of the community Times. d be put above every other con- Tbe man wh~ ation. Let us begin a crusade his own business I ist all forms of disease, such as dice other people Rock Hill Herald Is recommend- PfMto,r "?t "kl . ... . high in the busines te citizens to do. We suggest ROU Go,(, Leaf the town authorities take the in this matter. Still the wonc Mother Goose got oi'ii MKitctt WTS ALL Her? it comes to ' H.\> its all pUted governorship ALIVE? hinge, after all. o course it is decidedly to our "Who Killed Cot State est to have the business men rtise with us but wo assure ( There is a grow] that it is even more to their the state that in m interest. Here is the word or muruerer is me n reliable editor ol The Florence s on the subject, a man whose how aliout the pi r carries the advertisements of character and ha he progressive merchants of Lantern. n(?' 1,4 We are glad to 1 he business is going to the cotton crop promi L merchants, those who antici- one d,-spite its rei the wants of the people and who centage We hop iiem know that they have what b oh ' OIloueh want and need. Are we going lo t l!Uougll clot alive here in Florence, or are 8plve{} from the olng to jatch the other fe low __Florence Times. up and bag all the game? I Mayor Gnynor li LON'Ci AND HAPPY MFK. the leaders of Tan ? ... little coterie of me trick Kenny, a nati\e of Kings a dishonet l\, Orange, Ireland, died in Sa- no otlier visible n ah, Ga., the other day at the ad- The astuto aposl [Ml age of 107 years. The probably knew thii .. . neglected to mentl ,sta Chronicle, commenting on nomlnated anothei ong life, says: mayor.?Columbia |e never had any 'rules.' It was hilosopliy not to worry, 'as wor- Fine prospect f ; does no good.' We are told price not going c: lie was 'optimistic to a degree, have occasion to active as other men many years part of the count unior; he never permitted him- cover crops this t to regret the ewlftlv passing oat crop was a wo < as they mounted upward and this section. Now nd the century mark. He treat- in another one. \\ 11 men fairly, was of happy dls- corn crop, but we ion and reveled in a joke or a your land needs Iii recent years his sigiit be- and vetch. rtrin to fail, but almost up to the these things shoul of his death he accomplished Greenwood Index. ? at which younger men would balked." Every dog one large on the streei KF. PA KENT I.IKE CHILD." 1H" mouth muwlei s.we did not mean t a recent speecn to mill opera- tiling, for it isn't, in the Horse Creek Valley, mean to say was, rnor Iilease is reported to have council discrimina led the church. "They say ""'kinK the muzzl ,, , onlv to dogs of t li Carolina needs reform, he ()^ cour8t} there ted. "Do you know where these reason; for some t ms arc needed? In the pulpit know by sight ar at the altar." From this it than all the four-h ?. . . , Hut we are not wit a the governor has not much Hpa) am) w|U ror ministers of the Gospel and what we meant to ch folks. But Foley is but real editor will bi Z his prototype. Hen Tlllmnn, morning.?Ahbevi when governor, in ramming i the throats of the people the The ..otnato <1 corn club hovs m Iitiotis dispensary, to counter- j help pick cotton he influence of a united ministry The country is a p to state, spoke of them as being a,,d girls ? alwa league with the devil." Indeed ' Jhotn to1do;1 _ , , _ hoys and girls fin only a ease of history repeating onous> und th|n| t. country is all wor We call the atter TilK SI'lltIT OF Sl'fVKSS. so about ltof the men and w ic Anderson Daily Mail declares: elsewhere were o Ve are iust going to keen-on in the country; an ting tlio statement that the union success, douhtleRt on is going to be built, and they learned In tl morning you will find that they Hock Kill Ilerald. at work on It." I ? 'e know just how you fool about There is one ontempornry. That "never give gathering of phy .... . ... .. burg Wednesday spirit has built morn cities than haVfi ftpeHal att(! any other force, and we are glad although this see that spirit still at work scarcely occurred ugh the columns of The Daily doctors thr (. We, too. are "eternally at it" ,*f?re^ contemplate any a chamber of commerce here and could In the smal Just as confident of our ultimate material profit of ;ess as vou are of building your vates in the rank >11 station. ing of men for t solely, If over the by no other prosp IOOI. I'ltOltl.KM IN NEW VOIIK coming better ab 'here are said to be a million mnnitles of a sc dren In Greater New York de- ca^?* . , , . , ... These physlcla iding school accommodations. ftxpen8eB ',n fu? this vast horde, there are a hun- They gave their tl d thousand too many for coin- of personal cor l, while more than thirty thou- [orTn- Yet ?n d can have only "part time" In- territory"1* ictlon. Every fall finds the gain the benefits 2, 1913. to cope with the le children for an tion which should v Igency of the sit- ! .ppulling but New > > nhlM tn rnnp with city cannot let so M F' \|AL go without the |11irO| 111 *1T it have In order ^ ^J[ wl A *dl. scome Intelligent J : OF LA 2R PAPERS ! : The bu8ine8S of thi9 Bl ! organization and, in antic s a fossil.?Green- * business generally for the ? i J occasion to advertise that 1 imiitar least * greater volume of business rency.?Charleston accounts whether large c I v prospective customers whc ?4. . >: factory security. i, like everything o be a novelty.? J We Solicit deposits SUC ! and offer 4 per cent compo ~T~ _ , , 41 of deposit and savings acc< lng the^volunteen^ I The resources of this available to the farmers c ? I moving purposes and we u d is rising every ton tbj8 market where f J the sun. With not weights iriven Its course. Charles- V we'Kni8 given. I >! The crops may be a lit ., . . . likely be made up in the pi w.a?omed people S pessimism We are optim ion; Others reflect Z try generally, especially tf Hum. > show a wonderful growth v particular section in and a ^lep.nda'onThe I the general growth of the l,usineB?. and only tlo its full part in the foi t I, ? i I J /i/M??<on ?/?i ?r? 4- V-, mat. r iiii cute i?j tuuioc iu ^ai uti^/aic in til J resulting therefrom. T^k, to build UP : v We cordially invite yoi >y trying to preju- >! Your deposit will be appre against his com- >2' it may be. ely to climb very V is world.?Mender- ! ! (# ????????????? ler grows where jl The First > . all her wisdom, v pass that the dls- V QP I A ? of New York may >2' n the question of V C. D. JONES, R. E k ltobin. -Tiio , President. Vice! ?( ing sentiment over 5 lany cases the real nan who sells the | - ? - i who actually does ference jn the hope of finding llg sound belief And on the hafTling problem not as an t lliable murder of vantage to themselves In any selfl PP Chestor , wayi hut as a means toward beti '* serving their communities. '' I This is -a fine example to otl: know tit at the new citizenship. Such a spirit in o ses to be a large citizenship generally would ma trogresslon in per- 8bort work of other ills in our sti e that cotton will amj community that threaten i for the poor girln our bodies only but our social a lies to hide them- moral welfare as well.?Spartanhu aze of the vulgar. jrorairt. There is always a conslderal as discovered that jjfforence of opinion concerning t imany Hall are "a matter Gf your duty and mine town n who follow poll- our fellow men. Some people c< d trade and have 8jdPr It their duty to regard eve! leans of support. body's business as their own, to c le of Eplctetus eBCh man's attention to his persoi s all along, hut he faujt8; f0 publicly discuss and crl on It until Murphy rjso each neighbor's private and pi than himself for jjc ufe. f0 be a sort of public c< Record. science. It may be that these go souls are right. Certainly they i or cotton and the nSeful in some degree?like Socrat low a. Surely we wjl0 professed to he a sort of gad feel good ill tills on body politic, try. lion t forget for n)y part, I have enou time. years ^() (j0 acting as my own conscien nderful blessing to jj. happily, by constant effort and f s the mne to put qUent meditation. I may live a v e will have a good tu0us jjfe> j shall he content. 1 need oats too and tjllH j know: Such an effort n the cover. Oats, 8Urj, meditations will leave me lit nson clover, all (jnio to criticise the conduct of d be sown soon. neighbors.?Fountain Inn Tribune _ .. a great (leni nas uf?ii nmu uu? i f>. . , I1,.' , n the past few years about the Increi v?JJ ' in the cost of living. ?i'v ?i?i ' i ' jFS'i The increase has undoubtedly b? o say this is a bad t aH w?? as 8tead JUK, V J, ' , n ,!!<l Take the people as a whole : ? r i?' IC'they are getting along better tl de in the matter, eyo* bpfQ*e < i nance appl> j,ave aiwayH bad poor peo e canine species? _ppopIe who found ,t hard ^ nu 's >a\e been a buckle and tongue meet. We hi o egged dogs wo Kurb people today. We will ? a?re ,lTgrr?UH ways have them. ^gged ones in town. Rl|t tbp average family today -e n matters muni- uvjnK better than It lived ten ra n rom saying fifteen years ago. The cost of liv specially as the bn8 Ronp up but most of us hi i, S i, ? lhl8 more money to spend, lie Medium. And practically all of us are spe ing more foolishly?that is, spe ub girls and the ing more for luxuries and the ay now proceed to essentials?than we ever spent of South Carolina, fore. ;reat place for boys There Is more high living tl ys something for ever before, and this helps to mi metimes, too, the the cost of any kind of living hi d it rather monot- ?Anderson Mail. is that life in the k and no pleasure. j? accordance with the recomm 'ti"1 r>f os<> who dations of the National Editorial > the fact that most soclation. The Chicago Evening F .omen who succeed wjjj hereafter print them thus: T nee boys and girls a|tho, thru, thruout, demagog, pc id the basis of their g0g, thoro, thorofare, catalog, d< t, is the fact that jOK prolog, program. None of tli le country to work, abbreviations will strike the aver reader as very radical, althoi "thru" will be a hideous word to aspect of that big end of ttmo As for "program" slcians in Spartnn- only rational reason for retaining that deserves to older spelling could be n desire to ntion drawn to it, sure correct pronouuciation?a i same aspect of it hope, anyway, we believe, beca I doubtless to any the genius of the English langu inselves. for throwing the accent on the i meeting did not syllable of a bl-syllable word wc enterprir,e that triumph even if the "mme" were lest degree promise versally preserved. This is with any kind to the pri- doubt a very ugly word when s. It was a gather- cented on the flrst syllable, but ' he "common good" can resist fate? re waH one, motived it is such moneraie steps tow iect than that of be- simplification that really simp le to rid their com- Mr. Carnegie's subsidized board >rely menacing dis- orthographic revolutionists has < slackened the trend. Ita prop< ina paid their own slaughter of the English languagt going and coming, moat beyond recognition exc Inio without thought nothing but ridicule and contej npenaatlon in any And the more the public rejected ese conditions some pYoposals the more revolutioi n, coming from a they were made, until a course assembled here to Arteraua Ward became necessary of the pellagra con- one who would comprehend. Pi < HE.... : c ional Bank ! NCASTER j ank has steadily grown since its k! ipation of large and profitable Ijl coming Fall and Winter, we take Kl Me are prepared to handle a still |*1 ?, and to this end we invite new I*1 >r small, and interviews from III > may desire to borrow on satis- Ki >ject to check, large or small, I*i unded quarterly, on certificates t*l 3unts. M Bank, as heretofore, will be |*1 >f Lancaster County for crop- t?| rge all of you to bring your cot- Kl ull value will be paid and honest Ijl I.J tie short but the difference will I*1 rice, and there is no occasion for Kl istic on conditions of the coun- |*1 le South, which, we believe, will I*1 in the next few years. I his >| round Lancaster will share in Z' South and this Bank proposes to >! -ward movement, expecting of V ie general benefits necessarily y u to open an account with us. y ciated it matters not how small y V V National Bank j NCASTER. | J. Wylie, E. M. Croxton, y President. Cashier. ;ht ^"dent Roosevelt joined the movement id- at an early stage, before It had reachish ed such fantstic extremes, but he Ler dropped out very soon. A few mis! guided periodicals which butcher ler about one-tenth as many words as iur the Carnegie orthographlsts do are ke almost the only exemplars left, ite Reform In spelling will come lot through the newspapers and the nd newspapers will leave revolution irg alone. Probably the list adopted by The Chicago Evening Post will suffice for the next ten years. On the other [ile'hand, there will be still fewer backhe ward steps. Some time ago it was ird said that President Wilson in his >n- public papers restored the "u" . to ry- "honor," "labor," and some more all which the English lllogically treat lal thus; and we suppose that Miss m Hi- Jessie Wilson's wedding invitations ib- will carry "honor"?If this word be >n- used at all?rwith the "u." But the iod President's English ns here exempllire fled will stand even less chance of ??s, becoming the national English than [fly President Roosevelt's did.?Charlotte Observer, uh ee. ' In reply li the letter of Mr. Remre. bert, which is published without any lr- cost to him, we wish to say that we lut try to be fair to everybody, nd We are not running a paper for tie the purpose of boosting anybody for my nny otfice. We are conducting a , * newspaper for the purpose of giving our readers the news, from whating ever source it may come. The article aSo from The Anderson Intelligencer was interesting news, and for that reajen son we published it. The communication of Mr. Ileiribert also makes ivd interesting reading, and we theretan fom publish it. i We?have nothing to do with the pie fight for the governorship or any ike other office, except to exercise our ive right as a citizen to choose between al- the candidates when the entries are all in. is The candidates wtll have to do or their own fighting. We hope that lng they will all fight each other as fair ave as we endeavor to treat them all, and that the best man will win. nd- . Fairness is our fad.?Pee Dee Ad nd- ' vocate. un be- The mnn She Wanted. "Will you marry me?" he asked, lan she paused for a moment before she replied. Then she said: Rh. "Disten carefully, please. You are a man of ordinary abilities and perfectly conventional ideas. You en- haven't the slightest conception of As- the new world movement which is ?ost now taking place. You are intensely 'ho, blind to all of i|.h radicalism, lnton>da sely unoriginal satisfied to be an inica tellectual nonentity, engrossed in iese that horrible, stagnating thing known ,, an hllHillCKH Jlllll fl trw.ntfil .lovn ?? ugh the opinion put forth hy your daily tho paper. I am a true feminist, an indlthe vidual searcher, hound hy no ties tho seeking the highets seir expression on- in advance art forms and acknowrain ledgeing no preconceived standards. lUS0 Will I marry you? Of course I will. aKo You're Just the man I want." first ? ? ?uld Huerta? Agent in New York for A uni- Washington, Sept. 11.?Senor Man tout uel de Zamacona, supposed ropresenac tative of Provisional Prestdjnt Huerwho ta, left Washington today for New York without seeing nny government rard ofllcials. lie did no seek an Interlify. view with any, but spent all his time I of with Charge Algara, of tho Mexican anly embassy. The latter was expected to >sed confer with Secretary Ilryan during s al- tho day and may inform Mr. Bryan ited of tho character of the Zamacona npt. mission. the Senor /zamacona was In conceal>ary inent during his visit hero and loft in secretly, lie is expected to return In for a few days, and while In New York resi- will endeavor to negotiate a loan.