The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, September 12, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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2 SENATE PASSES TARIFF BILL WITJW MAJORITY LaFollette and Poindexter Vote With Democrats. GREETED WITH APPLAUSE. Action Will Immediately Stimulate Commerce, Predicts Simmoiis? President Wilson (irntitted. Washington. Sept. 10.?The Democratic tariff revision bill passed the i senate at 5:4:5 o'clock yesterday af- . ternoon, amid a burst of applause ( that swept down from crowded gal- ' leries and found its echo on the ( crowded floor of the senate. The vote , was 44 to 37. The bill's passage was1 attended with surprises in the final moments of the voting, when Senator IjaFollette. Republican, cast his vote with the Democrats, and was joined a few moments later by Senator Poln- j dexter. Progressive. Senators Hans- ;' dell and Thornton. Democrats, of Doulslann. voted against the measure. Until th< names of Senators l.a ' Folletto and Poindexter were called ' no oi.e knew definitely the stand they ' would take, and their votes were ' greeted with enthusiastic applause. j Fres'. lent \vusoli ms?. uikm* - ? pressed groat graH flcation over the end of the long struggle In the senate. Senator Simmons, chairman of tinfinance committee, who piloted the Mil through the finance committee, the Democratic caucus and the senate. predicted its passage would bring immediate stumlus to the commercial life of the country. As It passed the senate, the tariff bill represents an average reduction of more than 4 per cent from the rates of the original hill that passed the house, and nearly 28 per cent from the rates of existing laws. SHORT CONFERENCE PREDICTED. In many Important places the senate has changed the hill that passed the house, and a conference committee of the two houses will begin work today or tomorrow to adjust differences. Lenders of both houses predict that the conference will consume le^s than two weeks' time. The senate named Its members of the conference committee as soon as the hill passed. Vice President Mar- I shall appointed Senators Simmons. Stone,Williams and Johnson, Democrats, and Senators Penrose, Lodge and LaFollette, Republicans. withdrew from the iH'iuilUl inv-m .. committee and Senator Shivelev was appointed in his place. The house conference, it was reported last night, will be Representatives Underwood. Kitchen and U liney. Democrat . and Payne and Fordnev Republicans. T1IK FINAL VOTE. Following was the rol 1 call on the < ariff bill: Yeas: Ashnrst, Racon. Chamberlain. Chilton. Clarke of \rkansas. Fletcher, (lore. Hitchcock. Hollis. Hughes, James, Johnson. Kern, Lane. Lewis, Martin. Marline. Myers. Newlands. O'Oorman, Overman, Owen, Pittman. I'omerene. Robinson. Pauls bury. Sliafroth, Sheppard, Phi'Ids. Smith of Arizona. Smith of fleorgia. Smith of Maryland, Smith of South Carolina. Stone. Swanson, Thompson. Tillman. Yardman. \Yalsh. William-. Democrats: LnFolletto, Republican, and Poindc\ter. Progressive -Total 4 4. Nays: llorah. Pradley, Uradv. Tlrandegoe. Hristow. Catron. Clapp. 'lark of Wyoniinp. Colt, Cummins, Dillingham. Fall, flallinger, Jackson. Jones. Kenyon. Lippitt. Lodge. Mc('umber. McLean. Nelson, Norris. Oliver. Page, Penrose, Perkins. Root, Sherman. Smoot, Stephenson. Ster ling. Sutherland. Warren. Weeks and Works, Republicans, and Ransdell and Thornton. Democrats Total J7. Paired and not voting: Townsend, Burton. Crawford, fJotT, l>upont and Smith of Michigan. RepublicanLunkhead, Bryan, Culberson, Lea, Thomas and Iteed. Democrats -I Total 1 2. Absent and not paired: Burleigh and Cronna. Republicans Total 2. Vacancy: Alabama 1. ALL ICYKS ON LAFOLLKTTK. The tinul struggle began at 4 o'clock, when under a previous agreement. arbitrary votes began on pending amendment--. During the closing hours of debate Senator LaFollette had become the center of interest, proposing final amendments on the cotton and agricultural schedules and discussing some features of the bill he deemed favorable, it was nearly 5:10 o'clock when the Vice President put the bill upon its passage. The -~it pnii nropooderl deliberately until the clerk ?.tiled, "DaFolletto." The Wisconsin senator, seated in the front row, h- dtnted a moment Tlis head was bowed and resting on his hand. Iff- leaned forward a trifle <nd vlporo sly an wered " \ve." In lautly npphuii l>rok<> from the Ralleriei nd senator on the Democratic id?? joined in enthusiastic hand "lapping. When the name of Senator i'oindextor. tho only ProgrossD. v-mator. was reached and he had contributed iiis vote for tho bill, tho applause was renewed. WHY LAFOLLETTB DID TT. Last night Son itor DaFollette had a few words to say of his vote, after many Democratic senators had surrounded his desk and shaken hb hand. "I realize what I did was a politlca' sacrifice, hut that within me com polled ine to vote for the bill. Tin tariff act of 1H09 was hut little shor of a crime; the hill passed today I not a Democratic measure, hut Is i protective measure, fllve the Demo crata time and they will put every thing on a free basis, but they hav not done It in this bill." Senator Polndexter said of hi THE LANCASTER voW - . .. , ? , ? NO HOSTILITY 1 voted for the senate tarff bill because it Is as a whole a better bill TOWAR] than the Payne-AIdrich law now in force. Furthermore, it contains an income tax which we have been try- ' "ieiully Relations Ing to Ret for twenty years." K?a South Ca When the vote had been announc- be Mainttv ed Senator Gallinger of New Hampshire. leader of the minority, con- Atlanta Journal, Wed gratulated Senator Simmons, "for his Utterauces attribut courteous, kindly and considerate papers to Governor B manner" in the conduct of the de- feet that he had "ci bate. with Georgia" becj GALLINGER PRAISES DEMO- p'aton declined to gr no ?fj,Q f?r Julian J. Za< CItATS. Augusta attorney, ar "The bill itself Is bad," he said, mer governors had d< "hut its management has been in requisitions for Thoi pvery way creditable to the majority the Atlanta attorney, and eminently fair to the minority." a statement from (J Just before the voting on amend- Tuesday morning, meats began Senator LaFollette "So long as I am go yielded a few minutes of his time to gia," said Governor Senator Thornton of Louisiana, who requisitions of (Jover was about to desert his colleagues on be given the same ca the roll call. teous consideration ? "It is hard for me to vote against requisitions of othe bill." said the Louisiana senator, requ sitlons are made 'It is made a partv measure by the South Carolina and |inrtv with which I cast allegiance Georgia demands tin 16 years ago. It is harder still that consideration, i am forced to vote aginst it because ? " propose my own party seeks now to strike a retaliatory policy to vital blow against, the great sugar in- Mease, and whenever lustry of my state." requisitions I aha 1 as " / . , . . . proper investigation The senator said lie was charged ,|ne of hl? dutv OXP with a duty from his state higher ,j{scrPtion which the than any duty he owed to the Demo- jds empowers *ratic party and voting against the do 'ill he contended, was keeping his r ..It uou'|d t,0 nothii dodge. astrous if through \MENDMKNTS VOTED DOWN. ?>r disagreement _ come an interruption income ta\ amendments by Sena- and reciprocal rela ors llrlstow and LaFollette, similar (;,.orgj.v ,nd South ( o those they Introduced several days rU(, tl,';i( ,ho Vriniina igo, were defeated. An amendment find a haven iy Senator Callinger that proposed tho other This com 0 send the whole tariff question over wonl(, most lamPI1 1 n111 December, 1914, and submit the >111 to a popular referendum next all, was defeated. JOHNSON LE^ One important change made on the a*p AT?1 pcommendatlon of the finance com- O"Alt nittee gives the secretary of the reasury power to censor all import- w?, >ljlk4, second Km d moving picture films. .. , ... Mayor Floyd?Mis senator James, acting for the filame committee, obtained the adop- * Ion of an amendment modifving tlie . ? , . provision of the bill that authorizes Spartanburg Special tie secretary of the treasury* and eol- ^"^vs an<1 (,\ir T' octor of internal revenue to emplov p'0*0 unofbeial r n rnvlssiotl indicate income tax officials without regard ? ?? , -i i Democratic primary o the civil service laws. . . . , V have to be held to ch< PRESIDENT'S STATEMENT. nominee for mayor President Wilson issued the fol- undpr *he rommlssioi lowing statement: ernment. None of t "A flght for the people and for free V?s n'l, u' ' J1 1 * ^ business, which has lasted a long ^ay?r ?- \\ J"',a8? generation through, has at last been ' ' OR' . !' .V' won handsomelv and completely. A F o>(l receive,! 508 leadership and a steadfastness in 1,11 "rowm was ellti counsel has been shown in both ,np "" ^ _ x<> ' s"., houses of which the Democratic %? ' a ' lliV,' w party has reason to be very proud. n Cf,f or" race There has been no weakness or con- " ,s "ceded th? fusion or drawing back, but a states iv,< mos' ?f manlike directness and command of ran on a ' , , , ous entorceiuent of t circumstances. I am happv to have -hi < , . - ... . commercialized vice been > outt< < ted vvitli (be government .. . .. , ... . . .i i i tig'-r<. while Johns of the nation at a time when such , . .. . . , , . ,ii , . , lent on the subject. 1 things could happen and to have . . . , ... . .. , derstood to have rei worked in association with men who , w, f r ;U) could do them. Mrovvn was put f i here is every reason to believe citizens who were ui that currency reform will be carried for supporter of (V through with equal energy, direct- p.icase. Johnson and ness and loyalty to the general in- j|1(; friends of the gf terest. When that i> done this first Hundreds of citize session of the ii.'.d Congress will front voting today have pas d into history with an un- could not produce ta> rivalled distinction. I want to vpr. nr. in! ad For Weakness and I miration for the devoted, intelligent Th?-old stand:,: 1 , d and untiring work of Mr. Underwood grovk'stasti i.k and Mr. Simmons and the commit- M u.-inn and' > tees associated with litem." The President expressed warm ad miration for th< "conscientious inde- rlTATK peiidenc and courage" of SenatorDa Kollotto and Poindexter. STATE OF St >1 T1 Countv of L HIS HOPES REALIZED. Hy J. E. Stewman. .1 The Pr< -blent while always con- Whereas, t.. I. <. lident that the Democratic majority suit to mo to grant h would he kept intact to insure tie ministration of the e passage of the hill by it safe margin. "''n Ourley. had been hoping for the votes of These are, theref. Progressive Republicans. He told admonish all nti>1 mi some of his friends last night tliiit '"'"'J creditors t aid of this kind outside of the party ceased, that ranks was one of the concrete evi- foro mo. in the Com deuces that the Democratic party is J*1' at J''a"(as progressive. Sep ember 26. 10 . . . ., publication thereof, The President felt happy oyer the fh|, fon>noon, to ?iu result. Secretary Tumulty, who had i,nV4, ?hv the boon an eager auditor in tho senate (imj shouj,i not p,. f gallery. drove rapidly to tho White Given under my House and, beaming with smiles, (lay of September. Ar told tho President of tho vote. j pj "Great," was liis first remark, as p lie went to liis study and telephoned Chairman Simmons his congratula- ____ tions. The President hopes to share WHEN HER the vneation which members of the senate are about to take, by going to B/J Cornish, N H.. for a few days I'nless the Mexican situation develops an unexpected turn, lie will leave ^ Woman Fiinls All here Thursday. Ambition Slip i\ . i REST l\ YORK COUNTY PAIR Lancaster women aches and pains tl v lien the kidneys Farmers \re Already Making En- blir(b.?. Backache, tries For Exhibits. aches, dizzy spells, ltock Hill. Sept. 10.?Each mail nary troubh s. are brings in evidence of the increasing; tions of wejik kidn interest in the approaching county checked In time, fair which will lie held October 1?) Pills are for the klc 17. Farmers from every part of the attack kidney dlsen county arc securing premium iisi- , and aif sending in application blanks 1 *' '' ' * signifying that they will have entries rnor" H Uancasto in the agricultural, live stock and Mrs. VV. M. Bartt poultry departments. Some will caster, S. C., says have exhibits in other departments great deal from I also. The ladies, 100, are taking an My back ached an interest in the cooking, fancy work from my kidneys w and canning departments, while the doctored and tried indications are in the canning depart- another, lint I was mentfr the girls of the county will I used Dean's 1 have a most creditable display of cured from Craw I canned goods. The committee Is now Store. They llvei - working to secure several attractions claims made for t as amusements icatures. Already a great relief. Don't t flying machine to give two flights t-lio best remedy I s dally has been contracted for and ney complaint." i several clean shows will be secured. For sale by all The present indications are that centt. Foster-Mill - there will be a large attendance from New York, sole e every section of the county and that United States. York's first fair will be a big success Remember the s from every standpoint. and take no other t NEW S, SEPTEMBER 12, 1913. Z DEBATE STARTED 0 D BLEASE THE CURRENCY B Between tleor- Motive of Hankers in Opposing iroliua Must That Hill Will Injure St<K Ined. Gambling. Inesday. Washington, Sept. 10.?Th ed in the news- ministration eurency bill today lease to the ef- ed on its devious way to the si ut off relations books when Chairman Glass o ause Governor house banking committee, anc ant his requlsi- of the fathers of the measure, ;hry, the young ed the currency debate In the li id because for- In a long speech Mr. Glai jclined to grant pounded the principles undei nas B. Felder, the bill, and replied to various , brought forth cisms of the measure. The I lovernor Slaton 'crats hope to conclude the g? i debate on the bill this week an ivernor of Geor- i gin its detailed consideration Slaton. "the day. nor Blease will Mr. Glass replied at length t refill and cour-|criticism that the federal r< s are given the board, placed by the bill in c< r states. His j uf the proposed financial s; in the name of would, with its wide powers bt the dignity of jeet to political influence, it they receive "There is no politics in this Jter; there can be none. It is to pursue 'earnest conviction, based upon ward Governor am| serious reflection, that no ho declines my cau conceive, as none has yet pi sume that after ou^> bow any part of this systei lie has. in the perverted to political uses," rclsed his best j)e happened to be present constitution of au eminent banker suggested s and requires . misunderstand- (B) fffl! uKj (m) Q there should Ji tions between . _ T "arolina to the V /\11 l\| i Is of one state ^ 1 V/U I and asylum in r^, lition of affairs There are times itabie." needs a tonic to li Rvffl Wlien that time coir T)g to take?Cardui, the L ? ,TT,Trr>/i Mi posed of purely v< TAABURCx gently, yet surely, 01 and helps build thei e with Former 908 It has l>enefited thoi ses Nomina- ailing women in its rotes. fefifl success, and it will You can't make to Charleston eturns, subject HgK&jL fl vv the of Spartanburg ^ 11 form of gov- Til A ^AT" lie three candi- Alw ft Kg w Mnvor John v. says: I think Cardui votes, and Ben for women. Before linn ted. receiv- |M so weak and nerve , Jolm.s{lI1iiillr,m rri spells and a poor ap v and will run r . * . .joyd wgM as strong as 1 ever Floyd will re-. Begin taking Cardui votes, a- both nCa TJqO lling for vigor- |jQ8 IlClO XiCl| is generally nil- ?^ 1 J reived votes of ! Ki'/.T.V iM.i'lV 1m- Big new model" >vornor H K R 1 wo*color Uihhor us were barred flj 9 B Hack Spacer; I ahult because they H B 8 'or! Tilting I'apc ; rereipts. fif jl 3 1 able; Hinged Pnp< |S | l ingers and other Nc FJ $ 5 i cutures. oss o Appetite t 'j ^ f| fip r.-( w yw f, r v|i' i-. tin milk' tunic, c, t. V {'i ,1 V b v. ' ,5 ' ' NIC, ?!riv? - out L 'I fi! fi fj ?j .-? fi r, |5 M . ?,i A iruetoiii 1 Js'j S *t H fy pit I1' *L * ' i- u ? \ s a ft f<' i ' jf* t ; -; . >Yv I CAROLINA. ' HbO f -C j.;;i 3 8 mine of Probate. rft v Ir*fj^WMr^4rCs*urley has made jj im letter of ad- j r-y hf*' --late and eff jrts j 3 >re. to < Ite and \ Jj3 miliar the kind- B and appear be- |B rt of Probate, to i-f-^vTn .-* . - . . . ter on Friday, 13. next. after , m ??-<?' at 11 o'clock in A Mp\A7 >w cause, if any , JTa X t ,1?n f f said administra- I granted. hand, this 12th mo Domini 1!>13. IB] JW) STl'JWM AN, | 'robnte Judge. lCK aches rphe r0. Hop f.ippkj and ls a piiiK Away. j ^lOOUt R()yQ| i know how the rapher, eve "at Featurel. TWO-O make l!fo I hip pains, head- I over-lapping of co distressing uri- I f eature 2. TABUL frorjmnt indica- i nient, perfected \\ vs and should bo * feature 3. HACK SI . noun's Kidney draws back ? inoys only. They Ami so on thrc So by striking .at it the one perfect vis 3 proof of their Royal typc-haracc< r woman's words: to be the greatest $ >n, Main St., Lan- ^ V* "I suffered a sidnoy complaint. S d the secretions n C""^ r< unnatural. I V \ "TAT" one remedy after \ f ' WQ, L *?/at lione 11F1- f 1 . Kidney Pills, pro- \ VJ C4C*1 UHic ford Pros ' I)rnc \ That the Royal Standard Ty(?i i , ,, 1 11 made of the highest rrade d lip to fill the % teriali obtainable and by :hcm, giving me % mmi Skillful workmen mor i Kidney Pills are % can hue, know of for ktrl- * That " wJI work <* " Know or ror km- % ^ qua|l|y fof a ? length of Dme al lew e*. dealers Price 50 A ,of uPkece ,han utKtiurn. i nrt 8V m any wher typewriter. t)urn CO., Pllffalo, % ragardleM of fines. agents for the % tornrmwutu covant name?Doan's? . ??? ? i ?J % iJT possibility to the present occupant of 1 the executive chair, and heard the STATEME ILL banker vainly challenged to show how it might be done. THKFAR "I shall not soon forget the em-| *t is phasis with which the President of located at k the United States declared that no close of b man would ever be found who would | be willing to imperil his reputation Loams an e ad- or tarnish his fame by so flagrant a Overdrafti start- prostitution of his high office." Furniture atute Mr Glass declared that opposition pue froi f the to the hill by bankers was caused by Bankers I one the fact that the bill would sever ti Currency, relations between bunks and stock riniH louse. gambling. Silver an< 58 ex- Coin.. riving Wilson's Dife History by Secretary Checks ai critl- Daniels. | )emo- I Total. . neral Washington. Sept. 11.?President j id be- Wilson's life history, from infancy to 1 Capital S1 Mon- t'ie presidency, is to be the theme of j surplus 1 a book which Secretary Daniels is I Undivided .. now writing in the time he is not | Current 's v!" directing the movements of the float- | Taxes F introl i,1K fortresses of United States : Dividends ystem navy' Indlvidua > sub- The manuscript is nearly complet- ject to ed and will be an intimate biography | Time Cer mat- of the President. Arrangements are posit. . said to have been made already with Certified < . - an Eastern publishing house to bring Cashier's n out the book. Notes an tinted counted 11 fill "xo<l uo s.MAOb'.i A\ it B1118 Pay ll tail jano o% spuj ji Ajuoui punpj sisiSaiucj Certifio said 'Pl<0 (JO ?ijo? ptiu pun ijJltio;) Ilnrrnw when smsuojtiu ?n!?|iOouoHuaAixvxvi^n?a. uch a A?(j ouo ?l PI'O ? ojn~* oi Total STATE O tagging the abovi eed a Tonic in every woman's life when she Sworn lelp her over the hard places. me this i les to you, you know what tonic woman's tonic. Cardui is com- LZJ Correct? jgetable ingredients, which act i the weakened womanly organs, n back to strength and health. usands and thousands of weak, past half century of wonderful ~ Z do the same for you. BWl GROVK'T: a mistake in taking F^^ biood. buiui <lcrfully strc if 10)mi r ^ Oman's Tonic pi guarante* ilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., fffil No'^n is the greatest medicine on earth, mil and I began to take Cardui, I was No- 11 >us, and had such awful dizzy PSff Columbia petite. Now I feel as well and r~j Columbia did, and can eat most anything." jiff tions. today. Sold by all dealers. | No. n ped Thousands, m j Charlotte .and New y do ob 8B 38 B <Si b sKc Charlosto \ t J i. / ?2jl MODEL of the ^|| TOt ? ?j^ll^!^' grade bu ^al always lias been abreast with th v model which places it far in the I Model 5?every office manager, e ry up-to-date typewriter user ! DI.OR RIBBON DEVICE. convenient in billing tal insure^/ erf,let two-color writing , feature 4. TILTINCJ PAPE lors impossible. on Royal?gives instant ai \TOR. An important improve- tabulator stops; a tiine-save ith usual Royal simplicity. feature S. HINCED PAPI PACER. Touch the key and ear- feature, exclusive with R< une sj>ace. A popular feature? exfeine of cither edge of nigh all the points of Royal supremacy?the direct visim tile writer; the special facilities for quick and easy handli lerating principle, famous among typewriter men, a featu .ingle invention since typewriters began. The Royal is f/vi< /l.iP'iUilittr for oikH onil enp#?.l i %t nn< and manifolding power. ) Write or 'Phone for "The R< lMaa^ ?one of the finest pieces of typewriter literature ever iss fully printed and illustrated, and above all, interesting, c / i;et "The Royal Book," whether you arc in immediate n< ma"/ Read our Guarantee! That is the basis Ihc / demonstrate the Royal to you. All we ask is an opportui wy M a severe test in your own office on your own work, alongsu io M , 's ?',e l>r'cc ?' Model 5?same as charg , m 4 *3 with Tabulator. Everything includcc I Lancaster Publishing ( J ? nrrrjrzzz. J!!" ijil, m ,'" ,? ? I Bank No. 222 '] INT OF THE CONDITION I OF MERS BANK & TRUSTCO l Lancaster, S. C., at the uslness August 9th, 1913. RESOURCES. d Discount*. . $141,249.11 J 1,986.97 and Fixtures 2,876.00 u Banks and l 20.309.2t 3,673.00 9,42.60 1 Other Minor 126.69 ad Cash Items 603.38 $171,666.00 LIABILITIES, tock Paid In. . $ 50,000.00 i'und .. ..... 1,260.00 1 Profits, less t Expenses and 'aid 3,898.74 i Unpaid. . . . 12.00 I Deposits SubCheck 16,396.31 tiflcates of De- g 10,088.27 \ Checks 10.00 Checks 10.66 d Bills Redisl 10,000.00 able, including ates for Money ed 80.000.CO $171,666.00 F SOUTH CAROLINA, ity of Lancaster?ss. me came W. H. Mlllen, >f the above named bank, lg duly sworn, says that 9 and foregoing statement condition of said bank, as the books of said bank. W. H. MILLEN. to and subscribed before 5th day of August, 1913. W. P. ROBINSON, Notary Public. A ttpnt * W. T. GREGORY, A. B. FERGUSON, W. P. BENNETT, ~ Directors. lest Hot Weather Tonic ftSTKLKSSchill TONIC enriches the s up the whole system and will won riKthen and fortify you to withstand in? effect of the hot summer. 50c. lies Southern Railway, er Carrier of the South. -Schedule figures published nation only and are not id. Effective Sept. 15, 1912. departure from Lancaster: 3?10:05 a. m. for Rock way stations. 8?8:31 a. m. for Camden, and way stations. 4?1:45 p. m. for Camden, , Charleston and way sta7?7:48 p. m. for Rock kvllle and way stations. Also , Washington, Philadelphia York. McOee, A. G. P. A., Colum.; W. H. Caffey, I). P. A., >n. S. C. T '. '''^ ! i ^ ^ ^ ^ I .il TvppwrUcr I I f the Roval is one of tha in?l most important typeanufacturini; ronrrrn* il> I. with unlimited resources >le ability. offering every re of dealing with a hiwhsiness iiistitutioa. e best; here ( lead. Read very stenogntilating or correcting. R TABLE. Found only [ cess to all margin and rand great convenience. ?.R FINGERS. Tliis , yal, permits writing to paper. II of writing, making ng of the paper, the ire which is admitted the man*/ among all ratio.i, for alignment jyal Book" ned. 32 pages, heauti- ? It is important that you ccd of a machine or not. upon which we want to nity to give this machine Ic of any other machine, ed for lvtodel 1 1. No exttcs. jo., Agent *