' 6 DOWNPOUR OF RAI i in no nnr nni U WHALING INDUSTRY Scottish Fishery Boards lirrno * ?>?* a Lssssmno n THE LAKCA |g DYINlf Temperance and Columbia State. Each Year The New York Sui umber of acteristically bitter i BTER NEW S, SEPTEM3 Diplomacy. be nurtured to li^ i even sentiment, m an ax?of which tl a has a char- varieties, ittack of the jf thou wilt keei BER 9,1913. re, so ell things, ay be slain with iere remain many ) these Command- 1 ?^ n Beauty Is Only ntLro rrnt m Hot Springs Seems Able With the Situatior ESTIMATED LOSS $6,< niuu Captured Ocean Mo The old and famous wb try of Boot land la rapldlj (o < ope annual report of i I. boards of Scotland glee catch of whales In Scot during 1912 at 440. as cor 300,000. B?,3 ln*Vl- " rpre I cllne of 18 per cent In a 3 1 flmirna are rnmnirnl wl netsra. lighter sort on Will : Bryan as a diplomat. ' Printing extracts f al^fL w comments it declarei ' -v n* .OU^ come to the point tha the fishery Qf gtate jB considered the total America and with ridi< tlsh waters Possibly so. You ca npared with ican irony away from sents a de- beloved. While. as rear. If redicule, it has provet th thnaa nt far from the mark ol lam Jennings mente, thy days sh Promised Land o: rom European 8balt thou drink ol b that it has Meribah in the Vj t the secretary nor set thy face to* with irony in Separation by a w :ule abroad. ment. Selah! n't keep Amer- JA1 even its best for European 1 to be mighty Hto *1x91 ' fact and clr- 1 Lessons were n< all be long ln the ? I f Home; neither ^^Bk the Waters illey of Remorse, / ward the Court of 9HB i rltlng of DivorceWords. fl ^vtz-u rainl '?a| iffll U. when it comes to h T~rtrT wears off, the hous< L - : ^ house in need ol ~dnrJTa community. In ~~ bors, as well as to should keep your in justice to yourse t ueep ouses. When the paint : is no longer beautiful. r paint is an eyesore to justice to your neigh your self-respect, yoo house well-painted and. If, you should see th&t Kone Killed in Bin Fire hi Four Hurt?Homele Being Fared For. Hot Springs, Ark.,Sept. 6. erous downpour of rain. whb Bhortly before noon today, ] valuable aid to the weary fltrhUnp thu emnnlilprllis mil ... three year* earlier the d ,d ?nI> ! per cent, ss Are An exceptional numbei whales were captured?e compared with nine of t ?A gen- I year. One of thj elghtee cb began male, tbe second female s proved a ^"K^t since whaling was workers thouKl1 Afty-flve males , t, taken. is or the ecline Is 40 cumstan<>es whenever country. George Washington r or sperm ropean ridicule, ighteen. as g0 {jjj Andrew Jacl he previous So did the nascent n n was a fe- the war of 1812 from perm whale of the Seas." started, al- Grover Cleveland's have been sa*e ,n support of thi trine was ridiculed rij There was a tremei aimed at this All the village S tresB wanted now suffered Eu- the village school they broke up for Lson.. meaning of saying lavy that saved after meals, the "Mistress Her eye lit on t ter. bellicose mes- "Now, Alice," sr. e Monroe Doc- want you to tell i ?ht and left. wur father says v, idous shrannel ir> tin. undav school misto impress upon I cstldren before the day was the - grace before and he daughthe ne the first thing QBf 9 lien he sits down Sty Atlantic (Dutch Boy I % and Pun paint is used on y "** | secure tlie most b . most durable resnl adding <. < .1 White Lead *ainter Trade-Mark.) b Linseed Oil uir building. You can fautiful as well as the is with this paint. By u:sv tint and any shade $6,000,000 conflagration wept this city late vestert] last night. In all, about blocks are in ruins today, order prevails, however, du efforts of the 250 citizen pc rolled at last night's massThe 2.500 persons rendered ! re being care for, and it is Market for Counter It 1b not generally know 55 city j8 a market abroad for Perfect coin, and that this undet e to the modity commands a stanc dice, en- I exchange for good mone meeting. ! ample counterfeit florins homeless I make retail at the rate of . -I en. while shllllngB of Bup< probable of bon mots when the felts. Cuba developed int n that there American war. counterfeit Results, in these t drable com- thliiRs that count, lard sum In what boots in that y For ex- to play e,ther dlploi m .. , man in the incident ? iutce dinner?" He fa 11.60 a do?- name 0f "Commoner" srior quality jje glories in it. Iter clase of famine rrillrs 1 difficulty over Alice spoke up o a Spanish- "I'lease. miss," ! says 'Go slow on hings, are the it's a quarter a po Bryan forgot ' mat or society " ? of the "grape- Excghange. irly earned the East year I did and, no doubt, barrass my best i propose to me, so iko TIip Snn mv wife and she promptly. she answered, "he the bacon, kids, und. I Lm I? not want to emecirl to make her wT^ I asked her to be < , said: "I would BiL/T can i.......;cih C^' ?. .. . \.e s- i i.ir o matt other reqn Come m ar. I," and 1 likp an HEtl) Hut I got even HVK arried her mother. married the girl, who I am, says a ? ional Monthly. . the girl's mother, ny daughter, and *B tarried my (laugh- H m it her. If my fath- H ny daughter la my in ttiiimlnr si m 1'' A |W Lilllivual\ * M. LANCAS riioc I U1 U ill V v/vt TKR, S. C. I AW as guards, it is said. The 1 power company has provide gencv facilities for the ne' and other industries to res erations, but the city will be ness for at least thirty day At a mass-meeting of cit day. a committee was appc meet with the city council tl noon to provide immediate f lug apparatus and care for tl Iprs It. Is nrohnhle Mavnr lglit and wn"? norms or a oaser t >d eraer- cents a dozen. The < wspapers counterfeiter by reason umo op- roirable detective system i in dark- against it. Is one that i most subtle skill and secre lzons to- 6UcceBBi hence those who I'is after0 comParaUvely few and Ire flght- | clevOT tie home MoPlen- i Wanted to EscaDe In ion aemuiiu ?'i ?>"= -raft of the made Rood on the jol \t ?,? 0,1 ^ will he notice, In . the man who has ms low at work of lecturing on The r equlres tho ja 8eCretarv of state; >cy to insure country is now en enter it are monumental display o undoubtedly judgment, from an in uation that no other gljbe could have nep< .p a war involving blco< lilKX. tllclU IIH V ? b! My mother's motl addition, that must be my ide a specialty I being mv grand 'rince of Peace 1 am my ?wa g?*a and that his , lerging. after t^auo,::,feminine mode country on the ! Jtiated without Seems to Be Three 1 and treasure One Fifth Pr ler, which is my H grandmother, and A K mother's husband, J| ndfather. .STY SHOWN UP ^Fifths Convention, ovocatlon and ; tunc TO IIU11 k don will accept the offer? ol tus from Pine Bluff, Texark Little Rock. More than f.,000 feet of 1 destroyed last night. and the department horses rend? for further duty. Mayor McClendon today the efforts of the local am Rock fire fighters last night, to the fact that not a slnglt ,, r- nsyc. appara- In a country town In t cann and midlands there la a man noted for hla cogversatlo fiose was ttiat kj8 aCqUaintance8 a red* unfit h,in unnoceBaaj"y oppor talk. praised One morning this man i [1 Little hotel In the neighborhood pointing guests were finishing bre 1 fatality dismounted, walked in. i innnueiy oeyona me lie English RUbject matter of the who 1b bo Tho Sun might thin nal abilities citing, as an argi void giving Bryan, ridicule from tunltles to has stood by helpless in the Balkans gave -ode up to a modern protestations Just as the lakfast- He Th<, wisdom of I saluted the Abbev?le Medium. vaiue 01 me ; One-Fifth dispute. j ? k again before A ]ady philnnthn linent against jy interested In a a Kurope that women jayB 8trosi while the war , . . . the lie to all for, a complete at of civilization. on'y RB attendanti also as physicians. ! worthy of some 'rovidence. the Argonaut. 1 ' ravr is frrr ivmr Humbug. k^P \ opist, who is great- ' new hospital for 3 on the necessity 4^ g afT of women not s and nurses, but > Her reasons are ! attention, remarks rhe hospital, she j tpomnn r> n/1 twm" i eksonvill AND Lt e, Fla. IWUI ?" slightly Injured. The patie the Ozark sanitarium were to other hospitals with litt1 venienee before the blaze that institution. As complete an estimate loss as could be made today Park hotel and furnishing; 000; public utilities. $35 $400,000; Southwestern 1 and Telephone Company. $ lanaiora in nm ubuiu loua nts from declared that he was bo < removed hardly talk. attacked Ju9t tben a nervoaB t was present stepped up t of the l?rpoeite Hex. TITF( Camp a, I AND OF FLOW ii\ 117 nr?Tvip t 21a. /ERS" /? 1 A 1 A uariann county court nousi 000: Moody hotel, $110,0< Springs high school. $ Cooper Brothers, livery and $70,000. Central Methodist $75,000; iron Mountain frc passenger depots. $3 5.0T Mountain shops, $25,000; laundry, $40,000; People's $4 0,000. Orange Street Pre church. $25,000: Ozark sa $45,000: Siegier apartmen "0- Hot ! "Nothln?. nothing. On] 150 000- Ket away form here bcfoi transfer. thaws." church,| lght and Do You Whi?tl? '^n ^ron "There are few more uc Dlllard s acters than the man thn ,i in. o , waa tjje fj-aQk confession < sbjt^rian . ,(V t , nltarium, Keyboard. "Yet I can't ts. $63,- sorry for him. I .Mcrruiiius were 0111 y I want to pale of face stock -? that man bad visions of raw-h< sore-back horses in th era in their sleep wer< . newing papers long o !T . I Then the rains can ,lovely char- ? br,Khtened. M ,t whistles, pered away to Nort of a Harlem banUers took their a help feeling outing at the springs i plans for trips to Wesi ip oi nenn anci | Probably this li dealers nightly j good authority f ane mules and gatan finds some ielr lots. Bank- | hands to do. LCr?dn,fp 7 ^ ?een. familiarity le. Crop pros- ?"* f*?nlHarity hri erchants seam- Carriers and a rela: hern markets: | FVmlnlno modest nnual summer anyway. It may tx ; dealers made that It Is one of th< tern stock mar- [ that do not n*??t b true. We hare I I IB4 * or believing that J[ mischief still for < Idleness always i between the sexes, ! Inkb a lowering of , ration of restraints. y la a fnnny thing : i > sold paradoxically ' M M 9 great facts of llfs 1 K P Mnit >UAI, SWi. 1 VIA UTHERB b, iyw I RY. 000; Bijou rink, $20,000 cook apartments, $35.00( Mayer Commission Compai 000; Plunkett Jarrett Groci pany, $30,000; Hot Springs aion Company, $30,000; H; liams Hardware Company, Pasteurized Milk Company, about 125 business building 000; 625 to ?O0 residence 1 many of them palatial st $2,000,000. ; Wood- Not more tnau one ma ); Scott dred that whittles on the :iy. $3 0,- other public places can c pry Com- or has any Idea of musii r"omTnis- ^ls efforts are nerve-rac TO qoq." whlstlera never fall to w $30 000* on t^ielr home tate at 'S $800 - murdering sleep. Mc wildings wake people at an unreas ruetures, In the morning by whlstl "Whistling Is chiefly in in a nun- kets. street or In But the lesson of ] :arry an air been learned. Not a c- therefore m,ts ,hat bought king. Most ^nkers arp more th histle when ' ?f mak,n* ,oans- St0 hlstle wnen lmport fow naRa night, there- | pPopie had len ist milkmen travagant, and Pro\ lonable hour tearh them economy lng. learned the lesson. insDired by The volume of busii Providence had thBt k,nd of mo<,e8 merchant .d-I " " 11 much goods, j s coat thi an ever weary den on. Curiously ick dealers will moat rigid modest; fore unusual circu irned to be ex- j an ocean voyage < idence would The white woman They have j,y unblushing less will not be ' Llf#-* for ty that lores to be ke 'he tall of the p \t begs to be trod- I 1 C enough, even the ' will give way born atari coa. such aa sr a foreign clime. I Is not embarrassed displays of oriental $partanl not more thAn a ? mier Carrier of T1 FROM burg, Blacksburg, tie South Rock Hill, Hot Sprints, a city of h< rooming houses, found no in caring for its homeless. Every man. woman and el had lost property and horn comfortable lodgings last n1 at midnight the city was as < orderly as any city could the circumstances. Riittsinc >tels and contentment or high spir difficulty pleasing to know that ei conditioned thus happily, man that whistles makes l'eht ?-!nd l,rrson within hearing < inlet and : '^ppy while lie is at it be under ",*a, P"y an^ hardship." i lobe. BarVlrvg at the Wrm its?and it'B so preat: but that whl o many are ^e found. Soundness Hut every ^ness after all. .. Providence Is wise, every other | listance an- 1 Which 1b a '^en OommanilmentB I ?New York Offered by a Wife. 1. Thou shalt n ? thou art not the only I house. to Man. 9 Thou ch al t Pftmr leh is done will nay Kb? like* th is better than her ?t?nd in the lin en awaiting their hath and aha will j of the cot of her "or a Husband, j Btyle of h??" hat. j woman would bel' ^member that "erloUB,'r embarraa ' person in the PBCOUntor with a corridor of her owi and Encliah vnmoi em. Bhe will take e at men and worn- f^rppnyi turn in the ship's U,tLl1 1 be Juat as proud bathrobe ae In the Llr* A ||f And yet that same /lilt I eve herself to be followin i bouse. American 1 In INaiiM w4T1 - mm* ?? - lie, Anderson, Abb :ndale ano intermec g schedule and \ eville, Colum- / liate points on 'ERY LOW Washington Herald. Most everybody is wenrli Blouses frequently boast more kinds. Buttons of every eolor ar dence. And the shapes! They he beyond count. ?uere are little white o look like quinine pills. Tho K:itf Ane 1 at "Bern an a raoation, pom ail the big one* I rip them, usual T" one or "No, I can't Bay that tha "Well, go on and tell i e in evl- you didn't catch a single c three pounds." cpf?m to "No, I cant say that, el no? that "No7 Wb11- ?Prin? about finding a spot wh . 1,.. lll./k KHo ("? ?? ? eh? 1 map- art not the only man ! got away ft* 3. Thou shalt not , when thou art asked ] By did." thou shalt Rive unt< rue about It- wa*p without reques ,rws than oe M? u??n sppndpst (hlnp own 4. Thou shalt no wife; also, shalt thou e other ooe be honest with the? ere you (got (grievance may he blow In the world. things without the ! gather wrath that they would 1 for money; hut their own eountrlei > thy wife her feminine modesty t and without ftfths conrentlon. u reeelvest and h t He unto thy permit her to New Sort < >?for a slight Many women wh n to the winds, summer, either li slightest confusion RAlti >o Incapable of In I ?. In point of fact j Deems to be three* ' one* fifth premxm. Ly Rock H1U umbug. .. cheater . . ? " Blackstock tf Souvenir. ?? Woodward 0 ore traveling this " Winnsboro 1 America or Eh>- " Rldgeway > R. T. Special Train Fare K Savanna 9:30 p. m. $4.00 10:18 " 3.50 10:38 " 3.26 10:44 " 3.25 11:12 " 3.00 11:36 " 2.75 R. T. R. T. ) Fare to Fare to ih Jacksonville Tampa 17.00 $9.00 6.50 8.50 6.00 8.26 6.00 8.26 6.75 .8.00 5.26 7.75 enamal?but aren't. Often two colors are cot white and blue, red and bl other combinations are In Buttons covered with tl of the dress on which they have many admirers. One gown displayed roi buttons and square green o alternately?and with much For white linen dresses ?r\r j i rvr* a imw j\mor iXJUU tMS ' / line In the water. I'm w nblned? ten." a< k, and "No, that didn't happen <^idonrr. "It didn't? Then you'r( are uied courBf'. who a ' with the Identical hook 1 and red tliat >*ou f,ac* lost last y nes used "No, I?" effect. "Oh, I know; you're goii and the that one flah fought yo u i/uk yuur | dui, nuiureci in seer tiling to lie- Into a deadly upas-tr< 5. Thou shalt perm i either" pleased; also, shalt [> the irur of thy "Lo?1 ar t wedded thee only form a pictu better chance. fnmod returning on all Regular Ti 4.75 7.50 4.00 7.00 n and Regular Trains ains to reach original nairnier rroeits tnere are ma <-rochet buttons. ANNOUNfUS WEDDING rresident's Daughter Will rial at White House No Cornish, N. II., Sept. 6.? riage of Miss Jessie W Francis B. Sayre of New my white hours before you lauded "No, I'm not." "You're not? Then, f PLANS. &ako what Is your va toryV be Mar- ! 1 lAaven t any 1>ve v 25. " 'or ^ree minutes to tell Tho mar to Ushiug.llson to fork will "t-lne Is Not Wort Mm" I * Thou shalt not thy wife, because tl her cause to be jea or goodness neither shalt thou t cation flah chanting in her ears, the (laughter of Eve been trying in motors, clad In you that I lamb, who smile up they are not obliged t upon me!"?lest thy steps to the machln tarrv a while at thr lous of thoe; who would enter ai >e continually In New Englani "How fair arc rellc-huntlng vlalto who glide past Interesting old kn< 'kins of baby- too. there are gjc on mo whom foetid It v n Heart o humor?even wife turn her e vender and Diarrhoea Q\ > fiirripr'fl ftnri T ie maid or gueet starting poi: a unoccupied room. ^ > 1. In Bplte of the Ua*' 1 rH. there are aom* To Tampa, ockera In Europe, ?d knocker* to be Pullman Sle :h diligently. TTTT , Florida: aicklv Cared. t i?- 1 _ t _ nt on or before midnight as fc 9th, 1913. To Jacksonville, I Fla., Sept. 24th, 1913. High ( eping Cars without change. A TRIP TO THE TROP1 "The Land of Flowers," Healtl ..li. 1 J 1 A. _ .li . rtlows: To Savannah, ^la., Sept. 21st, 1918. dass day coaches and ICS. 1 and Pleasure. Won take place at the White Hoi day, November 25. The a niente was made from the home of the President by Mi row Wilson today. This, the 13 th wedding White House, will he an : affair. Although the desire blent Wilson always has bee Tome simplicity. It Is undei has given his consent to pi will call for an affair as br jse Tues- I The phonograph has bet nnounce- Qy Installed as an adjunct summer phone service of Berlin. *. Wood- ttae gCts out of order the ( actomatlcally calls ont 1 1P talkers, "the line Is not w iftemoon . , . of Pres- ?t>*rat?rs may also switch >n for ex- r?KraPh to ash persona w rttood he they want, lans that It Is said for the new llliant as tb.- t ? j """i" i?.""1 en temporary niniip as the daughte t to the tele she rendereth onto th When the 9. Thou shalt no phonograph thv wife from the aet to would be to the ri8,n* UP there orking." The hap ^hou done thus a " w er shalt thou deman i on the pbo- CQUnt Qf all thy w,fft hat numbers reqUjre th6 name of \ ?if by chance thou i instrument ?shouldst be hencef< rs of Eden, as "I *a? taken w ee the account. Mr. Yorks, the m t be crying to graded me to try ^ ttl? Blin _?- p-11A ^ of, Go to! Why ber,a,n 8 Colic, C nd so?" Nelth- rhoea Remedy, id a strict ac- dose of It I was cu doeth, lest she others that I gav? thee; and thou E Qebbart oriole mswerest truly ' >rth a widower 1111 unusual. I '1th diarrhoea and oercui agnc erchant here, per- the world, a bottle of Cham- ,, , Iholera and Dlar- ' avannah After taking one ping Docks, red. It also cured and gurf Ba > It to," writes M. I i, Pa. That is not For full i Ln ordinary attack Ticket Agen uiturai aveiopmenis axiracung , Ga.: With its beautiful Pai Thunderbolt and Tybee Island ] thins:. nformation, Pullman Reserva ts Southern Railway, or r* & /i n A n ww mw people from all over 'ks, magrnificent Shipfamous for Sea Foods tions, etc., apply to any that has ever taken pla historic mansion. ?, f? m .'w ir nn/ mauui ce in the .