The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, September 09, 1913, Page 5, Image 7

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\ , LOCAL DO MRS. CLARA C. EDWA >TS This (iCkmI Woman Passe! (lenly at the Home of i." 11 THE LANCA HD8 DEAD. ? Away 8u?l- PERSOf >IrH. .1 Mines lSTER news, skptkm Mr. Manning brother-in-law, Dr J A [ S Lake City, speut Falls, making th< cycle. BER 9,1913. Wood Icy and his ~^STST\2*2 D rULU Saturday at Great | (jQi . . ; trip by motor- j j j Miiiiiinn Bank No. 83. STATEMENT OF THE POVr 5 B SBSB wS'SLS mt,, n ^ ?Weather forecast fo Carolina: Generally fair and Wednesday. ?The Fats and Leans w It again Friday afternoon al ?Rev. H. R. Murchlsou a R. T. Beaty left today for 1 attend the fall meeting c Presbytery. ?The game last Wedne twnnn tho hi or mon nn.l il.A r South _ .. Tuesday ?ur community was s morning when on arising that Mrs. Clara C. Edwai ill be at very suddenly during the L 4:30. home was at Rutherford >nd Elder C., but she had many fri VIcBee to place, where she was boi ?f Bethel the greater part of her 11 been on a visit to friem sday be- lives Kershaw and tt little thp nnat twn ninnthu M ?ki Mrs- D- M- Jones it wtl t^lH Wtth Mr- and M" C rH? had i? 5 Capt- J Palmer h visited relatives here night. Her end i0nH?e?gteVhf' Dr. aud Mra c- 1 '?nd* at thla little daughter. Paulii rn and spent to Mr and Mn, j M it" ?? i returned to their hoir X ? . ,la" Miss Lilian Caske , p'ac? "r from a visit to Cataw spent Sunday Business the past weekFOR SALE?Do y D. Rollins and 'alfalfa this fall ne, after a visit want to inoculat Woodley, have which alfalfa has le at Lake City. Krown. We have y has returned for sale at $2.00 ba. $1.00 per 1-hors i Notices >S ou expect to plant flP. 1? If so you will AA e with soil upon been successfully a limited amount per 2-horse load; ie load. Cunning- L^PJ OF THE BANK OF LANC/ located at Lancaster, S. C., close of business August 9th, RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts... $527, Overdrafts 3, Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank 11, Furniture and Fixtures. 1 Bankine Hmiao R VSTER ?| at the MB] 1913. .627.89 [Mi 075.88 ,500.00 [Mi .000.00 cnn n A " " UilU V1IC lows was "just for fun," nex It Is said, "they will be al -bther." ?Mr. J ,C. Carpenter ha ed to Lancaster much Imp health after spending a cc months in the mountains Carolina. ?Roach Stewart, the fel the "big tonnage." will dire tack for the "beef outfit 1IU1U ICl" """ t Friday waa UP town yesterday 8 Iter each tending to some busines io the home of her f James P. Hunter on I s return- u-here siie was tc spem 'roved In gjle retired as usual, ' r v' ?i" complaint of feeling un of Aortn at,0ut midnight call Hunter and asked her t low with doctor as she was feeli ct the at- well. Dr. R. C. Browi " Fridav ??- ? ? n -j. uunttlUf Mr. Charlie Cook c ifternoon at- gutlday in Lancaster \ *s and went and Mrs. John A rlend, Mrs. Miss Perry Helle B Jarr street, jast week from Cam 1 the night, visited Miss Nancy L making no Mr. P. R. Moore comfortable, Kershaw Sunday and led for Mrs. home. 0 send for a jv|ra> c. P. Grant o ng very un- daughter. Miss Mart 1 was sum- jdrs. Grant's slsiter. \ >f Cheraw spent nam Farm. vith his parents, . Cook. NOTICE?The pai ennett returned pair of eye-glai den, where she Monday, Sept. 1, Indsay. to C. L. McManus came up from office. I spent the day LOST?On Septen f Hartsville and locket and dial ha, are visiting* leave at News o Irs. L. S. Elliott. Craig. 98-99 [AB ? U|J rty that found the ?ses at Antioch on will please return , or leave at News 98 11 M iber 1, child's koKI n. Finder please like. Mrs. W. I). U 98-11 I L~ Due from Banks and Bankers 72 Currency 6 Gold 3 Silver and othor Mtcor Coin Checks and Cash Items Total $632 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid Iu. . $ 50 ,OVV.VV l^jjl .024.39 .757.00 ?l ,505.00 M?. m 367.47 980.93 ? ,63 8.56 ,000.00 afternoon. ?Mr. Frank T. Mcllwaln, been watchmaker and enp the Robinson-Lathan Jewe for some time past, is now ness with Mr. Barnette a and 10 cent store. ?"Slats" Latimer, the plate for the uniform mal be in the line-up Friday. C ?Mr. E. W. Bailev o ? inWiiTMI( uui outj 11 iih uy at 1:30 o'clock this moi , who has "Miss Clara," as she \ ;raver at ly known to her friends lry store tine qualities, both of mil in bus!- Her devotion to and cart t the 5 father In his declining y deed beautiful. She v fashion- prepartlons to leave for tors, will North Carolina tomorro> loing up! war(,s was 63 years of f Heath t'ie y?unRpst child of tl passeu away M,ss Florence Bn 1 ... terday In Kershaw. In i \ ar: Miss Joyce Clark i * \ ? ? last week after spen d and heart t g ,m| , inP LnL wnaTd Mrs. S. W. Heath ?. . the guest of her fatlu .as making Bro?n< her home In m1m MoWa HodRe; age and was the Kuest of friends le late J P JojylnK a motor trip l<? ate J. t. tn-.awnv awn spent yes- ? TAKEN UP?Or returned home plaee, Friday, ? ding some time mule, about 9 00 p innsboro. for this ad. and of Stoneboro is get same. Henry er, Mr. W. MoD. FOR SALE?Thi s. who has been engines, at Greer, is en- fifty horse to AshevSlle and in^h corn mill; W Hie b:ire:i ins i J. F. Caskey's 'm 5ept. 5, black mare iounds. Owner pay *eed bill, and can Williams. S co Liddell boilers twenty-five, thirty power; forty-two ilkes pony saw mill. fljA Ilnv !17 VV'ii vJi ii \i kju t uo r uiiUi i JLUU Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 19 Due to BankB and Bankers 3 Individual Deposits Subject to Check 181 Savings Deposits 64 Time Certificates of Deposit 146 Certified Checks 14 ,vuu.uu w w .091.96 W* ,001.45 M .869.05 .698.89 A? W :.69i.i7 m C9 Springs has returned to L and has accepted a posltlo E. E. Cloud store. ?Porter Jackson is with again. Hurry up. Porter, through this game, the lltt after us to return h*s unl ?Rev. W. S. Patterson, the A. R. P. church, retu week from Mount Carmel, performed the marriage . u. anting ami ms wrr Lancaster. ^eQna Mlttag. She had in at the William McKenna Mitts only a few months sin the Fats sisters. Mrs. Mary Cast and get Cornelia Craven. Mrs. ;le boy Is survives. Mrs. Edward form! married to the lamentei pastor of Clyburn, by whom she h rned last a son, who died in Inf where he'years after Major Civ ceremony she married Rev. T. H. enn7llmtl!r Mr- J H. Hall Of . .J guest at the home c re. and two Mo Sn^W ? on and Mrs in 0reenvlne Is was first M,sses Ann,e P,ck M , Mary Ellen Eves hav< caster and entered e M ' their duties as teacli burn's death .,r"' ""li1''1, "cllo"L Edwards, a ' ., ,Mr"' T.' ?' ? ? Belmont was ? N. C. ?f Mayor Ernest LOST?Between 1 e spent Sunday denee and Cati plant, infant's crc ens Waring and please leave at N ? arrived in Lan yesterday upon FOR SALE?Sevi lers in the Ten- shindies. Ed I Lancaster, S. C. son of Under. 98-99* M P. M. Lathan's resiiwba Fertilizer Co. >chet wrap. Finder ews office. eral cars brick and wards & Horton, ?m 64-tf S ~~~ ?? k jasmer's cnecks Notes and Bills Redlscounted 5( Reserved for Taxes .... 5 Total $631 STATE OF SOUTH CAROL! County of Lancaster?si Before me came Geo. W. Cashier of the above namoi who, being duly sworn, says 1 above and foregoing statemc 386.04 W! >.000.00 M 1,000.00 ^ i.638.56 VP :na, w b: Williams, VP 1 bank, M that the iS jilt 1b a M or Miss Kathleen Morrah place and Mr. M. L. Man Greenville. ?We observed In last -day's game that fully nli -cent of the cheering and roi given to the stout boys. Tfc us right back to the mucl question?"Why is it that < loves a fat man?" ?Married September 4. of that prominent minister of t :hant of church at Rutherford ( predeceased her. Slu Wednes- Methodist church manj lety per The 'uneral services wl otlng was the Methodist church tl iat brings at 4 o'clock and Imme ti mooted the remains will he Int everybody Pre8byterlan cemetery b her first husband and In 1913, Mr. ? Kll?ih who Claude Hill < joined the vislti,,K ,hp fan,n>' ; ioolc ?J' Flynn In the New C 11 be held In M,RS El,iabeth * lis afternoon f?[11Y8t0? ' dlately after *nhore she w 11 teach erred In the ,n * wom<l" 8 follp^ y the side of . M,88e? Ma"'f a"( fant child. t0 lS; ilumbla. after spendl 1 with their sister. Mrs iivfts uere. JUST AKK1VKUHishopville is Call and get y< of Mr. R. J. gone. E. W. Sis ut section. Iary Jones left MR FARMER?1 City, Mississippi, mule, sheep or domestic science a "Little News At ? this session. a buyer. Twenty^ 1 Mamie Izzard Ave cents. elr home in Co- | Ins the summer i MONEY TO LOA i. J. A. Klein. to $10,000.00 ?lllg lot Rye Seed. [^B jurs before It Is all tare. 96-98-t to. ? to lave you a horse, hog to sell? Try .to 1." They will bring to -five words. Twentytf >to< to N?Any amout up on Lancaster ooun- , true condition of said ba shown by the books of said fa GEO. W. WILLI Sworn to and subscribed me this 14th day of August, JNO. U. BE1 Notary P Correct?Attest: LBROY SPRING! R. L. CRAWFOI L. C. PAYSEUR, n<r* uk, as am lank. AMS. ? before am 1913. O L.L. W ubllc. m fi id. am W irtnra o. i. aniun or L>anao, a. c., Julia A. Small of Prlmu Adams, Notar>' Public, offlcl ?Miss Annie L. Crowell, been the popular millinei Lancaster Mercantile Cora past two seasons, has rel Lancaster and her many here are glad to welcome ?Mr. J. M. Hood of the Hood Live Stock Company, T thio ana Miss w nuiins urnnHii 8, B. F. lat,nR Lancaster Schools Start |\as Largest Enrollment < r for the ipany the The Lancaster gra< turned to opened yesterday with tl friends rollment they have ever her back, Gentrnl school there w Gregory- dprts an<1 at the nil 11 Is In St making a total enrolln There were 110 opening wuni'Ai. I Mr ueorge t ox or h > week-end In Lar ed Oft With . Mrs <E" R" Clou< ? , have returned to the m Record. Hi? aftpr a v,a,t tf led schools Misses Ruth McCai le largest en- Taylor left today ft had. At the continue their stud ere 376 stu- College, school 125, Miss Adelaide N lent of 501. will leave this weel exercises in where she will teach Anderson spent j ty farm land. 1 i caster. I Address, P. O. B ri and children 8. C. lr home in Rock ? relatives here. FACTORY EXI rdell and Molivia writer Repair >r Greenville to charge of the n lies at Chicora writer mechanics our work is guart elson of Unity of any rebulldl { for Allendale, country. All woi school the coin- ly and fully g txjng or short time ox, "H." Fort Mill, f I 89-100 *ERTS?Our TypoDepartment Is in | nost skilled typo- I In the South, and I in teed equal to that I |H ng plant In the I rk handled prompt- I uaranteed. J. E I '^1 iiiiiiiainn I TV _ ' M Vesta | j jyj uin nun w rrn |iui i lianiu^ Western horses. ?The ofllce of the Lancj ton Oil Mill has been reb\ mill Is again ginning cotton ing seed as usual. ?The annual colored cs ing was held last week a Carmel. Better order thi seems to have prevailed as heard of no disturbances nparp. sume ime rhnpel as heretofore 011 n of school, hut Instead a aster lot- ture reading and pra: >llt. The room, this time was glv and buy- dividual teachers to th ticular grades, to enrol imp-meet- dents, giving them list; t Mount hooks to he used and an usual lessons for today. No I i we have 011 preliminaries but the j of the dismissed before noon I tho minlls inlfftil nil i the first day ing session, ifter a Scrip- Messrs. Stanley W rer In each Sowell and Carl Re en by the In- for Clemson College, elr own par- Mrs. \V. G. Steven ling the stu- spending today with * of the text Stevens. In assigning Messrs. A. J. and time was lost and Ira R. Jones, schools were dance in Monroe last in order that making the trip by rnlinan tliulr Miss Mn rv Hnnro Crayton & Co., < illfamson, Elmer nnett left todav DR. C. I p of Rock Hill Is Mrs. Walter M. Phoi H. J. Gregory, Office over Li Jr., attended a formerly occapl Friday evening. Office hoars, 9to automobile. r%f Port T.nivn lu Charlotte, N. C. I I -m i. PRATT, , ntint. le 2Hft. in caster Pharmacy, ed by Dr. High 1; I to I. U I No and uebetter I R Alfalfa A ..Hoolntion Orders Seed. Lancaster County Alfall ere' Association met this and the purchasing comm stating of T. Y. Williams Blackmon, reported on i tained on ground rock lime The association instructed books and school supp Lime and <? teachers met In en Chalmers E. Wesslngei ra Grow- Intendent. where schedi morning ranged and plans for ittee con- were discussed, and J. J. The opening session prices ob- be a VPry successful one and seed, enrollment is an evldeu the com- tprest of our people In dies. Irnine- the guest of her sis smissal, the Jackson, on Elm str e office of Mr. and Mrs. Join r, the super- Mrs. E. D. Blaken ules wer ear- motored to Eancastt school work spent the afternoon. Mr and Mrs \Y 1 promises to today at Mrs. Rol >. The larger home at Ebenezer. ice of the in- Miss Beulah Conr education, as from her vacation FA KM i T. Stevons and py of Kershaw -w T T ~1 *r ypsterday and I I Robinson spont )inson's formor Irotectyourl . t . Stock against ior has rpturned . .... spont at Edge- from tire, Win IERS' | RANGE Buildings and Live ? Loss or Damage! jyl/\|*| id and Lightning, | IflUI 1 r lui AND? is Superfine PR j 4ams mittee to purchase 500 to <\f lime from J. J. Blacki tlmMU" dealer, and 575 pi alfalfa seed from T. W. Sons, Richmond, Va. The structed the secretary to i tures for seeding 575 poun from the government. Rummage Sale Friday and The ladies of the Llhrar 700 tons """ ua n|> niuf.-v iu ?j non, for- population. The enrol ounds of high school students i: Wood K gratifying. y also In order rul- j|?, Heath IVoi ds of seed Mr. James M. Ileal _ born and reared her a . , hers of friends in Ls Saturday. they wl? bp pIpaged to y Associa- promotion ho has ui lutTtfanfu 1111J111, n. v llment of 70 Mrs. N. 0. Simpsc s particularly living at Spencer, N her father. Col. J. Mrs. W. T. Van . , Heath Springs vlsite no tod. p L Hl,rd,n ,a8t , th, who was Miss Margaret > e. has num- the week-end in A incaster and Monday went to Jc hear of a re- she will teach the e< received. Mr. Miss Virginia Rr ... oy insuring in >n, who has been , r c., Is now with tual r ire Insui c'r1ook,ott - Mutual Live St uandlngham or . .. TT <1 hor sister. Mrs SOClBtlOn. Ii6 vi,,e' s- C. Se A illiamson spout hbeviiie and on Farmers Ba )nesville, where ominK year. >blnson and Mr. or D E R trie Farmers' Mu- ???? ranee Co. and the I Gonseqn ock Insurance As- jl | ad Office: York- | _______ te or write nk & Trust Co., I 1 ^ Lancaster. I 1 J # onev. Manau-erv I ently you will see your v Every sack strictly guarantee B. Roddey vile and Children d. Hants (lie bes(. & Co. tion will have a Rummage ly day and Saturday of this w vacant store room of th block, formerly occupied b pie's Supply Company. 1 have not already been ask tribute as well as those wh requested to gather up ai of household furnishings e apparel .which they are donate, as the wagon wl Ihem Thursdav and Frid i Sale Fri- Heath Is the eldest so eek In the James M. Heath, who 1: ie Moore cation to business is ri y the Peo- ing an expert cotton r "hose who been associated for ed to con- with the cotton firm o have are Mr. M. C. Heath of ('< ly articles whom he made his ho >r wearing lumbia Record of last willing to following to say regard 11 call for man and his work: lav morn- "James M. Heath. \ n of the late Douglas Kohinson o >y elose appli- ed at the home of apidly becom- the past week, nan. He has Miss Connie Port several years Due West where sh of his uncle, session, olumblp., with Mr. Chalmers J. me. The Co- graduated from Clei night had the June, went to Clen lug the young night, where he has sition as assistant vho has been Harper. f Oak hurst visitMr. J. K. Craig or left today for e will teach this King, who was I ??? nson Colh-go last I ison College last I MM accepted the po- I K \ to Prof. J. N. i Yorkville. anuHMMnHMMni All 0 uafo _ Ings. Remember the sale library and many articles vice to the donors will be posed of in a good cause help you in cleaning y< room or attic. King's Daughters Extend to King's Sons. This is to extend to the raster who nrn Inferos is for the connected with the fl of no ser- Heath Company, with easily dia- has resigned to accept a i and will the J. E. Lathan Com >ur store cotton concern with h Greensboro. Mr. Heat! _ ager of the agency of ? At at Camden, his forme Imitation thou(ch his many ;r|PI see him leave Columbia ise men of lighted to know that itert in or- ...i rm of M. C. Mr. J. .Edgar Po offices here. Is In town today on position with Mr. Samuel F. pany, a large land county Is on i ead offices in home, i will bo man- Miss Marie Craig this concern day for Bambridge, r home. Al- will teach, nds regret to Miss Janie Craif i, they are do- latter part of the w he has been vllle, where she wi .nnmlkln -rial slnn ak of Rock Hill 1 , business. J Massey of Rich- H 1 i visit to his old M will leave Thurs, (la., where she ???? will leave the eek for Bennetts- a 11 teach ..this ses- W I*. .1 1 ??^. f\LL J AW NOW SHOWINCi nuLj - miTTmiL inrrn ganized charity an oppo joining with us in helping men. For a number of yei men have worked alone branch of the King's busin is meant to include men we are persuaded that i many gentlemen, both old i In Lancaster, who would assist in the work we hav lng. We want them to Jo rtunlty of tion Mr. Heath left ( our fellow tember 1 to take this ars we wo k of t ll f R [ess, which RhMte Will \tt also. But " Reunion, there are MaJ. James M. Rlc he' gla^T'to the fiftieth anni e been do- battle of OettysburK. i in us now, tend the Grand Army IIWIIOIIJIC J/VOI Columbia Sop- Mrs. Alice OroRc new position, week from a visit in Jefferson. end (i. A. R. ? Death of Miss To< Idle, who at-| Miss Toonoy Var versary of the ?r Margaret V pxpcots to at- tGr ?r !VIrs Will D of the Repub- W. an<* J- R- Varnec 11 ?1 - * *1? . >ry returned last I . to her daughters g Ot It [?nejr Varnedore. TIIK nedore, daughter arnedore and sis- I TPl*" enton, Messrs. J. l nis lore of this place, $ %? ?*1? i- I dlC ci FIRST SHIPMENT 0 FAMOUS .... Shoe needs no intr lreadv known for e uum cur jl Siloes Jor oduction in Lanca: their style, comfor lurin Ladies ster as they t and good anu mey neeu nui iear uu them too hard. We are J that they become paying and the dues are only ten month. The King's Dauf Sons may together do mor the Master than the wc boon able to accompllsl them. We ask, therefore gentlemen Join the order possible, that our circle n better and broader worl list"asking ,,C r"Un,?n at Chatta members, bfclf'nnlng on Septemb< i cents per Confederate soldiers thters and vlted to celebrate the e work for versary of the battle >men have Mountain, Chieknmai i without 8ionary Ridge with th i, that the the North. Major Rldd as soon as In the bnttle of lay plan a During the celebration c for the wary of his birth will nooga. Tenn . u,eu Ul lllv ' sr 20th. The Chester at 4 o'cloc . . . noon. Miss Van fli/i !i'en 1" youngest member o fiftieth ?nnt- jug about 20 years of Lookout remembered in iga and Mis- ghe lived for quite e veterans of ma|U8 were interre* WOUn day afternoon at 5 Chiekamauga. i the anniver- 1 occur, but we ! st??<? of Ohio, city of t< ... f*..nk V . K.... ... II. u L .. *1 IIOI llHUIIfl III k Saturday afterjedore was the VVCcil. >f the family, be- 1 of age. She will dUG J Lancaster where awhile. Her re1 at Chester Sun- T"*"fr * o'clock. I.nrn County. m. . K.. I- W *W Y We are showing lasts and have their ces Range ' ? i*i [ them in a wide ran i in all widths fror From $2.75 11 1 ge of styles n C to EE. to $4.00 111 coming year. LEND A HAND CIRCLE DAUGHTERS. A Word to Paren In order that, the pup school may ho directly un< thorlty of the teachers, t are kindly requested to ^ their children's departure m so that they shall arrlv.- on win not ten now oin C, KING'S he does not look It by Earthquake at K . ' Kingstown, Island o "or tb? ^ B W ' 3e[,L ?? he parents was felt here yesterday schedule ly by a heavy thundei from home panted by a heavy fall _the school ftVftp thA , | , Ta! ne Will 06, a? partner* of" the Orm of K twenty years, lug burin*" in th? cur Slat* aforoaald ?nrt tli tb* lum of ONK HIT . ...? ??<'h nd *T"rr "... Infcstown. cured by the tw?? of Ha ,f St. Vincent, 1 1 i earthQUftke prJ!7,.^-*. thu*#tb day <?' . Subsequent-1 seal. * rstonu accom- | H,H-, Catarrh Cur* I nt ruin broke ?ci* directly ui*>n th* or rain oro*. j fapc- #( the ?j?teni. ?nhnnA service fr.... J. Cheney Sc Co., do- P of Toledo. County end at aald firm will pay fDRKD ixrld.AKS for mPHl Catarrh that rannot be I1IV<I1 H'a Catarrh Cure "RANK J. CHENEY. ZZZZZZZZZ and aubacrlbeil In my December. A. I)., 13H0. o W. OI.EASON. . Notary t'ubllc. oprilll* t taken Internally and = blood and mueou* aorHoud for teatlmonlala, nave arriving daily ts that will be read] iiis^The J. r our ran lines in y for inspection in T. WYL1 an aeparc a few days. K CO. grounds not earlier than CHALMF7RB E. WE8S1 Superlc 8:30 a. m. ; INGER, was affected nnd mln< itendent. reported from plautati - ?" - r J. CHENE' >r damage is by Bn DmifKUu. on districts. Taka lialla Family I' i * CO.. Tol<-d?. O. II I 11 i 111* fur con?tip?tlun. 1 ==Jl