819 I. C. McDonald, teaching J to 320 Roxana Beckham, teachr In* J L 321 Carrie Beckham, teachI Ins 2 I 822 J. H. McMurray, teach 50.00 Ing 437 Edith K. Cunningham >5.00 teaching 438 Jessie Lathan, teaching 55.00 439 Jessie Lathan, teaching 440 John McNeelv. shln^l^n THE LANCASTER 55.00 40.00 The Second \ 40.00 ; 40.00 9.A Hi rpln.tfi? -- NEW 8. AUGUST 8, 101 Pencil manufacture A 1 up old red cedar fenc< 2\lK nessee and southwan into lead pencils. 'Phone It ~ J J _ J - ? 13. ts are buying e rails, in Ten1, to be made In. rn t.fi Yorkville, S. C., J 7 fuly 18. 1913. .Ing S 323 D. Reece Williams, secretary. teachers' salaries 8C 824 A. P. Plyler, secretary, building ' 825 L?a Li. Bennett, teaching E 826 R. F. Wolfe, repairs.. 1 827 Lillie Murphy, teaching 1 828 R. R. Kennington, chrm., building 3 C S5.00 441 Adelaide Nelsou, teach ing 442 Essie Jones, teaching. . 10.00 443 Gertrude Ferguson, te&< ing F6.00 444 Kate Blakeney, teach ing 0.00 445 Mary A. Stokes, teach .4.18 ing 12.50 445 J. H. Ham^l, expense county hoard 12.64 446 Ann nu'ftll JrnvnUni > ?tw v?vo?n Q n VI uq \J I. (I LI i- llvered before the Nort 19.16 Press Association last we 85.00 W. E. Gonzales, editor < ;h- lumbla State.] 45.00 It Is the policy of tho! the light to inveigh again 87.50 shedding press, and the i- the attention of the 20.00 Demagogues who fear tin s he upon the poor, and, fc 9.00 policy of the fleeing b ouuiubs a?- sanford Express. :h Carolina it Is encouraging t ek by Capt. man who is trying I of The Co- chronicle the news ar whose time is devot He who fear chanical work in the st the light- pie to call him up ove reby divert and tell him of some unthinking, that he did not kno? 9 light traf- not otherwise find out diowing the few people in San forurglar who but they are not nun io wnom it 0 a newspaper This i to collect and _ id the most of Farmers ed to the me- York An office, for peo- 1 OFK an r the telephone lire to Si 1 Item of news . .. ' of and could tection 1 . a .a lines am 1 who do this, lerons ennntrh coat is n May Concern : 8 to certify that I hold a policy ?' Mutual (Fire) Insurance C< d Lancaster Counties. It givet tate that I am well pleased wi t gives. It is conducted along cc d in my opinion is entirely sa nnr?h Ipsa than T f ' with The jmpany of i me pleasth the pro nservative fe and the 829 Sarah Reid, teaching. . i 33 0 Laura Therrell, teaching A 831 J. S. Jakes, teaching.. 8 832 M. L. Beckham, wood. 1 833 J. W. Beckham, wood. 1 334 C. H. Rowell, teaching 8 835 J. D. Fulp, teaching., 8 836 J. B. Bushardt, teaching S 837 Lucy McMillan, teachIner 1 * ! 5.00 expenses 446 Sarah Mills, teaching. . [0.00 447 J. D. Fulp, teaching... 15.00 448 Isabel F. Lyles, teaching .2.00 449 Zula L. McKnight, teach .2.00 lng 10.00 4 50 C. A. Plyler, teaching. 15.00 4 51 Bessie Mae Sowell, teach lng 15.00 452 Nannie Hood, teaching 453 Nannie Hood, teachtng. 7 qa i ri nr r* t ,.i? * a ciicb Biuy luii'i, luey 25.00 Inflame the poor with the 10.00 newspapers are their em 85.00 eneezer Elliott, who was i ; 50.00 in England less than a c was not a newspaper ma 40.00 a poet. His work for t . 91.91 England was so conspicu was known as the "Corn 32.54 mer" and as the "Poet of ; 25.00 Of all the friends of 12.50 none has ever paid it r. auempi i, "God said 'Let there he II 40.00 Grim darkness felt His n And fled away; 29.63 Then startled seas and cold 75.00 Shone forth, all bright i a friend of I that would bo of ini ocm, The | readers of The Exi accept its farmers will call us i and strive this news it will help better and more read In Trouble With t An extremely tall Ii mountains jnR ja the West, put i a small town and wa In blue and | room for tbo niodii terest to the The Colli press, if the The president if ip and give us elation of Common us to publish a seem3 to have a be able paper. college bred youtl ness men profess t ... , . tailing his faults a l e Blanket. th,8 trial balance; rishman travel- lege boy is adaptal ip at a hotel in seeks, and his pro s shown to his ment is on the wa r.i n okn.t II... Tl./. ni.l, ... .1 1 cge Hoy. Reasons fron the Chicago Asso- Is more ada ;e, Howard Elting, Is more com tter opinion of the Has keener i than most busi- duties of life r o have. After de- ties, nd virtues he gets Able to solvi "The new col- lems. ale to the place he Has higher iblem of adjust- standards y to solution." | Has larger v a one step to another. ptable. scientious. appreciation of the md its responsibllie more difficult probethical and moral lews of life. I 011 jmitiMi lucnuurier, leaciiIng. . * 5 348 W. A. Anthony, teaching 6 349 W. H. Hendrlx, teaching 15 1 350 Belle King, teaching... 6 351 Annie Bailey, teaching. 2 352 Nannie Hood, teaching. 2 353 Llllle Usher, teaching. . 3 354 E. J. Bailey, teaching. . 4 3 55 Bessie Mae Sowell, teaching 9 356 Addle McMurray, teach <*?>i uoxana oeckliam, teach 0.00 ing 6.50 4 62 Mamie Caskey, teacli 0.00 ing 7.50 463 Mamie Caskey, teach 5.00 ing 5.00 464 First National Bank, paii 5.00 claim 0.00 465 Mary Lewis, teaching. . 466 J. G. Richards, teaching 0.00 467 J. P. Holden, labor. . . . 468 D. Reece Williams, sec gold. 25.00 And cried: ''Tis da 35.00 'Hall, holy light' exclaim The thundrous cloud, t 35.00 O'er daisies white i And lo! the rose, in erin 250.00 Leaned sweetly on the II 21.00 And blushing, n ; 350.00 'Light!' 45.00 Then was the skvlark b I ho appeared downstn v! 'tis day!' for scissors, noodle ai hour later ho retun 'd said, sadly: "Faith, hat flamed When asked what i; replied: >son dress'd "Why, the blanket ly's breast: enough to cover me f? lurmured? piece off the top and s bottom, but 'tis no b orn: **? (i piiui i tinif i uc ivituiuuiiu y drs and asked ing upon this state id thread. An lated, this means t led them and cation teaches the it's no use." gencies and to ac he meant, he his surroundings? learn more quickl; wasn't long done and how to di " et, so Oi cut a the negative trai sewed it on the which weighed ag etter now." give Mr. Elting's ti i Impatience to si rll^lLilcllI tUIUIin'Ill mont says: "Trans | , hat a college edu- ' ore ?? ,bu boy to meet erner- Quiring wisdon ljust himself to making a f( -enables him to ?an a 11 yr what is to be ferent wa>8o It. Folio" ing are j ts of character. If the averap ainst tho positive own way all th in 1 balance: i others busy gel jcceed. | t our method of aol, but when it comes sol of himself a man ick of a million dlf;e man could have his e time he would keep tting out of it. in* 4 357 Clara Hendrlx, teaching 4 358 Reulah Hlnson, teaching 10 359 Mamie Murphy, teaching 2 360 R. L. Houston, teaching. 2 361 Simon McLure, teaching 2 362 Eunice Plaxco, teaching 5 363Eunlce Plaxco, teaching 5 364 Zula Li. McKnlght, teaching 4 365 Isabel F. Lyles, teaching 5 366 Sarah Reld, teaching. . . 2 0.00 retary. teachers' sal 1.75 arles 5.00 469 Valena Pettus, teaching 5.00 470 Eva Ormand, teaching. 5.00 471 Kate Moore "Rankin 6.00 teaching 0.00 472 Nannie Todd, teaching. 0.00 472 Nannie Todd, teaching. 474 Ida L. Jones, teaching. . 0.00 475 Dora Varnedoe, teaching 1.75 476 Eunice Plaxco, teaching 5.00 476 Harriett Lewis, teach Then rose the embattled 800.00 Then floods of pr: 50.00 Flowed o'er the sunny hi . 40.00 ^0,1 then, in stillest ni*h . Pour'd forth her p 26.00 35.00 j 0i tioaven's bright how 22.55 trees and flowers all 45-00 jn piorv hloom! 37 50 And shall the mortal son 60.00 jje senseless as the trodd ? _ J J > .1..- ihnn corn; A fussy man rem !\ise eamel?always going Us of noon; his hack up. t, the moon When women vote ensive lays, tion doesn't go to su can blame It on his wi Is glad! For Weakness and Lc o of OoJ The Old Standard general a Mnd GROVB'S TASTELESS chill ? f?rv?Vv'? Malaria and builds up the . . . i^acKing in pers iinds us of a Tendency to sm , around with Lacking in indu .. , Lacking in thrlf and the elec- Lacking in tec] jit him a man (has more than e" Lacking in appr . Easily discourug >ss of Appetite .. Set ?ff ?gafP8t these positive ti lrenKthenitur tonic. t?aB morfi ponce tonic, drives out as mor? conce stem, a true tonic Knows where an iBtence. obbishness. The Be* stry. Bucklen's Ai t. plied to a cut, t hn'cal training? scald, or other I old collegetype). immediately rei eclation of time. Chamberlain ol ed. "It robs cuts i this there were their terrors, alts: it equal don't < ntratlon. for you. Onl; d how to look for Pharmacy and (t Pain Killer. *nica Salve when ap)ruise, Bprain, burn or Injury of the skin will move all pain. B. B. t Clinton, Me., says: ind other Injuries of As a healing remedy axlst." Will do good y 2 5c at Lancaster the Standard Tim m 367 Mary A. Stokes, teaching 4 368 Minnie Johnson, teaching 2 369 J. M. Mobley, teaching 7 370 Enterprise Mercantile Co., supplies 3 371 V. A. Elngle, teaching. 7 372 J. H. McMurray, teaching 1 373 C. A. Plyler, teaching. 10 374 John Crawford, lnsurnniur ROuls h^ve holy light j And every form of grief 97 Shall see and feel 9o oo Ry earth. and hell, and The shroud of souls is ri a<\ Art Mind, mind alone mo ./ . ud sure Appetizer. For adult and H it's flro. |^ Km heaven, ven! 2,100 Acres good s laval O ^,U?o ts "uk! children, soc.1 information. AL E and hill land, 468 Acres 3 miles li..? 1 W - Company. STA i northwest city, 66 Acres with TE good six-room dwell 37 5 Walter Johnson, teaching 2 376 Walter Johnson, teaching 2 377 Mamie Todd, teaching. 3 378 Maggie Smith, teaching 2 379 Carrie Beckham, teaching 1 380 Etta Bloomfleld, teaching 2 381 Emma McNeil, teaching 2 OOO Tallin O 4 85 Retell Bailey, teaching. 5.00 486 Bessie Flynn, teaching. 4 87 Gertrude Ferguson, teacl 5.00 Ing 5.00 488 Jas. B. Bushardt, teach 5.00 Ing 489 J. M. Mobley, teaching 2.50 489 D. Reece Williams, sec retary, high school . . 5.00 490 D. Reece Williams, ordi 0.00 nary fund C A A - ~ ^ ? gv.vv is neht, and hope, ani 4 3.75 power! 60.00 Earth's deepest night, bless'd hour, 45.00 The night of mint 55.00 oked as if ter? close to two ished from farms, rents for 3,6 cry State, splendid dwelling the land bouses. Property < * i .'"Mi Lawn, level, ns ferry road, Hughes. See It. :hurch, 8-room ,. ... vner, Mrs. W. Acres 5% mi r arrp ? ?? no Springs, on rallr rora Lancaster ,nB cultivated. 6 Ask for price. second growth p uth of Lancas- erty ? churches, four Per acre 00 line cotton, 119 Acres, 5 miles and tenant ter. Owner J. jf J. F. Wil- 250 Acres, 6 mil Owner, T. M. Roberts. 30 Acres 5 mil les west of Heath 011 New Cut oad, 10 farms be- within ^ 10 acres of heavy church and line timber. Prop- 285 Acres in r Williams. Cheap, miles north $18.50 acres in cult north of Lancas- saw timber. H. Nell....Sold J- A. Hyatt'i les southwest of * * ies east of Lancaster road, lies level and mile Camp Creek school. lver road about four of Van Wyck, 60 .ivatiou. 300,000 ft. On "River road." b place. Price per $10.00 Co., paid claim. ... b 390 Lula McWhorter, teaching 8 391 Essie Jones, teaching. . 8 392 J. H. Crawford, lumber, etc 1 393 Bessie Flynn, teaching. 6 394 Plyler Bros., supplies. . 1 395 W. C. Lyles. teaching. . 7 396 Josephine Hood, teaching 2 197 D. Reece Williams, sec u.&t> 499 r. r. Kennington, chrm. building 0 00 500 V. A. Lingle, teaching. 5.00 5oi Kershaw R. E. & I. Co. insurance 5.00 502 R. R. Kennington, chrm. 0.50 building 3.50 503 Ida L. Jones, teaching 8.00 T. L HILTt County Treai 5.00 , ? ! wov'd grow up In Ignorai 283.00 j the greatest of books 45.12 , however, the tide seem ? turned. Encourgcd by 1 10.00 | with which Australia has ? the question, different Sta 5 00 trying the same or a r.ti 4 5.00 Pennsylvania has Just set )N, | that provides that the te 3urer. ; read or cause to be rea j comment at least ten vt tico of this. c 8? prlcf P" ac. Recently, 600 Acres extra fine 1 s to Lave of Catawba river. the success baleT3 co"on. tv^? m dealt with ba Junction. Owm tes are now A0f)ls?n' ? , nilar plan 62 % Acres on Buffalo ured a law 8t Lancaster. acher shall fl?n chur,ch ,and d without ^eat 8D?al Plantatic ;rses from d,d buildings. Pri r. nr.l/x? *0 re.. ..$20.00 Lancaster. Owi and, west side Rents for 4 0 512 Acres near illes of Cataw- quality of land er, A. B. Fer- lngs. 3ee me. Road, 6 miles b4, Acre8; m,1] Close up to Lancaster, good tiool. An excel- bouse- Owner. >n with splen- ra?n. ce per acre 34 8 Acres at Trad $32.50 In cultivation, t 1f>r R n Sowell Acres. % U* SOq ?." roe and Wad ao,n northeast fi Riverside, a fine acres fine wo and good build- two 4-room < ed and piazza les southwest of Hardin, know land with 3-rootn place." Prl< Orin C. Black- 80 Acres on ( north of Stoi esvllle, 150 acres good timber, ;xtra fine timber. lands of Wm mile south of Monesboro roads, 7 miles rom Lancaster, 30 od land, strong land, dwellings, large, ceil.s. Property of E. M.. n as the "Bob Steele ee per acre..$26.00 2oil road 1 miles leboro, with 40 acres lies level. Joins . Crenshaw and T. S. retary, tearchers' salaries 1,00 1981 Mary Castles, teaching. 5 S99? Mary Castles, teaching. 5 400 Mrs. J. M. Perry, teaching 2 401 Mrs. J. M. Perry, teaching 2 402 Roxana Beckham, teaching 2 403 C. H. Rowell, teaching 4 1A4 Wlllio Inn oa fnol A ' FOREST NOTES. 0.00 ft ftft An organization of sclenti ?-00 are engaged in the study o ? _A insects has recently been foi 2.50 Washington. 2.50 | | The Buffalo herd on the 5.00 national forest, Oklahoma 8.00 numbers 48, 10 calves havli a ftft born this year. When the I lilt; nriipiuit'9 tic uvci.y the schoo!. Though this we would like, yet It Is a sts who vance over some States, ai f forest result In good." rmed In The committee on c< amendments In session nc head City has gone on re Wichita vorlng th,.t amendment i l, now public schools the right I lg been Bible. This, we rre sure buffalo w'th the commendation a Is not what 134 Acre* PeaTr er?f art boro and Landsfc id U should !and* of,Wm' fIst{ to churches and sc >nsltutional 44?"1LeV 3' ' milek' e iw at More- Q _, J m"es e cord as fa- sPrl"KS, 8?od gra elvine tho church and schoo S I Jhe "cr ?woer- J M' nrtaliilUnrt 120 AcreS '"<> mllM i md support .. # fnrma . erside Wades- Good dwelling >rd road, joins Property of W. ire, etc., close Price per acre. , hool, per acre 103 Acres extra fln $12.76 north of Lancas ast of Heath Camden road, de, close to two-story bulldli I, good road, buildings worth Knight, price quantity of orig $25.00 ber. Property c lorth of River- Price per acre. n aiiIH voHnn ? A? . - - - and outbuildings. Hendrix. Has A. Funderburk. Property of $20.00 Easy Terms. e land three miles 996 Acres In C iter on Charlotte- 9 farms In Has seven-room lag. 6 tenan ijr and other good of Mrs. Lida $3,000. Also a acre.. . v. . llnal growth tlm- 1,000 Acres, w >f John H. Steele. worth $5,00< $42.60 large second i good 3-room house. Mrs. Ella Cauthen. Price per acre $20 edar Creek township, cultivation, lies roll* t houses. Propertj B. Jones. Price per $14.00 ith 8-room dwelling ), 600 acres extra growth pine timber. 406 Carrie William*, teaching 1 406 First National Bank, paid claim 27 407 Mary Sterling, teaching 2 408 Arabella Basklns, teaching 2 409 Addle McMurray, teaching 4 410 I. C. McDonald, teaching 3 411 Chas. Parker, apparatus , were Introduced on the Wt< q 1907 there were 15 head. 2.65 A conservation movement h 0.00 started in China, said to b< in natural resources than an 5.00 nation. The Chinese use tt "conservancy" instead of c< 0.00 tion. One of their plans 1 0.00 Hwal river contemplates d 7.00 and tillage together to contro ^hlta in of a" Rood men and womi , Carolina. The Bible is t [all books and woe to th ' when it shall relegate tas been shelf. i richer Ljr other ^r?7hae Keep the Kidney redging i 1 ROOdS. Sin vinir i n in North close to Waxhaw ct he book of Mrs. Mary McDc Is country Hi to the 284 Acres 3 miles wei known as the 1 place, 160 acres II forest timber, two 1 rc Ml All vatlon. Owner, Mil O ft CII* ory. Price per ac 148 Acres, 4 miles no ter on Charlotte-( nn?l Snmp * -* * ?1 A ' Acres A >/a mi lurch. Owner, town of Lancas ?w, price per side, 6-horse fai 1* i 6-room dwelling st of Taxahaw, houses. Prope Tvlne Knight ^am and Steele, heavy original , , farms In cultl- 148 ^crea 2* ml js Annie Greg- master, 3?inln? r? **>n An Hammond. Pro rth of* LancaJ- Trueadale. Prlc Camden road, 98 Acres, J. A- C lea nort&west of ur. t. t\ i ter, near River- Will cut to s rm In cultivation. T. Y. Wlllla and six tenant irty of Cunning- 62 Acres, 1^4 Price... 99.800 caster on Ch lies west of Lan- 1,ea well> on' lands of W. J. acre iperty of Robert H e per acre $21.50 $1,625 For hoi autben's place, 5 ^r,c,'1 B^ee^? ncDow a home placo. uit you. Property of ms. Price per aero $12. SO miles south ot Ldmarlotte-Camden road* s building. Price per ,$50.00 OUSES. use and lot on Weat 4 large rooms and 412 John Crawford, Insurance 2 413 R. L. Stoner, building. 8 412 A. P. Plyler, secretary, building 30 413 Harriett Lewis, teaming 4 414 Robinson & Lathan, supplies 415 W. J. Funderburk, building 2 416 J. O. Richards, teaching 15 417 Znlft L. MrKnifirht teach I ? ?? The ateel towers that D power transmission lines ar ft0 Increasingly used by forest as fire lookout stations on i forests. With the harnesslnj t .ft mountain streams a netwi 1,40 these lines is gradually belnfi f a? over the forests and In the J*-?? of other convenient lookout rangers find the steel towers support ' Lancaster People Knc e being Save It. rangers national Many Lancaster people ? of the lives In their hands by ork of the kidneys when they ] absence orRans need helP Wet ts, the are responsible for a vast helpful suffering and ill health? iwu kuuii nouses, oa >w How to to church and scho C. Harden & Bro. . , . 53 Acres 5 miles nort take their on wadesboro and neglecting two dwellings, pal know these buildings in good i k kidneys improved place. Ilinson. amount or g00 Acrea 4 mHes no -the slight- ter on Charlotte-C irns, etc., ciose miles south or ol. Owners, T. John Kirk, etc. Price per acre h of Lancaster 75,? Acre?' the f,re Monroe roads, [arm four mile. Inted and all Touches ra repair, a well, f3 ln c?! Owner. N. J. a"d in th? . 8ti) Into small trac rth of Lancas- ?wner? T- K- Cl lamden road, terms. Lancaster, jolna u?u. riupm Price per acre sells well. $21.60 Owner, L. F. at "Cedar Grove" *2'00(? For ho1 i west of Lancaa- Springs, slz ,11 and dirt roads. Owner, Rev. tlvatlon. No finer 11.576 Near S ite. Will divide large rooms, ta to suit you. <* M- Fergui innlngham. Easy $4,500 For ele on Barr stret ny locaiea as tnu A good new house. Dabney. ise and lot in Heath e of lot 100x350. S. N. Watson, outhern Railroad. 4 lot 70x.l26. Owner, son. gant 10-room house >t, large lot and very lng 4 418 Sarah, Mills, teaching. . 2 419 Isabel P. Lyles, teaching 5 420 Valena Pettus, teaching 6 421 Eva Ormand, teaching. . 4 422 R. L. Houston, teaching 2 423 Ida L. Jones, teaching. . 4 424 Bank of Kershaw, paid claim 27 425 R. B. Gregory, teach* lng 1 ^ ~ ? q ^ in tneir nre pairoi worn. s!oo I 0 00 1 Poor Father! 0 00 Norfolk Virglnlan-Pllot. 0.00 The other day tho Duke o g'oo minster lent Orosvenor Hon? 5 00 meeting of the Invalid Ch Aid Aassoclatlon, and dur 0 oo meetlnR one very good stoi (told, says Pearson's. s oo ' A speaker mentioned th ehlld who had been helned est delay is dangerous. Kidney Pills?a remedy helped thousands of kid f West- er8, *Iere 18 a Rock HI le for a recommendation: illdren's Mrs. D. B. Branson, 70 8t- Rock HIU. S. C.. say subject to dizzy and ner at one and my back and head act bv the lv Tlinrn IpnnKtofl vara use L>oan s 2 0 farms In cultlv that has land, will cut into t Iney suffer- Bel} ,al1- f special ... ... , quick sale. Ill citizen's 70 Acreg j A Cax] Joining lands of Di 3 E. White others, on Coll roa H. acre t : 1 waa 571 Acres 1% miles f vous spells strong and well li ed Intense- cut Into ?mall tn ooiianr) Ku ChO&D. atlon, strong 370 Acres extra fin imall tracts or ings, 2 miles fi low price for bargain, per acrt About 37 lots on ' ithen's place, and "Glenwood,' in Bailey and a small profit id. Price per meat. rUtPilnH 100 Acres at Trad t?n of John Stevens S5L??C ?!! Price per ace. . 293 Arroa ft mtloa le land and build- wwa rom Lancaster, a 9 $40.00 $1,200 For g< 'Sinclair Height?" Heights. Ow ' all owners want $1,300 For 4-r( on their invest- Arch street. Johnson esvllle. Property t6' Kor"haw',f6 0?d ssr ,W#0 J 14.00 per p on at nf T nnraslor 9 IPni* 1/>4 er, Mrs. M^ry c ood house, Sinclair ner, C. W. Griffin. >om house on West Owner, Mrs. M. J. Sold room house on W. eet, with all up-toilonces. Rents fur lonth. .nu naiitTm ii,nui, lectin i UK 427 Dora Varnedoe, teaching 8 428 Kate Moore Itank!n, teaching 8 429 Adelaide Kelson, teaching 8 430 Mary A. 8tokcs, teachg Ing 4 431 Laura Therrell, teaching 4 432 Knnlcn PIotpa tnn,Mr? k a'vu (society was asked for her r on name. | "Smith," she said. * aq ' "And what Is his Christian was the next question. a 0a "*R ain't got none," &nsw? child, obviously not having of an Idea what sort of a Chrlstlin name might be. I "Oh he must have one!" p 0.00 the questioner. "I^et me se< A A it A ? ? It %- ?? father's weak kidneys. When I i Kidney Pills advertised ' good for such complaint name?" supply. They helped me t I continued taking chem 1 ired the well" For sale by all dealers, thing a _ ..... _ cents. Foster-Mtlburn C< erslsted New York, sole agents ft b; what ted states. law Doan'B Better look at thl an being Owner. Col. W. C. a, I got a untuT wu . . We have arrar interest to buyers . Price 50 touch with a o., Buffalo, >r tho Unl- !g 1 a place now. bufldingfl cost $ Hough. L. McMamm. iged to make loans of money of land, "no strings" to this ] e wire." DO IT NOW. A T-TTT 5,000. Owner E. 40x100. Owi Hunter for a period of ten years at proposition. When you thinl nurc umi VyOlUIU mill. Flli aer, SherifTff Jno. 1'. 8ol* regular rate of c of dirt, get in Aeon* 433 Harriett Lewis, teaching 4 436 Jas. B. Bushardt, teucU| i . ".vi uwn juui iiiuiiirr uit11 mill; 0.00 "Hlockhead!" was the sta reply. iggerlng Henaember the aam? uod take no other. ?Doan's? j JBL # JL. ^ vji O""