The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, August 08, 1913, Page 5, Image 6

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LOCAL DO 1 ty and will accompany li ^ ters, Misses Bessie and E | who have been vlsltinf THE LANCA ome bis sis unlce Flynn, 5 there for v I STER NEWS, AUGUST Hun<lr?'<1s of Hot'ii^e | ^ Lino Arrive at 8, 1913. es From M?-\i<-iui Sihi l)i?>K?>. laaaaaaaaaaaa / 5 ' \ ?TRembmber the electior ton weigher next Tuesday, t&nt. ?There will be a protrac at New Hope, beginning August 10, at 8 o'clock p. ?All interested in the T cemetery will please meet tt Wednesday morning. A | suuih nine. Mrs. Ira B. Dunlap o Is the guest of her aunt i for cot- Cunningham, today. 12th In- Mr. W. Shackleford Charleston was a visitor ted meet- we^" ^y \y. Fennell o Sunday, was her0 on profession) m' , today. abernacle Misses Elolse and Ger lere early retUrned this morning ngust 13. f Rock Hill vJOClClf w , Mrs. W. i. McCrady of , . . . ^ . In town this ? ?. /j?8! ?u [ Holley will be the f f Rocjj Hill Winnsboro News al business A n n Miss Maud Holley trude Foster from a del'Khtful visii from Char- the uPPer P?rt of th< j\r San Diego, Cal., i / f (*,L(-)S tachments of 506 ^ who arrived here Is custody of United Si Fort Bliss, be movt rlends of Miss Roseclatis, where tt ollowing from quartered under gu and Herald of in the party are ' children. The men has returned dier8 who were tak t to friends In up0n crossing the I j state. Miss Twentv of the soldi. lug. 7.?Two de __ Textran refugees, llf ist night in the l/y ? tates troops from || \ 'd today to Fort ley will be quarard. 14 0 women and w are federal sol- gj en into custody l>?j*'1 line into Texas, OPM in ti.O ciw<r\TL <( flB ?iMii^ >rds Are Super Statement of the THE BANK OF l| located at Lancastc clone of business J< Huous ? > Condition of LANCASTER ?8 sr. S. C.. at the S Line 4th. 1913. M for the purpose of cleaning J. C. Bowling, of Lan C., has accepted the posltioi peer of weaving at the C Hoskins mill No. 4, Charlo Southern Textile Bulletlr E. E. Cloud, one of "known merchants of this also is the owner of stores 1 ter and Yorkvllle, will "ope in Chester about September luuesvuie, where they t It up. summer school at the I caster, 8. Virginia. i of over- Miss Emmie Phillips Ihadwlck Rock Hill to visit her 1 tte, N. C. s. H. Phillips and Mr. . i. ! and family, the best Mrs. J. E. Poore and city, who Columbia are expected n Lancas- j visit to Mr. and Mrs. L. n a store I Miss Maggie Lee But 1.?Rock mond is the guest of he ittended the mauu? a'ways manes Jniverslty of a l&rgc share of is going." has gone to 1 ... ? * *.. * brother, Mr Miss Estelle TVTi 11 iti J. S. Collins laBt eVfinlnK at a veT in honor of her cousi children of Beard Mackorell, of today for a ,B vl8lt,nK her grand Payseur snd Mrs. J. Ride ler of Rich- Niincy Lindsay of Can r uncle. Mr of M,BB B^rry Belle l aml detachment are offl p asure ^ere(j un(jer guard. h I " ik entertained i fcotic pleasant party The Registration n, Miss Jennie the cotton mill 01 Yorkville, who 9 o'clock a. m.; ai parents, Capt. August 21st, at 9 a lie, and Miss shaw, August 22nd, iden the guest. W. Bennett. The Se ? Wi cers in the Hue- fj*' 5 m fTf Board will meet n August 19th at Si ' t Heath Springs, flQ . m., and at Ker- gif at 9 a. m. >^T< Q. CASKISY, M cretary Board. [Ml Y"l? KUSOUT Loans and Dlsooun Overdrafts Bonds and Stocks o by the Bank. . . I Furniture and Fixt Banking House.... Due from Banks Bankers Currency Gold Silver and Other ] ices. mm ts. .. $495,138.36 Q 4,032.99 wned ?9 ... 11,500.00 urea. 1.000.00 "< ... 5,800.00 [99 and . .. 67,865.98 jS 12,574.00 3,437.50 W Minor H1U Herald. All those interested In damp Creek graveyard wl gather there next Wednesd Ing. August 13. for the p cleaning up same. Come < bring all necessary tools. The annual meeting Waxhaw and Shlloh Bible will be held at Shlloh chun row at 10:30 a. m. The ? III Kv Rnv n K. B. Mackey. the lower ? 111 please REBUILDING L. & C. ay morn "arly^antl Kegular ^he?lule Soon t ed?Injured Impr 5 of the Lancaster Special to i Society News and Courier. A ch tomor- Lancaster & Chester 1 address thoritles are making ra T. Kurr * porch and lawn wer ! decorated with Japanei Miss Bernlce Davis TRESTLE. punch on the front p unique contest amusi o he Resu.n- providing much men . bottles of drugs were ov there about the house Charleston after testing their s iug. 6.?The were asked to name t Railroad au- each phial. Miss Nf pld progress one of the honorees. e attractively se lanterns and lo ^Ure a Cold served fruit xnkclaxative bromc iazza. A very j coujjh and Headache at ?d the guests, DiuKKists refund monc iment. Many , K- w grovi: s siKn..t. hung here and . ? and the guests. | ense of smell. t>USlI16SS he contents of incy Lindsay. MONHY TO LOANwas awarded I in One Day B H lrfjf )Quinine. It stops the M I 2^ id works off the Cold. AA y if it fails to cure. ire on each box. 25c. flB >2* Notices rpc Any amount up W ' Coin ures LI A DILI Capital Stock Paid Surplus Fund. . Undivided Profits, v v Current Expensei "fc I By Taxes Paid . . , XXaV Due to Banks Rinb/?? 2,184.23 M] Items 82.26 Ml . ...$603,616.30 [TIES. fQ] la. . $ 60,000.00 ... 100,000.00 less W 9 and 28.001.47 54 and QQ] Will Lit? UCH?ctcu W/ ^ of King's Mountain. ?Lancastrians noted wl ure the picture of Rev. H. T\ son among the "workers common good" in The Stai terdav. Mr. Murchison is j of the executive commltt conference and came up t bia from Sullivan's Island, Is spending his vaction. to n vstate meeting Wednesday ai . tuwaras clearing the di i scene of last week's v ttli pleas- Chester, and rebuilding t, Murchi- creek trestle, through for the No. 16. went to its destn to of yes- in a week or ten days, 11 i member trestle will be rebuilt i eo of the substantial manner poss o Colum- accustomed schedules oi where he between Lancaster and ittend the be resumed, nd Thurs- Several parties, amon? ebris at the the prize for effielenc ^reck, near test. The guests font the Hooper refreshments in a ve Which tra'n and enjoyed the tem lotion. With- cake served by Mis; t is said, the Wylie and Mary T.ockf n the most * * ible and the Mr. Thurlow O.rego 1 all trains delightful straw ride Chester will Spring Wednesday evt of two popular visitoi C whom were Kerr of PneV TH1I n y in this con- t lf? id partners for l/ '*rm n A UL? tv clever way Address, 1\ O. Box ptlnR Ices and __ '?Barronthar,ne WANTED?By the ^ ' ter, one flrst-cla! ry, Jr.. Rave a (MuRt J? ??u?d nftl at the Adams Committee A. B. min*. in honor Portur aud J- Trs. Miss Emma ' ti H AT Tea Mn rv Lancaster counng or short time. GB "H." Fort Mill, W 89-100 >2 Town of Lancas58 pair of males. id good workers. BB **T1 Ferguson, J. O. M Ttiomasson. |<??| 89-90 ^ Individual Deposits Ject to Check. . Savings Deposits. . Time Certificates o posit Certified Checks. . I0 ()|,| Cashier's Checks.. 1*1 Total STATE OF SOUTH County of Lan . ... <t>z.B7 mm Sub. . .. 206,168.91 Jff ... 67.i70.4t mm t De- m 147,193.19 W. 14,000.00 M 328.30 ^ . ...$603,615.30 ^ [ CAROLINA, W caster?ss. ^^4 fcay. *.< t ?As we go to press a cc examination for the four-y flci y cadetshlp at the Cib thi county is in progress, young men are standing tl nation, Roland McDow, so George McDow, and Harve son of Mr. Ben Mobley. I i a number of those hurt 1 mpetlttve wpnt In an automobile ear bene- j the scene of the disast* adel from j the situation and figure c Only two ! selves, If possible, the < tie examl- week. The road bed at n of Mr. the wreck, and as far 01 r Mobley, ?r the trestle as was e: peared to be In perfect c rails all along were f ~ I properly and securely sp I cross-ties In eood c< n the wreck. Crawford of Fort \ yesterday to About twenty young *r to review the evening. A dellcl >ut for them- per was served in a hi cause of the and the entire evenli the place of great pleasure to all a either side tamlned, ap-1 s?bbath School < ondltlon, the I ound to be The conference of i Iked and the hath schools of the A indition It of Lancaster countv Vorth. Texas. WANTED?Two go people enjoved ; neaJ court hou8e" OU8 plenle sup- , care Newasautlful retreat . ,.TrT,r,~ i* was one of , WAN '??Co\ hl nresent ! mule hldetJ. Bheel p c See me before selll ! you right. Capers conference. 1 I al! of the Sab- ! FOR SALE?Seven .. R. P. church ! shingles. Edwi mm nnqoH of Innpncfpr 95 f ntlemen roomers. Apply "Room." M y 1 till E des, horse hides. p and goat hides. Att . - - T ~ ng. Will treat I A NT Cauthern. Luriilv m eiI cars brick and ljMjl ards & Horton, t i ur? a i Before me ca?m llama, Cashier of i > ANC AC bank. wbo, being )iAIli\. Ur the abov? and for la a true condition Tfn shown by the book 'ASTER Sworn toaSd'i me this 10th day c JN rrrn o ? Correct Attest e Geo. W. Wll- CB the above named M sworn, says that egolng statement V?, of said bank, as s of said bank. W. WILLIAMS. .VP lubscrlbed before >f June, 1913. O. H. POAO, VP, Notary Public. T .Amr Qnrlnca _ _ 4 PERSONA Mr. John S. Blackraon i his boh In the Douglas se Miss Julia Small of P visiting at Lancaster with h and relatives. Mr. George Small and _ ^ | seems to be the consensi | ,7) among those who have ; place arid Investigated ' that the wreck was I gondola Jumping the 1 a visiting accident. It Is said, coul ctlon this pened at any time and < The trestle had be rlmus Is overhauled and new tin er friends and the fact that the tre I way Is the only thing th two little tVio mnrlfiHtv frnm is of opinion Lancaster, Pleasant f visited this Shiloh. was held at conditions yesterday and was ^ caused by a The meeting was pr? track, which the Rev. W. S. Patte d have hap- arranged program prr an any road. E- G. Carson of Cha en recently ten dent of Sabbath scl abers put in people's work of the stle did give tery, was carried out. at prevented Rev. G. L. Kerr am rr nrt??v? n n aAn TTon nn/1 Mr TI 1111, Unity and ? Shlloh church FACTORY EXPE veil attended. 1 writer Repair 1 ?slded over by charge of the mo rson. A well- writer mechanics li spared by Rev. our work la guaranl rlotte, superin- ! 0f any rebuilding tiool and young country. All work First Presby- ; \y and fully gua Crayton & Co., Ch 1 W. P. Robin- j r xr r t"> - * LAIllA RTS?Our .Typo- U Department 1* In at skilled typo- ft'VvvVl n the South, and ^ teed equal to that ? plant In the handled prompt- | ranteed. J. E I arlotte, N. C. I 5-6-tf M aiE.Il, d. L. L. C. Payseur, 1 Directors. -1 ^ D t Lt Crawford, OlT??? IIIIIIBIBHBHMHi b * daughters, Ola and Ruth, < S. C., visited Mr. and Mr Deese In the eastern sectl* county Wednesday and Th Mr. Ben C. Hough anc Thomas L. Funderburk, J Joined Messrs. T. E. Doster Poag and Will Johnson camping trip at Tuxedo, N. Miss Lillian Flynn and N Flynn of the New Cut sec ?r<ni trvra In PhjyAlnnrt this >f Bucalo, I the trpstle broke the a. Manly coaches, Instead of allov on of the plunge sideways into tl ursday. |Uw. The general publ 1 Master d0(M, not look upon the [r., have I juiving been caused b) John H. negligence or carelesst on their part of any one In charg C. | Those seriously In J fr. Capers wreck, who are still In tion were Chester, are report* week- 1? ?* ^ MTJUICI , an ""MM mi. fall of the Rock Hill made Ir ring them to dresses. Excellent pa le creek be- by Mrs. J. Y. Miller a 1c, It seems. White of Rock Hill ar calamity as and Annette Craig and r reason of Miss Minnie Alexand less on the missionary from Indlf e. able and Interesting t ured in the and work In India, e the hokpital curios and costumes *d to be 1m- and Mohammedans. *v . DuyiB o- | lteresting ad- I " ~ " pers were read , Estate J ind Miss Nettie I The creditors of ( id Misses Marie Hough, deceased, a I Jessie Lathan. to render to the ui er, a returned couot of their dem i, made a most efi an(l aB persons alk on her life estate are notified xhihiting manv likewise, of the Hindoo's BEN' MORGAN. ff V ^ :he estate of D. T. re hereby notified uderslgued an ac- i M H I Lands, dv-ly attest dA AW tndebted to said to make payment : Administrator. 1 Tlio C Lg.lbfi i A 1 r\: ? i - ub f r t f Tioii>v/i o ??? ? ?n' Mrs. Janie R. Ballard Hill la visiting her sister? L. Barton and Mrs. R. D. Mrs. T. P. Brewer, Miss Master Austin Brewer of were visitors In the count] week. Mrs. Waddy R. Thomson dren have returned from t ed visit to Darlington. Mr. Roy Dunn has bee |iruvniK ann are wen on of Rock recovery. Either Colon< i, Mrs. J. bis able and efficient s Barton. r Thomson, is every Marie and (tester Hospital at thi Pageland thP injured and they at 7 the past communication with hos ities at all times. The s and chil- Well cared for and no in extend- pense or labor Is spar ' comfort and convenient n visiting on Sunday Colonel Sp me roan to el Springs or i ^ . . eeretary, W. u ,n Schol<" day at the Mr. John McManus b bedside of of Farm Demonstra e in regular Manus, won the coui ipltal author- to the University of i Ick are being Miss Mjiude Edge possible ex- shaw, who graduated ed for their shaw graded school tl e. I won the Wlnthrop sch rings carried Messrs. T?. C. Sov Notice of I ships. Notice Is hereb; ...... undersigned will, a of Antioch, son estate Qf Martha \ J u . on the 8th day of nty scholarship make h,8 fiual ret, south arolina. ^ian an(j apply to i worth of Ker of Ijancaster coun1 from the Ker- mlMOry. tie past session, jj j lolarshlp Guardian Estate ol rell and A. J. , Msoharfce. * 11 vj1 y given that the j s guardian of the V^lclSS j Vallace, deceased, September, 1913, lrn as such guar- 1^1 the Probate Court I I*/] ty for letters dls- ? ft. ROWELL, ! Martha Wallace, I ciui-r-viiiiLiai i^ispia Fall and Winter S i Globe Tailorir CINCINNATI y or nign uitings by ig Co., Mr. iom ueia in hock m Messrs. R. L. Sowell nn Bailey, and Misses Theln Louise Hamel and Dalse made an auto trip to Lan< Friday.?Kershaw Era. Miss Adele Plnckney, , been visiting Mrs. Charlei * ? nors, will leave tomorrow ito Sumter. Miss Ada Gordon of Ro _^-tfr\.Kue8t of friends In Lan u. I over to the Cheater He d Thomas f,ar fhe tinv hahy of M ia Sowell, 0f Corpus Christi, Texas y Magill hadlv hurt In the wreck jaster last thP mother that her chl I lutely unhurt and all who has hearing that the oondt a T. Con- Williams was critlci for a trip Springs left for Chest# morning to see that ev? ck Hill is | sihle was heing done fc icaster. I praise has been accordf ispltal In his Caskey of this coun rs Williams, awarded the regular I , who was so arshlps to Clemson C , to convince ; 11 d was ahso- ? right. TTpon Mr CroHH Moves Fnn,, tlon of Mrs. I Mr. G. F. Cross, t' al, Colonel erator of The News, >r early this charge of the machlc srythlng pos- since Its installation, >r her. Much family to Lancaster. >d those who cunvlne the Cralar e< ty have been August 8, 1913. four-year schoJ- _ [ follege. I _ Ix)st Certifies " " ~ i Take notice tha ly to Lancaster. 126i dated Sept. 1 he linotype op- shares of the cap who has had Citizens' Building i ie at this office tlun. Series No. O has moved his C., issued to me a They are oc- me to Misses Ma lttasre on Arch Gregory has been ^777777 j will be t certificate No. ! 15, 1910, for ten A ital stock of the #% ? ? and Loan AssociaNE, Lancaster, S. wA nd transferred by ude and Mayme lost or destroyed , given at our establi g. 15 an C ishment on d 16 J Ljtf* t. Jrs. J. P. Young, Miss Master John Young of Rlc expected aoon to be the | Mrs. M. S. Witherspoon. T. Yancey Williams of formerly state senator fr : i caster rounty. Is at the The State, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ma children are expected Sat a visit to Mr. and Mrs. M. : . . ' snoon. Roro and were In the wreck, as tl hburg are WOrk In rescuing others guests of | jured themselves, and !near the scene of the \ Lancaster, 1?tpd everything possl om Lan- tlon to their assistance Jerome.? z_ mshlp and j Temporary Schedule . urday for On account of the wi 3. Wither- ; ter & Chester Railway 1 nnp thrAii crV* train oo/^l >ey did noble street, between Whit ?, though in- Mr. Cross lived fore people living lenburg eonnty, abo vreck eontrl- south of Charlotte, ble in addl- j IT. S. Jaudon, Englnee of li & C ^r" JftU^on Jaudon Engnineerlng Is oprnS Savannah, was elect* n a,?it? eneineer to take chan o and Market, and the undersign aerly in Meek- plication to said 1 iut four miles and Loan Associate tiflcate of stock or September, 1913. r for Sewerage, i ^ ^ MAYNI of the H. S. 1 * MAUD! Company of -d supervising N'oti re of the insta!- Notice Is hereb ed will make ap- ivldtVC I Citizens' Building on for a new oeroaprem* i the 20th day of . tion an 3REGORY. ^ , R GREGORY, (irMFTC E GREGORY. j v/lut,a - -r... deliver y given that the full 1 liiis one 01 your p snts. Callandmake d be measured by taken forimmediai y?woolens will be frth ^ranpc >ositive enyour selecan expert, te or future : shown in * Rev. F. H. Funderhurk vllle hat* been spending soIn Lancaster and vicinity. Mr. Winchester Coker Agnes McConnel 01 Georgia Nancy Childress of Greer i at the home of Mr. W. Q. Chesterfield avenue. Miss Betty Brown has from a visit to her sister, I Heath of Stoneboro. of Black- except Sunday between Feral days and Cheater via Fort La i L.f leaving Lancaster a and Miss at 6 a. m., arriving at , and Miss proximately at 10:30 a. are guests ing, leaves Chester appi Caskey on i p. m., arriving at T. proximately 4:30 p. m. i returned Train leaving Laneas tfrs. S. fV. mately 7 a. m. operate? (wreck, transferring to n inn _j-? ?? ? i Lancaster latlon of the sewera wn and S. A. Lancaster. Mr. Jaud pproxlmately the engineers who In Chester ap- terworks system whlc m.; return- isfactory In every re oxlmately at ? . .ancaster ap- New Lanctser i ?ter approxl- The Secretary of 1 i to scene of missioned the Rennet lotor pany of Lancaster wl lstp Rvatom for books of subscript.! 'on's firm were ?t?ek of the "Be stalled our wa- P&ny' will be opei h has been sat- Bennett-Ferguson < Bpect. o'clock a. m. to 4 < " ; urday, August the i proposed corporatl Concern. jn general merclia State has com- caster, S. C., with tt-Terry Com- J9n ?"8a"dQlDo1 _ * One Hundred Share th a capital of Qf One Hundred D< Ion to the capital nnett-Terry Com- j n at the office of ZZ^Z^ZZZZZ Company from 10 s'clock p. in., Sat- w _ 9th, 1913. Said I ^ on. is to engage ndising, at Lan- | B a capital stock of lars, divided into I ts of the par value illara I p i.ii v?i ujvvai r. Wylie LANCASTER, S. C. ! Co. | misn rvnij i/un lap ui has been the guest of hei Mrs. J. C White, this weeli Miss Margaret Moore if day for a visit to her si 8am Paul in Beaufort. Miss Ona Long and Mn returned this week to Moi a visit to Miss Jessie Port Mrs. W. F. Moore and Miss Boyre, of Hartsville, home yesterday after sper iw\,? ? ? | nvinn ai v nesicr, a p cousin, ! 10 a. m ; returning. In I approximately, at 5 p. r >ft yester-,to wr.eek. transferring ster, Mrs. riving* at Lancaster c 8 p. m. i. Maddry aroe after Rftj|roa?l Commission t< daughter. Wpeck on L * returned We are in receipt of i iding sev-.Hon. John O. Richards pproximaieiy |io,000 to engage In aVPmr!tnr9^ chandise business, ri. motor ofir .. ? ? to train ar- W. P. Bennett and W pproxlraately Miss Pet Taylor is in Yorkville. ? Investigate - c- I Miss Elfreida Poai i letter from from a house party ii i, Jr., chair- , a general mer- W. F Petitioners are ^ r. H. Terry. visiting friends DR. C. B. Dent Office over Lau 5 has returned formerly occupied i Wlnnsboro. Office hours, 9to 1; "BENNETT, [. TERRY, Corporators. ? . : PRATT, caster Pharmacy, I'ornarrl i by Dr. High. 2 to 6. ;y Military I y iiio s. c . c. i. of i:d nstitute C. oral nays nere witn reiatlv Miss Kate and Willis F the guests of Miss Boy re Hartsvllle. Mr. Ke.J Moore of Tine was In town Friday. Judge and Mrs. Ira I Misses Bess Jones and Marton, Mr. R. F5. Wyllo a D. Jones motored down to Wednesday In the letter's Packard car. res. | man or the railroad con Illlott are questing uh to announ Moore at commission will hold n Columbia at 11 a. m. 01 imonsville . In order to investigate t ' dence in regard to Ui 1. Jonea. ' Hooper's creek of the Pauline Cheater Railway train nd Mr. C. , last. Mr. Richards sta Columbia ! commission "will be v handsome any parties who are ii f be present, and any Dai nraisslon, re- ' ????????? cp that the __A_ . THF RFST 1 ind take evl- | ||L ULU I le wreck at Lancaster & fin I on July 30 I III tea that the clad to have Milt nterested, to ties deslrlufc nrt ? 101 WEATHER IONIC QVE'S TASTELESS CI ? o i nr? i * ? iill TONIC f( >* >1 A Christian military instruction in classical, mercial courses. Larg< ings. Modemly equip] Electric lights. Hot a every room. If you want to place y where his health will l after, his mind thorou V? A mil ^A ?1 institution offering scientific and com3 new brick buildf>ed. Steam heat, nd cold water in our son in a school >e carefully looked ighly trained, and li i 1 j .. MIbb Molda Winn Hodge ing friends In Spartan!) Oreer and may extend her 1 mountains before returnlnf Miss Nannie Hl!l Moore ed to return tonight from t house parties at St. Matt Wlnnsboro. Mss Ines Broom has re Lancaster after spending a - *6 Tlmmonsyille, her former m Is visit- t*> t>e present to notify urg and slon. trip to the E home Coatly Treatnx Is expect- "I was troubled with i aeries of and Indigestion and spe hews and of dollars for medicine ment," writes C. H. Hlc turned to low. Ark. "I went to month In hospital, also to a hosj homo. Orleans, but no cure > the commie- * ne uia otanaa Enriches the I snt. constltpatlon FOR GR( snt hundreds ' and, is combination o les, of Whit- . ? .. , . a St. Louis ,u,1y *t"ngtheni and I jltal in New the hot summer. GRO vas effected. Chills and Fever, Weaki ira, uenerai 1 onic. Urives 31ood and Builds uo the Who }WN PEOPLE AND CHILI f QUININE and IRON in a tasteless f ortifies the system to withstand the di VE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC hasm neso, general debility and loss of appeti out Maiaria, frnk' lc System. Hgjk. DREN, orm that wonder* | m ;pressit.g effect of > equal for Malaria, te. Gives life and f | fT A4\>A V lie Will uc mu^i ience, punctuality and i to our institution. 4 I Here each cadet is ui 11 sonal control and wat teachers from the tir | school until he leaves f< For Catalog and o1 address: n namts or obedmdustry, send him oder the close perchful care of the ne he reaches the or his home, ther information, wir. linear niewmnn nno -* Florida are on a visit to In T^ancaster. Mr. R. J. Flynn. Jr., in friends in Blsbopvllle and I I i J ramuy or on returning Home I l relatives Chamberlain's Tablets, tight along. I used th< visiting time and am now all r Lee coun-1 by all dealers. tegan taking vigor to Nuraing Moth* ana worked . , n for some out PurK,n?- Relieve 1ght." Sold setion and purifies the Strengthened Guaran rs and Pale, Sickly Children. Removei nervous depression and low spirits. A blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appet teed by your Druggist. We mean it. s Biliousness with- , , <| rouses the liver to izer. A Complete ? " SO cents. "j tJailey Militar J Greenwood y Institute , s. c.