The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, August 08, 1913, Page 4, Image 5

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4 ?Iff IGauraatrr 3 (SEMI-WEEKLY.) fotmil PRBB , KOM 1H>I ITI The voice of the de which for vears has bee THE LANCAS ICS. growth, the fibers of their magogue, struck deep iuto the good u heard opportunity and their TER NE\\ S, AUGUST 8, being have | r I grouud of FROM OTHER spreading 1913, PAPERS I $ 1 4 =j ? B. E WTLOD.. .Acting PtBLlSHGRS' ANNOUNCE Published Tuesdays Fridays at Lancaster, S by The Lancaster Publti Company, successors to Ledger, established 1852; Review, established 1878; Entt?'prlse, established 1 and entered as second Idltor above every other voice i Carolina, as he has gone It MENT: among us teachiug and | an<* false doctrines to our pe< p diing beard in Columbia at The ference for the Common C The that respect the conferem The from many other gatherin I Od] ? have heretofore been held u South "nabs of protection aud i and out have been a blessing to us preaching there are who give promi; aple, was usefulness when they h the Con- 'nto full maturity, lood. In ' Our need then is for ce differs trees" and less mistleto gs which uess appeals to us ra I in this Inertia, sturdiness rathe st An e/Miut piin(|/Mi r influence i all. Others ?ld Sa^u li?v?r ta*' ?Greenville Piedmont, se of a like ave grown Couldn't the House n hall hearing noiseless' more "big ^>?8^e. Useful- if you are a gtj ther than don't be surprised if ir than d?- takes you.?News and 'of hnr than B8 a vacation. | : SLY nuke the Mul- ihfotjpi r-Carteatoa M j^( ck-ln-the-mud i Ijl LHT UUJ-l-i! UT IN THE Bu 3:iH^LINK Lite : I ^NK j IN^g: 1 matter Oct. 7, 1905, at poatofflce at Lancaster, S under Act of Congress March 3, 1879^ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE (In Advance.) One Year Six Months FRIDAY, AUGUST, 8, 111 the stale, mere nave neen ie> . C., meetings other than politl 1 ?' palgns every two years, th< ty-to-couuty shows where e: i: reaches the fever pitch am and prejudice hold sway , .fi.50 men have from year to y ' ' 7,f*? assembling vast multitudes and have, by every art kno\ politician, so played upon tl v, u any, uv? ? . cal cam- absorption. The mistletoe >se coun- j us harm instead of good, (citement us overtime. We cauuo 1 passion selves of the annoyance o A few i?g perhaps, but let the ear been man" we know be a war of men jto beware of all such part ni to the heir feel- | A COMMON FAU I Nothing cheers the h e man does ' a8 when the Democi He works crows "McAdoo-flle? t rid our- , State. " f his cling- J aU t^e candldate8 "mistletoe atay jn the race an all-' ning to us meeting will not be sufi lsltes. all of them a chance tc tor Watchman and Sot L<T. What's a fellow to ( for governor | J day campalgu V 'Pf-JIT #^*1 Relent to give 1 111^ J ) talk.?Sum- * ; THE S lo? Too hot I-' IAIN or FORT rRONGESTOI S^|: 'UNE.I (AIN p ?Weather forecast for Carolina: Occasional showe day and Saturday; warmer ir portion Friday. i 1 Make Monday, August 11, letter day. Come to town and join the Association. South i,1K9 as to ma^e t'iem unm rs Fri- l'ie rea* issue, while th< i north cajoled them into the bel they, who are seeking only t poltica! advancement, are tli a, red .inj champions of the peo long have campaign meetii \lfalfa t'1C ollly Bothering places. * ' ' forum has been wanted a indful of ! The following from a ey have torial in The Newberry O! lef that titled "Mighty Poor F heir own equally as applicable to e friends "Every town has its fau pie. Too of this town is the tendi hflfln many to try to pull down | are trying to rise, instead Another them a helping hand, tid sadly seems to have it in for his r~ ? *.1 i_ <i nil thn nmnlinr nf recent edl- to work and no money hnnrvar en- cation; not even a wate oTicv " I. ,r""> whlch to ga,h,'r sufficient to pull throu Lancaster: grind.?Kershaw Era. Its. A fault ency of so A Minnesota man g< people who son from his socks. N< of lending people will probably lo Everybody as further vindication o 'enemies;' in not wearing them nlpa1 snmp Piedmont to take a va irmelon patch eh"uie'daUy * WHEN I !: KNC at blood pol- , orUj Carolina * ok upon this ; f their action >! .?Greenville " " Tf onn OF .ALL. TS IN THE BAN! >W ITS SAFE ! .? ~~ c e r?*i u vTOU j ?,1 i?i,^ in The boll weevil may be lit he's loud all right. Other farmers have made on alfalfa. Why not do likew Remember the farmers' Ins soon to be held in this county can't afford to miss them. iieeueu, in ?uitu men, iiui, tie but own sa^e> but for the saki love they bear their fello may come together aud money Quietly and dispassionately 'ise? needs and the methods of those needs, that this state ititutes a better, happier and freer i . You wealth, one in which no one ality shall dominate the r IUI lIltMI MUH1MV. V? VMV. p of the dewberry meu have is marvelous." w men, . , . .. And again, the same a consider on to say: '' 1 1 "It isn't right from a meeting polut. It lsn-t falr An(] may be policy. Internecine strugg common- sort destroy community in person-' conimun'ty sPirit. How c: , . work together for the con est, but perfectly T. R. is reported to rtlcle goes organized four regime teer cavalry of tlie roui in Arizona, New Mexico uy stand- Texas in readiness to I it is bad on the first word of w ;les of this peeled that somethli iterest and brewing when the Co an citizens quiet.?Columbia Itecor imon good 1,1111 Hnu'ti ? V. l_l .? ?? * * ?W j tai have Quietly J only one dollar ats of volurf- >; you had that 01 ;h rider type and western J you would hav< SfVttS | Ninety-Three I iK must be J lar9 were a lint lonel was so V d. >; dollar bill, that |*| Make your dep< 0 a^u uuc ui )uur lureittiuei's it at 5 per cent, compound interesl le dollar and the compound inte 1 Seventeen Thousand, Two Hu dollars?$17,293. If each one of c in a chain and each link the 1 chain would be over a mile and j jsit NOW. We will pay vou 4 t C&U UilllM'U t and today 1*1 rest on it, t*| ndred and K] these dol- Kj enjfth of a l*I i half Ion*?. |*| >er cent in- 1*1 f Mr. A. G. Smith of the States department of agrlcultu tell you how to grow alfalfa. Henry Lane Wilson did ta much and there are others 111 who should also be silenced. "Shave with a Charlotte r where all alike shall enjoy t United ings of an awakened unders re will The Conference for the Good is remarkable institut it the people themselves may lk too the|r problems, feeling that te him an(j tjie most unselfish thou be given towards the solu ,,, tnese problems. No person agor!" . U 11V7U VUOJ ?* V> V* ???0 vw he bless- one another?" itandiug. We agree with our con Common perfectly. Besides dosti ion. To own and our neighbor's go with happiness, the habit of wh the best tacks on the character of ight will my," is hardly productive tion of our community. There < al ambi- eo-operation among men F"" " " f 1 UO puy DlUiailB Ul join In the congress for itemporary good to be held In Co nvliif? our start a campaign for st hygiene. The physiclar peace and professional man that olesale at- who sits up at night tn ' an "ene- up a plan to work him of good to J?b- He never lets a cl teach people how to s -an ?? no he may not have tl who are making them well. In ' Biuie are 10 |<| , the common * terest and com] ilutnbia and ' mitation and i is the only J we know of V flng to think Y"> ( Belf out of a # I hp L 1 lance pass to X llV X J tay well so lie trouble of y his work he |*i pound the interest every six mor irst National I OF LANCASTER. iths. |:j I i / *ank i| :] * says The Charlotte Observer, much. We prefer to let our grow. Let nothing keep you at Monday. You will learn much than you know now abou "mortgage lifter." To further make good our tiuus may ue sauneu uy mis 1 beard ference> Its purpose Is fin l>roader than that. "Bear ye other's burdens," was the : home pcrmost In the minds of the i t more launched ttiis movement. II t the the common good," as distil from individual benefit. T1 it should appeal to all good right If the conference is to new con- always striving to take i ler and good name of a fellow cl i one an-'stead of tearing down, Idea up- strive to build up? Bet lien who character for yourself ri t is "for try to hurt the reputatioi iguished imaginary enemy. lerefore, citizens. Jenny Lind's voice, it accom- could soothn th?* savaare hn away the contradicts every knowr tizen In- business world. But tl . ' follow more closely the v J 110 ample of Him who wa ter build Great Physician.?Flort ither than ii of some Wanted?Expert mi to work Japanese, Mexl< guan, British, Venezuel ? man problems. Apply. Is said, care of Wyatt Aiken, past it is C.?Anderson Mail. i rule of the ... , tien, he does J (Under Direct ! ru and ex- V is called the Mice Times. ?" ? ? < ithematiclaii, ' ... , :an. Nlcarau- wl? relatives an and Ger- v M"> \ A Courtne Uncle Sam, Va" Wy?k- ? Washington. J- Carn*8 Miss Effle, have rHun Supervision of the United States G< mountains of North y is visiting at i Mrs. Boykin and ; of Boykin are vlsi and daughter, Jones, ned home from Miss Mabel Hail< Dvernment.) J V Carolina, little daughters Iting Mrs. D M. i of Liberty Hill to the slogan, "Lancaster L let's have the first county Conf for the Common Good. An Oklahoma editor has be . vored with the appointment o Ister to Venezuela. Probabl; name, McGoodwin, brought hin Although the weather has eads," plish all for which it was d erence we in each county must do c After deciding upon the pro| and arranging a comprehenf ien fa- gram, we should call a me f min- Lancaster "for the commoi y his of the county. Let's have sc 1 luck, gestions from our readers it to this conference. We all heen , _. - lesigned, to be hoped that Johnny's >ur part, the same effect in Mexico. per time live pro- A CARD FROM COLONEL eting at l good" Expresses His Appreeiatio ime sag- Assistance Rendered at i 1 regard Last Week, feel the To the Etut0r of The New will have Mississippi hank d growing markedly ever _ that the boll weevil is SI?RI\'<;s How so? Why, the fa been forced to diverslf; behold, they are mon n of the than ever before!?The the Wreck Herald. We notice that Candid s: in his SDeech. as renort?= a visii 10 toiuuiia. leposits are ? ^r- Luther Osbt rui y year, now 0a-? has returned hom in the state. hy ^r* J* C. Carina irmers have ^ow'6ll, who will gpe y crops and, there visiting relative 3 prosperous Mr. Editor, e?>ii arc Spartanburg a ???(1 dinner with ui CREEK late Rembert ? d at FMlhort SDecial to The News. Is with Miss Olad; 9 of Vellvllle. brief visit, e, accompanied i Miss Rrite Moble and Wesley as book-keeper wltl md two weeks key. >s. ! Miss Lillian Htn >und and enjoy for Richmond, Va., 8. j visit friends. ) Miss Nannie Ore ' from a stay of sevei sister, Mrs. Luther Tabernacle section. ya Twitty for a y has a position 1 Mr. L. J. Macaon recently left , where ahe will nsliaw returned ral days with her Carnea, of the unusually warm this summon have had very little sicknei Lancaster, for which we slioi verv thankful. / "i Senator Tillman and all oth \ vocates of the protection of the ' are eminently right. What citizen wants to have his vote ueeu 01 it. write us youi we about it and let's all work 3s In for tjie iarRe8t and most rep lid be tive gathering of men and ever assembled in Lancastt member it is for the comm er ad- , .. . . of all. ballot good killed THE MISTLETOE MA! views I t^ke this means of giv together expression of my sincere iresenta- tion of tlie very prompt, kii women an<* e^c'ent a'd aa(i servic ed to those who were inju sr. He- wrecit on tile l,_ & c. r. on good Hooper's creek on the 30t Without tliis assistance l people generally it would impossible for proper aid V. tauce to have been given ing public devotes a good deal of tn apprecia- ing the newspapers, id, hearty, We hope that Mr. Re es render- going to make that the red in the campaign. It may wi lilway at again, particularly when h of July, have been exceedingly i from the candidate, but it is o have been .ands that Colonel Irby and assis- wins only once in a wl these uu- We would be very sorr Anninnirrti /a t tv\n /I aie to attack- Creek. Aug. 7.?W plenty of rain and the mbert is not in this part of the co issue of his Mr. and Mrs. Dixo n now and Hnmer art visiting r< i newspapers section, infair to the Mr. B. H. Plyler n ne of those Glenn and Ernest, ai used to say Heath Spring, this wc llle at least. Mr. W. H. Grahan y to see an- is visiting Ills broth 1 ? e are having Mrs. Janle Rallai s crops are Hue Pa,<1 n flying visit untry. Mrs. Frazler McMa n Williams of Miss Ruby Lee Ci ilatlves In this been visiting her i Crenshaw, went hoi md little sons, companled by her c re visiting at Crenshaw. >ek. I Mrs. Mattle Jol a of Charlotte Prancl-daughter, An er, Mr. J. P. visiting at Lancaste d of Rock Hill to her daughter, kin. Tuesday, enshaw, who has ?unt, Mrs. W. F. ne Thursday, aclousin, Miss Vera mson and little nle Mobley, are r and the county oy an niegai one: The ends sought by the C eg once for the Common Good d And favor with the politicians jkhfe hv the way. were decidedly i minority at the meeting of Carolinians in Columbia this War with Mexico would Mr. M. I). Harllee, in a 1 onfer- ^ie ^orence Daily Times, d lo not vei*>' cleverly a type of man i, who to l,e found in every commu n the ca,ls h,m the "Mistletoe Mi South characterizes him as one week, nloft and finds fault with th< are trying to do something." have a fungus growth and, lik pftor tn lull4lc ycupio. i no j on the train who were so [escribes as to escape injury, and ins ivhirh i? who were Painfully but u< ly injured, did most hero alty. He jn relieving the pain and si in" and their more unfortunate f< vho sits sengers. The people of t ose wj10 diate neighborhood, both colored, came promptly to He is an(j ren(ier0(i very valuabls e that doctors, nurses, and citizen ? wiiici \ uiu^ai^ii \j i ui uw fortunate personalities and we hf iny others dtdates will discuss 1 )t serious- thing for the construct iic service ment of our state.?New lfTerlng of and News. >llow pas he imrae ?S COUNTY N 8 general DiiiiBniB nuu uranani. >pe the can- Miss Jazle Roberts ssues, some- ter the past week. Ive develop- Mrs. Mary Blackm berry Herald a while with her s ( Blackmon, of Bethlehf DRY CKE1 EWS Special to The News. Dry Creek, Auk. 1 visited Lauras- 1 Miss Flossie i i spending a week w on s spending friends at Lanrastei on, Mr. J. D. Thursday, aecompi ;m. iJohn Adams. I An interesting n c<k Ion at the Baptist plare and Is being | Lily Bumess Cre I ed fifteen of her litt ?The health Wednesday evening Crenshaw, after 1th relatives and r, returned home anted by Mrs. leetlng Is going church at this largely attended. nshaw entertainle friends on last from 4:30 until p- pleased some ardent patriots, v a peaceful settlement, see no ? tunity left of serving their co They should remember that \ should remember that peace, also, has her victories. The Greenwood Daily Jc seeks thus to comfort its ret "Cheer up, cooler weather is /ho in other parasite, the mistleto jppor- his life to the vitality, the en untry. and the unselfishness of the peace, which he clings, also. There are mistletoe men castor, just as there are els men who have never done c urnal of constructive work for th iders: but are living upon the w nrom- ntUara e, owes ly of the city of Chester terprise rounding country respond , , ' rail for aid with heart and : ,(>( -v ? could not bo surpassed. vices rendered by the doc in Lan- nurses at the hospital and e where, pathy of the people gene )ne lick Prpsse<i 'n nrts of hindnef ns words of cheer and co e town, appreciated, I know, by t ork of were so unfortunate as to ? ~ e< 1 Pnr these nets of kin and surRd to the PLEASANT HI seal whtefl The ser- Sp00iai to The News, tors and . .fin ? ? tho Svm. Pleasant Hill, Aug. 7 ... enee Cauthen spent a fe is as well relatives at Bethune th< " Mr. L. F. Robertson hose who 8P?nt onp da>' ,n Sumter tl infnr Misses Lula and Paull (Inoss and Greenwood Orphanage t of this community I'Ij. The crops look exceed have been blessed wit | Mr. and Mrs. M. J familv visited at the h< ?Mr. t lar- Mrs 0 H noU Sundc w days with Miss Mae Caskey ? ,We n Martha Wren Bell Su and family Mr and Mrs w p last week. son Hazeli visited M ne Twitty of A Cauthen Sunaay. ire spending Miss Pauline Mat! Is very good. '>:;i<>. tne occasion 1 Ingly well and I birthday. A water h a shower. and afterwards Ice Greene and and cake were sei ame of Mr. and Rlrls by Misses ly. Ruby and Vera C ' visited Miss present were: Eddl nday. Annie Grace Moble; Crenshaw and Sarah Watson, Jua r. and Mrs. J. zabeth Small, Gle Crenshaw, Mildred his SDent the Clark, Myrtle and ?elny her seventh ?;fl| melon feast first d tea. lemonade ved to the little S Vashtl Maekey, renshaw. Those e Lou Hammond, y. Mayo Maekey, nlta Bruce, Elinnlo and Clyde and Dorothy Annie Mnhlev lsed for this week." But rem* that promises are like pie rrus i.ecially those made by the w? man. . a. " AH Live V ;. parmers ground smber ceive, nothing to give?saA <t, es- cism. It does seem that au< rather never having contributed oi own time and substance, w least refraim from finding fai those who have given freely ' common good." Not only a unwilling to do their part b jare actually jealous of the ni fS i-u a c" * * - ? ? ? ? ? H(U expressions of sympathy 1 cerely grateful. I trust t h men, w^n ^id t|jP kindly serv their each and every one take t ould at expression to them persons ult with slnCPre appreciation and Very respectfully, for the LEROY SP re they j ________________ ut they .j,\p,\XESE C3REET AMI1.? ion who r o oir. a while with their ri hat those Mr. ami Mrs. 9. I. Caul toes will ReV" and MrS" A . , ' ?? and children of Mulllm My of my ?' ""> > gratitude! "T,r Joh? Da? ca.k, n.Kjpq ter visited his brother, Caskey, this week. ? Mr. and Mrs. 9. Beckl LSSADOR. turned home Friday fr visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. ana-parents, wee|[^nj at her brot n? . . Mathls, of I,ancar?er. Beckham MJss Norma cauth ?V r n urday night with Miss Heck- Ml88 Vera crenshavi , _ with Miss Wren Bell. y m tftnc m" Mr w- 3 Cautlien Mr. j. m. foot an(j j8 not ln] a Mr. Herbert and C tiam. Sr.. re- 8penj Sunday at the TJi ?OTt, Cauthen. D. Nisbet of .her, Mr. J. J. Nellie Williams, E Ellen Dease Boykln en spent Sat- ' A number of your i Dlllle Caskey. lee cream at the h 7 spent Sunday Mrs. W. F. Crenshi night. stuck a nail In tprovlng much. Suffered Eczema F rawford Gooch j Wei home of J. A. | Seems a long tin awful burning, ltc ol/ln 1 Isle Horton and people enjoyed ome of Mr. and iw last Saturday "ty Years?Now 1. ie to endure tho :hfng, smarting. La ncaster for Alfalfa. We would like for every fi In Lancaster county to read "Good Roads Special" of The Pr< give Farmer. It Is one of the interesting issues of that exc weekly we have ever seen. It i are taking the lead and doi vice to them and the rest of t ni unity. From the long habit of dif armor , , mistletoe man s energies dulled and a lethargy often ogresa( upon him from which it is ,, ' to arouse him. lie has lived ellent . _ , . of absorption so long that he bsure , . . , ,. . iiiK Ber- |s psrorte<t by Regiment f he com- an<j j{j,|rs jn imperial Toklo, Japan. A or. 7.?1 iuse the tieR un|ting the Japanene e become tjnlted States were sfttUs volcpfl today by the empei difficult pan and George W. Outhri* the life United States ambassador, t cannot The ambassador present* . Hnntlala and rnnVOV(i(l the >f Cavalry Jaekaonham. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. C oarn. Kershaw visited relattvi rhe strong week. mplre and Mrs. A. J. Cauthen, ,, Johnson and Miss Sari naturally Rpent between trains in ror of Ja- Wednesday, i, the new . .. ' TABEBIfACTL] >d his erecrreeHiiB.s Marshall of HEATH SPF as here this Special to The News. Mrs^ E. R. Heath Spring. Aug ih Cauthen Mrg Luc!ua Hortc n < Lancaster afp vtgltlng Messrs. Pi ton Horton of this pla Misses Llda Camp E- Coy of Hartsville are Miss Faye Crenshaw. nmu'uiBcna? Known tlXG. other name for Ecze ' to realize, also, tl Eczema Ointment h feet cure. . 7.?Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Ken >f Macon. Ga.. cannot sufficiently e eston and Bel- to you for your Dr. ee. Ointment. It has and Prue Mc- which has troubled the guests of years." All drugi 150c. Pfieffer Cf as "teter"?anma. Seems good aat Dr. Hobson'a as proven a perney writes:?"I xpreaa my thanka Hobson'a Eczema cured my tetter, me for over fifty Klata or by mall lemtcal Co.. St. to help the cause of good throughout the South. The senate got busy this we the tariff bill and made considi more progress than heretofore, is very pleasing to all who an waiting in suspense for the i tion. An early passage of th roads ?XIM or nim8ft11 nui must entirely on the efforts of 1 structive neighbors, ek on Some mistletoe men have ?rably ?'(' 'n their parasitic way i This never be otherwise. But tl 3 now nmple should be a warning reduc- wll? aro now growing up. \ e bill 'uture citizens of Lancj lie men who can stand alo tie pen a - - ? . of F'resident Wilson to the i h eon- ^ regiment of Japanese c corted him to the ?mper i grown and he rode in an imper and can The crowds along the rout loir fully uncovered as he pass< [,R,r ex" i While the ambassador to those Btnff were in audience wit Ve want peror, the women of the i aster to party were received by th< ne: not' emperor. Special to The News, avalry es- Tabernacle. Auk. 7.? ial palace m0re good rains the ci ial coach, portion will be fine. 1 :e respect- through work and not ML now but to enjoy ours< and his Picnics and protracte h the em- on hand and young ch diplomatic vegetatdes of all kinds i empress. our visiting friends. ? | Mr. John Strain ant Mrs. w. o. rwiiiy Tinn, ? ?re spending the we With a tow wJth MrfJ ||ljnry rops In our MrB c. b. Mobley Mn? ? visiting Mrs. W. C. E relatives here. , 4t Mr. J. A. Thomps d meetings flj?pqt of 1he Sotlther on h'nnrl "for th,fl P,aC*' nOW ?f 1 on hand for gtoppP(j wjth friends 1 i r.t t"rn from a visit to ?! Vlrstinla. ana cnuaren l.ouis, mo., and Phi <)k at Liberty Hallo. ' ( 'it *ti of Columbia Is _ Jills and other . aTATR OF souq ? County of I ion, a former T ci o? n Railway at , J E- Stewman, i ,udowlcl. Ga., 1 Whorean, M. L. 1 here on his re- D. Thompson have his mother In to grant them lette jtlon of the eatat ladelphla, Pa. ION. 'H CAROLINA, ^ancaater. rudge of Probate, rhompaon and H. made suit to me ra of adrnlnlatrae and effnota Will DB aooui me UB?i iuiiik could happen to the country now. "Let us hope that we havi such weather as this next sur for we simply could not stand temperature and a political cam too," says The Salisbury Same here, only more of It. vuai just rapn who must depend or town for their existence, bi on whom the town can dep e no Of course there are some timer, oak whose sturdlness and v' I this devoted to the upbuilding of paign ter?otherwise there could Pott, mistletoe men?for mistletoe Our live of Itself alone but dn 1 their ! Augusta Has *IOO.(HM] it men Augusta, Ga., Aug. 7.? 'end. pletely destroyed the Rivf men of ,on romProf,ft here at 12:1 . this afternoon. The loss, <tro 423 bales of rotton In the v Lancas- Is estimated at $100,000. be no President L. O. Dought i cannot comP'*e?s company, makes . ment that they will rebuild its thousand dollars insurance ? Fire. Charlotte are visiting .this section. ror"' i Mr. F. M. Walker ar r , ,ro*~ Cassatt are spending i S5 o'clock i , including warehouse, Minlater Praises This Rev. H. Stubenvoll of ty. of the In praising Dr. King's N< the state- for constipation, w . Seventy King's New Life Pills a i was car- feet pills no home shoul reiauves in j j|r B H P,yler id family of peek section of the ? i few days [?T ^ wlth Mr- J this week. | Mrs. J. A. Rutledge f.axntlve. nesday from Rock H Allison, la., I was recently operated aw Life Pills dle.lUs. 'rites:?"Dr. Master Tom Orlffltt re such per-[with his grandfathe d be without Twltty, for a few days. - * - - *? I -..V.II/. ?kn/vl of the Camp Henry J. Thompson county spent a j These aro, there! r. C. Williams admonish all and s! | red and creditors returned Wed-1 ceased, that they b< 111, where ahe fore me, In the Con on for appen- be held at Lancaste ugst 22, 1913, nej i of Oaffney Is tlon thereof, at 1] r, Mr. P. T. forenoon, to show c have, why the said hna fthftlllri nAt ho <v ro?I ?v?W Ui , deceased, fore, to cite and Ingular the klndof the said deb and appear bert of Probate, to r on Friday, Au:t, after publlcal o'clock In the ause, If any they administration political campaigns are the kin neighbors of the Old North know nothing of. And we hope never will. d our vitality from the oak to \ 8tate clings. We thank God for th > they of oak, who are firmly plant Some have attained that vhlch It rlrd on the building and r ese men The origin of the Are is ad hero hut *he ^re had made a ' headway that the depart larger powerless to cope with the nachlnery. them." no neuer regui unknown, liver and bowels. Evei ueh rapid anteed. Try them. Pri( ment was Standard Drug Company flames. ter Pharmacy. laior ior mo j uui |>iiuu< >n.aVw. T pill guar- been beautified with :e 25c. at the paint within the last 1 and Lancaa- i Mr. and Mra. J. C turned Thursday fron a new coat oi Olven under my few days. day of August, Am . Beckham re- J. E. 1 a trip to the ] ^ u , Wfr hand, thla 8th , * t?o Domini 1918. '4 STRWMAN, Probate Judge. .?v