The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, April 25, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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^ SMILES ' I am the husband up to date; III j My own three meals I have to get, II (I've made my bed). Defend me. Ill I Fate, From woes I have not suffered yet! ?Robertus Love in New York Sun. ' Sir, I wish to marry your daughter." "I'm glad you came to me on this subject at this particular time." i "Why so, sir?" "I was about to get her teeth fix- , ed. Now you can do it."?Pittsburg ' Post. | Little Frances?We dot a new : < baby. I Mrs. Neighbors?You don't say! , fie Frances?Yes'm; an' its pen jes like my dolly's, but I fin's the matter wlf its se its eyes don't go shut ^yf fliey lay it down. Passerby (stopped by beggar)?, How is this? Only last week you sat here with a deaf-and-dumb card; now you're begging on account of a broken arm. Beggar?Well, sir, business is business, and you know the public must have variety. ?Boston Transcript. rai, wno was left-handed, was being sworn 4n as a witness in the West Side court of Denver, Colorado. "Hold up your right hand," said 1 the judge. Up went Pat's left hand. "Hold up your right hand," commanded the judge sternly. "Sure and I am, ver honor," declared Pat. "Me right hand's on me left han' side.?Woman's Home Companion. I i Advertised Hetters l or Week binding April i?<i, 1018. Levy Akins, S. J. Byrd, Mrs. Mittie Barnes, Henry Blackmon, Lillie ? Frazier, Miss Lad Brown, S. D. > Crenshaw. J E. Gibson, J. B. Gih- | ' son, Citcli Crockett, Miss Lizzie Thomas, Miss Burnice Stogner, John Stafford, Mrs. Lizzie Threatt, Na- ! than Itodgers, John Mungo, Abitahi Jackson, James Miles, Mrs. llannie Massey, Mrs. Essie Burst, George Emsam, Miss Anna Cooke, Mrs. ! Mary Clyburn, Mrs. S. R. Blackmon. j Mtss Annie B. Lure, Lancaster '?0Unty Seed Co. MUST SERVE UNTIL JULY. Then Hawthorne and Morton Will Ue Eligible to Parole. Washington, April 23.?Julian Hawthorne and Dr. William J. Mor- I ton, convicted of misuse of the mails j and now in the Atlanta penitentiary awaiting parole, will not be eligible i for release until they actually have served one-third of their sentences in prison, which will be the latter part of July. This decision was reached today by the department i of Justice. In sentencing Hawthorne and 5 Morton to one year and a day last < March, the trial judge made the sentence date from the beginning ; of their trials, November 2 5. They , entered the penitentiary on March 24 under the belief they would be 1 eligible for parole on March 25, as one-third of the sentence had then expired. The department of justice holds that a prisoner must actual- J ,y^ serve one-third of his sentence. Morton, it was learned last ^ night, has applied for a pardon '""Vhlch it- iind'T consideration by the department of justice. Hawthorne, so far, has not made a similar application. 1 . Mrs. llrynn Speaks Before Club Women. Washington, April 23.?Mrs. William Jennings Bryan was the" principal speaker at yesterday's meeting of the council of the general Federation of Women's Clubs in session here. She made an appeal for a closer federation of all religious denominations and declared there was a strong tendency to this direction. I'. C. Claxton. United States commissioner of education, discussed the rural home and the school. Reports of officers were presented at a business session. Yesterday evening the delegates were received at the White House by the President and Mrs. Wilson. Just Plain Crape Juice at Bryan's Dinner to Diplomats. Washington, April 23.?Diplomatic circles were in animated discussion today of Secretary Bryan's dinner party the other nigh, to some forty distinguished members of the - diplomatic corps, at which unfermented grape juice was served in place of the variety of wines which . customarily have a place. Officialdom talked so much about the Innovation that the story leaked out. t'hina is Ready lor $12,1,000,000 loan. . London, April 23.?A group of London financier? received a tele- 4 gram today notifying tliein that the Chinese government was ready to negotiate with the "five power group" a loan of $125,000,000 at 5 per cent. Lancaster Leads. Pains in the Stomach. If you continually complain of pains in the stomach, your liver or your kidneys are cut of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney v v"3M'le, diabetes or Bright's disease. the ands recommend Electric Bit amf is in* very oesi siomacn and .^oy medicine- made. H. T. Alston, of Italeigh, N. C., who suffered with pain in the stomach and back, writes: "My kidneys were deranged and my liver did not work right. I suffered much, but Electric Hitters was recommended and I im- I proved from the first dose. I now ^fti-el like a new man." It will imyou, toe Only DOc and f 1.00. j ^commended by Lancaster Phar- J macy and Standard Drug Co. I \S.. a THE LANCAST3 special A TATA CURTAIN GOODSOne lot pretty colored J"? I I M curtain Madras ?"An ^k| Unusual Bargain" going at the yard only 5 Cents but- not ai nitfiuATT DAY IS A Note the new s goods at still ] tioned on this it is always a p BATH RUGS Large, thick, and prettily designed Bath I blue and white, and pink and white coml value, at each only White Bugs in same quality but smaller si: WASH RAGS Ndce size Wash Rags, in porous knit and Tn NECKWEAR We are showing now a strong line an leautiful new Spring Neckwear. Nearly <ome dainty little fixing for the neck and \ liing in this splendid assortment of Collars ind Cuff Sets, etc., in white, ecru and the ions at 25c and 50c for single pieces and at ;ets. PONGEE COATS Pretty Pongee Automobile Coats, made o and tastefully trimmed. Hack coat a sph priced at only COAT SHIRTS Ladies' new white and black and white Ma stylish, comfortable and popular gamier priced at only BOUDOIR SLIPPERS We've just received a nice assortment ol Boudoir Slippers, with verv low heel, ii Cool, soft and enm ? +nl.ln f v. tMUiV . - |H PETTICOATS Black Sattcen Petticoats, a dollar value, hi quick selling at only FRE We are giving as p: num Roasting Sets to you personally. & SPECIAL I A J GINGHAMS? Ll A 1 1 V J 1 case best (I cents apron ginghams jn first grade full peices and clean patterns zzzuzzznzzzznniz: specially priced at only ZZZZZZZZZZIIIZIZZZZZ: I cents the yard BR NEWS, APRIL 25, 1913. IL F001 Has Pas A* OF AI 'HIS STOI I BARGrAl arrivals a] more attr; page, an leasure wi lugs, iii white and in One lot dilations, an excellent kind $1.00 ot 5e, at only . .75c each One pi< rkish, at only 5c each * oa^; On id big assortment of prehem every woman likes You wi 'on can find just that ij Jabots, Ties, Collar Bulgarian combina- ea 50c, $1.00 and up for j tlie lX JOC c I at on OL f excellent material endid value, specially "Butte $5.50 and $10.00 stockec stock a i r, i efficien dras Coat Shirts, the patten it. This lot specially Dolincf 98c each style! 5 Monthl : Ladies' pretty Kid i black, tan and red. 1T] iced at the pair only new st( $1.19 ing, ()> it specially priced for Ladies 89c each Ever EROA remiurns on c; and shall be :e display of these useful ASTER M -C0MPA1 \ . - L'S DAY' pri seel J ERIE'S BAR tE," FOR EV1 N DAY HER] nd other attr; active prices Ld don't forge 4-T, ^ iii us iu snow HAND B ^GS ; large White Crocheted Hand Bag*. bij we've offered. To go while they last at her nice Hand Bags at very cheap prices PONGEE ece 36-inch Pongee in natural shade. V s. An excellent value at the yard only. MILLINERY ir stock of Millinery this season is not or sive, but is very stylish, up-to-date and 1 11 rln wfkl I xtm ova i ? iiv oiij-a; iu uuy your liar 11 GALATEA SPECIAL" se excellent quality 30-inch Galatea (3 verage) in light and dark, solid and mi loth, hut having bought it at a bargain ly . . . . . BUTTERICK PATTERNS 3 have recently become the local agen rick" Patterns, Delineator, Style Boo I a very big line of these, which enables rrangemcnt and reorder system to give t service in this department. is itors looks (with pattern free) v Fashion Sheets GENTS' FURNISHING DEPART >-to-date Spring Furnishings for men am ylish and comfortable Straw and Felt 1 [fords, Shirts, Collars, Neckwear and U COAT SUITS ' Spring Coat Suits in the season's newe v suit an excellent value at $12.50 .STERS ash purchases nice glad to explain cc I sets in our show windows. ERCANTILE; VfV - 5 .11 = E . 3 FECIAL OJZE VESTS-One Ladies' full size 10it j? a u z e vests, ced for April at only i Cents Each GAIN 3RY E I active men- II >t that goods II 5gest value of the v -nlv... .50c each 5. Especially nice for ' 50c lly large and coinnoderately priced, ere. inches wider than xed patterns, an we have priced it . . .1214 c the yard ts for the famous k, etc., and have 1 us with our new very prompt and 10c and 15c 15c 25c FREE MENT 1 boys. Crisp and lats, Caps, Clothnderwcar. st and best styles. , $15.00 and $20.00 I'V - Alumimditions I'KCIAL j ill \\*1) TOW!?! c: - * V m liUO Rest prade 2f> cents | ick Hand Towels, jcially priced for iril, at only III cntls pair. &