' f ? K| THE SOUL'S ESCAPE n M (By Dr. Frank Crane, in Atlanta g Journal.) T Heinrich Heine writes that "dur- wa8 Ing the year 1480 there were whist- Gf i led and sung throughout all Ger- faj(i many certain songs which for giVf sweetness and tenderness surpassed OUg any previously known in German I realms. Young and" old, the women be i in particular, were quite bewitched in t by these ballads, which might be a8 5 heard the livelong day. But these for songs were composed by a young bav Driest who was afflleted with Innrn. I "rite," I He meant to write "write," fau But ho couldn't w/lte right? tnu Who started this darn thing, any- jUg way? to ?Cincinnati Enquirer. (jov WHAT KNOIiAND A'KEDS. nill ^ Now England seems to need the B tr man Who's such a sure enough sago _____ , , He can devise a working plan I To take the "rage" from suffrage. ?Exchange. ,,T' Mothers Can Safely Buy ! Dr. King's Now Discovery and give I f | It to the little ones whon ailing and jj'^j k\ suffering with colds, coughs, throat r or lung troubles, tustes nice, harm- t f l less, once used, always used. Mrs. by i ft&Bruce Crawford, Niagru, Mo., Vjjgyrites: "Dr. King's New Discovery ^Olianged our hoy from a pale, weak, fail* hoy to the picture of health." a< Always helps. Buy It at Lancaster s" 1 flMrmacy and Standard Drag Co. Tl stock, "supporting an insane moth- aus er and sister," pegging away at a ror, clerk's desk for thirty years, always ago pinched with poverty, having for rool friends those who were so poor they to \ were known as the "ragged regi- nou ment"?Charles Lamb it was who rj(ji ^ gave us those exquisite essays of p()^( J . Ella, full of the rarest, sweetest Th humor. reel Call up the reserves! Heaven and earth and the human heart are otwide places and full of strange ()ftf things. Do not let one little fact lng put you to flight. as l The body, hut not the mind, can ..j81 be driven into a corner where there jn , Is no escape. as Even death need not subdue us. con Even there we have our aid ship to whj escape to cruelest, gauntlet of san wolves. None Is so poor as he who jje has here no refuge, General Wolfe, haj( expiring on the battlefield, heard an ..fe oflicer say: "I protest, they run, exa they run!" "Who?" he cried. nev ? "The French!" "Then," he said, tha "I die happy!" ten Olympia Morata was a young wo- rla( man of the sixteenth century; ..mi though she died oarly, she had al- which we can soar away if they boy: come too close. 8Cj1( In all great souls you will note bja, this power of escape from those ills tjle which crush lesser spirits. They a c( captured Nathan Hale and hanged jy v him, but his spirit escaped them; up they could not make him unhappy. catj At the last moment he took refuge 8pjr in a great emotion?patriotism? neC( and was happier than any British nor officer about him as he exclaimed: neVt "My only regret is that I have buf |,oy one life to give for my country." vvllJ Charles Lamb, born of crazy onri THE 1 XULISH AND THK SCHOOLS. EX-UOV. N< II. ltupsell Finds Educational Funeral of l?i lethods Most to lllaiue for Poor in Atlani peaking. Atlanta, Ga 'o the Editor of The State:?I funeral of form greatly interested in an article j. Northern, w ^ofessor Hand recently upon the here yesterday ure of the primary schools to ing at the Pon i pupils a good, not to say thor- Baptist church, h, training in the correct use of Oakland cemet? ;llsh. While I do not pretend to The honorary an English scholar, I have been ed Governor Jc ho educational work of the state | Governor-elect i teacher and as a school officer When he r? a good portion of my life, and I death of the fc e had my own children in the ernor Brown al led schools as well as the pub- lamation review ichools, and I must say that there predecessor am i lamentable failuro ou the part state. He also il lie schools to thoroughly ground on the state ca pupils in the knowledge of the buildings shoul ect use of their mother tongue, the next ten* di ability "to speak and write the his memory. ;lish language correctly." They Death was d to get the rudiments of the Ian- resulting from ge, the very foundation upon survived by hi ch the superstructure is built, daughter. Miss ead of grammar they have some Former Gov , of language lessons which born in Jones < kes mo as a puny effort to make 9, 1835. lie i inmar easy, and it succeeds for cer University ust about practically eliminates eral years tlier grammar. No student ever in the public roughly mastered any language private instttut lout first mastering ,its grammar. During the c at would a student do with a private in tb in or Greek without first master- In 1865 he reits grammar?# Nothing. And profession, and more can he master and become a private schoo flelcnt in the use of the English In 1877 he ;uage without mastering the lower iiouse of inmar of that language. I was from Hancock ;ht Smith's "English grammar," ing two terms permit me to say at the risk of was elected to ig canea an oiu rogy that I have in 1890 was er seen anything in all uiy ex- Georgia. He w ence to equal, much less excel, During his In th and Linley Murray. How executive he de ly of the boys and girls of the to betterment jols can give a satisfactory rea- negroes of the why they use a particular form eral negro schc Bpeech? And how many teach- Former Gove even, for many of them are prominent chui a and girls that ought to be In many importan >ol themselves? Where does the Baptist organiz ne rest? A part of it is due to several years h spirt of the age which demands of the Southerr mstant change, which continual ^ants to discard the old and take Tlie Most Beat the new, and our boards of eduon have bowed, perhaps to this One day the it or whim. A thing is not er? visitor sto gssarily useless because it is old, one of the a( necessarily useful because it Is Greene street Call up any average school down she said: or school girl and ask them ize that you li r this or that form of speech is Oil streets in ect or incorrect, and note the been all over l wer. A part of It is due to in- never seen a lo rect teaching methods. Not long <>n acount of i I stood in a third grade school and the four i in and heard tho teacher trying The remark teach those little tots about ?do we who ns and the thing struck me as lives appreciati culously absurd. And another are to poss snt causo is the newspaper. Let the mind < re is a woeful disregard of cor- streets of the . form of speech; there is a gross crowded, close, use of words which is a violation with their row grammatical construction and with no more iiitimes destructive of the mean- postage stampIntended to be conveyed, such our broad, spac the substitution of "or" for "of," miles in length ' for "it" or "In" and especially an individualit the use of "less" when "fewer," own. Villages recently in an article from our streets?but tl imissioner of agriculture in their correspoi: ch he spoke of so many thou- while we are I ds "less bales" than last year, just a minute's undoubtedly mean "fewer" bustling busine 8s, for "less" refers to size and sidered one wer" refers to number. Another streets in the < mple which is common to all Greene strec 'spapers and many preachers and times of the y t is the misuse of correlative is true that th ns, as when it is said of a mar- standing like ;e ceremony that it made them watch over th aii aiul wife." The ceremony sides of the str s 110 such thing. It makes them es?but it wov ishand and wife," for these are to see them v relative terms and "man and clothes all thr e" are not. God made him a their very ban a and her a woman, and these ing with the 1 are correlative terms, and the however, the g rriage ceremony makes them beautiful all isband and wife." And there are down the lengt er instances of breach of gram- the human lio tical construction on iho nai>t .1 " -* " ? |/"*v ?? urtjii inai una newspapers not to mention their ter sunparlor of '"slang" which is doing its days of bitter c t in the miseducatlon of the peo- striking plctun for newspapers are a tremen- tains are cove 8 educational force. ? mind one of i Jut to close where I began, the under the spel lty English education can be fairy waiting ^ed back to faulty English 'each- the Sun Prii.c , and teachers must be required bid by a soft do fundamental work, to get and as far as m to the bedrock foundation and the street is a ih English grammar and not this j white, k and water substitute called nut finally X ?llah or language lessons. the first suggo D. II. RUSSELL. little buds beg mderson, March 24. a night every length of the $100 Reward, $100 a tiny suggest le render* of thin im|>er will be pleased to tllillk that til i that there Is at fount one dreaded dinesa? - . tender aelonee hsf I-.n i.lde eur- In all Its rwu e?, and thiil is t'utarrli. Hull's I'ntarrh ( nro Slimmer is ( ie only positive enre now known to tue in.ilfriilemltv. Cntarrh belli* n constitutional most beautifl iso reouire* it constitutional treatment. s Caturrit Cur? Is tokon Intern.?n>. street ?ino ( tie iiip.> 11 ih.- I>|.h.i| iiii.I mucous surfine* of .11. system. thereby destroying the foundation seCIUS tO llTlllf ho dlnetne. 11 ml plvlnit the patient -trenftth .. . with tl uildinf tip tin- constitution and iisaNtluK nu- 1,ul BHU In doli.K Its work The proprietors hire nueh fSlih In It- enrstlio power* that they n.,?? r One Hundred l>..!lnrs for nnv is. th.it tt Piles Cure to riire. .tend for lUtof tentlmonlul* dnlKRj,t wi, Idrem F. J. CHENK* k I O , Toledo, t>. OINTMKNT (alls t? Id by all PruKitlut* 75c. Blind. Bleeding or I' ike Hull's Family Tills for constipation. The fifst application LANCASTER NEWS, MAKC1I )i(TIIKi(N DEAD. I are wonderful and miles in length u stingnislied Georgian tired pedestrian t la Wednesday. and where the cli i., March 26.?The morning until the ler Governor William shining through tl ho died at his home ' still another pictur was held this morn- Autumn brings a ce De Leon Avenue for this wonderful Interment was in leaves begin to tu ;ry. * ?' jciiuw*5 miu crinisu f pall-bearers includ- and the sharp ( tseph M. Brown and brings new life and John M. Slaton. At all times, and jceived news of the street is beautiful irnier governor, Gov- live where they eai t once Issued a proc- charm would for* dug the career of his elsewhere, though 1 his service to the dulled, appreciatior Urected that the flags those who have lb pltol and other state do not realize thel d fly at half-mast for "a thing of beauty lys out of respect to ?and every old ti speaks its messag ue to complications thrill to the joy o a carbuncle. He Is 'ife-glving lovellin s widow and one Augusta Chronicle. Anna Belle Northern. ernor Northern was Who is a l*rogr? ;ounty, Georgia, July Que of the bes graduated from Mer- j,ave soen of a "pn in 1853 and for sev- recently given by 1 eafter was a teacher that a progressiv* schools and several farther advanced t ions. was last year. S ivil war he served as that a progressive f le Confederate army, j is doing better fs entered the teaching i tjian hG did last ye in 1871 established 'pilc progressive fai 1 at Kirkwood, Ga. er who is making was elected to the j?K more about his the state legislature jt better, county. After serv- \ye know men In this capacity he farms, good live the state senate and silos, improved ma chosen governor of raise good crops, ^ us re-elected in 1892. grcsslve farmers sir cumbrency as chief arc not advancini voted much attention them are actuall; of the condition of ? are going Dackwi state, founding sev- soil get less prod >ols in vaiious cities, their livestock to 1 rnor Northern was a 8UCh little thought 'chman and has held their business thi t positions in various advantages they do ations. For the past We know farmc e has been president comparatively po( 1 Baptist Association, farms are not in g( equipped, whose li itiful Street in the Q^ tjie best, who World. often faulty, but w past week a North- Rreasivo farmers od on the porch of learning how to d tractive homes . on amj to secure mo and looking up and jor wbich men lab "Do you people real- jt is ju farmers ave the most beauti- wc piace our fait the world? I have them that we edit the world and have! farmer. The fart celier residence street ()ie call do better ts magnificent width lry?be is the mai rows of trees." I progress of agri sets one to thinking whether rich or i have seen it all our, farm is a model < j just how fortunate to "look up," w iess such a street? j steadily ou to s lwell on the crowded niany blunders ant larger cities, the man who counts, cobblestoned streets him, almost the s and rows of houses bright future. U individuality than a man we want in oi ?and then look at sort of man the cc io us, beautiful street, For the man wl , yet each block with knows all there 1 y and charm of its farming, or who have broad, shady that he can do an ley are villages with has been doing, tli iding disadvantages. ~r _ o?t ui ucufi limits. n the midst of a city I ward instead of fo walk from the busy, ever advantages !ss street?itself con- he may have, be a of the handsomest than a help to tli entire country. farming, ft is beautiful at all He a progressive ear; in the winter it the only kind w ie four rows of trees every farmer can 1 sentinels keeping matter how mui e homes on both short of .doing wha eet have bare branch- you can at least lid grow monotonous than you have bee rear their summer long as one is lean ough the year and ing better, it is i eness seems in keep- The Progressive F season?under foot, rasa grows green and S.\] winter and up and h of the street bloom Ol' Sam sez thlngi wers?the little chil- use ter wuz the green their win- He sez thet folk and paradise. Some oughter be. old bring a still more But huh! Sum, he e when the foun- things; 'cuz red witli ice and re- Thet gal er mlr the sleeping princess livin'?gee! 1 of the wicked frost the melting kiss of Sam, he ain't allei e, and the grass is he ain't, covering of snow? He use ter be ( i the eye can reach kid, study in brown and Thet wuz 'fore Jai Sam, he ka larch conies and with Smile now. 'Ci stion of warmth the him for me in to put out, and in DC tree upand down the long street will show fn , |f<|e OI(] ion of green. Many Hoto, olerk__..j e spring, when the Qup oity,.. and the denser snide Uncle Ebon (fro anly suggested, is the ?RIowpat town Pv ll RPIISOI1 oil Crnan/. ii . been hero a oounli certainly each day . , . A . 1 , ~ i hoard of trado a ; foith new beauties. . . ask whether I'm )<> summer the trees , here permanently d in 6 to 14 Day* ~ "mt co,,ltln't haP, 11 refund money jf PAZO 'n s Cornei > cine any ca?e of Itching, from." April Wo rotmdfng PiIesin6to Mday*. . a gives Kase and Rest. SOe. P?0100, I 28, 1913. 1 form an arbor ,._v...-t* rr^inder which the W gratefully walks i > />' I ildren play ? \... *? * moon rises ami. 'J *,a v ma^s i see and feel Its 1 rtpV >ver be homesick 14JJBJI familiarity has so ISSfiU if- ]} a run r s^one w ho \, ^ \ rmer is the farmprogress?learn VI *1 II \ilirl } work and doing at*<111 TT III I who have good Woman's stock, big barns, ????????__________ chinery and who AT 0ne time this was t a 10 are not pro- labor saving machinery np y because they use t0(jay makes it unnece! ? anj. Some of tjiem to work from sun to y retrogressi\e they accomplish a great di lr , ktting their a great r men, whose but more pleasantly and e 3od shape or well 8ay nothing of the different ve stock are not results of her cooking, so methods are ho are really probecause they are Tj |^1 0 better farming re of the things of class that TJ"T A 1 ^ h, and it is for | * XjLJL%jJL^ t The Progressive ____________________ ner who believes and is willing to Dr- KinK'H Ncw Mscoy 1 upon whom the , Soothes irritated throat a stops chronic and hacking c culture depends, lieves tickling threat, tast >oor, whether his Take no other; ome usee 3r just beginning used. Buy it at Uancaste hether he goes macy ftn<1 sta,ldard Drue C uccess or makes * " I failures, he is a SUMiMONS FOR 1)1 There is hope for assurance of a STATE OF SOUTH CAR( !e Is the sort of County of Lancaste ir Family and the W' T' Williams. PlalntlfT .... . John L. Onslow, Defends n.ntry needs. ?y w p Ca9koy_ EsqM io thinks that he To John L. Onslow: s to know about Complaint having bee does not believe unto me by W. T. Williams ly better than he are indebted to him in thi lore is little hope!*31-?? for boardHe will go back-I, This therefore; to ret , , , . to appear before me, in my rward and, what- i,ancaater. on the 20th day and opportunities service of this Summons, hindrance rather of the day of service, at 10 e cause of better aIi?wer to the said compl judgment will be given ag , by default, f farmer. That is Dated February 7th, A. .'orth being, and \V. P. CASF je that kind. No Mag ch you may fall it you would like, ~ do a little better WWWVVV n (lnln? And no 4*4 liiiK more and do- T JL veil with him.? M armcr- if i-< iiJ ? ? s ain't whut they C a 8 j B J? s ain't whut they JL m f i alu't never seed , t here by selling out ie et home s sho' industry here is a v J thing that Lancas 'a been thet way, ,,.? , plant is for sale, >r kickin' like er , & machinery and equi i supplies. Will sell tie tuck mo. But J ln't V down the plant in 17. Jane chucked V time we will dism; , she did! i % _ tJ ... .. )OIN WRIGHT. ! A D?" 1 W!ut Untl1 U ! JX.. tr? sarrifiee hut w Manhattan. time. Get interes low do you like t CQme to UjJ for fu]l in the country)? __________________ or struck, I've IZZ__??? e of days and the ?? .in't called yet to Xfl ?rr ? Moore Li pen to a stranger I t rs where I come | V * r<,YCryl man's Home Com- . y i 7 |g^pgpl|"- ^ ks From Sun (o Sun M ork is Never Done -rue, but FOR some purposes you want tinrnnt mon ? ware, ior otners granite-ware; again 3sary for copper ancj enameled ware or woodsun; and eal more en"ware- We have every article you want and the way you want It. llfference TAKING Into consideration the n's work small expense of a properly equlputenslls, ped kitchen, the amount of time you Ira Not spend in It, and how much depends quicker, asier to upon y?ur cooking, you can well af:e in the fortl to have the proper utensils for the work. IUASTLK WARE CO. "ery. Notice of Election, nd lungs, Wheras one-third of the electors ough re- and one-third of the free-holders rof9 always sillinS il1 Van WycK school district, r Thar- No. 5, in Lancaster county, have o. petitioned the county board of edu cation to order an election to deter? jplne whether or not an additional u * tax of two (2) mills shall be levied )LINA, on all real and personal property In r. said Van Wyck district, No. 5, for Against school purposes, int. We hereby order the trustees of agistrate. gajd district No. 5 to hold the election at Massey-Yoder Co.'s store on n made Thursday, April 3, 1913. At which that you election only such electors as return B sum of real or personal property for taxation and who exhibit their tax relulre you eeipts and registration certificates office in 8haH allowed to vote. Hours for from the ?Pening and closing shall be the exclusive same as a11 general elections, a. m., to A. C. ROWELL, alnt, or H. E. COFFEY, ainst you J* If* HAMEL, County Board of Education. D. 1913. Notice. CEY, istrate. Subscribe for The News. RE CLOSING! BUSINESS | i ; on account of other interests. Our money making propsition and some- ?$> iter cannot be without. Our entire ?|> including real estate and buildings, y ipment, stock of material and builders' V entirely or separately. We will shut about a week and if not. sold hv 1 V..I.V 4'^ intle and move to our new location. le last minute. We haven't anything ^ ill sell cheaper now than any other ted in an excellent proposition and information, details and reasons. % imber & Mfg. Co. I tiling for the lluilriing"