The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 28, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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* .c>* . %/ ' 6 i'o HOW TO GROW TOMATOES s< "I want to grow an acre of tomatoes next summer, In Jackson county, N. C.," writes a friend. "The oil is clay bottom land that was in corn last year and now has a fine lu Stand of crimson clover on it. It is ti only moderately rich. Would you c] haul manure on the clover this win- a, ter? Horse or cattle manure? How apart in me rows, and train them to single stems on the stakes that are 6et to each plant and about five feet n tall. Of course, it is a good deal of fo trouble to keep tying and pinching nj out the side shoots, hut you get finer is fruit in this way. In planting an ut acre for horse cultivation it had Letter be planted four feet between C8 the rows. You can make a large m crop by setting four feet each way and letting them tumble on the [( ground, but late in summer they are t}) apt to he smothered up in crabgrass, f while if trained to stakes, the j ground can be kept clean. The plants should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture in the seed- . to bed, and after they are set out. ' ot every ten days till the fruit is half t(. grown. This to prevent rot and leaf ^ blight. For the Southern bacterial and fusarium wilts there is no preventive but to avoid infected soil t u Progressive Farmer ^ A Full Stop. va He was a great poet?or thought ru be was; and he bore the equally ei| poetic name of Wordsworth Tenny- pa aon McCullum! Unlike many other de celebrated geniuses he was married, ri' Hut. even this state did not go quench the flames of poetic fire, and fir he was often inspired during the at darn hours of the night. lie "Maria! Ge? up!" he would cry co excitedly, "I'v thought of a good word!" And then poor Mrs. Wordsworth MoCullum would rise sleepily, light 1 a candle and write for ten minutes !l or more at her husband's dictation. ' ' At last the patient, long-sufTering 1 ( wife grew tired of the game. A night came when her husband 1 awakened her with more than the usual excitement: "Maria! Maria! 1' Cet up quickly; I've Just thought of J 1 a good word!" But Maria did i ot move; instead she retorted angrily: "Oh! C up yourself! I've t ' .ought of a I! bad word!"- Kxchange J \V Lancaster Leads. l To cure a Cold In One Day Tnke LAXATTVK BROMOQuinine. It steps tbr Cough fleail?che and wo;ks off thf Cold. Jmnttrists refund money if it l.iils to cure. 8, W. GROVIi'S signature on each bo*. 25c. UAUVU 1VIVU16CI nuuiu JUU UOC OUU What sort? In short give me all the 11 Information you can." h If the object is to grow tomatoes ^ on the clay bottom upland, and to get early tomatoes, you must tart early, under glass, to get the plants. That Is, you will need a ho-t ^ bed for starting the seed and plenty Of frame room for transplanting and hardening the plants. 1 start my tomato seed for early plants about ^ the first of February. That is, I aim j to sow the seed about ten weeks beg fore it will be safe to set the plants In the open ground. In your mountain section you cannot set them as ^ early as I can, and, hence would not b need to start so early I sow the ^ seed in shallow boxes In a green- b house, and as soon as they are large enough to handle 1 transplant to ] other boxes of rich soil, and finally to frames four Inches apart each way, to get strong and to harden them off for moving to the open ground Id April. You could hardly eet them out In the open ground, especially in the bottom before the irlddle of May. Hence, in your case, It would be as well to sow the seed rt in a frame covered with hotbed sashes In March, and you can have ci frame room for transplanting, cov red with cotton cloth. But whatm aver way you grow the plants, the ~y essential thing is to have stout plants ready when the time for set- y. ting comes, and not plants that have been crowded and weakened in the beds. T] I would cover the clover now with manure, and it does not matter much whether it is cattle or horse man- p tire. Then I would turn all under ^ early in the spring, not waiting till tl] the clover is in bloom so that the mass can get somewhat decomposed a( before planting. In the prepara- j lion of the soil I would add 1,000 pounds an acre of a fertilizer, made Jn of 900 pounds of acid phosphate, 100 pounds of nitrate of soda, 600 Q. pounds of cotton seed meal and 4 00 jL poundsofsulphate of potash to make tf] a ton. Apply this broadcast and n work it into the soil well. Of ? Til course, you can start the plants outelde in a border and transplant di- st rectly to the field if the fruit is only (,( wanted for canning, but they will be ^ much later ti an if started early. h( I set the plants in rows three feet pi apart in my garden and two feet \ , . i THE OMMANDEU VICTOR BLUE GIVEN IMPORTANT POST Formulat nuth Carolina Naval Hero to be soclatic Head of Navigation. Tuberoi Washington, March 26.?Secrfc- Avoid iry Daniels of the navy department "K^ted, crowded < ist night announced the resigna- Breathi on of Capt. Phillip Andrews as dust, oft* hief of the bureau of navigation Have n ud the appointment of Commander mattings. ictor Blue to succeed him. Cap- rugs* au<* doors. an Andrews, who as bureau chief Keep 1 eld the rank of rear admiral, goes 8Weeping ack to the line, and probably will 8a8jlos e given command of one of the Never irger ships of the navy. that rais) Commander Blue, who is a native Drink f South Carolina, has had a con- Avoid picuous career in the navy .During protected tie Spanish war he was promoted streams, ar heroism as result of daring re- if jn j onnoitering tours around Santiago Avoid > locate the enemy's fleet. Later Tuberc e was commended for conspicuous other die allantry while commanding the drinking unboat Alvarado. During the past cream. bvo years he has been assigned to Invest! uty in connection with the general ronize th oard. He is a brother of Rupert date met lue, surgeon general of the public Take a ealth service. a warm 1 A statement Issued from the splash, p avy department announced that twice a v ereafter the navigation bureau Use so; lief would not have the assign- Wash tent of officers senior to him in ling food ink, and that the secretary him- Don't ;lf would ussign to duty captains or pencil! ad rear admirals. Don't < "Since coming into office," the posed to atement added, "the secretary has unclean I >ceived reports showing that there Fruit i some dissatisfaction among the should I ilirted and commissioned personnel thoroughl I the navy, and he has found Com- Chew > ander lilue thoroughly in accord Tea, co ith his ideas as to the necessary lants, not eps that should be taken to ad- Get en< ince the interest of the enlisted Sleep \ en and of the sea-going oflicers." sit and Practic lie Young Man's First Call on His Breatln Girl. Don't i In an article entitled "The Social heated b: roblem of a Girl," in the April Avoid roman's Home Companion, appears are esp? le following: young. "In connection with calling arises Alcohol . once the question of a girl receiv- Gf the he g a young man alone. Shall a Don't i lapcron be present while he is call- If you g, or not? a doctor "Again the habit varies. In some Never ! the more sophisticated localities jnto anot is customary for an older person Don't t i be in the room when a young girl street cai iceives men callers, but this is the Admit ire exception. None the less it is houses at social blunder to keep the parents Culttva rictly out of sight when strangers liness; it me to the house. The first time ease, man calls at a house the girl whom Your n ; visits should plan to have him eet her father and mother. This l*i ay be arranged without any stiff- A favc >ss. The young man may be ush- Thanksgi ed into the room where the pa- least, is f nts are sitting and be introduced states to them there, or, better still, they derers. ay come into the parlor while he states till there and sit down for a few min- to have i es' chat. derer as "At other times when the man ise mad lis, the girl's father or mother gether in ay stop in the room for a word of nardoned eetiug or a little talk without serving 1 cling it essential to remain during vieted of e entire visit. With all due de- The Ui rence to parents, it cannot be de- homicideed that a man and woman of any of the ear ;e, like two men or two women, be- more mu; me better acquainted when alone pnpulatioi get her than in the presence of eivilazed hers. The occasional presence of Human 1 e seniors seals the acquaintance- than it is ip of the young people with the ous count iproval of the parents, and inci- fest. Wt ntally gives the latter the oppor- the nuinl nity to discern if the caller is a any cou islrable friend. homicide "The hours of evening calling ry with the locality. As a general A le they may be said to last from Kht or eight-thirty to ten or half n?. |?sti st. Later hours than these are , ... ami St :c.idedly bad form either for arval or departure, except when a 1 t,H v" iod deal of intimacy exists. For a We ri st call a man should not remain, 4.r the outside, for more than an >ur or so, and a girl should not en- but we ri urage him to do so." Instinct HOW CYMCAL! HOW TRIE! When it cents or i . hot a scandal into the air, fell to ears I know not where; j Freparati >r. so swifMv ti tif" "I"1-' ?- ..v,.., tuc oiRut I ble reme >uld not follow it in its flight. and Col breathed a tribute into the air, many u disappeared I know not where, , . , . , , ... purchase, ar who lias such a haw klike gaze tiat it can follow tho flight of Is applici praise? tivcly ;u ,, . , T . dread dli >ng years after, by chance, I heard lat whispered scandal word for r< 1 word; several y bile the praise that I lovidly had harmful BUng other inc found had died when It left my m. , , afflicted tongue. ?MORTON. thiH 1/1 a Preparati Lancaster Leads. contain a \. i I LANCASTER NEWS, MAI HEALTH RULES. Im. It vll deterrent ed and Adopted by the As- tained. >u for the Prevention of We all k uIohIs, Washington, D. C. get convict badly ventilated, badly ]s 8ald that dusty, dirty, overheated, per cent o jr damp rooms. vlcted of n Ing durt, notably house To have tl >n causes disease. convictions iO tacked down carpets and less than Have loose pieces of justice ma clean them frequently out- of law an< criminal it ower sashes closed while how he wll or dusting. Open upoer of miniahn I Many of sweep rooms with a broom an appallii js dust. fereuce by pure water. the goveri water from shallow and un- function ca wells, and from ponds and even worst system is < oubt boil the water. to have fa) public drinking cups, out justice ulosis, typhoid fever and should no) leases are often caused by less there dirty, raw milk and raw motives. the commi gate your dairyman. Pat- into the cc e dealer witb clean, up-to- for only t hods. serve publ bath or sponge daily, and New York bath, follewed by a cold ? lunge or shower, once or SllbsCi yeek or oftener. ap freely. 8urp your hands before hand- For foui King's New put fingers, money, paper 'a*e move blooi i in your mouth. omni;?n? , sat raw food that was ex- and body t flies or dust or touched by K'n Rt on Pharmac i lands. >r vegetables so exposed first be rinsed or washed GIRLS! ly. ' our food well. iffee and alcohol are stimu- a 25 foods. vour 1 ough sleep libundai vith windows open. Immedia 1 stand erect. that's the , e deep breathing. conies ligh a through your nose. and npp?:i eat or drink when over- beautiful a r exercise. Danderlne * tobacco and liquors. They this?nioisl scially injurious to the Ji^nderine through yo I is a preservative, but not strand at r taltli. the hair ol leglect coughs or colds. oil, and in do not get well soon, go to have doul for treatment. hair. A 4 cough, sneeze, or breathe ________ her person's face. tpit on floors, sidewalks, or f ?I i-iU' plenty of sunshine into id into your lives, te cheerfulness and kindwill help you to resist dislind acts on your body. trdoning Murderers. irite mode of celebrating ving, in recent years at or the governors of certain pardon condemned murIn one oi the Southern is year a governor is said ssued a pardon to a murthe redemption of a prome before election. Alto- STAND, that state the governor has some 3 3 criminals, Fix ife sentences and 10 con- ? homicide in varing degrees, lited States is the most ridden country on the face th. We have a great many rders in proportion to our a than any other of the countries or the world. Ife here Is more Insecure In many Bo-called barbarries. The reason Is nianl! have fewer executions to >ers of our murders than ntry in the world. Our rate is constantly increasMOTHKIt'S LOVE. nut of a Mother Greater router Than Anything in io\vn World. sad a great deal about a l.ove and it is all right? ead more about a Mother's j to preserve her young. Is possible to buy for fifty a dollar a f>ottle of Gowans 11 fly for Pneumonia, Croup ds, the marvel Is that so lotliers do not make the Tills wonderful remedy rl externally and will poslre colds, croups, and that sense, pneumonia. It is a has been on the market cars, contains no dope, no Ingredients, hut acts as no ullclne ever acted on the 1 parts. All druggists sell ;rveloua remedy?Gowans ion, and every home should i bottle. I ICH 28, 1913. 1 continue to do so unless punishment can be obWhen l now how difficult it is to ion in murder cases. It The 1 t something less than five f our murderers are con- The v'c lurder in the first degree, he sentences after such The set aside for anything manifest perversion of kos for further disregard When I encourages the man of itent to think that some- Whe II escape the full measure lent. Mere s our Southern states have lg homicide rate. Inter- With the executive branch of 1 uncut with the Judicial m only serve to make this s than it is. Our judicial 1 >n trial and seems almost Lond iled In our time in meting ?hal Vi ). Its successful efforts one ?' t be interfered with un- British are absolutely compelling Menton If there are such, then munity should be taken For W mfldence of the executive, The Old s hus can he hope to pre- Malaria* ic respect for law,?The and sure/ World. ? ribe for The New* . I am negotial rise Your Friends. ward 01 r weeks reglarly use Dr cotton r Life rills. They stlmu on long er, injftrove digestion, re- installn 1 impurities, pimples and on sum! lisappenr from you.* face commlsi ind you feel better. Be- sonable OP RllV of T on..on*A? ? ~ i?v jiuui aoici vi vinu. ind Standard Drug ^o. 6 mo GIRLS! YOU JUST MUST IT DOUBLES THE BE^ cent bottle and make those w lair lustrous, fluffy, or is so at?Stops falling hair. thin- i te??Yes! Certain?? Danderi joy of it. Your hair be- of dand t, wavy, fluffy, abundant invigora irs as so^C, lustrous nnd ping itc s a youtig girl's after a what w hair Cleanse. Just try aft?r a ^n a eloth with a little see nev and carefully draw it first?y< ur hair, taking one small ' growing i time. This will cleanse care foi T dust, dirt or excessive of it, si just a few moments you Knowlti lied the beauty of your drug stc lelightful surprise awaits try it. GS FOR HA TI7 1'''^ ARD POULTRY Y ARDS Swift's I Fe Means crop insurance?me best investment, because i no more. You can tell if Swi Feed the crop from sprout plant need when needed mixed -well cured. In per farmer the most net profi\ C...:u rv ?9wni r< Factories: Atlanta, Ga., i 5. " It pa JONKS MKI THE ANSWER. r-" nan and woman strive in J 1 ^ muscled might I |lr ate of physique carries to the wrf man tor's nalm; but in pure hon- 1 est right V woman's best exponent of Liod's plan. man and law admit this pa- 1 | 11 Lent fact; RAM l mate and court strike off the bar that sets iB verj Ize and fighting force above favors the pact Eve there'll be no need of the pill suffragettes. ever a ?A. S. patroni ^anions Soldier Parses. I The on, March 26.?Field Mar- scount Wolsley G. Wolsley, the most famous of modern and is J soldiers, died yesterday at atroniTi e, France, in his 80th year. , Larg f " ? J ?' -?r? | ?in fertilizers "Swift's" meai ity?larger crc [fs2 er crops, bettei II J i ? >iooa ana d rtilizers ans crop profits for season's woi t brings tlie best results uniforr its Swift's by looking at the cro ft's Fertilizer ing seed to full maturity?Suj and as needed. Uniformly mi; feet mechanical condition. The ts. ertilizer Works Savannah, Ga., Wilmington, N. C\, Columbia, S. C. ys to use them." For Sale by ICANTILK COM PAN eakitbss and Loss of Appetite tors ar< it*pd?rd gencrnl atir nKthening tonic, i TAW'HLKSS chill TONIC, drivea out Ulieilll nd builds up the system. A true tonic kppctixer. I-'orndulta and children. 50c. ITltttlcr Com Money to Loan. prepared, &b heretofore, to Le loans of $300.00 and up- | i first mortgage on improved | farms In Lancaster County C K Q ; time, repayable in annual 1 1 ta li lents at 7 per cent, interest I k of $1,000.00 and over. No q Mens charged. Only a rea- Xr fee for furnishing abstract R. E. WYLIE. * Atty-at-Law. Larj ' TRY THIS! E. B. L UTTY OF YOUR HAIR. \ hose hair has been neglected -"~~ raggy, faded, dry, brittle or ~ t a* ? . Qnlin/1 ftili ufuu(.11 vink mo nair, wvi.vuur ne dissolves every particle Premie ruff; cleanses, purities and ites the scalp, forever stop- guarantee! hing and falling hair, but Dally d( ill please you most will be ^?few weeks' use, when you * No^l^lS v hair?fine and downy at Columbia B8?but really new hair No. 114 all over the scalp. If you Columbia, r pretty, soft hair, and lots No* irely get a 25 cent bottle of Hill, York )n's Danderine from any Charlotte, ire or toilet counter and Just L. IV bla, 8. C.; Charleston TPMTNfV Lancast . JL V^JLXll 1 VJT Schedule i /E HAVE THE HEST rite us and we will quote Lv! Fort by return mail on any- ^v. J?,!chtb ? in our line. Our yards ain many prize winners, pjchb' lor a general purpose i.v. Hascoi e are none better. ft; hite Rocks, White Leg- Connecti is, Rhode Island Reds, Nor'thweTt ir Hamburgs, Black Port I ?shans and Indian Run- L,ifancast Ducks. . - - Lancaster. S f! HnKar I**" " 1 " * : Farmers' | * knk & st Comp'y / grateful for past of its customers and t>lic generally and is nxious to please its 3. Bank is a depository ?*^ i. i n a + % le anu v^ouniy iunas growing stronger and er every year. ;e and small deposib solicited and prompt on is given to all 8 of business. e in and see ufc. V MERS' BANK TRUST CO., icaster. S. C. * wt INGLE, Pretl. V. H. MILLEN, Cashier i es Southern Railway. r Carrier of the South. Schedule figures published nation only and are not / 1. Effective Sept. 16. 1911. -A eparture from Lancaster: ?10:05 a. m. for Rock ray stations. ?8:31 a. m. for Camden, and way stations. ?2:00 p. m. for Camden. Charleston and way sta?7:48 p. m. for Rock ville and way tations. Also xxr.?owi- * * * uaouiugiuu, jruuuueipnia Fork. IcGee, A. Q. P. A., ColumW. H. Caffey, D. P. A.. i. S. C. er & Chester Ry. Co. ji Effect March 3rd 1913. Eastern Time. WESTBOUND Hter 6: 00a?3:36p Lawn 6:30a?4:08p urg 6:65a?4:43p r 7:30a?6:20p EASTBOUND sr 9:30a?6:46p urg .. . .10:20a?7:26p nvllle.. ..10:30a?7:36p V| ..awn .. ..11:00a?7:60p ^ ister 11:30a?8:16p j Ions?Chester, with South- ^ aoard and Carolina ft * orn Railways. -awn, with Seaboard Air vay. er, with Southern Railway. A. P. McLURE, Supt. tribe for The News. is qual>ps, surr crops. lOIIA rk. It's the nly. It costs P. ^plics every xed?double ;y make the % >7 \ C., Chester,