<5f y ? = amJ LOCAL DOTS 2 Ml of i ?Weather forecast for South gues Carolina: Fair Friday and Satur- Ml day; Warmer Saturday. '"mi ?Married at the parsonage at lumt Van Wyck by Rev. W. H. Harden, Miss Mr. E. N. Courtney to Miss Lula B. Starnes, bpth of Lancaster county. nilfite ?There will be preaching at the Ml A. R. P. church at 7:45 next Sun- j day evening by Rev. E. T. Hodges. No services at the Methodist church. ?If you wish to know what kind / of fertilizer was used in raising the * w'wonderful "prize pumpkin" at the recent "County Fair," ask (Jncle Jake. ?The Unity school, taught by the Misses Nelson, will close next *iv? Tuesday evening, April 1, with ap- meet propriate exercises by the children. Wed The public is cordially invited. was (iecoi ?Mr. Julius Hagler and Miss aerjR Virgle Ilance were married at the home of the bride's parents near ' Primus Sunday afternoon. Rev. T. A. Dabney, pastor of F"ork Hill C(jjja church, performing the ceremony. Ai t i' i ?The identity of the white man, vjje(j whose corpse was found last week at in a decomposed condition on the (jajn, banks of Twelve Mile creek, still weri. remains a mystery, no additional a v facts having developed since our tll(1 last issue. vlolQ ?The town council has been and having some good and long needed work done on the streets of the c()U town with the split log drag. We suggest to the county supervisor Both that he might follow suit on the county roads with this same simple T1 but useful implement. givoi ?Mr. E. M. Grlflin, a prominent even business man well and favorably j King known to manv of the niHr.onn of ! lion "" w" ' \ Lancaster, died at his liome in Mon- cidec roe last Thursday evening of Mucl Rriglit's disease. He had been in and the live stock business in Monroe us w for the past forty years, eccumulat- disco ing therefrom a considerable for- open tune. Man?M. James Hays of Buford township lost liis residence and nearly <'n>n all its contents by fire Wednesday a morning about 'J o'clock. It Is sup- nien* posed that the fire started from' a ,SU1K' stove flue. Three feather heds, some quilts, a few chairs and one or two | pieces of furniture was all that was l Easter at Due West with his brother, lie h: Rev. R. Lee Robinson, D. D. to b< Vf Hon, (). W. Potts of Pleasant |)|luj Valley' was in town one day this week. I sever ('apt. J. W. Ardrey of Fort Mill of ag was a visitor in town Tuesday. Dunl It B. Allison, Esq., spent Monday ,, in Chester. 1 Miss Dolly Bettis of Trenton is to expeeted Saturday to be the guest enild of Miss Betty Brown. Dunl; Miss Mary Honze and Dr. C. B. SfiCOII McKeown of Fort Lawn were in town Tuesday and Wednesday. Ateei Miss Min Jones was a Charlotte follow visitor this week. Hora Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Williams and j,onn ^ little Miss Gwendolyn Williams, ' * ' who have been spending several a,1( days in Cttmden and Aiken, have survl returned to Lancaster for a visit to J. V. Judge and Mrs. D. A. Williams. Dunl; L Mrs. Joe Hough and baby of . Bethune has returned home after ' a visit to Mrs. Hough's parents, Mr. l"!1 '! and Mrs John 1. Reed famil V Mrs. John A Steele and Mlf Ida fj| A 4 Williams are the gue ts of Mr W. m? IXfl T. Williams at the Hotel Itoyul. ' Mrs. J \V Poovey of Nashville, pl??(,e N. C., is visiting her son, Dr. (J. W. Poovey. T} Mr. R. B. Robinson spent vester- 4Ur, day in Rock Hill. ' . Mr. Joe O. Coulbourn* came up WOlll from Columbia yesterday with Mr. in a . 'i THE LAN< Mrs. J Oscar Williams in tneir IMItKMU-l^ Hue touring car unci will spend -al days with ills grand-parents, ,\ Very Brilliant S? e and Mrs. D. A. Williams. . ., isses Lessie and Kate Stainey ,e oun Granite Falls, N. C.. are the Th? elegant and be ts of Mrs. G. W. Poovey. home of Mr. and Mrs rs. C. D. Jones has returned was the scent of a 1 88 hChr?i8tlne Mcllwaln of Co- ?" w?dncsday,.Marcl da is the guest of her cousin, ? cloc*? which had I .1111a fironno ...I*. nuucso Lue marriage W. W. Fennell of Rock Hill tlful daughter, Miss ) a professional visit to Lan- hand8orae Mr. Frank r today. . _. ss Essie Jones, who teaches Tbe Sue8*8 were i [Mains school, was a recent visl- door by Mr. R. W. P n Lancaster. F. S. Parker, brothe; tbe bride. Mr. Park in a brown suit am ^ A/ handsome. Mrs. F. Social ^J\eivs far^ed ,n black ve" Just as the time ar ? ? . tlful south parlor do rs. Arthur P. McLures attrac- . ' .. open and the guest! home on Market street was the , . ? ?? r. ?j ?-.? % iu- 11 was most el ing place of the Bridge Club . . . . , artistically decorated nesday afternoon. The parlor . ...... ... ., . , ... ... pines and the dainty attractive and spring-like with . . , . , . .. . twined all about thei rations of jouquils. After a . , ..... ,, ,, Pot plants were seen 8 of interesting games, Mrs. R . , _ . , * and corner, also tl rown was awarded first prize, a ty box of stationery, while Mrs. ~. ? ... , .. There was heart . Barron cut the consolation, a . , , , , r, . . . march, played by Mi r of Bulgarian embroidery. . . ....' .. __ .. . , of Wingate, N. C. r the games the guests were in- ,, T. ^ ....... . Rev. B. F. Carson, tl 1 into the dining room, where . ....... . , . . ' , .. tor of both bride ai beautiful lace-covered table the , , . . took his position be Ly two courses of refreshments , . , , , _. . . cluster of suspended served. The centerpiece was . . ..... .. , lowing were the att? se of lovely pink carnations and ^ ,, T? . . ., , , , Sadie Duncan and place cards were tied with ... . > _. . , ... Duncan looked ts. The color scheme of ni k ? . . ... ... , . , , 1 gowned in white v< violet was cleverly carried out. , . aigrette and ash. N ter of the groom, w NTY FAIR CHEAT SUCCESS. |M . , ' . dressed in white net Performances Were Greatly ro<1 ai*rette aild ?*8 Enjoyed. Then came the brl who took their place le Lancaster 'County Fair," . ..., ? beautiful embankmen i Tuesday and Wednesday whUe the 8olemn ings for the benefit of the ceremony wa8 be, s Daughters, under the dlrec- Lan.? ..Pk)wer Son of Miss Anna Paul, was a de- renderod> and as the 1 success ,n every particular. 8io? murched out i local talent already known Mendelsshon's March VlUfwl urno o f * " ....... ?i.o .1 wuvuuuuii^. tucior, The bride was eqi ell as new and heretofore un- ed lu white satin t] ivered possibilities. From the and beU(lB She cur ing with the song "Boogie of violel8 and fernSf Moon," when the stage was 1|He8 of the valley . with the entire caste of chil- dre88ed jn tbe con, , to the closing chorus, "I Want and look very hand{J frson Man." every single mo- The 80UVenir8 were . was tilled with music and Ml88e8 Thelma Austi liter. More than thirty char- Parkei.f dre8sed in v 's appeared as exhibitors and med jn jace8 >rs at the fair, in rustic "Sun- The brlde and Rrc dress of a generation ago, with (ijateiy afterwards iers quaint and remarks quite Coiumbia and Cha -eping, full of droll humor and brido.8 golng-awav hits. The music, too. was gerge wkh acoe88or it and catchy and those taking They will be home ,n the ttnnest girl in "All Aboard i)jxje g C. where blanket Bay" and the youngest gladly Welcomed, for in the "Hayseed" chorus, the Uy would be great, ger set and the grown-up boys lbein girls, all entered into the car- Many and useful Rpirit which was so evident received, consisting .ghout the performance. Lack china an(, even biUs race forbids individual mention I ? - -- received, wnicti atte the large caste by name, but |arity of the couple. part was well assigned and wish for them a loi ?d. The trainer, Miss Paul, pfe evening contributed a reading The guests from a h was enjoyed. She has re- Mr L A RU88eH, CI ;able talent and a love for her ^jr an(j Mrs. jf. A. There was only one week of thune, S C.; Mis: ice and much training was xhelina Austin, Wing ded into that short space of ie attractive personality as well lll'NDltKDH D1K1> ie patience of the director won lier many friends among those Pierce 1- iglit llet' dated with her in producing the Forces at Xuco? nty Fair." Several splendid feateil. iug committees from the local '-os Angeles, Cal., } of King's Daughters were of message to the \S es I assistance in advertising and Company from its op wiping train those participating Ariz., at 10 o clock ie play. The King's Daughters federals at < am zed $07 from the proceeds, over rendere 1. above all expenses. Naco, Ariz., March estimated total of 30 OIIITIWRY. yesterday's fighting can mining town of W. K. Dun lap. federals late yestei \ W. K. Dunlap, formerly of the Ktate troops' all county but for the past few thelr position by a i a resident of Hock Hill, died t|lau ifoo0 state troo ie home of his brother, Mr. A. back. The Iluerta i inlap of the Zion section, where ported to have lost l ad gone some time ago. hoping ..laughter of the attac i benefited by the change. Mr. ap had been in bad health for ?. .?irr al years. He was about 4 5 years The meeting of the ;e and was a son of Mrs. Nancy Baptist churches of ay, who lives in town, now being held in th was twice married, first church at this place rs. Maggie Belk. The only holds its sessions I of this marriage was Miss Pet Friday before every ap, now Mrs. Harvey Orr. His Hon. J. M. Hough Is id wife was Miss Jennie Mr- and Mr. E. U. Ku \ who survives him with the secretary. ving children: David L., re J., Ralph H., Clnudo F., Hermans on tl ie L., Pearl O., Drill A., Margie Owing to the sen Mabel E. Dunlap. He is also hereabouts, tho cent ved by four brothers, Messrs. ed 'a building the , A. J., J. YV., and YVilshire addition to the Lan ap and by one sister, Mrs. Lou mills, recently added maid. The death of Mr. Dun- hands twenty odd lie * the first one among this large down from the Nori y of children. said to bo hustlers. e remains were taken to Hock where the interment took ' ,l"' on Wednesday at 3 p. m. ^e v> lo thank and friends who so ie way a mother acts over us ln Viiri()US wavs <1( baby's first tooth, one and after the d think she had never been ,ate Mr- T- M J-ickso dentist's chair. TI JASTKR NEWS. MAIiCll >lli;i;. Stores to Close at <1 We, the undersign rial Event in the town of Lancai try. agree to close our i lautiful country 0f business at 6 o'< i. p. A. Parker ginning April 1st. arge gathering ttnue until October 1 l 25th, at 3:30 Jones Mercantile assembled to ca8ter Mercantile of their beau- wards & Horton. 1 Minta, to the ware Company, E. I Usher. Wylie Company, Pli eo.eived at the neyi j. o. porter & < arker and Mrs. Company, Ferguso r and sister of Carnes Pros., Hirs er was dressed poliokoff, E. W. Sis J looked very gUSOn & Son, B S. Parker was Company, J. F. Mooi ,-et trimmed in than Company, 11. C. Bros. rived the beau or was thrown Card of Tl ? were invited The King's Daui auoraieiy ana thank all who took with long leaf caster "County Fal ivory white en- those who helped I n, while lovely wards making the ti In every nook le red candles Special X The Women 8 M Division No. 2, whi 1 Lohengrin's held its quarterly ir ss Kate Austin Antioch church Marc Now appears prevented on accoui . , . meet with said chti :xe beloved pas- gumiay ju April* tl ul groom, who churches are re&txest neatli a lovely gates. flowers. Fol- MRS. Wf T. 2t \ jndants, Misses Lillie Usher. ^ very charming DUSIIIGSS >ile with blue liss Uslier, sisKing Carter Toma as very pretty last wiU geU at 1( and laces with Sistare. h. 1 Ide and groom, W to ' . . , have 100,000 swei s in front ot a tQ arrjve on Ap, it of flowers. Hall's and Rumpel and impressive early and have ng performed Mackorell Grocery. K" waa Kently WANTED?You to i bridal proces- cau got the old of the parlor sweet potato seed,,fi was played. Hliss Triumph, the ..... . yellow Dent si^d c lisitively dress- Rarden an( rimmed in lace at all times fit Mack ried a boiuiuet showered with ~~ " ~7~; ~~ ~~ ?. FOR SAUK?Gasolii The groom was %vood savv mouJ, rentional black Moore Lumber & M ome. FOR SALE?Seeomtf ! given by little building wliiejr w . ~ . tear down, qr^vill n and ( onnie |t stands. wfargair k'hite net trim- h?r a **#?? 10m left inline- FOR SALE! Two li for Hock Hill. M f g??Copre88es' M irleston. The 8uit was tan NOTICE?Just recel les to match. load of lime. j a few days at ^s' they will be FROSTPROOF CAB the commun- ' Order your plants y lost without antl save the midd Order now and gel plants. 90c for 1, presents were 5,000, . 6.50 for 1< of silverware, tion guaranteed, of money were Meggett, S. C. Med the popu- WANTED_Cioan We join in and office. tig and happy THE RES? CHRCKF. distance were: wii ses Katfr and 'jl tp \T (' FOR SALE?Extra A CiUhST. bage plants, 20c b ed price in large qui IX BATTLE. N. Crockett. iveen Mexican ''OR SALE?A lim ,, , , ,* bushels of Webbi -Unlerals lie- Cotton Seed ftt $1 0 lots of 10 bushels i March 27.?A plantation west oft-I torn Telegraph ?^^ era tor at Naco, said ps were driven fjijj garrison re- H SIIIZISSIZZIISI ew men. The H kers was great. 9 ting. Big she 3 Union of thejH tlte count v i. | H f T r, f. ?~ e First r-ipt'sl nais 1U The Union H beginning tin II fifth Sunday. uderburk me I ,ie Job- m You ca rcity of labor I ractora engag- I ?i million-dollar v^aii ai i icaater cotton II to the force of H rinuna brought I tb. They are II the neighbors I kindly helped I ? 'ring the brief I SpTIIlPS death of the & SLmmhmhw m > ; * 28, 1913. Bi'j j t iter, do hereby Aft ? ' espeetive places M 1 -lock p. m., be- j? STATBMEN' 1913, and contst, 1913: 3 THE BAN1 Company, Lan- Hi located at 1 Company, Ed- close of bi Lancaster Hard- |S9 1913. 3. Cloud, J. T. T . F .mips & Bluke- 'M' Overdrafts.' Co., Funderburk 'gjA' Bonds and ! n & Elliott, iH< ed by the ich Bros., M. H Furniture a ? . ? mm Banking Hoi ""* " 1,or" Due from ennett-Fergusou LWJ Bankers. . re, Robinson-La- nM] Currency . . Hough, Allison fMl SnSL' ' V, LH bilver and ( [jMj] Coin . . . Checks and liunks. . HI Kilters wish to [q] Total . . part in the Lan- [? L ir," as well as Capital Stocl In any ?ay to- MH Uo"?'"" ed"" iir a success. Current E LWJ Taxes Pal otlce. ?| Due lo Ban I iKRinnnPV TTninn fWi ?rs. . eh was to have BB, Individual E leeting with the |ftA to Check lv 15th, but was Q Savings Dep nt of rain, will BB Time Certift reli 011 the llrst 'flg posit. . ic 5th, and all Cashier's CI ed to send dele- BB, Total GREGORY, iS STATE OF ice President. BB< County of BB Before n Notices W S: who!" BB that the abc t 3 lb. Standard ^jft meut is a t itoes, while they bank, as sho Ic can. E. 'IV. BB bank. 3-^?-2t. fMft V Sworn to cnow/fhat I will yBB me this lOtb it uotatoe plants M if 17. Nancy 11 Yams. Plant BB, Correct?At< early potatoes. gift Wi 3-28-tf 2 w / S R. know that you -fashipned Yam -ish Cobbler and B^ m ftVftTftVftYft white and '{g 9'9' oru, onion sets 1 cabbage plants orell Grovery. offer open not later than Apr ,3-28-4t Sold cotton fropi this seed a t ^ time since for l^*l-2c per po luigine and 4 2-tf / ^ nedy* Bargain. 2 j&. Co. 3-28-tf i^oST?In Lancaster March hand lumber in 142 or $43, a)r paper mc e ..aT ,^!ng to Finder will plea#e return to J sell building as gjaai^ Lancaster^ Route 8. 1. Moore bumssi"mrbor?& EGGS FOR HATCHI 3-28-tf . -1 ~ from the best laying strain of ? ved a fresh carkpply to T. H. W Leghorns obtainable, $1.00 2-14-tf. $1.50 per 15; $3.00 per 50; $ RAGE PLANTS.! __ 1Art Q?.. direct from me p * Satisfaction guarant leman's profit. , Agents for Mandy Lee Incubator t good reliable 000, $3.75 for - . - _ 7?s. canuoS: Cunningham Farm 16-50-w 0 -? Route J. Phone 1' rags. News tf 11 I\ IiT 1 iS^atM5'*,onn 1,1 Wyl INSURANCE line early caber 100. Reduo lntities. ^Coh j. Court House Square Ited number of "pTbu^r.n Lancaster, S. ind over at my Lancaster. This rhone 261 aw Hats >wing of latest styles in r Spring. Prices? $2.00, $2.25, $2 n find just the Hat you ar d inspect the lineThe J. 1 Block. wmmamammmmmmKammwmmm i 5 MSSMSSSMSSSSm [iuuk No. iJ3. W T OF THE CONDITION B OF S K OF LANCASTER S Lancaster. S. C., at the iainess, February 4th. PB m tESOURCES. Mscounts. .. $476,302.37 >^P< 31,586.86 Stocks ownDank 12,500.00 n/| 4 iiva r lAiuit'B l.U'JU.UU u?e 5,800.00 H Hanks and W$ 90,726.71 Bf 15.867.00 2< 3,380.00 ii 3ther Minor 99 2,689.46 E< Cash Items.. 13,546.66 99. fjf 3662,298.04 ? .1 ABILITIES. k Paid in. . $ 60,000.00 d 100,000.00 Bff Profits, less Expenses and 99. d 16,018.41 m s ori.l Bank 6,663.21 eposlts Sub- gB 286,329.25 lWl O?K8 33,692.89 cates of De- gB 169,178.18 *2 Jecks 616.10 ? m $652,298.04 W" SOUTH CAROLINA, >H Lancaster ca ,1 ae came Geo. W. Wll- PP, er of the above named being duly sworn, says >ve and foregoing state- JPp, rue condition of said PA wn by the books of said W GEO. W. WILLIAMS. and subscribed before i day of February, 1913. JNO. H. POAG, Notary Public. test: VDDY C. THOMSON, M J. CUNNINGHAM, L. CRAWFORD, ^ Directors. 11 1. Why He Was Late, ihort "What made you so late?" und. "I met Smitlison." H. "Well, that is no reason why you should he an hour late getting home ig to supper." ' "I know, but I asked him how f Z* lie was feeling, and he insisted on * telling me about his stomach trouble." "Did you tell him to take Chambelain's Tablets?" |Ui^ "Sure, that is what he needs." ll\J Sold by all dealers. :: More Mules ;eed. s. = and : -BetterMuIes ie Our Mr. Hood has Just returned from the West this morning (Friday, March 28th) with a selected load of extra ulee mules. Every one is a good one and some are closely mated. r GREGORY-HOOD LIVE -| STOCK CO. .50, $2.75 and $3.00 1 e looking for here. Wvlia fft I , ll J I1V VU< I MMMMMMMWMBiMMMMMMMA. H