4 Slip taurastrr 5mus ( SEMI-W KEKL Y.) CHAS. T. CONNORS.... Editor R. E. IVY LIE. . .Acting Editor L C. BOY EE Manager PUBLISHERS* ANNOUNCEMENT: Published Tuesdays and Fridays at Lancaster, S. C., by The Lancaster Publishing Company, successors to The Ledger, established 1852; The Review, established 1878; The Enterprise, established 1891, and entered as second-class matter Oct. 7, 1905, at the postofflce at Lancaster, S. C., under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: (In Advance.) One Year $1.50 Six Months 75c FRIDAY, MARCH liH. ll)l:l. Summer is coming on apace. Aren't you glad to see it? How about dragging the roads. Messrs. county officials? Postmaster General Burleson is trying to solve the problem of how to put 131,530 office ? 1 ! J 1 a DO i - O? seeicers lino oincea. The terrible destruction of life and property out West from hurricanes and floods should make us all mighty thankful that we are not disturbed by them. Something like 00 per cent of the states of the Union have enacted compulsory education 'aws. How long will South Carolina be content to remain in the 10 per cent class? The Yorkville Enquirer in its last issue says "The South Carolina delegation in Congress is backing Congressman D. E. Finley for chairman of the Democratic congressional committee." Yes, we all know this, but is The Enquirer doing the same thing? The new national income tax law will not affect editors and "niggers" as Editor Connors was wont to say. The Anderson Mail thinks it was wrong for Senator Tillman to be cheated "as was done." When did The Mail ever know I VlO is- f kilt ociicuui IW UC UlIt'clLtHl (Hll Ol anything? The new Democratic administration is not responsible for the weather we have been having since its advent into power. It is simply the aftermath of Republicanism. We are glad to note that Governor Blease is taking stringent steps to enforce the law against blind tigers. A special dispatch to The Green- i ville I'iedmont quotes him as saying that he was "preparing to enforce the Webb law against shipments of liquor into dry states to the letter" and that he had written letters to the sheriffs of Charleston and Richland and other counties calling1 *on them to enforce the law against illeg: i whiskey dealers. It is thought that Senator? Tillman and Smith may not be able to agree upon a man to recommend lor appointment as United States district attorney for South Carolina and in that event it has been suggested bv a numnor 01 >outn ( aroiina papers that ex-Attornev General j J. Fraser I.von might be the compromise candidate. This would he a ; -?st happy solution of the matter and would meet with the wishes of the great majority of the peace-loving., non-political portion of the peo-! pie of our state. And it would be no experiment in appointing General Lyon to this important post. He has shown what a conscientious lawyer can do as attorney general of the state and we know that if he should be appointed he would be second to none of Uncle Sam's district attorneys. Lancaster Leads. U. v \ 1 M#, ? i.- a % THK L ATTACK ON FOREIGN MIS- W SIGNS. The st? We were much surprised and as the n disgusted at an article in the great loss last issue of The Abbeville er Gove Press and Banner by Mr. Hugh He comm Wilson, its founder if we mis- but later take not, ana ior a long time its pation ic editor, on the subject of foreign carried o missions, in which the writer life with undertakes to throw "Light'on well as t< the folly or foolishness of send- gia, who ing missionaries to Africa." informati The whole article abounds in came one bad sentiment and mistate sive farn ment of facts in a labored effort was a to discredit the foreign mission- methods ary work of the various evan- vanced i< gelical churches. We cannot his own f take up space to quote the many their wor absurd statements in the ar- his neigh ticle but one or two are suffi- thority o cient, for instance: time he "Those who have taken the State Ag trouble to keep up with mis- president sions know that preaching the ers' ciub Gospel is now almost entirely n abandoned." ,He.sfrve< "There are two distinct l^Sfislatur classes of friends to the mis- South sionary work as now conducted. Southern The first, and ruling class may Western be termed the pie eater, a paid , expatriated kinsmen who are """" always alert to the gathering rom up of the dollars after prayer." they hav< "Until I change my mind, was nom missionary prayers will not cratic p avail in relieving me of surplus jr0Vern0|. change." etc. . ' We believe the writer of the ,lll( .. , , . a model 1 article is now a verv old man, w , , , ,. - ernor No having reached his tour score - .. , . . . . factions years and is perhaps m his ... party, t c.otage, but we were even more .. surprised on turning to the editorial columns of The Press and >a\in^ 1 ? , , ot becom Banner to see no comment whatever on the article. When . ^ we first glanced at the leading column editorial, headed "Taken ..." / to Task," we were sure the edi- 11 ls J.'1!1 tor was making it plain that !>al ? 1 , * i t,me Pres such rot as is contained in the j,^ ( article did not represent the ' , , ,, wards of sentiment ot the paper or the .. .. , .... Conventic sentiment ot the ( hristian peo- .. the pas: pie ol Abbeville county, but it ,, ... ? , . ., , , South s g was all about the same old question as to how to. regulate the ?? sale of whiskey. The article of Mr. Wilson is strongly inop- I portune when the whole Chris- I tian world has just been cele- I b J brating the one hundredth an- I. vC niversary of the birth of David I 1 Livingstone, who first carried the Christian religion to darkest Africa. ADRIANOPLE SUCCUMBS. Adrianople, the Turkish stronghold, which has been besieged by the Balkan allies since early in October, capitulated Wednesday. The stubborn resistance of the Turks was something like that of the Russians bugL when the Japanese were be- jjl(. ( sieging I'ort Arthur. It is very j likely now that peace will he de- next dared in a very short time. The we a Halknn allies. composed of |?ii power- ; but for petty jealousies 4 1 4U ' ..l 1 who among them as to the balance of power" the allies would have taken Constantinople and rid j Kurope entirely of Turkey. . Nevertheless the loss of this stronghold which has been in /\ -session of the Turks for UW more than six hundred years marks the downfall of the Crescent in Kurope. and Mayor Thomas hothwell Hutlo> /?! ( lo lr.et /?no o f K !- Will i \ i \ /1 mil Iiv(> Mini ' r 11 w i III J** jrn olficial titles, that ol notary I :z=Z public, recently, when CJov. I Coleman Livingtone Blease let I j his official axe drop. In case it I be necessary we surest that I ?? lvl HeCamp sit up at night with I his Honor, the mayor, to com- I fort him in the loss of this great distinction. I |l Swat the fly and keep on I swatting. % *>.'4. ;.i|? I ' Wlv" iw l ANCASTER NEWS, MARCH 28, 1! . J. NOKTHEN. THE MAN AND Lite of Georgia, as well Professor Mass Vine cncf ninurl o uvivii) iii?u uuo vi%l uwi C* 1 X X tnOl V C 1(11 II 5 in the death of form- does not believe m rnor W. J. Northen fluence of the moc lenced life as a teacher and animals. In 1 on changed this occu- of that paper he s >r farming, which he "Our friends wh n practically all his to tell me that ] profit to himself as wron& about plant f. * - ent stages of th 3 the larmera of Geor- kming hogs by th derived much valuable had just as well s on from him as he be- per and stamps. i of the most progres- them anY happier lers of the state. He IV0?0'. have no ... . , their doing so, bi believer in improved Spare apace in the ot farming and ad- to convince them I :leas, applied them on ter to watch the farm and demonstrated manure, and I an th to the advantage of ^^peSiUonf" bors, becoming an au n agriculture. At one "Marse Menry' was president of the has gone back tc ricultural Society and Louisville, Ky., frc of the Young Farm- retreat in Florid) nf tlio Conf .... loont oUoi-tlo KJX. Viiv kJUUVHCl 11 " v,,t OI1V/X l/IJf <)1,0> x 1 .. Springs rounded up i ing the pio\ to dem- , whiskey in that to is did some of her sis-j the twilight was com s. And to crown all. Moore, the mayor, r irthen was an earnest :ork ,)Vf* ,,url T1. j ,, , After an illness of >n. Ills death marks . .. T . hours, Mr. T. M. Jar sing of one of the Wednesday at his reatest men. street. Though a na iUGGlE Bl We have n it, and when these whips are ir< going to give absolutely without ur host 5^To.00 busies to the man 01 holds tliis luekv number. Now is th?' time to buy your buggy o his offer will not last always, and y; anee to n a $75.00 Buggy Without i in0 Ynn Onp fpnt j a wm vnv Will vt the same time get a one dollar l> without cost. . h. win 913. " THE MOON. |U%;.V.V,W.VAV?'AVAVw! *ey of The ; ier evidently j OS A. COL uch in the in- v kress i But a ban -= x.mio 10 are writing ^ [ am entirely ing at differ- Z ^ e moon and mri/lrLl le same test ; ; wUfJ^jk iave their pa- y if^^r If it makes 'J "4 it we cannot > paper to try VMM ft that it is bet- y WlIM soil and the * 1 i too busy a > s^f/ them out of y , his" ho PI w A Vv^RfV >m his winter y AND A SEl a, whither he v *" er the elec- y \\ ilson lor y tloorge #*\ Swift of (hock was se- I c?r*j? in Chiengo, who >ut we hope * n minute, first las fully re-' wages to buy one stei ; 1 Jo YOU 11 hi the Titanic | *Ve pity \ per eent int ;h but it pales >! i ificanee when >! wholesale de- i <.nd property; | The First N estern states. t to estimate) OF LA d the damage ? ? . , ? | *. CHAS 0 JONES. id and lire. Present. | Z RE WYUE. 'M Vice-President ncent of llonth y i sale of a pint ? n SatuVday as ???????????? inc down. Dr. county, Mr. Jackson has lived fi nade the party a number of years In LanrasU ? is the second where he had many friends. 1 as made In the was a consistent Christian and member of the First Method! church. He held several ofllces ItV. the church and was at the time his death the superintendent of tl kson. Sunday school. lie was engaged only thirty-six the mercantile business, for qui kson died here awhile, lie was an honest, uprig home on Kim man and a splendid citizen, itlve of Chester Mr. Jackson was 62 years of ag :s BUG IQQIES radcs of Our stock of I itced, to very complete, all kind f?r ness, one and two lu buggies bridles, and strap gooc > buys a , . ., best eollai'S on 1 he ma see us before you bu line. Another full eai KbL W A( l( )NS just t with a wagon that runs on fu all j'one, ')nr who owns one, and cost one a short, time that we [ woman t'H* wagons that arc u? Why ? Because t that the M I TO 11 KILL i r surrev. this is the Wilson that t>u stand nig to got. Wo h avc on hand it fn?t Jl ,< w ^u'ai> i)lu^ ,,ii] n tu5i- tl|iliK )m> siuv to ^iv(i vi want and will approri endeavor to give you raw hide you in every way pos: friends for their past ] Yours Very Truly, JERSPOON ( ??>>>??>??>>>??>> *~?i ,D VfORLD, I JKiB6bKIS i I If^END ! I CURE ONE j: I I % * B Swift ct Co., t/ie big punk- J 1 toiln\T c/o n business of fl biififred onongh fro/11 /lis > I [?r. linnk your money. # fl ; fl ' fl uniting with US. I B ercvst on snvingH lvpo&it& 8 B fl fl fl ' fl fl lational Bank i I NC ASTER. * ? Af CROXTON. I Cashier J ? CURTIS MAC KEY, >' Ass'f Cashier ' / : 4 ? > # # t t ? tai ten |? It r He was first married to Miss Mary >r, M. Jackson. The Ave sons of this le marriage survive him, viz: Messrs. a Lawrence, John, Oscar, Erwin and 1st Porter. Mr. Jackson's second wife, in who was Miss Nannie Houze of of Bascomvilie, also survive him. he The remains were taken Thursin daf to Rossville, Chester county, te where, after appropriate services by lit his pastor, the Rev. E. T. Ilodges of the First Methodist church, the ;e. interment took place. n i r cI U1L3M larness of all kinds is Is of buggy and surrey bar- I >rse wagon harness, lines, h Is of all kinds, we have the rket and it will pay you to v anything in the harness load of T1IIUTY MITCHreceived, this is the best iiir wheels, ask your neigh- T I it will onl\ he a matter of will he selling over half of I *ed in Lancaster county, lie people will soon know & s the best at any price, and 1 ^ t they will want and are go- I a few very nice mules, also ties. When you need any is a call before you buy, we ate your business, and will a square deal and satisfy sible. Thanking all of our patronage, we are, 4L