?- I? PNEUMONIA PREVENTION & The end of the winter, far from bringing a termination to the danger from pneumonia, in reality marks the beginning of the season when this disease becomes an extremely serious cause of increase of mortality. This is true particularly In large cities. In recent years this Increase has become more and more VnorlroH o?%/l l? * ?->?u uuu to an iuo more BiriKing because of the decrease in deaths from other infectious diseases. Pneumonia has been aptly termed the "Captain of the Men of Death displacing tuberculosis, which for so long occupied that "bad eminence." Tho most important problem before \jikri medical profession at present is reduction of the death-rate from pneumonia. Considering the nature of the disease and the intense strain which it imposes on the heart, it is probable that the only hopeful outlook for any considerable reduction In pneumonia mortality 1b through the prevention of the disease. The prospect of a cure for it, In the popular sense of that term, according to The Journal of the American Medical Association, has grown less as we have learned more about the disease. While the colder portion of the year It Is not dependent entirely on low temperature. The disease occurs at all seasons and in all climates. It does not work its greatest ravages In the colder climates, but is rather rare In ' the cold of high altitudes and is almost never known to occur within the Arctic circle. In spite of all their suffering from cold, Arctic explorers escape ) this danger. Hence we must assume I that cold acts in conjunction with I some other factor In the production I of the disease. Pneumonia is favor- I ed by lack of sunlight and It occurs I among those who are much exposed I to dust or who have to breathe the I emanations from the lungs of other | ^people. Catarrhal processes affecting I the air passages prepare the soli for I the Implantation of the germ of I pneumonia. It Is particularly a dis- I ease of city life and crowded living. I With n.ir l~> . - |>.udvuv nuunicugC III** J prospects are hopeful for the control of pneumonia in the future through i prevention. This is of special importance to the individual. The avoidance of penumonla is largely a question of personal precaution that prevents the development of the disease by lessening the predisposition to it. Men in middle life, particularly those above 60, must learn during unsettled weather to avoid \ crowds, especially when fatigued and when they have been for a number of hours without eating. Late at night, when for any reason a meal has been missed, crowds are danger's. If this lesson could be gen??.ally learned there would be less pneumonia among the well-to-do y. classes. The principal danger comes In crowded street cars, which if possible should be avoided at rush hours. It needs to be emphasized that the danger from overcrowding 5 is greatly enhanced by fatigue and going without food. In a word, the prevention of pneumonia is now much clearer than it was. Like all the other infectious diseases, instead of being a more or less inevitable dispensation it has come to be rceognlzed as due to certain delinite fac- < tors which can be greatly lessened < by public and individual hygienic > regulations.?Greenville Piedmont. , Odds and EmU. 1 Husbands have made women very happy by not marrvine them A man who can fix a lock in his house can also drive his family crazy by doing it. There is one way to do a thing right and a thousand ways to do it wrong to suit all comers. Purgatory may help a man to appreciate heaven, but what is there to help him appreciate purgatory. A girl waits till she gets her j mouth puckered up "t'fore she decides whether she v. Ji] laugh or cry. A prize fighter r. the pir.k of condition should never have the blues. Upstarts seldom reach a high al- J l itude. If you wduld ret;..:i yo .r friendask few favors. Avoid society if yt .1 v.c aid make a study of mankind. i no proiiy widow and r.< r insurance are soon remarried. The trouble with the unexpected >that it happens too oiten. Poople are willing *? admit a man's ability after he gets there.? I Greenville News. Are Vou a Colrl HufTerer? VV ^ake I)r. King's New Discovery. I \V The Boat Cough, Cold, Throat and \ l.ting Medicine made. Money re- i \ funded if it fails to cure you. Do 9 A not hesitate?take it at our risk.! First dose helps. J. it. Wells, * , pydadA, Texas, writes: "Dr. King's A Discovery cured my terrible A wh and cold. I gained 15 , Ids." Buy it at Lancaster I'har- : 1 t and 8tandard Drug Co. I >V ^ . .... ? i j**l?"." MKSL-V*-'3B THE LANCASTER EVERY DA AT You can ill afford to r fprinrir #-i11 ^ 1 ^ ivi nig an aiuilg IlUVv these quotations and terests you, and Rememb appreciated, and that it gives us gre? DRESS TRIMMINGS Beautiful ne wDress Trimmings in a wide va Metal and Jewel Bands, Apliques, Drop p]mb racing the season's choicest effects fi to the widest, from 10c u TITTmm 1.T ' ? ? jDu nun TitlMJYLLNGS This being a big Button season we have stockec of these goods and can therefore come pr you anything you may want in Ivory, Silk, Metal, Jewel, Pearl, etc., at 5c COTTON TRIMMINGS New assortment Stickerei Trimmings in white in three widths, 6 yard pieces, at LACES AND EMBR0IDERI1 It would take numerous words indeed to do ji of Laces and Embroideries, so we shall not limited space. But will say that we hav brand new things to offer you in these go( ingly cheap prices. Excellent values in Lr from Embroideries at from 5c 1 JEWELRY NOVELTIES New7 Veil Pins. Waist Sets, Cuff Links, " guaranteed goods and at Dry Goods price Veil Pins at TXT _ - . rr _ A * w aisi oexs ax Brooches at 10c, BEADS Pretty Beads at HOSIERY Here you can find dependable Hosiery for all a is not only comfortable but serviceable i Hose and pretty Socks at 10 Ladies' Hose in gauze and medium weights, ii white, at 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c NECKWEAR New Easter Neckwear, Ruchings, etc., in a Collars, Bows, Jabots, etc., at Ruchings at NEW DRESSES We've opened still another shipment of La< white and colored Dresses. These dresse indeed and are trulv good values. Prett at $1.98, $2.50, $3.00. $3.50, $4 Pretty Colored Dresses in pink, light blue and fully embroidered and otherwise trimmed, value at the price. Each only $3.0 Trading St am LANCASTER L A N C A f NEW S, MARCH 28, 1913. ' Y A BARG THIS STOf v.:? a.*-- - mas uie numerous bs in the different dei see if there isn't sor. er that the different goods themselv it pleasure to show them. Pont fail SPE riety of fine Silk, The season's choicest stvl Trimmings, etc. here in the popular \ei "ariwcst j gort) at p to $1.50 the yard Babjes, flnd c{liklren,s Sli] Ladies' Slippers at I a fine assortment Boys' Oxfords at from .. etty near showing Men's Oxfords at from .. , Satin, Crocheted, ^ the dozen and up Ladies' Wash Skirts in w Reps, P. K., etc., mad( , black and colors, each only . .10c, 20c and 35c * CS istice to our stock Bca"tiful n?w sPrinS Silk; ; attempt it in this ^lve Patterns and plea e many good and )ds and at exceed- COTTC ices at ali the way ... 2c the yard up Beautiful new Cotton Dre * me yard up to 25c hams, Reps, Poplins, from 1 Brooches, etc., in s. We feel sure it will p; 25c, 50c we have a great assortmei 25c,' 50c and $1.00 say tl,e-v are a11 stylish an< 10c and 25c One lot Ladies' 8c or 10c ( I . Best 6c Apron Ginghams : ges. Hosierv that -0 Woolen skirtings, sp( is well. Intants _ ? T ~ & . ic, 15c and 25c pair S1-00 Lace Curtains, specu a tans, blacks and : $1-50 Lace Curtains, spec and $1.00 the pair $2.00 Lace Curtains, spec 20 Yards good 6 l-2c Col nice assortment. ,\2 Yards ^ ^ 10c 25c and 50c ?nc ,CasTe 1)'' D ss OFing . 15c and 25c yard One ot Ladies' 2oc Belts t J \ One lot $1.00 Hand Bags t< One lot $1.00 Corsets to gc lies' ready-made One case 8c Dress Ginglia s are very pretty Best 10c Toilet Soap, spec V WVllto TV-rtdClie T n'1'""' 11 XX ? ' << iiiuv, 1/1 1 : UdUH'S I IfllV JjOllg urop LOO and $5.00 each I lavender, beaut.i- One ease 36c-inch 8c Bleac every dress a big 10c Talcum Powder at ... K), $3.50 and $4.50 Ladies' large new black 8." I ps Given Willi ("ash MERCANTILE S T E R , AIND IE irgains we; partments. ne item whi es have to be seen to read list headed ING OXFORDS es in spring footwear foi ithers. Infants' soft sole :>pers at 85c the pa $1.25 up to J ASH SKIRTS hite, Shepherd checks, t i in good styles. Every 01 SILKS s for day and evening we; sing shades, at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $ >N DRESS GOODS iss goods in Suitings, P( P. K., Madras, etc., ran? 8c to KILLINERY ly you to come here for y nt of them this season an 1 cheap in price. SPECIALS Hauze Vests, specially pi it only jcially priced at only.... illv priced at only ially priced at only ially priced at only ored Plaids for only.... Sea Island Domestic for jliam to go at only o go at only o go at only > at only ms to go at only ially priced at only >e Kimonas, in choice si bed Domestic to go at on! ?c Hand Bags at only. . . . Purchases COMPA] S . f 3 AY| are ofRead Lch into be fully uo I ? i Specials. r all ages are Slippers (the .. 50c the pair lir up to $2.00 $3.50 the pair $1.25 to $3.50 $2.00 to $5.00 an and hlue le a big value 98c ar, in distinc1.50 the yard j! ircales? Gingpng in price 25c the yard our Hats, for d needless to riced at only 5c each . .4c the yard ....zoc yard 75c pair .. .$1.00 pair .. .$1.50 pair ||| $1.00 only... $1.00 . . 8c the yard 10c each ... .50c each ||| 50c each . .6c the yard . . 6c the cake tades, at only 98c each ly 6c the yard 7c box 25c NY C . I J