The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 28, 1913, Image 1

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h ' jw | M VOL. 8, NO. 51, SEMI-W EE www r* ? v. ihm /vnnM/. I Itl'l dULUAK IKUUrtKd TAKE ADRIANOPLE" > c j'i ' rkish General Carries Out His Blei 1 Threat by llurning City?Downfall of Fortress Came After Most ecl 1 _ .. ran; Stubborn Defense in History of Warfare. Bch< London, March 27.?Adrianople has fallen after one of the most ?"lj stubborn defenses in the history of Stat warfare, and Tchatalja, according 1 to a telegram received by the llul- 8'011 garian legation at London last night *ev> has suffered a like fate. rurs The information regarding nun Tchatalja may refer to the town of row that name and not the fortifications, f?r although it is possible the Bulga- con] rians carried all before them. ^ie Shukri Pasha, the defender of Adrianople, handed his sword yes- ca*' ? terday afternoon to General Savoff, t,ie the Bulgarian generalissimo, not, apo however, before carrying out his 8C*U threat to destroy the town rather a8^' than let it fall into the hands of the arn Bulgarians. amc ARSENALS IN FLAMES. th"( From all accounts the arsenals, ca T stores and much of the town are in flames. It was also reported that Ken Shukri Pasha had taken his own not life, but this proved untrue, as, after <oni . . deciding resistance was no longer M>rx ^possible, he sent word to General Savoff tli At he was buring the city. General Savoff has appointed a l)or commandant of the city to maintain up order. The Bulgarian and Servian cavalry will be utilized for this pur- Ull,( pose. General Ivanoff, who commanded the forts around Adria- ' 'lil nople, while King Ferdinand will follow shortly. ,on The battle which preceded the in,r surrender commenced Sunday night "ut with a three hours' bombardment. Later the beseiging troops in the ? ' east advanced at double quick under the glare of seurchlights to attack the advance works at Maslak. the After a fierce defense lasting throughout Monday the Turks re- pos! tired from the forward forts. After moving forward towards *he chief fortress the Bulgarians Jested. It was then observed that H-,..though great progress had been S,M' nade in the east, in other sections enormous losses had resulted to the ( Bulgarians with small gains. WaI Nevertheless the attack was re- mai newed and Tuesdav and Wodtmndnv yesl the important inner forts were taken ? c*' after hard fighting. ^otl Accounts of the battle which hub come from Bulgarian sources make diet no mention of the Servians, of which A immediately there seems to have wa' been a good deal of jealousy. The 'lis Servians 011 the other hand, who 8'U) have only issued a brief report of *'o\\ the capture, divide credit with their 'ear allies. According to a dispatch re- 'tai reived at Belgrade from Mustapha ,un Pasha, the sacrifices were very 80,1 heavy. The Servians Thirteenth and y?8' Bulgarian Eighteenth regiments 'n ' were blown up by mines and other ' regiments sustained great losses. in 1 The reserve hospitals have prepared to receive thousands of wounded. ,ta' In Adrianople itself there is also much work for doctors an dnurses. coir The garrison which was estlmated at from 40,000 to 60,000, will 'ar probably be found to have been con- ^<!r' siderably reduced. Tlw, -1^. ~? ? *u? in v'^ic ui iuc luwn are saia ?,IV/ to be panic-stricken and even Kurope, from the history of previous l,'ln wars, fears the occupation may be ^ accompanied t-y indiscriminate y''s< slaughter. an Now that the ftgntihg is over the correspondents and attaches have been given permission to go to the front. Ket The capture of Adrianople has caused rejoicing at all the Slav capitals. At St. Petersburg the news ton was received while the Duma was a \ in session, with Dr. Daneff, head of rt,ti the Itulgarian peace delegation in thr< London, and the Bulgarian minis- pief ^ , M. Bobtcheff, as guests. the J* wTho deputies rose and cheered, stai Dr. Daneff and his companion were $50 carrlod shoulder-high to Catherine m.c hall, where the Russian and Bui- The k\ garlun anthem- were rung. il(ti g in ii] ft Falls Three Stories to Death. "1 ||j Pittsburg March 27.?D. J. pen ?& ' Thayer, a wealthy oil operator, K. 'ilile watching the flood waters of the \ Allegheny late today fell from tifli W j \hird-story window in his office sen * I \ was killed. I^yl IL\ ft KLY. KAL SCHOOLS MAY HAVE TO CLOSE TERMS III use Failed to Attend Meeting of ho Hoard Wednesday?$d<>,000 ieeded to Continue Work. !olumbia, March 27.?Gpvernor ase did not atend the meeting of financial board of the state callfor Wednesday to make some ar- TLnil gements looking to borrowing ,000 for the use of the rural sols. The meeting was held in ofllce of the state treasurer with r Comptroller General Jones and d()0! le Treasurer Carter present. Tlie 'he legislature at Its recent ses- re.l( I imposed a special one-mill tax ' for the support of the free II schools and empowered the ficial board of the state to imr. Tlflv $150,000, If so much be needed the the schools and pledge the In- , le from this tax in payment of loan. State Superintendent of ')()n icatlon Swearingen the other day aKK ed the governor's attention to was pressing and immediate need of bllil ut $30,000 to enable the rural nwil jols to continue rlgh* and , ed the board to meet and make ingements for borrowing this >unt. It was for this purpose t Wednesday's meeting was curl ed. 'he governor in a message to the ^hr( eral assembly stated that he did speak to the state treasurer and iptroller general and would not doe: re with them. However, the leg- not ture put it in the hands of these officials and the governor to ^h row the money and the matter is 'he ( to them. work L is authoritatively stated that have ?Hs the money is borrowed by the hite < of the week that some 25,000 rpvo' dren in the rural schools will be man? rived and many of the schools to 111 ed to close their doors. Intense rest has been aroused through- hous< the state for scores of schools J?hn e applied to the superintendent ,OUK' education for aid. t all depends on the attitude the ^ol ernor will take. If he declines of 11 act with the other members of ,f) financial board it will hardly be c'ar,> dble to borrow any money, it is ,)e sl I cells. No KEEMAX W1UGHT KILLED. M ^ II by It. M. Itatley at Great Falls Latter Taken in Custody. UI1(' 1 hester Special to Columbia State, ch 2 6.?R. M. Railey shot Freei A. Wright in the heart early :erday morning, between 7 and 8 . town ock, just as he stepped off the lorn step leading from the Re- al)OU lie mills at Great Falls. Wright I instantly. .fter the shooting Itailey quietly ked away to his home and put ln(<) revolver that had fired the fatal greot t upon the mantelpiece and sat wate rn. Officer George Christopher, 8tan{ ning of the killing, went to pre8( ley's home, arrested the man and led him over to Magistrate Gib, who brought him to this city onj terday afternoon. He was put tJmt he county jail. toth the parties are well known jife j his city and are members of well- njg^( lo Chester county families. <jea(j ley is a carpenter and Wright (j00(j here a few years since to be- go t le boss of the cloth room of the ve8t|, >ublic mills, having held a simi- floo(j position at the Eureka mills safe e. Ur tuiley, it is said, says that the t,R, f oting had its inception in domestroubles that had long caused j)p m i much annoyance. cjty loroner J. Henry Gladden left j,-r terday for Great Falls, to hold t|H> ( inquest over the remains. (lav ( T Til VEItmcT FOR in tl than urned in Case of Itlack vs. The i place Columl>ia State. | than olutnbia Special to The Charles- Ai News and Courier, March 27.? from 'erdict for $20,000 damages was dead lrnod by a Jury after being out thori *e hours in the court of common woul is here yesterday afternoon, in case of E. O. Black against "The Fr te Company." The suit was for were ,000 and charged libel in con- hotel lion with alleged criticisms by Tv s Columbia State of plaintiff's from oiis in the election of 1010 in the and nicipal race here. j Dc 'wo other suits for $50,000 are j coth? ding against The Stato by John to hi Black and Flngal C. Black, for were alleged criticisms at the same been e. Rembert & Montieth repre- A ted the plaintiff, while I.yles & 16 p es appeared for the defendant. 20 n LANCASTER, S. C., FRIDAY, Mi 110 CITIES AND TO SWEPT BY AWFU isands of Homes Wiped Away by Death-Dealin ing Storm Which Comes Without Wa Floods almost unprecedented in area, fol 3 and rains of Sunday and Monday, swej sday in the Mississippi valley, causing a los ?h into the thousands and damage to prop* \y millions of dollars. Ohio and Indiana a ..~.1 "*t: 5 / '1 . - jiiiiiuis tuiii iViissuun ien tii6 Drunt ot rton more than 200 persons are reported d breaking of the Miami river levee and the ] miles above the city. When the Associt dents wired, on reaching the city, anxiel erated reports of loss of life was set at re i great difficulty in obtaining details. M dings in the center of the town, hundred liting rescue. Streets heretofore consider* ger line are under eight feet of water, the ch precludes rescue in boats. Millions of dollars in property damage ha red and the flood is still on the increase. From Indianapolis came reports of ] mghout Indiana and a property loss reach re of $20,000,000 in cities, towns and vill 3 not include the losses to farmers. The so great as in Ohio, has not yet been esti] e worst condition found near There were 'enter of the flood was in the Pa. house where 6 0 prisoners Estimates ar< not had a drop of water or a are marooned af food since Tuesday The men district, where ted Tuesday night and de- been submerge led their liberty and a chance are providing l 5ni ror their lives. Since then The property d work-house has ben a mad- figured at $25, ?, according to Superintendent Alarmists rei son. The prisoners repeatedly during the day. it with Johnson and threatened were quickly c 11 both him and his family. tjiat tj,e Grand linson asked that a detachment Marv's O.. hat le National Guard .be assigned founded. Simil elp him handle them. He de- Rewiston reser' d that the men would have to f0,"ind t() be lot if they escaped from their breaks in both ports to Goveri word has been heard from jast njght indie t Phillips. from this sour e chief of police has been unto get near the Phillips house 1 P did not know whether the may- Latest report ould be found dead or alive. that 150 lives HOPK BRIGHTENS UP. lost there lowlidge that the death list is homeless. A s< y to prove so low in the down- lapsed. Fire b section tonight gave rise to a but it was no that even in North Dayton, spread, t which nearly all hope had Twenty wer< abandoned. there might be refugees in tl laratively few deaths. Peru, Ind., the ic progress of the first canoe j according to a ihn ? I " naiTi-uuuuu msirici was voniagion nas i ed by appeals for bread and refugees, the r r. In nearly every house left All Dayton s ling a few faces were seen reached were l ted against the window-panes, ble was lack o of these were asked whether tion. Provisloi had been any deaths and with today. Flood a few exceptions all replied there. there had not. Fires in Da> svised estimates of the loss of subsided yestei in Dayton, Ohio, received last again last nigh t, give ground for hope that the sight-seers a in all sections affected by the tjlf, (,jtv two will not exceed 2,000 and may InoomlnR traln .clow that figure. Daring in- and ,oft strand gators who penetrated the ... . , Flood condit ed section revealed hundreds ... , . , are growing \ whom it was feared were lost. , _ i 11 > t a it ? < Ohio, Indiana, iless swelled by a death list in | , , , . . , dated. Still hi oreign settlement on the north | . . , . . ' ther damage as yet unreached, they may not , .... , , . . ' conditions in W ore than 200 dead in the whole I come serious. , vania is suflferl om other points than Dayton I . , ,. .... ! anthrleite mine death list grew rapidly vester- . und last iiiirht I Vandalism i, lore was far heavier loss of life <ause(t a threat le west side of Columbus, O., Ipra' deaths tro was thought. One estimate curre<'- Organ d the number of dead at more heen begun ii goo. tricts. N'orthe iparently authentic reports York are flood Piqua Indicated that 20 were keen heavy da there. At Peru, Ind., the au- *ah'*y. ties estimuted the death list President W d reach at least 150. his readiness t COLLAPSE OF HOTEL. the Ohio floods om Hamilton. O , 60 persons a'<l. Under hi drowned In the collapse of a of War Qarrii where they had sought refuge, central Ohio. ] irenty-flve deaths were reported hy washouts Troy, O ; 30 in Middletown hist night, five at Massillon. Major Gene aths from th? flood in Chilli- master General ) will not exceed 25, according ty of ofllcers, itest advices Earlier reports geons accompai that from 200 to 500 lives had war. Surgeon lost. public health report from Linton, Ind., gave the scene to t ersons drowned at Howesviile, He will bend lies north of Terre Haute. down contagir I VRCH 28, 1913. II71TP t vaccine |UU | stores will be a I I All life-savir and Indiana ha L?w A Afv disposal of the M I I II III house service ? have been or* work. A big ment will help t, Property.De.troy T,"e ""7 ? ?" r * rines, physiciai rning. recruiting sta . , west to co-opt lowing the torna- meUical 8taff. )t four states on Trains are ts of life that may medical help *rty amounting to otlu r necessari ,nd in a lesser de- K!?n' 1 rogrobi of washouts ai the disaster. At Irowned, following m<; i> Laramie reservoir, i ited Press corres- Resei ty caused by ex- ( aved st, although there T|Sourlh11 B*"d. , . The Celina-Ohi arooned in office jn uie world, is s of persons were thousands of p id miles from the '? peril, torrential force of The wbo,e o1 northeast India ger of flood e s already been in- raight be wlpet true. Such a 100,000 homeless make impossi ling the enormous work al J,eru, lages alone. This ZZZI loss of life, while /^/\TTiTf mated. tUUN 10 deaths In Sharon, ~~ HE.\T1 ? that 7 0,000 persons in Dayton's flooded Special to The 15,000 homes have Heath Sprii d. Rescue stations ron Lodge, N< for 5,000 homeless, held a special amage In the city is day for the p 000,000. the first degre* A - - pons were frequent In most cases these rhursday night ontradicted. Rumors Miss Edna I I reservoir near St. Mary Clyburn i broken proved un- Mrs. Nannie M lar reports about the Master Robe voir, likewise, were aKer The ( untrue. Threatened Monday aftern were repaired and re- interest of lor Cox at Columbus Mrs. Hattie , ated that the danger from Lancaster ce was past. visiting Mr. an son. REAKS OUT. Messrs. C. E s from Zanesville are Stover have su are believed to have grippe this wee About 15,000 are Mr. G. L. M i-ore of buildings col- day in Lancast roke out at one point Miss Caryl t believed it would with her aun several days. < . found dead among Messrs. P. T he court house at dri\\ William E victims of exposure, Dyches are a telephone message, meeting in Lai iroken out anion? iltp eport stated. FOI offerers who could bo 'ed. The chief trou- Special to The f means for distribu- Fork Hill, ' i trains are expected man Connell \ waters are receding Sunday. Mr. Charlie ton's flooded district -illiy but broke out Ml?' . T*""' Miss Daisy 13o night with Mrs re not permitted in Mrg Mo?u cars of them on an mQther Mrg , were switched off Mf and Mr ed below the town. Sunday with ions along the Ohio mnROn. vorse. Lowlands in Mrs jj Kentucky, are inun- we(.k. Igher stages and fur- There will 1 is predicted. Flood Gf Mr. n 'est Virginia have be- ^unday py our Eastern Pennsyl- T A Dabney. ing severely. Many (uauy invited s are shut down. well-filled bask j West Indianapolis of martial law. Sev- 710 Dozen I , m drowning have oc- Magistrate I ized relief work has j dlgpt.n})j?g jus 1 Indiana flood dis- |j,.afh Springs, rn and western New 1 |,uys, country -stricken There has , tjiai Easter w mage in the Hudson . ,.ggS would be iiiui snipped l<i ilson li2is announced These eggs wt>i 0 go to the soenp of surounding co 1 if his presence will thai the Hea s direction Secretary something else son left at once for His train was delayed s??ri< in western Virginia We regret t< ! Mam A Carnes ra? Wood, Quarter- of tlie county Arleshire a fid a par- juries t ?\ fallin physicians and sur- his house into nled the secretary of were broken b Genearal lllue of the tial injuries mi service l^as gone to cd. Mr Carn< ake personal charge, eighties. llis his efforts to keep and A. C. Cari >n. Supplies of ty- his bedside. $1.5 and full medical llfff P/XIU t his command. ig stations in Ohio ve been placed at the f/IVITE governors. Light- UvJ V LiF boats near the Ohio lered out for relief signal corps detach- President's Oi open communication. fort |,0 Kxe . Twitty, I). W. Hen- ernment. !. Moore and J. VV. H. ttending the Union 1)KAI)I icaster. liMvis, l>enio< ItK HILL. puhlican, 1 Senators. News. Springfield, VIarch 27.?Mr. Fur- Jal"?'s Hamil isited Mr. Ira Baskin was >'<st<r<Lt} senator for tl Baker spent Satur- Lawrence i Mr. Minton Bask in. (au' was yt'f lia McWhorter and * itfd State* wers spent Saturday termi. Lillie Small. i Sims visited her * <. L. Baskin Sun,lav. . Wa?Mn*to. a. Fred Bills spent ? T""'.'. ?' ' ? . ,, nois fills all Mr. and Mrs. R. B. ate. The I I 111, eanntn In uskiii is very sick this oppOHitjon 0i Republicans je preaching at the Democratic mil Mrs. Lee Evans rumored on s beloved pastor. Rev. vlsion> but I Everybody is cor- Uon of >Ir j to come and bring ranks gives si ets. tariff bill. vggs in One Week. ZKPl.DA T V I I p. Mobley, besides tice in the town of keeps a store and Orders Hen produce. Realizing Then Inci as at hand and that (Jovernmen in demand, he bought Mexiro Cit ist week 710 dozen. Zepeda, govei e bought in from the triet and a untry, which shows Huerta, took th Springs folks do ridding of tht besides raise cotton, enemies early ed the shoo Misly Hurt. nandez, ex > learn that Mr. Wil- rurales, and of tiio eastern section intended the sustained serious in- in the gard g from the piazza of where the ex the yard. No bones The gove ut it is feared inter- Zepeda's act ly have been sustain- from otflce a ps is now up in the the national sons, Messrs. J. H. Zepeda offer nes, spent Sunday at the governor ble condition irtment ordered ma- is and others at its ? ' Ua tions in the central Required, irate with the army Washington principal fui moving with food, ment of the and supplies and was to exte: es into the flood re- sands of hon 3 is slow on account Ohio and Indl nd tottering bridges. In quick si ?1 of the goveri IM BREAKS. the secretary chief in tin voir in tlio World whom relief in Yesterday. organized?iu , Ind., March 27.? the Rtatc au 0 reservoir, largest foo(1> shelter reported broken and for tlie sun>or eople are said to be the dePartmei dered to hoh f northwest Ohio and ne88 for dut? ua would be in dan- ?ne mMioi ind scores of towns feed 200,000 1 out if the report is least> are be condition also would war departmt ble further rescue p,y dePot? an Ind. and Indiana t ? TENTS Tents to sh FY MP'WQ people, thous 1 I llEfflJ i hospital and loaded in ti H SPRINGS. Pittsburg, St. i nomas, Kj News posts, and w ..g?, March 27,?Bar th" "" >. 261, A, O. P. M.. , .1" "'" " communication Mon- 'J , r,'sl(i ^ of Ohio and >urpose or conferring , . , , . ... quickly by a ? on four candidates. , . . . , . help which w given the degree by ,he gQvei telly and little Edna , T"! PrfsW' ot Kershaw visited [ "y' '"J""* obley Sunday. Ile " rt H. Therrell, man- "lcatlon "l,h . , . the war dena a0.n mon weal th, spent The P oon in Kershaw in , t. t ? people of the that paper. t i money liber Johnson has returned ? , , where she has been ^"V0 88' id Mrs. Frank Oohn- 'V *oven help gather tl . Williams and W. T. ^ ffered attacks of the MaJ- James k. A. Logan, Jr [obley spent Wednes- inK the Mis er. were ordere Varnedoe has been General Ayl t, Mrs. Mouzon, for Ghio, to take food supplies 0 PER YEAR. PROMISES^ INMFNT UCID illillljll 1 ilLiLil rdcr is That Every Efrted to Meet the Needs on?Tents and Food i, March 27. ?? action of the g' United State yesterday nd relief to the thouteless survivors of the lana floods. accession every agency anient?the President, of war, every bureau i department under expeditions could be oved swiftly to assist thorities in providing and medical attention ers. All the troops of at of the east were or1 themselves In readiIn the flood districts, a ration, sufficient to people for five days at ing purchased by the ;nt at the nearest supid hurried to the Ohio .owns. AND BLANKETS, elterfor at least 50,000 ands of blankets, cots, field supplies are being -ains at Philadelphia, Louis, Chicago, Fort and nearby army ithin 24 hours should vasted sections, f sympathy exchanged lent and the governors Indiana were followed ?orlou ? VI 1CI|UCSI? I or ere promptly answered nment departments, snt was in his office all touch with the situa.s in constant commuSecretary Garrison of rtment. dent called upon the nation to contribute ally to the American hich in turn appealed aors of the states to tie relief funds. RECT RELIEF, i Normoyle and James ,, experienced in fightsisslppi valley floods, d by Quartermaster eshire to Columbus, charge of distributing for the federal govIJM'R BROKEN. rat, and Sherman, lieelected tinted States 111., March 27.? ton Lewis, Democrat, r elected United States le long term. Y. Sherman, Republi >terday elected to the > nciiiiit* ior me snort acitiH'U's Killed. i, March 27.?The wo senators from Illivacancies In the sen)eraocratic strength in now 51, against a total 4 5, composed of 4 3 and 2 Progressives, defections have been oine phases of tariff ret is claimed the addi,ewis to the Democratic t safe majority for the I\KS LAW IN HIS OWN 1I\NI> laude/. Executed anil nerates Body?Sliiaks t. y, March 27.?Enrique rnor ot the federal disnephew of President into his own hands the country of its political today when he directting of fJabriel Her-commandant of the then personally superincineration of his body en of HrVin prison. oution 'ook place, rnmoiit is shocked at and has removed hiin nd imprisoned him in I palaee. Friends of as an explanation that was not in a responsiat the time.