The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 21, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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l>. A. A GREAT COTTON CROP? Says A New Orleans dispatch to The m New York Evening Post contains n0 "food for thought" for the farmers* w, of South Carolina. We quote: talne "An unusual feature of the crop cqj. preparations this year Is the large ??i amount of fertilizers being used, g0vei Fertilizer factories report the larg- natio est sales of fertilizers ou record, untii while In states like Mississippi, conf< where fertilizers have not hereto- col. fore been used in large quantities, tneml the sale of fertilizer tags have al- with ready run up into thousands of dol- fairs -,lars. There are many reasons to ing v believe, therefore, that the South storn ^ has set about, in the most scientific Th way, to raise a crop of cotton which are; will exceed, if weather conditions Crew are fairly favorable throughout the Unioi planting season, any previous crop. M. C Those who have closely studied con- mate ditions as they exist in the South c0 today say that a crop of 20,000,000 the r bales will some day In the not very Haid distant future be no impossibility, tinue Few rot ton men In the IrnHo here * ? ? ? ? ?? ?v v Illicit anticipate any such crop this year as pli or next, but there are some opera- nieetl tors who are calculating on a substantlal Increase." home No one was prepared for the 1m- purp< mense crop of 1911. Even the od J. "bears" were astonished when late j. !*. In the cotton year It passed 16,000,- boarc 000 bales. If one study the history then of the last twenty years in South Moor Carolina, observing the rapid In- to nc crease In the size of the crop as it Dr. F was related to the Increase in the od tc volume of fertilizer sales, one must Hcers admit that tremendous increases are ply t possible in the Gulf stntes. testet The supply of labor for the cotton He ii fields increases very slowly. In South told Carolina the building' of the mills to le and the growth of the towns have settle perhaps kept it at a point not far there Ju- from stationary for a long time, but knew the production for each laborer is had l far greater in this state now than electi it was formerly. In fact, the pro- Co ductlou of cotton in proportion to ing 1 acreage is probably higher in South turne Carolina than in any other state? Mixst at any rate, it was a few years ago? thing and this is to be attributed to the made laree ?iumher of exnert farmer* in There Is no gainsaying that without told increase in population the cotton contii croi^of the South may be greatly "I enlarged. that Should the crop be 17,000,000 woul< bales this year the farmers will not stand be so well off, In all likelihood, when I int< it has been harvested as they are thing now?a "bumper" crop spells low "ir prices. Butle From the embarrassment of this place: Jt-ndition there is but one way of es- not a ^y^pe, the same that we have so to ha often emphasized, that we tire of Dicke hammering in but that must be ham- It mered in if our people are to pros- nel I * per. It is, of course, that they must of th not depend too much on cotton. April While we live in a cotton state, it is meml for more than a cotton state. The prese shrewd, thrifty, progressive farmer that is finding it out. He is raising more corn, more grass and more hogs and cattle each year. He "is approaching the point where low-priced cot- An ton does not frighten him. conta Surely, the prospect outlined in to Ai the New Orleans dispatch should terda carry a warning to this part of the to tin country. It should stimulate the Vines South Carolina farmers to greater stitut exertions than ever?but they frleiu should be turned to the production undei of other things than cotton.?The tist ( State. Tl (iood Homely Advice to "Coley." Not ti The Idler, writing in The New- The ] berry Herald and News, gives his Not t highness, the governor of South In co Carolina, some very good homely ad- VVher vice in the following: "By the way, speaking about the But i legislature and the governor, I see And from the Record?I read it some- Whih times?that the governor's chauf- Cast feur, one Harrison Neeley, a New- The i berry product, by the way, has sudyc deny l>urst into' the limelight and Thus had fame thrust upon him. Now, 1 am afraid the governor is going to VVher turn that nigger's head and get him In into greater trouble. The next thing you hear he will be running Its p over some one, and then there will sure enough be trouble. He careful, Thep governor, how you put up flues for Was him; and how you encourage him to State joy ride. It is a dangerous thing. The ] The police may have it in for you and .*101, I do not know about that, And i but if you get it into his head that he is immune from arrest, or that They you will put up the price every time Upon he is 'pulled,' there is danger ahead. The There is great temptation, they tell VVhlc me, in all drivers of automobiles to Gave joy ride, and there is great danger in It. He careful; go slow. Take . an old and unknown friend's ad'ice."?Spartanburg Herald. King late I Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure. The worst cnaeo. no matter of how long atanding, an(i ] are cured l>y the wonderful, old reliable I?r. . Porter* Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves f Pain and Ilea'- M the name time. 25c, 50c, $1.00 Hbar k. , THE LAI DIGKBRT RESIGNS AS GIRLS! GROW 1 MEMBKK OF COMMISSION. LUSTR He Will Keep on FiKhtinK Un( rafting ttt the Confederate ]^0inov6S 6V ry f ?me In Stopped. drufl, stops fal jduesday's Columbia State con- a delightful dr d the following interview with D. A. Dlckert: To be possessed resigned this afternoon and heavy, beautiful ha *nor refused to acept my reslg- flufTy, wavy and fr< n. I intend to keep on fighting merely a matter this thing of grafting at the Danderine. ?derate home is stopped." said it is easy and in< D. A. Dlckert of Newberry i I II loo anft hoi** o *1 - - WW* V UUII UIIU ber of the commission charged Ket a 2 5 cent bott the administration of the af- Danderine now?u of the home, yesterday, follow- recommend it?app /hat is reported to have been a rectcd and within t ly session of the board. will be an appearan e members of the commission freshness, tlufflness D. A. Dickert, Newberry; J. T. parable gloss and 1 s, Laurens; J. G. Long, Sr., you will you canno a; A. T. Todd, Charleston, and !. Welsch of Columbia, an inof the home. lonel Dickert told the story of THE POWERS A neting yesterday afternoon. He that the board decided to con- with ? Rettlemer H. W. Richardson as super- war at hand the el dent and Dr. F. W. P. Butler 8tralnt whlch Eui lysician, at least untl lthe April durlng that con(li shaken. Wnen flgl Je met out at the Confederate lnsula began there t in executive session for the anxjety that the ,se of reorganizing. I nominal- WOuld be drawn ii G. Long, Sr., as chairman and That fear has been Crews as secretary of the now followed by ai I. They were elected. It was apprehension conce that A. W. Todd took the nationai balance c and in a smooth voice began the result of the ) >minate H. W. Richardson and serlousiy menace, i '. W. P. Butler. Mr. Todd want- 8e^ > retain all of the present of- ? ^ ? . , . . ... , So long as Turk . Todd said something in re- , ... sive and almost i i against the action of Todd. mnnt? beld t,ie bey ivited me out of the room. . I EuroPe- there was him that it was not necessary a,iirm among the ave tlie room, that we would ^he Turkish rej . the entire matter then and *hOUgh 11 wa8' serv . When I entered that room I least lo keep ,,uit that Richardson and Butler p,cloua and jealom things fixed up so as to be re- powers- But when id. I kicked on their plan." undoubtedly she wl lonel Dlckert said that follow- tory is Kiven to die executive meeting he re- bands, when the d to the room to find Mrs. 8tate8' Wlth the,r 1 >11 saying some verv hard syi?Path>'. supplant s about him. "I asked her who ,em rule' then the the statement that I had tried an<1 8usP,c,0?s will fleet on her management. She 1 ,u> ,la,kan allie me that it was Richardson," agaln8t a11 exPec*a aued Colonel Dickert. thelr '"dividual di! told Richardson and Butler tPr?8ts They now if they did not resign that I ,8 a confederacy in i and that I did not intend to may become a conf by and see the grafting go on. and continuous p, end to expose the whole d?n Slav power-" a8 Th remarks, "arises in i the first place Richardson and corner of Europe, s r were elected to their present hands of Ru88,a an s without my knowledge. I was Pliably the infli t the meeting when they claim IIun*ary- Thus th ive been elected." said Colonel ?nd th? THple El ,rt hold the scales of was stated yesterday by Colo- eVenly balanced; Rckert that the next meeting g?ne dt?wn on 1 ,e commission will be held in Entonteand that a majority of the HenCe We n,ld G >ers decided to retain all of the ,n* l? ra,8e 8<>me 1 nt employes of the home until ,i,ty million dolla (jato purposes and to inc _____ a peace footing ol 00 Purse is Given Anderson thouaand men- Er Female College. ter-move, has leng derson, March 1 ! .?A purse of quired militi Ining $25,000 was presented tW? years to three iderson college for women yes- tw in< iease its am y during the exercises incident dred and fiUy 1,10 a induction of the Rev. John F. ,s rath, r complacen into the presidency of the in- tion- Germany, in ion. It was made up among aPmy expenditure, 1 Is of the college, which is now navy Pr?Kram, so the control of the State Bap- Inar,t,me P?wer i Convention. preme and unchallc ? apparently in an IE BEGEM) OF THE LILY. Austria-Hungary is threatened lnfluen is the common flowers of eath, continent is in a t blaster lily had it birth; tainty and a buzz o is the myriad plants that grow the dubious future, mmon soil and bud and blow That there will b e multitudes pass to and fro. or disturbance an; however, Is not to n a garden still and fair, may be that the balmy in the Easter air; which has been eva 1 yet the early morning gloom prove easier in It shadows on the river tomb, seemed possible. >eerless flowers began to bloom, have preserved pei trying period of t runs the legend quaint and Turkey, when all sweet; stances seemed to e'er the Master's pierced feet, heaval, they should I OHeph's garden touched the after the Halkan cc ground, The very seriousi erfume stealing all around. tlon will make for It is an interesting athway from the shadowy tomb expected fact that starred with lilies all abloom; between England ai ly and sweet beyond compare, grown more amic hurrying women found them progress of the H there, they have been for marveled at a flower so fair. In the meantim of Turkey becomes called It "lily" and today certain. The Porte our Easter shrine wo lay willingness to cons snowy, golden-hearted flower, with the session of h first in that glad Easter hour basis of negotiatlo Proof of resurrection power. tlonlng of a largt EDITH VIKGINIA PLACE. ropean Turkey ai ?-?? allies will doubtles Surprise Your Friends. taken. The m m r rour week* reglarly use Dr. ? "h New Life Pills. They stlmu- pe ,s to f the liver, Improve digestion, re- balances of power blood Impurities, pimples and There must be na boU; sjffKvsrus: r " * ??? it once Buy at Lancaster 1 OOIne the 8tra,n upt mac and Standard Drug Co. | diplomacy. Atlanti r-iqfr neii.iv. ? CASTER NEWS, MARCH 21, If ? ? LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR! OUS, CHARMING?25 CENT DANI)E article of dan- dandruff or falling hair; ling hair and is real surprise will be after u essing. weeks' use, when you will ? hair?line and downy at I 1 of a head of ?but really new hair? ir; soft, lustrous, out all over your scalp?I ee from dandruff is, we believe, the only i of using a little grower; destroyer of danc cure for itchy scalp and ixpensive to have fails to stop falling hair at lots of it. Just If you want to prove he le of Knowlton's and soft your hair really is ill drug stores a cloth with a little Dandt ly a little as dl- carefully draw it through ; en minutes there ?taking one small strand t ce of abundance; Your hair will be soft, el and an lucom- beautiful in just a few mo ustre try as delightful surprise awaits t find :e of who tries this. ROMAN CATHOLIC PPREHENSIVE <M#I , , ,-rr?: ^ Official C liurcli Directory Si 154,138 in United Sti it of the Balkan New York, March 19.?1 imposure and re- 15,154.158 Roman Catholh ope has shown United States proper, accc ct is preceptibly the 1913 edition of the olfl< tting in the pen- 0lic Diiectory, and a total was wide-spread 329,047 under the protecti( larger powers United States Hag. ito the struggle. There are 14,312 churcht belled but it is tinental United States, n equally grave There are 17,945 Roman ruing the inter- priests, three cardinals, 1 >f power, which archbishops, three titular Elalkan war will ops, 104 bishops, two arc f it does not up- an,i 15 abbots in the. Unite Thirty-one states in tin ey. an unaggres- have over 50,000 Catholic Impotent govern- tlon, including: Lousian to southeastern 000; Kentucky, 103,228; 110 occasion for 306.400. greater nations. [Imo, barbarous '^outh New Power ant *-n U) iiilay or ai | sscent the sus- i President Myrick, head lies of the large j Orange Judd publications Turkey falls, as South?of which Southern 11, and her terri- ] is doing so much in a prac more ambitious I for the upbuilding of this forceful Balkan ! in a speech delivered in Ai Slav lineage and I cently, driected attention t< the weak Mos- ] sectionalism" which has latent jealousies j the South; a spirit which, a break out anew, j it, now inspires our Soutlie s have succeeded to make this section of tl lions in merging ' "vie with every other se Terences and in- largest service, most genei constitute what tribution and heartiest patr effect and what behalf of the American ua ederacy in name Not how much can the S nrpose. "A new from the nation, but how e New York Sun can give! For as states, I the southeastern grow in age and wisdom, th itrengthening the appreciate the profound t d weakening ap- is more blessed to give th lence of Austria- ceive!" e Triple Alliance In a more recent article utente no longer same line President Myric power in Kurope out other pertinent points i the weight has South's new power, and 1 he side of the sponsibilities. He says: "Eloquent, indeed, was lermany attempt- denee of this sentiment i lwo hundred and Spanish war ushered in th trs for military arms of 1898. The Sout rease its army to outvied its sister states in f eight hundred its young manhood, its wt ance, as a coun- its experience to the nation thened the term "Likewise eloquent is j iry service from former Confederate should and is preparing elected chief justice of th ny to seven hun- States supreme court ?th usand. England arbiter, that palladium o t over the situa- that ultimate guarantee o view of its large that august court, which sh lias slackened its be desecrated, that the English "Last November the vill remain su- people gave the final evidt nged. Russia is genuine nationalism by se aggressive mood. Southerner to the prnsidenc; awake to its How true these words ce. The entire afresh by the make-up of emper of uncer- Wilson's cabinet. Secretai f preparation for Treasury McAdoo, of Net was born near Marietta, G;i e any open break ney General McReynolds, long the powers, nessee, was born in Kentu be predicted. It both have lived mostly in tl Balkan problem Secretary of the Navy Dai ided so long will born and bas spent his lil s solution than Old North State. Postmat If the nations through the ? he war against outward cireum- ^tt r>*11 r> 1 threaten an up- DlHy DOy haS be aide to do so ' 1 l f nfiict is over. cycle?tired or 1 less of the situa- J * C prudent counsel, is dyin^ tor a cai ? and rather tin- .1 1 1 the relationships ttlC WOOdS and SI ud Germany have] II* able during the 3rC Calling. alkan war than mv "-p 1 i years past. ^|J 1 6d ll a S a C< v9 in*- DuiTfiuicr j l r more and more pretty gOOQ Crat i has signified Its I ? 1 1 1 ider a settlement t^e S ClOyeCl Wltl Adrianoplo as a . . 1 1 us. ti,, jmru- water and only a portion of En- 1 1 * ong the Haikan cy^'e can save hii oro:?:;L:r,;r? ?a what a chanc ra:mrlh?C the busy little w; Then'";;: to make two boys 1' >n the continent's i Journal. mmmmmjamtmmtaammmmmmmmm >H"P w ^ ? )13. ' : . r ?/ >,> r ?>? si-.#'.;t r ,IMV1, w .ar^'tV-v*:v.w*.;& * JUNE. wvrt, rip ^JpJTv *T ^'^5 * ^ ' FfcF%| 1 art i Vt* arehbish- Mill! Wo^S Vn h abbots, d S1t7atle8- Woman's Work e Union popula- ? a, 584,- AT one time this was true, but ; Texas, yie labor saving machinery that men , use today makes it unnecessary for them to work from sun to sun; and I Laigci they accomplish a great deal more ' a great deal easier. of the in the THERE is still a bigger difference in the change of the woman's work ; Farming . who uses modern cooking utensils, , tical way 1 such as is found in our store. Not section? ! .. . only can her work be done quicker, tlanta re- J , , ,, but more pleasantly and easier, to ;) a new . , , say nothing of the difference in the 1 results of her cooking. I s he puts rn people ' tie Union _ LANC^ iotism in HARD Wi like men, . tey better eraj uurleson was born and has alruth, it ways resided in Texas. Secretary of ' an to re- Agriculture Houston was born in j North Carolina, where his youth i along the waa Spent( aIuj his later life has :k brings heen mainly in Texas, about the Thus five of the ten cabinet memarger re- hers are in effect of and from the South, but now are for the nation, the evi- How this fact emphasizes the wisvhen the joni( force and patriotism of the , e call to ... ? J parugrapns aDOve quoted irom I'res- r h fairl> Myrlck's addresses.?Augusta offering Chronlcle. , talth and iai oause. $100 Reward, $100 ' ,l The readers of this paper will be pleased to HOW be learn that there Is at least one dreaded dls-as? | that science has been able to euro in all Its e United stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure . - Is the only positive eure now known to the med- < at tinal leal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional f 111 ut lee disease, requires a constitutional treatment. justice, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting | f lihertv directly upon the Idood and mucous surfaces of '' the system, thereby destroying the foundation all never ,l"* disease, and giving the patient strength I by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors hove so much faith In It* curative powers that they American offer One Hundred hollars for any case that It 'I1CW Of a Add re* p. J. ^HENEY A CO.. Toledo. O. lectin^ 11 Sold by nil DrutTElttn. 75c. y," Take llall's family I'llls for constipation. Is proved ? - y of the w * \t'tor- m have an enormt icky, and ? I 1 * H= j tverythin iter Gen- m = | Build 1 ! V v ? r n t, and wc are Da(11y crowded , large part of this vario _ I O I nuc j i before the recent advai treams < ; This being the time of , build and repair?we ai ! ial prices for cash as ar anoe, ' business. t but : i Hettcr "BCt busy"1 . | < never sell lumber so ch n the ( We can save you i a bi- i - ^?r the Building" espec life I We^ aS ma^c a Pr !"d! | Moore Lumbei iappy. ', "Everything For I I 7 " '''' Ti-. Din Sun to Sun is Never Done FOR some purposes you want tlnivare, for others granite-ware; again g tor the ling" ' , for storage room. A us material was bought ices in lumber prices. ! year when farmers can ; ; re going to make spec1 inducement for quick ! >ve are afraid we can ' cap again. >> AX ? ax 11 TJ - -x ?.4 L i ? -? uuucy <.mi c.vcryming ially SHINGLES as j ofit for ourselves. & Mtg. Co. : the liiiildisig." ' , 1 ' _ _J ,'opper and enameled ware or wood n-ware. We have every article you kvant and the way you want it. TAKING into consideration the onall expense of a properly equipped kitchen, the amount of time you spend in it, and how much depends upon your cooking, you can well afford to have the proper utensils for Lhe work. lSTER IRE CO. To t*ure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE I^OMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Oruggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c. SUMMONS FOR DEBT. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lancaster. W. T. Williams, Plaintiff, Against John L. Onslow, Defendant. By W. P. Caskey, Esq., Magistrate. To John L. Onslow: ^ompiaini naving been made unto me by W. T. Williams that you ire indebted to him in the sum of $31.85 for hoard. This is, therefore, to require you to appear before me, in my office, in Lancaster, on the 20th day from tho service of this Summons, exclusive af the day of service, at 10 a. m., to inswer to the said complaint, or judgment, will be given against you t)y default. Dated February 7th, A. D. 1913. W. P. CASKEY, Magistrate. Lancaster Lead3. ausly^lar^e