The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 21, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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<k MONUMENT TO POETS Nashville, Tenn., Dispatch. In memory of the South's four great poets, Sidney Lanier, Father Ryan, James R. Randall and Paul Hayne, Mrs. E. W. j Cole, of this city, will erect at her birthplace, Augusta, Ga., a handsome monument, to be unveiled some time in April, by Randall, Ryan and Hayne to j pervade. 11 The monument consists of i i ^!l fourgranitecolumns rising from ' * n tall base and supporting a roof of granite. Resting inside \ is a block of granite bearing on ; | p its four sides the following inscriptions: | ; SIDNKY LANIER. "The Catholic man, who hath mighty i " i won Goil out of knowledge and good out of infinite pain, And sight out of blindness and purity out of a stain." FATHER It VAX "To the higher shrine of love divine My lowly feet have trod, i I want no fame, no higher name Than this, a priest of (Jod." JAMES R. RANDALL. "Better the tire upon the roll. Better the blade, the shot, the bowl, Than crucifixion of the soul, Maryland! My Maryland!" PAUL 1IAYNE. ! i "Yet would I rather in the outward j state Of song's immortal temple lay me down A beggar, basking by thy radiant gate, Than bend beneath the haughtiest empire's crown." ' For the unveiling a party of friends will go to Augusta from this city and a number of distinguished guests from Washington will probably attend. While the complete program for the exercises has not yet been I made out, it has been definitely | decided that Chancellor J. H. Kirkland will make the presentation speech to the city in behalf of Mrs. Cole, and her young j, V?Klson, Whiteford Russell Cole, will unveil the monument. Nashville points with jest : pride to Mrs. Cole and her many benefactions, and the announcement of her great gift to Angusra, and incidentally the i whole South, will be received with the warmest appreciation y by friends of the South. Piles Cured in ft to 14 Days I Your driiKgiit will refund money if TAZO ' OINTMIiST fails to ? m any ch-i- < f Itching, I Blind, Bleeding 01 Pr< tru III g I lei ( to 14day*, i The firat application give? li. ve at.J Ktat. 50?. Su "viaA,' ? ~w Master Whiteford Russell Cole, ; and presented to the city by I Chancellor J. H. Kirkland of Vanderbilt University. ^ The unveiling of the monuj ment will mark the culmina tion of an idea Mrs. Cole has long had in her mind. As a young woman in Augusta, the four poets were frequent visitors to her home, and, as was the custom of the old South, her receptions were in the nature of a salon, bringing together the brilliant literary people and other distinguished personages I for whom that section of the [ country was noted. For many years Mrs. Cole has desired to perfect a suitable memorial to the men who have preserved the old South in the lyric sweetness of their songs, and the monument now in course of construction, will be the gift of a loving friend to the South and especially to her home city. Mrs. Cole has just returned I from Augusta, Ga., where the I final plans for the erection of the monument were completed. The announcement will be the i source of much pride to residents of the city and to her countless friends throughout the state. Probably no woman in the South is more widely known and loved than Mrs. Cole. **" She is justly claimed by Augusta, Nashville and Washington, and her friends are legion, both in this country and abroad. The monument will be erected directly opposite St. John's church, Augusta, in a beautiful setting of old elms. Both the approach and the background are said to be ideal, and in the immediate vicinity marble benches will be arranged, forming a beautiful shrine, at which lovers of Southern poetry may ! worship. The donor, with rare i esthetic taste, no doubt had this 1 in mind when she selected such a SDot for the snirits of Lanier. I THE LANCASTER EVERY DA AT You can ill afford to r fering all along now these quotations and terests you, and Rememb appreciated, and that it gives as grea DRESS TRIMMINGS Beautiful ne wDress Trimmings iu a wide va: Metal and Jewel Bands, Apliques, Drop Embracing the season's choicest effects fr to the widest, from 10c U] BUTTON TRIMMINGS Pretty Colored Presses in pink, 1 i.^lit blue and fully embroidered and otherwise trimmed, value at the price. Each only $3.0 Trailing Slam i uiriCTPn LflUlAO i LIX L A N C A~ This being a big Button season we have stocked of these goods and can therefore come pre you anything you may want in Ivory, Silk, Metal, Jewel, Pearl, etc., at.. . , 5c COTTON TRIMMINGS New assortment Stickerei Trimmings in white, in three widths, 6 yard pieces, at LACES AND EMBROIDERII It would take numerous words indeed to do ju of Laces and Embroideries, so we shall not limited space. But will say that we hav< brand new things to offer you in these goo ingly cheap prices. Excellent values in La from Embroideries at from 5c t JEWELRY NOVELTIES New Veil Pins? Waist Sets, Cuff Links. 1 guaranteed goods and at Dry Goods price: Veil Pins at Waist Sets at '. Brooches at 10c, BEADS Pretty Beads at HOSIERY Hero you can find dependable Hosiery for all a; is not only comfortable but serviceable, a Hose and pretty Socks at 10 Ladies' Hose in gauze and medium weights, ii white, at 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c < NECKWEAR New Easter Neckwear, Ruehings, ete., in a Collars, Rows, Jabots, etc., at Ruehings at NEW DRESSES We've opened still another shipment of La< white and colored Dresses. These dresse indeed and are truly good values. Prett at $1.98, $2.50, $3.00- $3.50, $4 NEWS, MARCH 21, 1913. Y A BAR! THIS STO niss the numerous 1 i -m - in tfte different d see if there isn't s( er that the different goods thems it pleasure to show them. Don't f< S riety of fine Silk, The season's choicest i Trimmings, etc. v,? i-i 1 c-7 ilCIC 111 tut; popuui] om arrowest good sort) at .. .. p to $1.50 the yard Babieg, and children's Ladies* Slippers at.... a fine assortment Boys* Oxfords at from ?ttv near showing Men's Oxfords at from Satin, Crocheted, the dozen and up Ladies' Wash Skirts ii Reps, P. K., etc., n black and colors, a^. each only 10c, 20c and 35c :s , . Beautiful new spring ? stice to our stock ,. ,, , attempt it in this tlve Patterns and ] 3 many good and ds and at exceed- COl ces at all the way . . ,2c the yard up Beautiful new Cotton ,he yard up to 25c hams, Reps, Popli: from Brooches, etc., in We feel sure it wi] 10c, 25c, 50c we have a err eat assort c% Cp n ' ' 'J ?m An say thev are all stylish 25c, 50c and $1.00 * * J 10c and 25c One lot Ladies' 8c or .1 Best 6c Apron Gingliai ires. Hosicrv that, -qc \y00]en Skirtings, s well. infants nr. , ~ , . c, 15c and 25c pair f-00 V'co C?rtf"is> SI , tans, blacks and $La0 Lace Curtains, s and $1.00 the pair $2.00 Lace Curtains, s no iT i i " -u laras goon (> i-zc 11 ir*e assortment. Yards line 36-inch 1 25c and 50c J[n(' J '*sTe ^!(' Press G J. 15c and 25c yard P,ie l?t Ladies Joe Bel y One lot $1.00 Hand Ba< One lot $1.00 Corsets t( lies' ready-made One case 8c Dress Gin s are very pretty Best 10c Toilet Soap, s y White Dresses Ladies' Pretty Long ( .00 and $5.00 each lavender, beanti- One case 30c-inch 8c B every dress a big 10c Talcum Powder at 0, $3.50 and $4.50 Ladies' large new blac] ps (liven Willi ( asI nurn/'AMTiir MLRIHH1 ILL S T E R , 3 GAIN DAY 1 RE bargains we are of epartments. Read )me item which inelves have to be seen to be fully lil to read list headed "Specials." PRING OXFORDS styles in spring footwear for all ages are ? leathers. Infants' soft sole Slippers (the 50c the pair Slippers at 85c the pair up to $2.00 $1.25 up to $3.50 the pair $1.25 to $3.50 $2.00 to $5.00 WASH SKIRTS i white, Shepherd checks, tan and blue lade in good styles. Every one a big value ! 98c SILKS Silks for day and evening wear, in distincileasing shades, at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 the yard CTON DRESS GOODS Dress goods in Suitings, Percales. Ging ns, _r. i\., .Madras, etc., ranging in price 8c to 25c the yard MILLINERY 11 pay yon to come here for your Hats, for ment of them this season and needless to and cheap in price. SPECIALS Oc Gauze Vests, specially priced at only 5c each ns at only 4c the yard specially priced at only 25c yard tecially priced at only 75c pair pecially priced at only $1.00 pair peeially priced at only $1.50 pair Colored Plaids for only $1.00 10c Sea Island Domestic for only. .. .$1.00 Hngham to go at only 8c the yard Its to go at only 10c each *s to go at only 50c each 3 go at only 50c each ghams to go at only 6c the yard pecially priced at only 6c. the cake "repe Kimonas, in choice shades, at only 98c each leached Domestic to go at onlv 6c the yard 7c box k 25c Hand Bags at only 25c ? ? i Purchases ; COMPANY 1 s~ c~ = ? #