The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 04, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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I las LOCAL DOTS Pai ! wil I ?Weather forecast, for South | ] Carolina: Generally fair Tues- we day and Wednesday. ] ?Remember the old time | da; Fiddlers' Convention at Heath vil Springs tomorrow night. vis The ladies of the Baptist ] church are observing this week Ell as a "Week of Prayer." , be< ?What the people are saying ter today to the G. 0. P.: March ] ' forth.?Newberry Observer. 'da; ?A daughter was born to lar Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Thompson cei of the Dixie section on Feb- ] < ruary 24, 1913. tui ?The Lancaster Capter, U. ful D. C., will meet Thursday af- he] ternoon, March 6, at 4 o'clock with Mrs. L. S. Elliott. Wi ?H. M. Holtzhauser and 'n Mrs. Anna Rollings of the mill ani village were married Sunday night by Rev. C. P. Carter. Co ?Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. da; Garris of the Heath Springs district, a son weighing 13 Vk "V pounds. He has been named Cole L. Blease. M( ?Miss E. Duffie of Atlanta . arrived in Lancaster Saturday . night to accept a position as ^ stenographer in the office of '-j Mr. C. D. Jones. T A. _ - ? 1 i 1 ?a use to remind you 01 tne : jn popular play, "Freckles," which j will be presented at the Mackey ? opera house tomorrow night. I Tickets are on sale at Hough's store. i % ?"The Merchant of Venice" will be played by the pupils of the tenth grade of the Central graded school next Tuesday ed night, March 11, at the Mackey laf5 opera house at 8 o'clock. h? ?His many friends will re- ro' gret to learn that Rev. C. S.;nu Young is still closely confined eY' to his bed. His improvement ? s has been very slow, it having j ? been a little over five weeks since his attack. mc th< PERSONALS del wa noi Dr. F. E. Jordan spent the week-end in Lancaster. Mrs. Will Gill of Rock Hill is to the guest of Mrs. W. T. Wil- Ch liams. i arj Messrs.. Banks R. Cates, manager of the Charlotte ni<. Printing House, and R. E. Wil- ?.f son, foreman, were visitors {^e' here Sunday. Ju Col. Leroy Springs is in )e< Washington at the inaugura- ?n > tion- as Mr. L. C. Boyer spent Mon- ,r,.( day night in Charlotte. tj() Miss Bessie Bennett, who at- ch; tends school at Heath Springs, sis spent Sunday with her parents, ? Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bennett. l Dr. W. W. Fennell of Rock Hill was in town yesterday. of Miss Lula Lindsay left Mon- wa day for a visit to friends in J501 Wildwood, Fla. Jf* Mr. .1. Oscar Williams, who is the spending awhile in Camden, i came up Sunday to see his beI father. Judge I). A. Williams, |*y( returning to Camden Monday. ho? Mr. Tom Reid returned Mon- bot day after spending the week- _ end at his home in Rock Hill. Mr. J. W. McCain of Waxhaw was in town Saturday. Miss Sue Bradford of Fort Mill is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. E. Taylor. Miss Mary Massey, now of Rock Hill, spent yesterday and today with her sister, Miss gjjl Frances. Dr. F. I). Rodgers spent Sunday and Monday in Camden. Mr. W. J. Cunningham is in I Washington for the inaugura+ tion. R Mr. Ira B. Jones, Jr., spent the week-end in Columbia. Mrs. Jack L. Reese of Con- ,, garee is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Wylie Porter. Miss Eliza Wylie spent the week-end at home. Mr. Julian Williams of Charleston has been in Lancaster the past few days. Y Mrs. Frank Harper of Columbia is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gregory. (.y Mr. E. C. Mackey spent Sun- i? day in Rock Hill. Mrs. A. J. McNineh returned Thin is the season of the year when mothers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and have fin abundant reason for it as every cold J weakens the lungs, loweiS the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is fa- k. . mous for Its cures, and Is pleasant and safe to take. Fo? sale by all dealers. w fik . t week from a visit to h( Lighter, Mrs. T. B. Suber, i lumbia. Mrs. Suber accon nied her mother home an 11 remain for a visit. Mr. P. R. Moore spent U ek-end at home. Mrs. M. W. Moore left Thur y for her home in Jacksoi le, Fla., after an extende it to friends in Lancaster. Miss Effie Carnes. and Mi! a Sowell of Tabernacle ha\ sn recent visitors in Lanca Miss Lula Smith spent a fe ys with her sister, Mrs. Ri id Williams in East End r itly. Miss Alma Tillman has r -ned after spending a deligh two months in Augusta wi1 r brother, Mr. R. S. Tillma Little Miss Hallie Mildre lliams is spending a few da] the country with her aui d grandmother. Little Miss Fay and Mash Ion Williams returned Su; y from a visit in the countr Mr. Withers Massey of Ro< 11 spent yesterday in town. Rev. T. M. McClain return* >nday to his home at Clove Mr. C. V. Alexander of Bi ngham, Ala., arrived last Fi y at Hotel Royal to visit h iters, Misses Alyce and L le Alexander. Mr. C. D. Jones spent Sundi Charlotte. Socia/ Mrs. P. M. Lathan entertai the West End Neighborho< it Friday afternoon at hi me on Dunlap street. T1 1 call was answered with mber of interesting currei ents. After the transacts all regular business the ho is provided a literary conte lich afforded a profitable pa tie. Mrs. Lloyd Moore w; >st fortunate in answerir 2 (juestions and for her sk s rewarded with a book, licous course of refreshmen s enjoyed during the afte on. * As a charming complimei the Friday Afternoon Boc ib, of which she is an hono / member, Mrs. J II. Bol Ige entertained that cli >st delightfully last wee ter an interesting half hoi wited to current event dge Ira B. Jones, who h; 2n asked to address the cli "The Merchant of Venice his usual happy style, gai splendid interpretation of th ^ i. ? 1 t r ^iii piay. ma line appreci n of the several remarkab aracters will be of great a tance to the members ______ y [lore is a message of hope ni )d cheer from Mrs. C. J. Marti one Mill, Va., who Is the moth eighteen children. Mrs. Mart s cared of stomach trouble ai istlpation by Chamberlain's Ta 3 after five years of suffering, ai w recommends these tablets i public. Sold by all dealers. Por a sprain you will find Ch Iain's Liniment excellent. It i s the pain, removes the sorenei i soon restores the parts to ilthy condition. 25 and 50 ce ties for sale by all dealers. $25 P We have purchased a .$ firm of Augusta, Ga., which Y These chickens are fron ou can see the beautiful b ley would not make a valu For each 25cts purchase , ^..1. nil _ ? htk. j ne person noirling t emember you have tho sa Trade with us and save ive two (2) checks. C< We carry a full line of e\ id our store an excellent pla Standard THE LANCASTER NEWS, M ?r their study during the remaind- U'll ];i{ n or of the club year. Dr. Boldl-1 ridge also made a few appro- III id priate remarks in reference to the play, which is one of his favorites. The literary feature is over, the hostess invited her be. s- guests into the dining room, j^1 n- which was most attractive in G"i* id its decorations. Pretty lace all mats were used on the table, the ss where elaborate refreshments ?ay re were served. Mrs. T. Y. Wil- g*u s_ liams, the gracious president of the club, proposed several 1 w toasts which were responded to I canno ? by Judge Jones and Dr. Bold- tlr C?roxxl?> p ridge. The special guests of always fovi c" i 1.1. . 1 a. -a i ? t tnat it is made by the "Califor- "office!"' i. nia Fig Syrup Company." Don't be fooled! eggs foi - Uuff Or] d~ Special Notice. <\ Brown J There will he a missionary rally i^nte^No at Hopewell church next Sunday be- ' 11* ginning at 10:30 a. m. WANTED "J coon h id Notice of Election. hides. Wl lb Whereas, one-third of the electors See me " and one-third of the free-holders re- Cauthen. siding in Rich Hill district, No. 24, . have petitioned the county board of pon SAL education to order an election to de- bushels a- termine whether or not an addition- CoUon Se, ](i nl tax of two (2) mills shall he lev- jotg led on all real and personal proper.' ty in said district No. 24, for school in I oner open in purposes. Sol(, cotto We hereby order the trustees of oinPr id said Rich Hill school district No. 24 42-tf n, to hold the election on Wednesday, er March 10. 1013, at Rich Hill school in house. At which election only such DON T T id electors'as return real or personal tires th: b- property for taxation and who ex- them to t id iiibit their tax receipts and regis- Go., Monri to tration certificates shall he allowed vulcanized w to vote. We remaii a- ituies for opening and closing States Wa il- shall he as all general elections, is, , A. C. ROWELIi, THE BES' a 11. E. COFFEY, is the S nt J. H. HAM EL. do splendi w County Board of Education. the best : en of White Wyandotl 25.00 Ten ol' White Wyandotte Ch ickens fi we are going to GIVE away FRE K to one lonrinv, March > I si w y 1 the best stock, their sire having cost the M irds in our window any day you pass. Look able addition to your premises, in our store or payment on account we wi he lucky number on the 31st of March me chance at them as anyone else, your checks. For every 25cts spent for TV DNTEST CLOSES MARCH 31st, 1913. /ery thing to be found in a first-class Drug ce to deal. We strive always to p lease and \ Drug Cor LANCASTER, S. C. J me nosiess ai mis aeugntiui diateiy so. affair were Mesdames A. P. Mc- Robert Lure and J. J. Blackmon, Misses Ldbrar V Clara B. Strait and Hortense ,\ii n Landrum of Batesburg and Three size Judge Ira B. Jones. cjowan MOTHER! THE CHILD 11 IS COSTIVE, BILIOUS There v Friday nig er If tongue is rn:iteH_ hrpath h:iH of Mr. W. n- stomach sour, don't hesitate! Viivit^-d y- Give "California Syrup of -k Figs" at once?a teaspoonful TL_ D-. today often saves a sick child 11161 61 tomorrow. r- If your little one is out-of- I floi r~ sorts, half-sick, isn't resting, IaMU 7" eating and acting naturally? 18 look, Mother! see if tongue is bas been u" coated. This is a sure sign that retary it's little stomach, liver and j iy bowels are clogged with waste. I r,ini|,, 1 When cross, irritable, feverish, J stomach sour, breath bad or has anf} solici stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore nilui:p > j throat, full of cold, give a tea- ,, " f spoonful of "California Syrup the "rs of Figs," and in a few hours all month i ? the constipated poison, undi-' Trust Co n_ gested food and sour bile gently First s Kj moves out of its little bowels gecon(j jr without griping, and you have ' . M ie a well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy after ^ giving this harmless "fruit lexative," because it never fails to s_ cleanse the little one's liver and \%\ II. M bowels and sweeten the stomach and they dearly love its pleasant taste. Full directions for ' babies, children of all ages and TOi-icii \\ for grown-ups printed on each OUolJ A bottle- FOR RPN Beware of counterfeit fig Antiooh. syrups. Ask your druggist will rent for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs;" then see (8|8< Correct >eries opened Feb. 1st. ^ istallment of dues payeh 4. ^ l .1. (iRKuoKY. Tksseraat Pres. [ILLEN, *300 a setting of 15. T. 1 Sec. & Troas. PR KKNT?Central Hote "penne^(_.pergUgon Q0 aess Notices FOR RENT?Four rooms, =r~ furnished or unfurnishe T?Two horse farm near Ferguson. Five room dwelling. cheap. C. O. Stogner. FOR STYLISH Wedding In ;}-4-3t Carbon Paper or Oliver i ngion Typewriter Rlbbom ?Clean rags. News The News office. tf FREE TREATMENT for it HATCHING?Pure bred women. Send this ad. t plngton 15 for $1.25; S. 1 w111 mal1 y?u free a t( Leghorn, 15 for $1.00. J. treatment of a Home Itemc & Son, Lancaster, S. C.. wI11 absolutely cure all fee 1. 2t plaints. Address with sta " M. A. Hilton, Kershaw, S. Ilea."fohx'JWdo"lnmub8kdrai KROSTI'BOOK CAIIBAOB ill pay highest cash prices. Order ry?V|F 1 aV!:sdtrect; before selling. Capers *?Jrtt! middleman v Order now and get good plants. 90c for 1,000, $ 5,000, . 6.50 for 10,000. E?A limited' number of tion guaranteed. F. S. of Webber Long Staple Meggett, S. C. 1 id at $1.00 per bushel in bushels and over at my _ _ _ west of Lancaster. This B B B 8 m \ not later than Anril 1. ^8^8 ^8 8 mm I n from this seed a short I 11 I V* ! for 18 l-2c per pound. IVI mjk I I I W. C. IIOUGH. I V I I! %0 I Ik TIROW away your auto l'ri(U*S < [it have blownout. Send om the Montisino of our customers ?B?-X ir X* Igfjpd ve generally do. npany '? Jl / Seats n [NOTE?See Colum \ ARCH 4, 1913. >* MLftftl IA8J wii* ' * ?* "** ? *** Al? j I i m LIKS ; 8 static: where your heart should M tut gowans, King of Ex- S IHfc. tals, just rubbed on, sub- <VP4 located s and conquers Colds, close o [>, Pneumonia, Croup? 1913. ills where inflammation is cause. Buy a bottle to- fl* Loans j . keep it in the home? W Overdra ready for the night emer- Bonds cy- ed bj 'hey talk like this: ?1 Bankin" t endorse Gowans Prep- flB n f a highly. Have used it W Bank on my little boy and have Pnrrenr ind it effective and imme- BP Gold J. PETERS M. A. jg SiCoin' lan Midland College. Checks Atchison, Kansas. aja iggists ami Guaranteed. >^T< Total h, 91.00, 50 and 2.1 cents. 0 MEDICAL COMPANY. W Conrord, N. C. B Capital BP Surplus Special Notice. Undivid rill be a box supper next Cum :ht, March 7, at. the home SB Taxei D. Jones for the benefit Dae lo lamp Creek church. Pub- ers.. BP Individ: to r rpetual Building & 0 A . . S Cashier n Association 8 S STATK chartered by the Sec- Wi Coun 99 Bcfoi of State with initial ''m!1 llama, bank, i Slock of $50,000 8 Sen't'h ^Ji bank, a ts the patronage of the 99, bank. The dues are payable fai Swor t Tuesday of every 99, me this it Farmers Bank & [99, 5 B88St8tSS8S8S8SS?4 i +> * ^ ^ ? A ^ A ?^ ^ llank No. MKNT OK TUB CONDITION U OF BANK OF LANCASTER 8 at Lancaster, S. C., at the f business, February 4th, w RESOURCES. B< ind Discounts. .. $475,302.37 if ts 31,586.85 fQ and Stocks ownr the Bank 12,500.00 re and Fixtures 1,000.00 : House 6,800.00 rom Banks and .^8 era 90,726.71 Aft y 15,867.00 3,380.00 B And Other Minor Aft 2,589.46 W and Cash Items. . 13,645.65 m 8652.298.04 W LIABILITIES. B Stock Paid In. . $ 60,000.00 Fund 100,000.00 [Afti ea fronts, less ymia^ jnt Expenses and 3 Paid 16,918.41 ?? llanl.r &n?l Bank- M 6,563.21 ra ual Deposits Sub- m9. beck 286,329.26 W I Deposits 33,692.89 ertificates of De- W9 159,178.18 W 's Checks 616.10 ijj 1 $652,298.04 W OF SOUTH CAROLINA, W ty of Lancaster, ss: i,^?! re me came Geo. W. WilCashier of the above named QjQ vho, being duly sworn, says . e above and foregoing state3 a true condition of said fjQ 8 shown by the books of said GEO. W. WILLIAMS. n to and subscribed before I 10th day of February, 1913. 9m. JNO. H. POAQ, g? Notary Public. A . nvtcov. WADDY C. THOMSON, M W. J. CUNNINGHAM, R. L. CRAWFORD, Wi Directors. Li. Hilton. CITATION. I 2-19-tf I STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, '* County of Lancaster, By J. E. Stewman, Judge of Probate. upstairs, Whereas. Lizzie Blackmon and D. . d. G. F. C. Barnes have made suit to me to 41-tf. grant them Letters of Administra tion of the Estate and effects of ivitations, Moses Blackmon. and Rem- These are, therefore, to cite and s, call at admonish all and singular the kind1-tf red and Creditors of the said Moses Blackmon, deceased, that they be suffering ant* appear before me, in the Court o me and ?* Probate, to bo held at Lancaster 011 days' on Tuesday, March 11, 1913, next, >dy which after publication thereof, at 11 aale com- o'clock in the forenoon, to show nip, Mrs. ' cause, if any they have, why the said q. ' 4-w 'Administration should not be grant J ed. PLANTS, i Given under my hand, this 25th from me day of February, Anno Domini 1913. s profit. I j E STEWMAN, . reliable Probate Judge. 3.75 for Satlsfac Cannon, T T , g-ou-v? I jjautaoici UtaUS. ^ OPKHA 1I0USK | 1 Tomorrow Night 50c, SI.00 and SI.50 iow on sale at Hough's. bia State for true criticisms of play. - ?