The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 04, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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[7~~ .. j GOOD FOR CHERAW. J B. Y. P. U. Convention Makes a Lasting Impression. Cheraw Special to Columbia State: The B. Y. P. U. convention, which met in Che3 raw last week, has made a deep and lasting impression on this community. The devotional exercises, morning, afternoon and night, under the leadership of the Rev. W. D. Wakefield of Union, were characterized by pveonl InnnlKr 1 v^vvj/viviiaiijr ^ UUH 111 ^ 111 ^ clIKl stirring talks. The Kev. A. J. Hall of Hartsville, E. P. Jones of Newberry and J. S. Sowers of Florence made inspiring addresses on various phases of Christian life and service. Arthur Flake of Baldwin, Miss., who had charge of the classes in the B. Y. P. U. manual, showed how the young people's meetings should be conducted ! in order to create and maintain [enthusiasm, do effective work and get the most good out of the union. The banner for best attendance during the past year and largest percentage of mem- 1 bership taking the prescribed Bible courses of study, was I won by the union of the Taber- I nacle church of Columbia. There I were 105 delegates from all I over the state in attendance. I [Rev. Dr. Burts of Columbia was I selected president for the ensu- I ing year. ; Mr. Payseur Writes of His I Southern Trip. ' Editor News: I have plenty of I I time this beautiful Monday and ! my thoughts naturally are of I B Lancaster and the people that I 1 love. Wife and myself left I New Orleans about a week norn I font the conference, are I)r. (I. Campbell Morgan, London; Dr. Len (J. Broughton. London; Dr. James R. Cray, Chicago; Dr. John R. Sampey, Louisville; L>r. W. H. Wedderspoon, WashIfngton, D. C.; Dr. James I. Vance, Nashville, Tenn.; Dr Lacey MofTett, China; Dr. W. M. Morrison, Africa; Prof. \V. C. Pierce, Chicago. The conference secretary, i Rev. John W. Ham, in speaking of the conference today, said: h "Indications point to the largest out-of-town attendance that has ever marked the history of the conference during fifteen years. We are booking people from all parts of the United MR States and from all denominavj tions. We have the strongest ?! program ever offered. The raiJ; roads are co-operating with us | ii\ rritrinnf I'O/I n<?o/l ^ " | III F, IV 111^ I " UUV-VU I (IVUOt j l>r. KIiik'm Now Discovery. Soothes irritated throat and lungs stops chronic and bucking cough, relievos tickling throat, tastes nice. ! Take no other; ome used, always used. Huy it at Lancaster Pharmacy and Standard Drug Co. ^ '***.. . . on this elegant ship, Parismina. We have a big passenger list, but no one from the South. Most ^ of the people seem to be from ^ "'thc West and other parts of the | world. Everything is gaiety, though one can find company to suit almost any taste, though eating, dancing and music seem to be most popular. Today we are off the eastern coast of I Honduras in the Caribeansea, I two thousand miles south of New Orleans. We had two days and nights of gales and rain and it was very rough. Nearly every one was sick for 36 hours. The past day or two have been beautiful though rather hot. The sea is smooth as glass. We will reach Colon to-1 I ^ I morrow and will spend about' | ten ciays mere and at Panama viewing the big canal. Then we expect to go to Kingston, which is the capital city of Jamaica. Will spend some time there and will tell you how Ja coffee plantations look when I get home. We get all important news from the states, in fact from all the world's happenings. The bulletin boards have news' items placed on them every hour or oftener. The news comes to the ship by wireless ?,{ telegraph. You can telegraph 1r i to any part of the world from J the ship any time, day or night. Now if you think this is of |l sufficient interest, you can publ lish same, if not let it go in the basket. It is rather hard to write aboard ship as it rocks and twists about. Regards to The News readers. L. C. PAYSEUR. Bible Conference in Atlanta. The Atlanta Bible Conference will convene in Atlanta, Ga., March 7th and close March 16th. Six services a day will be held in the Baptist Taber- j nade of that city. The speakers who will be nresent thtv\?nrV? "M'M II '1 -I THE g MOR at LANC "When We are showing now , many bargains, so DON'T SILKS Beautiful new spring Silks for ( distinctive patterns and pleas COTTON DRESi Pretty Cotton Rattine, in the w Cotton Suitings for early sprin neat striped effects, at .. Colored P. K. in the popular si Colored Linens in the prettiest s Colored Poplins and beautiful ( JACK AND JIL A new material similar to (lain and is especially suitable 1 In solid shades and neat st WHITE GC The season's choicest fabi liere> including novelties and st; bought from the right people a are likewise selling them right, safe in buying your white goc braces Pattine, Piques, Peps, Madras, Nainsooks, Long Cloth WOOLEN G New novelty Woolen Goods, I black, red and brown and n cheaply priced at the yard. New Wool oil Gnn?l< 111 S/m'ii'Ao black, and colors, at CURTAIN G Beautiful Colored Curtain (Joo< 9 EMBROIDE Whatever you may need i Cambric Edges and Insertions i ings and Allovers, you will do For our collection of these g< large, the patterns are most be?* very cheap indeed. SHIRT WA Pretty sprftig Waists in high Linenes and Lawns, embro med at WASH SK: Big new lot of Wash Skirts in Shepherd checked, and t;i nifty and desirable styles, Other Wash Skirts in white 01 value, at NORFOLK Ladies' pretty Lineno Norfolk . li^lit blue, with patent lea the b8c skirts, hnt are sold at only Everything sold here I am L/intiij a?b?? L A N L = ? ~ ^ HlllUJUJJI.U II* II,'"IIII , *?'? " " " * LANCASTER NEWS, MARCH 4. :e bj k CTrn ni ZiOIE.1V IT e Everything is Sold Cheap i a great many New Spring me of which will doubtle FAIL TO READ LI: lay and evening wear, in ing shades, at 50c, 75c and $1.00 yard S GOODS anted shades, at only 25c yard g Dresses and Skirts, in 15c and 25c yard hades, at only. .15c yard >liades. at only. .25c yard ?repe Cloth at. .25c yard L CLOTH tea. but softer and nicer for children's garments, ripes. The yard only 15c iODS ies in White Goods are Eiples. These goods were t the right price and we So you will be perfectly >ds here. This line emLinens. Linenes. Lawns, , etc. OODS 16 inches wide, in blue, lixed combinations. Very , only 25c Whipcords, etc.. in white 50c and $1.00 yard OODS Is especially priced at l/2c< 14c and 19c the yard, IRIES n Embroideries frmn 5e i]) to the swollest Flouncweil to come here for it. >ods this season is very \utiful and the prices are JSTS and low neck, made of idered and prettily trim 50c and 98c [RTS Pique and Reps, white, m, made in a variety of to go at only. 98c each lly, each an excellent . .. .$1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 ^CKETS Jackets in white, tan and tlier belt, made to match separately. Priced each .* 98c guaranteed to give satis Stamps given with TER MERC CAS T i 1913. \RCA IRRfANTII AJUA V. \SJi 111 1 1U ind Many Things Much Cheaper" g Goods in the various lines ss appeal to you when you'v< ST HEADED 'SPECIAL CHILDREN'S D Big assortment of pretty, well 1 in all sizes from age 3 to 18, ?r CHILDREN'S CAMB New lilie nili 1 rlrrvn eomK..!.. TT One lot wide 25c Ribbons to g< One lot. white Silk Waists (slit? $3.50 values, to go at only faction or your money ref 1 cash purchases. ANT1LE COM R U W WAAIAV41 V>11 o vamui iv; V.^ J attached. A nicely made, g< and saves sewing. In all sizt ~ NEW GINGHAMS AN In pleasing fast colors and choic SPRING OXF We are now showing in a va styles Infants' soft sole, ankle si and big Misses' patent, tan am Ladies' button and blucher Sandals, etc., in satin, cravanett ers. Men's and Boys' Oxfords ii patents and gun metals. Needless to say the price from the smallest infants' t R-I-G-H-T. SPECIAI 22 Yards good 34-incli plain Shi 12 Yards good 36-inch 10c soft Best 25c Talcum Powder in cash to go Saturday and Monda One case 10c Dress Ginghams to One case best Gc Apron Ginghai the yard only One lot 25c Box Paper and Knve Monday. nnl\ at Several pieces 50c Woolen Dres Coats Spool Cotton Saturday ar .$1.50 Bed Spreads to go at only. $1.00 Bed Spreads to go at only. One lot Men's fancy Dress Shir Men's Odd Pants at the fol $1.50 Pants now $2.50 Pants now $3.00 Pants now $4.00 Pants now $5.00 Pants now Best Gc and 7c Calico in light an only Woolen Dress Goods Remnant one-third regular prices. Ladies' $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 f only, to go at only One lot 50c Bed Sheets to cro at ( J E CO. ji i and are offering ^ seen them. S " o, RESSES nade Children's Dresses it only.. . .50c and $1.00 RIC WAISTS adcrwaists with buttons )od fitting little garment 3s, at 15c and 25c D PERCALES ) :e patterns at I 10c and 12y2c yard ' ORDS riety of the season's best trap Slippers, Children's f 1 gun metal Slippers. Oxfords, Pumps, Strap e and the popular lcath- * i the new shapes in tans, on every pair of these a the largest men's is n JO rting for $1.00 i i finish Bleach for. .$1.00 imere bouquet and violet y only at 10c box > go at only 8c yard ? lis, in full bolts, to go at 4c lopes to go Saturday and 10c box s Goods to go at only 25c the yard id Mondav onlv 4c spool ;$1.19 75c ts to go at only 59c each lowing reductions: . .. 98c $1.50 $1.98 $2.50 $2.98 d dark patterns, to go at 5c the yard s to go at one-half and me Shoes, 111 small sizes 98c the pair mly 31c each > at only 10c yard lit 1 y soiled) $3.00 and 98c each undcd. Trading I I IPANY | S C I ?