rlU I jlife/ in;hi] auk IMMENSE ASSORr BROIDERIES j Here's the most < embroideries we've e^ ?all widths in Voile brand new, fresh, oris very newest patterns, as the following items Embroideries Voile Swiss and Batiste . . . DIMITY NECKW The dainty neckw showing will win youi : its daintiness but beci as well. EXQUISITE LACE BELOW 1 Come and take ; yards of beautiful, c tremely low prices, this wonderful buy necessary for you t Their rare beauty, e our exceptionally lo that this is the best la year. Here are a few e> One special lot of 10< One lot of CIuny Lac One lot of 3 to 6 inch JONI * .. , - -r, - ,1^.., p, T? -n % 2 CANB1 TO RF A V i/U Immense Assortment! Here you will find a satisfa dozens of other equally interesl exercised the greatest care in tl with an eye not only for style an ceeded in gathering what we be Come in during the next few da note the moderate prices. Do tl preference has been anticipated A FEW AKTICLI rMENT OF NEW EM(VND DRESS GOODS j -iti* n r* extensive collection ot line 7er succeeded in assembling ?s, Swiss and Batistes?all p, in a great variety ot' the Prices are very moderate, will show: . 10c, 25c, to $2.00 51c to 40c 12 l-2c to 41c EAR AND RUFFLING rear and rufiflng we are now ' favor, not only because of mse of the very low prices J ' ' IS ARE OFFERED WAY ^EIR VALUE. your choice of hundreds of ixquisite laces at these exIn order to fully appreciate ing opportunity it will he o see tliese beautiful laces, xquisite workmanship and w prices will convince you ce buying opportunity of the :amples: 2 Laces for 5c es, special price. .15c to 25c Lace, special 10c iS ME . I ' \ w * PHE LANCASTER NEWS, FEBRUARY 15, 1! TV VATTD CI Jil IUUftOI sTadvan s of Fresh Spring Good? Now Attractive Prices. ctory answer to your queries about the Spring ttt\ ting and important facts about the Springtime : 1 a e n < ^ * a\ i i i le seiecuon 01 our spring uoocis. ys, look our crisp, clean, fresh assortments o1 lis carefully and yo'll be fully convinced that 1 ?that here you find the newest styles, the best <] iS KSPKCIALLY WORTHY RATTINE IN ALL THE NEW WEAVES AN] COLORS Here you get your choice of the very newej weaves and colors in the always popular Ra1 tines at prices, ranging from 25c to 50c pc yard. For instance. 22 1 2c to 2S LINEN PONGEE IS A BARGAIN AT 25c YAR] Come and take your choice of this Linen Ponge< in all desired shades at the specially low pric of ; 25c yar I NEW SHADOW LACES VERY MODERATI LY PRICED. These pretty shajdow Laces are just the thing fc yokes and dipss trimmings. Our very mot crate prices ^ ill make tliem doubly popula For example $1.00 and $1.25 Laces for 75c and 8? / k 1 DAINTY MUSLIN UNDERWEAR IN WHI1 AND COLORS Every garment in this entire assortment is lie clean and fresh. The materials are Creye a: Seersucker in white and a variety of colo: The prices are very moderate as the followi: J + ' ?-UEl . m. . Ba rm i nn HAuL Being Shown at \ < 4 *les, the new materials, and / 4'oods. As usual we have ^ assortments were chosen s well, and we have sue,-les to be found anywhere. fif ver, compare the qualities, lere your every wish and [ualities and lowest prices. OF YOUR EARL1 n ClTTT'NrWT'Mn. CDUTWn < L/ M A W A1 A1 AA1 VJV UA IVA11 VJT I AND N *t Very stunning ind< t_ Snii , we are now showin ,r iety and particularly p . terials and trimmings, need a new spring suit spect these handsome n< D thoroughly. e, !? SPECIAL $1.00 MESSA Only one piece of this 36^ and in order to clean i $1.00 black Messaline 2 'r ' WHITE WAIS 1Here are a great many o materials for waists, riety of weaves here \ >c For example "E NEW DRESS GINGI PERC w> Our new Dress Gin 'id eales just, came in a fe\^ rs- all icnly for you. Our n? bright and gay with the 48 I Ik shades, stripes am ])o]>ular for spring time jY time for you to buy, bee* are absolutely clean and ;ht now from our complete ?r_ these items will show, ai lie Dress Ginghams from .. ur Percales from 15c Pretty lot of Madras, spc E" I * r . _i. tm. . + . ^ items will show 75c, 89c and up to $3. THE NEW COTTON CREPE IS ESPECIALI PLEASING This new cotton Crepe comes in white and lig shades, and is just the thing for Muslin lJnd< wear for women and cliilden. A glance at t items given will show you how moderate o prices are 15c, 25c, 5 IRC ANT III "LANCASTER'S LIVE STOR i r, / / lEEDS1 HIRE . f INSPECTION SUITS FOR WOMEN J [ISSES 1 eed are the new spring 1 g in such a splendid var- I leasing are the new ma- | Even though you do not I just now, come and In- i ew ones?you'll enjoy it I XINE AT 75c A YARD inch black Messaline left it out you may have this it 75c a yard IT MATERIAL ^ f the most popular white You will find a large vaat very moderate prices. . .. 10c to 25c % IAMS, MADRAS AND ALES. ghams, Madras and Per- 8 r days ago?and are now B coutirers >nd suelvos are a new spring colors?with I d figures that will bo so fl ltight now is the best v 9 mse right now our stocks B fresh and you ran choose B i assortment. Prices, as 8 *e very moderate: fl .. 8 1 3c, 10c and 12 l-2c ?- 3 10c to 12 1 2c I jcial 10c B PANY I # " ^ 41*