wt ~ I rf LOCAL DOTS I ?Weather forecast: SaturM ^Invv * ? Iuajr?mix. ?Notice the new sign over the entrance of Barnette's 5, 10 and 25 cent store. ?Mr. J. T. Wylie left today for the North to buy the spring and summer stock of goods for the J. T. Wylie Company. ?Yesterday was St. Valentine's Day, a time dear to the hearts of the boys and maidens fair, when Cupid is a swift and . * sure messenger between them. ?Magistrate W. P. Caskey has been taken to Hodges to the home of his daughter,, Mrs. J. Palmer King. The latest information is that he is not do. ing so well, which his many friends will regret to hear. ?County Supervisor T. O. Blackmon is having a concrete bridge built over Hannah's creek on the road leading by Gregory-Stogner farm. Mr. Steve C. Williams is in charge of the work. ?Miss Bernice Davis is in New York and Philadelphia selecting the spring and summer millinery for E. E. Cloud. She was joined in Charlotte by Miss Meta Moore of Inman, who accompanied her. ?Rev. H. R. Murchison and Messrs. John T. Green and R. E. Wylie will leave Monday for Memphis, Tenn., to attend the third general convention of the Laymen's Missionary Movement of the Southern Presbyterian Church. _ - . I ?Our distinguished townsman, B-Chief Justice Ira B. Jones, has been selected by the | Euphemian Society of Erskine College, his alma mater, to make the principal speech at the dedication of that society's w new hall at the next commence* ment. ?We have a boys' corn club in the county which has been productive of so much good that we suggest to Superintendent of Education Rowell and Farm Demonstrator McManus, or any one else who will join in the movement, to get the girls of the county into a tomato club. We believe the girls can do better even than the boys. ?Yes, it was pretty" cold Thursday and Friday, but nothing to be compared with this time last year, when the mercury went down to something like ten above zero. The ** lowest this spell was 25 above. In this connection, it may be well to remember that we are to have, some time this year, 9 inches of rainfall to make up for what is due us from last year. ? | PERSONALS I Mr. T. H. Bennett of Heath opinigs is in town toaay on j business. Miss Pet Neill of Lancaster and Miss Nettie Hallman of Unity are visiting Mrs. C. K. White.?Waxhaw Enterprise. Mr. George B. Landrum of Portersville, California, is the guest of his siste*, Mrs. H. R. Murchison. Cob Leroy Springs has returned from a business trip to New York. Miss Corinne Thomson is in Spartanburg. Mr. C. W. Requarth of Charlotte, former county and city engineer, spent Thursday in Lancaster. Messrs. M. S. Witherspoon and W. C. Hough visited Columbia Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. J. E. Nesbit of Van Wych was in town Wednesday. Mr. L. A. Wittkowsky of the Camden bar was in town today u or business. Miss Minnie Laney, a popular young lady of Tradesville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Earl Melton, of Cheraw, and will also visit friends and relatives of Bishopville and Cassatt before returning home. Miss Margaret Moore has re* ~ a- "?* * mm I.UI IICU ill/Ill ^feu>s . Several Valentine parties \ were given yesterday, one by \ Miss Kate Reid, another by Miss Ruth McDow in honor of the i tenth grade of the central i graded school, and a third by 1 Mrs. O. C. Blackmon, compli- 1 mentary to her Sunday school class. c 1 At a meeting held Thursday evening the following were elected officers of the Lancaster German Club for 1913: E. < Curtis Mackey, president; W. M. Green, vice president, and H. I J. Gregory, secretary and treas- i urer. S. C. Williams, W. R. Moore, Ira B. Jones, Jr., and O. B. Bartlett are on the executive committee. The annual Easter dance will be given Monday, March 24. Plans are being formulated for making this occasion one of the most enjoyable the German Club has ever given. + * ? Miss Mary Locke Barron was the hostess of the Cosy Corner Club Thursday afternoon at the home of her grandfather, I Sheriff J. P. Hunter, on Elm street. The program consisted of readings by Misses Mary j Heath Jones and Mary G. | Wylie. In a spelling game Miss Mary Heath Jones received the prize, a book, while the booby was presented to Miss Eliza Moore. A dainty course of refreshments was served by Mrs. Barron and Miss Min Jones. Six members of this interesting club enjoyed a delightful afternoon. Trains Collide. Early Thursday morning an Atlantic Coast Line freight train ran into a Southern -i. ? " ireigm >n Liie crossing 01 tne | two roads at Camden Junction. . Several cars on both trains j were smashed and the tracks j considerably torn up. The engineer on the Coast Line train j was painfully but not seriously . injured. When he saw that 1 the collision was inevitable, he < jumped for his life. The engine turned completely over. In | consequence of the condition of ' the track, the Coast Line's j train had to be routed around ] by Kingville, both to and from j Columbia. ~~~ By reason of the wreck the ( Southern's northbound train < Thursday night and the one j Friday morning were consider- , ably late. The tracks have , been put in repair and the trains are now running on schedule time. , Mr. E. K. Plyler Badly Burned. ' We regret to hear of the painful accident which recently J befell Mr. E. K. Plyler, an aged and respected citizen of the ex- [ treme northeast section of the j county. We clip the following particulars from The Monroe * Enquirer: , "Mr. E. K. Plyler, an aged citizen of Buford township, came very near being burned to death a few days ago. He j was alone in a room and in some ] manner his clothing caught on fire and his feet and legs were burned terribly. Mr. Plyler suffered a stroke of paralysis several months ago and it was with great difficulty that he 1 could walk before he suffered ! the burns and now he is entire- ' ly helpless. Mr. Plyler is a ' good citizen and has many ~ friends." | Time and Place of First Meth- j odist Church Services. The services of the First Methodist church will be held , in the Sunday school room. 5 Sunday schocl. 10 a. m.; peaching, 11 a. m.; Epworth League, ' 8:80 p. m. At night the pastor ] will preach in the Baptist church at the usual hour, 7:JO I p. m. COUNTY NEWS I ' RICH HILL. Special to The News. Rich Hill, Feb. 13.?Mr. D. J. Hinson went to Camden this > week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hinson 1 and little son, Ross, visited Mr. ? A. P. Blackmon in the Camp 1 Creek section last week. Mr. Marion Blackmon visited ; Mr. Julius Hinson the Dast ! week. ' Miss Eula Williams spent'i / * .. v THE LANCASTER B Saturday night with Miss Es:elle Blackmon. Miss Sadie Hinson spent Satjrday night with Miss Sallie Williams. Mr. Andrew Blackmon spent Saturday night and Sunday vith Mr. D. J. Hinson. Mr. B. F. Baker and little *on, Lee, and Mr. D. J. Hinson ind son, Roy, visited Mr. R. L. Raker in Westville Sunday light. We are having a good Sunlay school and also a good Sunjeams society, TIRZAH. Special to The News. Tirzah, Feb. 13.?Mr. J. M. VToMlirrHV snpflt. rmp lnuf veek in Waxhaw. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Simpson of LJnity visited in this section Monday. Miss Bettie Montgomery /i?ited in the Chapel Hill section last week. Messrs. Claude Hudson and Miller Simpson visited relatives n the Unity section Sunday light. Mr. Jud Steele of Unity spent ;he week-end at Mr. E. P. Tareton's. Mr. C. J. Hudson spent Satjrday in Lancaster. Miss Jessie Hudson of Ebeleezer spent a night in this seeJon last week. Mrs. Ed Simpson and Miss Ella Huey of Unity spent the veek-end at Rev. W. W. Ratch ord's. Miss Anna Simpson is spendng some time in Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Steele of Eamp Creek spent Sunday in :liis section visiting relatives. Latest Legislative News. The McLaurin warehouse bill las been continued until the lext session of the legislature. The Strait bill to increase the pension of Confederate soldiers and their widows is still pendng, the finance committe reporting against it. The kembert bill taxing water powers has been unfavorably reported in the senate and kvill come up later during the session. The house passed the appropriation bill to its third reading Thursday night. Relatively few changes were made by the house in the bill as it came from cne ways ana means committee. There was an extended debate an the item allowing A. W. Todd $5,000 for plans and specifications for the state house. This daim was disallowed at the last session of the legislature and was again knocked out by the house. The item of $2,000 for improvement of driveways and walks around the state house, provided a like amount was appropriated by the city of Columbia, was also stricken out. An additional amount of $2,500 was added to the appropriation to the Citadel to pay the expenses :>f the officers and cadets in attending the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson. The amount of $12,500 was passed by the house for the purchase of a rifle range for the national guard of South Carolina. Prestons Leave For Florida. Princeton, N. J., Feb. 12.? Prof. Thomas J. Preston and his bride, who was Mrs. Grover Cleveland, left here today for Florida, where they will spend their honeymoon. FOR LANCASTER PEOPLE Nnncnhtcr Citizens* Experiences Furnish Topic for Lancaster Discussion. The following experience occurred in Lancaster. A Lancaster citicen relates it. Stmiliar experiences are occurring iaily. Lancaster people are being relieved. (letting rid of distressing kidney ills. Try Doan's Kidney Pills, the nested Quaker rcmoiW. Lancaster people. Testify. Lauras er people profit. J The evidence Ji home evidence? .he proof convUr?lng. F^ancaster rotimony is gratefully ?lven. y KaneastenrsuffererB should read i.t W. 3. yfingley, Kim St., Lancaster, S. C.^ays: "My back ached intensely yTnd my kidneys were dis>rder'*df Tlie kidney secretions passed irregularly and were unnatural. Some time ago I got a supply if Doan's Kidney Pills from the standard Drug Company's store and t did not take them long to relieve lie. My kidneys are now in a nortnal condition and my pains and iches have disappeared." For sale by all dealers. Price GO ^ents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Mew York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name - T^oan's? md take no othoi. i fEWS, FEBRUARY 15, Business Notic NOTICE?jfoont plant^fj^as i oate, piint Billloi^^uollar G and get croupr^ Get your from BeknetUl^rguson Co., caster, Enrttpffrise Mercantile C pany, Heath Springs; Horton H Jefferson. S. C., or write tp me a them. C. M. Moseleyf Kersl S. C. 39 4 I um stiff/seeing eggs from best WhUe Orpingtons at $ a setting. T. L. Hilton. ^39LOST?-Tuesday afternoimbeVv Ilirsch's store orJ^Trter's at and my house, pvujprcontaining Finder liberaQjfc^TeWarded. Re to News oiiice or VV. H.* Shute, I 2-15FROST I'ROOF CAUQAGE PL.AJ Order your plants direct from and save the middleman'^" pi Order now and get good* reli plants. 90c for l,00)>t ?3.75 i a.uuu, 6.6D ror loyfOO. Sati: tion guaranteed. > F. S. Can Meggett, S. C. 16-50 -yCFOR SALK?Lewis Lona> St Cotton Seed $1.00 tpfT bin Grown from Originators stock kept pure in ginrtiiyr J. S. IIo Osceola, S. C. VVANTHD?Cow bides, prffnk h coon hides, fox hlMss, mus hides. Will pay lilgjirst cash pr See me before Srselling. Ca (.'a u then. FOR SALE?Milch cou^with ond calves, givii^inrom 3 t< gallons a day. ALuw some nice Cunningham F^^m. 32-4C THE REST CIIICKE&F for the 1 is the Silver Carnitine. Thej do splendid whenyfonflned. I the best strain in America. 1 $3.00 a setting^f 15. T. L. Hi NOTICE?I ''nave sold my a tock of drugs, tobacco, pi and all other stock of goodp*'an<] tures to the Peoples Drug ind eery Co. All Arms tarlndivld holding claims agajpst me please present thjfm for payn E. W. Hammond^Ieath Spring C., Jan. 21, 19*5. j BREAKFAST H ACON.ym>iled I | less 11 Hin, specialti^g at Stogn llinson. / 31 FRESH FISH and Oystejtt Fr and Saturday of each week Stogner & Hinson. 30NOTICE?All persons now to the firm of McManus J^Co. asxed to come and prt settlement. We are rg0|Vr to ch our business and <\oj0ot wish t forced to place nu/r papers in hands of an attorney. But we i have settlements. McManus &. Tradesville, S. C., January 2/1 .-28 oil RFNT?Central llbtel. A to Bennet.t-Fergu^rCo^//'^l FOR STYLISH Wedding Invitat Carbon Paper or Oliver and 1 iigton Typewriter Ribbons, ca The News office. / 1 LOST?On Christn\aft morning ning a fox, a blafK and tan h< dog, white breaaL named Tic $5.00 RewardVNotify W. A. PI I Route 2. Tux County of Lancaster. By J. E. Stewman, Judge of Pro Whereas J. H. Mobley has i suit to me to grant him Lettei Administration of the Estate an fects of Peter B. Hammond. These are, Therefor>v to cite admonish all and/^dngular kindred and" Cr^Jtors of the Peter B. Hammond, deceased, they be and jSppear before nn the Court arProbate, to be hel Lancastearon March 1st, 1913, after ^Publication thereof, at o'cloalr in the forenoon, to * aau^re, if any they have, why the Administration should not be g: ed. Given under my hand, this day of February, Anno Do uinl 1 , J. E. STEWMA 39-4 1-s Probate Jud* Notice. I will visit schools next wee follows: Gills Creek, Monday. I ruary 17, at 8:30 a. m.; Thorn j at 11:30 a. m. Wednesday, ruary 19, Red H111-/9 a. in.; | Hill, 11:30 a. m.^/md Fork 11i p. m. Thurrtdav/r'ebrunry 20, Ridge, 10 4. and Hopewell, p. m. Pareuaa and trustees an I pected t/intend these meetlni R punnet f 1111 v A C. ROW ELI.. County Supt. of Edueatio Special Hates to Presidential I juration Via Southern Jtniluii For this occasion the Sout Railway Will sell rplfnd trip ti( from Lancaster$13.40. Tic will be on saU^^ebruary 28, M 1, 2 and 3^^"'inal limit Marcli with prk^Tege of an extension final limit until April 10 by sonally depositing ticket with sp agent at Washington and payi of $1. Special Notice. There will, be a basket supot the Williamson X Hoads ?c house Friday night February 1913. The public is cordiallj vlted. I Subscribe for The Nt I \ 1913. w ifter M llank irass y STATEMENT OF seed ( ;om- 951 THE BANK ( Jos., located at Lanca ?? H close of buslne: f?w- m 1913. _ W RESO mv '^S1 Loans and Discoi 1.50 .VP. Overdrafts. . tf M Bonds and Stock ed by the Ban vee? >VP> Furniture and 1< able V? Banking House. . $52 *2} ^ue fr?iii Bank turn S Bankers.. .. tt m Currency . . . . Gold j. ^VP^ Silver and Other yiff? AjA Coin i me | W Checks and Cash -ofit. iW able VP Total for : W I.I AIM sfac- Capital Stock Pa: nou, LV9J Surplus Puud . . w faft] Undivided Profi Current Expeni aple LwJ Tnxc*s Paid . . shel. rjMAj Dae to Ban I s- an. nud j ers wey, ! IVVJ Individual Deposi 2t M to Qheck. . Savings Deposits. ides, L? Time Certificates krat [gQj posit ices. Cashier's Checks pers LWJ 59 rggj Total \a*] STATE OF SOUH ~ 1^2^ County of Lam pigs. Before me ca i_8 [^0] liams, Cashier of nunR, who, beinf . that the above a rarm W ment ls n true aiso bank, as shown b ;axp M bank. BE? W GEO. Sworn to and atlre S me this 10th day lints JI Correct?Attest: G ro luals M WADDK will a? y^- c lent. D. ^ s, S. W, ? ?IIIII1UI1I1 lone- ^ ^ ^ * * * * ^ er R *-tf Hank No. 21)0. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION iday OF tta- THE PEOPLES BANK ** located at Kershaw, S. C.f at the id ted close of business February 4th, 1913. JjJJJ RESOURCES. ange Loans and Discounts. ... $36,239.55 o be Overdrafts 228.52 the Furniture and Fixtures. . 2,222.21 must Hanking House 5,042.20 Co., Other Ileal Estate owned 1,960 25 913. Due from Banks and -tf Bankers. .v 7,856.7 5 . Currency 1,465.00 [pply Gold . . ...... 272.50 6-tf Silver and Other Minor Coin 539.33 ions. Checks and Cash Items. . 563.95 lorn 11 at Total . ., $56,390.26 -tf LIABILITIES. Capital Stock ytftid in ... $25,000.00 "7 Surplus Fun AT. 2,000.00 kler Dndividm yTrofits, less vior Currqh^Expenses and ' Taxerf/aid 335.86 Indlvidjpl Deposits Subr ject lo Check 22,041.78 auto Time Certificates of DeSend p0sit 1,576.73 agon Cashier's Checks 14 5.22 fhem Bius Payable, including way. Certificates for Money )tton Borrowed 5,000.00 *9 Reserve Fund Carried on . General Individual or Savings Ledger 290.67 .. Total $56,390.26 ,A> STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lancaster, ss: bate. Before me came H. F. Clyburn, nude cashier of the above named bank, "* who, being duly sworn. says that rt er" the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as ai1" shown by the books of said bank. tllfc 1-1 ^ PI VliiTnvr r\ Ui *. i . i ij u iv.-x, v.asiuer. said Sworn to and subscribed oefore that me tliis 12tli day of February, 1913. " ln P. M. HII.TON, 'd at Notary Public for South Carolina, next, Correct?Attest: , 11 E. F. HORTON. sllovf HORT. S. FLOYD, L. It. ROLLINGS. ran*" Directors. ' Not ire. 913 The pension board will nv?et at the court house uext Tuesday, the ' 18th inst., for . the lusj time this vear. S ' VV. T. VAN LANDINGI1 AM. k as Chaldnkn. Feb well, Sale of Personal Property. Feb- Ry virtue of an ortter of the Proltlch bate Court of Lancaster county, 11, 3 South Carolina, fc'wlli sell at public Oak sale to the hiatfest bidder for cash. ?.:30 at the late residence of Mrs Delilah } ex- Sims, defcaifsed, on Wednesday, the ?o. 19th daVof February, 1913, all the persona! property and effects belonging to said deceased, consisting n. of household and kitchen furniture, one mule, 19 head of hogs, two (2) nau- buggies and horse, corn, peas, fodiy. der, shop tools, 3 wagons, etc. hern W. U. CLYBURN, kets Administrator, skets .John I). Wylie per- ^ ' ecial ^ lNS>KAN(i: *r at r 21. Court House Square r inlt ,ws. i Lancaster, - S. C. III1HH1IHB No. 83. B THE CONDITION S [)F LANCASTER gi ster, S. C., at the ss, February 4th, Aft rol URCES. unts. . .$475,302.37 M 31,586.85 Ijf :s ownk 12,500.00 Aft "ixtures 1,000.00 . . . . 5,800.00 H< s and Aft 90,726.71 tjm 15,867.00 E s :i.nn no Miner [jM|] .. .. 2,589.46 }E< Items. . 12,54 5.65 LVPJ $652,298.04 pSj LITIES. IWJ id in..$ 50,000.00 k,??i 100,000.00 [Mj ts, less ses and 16,918.41 [AM ! Bank 5,563.21 WJ ts Sub- [flBj 286,329.25 r^l 33,692.89 of De- M] 159,178.18 i' 1 r in IWmA uivav $652,298.04 "( rH CAROLINA, W caster, ss: me Geo. W. Wil' the above named fljjQ ; duly sworn, says nd foregoing statecondition of said y the books of said W. WILLIAMS. ^ subscribed before of February, 1913. s'O. H. POAG, ?? Notary Public. Ia|a'1 s ' C. THOMSON, W. UNNINGIIAM, fj| RAWFORD, >S Directors. jJPP^ tti?>?>?r??gVS I Have Just Received all sizes of Fibre Letters and Scallops for embroidery. No. 3 Crochet Thread in ctfors for bags, etc. Silk Floss iui4 Crocliot Silk in wb" and pdtors. Stamping dono at all times. 1). M. C. Floss all colors and IHW? MRS. C. WM. JONES, M-i-3 Catawba Street. Typewriter Bargains! All Makes Rebuilt and Guaranteed . . Fill out this coupon and mail to us for a free list showing the bargains we offer. Name .... Address rzzzzz.. Send me your free list of rekm If ^ LFUIIU typewriters. J. E. CRAYTON & CO., 217 South Try on Street, CHARLOTTE, - . N. C. Notice of Election. Whereas one-third of the freeholders and one-fhird of the electors residing in White Bluff school district, No. 26, in Lancaster county, have petitioned, the County Board of Education, to order an election to determine whether or not a tax of three (3) mills shall be levied on all real and personal property in said district No. 26 for school purposes. We hereby order the trustees of White Bluff school district No. 26, to hold the election at White Bluff school house on Wednesday, Feb. 26, 1913, at which election only such electors as return real or personal property for taxation and who exhibit their tax receipts and registration certificates shall be allowed to vote. Election shall open and close as all general elections. A. C. HOWELL, H. E. COFFEY, . J. H. HAMEL, County Board of Education. Notic of Discharge. Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned, as guardian of C. Ross Blackmon, will, on the 1st day of March, 1913, make her final return as such guardian, and apply to tho Probate Court of Lancaster county for letters dismissory. ALMKTTA J. BLACKMON, Guardian of 0. Ross Blackmon. Jan. 29, 1913. 34-42-w Subscribe for The News. 2 >rim