D JAILS ARE FILLED WITH SUFFRAGISTS I Some I>aj> Washingto General" Mrs. Drummond and vocational e< ing maximun Thirty Other Militant Suffragettes ^24 00Q 00Q Sentenced to Fourteen Days in trade educat! Prison. ed by the 86 tute for the London. Jan. 29.?"General" Mrs. has passed t Drummond and thirty other militant tending over suffragettes will spend the next both sides ol fourteen days in jail because of their divided, endt determination to force David-Lloyd Senator Page George, chancellor of the exchequer, nal for the to receive them as a deputation in by a vote of the house of commons last evening. The measu All the prisoners declared in court ate and will after they were sentenced that they ultimately in would immediately start a "hunger mittee. The trike." propriated th Mrs. Drummond complained that proximately the police handled her roughly when tablishment she was arrested. She declared the ments in the patrolman had thrown her in the leges througt mud. agricultural "It is now war to the knife," 6he would be car told the magistrate, and continued: the farmers. "You and Mr. Lloyd George have a establish cou lot of trouble ahead of you. trades and in "You will have to do the dirty ics and agrlc work, and you will have plenty of public school It." provide fo; The women all refused the option schools, testi * \ -which was offered them of paying stations, the I a fine instead of going to prison. and general MANY RIOTS. Senators F While a deputation, which the b?came chancellor of the exchequer, David % , , - , . rukc luuuiui, Lloyd-George, had refused to see . " , * . . , . . .. had given asi until today was trying to force its _ . . ,. . , ... support Sena way into parliament last night . , ? . . . , . , , vised form, against an overwhelming force of . . ... . , nied. Senato police, and women were being ar- . . a ? ... ? an amended rested for resisting the officers, the . , . . 4. . . . . .. . included prac other bands of women went through .... ,. . ,, . , . , . . .. bill, and the Whitehall breaking windows of the .. . . , , ? . , the original ] government offices, and through , .. . z, " ed that as a Cockspur street, where the great .. , . , . . , ? . the senate 1 plate glass windows in the estab, , .. . , education m< lishments of shipping companies . . . , K controversy t were ruthlessly smashed. , .. when the Drt The women also visited Oxford, Regent and other streets in the HE shopping district, where similar damage was done. Later, mail Special to Th boxes were attacked, quantities of Heath Spri liquid being poured into them. ner prepared In the outlying suburbs, too, the celebration o suffragettes demanded property. day Wednesd Thirty-one women were arrested feature, from in the vicinty of the parliament last, and was building, but were allowed out on relatives and bail after the house rose. Most of to partake ol the police stations had one or more Mrs. Sue C prisoners charged with destroying home which property. of James A. The wildest excitement prevailed, Perry Thei and besides protecting property and Chesterfield ( arresting women engaged in window has accepted smashing, or who refused to move tant cashier on when ordered the police had the Mrs. Mary greatest difficulty in protecting the Crenshaw art women from an unruly crowd of Ellis, youths who gathered and jostled Mrs. Manl> every woman wearing suffragette Lillie Hinson colors. liams Wednei In several cases the women were I James E. i roughly handled. An attempt to for Kershaw duck four of them in the fountain keeper for tl in Trafalgar Square was frustrated Company, by a police posse which had to ride Miner Caut through the crowd. ( here to atter The entire deputation of thirtv- brother Thur: one women who attempted to make j H. E. Will their way into the house of com- now occupy! mon? to interview Chancellor Lloyd- which Elmer George was arrested. The prisoners moved, included Mrs. Drummond and Sylvia Miss Rrini Fankhurst who marched in front, tending school Bfore starting on their mission, the Thursday on delegates listened to addresses by of ller mothe Mrs. Emmeline Panknurst and other | W. S. leaders. . j Hilliard Dune i Mrs. PaDkhurst said the with- O. W. Mackej ( drawal of the franchise bill, inchid- others, are ati ing the speaker's ruling, was a plot *n the "Squ decided on long ago, and Premier week. Asquith was aware of it. i Robert Bla "The answer to this treachery," built the roa< ehe said, "is militancy." Pleasant Hill Sylvia Pankhurst declared their day. Intention was to hold the speaker Charles D. Jn the chair and leave Mr. Asquith Cauthen, d on the bench and with this the dep- father, near 1 utation started. The police gave nesday, the 2 them safe escort as far as the er?- n'onths of s< trance of parliament, when an in- ' ''authen was epector informed them that the a nif,mber of chancellor of the exchequer .vould ,f'ath Spring be unable to see them until morn- rif'd. He is / ing. r< nt- and se\ Mrs. Driimmond retorted: "This tera. His b Is tomfoolery. Ji you do not let u.s Thursday aft< in there will be trouble." ter>*, in the At that the members of the dep- fathering of Utation threw themselves at the i 8ervicfc3 police, who stood six deep across Hyches and I the entrance. ! Little Marl j daughter of ~ F)o(fm?tlr. " Blackmon. of .... . dav' nln A small girl was drawing a pic- | ne8fl of thrGfJ ture ouet of her head." "What are at Hich Hm you drawing?" asked her mother. 1*?_ I a i/uu ? m &, iTi r Inp the burl? "But, you can t draw cioa," protested the jaotber, "because you Would Ac have never seen iflm, and no one "Why are y baa ever seen Hlrn, and no one "Cause fatl knows what He Is like." "Wouldn't The pmall child licked her pencil "No." and put on another touch. "Why not? "They will know when I've fin- "'Cause he lelied It." she paid.?Strand. Judpo. THE LANCASTER NEWS, 1 [HOBO CONVENTION [5 srs-rvr; in new Orleans * i. Carol n, Jan. 29.?The Page for tl Juration bill, authorlz- Socialists and I^abor Lcndtus De- ^' i appropriations of over agric for agricultural and "ounce Capitalists?A Near Sen- plant Lonai work, was adopt- sation. not v uaie louay a? a. ?uu?u- piuui Lever-Smith bill, which - New Orleans, Jan. 29.?The cou- sclen he house. A fight ex- ^ntton of the International Broth- Btren many days, in which erhood Welfare Association, other- Ask the senate has been w!se "The National Hobo Conven- Harr d when a motion by tion, vsas formerly opened in this Andr to substitute his origi- c'*y this afternoon. President Jeff askjn Lever bill was carried Ba\is presiding. Mayor Behrman other 31 to 30. was unable to attend, but sent a saj(). re then passed the sen- letter *n which he stated that so ??U go to the house and a8 law and order prevailed the comn to a conference com- delegates need not fear police in- phori original house bill ap- terference. j they e maximum sum of ap- Visitors were informed that any thing $3,500,000 for the es- one who wished to address the con- j save of extension depart- vention was at liberty to do so and of ml state agricultural col- upon this announcement Isaac Mc- 1 road l which instruction in Bride, a Socialist, and a number of Whei and home economics labor leaders of this city, usurped local Tied into the homes of the floor for the rest of the after- $40 j The Page bill would noon session, practically all of the fertil rses of instruction in addresses being devoted to a de- stand dustries, home econom- nunciation of capitalists. EM culture in the various A near sensation was caused dur- norat iB of secondary grade; tng the meeting by ntrance of Jesus else r state agricultural Wesley, who belongs to the "Broth- Mr. I ng and plant breeding erhood of Christ" and stated that the p . ?.? V1I1/U X 11V1I1 livillli directly nle Small, who Is at- th?. *yi I here, was callsd home V.y lain account of the Illness r ~~~~offer O 1' falls t? Moore, W. T. Mobley, Addr :an' LeT'? i!obe:tBon; Statements That Mav Be In- t*L r, rruesdel Stover and tending the com show vestigated. Testimonvof = > are Meal" town this ? Lancaster Citizens. ^ ckmon, who recently 1 from Rich Hill to When a Lancaster citizen op^Tei to ? was in town Thur?- the front, telling hl? friends jmkI neighbors oi his experience, yodlun rely on Cauthen, son of Lewis his .incerityi The stateirfnts of people j J*g led at the home of his residing in fir away \Ajfes do not com | 'leasant Hill, on Wed- mand your ifcnfldenoedr Home endorse-! Our '. th inst., after several rnont lH tho' kind backs Roan's isfu vere suffering. Mr. Kidney Pills. NucjJtestimony Is oon- | tion ill years old. and was ' vincing. In\V>stiJuion proves it true. the the* Baptist church at Below is a stkteAent of a Lancaster sect j-?q was never mar- resident. No wviiit'T proof of merit , . , can be liad. 1/ vj survived l?y his pa- i 1/ ? I , II. H. iiortin, merchant, Kim St. S| :',ii brothers and sis-! IT | ... . Lancaster, lavfl My experience with f ody was hud to rest ... , , Roan s Kidney* 1 *ilis has been so satis op ?rnoon in Salem come- .... 1 , faotorv tliat I do not hesitate to recoin- I presence of a large ! - , . mend them. My back ached as the ; relatives and friends. ? ? ,, ,. I F result of disordered kidneys ami I could * " were conducted by Dr. ? . ,, , . * A , , rr p. not find relief until I began taking ?. lev. H. (,. Mouzon. V ... . , . Roan's Kidney Pills, which I got at I . tha Rlackmon, Infant i lonf ,, . _c , Crawford Bros.' Drug Store. This , Mr. and Mrs. Charles . .. dur< t,- i_ ion , , ? preparation restored me to good health." Rich Hill, died Tues- ' , ,, . , ? . N/1. .. .. ,,, For sale by all dealers. Price 60 1V" e months, after an 111- ..... , , . cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Butfalo, New weeks, and was buried ; 1T .... Vork, sole agents tor the United States. I. Baptist church the dav 1 * _ , . . | Kemernber the name?Doan's?and ct . Jack Hlnson cnoduct- . take no other. il service. ^ co|?t No (Substitute. jr, lato for school?" BN&h IJ tier needed me" Im ? Jffl HIWES/MARKET III fin #AW FURS / B tfl ?JV Wooj?i*:ommi?$ion. lilt nwoning this ad. "" beat"" mo"_; JOHN WHITE & CO, | bUISVILLE. f t V rf ' ' J * education of teachers came from heaven. Wesley was and extension work. clothed in loose, white garments and port age and Hoke Smith his blonde hair fell in long locks vanni ved in a sharp contro- about his shoulders. The hoboes comn the debate. Senator were so overwhelmed by the appear- groui ing that Senator Smith anee of the man that they allowed rock surances that he would him to talk for a few minutes. Wes- certal tor Page's bill in re- ley made an appeal to all hoboes to groui This Senator Smith de- J?ln his brotherhood. asks r Page finally withdrew I" h "proclamation" issued to the had 1 form of his bill, which newspapers of this city, President mer 1 tically all of the house Davis gave warning that unless not c senate then adopted accurate proceedings of the conven- We Page bill. It is believ- tion are printed, press reporters plant result of the action of would be excluded from all meet- deale today the agricultural ings. Davis said he would not tol- notici .jasure may remain in crate efforts to ridicule the conven- prosp ietween the two houses tion. 4 ceii ?sent session ends. President Davis and H. H. Wood- cents ward, national organizer, gave out f?r g VT1I SPRING. a statement in which they denounc- figure ed the alleged attempt of James | At tli le Lancaster News. Eads Howe, the St. Louis millionaire seed ngs, Jan. 30.?The din- hobo leader, to conduct the affairs tain i by Mrs. Dixon Ellis in Gf the association in a manner that the f f her husband's birth- would place the organization before depot ay was perfect in every the public as one upholding social- value the first course to the jsm and opposed to the Catholic re- *? $4 greatly enjoyed by the Hgion. of co friends gathered there a far f It. A Bishop's Ready Wit. phate lark has moved into the The Church Family Nwspaper co"ld she recently purchased gayg; ?A gQod gtQry lg to,d Qf the only i Williams. la(e jji9k0p of Itipon, who, when ad- u* rell left this week for dreS8ing an 0pen a|r meeting on one .'J1"1"' ^ourt House, where he occa8jon> wa8 interrupted by an ath- * s c the position of assis- clgt who asked bim if he believed able# in the bank. tht Jonah wa8 swallowed by a see Horton nd Miss Nannie wuaje queet ? visiting Mrs. Dixon . , , ? .. think ? "When I go to heaven," said the . bishop, "I'll ask J onah." aVd^Mrs T'r \VU- "But 8UPP0!"n?'" thc othor Per" Tw .... sisted, "that he is not there." ?nrn?? y' . . . "Then you will have to ask him," ?__i, Caskev left Thursday . . . , .. , took , was the retort. And the crowd He becomes book- ... . . ... ,. ,. 11 laughed uproariously while the athle Kershaw Mercantile . . . , . . . ? w. 1 eist slunk away abashed.?Balti- wjia? more American. hen, of Columbia, was ___ __ id the funeral of his j Bday. Lancaster Leads. ,r t iams and family are k< ng the house from Ba,loy rccent,y re" WORDS PROM HOMP Sr % FEBRUARY 1, 1913. TURKS MAKSA F INTEREST TO FARMERS ^ _ Twenty Thousa teen Thousan 5 clip the following from The Last Two Mc Una Spartan, which affords food lj0ndonf Jan bought as well as plant food: bat the state commissioner of nop R corrrspot ulture does not know about after examinii food and soil improvement is counter chargei k-onn trying to una out. He has rives at the o id the depths of agricultural lemg and ch, ce and wrenched by main gth nature's secrets from her. ama ? e him; he knows it all. G. W. whole of Euro elson, an intelligent farmer of Moslem and II ews, S. C., wrote a letter to him, combatants hav ig for information which he and war? aQd c' intelligent farmers needed. He would be bett lieving the suff< ear Sir: Please give me the than 'n attempt aercial value of nitrogen, phos- Ability for the ic acid and potash. Where can ~ be bought? Can 1 buy these - I :s and mix my own fertilizer and ^ |>utv The > the fertilizer dealers' expense child and < Ixing and a great saving in rail- Her paninv. freights? I am a small farmer. . . , .... . .. In these da 1 1 buy my fertilizer from the . , , , #00 . the days when dealer he charges me $32 to . , , _ _ , . .. are being hand< >er ton for C. S. meal and other , . , . .. mother feels th izers in proportion, and I can t ,, ... . ,, sponRibilities. [. ' . . . . must not only ;her the commissioner was iglt of the information desired, or ,,ar*sr an< ON he did not wish to enlighten ? ~8pr ng ut larreison. Instead of telling him lor ear * e ' irice of phosphoric acid, potash f* ma* e a nitrogen by the pound at any 8 n0t a paten* of entry like Charleston or Sa- men** t s th ih, he advises him to let all 1>aaa ?"?a and lercial fertilizer alone and use ant* mea! id limestone, ground phosphate a * e *^at and leguminous crops. That is anc' ^ e inly giving Mr. Harrelson f. . .. through, id stone when he earnestly _ .. But it is g< for bread. If such a question . . , , . , these times thai jeen propounded to a real far- , . . , ... . .. , rob homes of 1 tie would have answered it and ? . . , , Pneumonia are lodged around it. . . . , . They baffle the ; have not seen the price of ... , , j i .. f .... often, possibly food as iixed bv the fertilizer ,, , , .... , . called in time, rs for this veir. 1 he la^t we . ... , . , . .. . , home should ?d particularly put the price of , ? _ . j ,, . . bottle of Gown hone acid at 4 l2 cents; potash, . , . celebrated and its, and nitrogen at about 14 , _ , .. ... . for Pneumonia Not being paid a high salary ,, . , . . , . , Al .. applied externa iving out such information, the A ,, .... . . . . to relieve the s >s for this year are not at hand. . , . ... tie today; try i ie above prices a ton of cotton ... ... , . your stars that meal, best quality, would con- ? , A . . r j ... rected to this a plant food worth $20.40. Add .. _ , .... , . handle it. Tal reight from Charleston to your ? ? ... . .. , get Gowans. and you wll have the real . Wber Mr. Harrelson paid $.12 : 0 a ton ho paid too much, and, urse, he could not stand it. If A mer uould buy the acid phos- 3p i. potash and dried blood he n. B do his own mixing. If he uses x/^Cjpa few tons it would be better to 'TOyrC* { his fertilizer mixed. If Mr. ? ilson would ask a question at lifice, he would secure a reason- cj. i;i answer. It is n good sign to crops armers investigating all such Mixs ions. It shows that they are garde ing and moving forward. Vw W Already Went. 1 o colored women met on the \ \\ ^ r and the following dialogue ^ ello, Liz! Wha' yo' gwine?" '' 'L&'\ ain't gwine nowha; I'se jes* bin I's gwine."?Columbia Jester. I* / \ $100 Reward, $100 renders of this papetp'svlll tie pleased to hat there Is nt leaslr one dreaded disease lenee has been able to euro In all lta and that is fai;L|R). Hall's Catarrh Cure inly positive i nit now known to the mediternltv. Catarrh being a constitutional requires a constitutional treatment T catarrh Curt is taken internally. acting I ' Ipon tbojfelood and mucous surfaces of ^ itlin. tbopby destroying the foundation ilsease, Siel giving the patient strength ? * dnifc up Hie eoiiHtitutlon and asalstlng na- ,/\P i Hoiiik Its work. The proprietors have tJ f a I th in Its curative powers that they na llgbdred Hollars for any case that it > Crura Send for list of testimonials, ma f. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O. ly. all Druggists. 7$c. ifall's 1 uUiUy Pttls for constipation. ?<' ' ==l - .== Jood's Seeds tjt V T1 - M j ui i nc JL JL irm arid Garden. New Descriptive Catalog lly up-to-daUF, giving descrip- THE C s and full Information about best ana most profitable Is to groMr. It tells all about rasses irid Clovers, ecd Potatoes, Seed Oats, HTU ow Pojhs, Soja Beans, * lie B?t Se' d Corns And all other irm and Garden Seeds. food's Seed Catalog has ; b#en recognized as a s d authority on Seed^*^" tiled on requesj^tfnte for it. ETI W.WtfOI) Zr SONS, T|. .TJpAfMFJM, RICHMOND, VA- \ PftlCE PAID "P iND HiDES ^ 1 I / ' . jwmC - ?11 I . iCRED THOV8ANRS ??' nd Moslem and Fif- f|H m id Christians Slain in I La L nths. . 111C 1^ 29.?The Constanti- > ident of The Times, IK the charepR and KOI ? 1SU1 s of massacres, aronclusion that Mos- m istlans are equally I |fll?| estimates that in the A 1 UOl pean Turkey 20,000 5,000 Christian non . ,... , , , is now roc e been killed during onsiders that Europe j years old i er employed in re- , , iring of the survivors Sieac ing to Ax the respon- from organ: massacre8- We solicil ?a/vrtivxtku iRTILIZE ELDEST BRANDS ON THE 1868-1913 / ? / Dughly Tested?Always - A ^ > J J *roduce Strong and Healthy Cr Largely Increased Yields Use WAN FERTILi: IE STANDARD OF EXCELL1 MANUFACTURED BY 07AN FERTILIZEI CHARLESTON, S. C. Km ? ^ * i - lothcr Owes to Her j facilities to to Herself And to pledge that y8 of star-shooting; vice shall b all kinds of reforms ^]J times wl >d to the parents, the . . iat she has great re- COUnt IS larj And she has. She We psy bear and rear and e and often lose her interest on she must ever keep COmpOUndeC ground to know what the loved one. This CD I ; medicine advertise- D. Llll? e relation .of a fact. H mumps, and scarlet llu des^Come along and J ^childhood is heir to (IMF or is ealled in, and \ g nulls the hopeful |f morally understood y I t all the diseases that J?fcH"l(y3.S ittle ones Croup and the most insidious, w skill of physicians, the physician is not This is why every Notice 0! be supplied with a NoUoe is hereb3 ns Preparation, the derslgaed will, or I marvelous remedy ruary, \l9l3, mak and Croup Colds? ^ ,t,1,iTrairJX ?*jt .. ... P. Oilesi andtpm Ity and never failing of LancL,t?r cZn mfferer. Buy a bot- gory. \ po t and you will thank AdmlnisV*triP o your eyes were di- . rtlcle. All druggists ' ' to no substitute but : Subscribe 1IXS0N SEE Seeds That Grow! cause we use tlie greatest care in growing, lining and testing all seeds. The result is i and greater profits for you. Actual tests ] on's High-Grade Seed* are best for true! ns. e carry a large stock ,f BEANS, CUCU> It At. i:, CX )RN, so Ut i 1U* M, C "OTT< >.\ and ot 1 ire specially adapted to Southern soils and ccial prices on larirafqunntities?low freig in Charleston to Southern points. Write u complete descriptive catalogue uud prices, W. H. MIXSON SEED CO., . 3 CHARLESTON, S. C. A THE BEST FERTI1 4D GET THE BEST REST ETIWAh aimers' 1 lk & 1 | Comp'y I >re than four ^ and .its assets iily increased ization. t your business ; 'A u we have the handle it and , our best sere given you at lether your ac- i ?e or small, four per cent time deposits, 1 quarterly. le, iMent H. Milieu [ Cashier, ter, S. C. f Discharge. r given that the uni tjre 14th day of Feba/her linal return aa Che estate of Franklin y to the Probate Court nty lor letters dtsmls. KCA8 L. OILRH, f Kstate of Franklin tased. 80.88 for The News. A Reliable 1 ops and ^ J ZERS ENCE * CO. ^ ^ ST w :dM lerseeds oU/TTWtM lit -^1 LIZERS JLTS r RS MARKET I