The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 03, 1911, Page 2, Image 3

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2 PLANT LEGUMES BET ROWS FOR H WEEN CORN present the corn t OGS. fenced, or that cai should be mode TUB L rrii:" Suggestive to grow Boy Qn the Sunday Si _ ?.u ^ i ^ ? '' ? ? ? ANCA8TBR MEW8, MAY S, Questions .. ?alrc? Aa lal :nool Lesson by The of rhel , mi : RHEUMATISM I Disease Asd Be* tersal Rescdr> I A imatlsm and kindred I ' iVN'IStil Iters This flan Will Not m sen the Corn Yield, the Same Time Imp and Provide a Larj the Very Best Hog Talt Butler in Pro^ressiv It is Dot too early ateriauy Let- DeanB or peauu'e iu and Will at io* of ho8''irove the Soil The 8ecoud obJe [e Supply of p'tto ?' Pr"tiQ0,L? p j 'h? corQ 1 ee S" leathered at the tiaa ? 1',ar,nor* turn the hogs on to plan for , Komiu If T iub Kev. L>r. Lansco national Press istion to this Club, hog feeds is (Copyright, 1910, by not have been soott, i e it is best to may 7ti the peanuts Uzziah, King of Ju ihrt Anrn ia tn * t,r*>n. xxvl. >tt for the Inter-1 leases Is an axces ^ ... blood. To cure this Bible Question acid must be expell< regulated that no formed In excessive Hev. T. 8. Lin- Usui Is an Internal j p \ an Internal rcmel Oils and Liniments lt UUl. uTords only tempt causes you to deli dab. Humbled. 2 ment, and allows I inner hold on you. 18 of uric acid In the W i terrible disease this Jbv ed and the system ho more acid will t>a quantities. ItheumadlseaHo and requires y. RUBBING with ? WILL, NOT CUIUS. >rary relief at beat, /1 ly the proper trout- iilnl Lhe malady to get a AJijl Liniments may ease catch ctops in ibe ci follow oats and whea to fatten the boiis an this fall. Ii all t he c not be put iuto peas make an effort to pli it, at least, as is, or c orn, and to "~ "/ _T V , . , be cut and shock* it with which ? . , have to be removec d make hav .? ing the hogs on the orn land can ... only the ears are to or soy beaus, ... , . . J this mav be done b suit auch of , .. , are turned in, or tt au be fenced, .. . , _ _. sume considerable w""* "" Golden Text?Prld >d lh?S0 will gtruetlon, and an hat I before torn- ? fall. Prov. legumes. If l' Ve"e8 1-3-Wh( or against hereditary i be gathered 2. What had beer ?fore t he hogs Amaziah, the father < ley will con- 3- Which are sona semble in moral char of the corn. - .. . , - >"? puin, uui mrj e goeth before do- I'heumatlsm than i Ighty spirit boforo llbrt- of rotten wood S lence has at la m foot and complete < it can you aay for H,u umac|de TeHte, rulers? it I as effected the n i the character of wt> believe It will ci pots at the Joints Tr jl I, /.ztab? the poisons out of i mora likely to re- ?he stoniacn, repu aoter, their father kidneys and makei Ihcumaclde strikes win no more euro Mrvifff?? >olnt will change tlio .9t discovered a per- 14fir 11 ..fljflB cure, which Is called jS w Kill 'U^Bj 1 In hundreds of cast s, tost marvelous cures; yjl-*-r 7jr?*] ire you. Khcumacldo ^wSrHnnnl om the Inside, sweeps -V -Sf.wLiill 11 W the system, tones up ilates the liver and s you woll all over. *h?v . ; the root of the dls- ir* | '^nj' i mtL Lr for the hogs. The c the South offer ?imo possibilities for hog Corn aud soy beai ideal bog feed, and c two crops, what ] country can product A : orn neld ol T, . . If, however, the cc " u,,l,m"ed the field to be cone production. ^ the combine is make an . . . and legumes makes ouuting 1 e At the small cost ai iart of this . . , can be gathered, \ ) more feed ... . will pay best to gat ur tumr in'jvuor: >rn is lett in 4. Verse 4?In wt umed by the zlah ?nd his father J , ? -1 which was right In ition of corn Lord? " a good ration. 5m Veraes 5-10?Wl t which corn riah here mentioned? we believe it 6- D? y?u n*mrd 11 . . . ^ all spiritual people, ther It, 80 that Btmndlnar In the vlaioi eaj-e and remove* It iat sense did Uz- uia remedy Is sol Vma/.ish do "that dealers generally at , Vt In Tablet form at z the sight of the Wrlle to Bobbltt < more, Md. Booklet ?o was the Zecha- by maU" Sold by J. F. t as the privilege of r? , to have "under- i -i no of Ond." or is It " :s cause. This splend by druggists and ...Jranffl L 50c. and $1 a bottle. 5c. and 50c. a package. j?^AV.7>^'JaHs Chemical Co.. Iialtl. free. Tablets sent . HACKEY CO. i Bible. uu au Hurt) uuriug uui a crop of corn and so furnish? For fattening tb would rely on soy be and corn. These ai oar best hog feeds, b thn leetimPH m a v hi 3 Bvaauu i,u??u QQt more than on< ,y beaua will ratj011 0f COrn need the bogs, when on 1 e hogs, we Qf p^ota are fe? ana, peanuts qUarter as much c< re Dot only be g|ven when on ut either of c0rOt the beat relui ) ornvn on B-tourth of * a special gdft to a few I be fed. If 7- What did the Pr , appear to depend upc the soy beans ? wbM 1 about on?- mentioned wbioh < jrn as would zinh's prosperity? full feed of " 'D,b6"gblofJ what do you consld D8 will be re- type of a prosporoaB and why? (From the Mai osperity of Uzzlah The Bible CO >n? mo of the things 810.691 demonstrated Uz verneg, 1,189 book*. The c iime end eternity ^ jj.j h or as the highest man? Hn^ mi'1 ',;4 ?' ichcHtur Union.) niaitiH 3,566 480 There i r words, 31,175 that adds chapters and 66 well kept Millet chnp'er :s a good la' irr, the nliortpet a,?.r ho 1l7ili ThfilAv is nothing about the home mi more to your satisfaction and lawn. The thing most necess wn mower. vn is lpffc smooth and pvpn and ore beautiful or pleasure than a >ary for this is the weeris ran the same land on wfa is produced without lessening the yield o! the peanuts it may to give greater space corn rows than is t largest production o . ? , ceived from both ci the corn The South ,08e( t materia y ,j0j|ftrg every year I I corn. With . . , to produce the hog be necessary , . . , t * be fattened by t between the .. grown in the corn : >est for the . ... is no question but f corn, but . ? , , 'O p8 10. What are the i S millions of bility- b? proBperoi , .. , , intellectual ability, 01 by it. Lilore <UtldiniI ln th. v,.lo S which could 11. Verses 11-16? hese legumes Ught In war? Why < fields. There , 12-w"i,""(J' for nations to settle the improve- wmrT it r. .. it. i i <. > degroea of deaira- P->alm Th"> mi x. in wealth, honor, gth of the 118 I rln having "underna of Clod?" eM 18 l?' Did God avur de- Isaiah. >r why not? od'i first best plan Constipation brie their diaputee by t|" train and is the | Mckutsa Keep you am, and yon will eso L'ldle V'jise i? ihe , , not grow. ' ilin Tii ? i >n?- 6 che 8.U chapter rather th ments, ru ? very littli ga many i?ilm"Otn in primary oan-e of uiacb ir bowel* regular ? ad- Wegu? ape ninny of the ail- ? Our lawn mowers make the 1 an a task. They have all the 1 in easily and smoothly, are dur * noise. irantee everyone to give perfc work a pleasure latest improveable and make id satisfaction. f corn rows 6 feet apa stalks 12 inches a rows will give prs same number of sti land as 4-feet ro\ stalks 18 inches in tl 6-feet rows with (h . - , meni 10 tne tana w: rt with the . _ . fencing. Or, on th part in the .f .. if these crops are a ictically the . ,. , tor soil improvemel Bilks on the , . . . ,, . doubt but the por ys with the . _ more than pay foi le row. Or , 10 slalks i8 Tbr iT'e: Ill pay lor tne 1I Jesus were le other hand, try' *nd * duplicate' of another country n lready grown m misunderstanding, at, there is no be no danger of war 1 k made will 14 Are the nation , . nations, guilty or in the fencing for the vast 8Um8 of tally lessening annually in preparati Anln /v f IKaoa 1ft VftrfiAfi IK.lS King or mis coun- mente 10 wLich worn Df Jesus were king stipation ia a very h rith whom we had mat,y Hiu*pSe things. -hy ???ld0U)r. JaMets are given at s of the earth, as D,,,c'h <1istrenM and nocent before Qod. avoi',e<1- hy money they sj>end Receivers' Foi en are atihjoct ('on- Wtl6Il SU( in pie tiling, bat like it may lead to eeri- yCSFS to C Nature often needa a when Cham berlain'a the firet iudicaton, I aufft-iiug may bo II denhra. w reclosure Sale. t :h a small expense means a bet :ome, you cannot be withouf or TT iutlxul lawn for le. 1 inches apart will gi\ the same number of acre as 4 feet rows ai 27 inches apart in th it ? -ii l. xi ia it w eti *uow mauy farmer^ in So x 1 bam a ami . , tuc ucuuutiai cu re practically , A ll crops on the land, staiks on an ud the stalks W"h, n,ot ooumi also loses lie ie row. . lew uogs she does ?li laCl ibat .. A1 tatleoiug them 01 ut hero Ala- , .... . . , Corn is high priced u make good . * > tio4?lijrd to; mod i OLIO U I IUCOC * ? ? as compared ?r ",e" "" dr*w" " what proportion a> i [ them. I lie by earthly prosperity javtly on the lt>. Why is it that produce by ltua,ly h,,rt by ,,rosl 17. A Tier i '/./.iah a corn alone. mistftUable experien auii we can do you account for h 1 tn hoffs .p*. Id. What motive earer to God, and|TIJK STATK 0F ! driven to the Devil County ol ' In the Circuit Com so many are spirHarry S. Seeley an >erity. or). under the > had i?au such uii- Trust ol The llai i-e \v iti? God how parry, I'laintitF, is moral lapse? Uo you suppose | The ilaile Gold M SOI TII CAROLINA I ^11^1 l.tncuter. rt of Common Pleas. Trustee (?s Snci-esslorttfa^e <>r Peed of le<iold Mining ComI's. liuum t'oini .any, l>o caster nari Company aware crops of Com sua ot good half crop ot planting the corn in rows and later in th< ting a row ot pean the corn rowe. It ii tact, probable, that ? i;?J. i - >t er Jliaii a cept under the n peanuts by r ? . ? , . conditions. When about ?6-teet , viued soy beans au b season putgraze, there are 110 uts between ' ... tiona under which s possible, in , , , .. . ,, , fed than !o ?ive th the yield ol ... ... , a oue-lourth ration lost favorable f,T tlio priests of the le*Ti hO?8 art) pr - ]<). What are tin d peanulB 10 sited position, or xrt teller condi- dev6lop today. (Thi. tions which may he tO u Can be injf by members of tl eae ho^s about 20, Versun i?-?{? of corn to bal- leprosy supernatural rusurp otliMkiifj fenilBMt. ~ ?a , I'ursinnt to the'1 ! * ! foreclosure and sal i sins which an ex-, ('ourt and dated th ?at riches, tend to lhl I, the undorsiiri I is one of the ques- Utile Gold Minin answered in writ- i J,.OKeJ"",e Ut "}? ( ourt IXousu at lie club.) Ccuinty anil State, -\Va? the disease of i?? June, i, cluri1 lly iutlirted as a "1?? l?>? followitii 1 iirntinrf t* I Itai i si tn Ill terms of tt deVreo of ' le, made hy tho said ?????? e 14th day t?f March, . ned Receivers of The K Company will exInchest bidder at the 8 [leanter, in the said Jj on the first Monday ]1 Jk "* ni? the lecal hours of I l3 L\ I i real and personal j jj ^ox * t nri . ^VV VJUUU JL 1 1 tiings I uuiu io a nine ies? w space between the r does not appear to b to discourage ihe pr The 8i?me remarks to the planting of t-o tweeu the corn row* fori ii n it>>! v kO l rou <11LI line wiae , ? . ance up the rich ows; but it . , =oy beans and pea eenougli less ^ act ice. Let every cro fj > will apply 11 cr?P 8?y b"8n . peanuts and thee v beam bt- r .. &nz* th?-e catc .except that , , boas, but if the !;?>? Ho. r . a punishment, or proteio leeds, nMml w,yf OUtB. 2l. Does tiod in t] eld also grow easw up?" people in t 4 f?r?xnsu through the laws of i ' tOAP^H 0f reason >t if pos-lbte, Lesson for Minds ii cr pa with !S'*vi'" *"' c 111 not tc ?- ? i it eoniractod in a * V . . All that eertatn I J of land situate ai d hese days send dis- of Kaneastvi and ? iny other way than Una, known as tli ? *. ... " traot, situate on I nature.' tiive your . . ,, . Kynehe* Creek utn | lormerly owned I y*, May 1 Ith, 1911, Seaborn Jones, It. J Call to Service, <.0i?tainin>r KM; 11 | AND I'lVK (1.HU.1 j less, being the sau tract, pirn* or parcel m i be ill u in the County 9 stale of South Cam- 9 iw llaile Cold Mine *1 iho waters of l.ittlo 9 ii bounded by lands* j >y Thos. Ii. Clybtirn, It. Terrell and others. ^^9 TI:I:N* IIUNI>KKI> J I I t >) ACKl-tS. more or g le premises roiivc ved j g gj 1 FOR amain Unit fp.rc tween the corn rows sary since the fcoj make a fair crop wit tion, if pi ?nted a' t! corn i9 laid by. If, is desired to cultiv; later iato the eurnm WCha 1, let ?he s >v b 19 not r.ecesl. ? ... ainl pi anuts be sere r beans will . /. . ,, . lor the laud a s.ik> ihout cultivahe time the _ however, i, SHOT DEAD IN ite the corn er. which i, Wom4n Kil1' J:\Z\Z SUGGESTS Cut out and Send .Send T11 K X1 UCD ocn AUUl'ST 7, H>12, flLIV DLiU Bible Question C'lul price of $1.88 cnclo * tan mw. member of the Loci ;d While Lying to ilit* Matte Mold . , ,?.,nAr Frank W. Kid red k ) (jOUPOH , 12th, 1880, ?udwt ' ^VU1 in otYiee Register ? I to This OtUce. of Lancaster Com llook psK? ? :\VS from now to and 8ii,Kulai tin* ri the close of the j and personal, l? Contest, for the ' chises. so tar as a) ted. Count ine a . 4,f tt,a said comp al Club. , County and State I before or after the Mining Company i?y .J pv^> y < by deed dated No\. 4 >rded Nov. I'.Uh, lhv?, J5 I Mesne ('ouveytn e n _________ tity, S. t'., in Peed ??? ift; together with ail ? ghls, property, both g improvements, Iran- |j >plicable, and estate 5 any, situate in the S > aforesaid, ae<iuired M execution of the said IK mb F^vt&ii mil IUI w I advisable in a dry i the corn may be giv space to admit of cu corn and 6oy beans times after the beans For the pasturing horses the cow pea n season, then Asleej en sufficient Bennettsville spe iltivating the State: Creecy M< two or three gro woman, was I are planted, her bed this mo of cattle and been shot in the lay be plant- neck, the ball l< pa Name icial in The Address 3Mil Ian, a ne- This coupon will I lound dead in period of thi, mini;, having back ol the t )dgin? in the | mortK?K**i togethei lar the tenement*, appurtenances tht anvwise appertain >e published for a The terms of salt rteen weeks bidder at such sa mmmm_highest bidder aha the time of sale by signed Receivers i ^ five thousand dolli I purchase price, p I n.l<? ? 1 _ r with all and siugu- u , hereditaments and H iroto belonging or in i"K- m h are a? follows: The I Lie who shall be the H ill confirm his bid at I giving to the und*-r- u t certified check for I 40 pieces srs on account of said ayable forthwith to I 20 pieces Galatea Cloth Androscoggin Bleach I V ,...8 1-3 cents. 10 cents. ed broadcast, or in r the corn rows as is bat for furnishing h< soy bean and the pe pass the cow pea, be< mach greater yield o is the principal pa] owa between base of the bn the custom, man, Henry Fie ig feed, the pistol wound?, oue anufe far sur end one in the left 3ause of the Reed, another ne f seed, which charged with ha? rt consumed shooting. iin. A nevro Ida, has t*o ? in the chin j aide. Charlie I iiro, is in jail, M I dng done the H I ni" bhiu ivrcri vn mainder of said pi be paid to the sa thirty days therm deed shall be ex I chaser lor said ] I must pay for pape III m M KHNKKT MOOl ^ | SUTRO A WKI a, biiu iiiai wio ir- -| A j , irchase money shall -* " QOZen ? id Receivers within 25 dozen 1 After, whereupon the ecuted to such pur- 50 dozen property, l'urchaeer 4 . . irs. 144 pairs [ias. i>. jon fx, damage W. AMKKMAN, . Receivers. 50 pail*S <ViiT.'J $2.0? ai $1 Shirts best 50c Work Shirts best $1.00 Overalls 150, 2.00 and $2.50 Men's Odd id at Ladies' Sample Slippers, sm? nd $2.50. Your choice cut in half. 39 cents. 90 cents. Pants slightly 98 cents. ill;'sizes, worth $1.48. by the hogs. There are just tv jections to raising fatten large number this way. The fire serious one is tbe ab nn.tA it Creecy and He to valid ob- Tant" of J. P. E , , . homicide occurred tne teed to , house about 75 y a of hogs in residence_ it and moat aence of ade- Catarrh Canno nry were eerliena and the in '.he cook's ards from the will euro any skin the price of Hunt' absolutely guarnnb t Be Cured ? I Plaintiffs May 3rd, 1911. Notice of Appiic disease. That's Notice is hereby , ? , .. , dersigned ?s adini s Cure, and .t is Ut0 of Krnegt p ? on the 3rd day c her final return to Lancaster County Attorneys. 60-68-w ation for Discharge Itiven that the unnistratrix of the es lack men, dec'd, will, >f May, 1011, make the I'robato Court of and apply for letters >me to see us, we will make it p I f >ay you. iguviu^ auu xt This is a serious f one which must be c South is ever to gro\ of good quality pro! corn fields can be m duce too much feed, a Am a lima will in <3 p,ieni> liUBt. Willi IDMI applications, L?. reach the neat of the >robiem, bat i(J* or oonstitntic lolved if the order 10 cnre il y?u n remedies Hall's Tatar V live Btook qnaok medioine. It w a. i i? a one of the best pliyaiciai tttably. Oar for yefirH and iH a iegnl8 i ad e to Drn. composed of the bei * combined with one of tt that ftt the flers, acting directly on mnrnvA thai, f-ces. The perfect oo , aa iney cannot A. B. RICHARDS diaeaae. Catarrh >n diaeaae. and in Sherman mat take internal Sold rh Cure ia not a _ . as preacribed by L3.IlC3.St6r J ia in the country ir preacription. It at tonica known, ? le best blood pnri, the muconaanr- |JR. DOUGLAi ubination of the uiBiiiibsory. MEDICINE CO. ELIZABETH i Tex. Administratrix li Hltckmon, decei by Pharmacy NoUce t0 oebt< ??" All persons lnde W. T. Phillips, < ? IV/TriT MTVDH settlement with t 3 ?V1C1N 1 YKr ^ nmrmtma HniMna E. BLACKMON, :atato of Krnost F. tied. .MMiO W ?mmmm?mmm >rs and Creditors ibtod to the estate of . Increased, will make ho undersigned and ' nlklmi airainMt utirl nderburk Co. fertility, for it fco be neglect this opportu of the cost of fencin -r*w w iwd logreoieDM is wn profitable to nity because F- j. cheney a _ Tji _ t. Sold by all druggists, g. For the Taks Hall's Family pill at prodnoes snob DENT log Catarrh. Send office over Corn CO., Toledo, O. PHON1 76c. la for constipation. All work gu estate will preset) er Drag Store tested, to me. E 103 Estate W. T. laranteed. 50-62 \V. t same, properly at- I S, Administrator I Phillips, deoeasrtd. I LANCASTER, S c. I 4 f t t > ; - '