The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, June 23, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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\ |p I^cafS^^s==" \ Sixteen gallons of liquor wei stolen from the express office j Rockingham, N. C., Friday nigh A winsome 10-pound girl arr ved at the homfc of Mr. and Mr J* E. Poag, of the milL villag June 21st. Martin Lineison, a young Ge man, was drowned in Norl Carolina Sunday, in the Catawl river, .while bathing. A small cyclone struck tl town of North, this State, la: Thursday evening, blowing dow trees, fences and slightly dan aging a few houses. Ed. Bynutn, the negro who n cently shot the sheriff of Lexinj ton county, pleaded guilty j Lexington court Friday and w? sentenced to the penitentiary ft 10 years. A house in Monroe belongin to Messrs. J. Shute & Sons ws burned at an early hour Satui ... day morning. It was an ol building and the loss is estimate at $1,000. Miss Laura Ford, daughter c Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ford, c Chpsfpr ami Tlr CI II Monti surgeon in the United State army, were married Friday, i Jhe, home of the bride's parent* Mr. J. A. Dunn, son of Mi and Mrs. C. J. A. Dunn, an Miss Hattie Mangum, daughte of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mangun were married last Sunday, Jun 20, by Notary Public M. C Gardner. Mr. P. M. Hilton, of Taxahaw sent us on last Saturday a vege table curiosity, a large cabba' made up of 13 distinct and v t developed heads?all the produc of one stalk. It is indeed a frea of nature. Children's Day will be observ ed at Zion next Sunday, begir ning at 10 o'clock a. m. Afte the Sunday School exercises ther will be a speech by Prof. Stew art, of Tabernacle, and also on by the Rev. W. A. Beckham. Mr. John T. Stevens, of Kei shaw, was elected a delegate t iL ~ A ? n i ^ uie /\rnenean oanKers uonven tion by the South Carolina Bank era' Association at its meetinj atVWrightsville Beach last weel ?a decided compliment to th successful young banker am business man. Mrs. H. Canfield met with ; very painful accident Monda; afternoon. While walking in th yard she stepped on a rusty nail which passed through the sho and pierced the foot, making ai ugly and exceedingly painfu wound. She is being attendei by Drs. roster and Laney. An effort is being made to ge the Citadel's music club, of whicl a Lancaster lad. Cadet Lee Skip per, is a prominent member, t include Lancaster in its itinerary The club has a number of engage ments in this State and in Nortl Carolina, and it is hoped that i may be induced to give Lancas ter a performance. Mr. Charles E. Provost, th young man who was in Lancas ter recently, operating some nev automobiles, was, along with Mr W. C. Richbourg, of Columbia arrested and lodged in Columbi jail Friday night, charged witl breaking into and entering th garage of the Columbia Aut Company and removing Mrs. Lil lie D. Fagan's car. Monroe Mills, colored, is in jai on the charge of entering a horn on the Springstein hill yesterda morning at an early hour. Whe discovered he had made his \va into the bed room of the occu pants, and when the lady arouse her husband, Mills darted unde the bed. The gentleman jumpe out of bed, but while he wa striking a light Mills jumped ou of the window and made off i; the darkness. ? Chester Reporter 7 . _ nj Capt. J. P. King is here and Dealt jj will open a picture and a va\ide- ' C0, j. ville show at the opera house to- . night. Miss Ruby Elliott, of pork re Lancaster, will be pianist, and , . at her brother, Mr. Lawson Elliott, , / t. will act as ticket-taker. Capt. agg'e ^ King may decide to run a show fa^e here permanently, and if he does , his hrnthpr Mr rKorloa W66 e, ? ? ? v"w"vh "" ?? pQ will remain here and be in charge, rp ^ ?Chester Reporter. ?' p. funer To Be Married Thi? Afternoon. fs^ur Miss Connie Witherspoon, one sever of Lancaster's most lovable and i ie attractive young ladies, daughter Fort 1 3t of the late Capt. B. J. Wither-1 j||f n spoon, will be married this after-1 ... noon to Dr. J. P. Young, of Rich- _ ,? burg. The ceremony will be , W n 2- performed at the home of the bride-elect's brother, Mr. M. S. ,V1?teq it Witherspoon, at 7 o'clock, the .as . is Rev. Chalmers Fraser and the 1C >r Rev. J. K. Hall officiating. The wedding is to be a quiet affair, ^ 5 g only near relatives and intimate ~ ls friends of the parties being pres- . r. ent. Dr. Young and his bride . aun j will board the Southern's north- 101' 1(j bound train tonight for Wash- j, ? ington and other points north. ? Tni , Young Lancastrian Now Asst. Gen. As . Manager of a Baltimore Daily. sll<> 01 ** of La ss Mr. B. F. Burns, now of Balti- atten< it more, son of the late W. H. Frida 5. Burns, of Lancaster, is among j party the young Lancastrians now son c J "making good"in adopted homes. James ,r Mr. Burns is now Assistant Gen- Heat! eral Manager of the Baltimore Mom e News, having been transferred Grace \ from Mr. Munsey's Washington Miss . paper. The Times, on the 4th Mrs. . instant. "Frank's" many friends lotte; ' in Lancaster will be pleased to Rock hear of his promotion. Mrs. n ! Jones ,t Alderman A. B. Ferguson. Ivy ( k Pursuant to the call published , ' in The News, a Democratic mass au ? l-.-I - Mis?. r_ i iiicciuig was neiu in tne court\"~ ~ i_ house last Friday evening to|^,ai r nominate an alderman to fill the V.. e vacancy on the council caused by p sa. the resignation "of Alderman J. au 11 e B. Mackorell. Mr. W. T. Greg- Jo"es ory was made chairman of the e: meeting, and Mr. Manly Crox- two y. ton secretary. Mr. A. B. Fergu- !P,orrJ1 son received the nomination, and was accordingly elected without e opposition at the election held "<>sts yesterday. n Mr. Ferguson is one of Lan-' a grai caster's best and most progress- ma d . ... c time, ive citizens, a man of superior judgment, has the welfare of the . , a community at heart, and will y make a capital "city father." *'UI1 e The fact being well known that Son I, there was no opposition to Mr. gec e Ferguson, the vote yesterday was $tato i light, only 33 ballots being cast. (|er Q, il _ jcs r< Court Met and Adjourned Monday. Mond What Was Done. Natio t . _ J Mich. ^ The Circuit Court convened ^on(je _ here Monday morning. Judge R. 0 W. Memminger presiding, and adjourned sine die after a session pocte( of three hours. As is well known, more , no jurors were drawn for this . II . . , - . ~ iIlHll I t term, and the time of the Court savjn] was taken up merely with the , I* , . /? # | 111^ V* trial of civil cases not requiring procei the presence of a jury. Among e the few causes heard were the t|lose i- j appeals for new trial by the mon ( v j Southern Power company in the ^ '. i condemnation proceedings insti- porlc| i,'tuted by the company against . a'Judge D. A. Williams and Mr. (<olin( h R. E. Wylie to secure rights of ^ e way over lands of the defendants, ' A o'rcspectivelv. The Court refused ' , I , i. ... impor I- the motion for a new trial in mvc^ each case, allowing the verdicts \ . of the juries, as heretofore pub Mlished. to stand. '? ?e ei favor y I ter o n York Man Drops Dead. counc y I Mr. J. H. Stephenson, former j cured i- superintendent of the York coun- autho (1 ty home, dropped dead in York- chan$ r ville Friday afternoon. He was Class d in the lumber yard of.I. J. Kel- witho s ler & Co. when stricken. He ditior it was alx>ut 60 years old, and was two < n a victim of heart disease. He count \ leaves a family. The a w THF IANCASTFP NEWS, JUNE i of Young Lady in Fork Hill to Class B may I onmunity. the ftrst of JuIy A A A - Mr- Wilson's sad death occurred in the ma(Je by way oj Hill section Friday, that of Buffal0f New l ?ht and promising young jnj?ton Miss Buford Sims, who d away at the home of her ?xcur#ioi. Rale# , r, Mr. George Sims, after a J 's illness. The burial was The Lancaste rk Hill Saturday, the Rev. way is sellinj l. Dabney conducting the tickets on accou al services. Miss Sims was erate Veterans' ; sixteen years of age and ter today and vived by her parents and round trip rate ; ?1 k..~4-l J ? ?. uiuuicis ?nu sisiers. uu cents ; rrom ? ? ? Fort Lawn, 70 -awn Young Lady Seriously ville, 60 cents, cents. Tickets z \t *11.1. jj r r. i. until 28th insU ? Van Etta Roddey. of Fort ,eave Lancastel. i, sister of Mr. Ernest Hod- ^ ^ m an(j of this place, was taken 9.30; itly ill, of acute indigestion, aturday, shortly after eat- r . r . . . e-cream. When heard from (,ood. U,ored 1 rday morning, the young thing by Fir< ; condition was still consid- Also Hard Hit desperate. Her brother, a tenant hous toddey, went over to Fort Jones's farm no Saturday afternoon to see occupied by Wil worthy colored -stroved bv fire delightful Outing at Stoneboro. noon, together >se Present from Lancaster, owned by the ur published in Saturday's is- an(l his family, f The News, a large party the field at wo ncastrians and their guests "1 he origin of i-L - * * 1 ** * jtsu tne picnic at stoneboro {Known* iviacKe y. The fair visitors of the ar) invariable cu were Miss Florence Mas- wife, before lei >f Buffalo, N. Y; Miss Kitty after dinner M 3, of Chester; Miss Lena work, extinguis ), of Monroe, N. C,; Miss in the fire-place >w, also of Monroe: Miss a sewing mad Jones, of Danville. Va.; only box of mate Josie Sullivan, of Laurens; Mr* Jones s lo J. C. Montgomery, of Char- ?* building ; Miss Pauline Lindsay, of l"mVer ,'s, es^' Hill. The I-eastnans: Ira B. Jones. Mi$. Chas. D. , Mrs. C. W. Jones, Miss pers< Crawford, Misses Bessie, , a **** *? Miss Kloise Kostt and Kate MeManus. Miss . vl,it to AbbeviUe e Moore, Miss Joyce Clark, Juanita Wylie, Misses Bes- Ml-,,RCk 1 ^ hl' J from a visit to Ho< i nd .Mayme Jones, Misses otte and Gladys Jones. i!dl * spent Monday in L Mary Heath Jones, Miss ... T r, M iss Ivittie J arnei w Marion, Mr. Ira B. . , ' fcuest ot Miss Mayii , Mr. Ward Heath. isrs. Dan and Bill Jones. oung Lancastrians who are , , .iL Miss Hazel Hard nently connected with the her ern Granite company at inon. boro. were the charmins cllier j?.tiCe of the occasion, and they ed from Columbia, o stone unturned, not even having adjourned nite boulder, in their efforts Mrs j n ,.airi< ke their quests have a good visiting her paret Chas. T. Connors. MrS. John King i incastrian at the National Mildred, are visitii lior Order Council Meeting, "ves m Heath Spri ne of the Matters Acted On. Tho ltev aml N,r Connellsville, are retary J. S. Wilson of the witherspoon and ti Council of the Junior Or- *Mr. J.ti. cunnii f United American Mechan- visiting his brott ^turned to his home here l,ere* and N,n ay from the meeting of the miss Katt-orine f nal Council in Detroit, in 11,0 i . i. .i.i i . school, is at home I , last week, which he atd as a delegate from the Mr. and Mrs. si Council. Mr. Wilson had a "ill ?,,rnt s., ? , , as t he guests of ( ol itful trip, as was to be exi i u u i Miss Joe Poster, d, and he comes hack a . . .. ... . . ... ing in the lllacksl enthusiastic Junior Order lefl Monday for th< .ban ever before, which is ginia summer schoi e:a great deal. The meet- 1)r wiiiiam k. as well attended and the of the'mcrllcal rf?n edings thoroughly harmoni- xersity of Louisx and interesting. Among ,,ome for 1,10 va, at present were a number of Mr. ?nd Mrs i. )f national reputation, who, < were the ? iitm i Sonnes Sunday, Ir. Wilson, are zealous sup- , , ' Lam-aster in then rs ot the great order. 1 he v a xt !. i ^'r- S. MeC'r meeting of the National . . , , i Mi til- M i -i who %vas ill will be held in Mobile, VirKinia roiyteehi in 1911. I Saturday and Sun eport of some of the more Lain aster, ell rout< tant work of the Detroit ? apt. John M it? llg is published elsewhere, veteran of laxahax Wilson, however, succeeded "lM Sft,unUv- lu .i ( % m . . from a two weeks' tting the Council to act ... , ? , Kershaw and Itock ably on more than one mat- rouU, home. f special interest to local . , ' Miss tiertrude I* ils. For instance, he se- retMrned, a. noted the passage of a resolution time, from Sumter,< rizing those in Class A to in the High sehoo je, if they so desire, to ^?>ttore,a v<18 11 ... . , , gone to the summe B without extra cost or , versity of \ irginia iut regard to the age or con i of members. There are N,r; "na Mrs * .| . . . the I nity section, lass A ( ouncils in tins #n<j Sunday with t y, Lancaster and Dixie. Mrs. w. v. iiegler ,uthority granted to change tion. g& IQQ9 t>eAxercised after ? return trip was ||| mm I PAV1) f Niagara Falls, ||| Ol vvJIiJL fork and Wash- rh p qua] to Chester Reunion 111 I r & Chester rail- ||| I X excursion-rate ||| ^^4 I nt of theConfed- ||| I reunion in Ches- III tomorrow. The from Lancaster is Grace, the same; yj cents; Bascom- OS* * and Richburg, 50 ire good to return ^ I MO int. The trains >?J at 6.30 a. m. and 9 returning, leave a. m. and 7 p. m. A W Vlan Loses Every- UJ His Landlord ;e on Mr. W. D. rth of Lancaster, liam Mackey, a ^ I fl A farmer, was de-1 5S3 Monday after-1 with everything * * ifortunate tenant ^ ^ AT I who were off in vrl rk at the time. the fire is not B y says, following stom, he and his * m AAWHATT' aving the house M Q (jUJILl UU. [onday to go to #1 ^ hed all the fire and locked up in _ line drawer his ^^^HZ^^ZIZIZIZI^^ZZZZ SS in the burning Miss Kupliemia Hanson is visitii and a lot of new Miss Mary Kvelyn Cloud in Rock Hi Tiated at $300. Mr. Kd. Tillman, of Sumter, is visi fully $225. Nei- inn his mother here, Mrs. K. D. TL iny insurance. man. Little Miss Fay Williams is spendii anal. a few days in the country with h r has returned from grandmother. ' Mrs. l.eroy Davidson and two chil le returned Sunday ren' of Camden, are visiting Mr. ar . ujjj Mrs. W. T. Williams. Carnes of Buford Miss Bessie Roddey is at the bedsit aneaster of her very sick cousin at Fort Law Miss Van Ktta Roddey. s, of Chester, is the le Jones Miss Rettie Parks has returned to h home in Jacksonham after a pleasa . Katchford, ot lir- visit to her cousin, Mrs. K. II. Steele, in Lancaster. Mr. W. A. McDaniel has relumed in, of \\ innsboro, is preinonti s. C., after a short vii Misst Mivette Black- (0 tits cousin, Mr. P. F. McDaniel, this city. B. Jones has return- u Dingle in Chester, undt the Supreme < ourt gWing the massage treatment for rhe matism, with which he has been t k, of Rock Hill, is dieted for some time. 11? \1 r and \f rc I " Mrs. Kuln Starr, of Rock Hili, ai Mrs. Janie Dews tot*, of Charlotte, a and little daughter, expected at Riverside this week to vii lg triends and rela- their father, Dr. J. K. Massey. n,JS- Mr. John W. Twitty, one of T s.J. K. Mali, of Mc- News' vahted correspondents, wt visiting Mr. Marion with Mrs. Twitty, has been spending imlly. few months with relatives in Tamj Fla., returned this week to their hoi igham. of Camden^ , . in ^ aldosta, (.a. ler-m-law and sister i. L, J. Perry. Mr. H. M. Johnson and his sc Robert, of Oatfney, came down Mond oster, who has been ... , , in their new autobuggv, reaching he Mranitcvtlle graded , . ... about 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Or or the holidays. I .... a few days ago Mr. Keqiiarth drove I ms Wylie, of Rock automobile from Castonia, N. C., y and Sunday her? Lancaster by dinner time. His nr . I.croy Springs. chine is a liuick roadster. who has been teach )urg graded school, c . , u . i i nivcrsity of vir- Special Notices. The young ladies of the Tir/.ali sccti Rlackinon, student will give an entertainment at the T artnient oftheUni- zali school house Saturday night, t rllle, has returned 26th inst., beginning at 8.:t(i o'clor ion. They will play "The old Maids' Co . A. Dodsworth, ot , Vf'Htion " Admission 10 and 15 cen guests o Col. I.eroy ( The patrons of the Dixie School i making the trip to ' requested to meet at the school hoi r automobile. {next Saturday at I p. in. to elect ,tri or Charleston, jlees lor tho 8ehooL I last week from the The patrons of Nev\ t ut School d lie Institute, spent trict, No. 10. will meet at Mr. Oeoi day witli friends in j Phillips's store next Satnrdav at"! I " 9 home. noon fit I o'clock, to nctminale truste i'k, the well known ham-aster Court Mouse l.oenl 1'ni v, paid us a pleasant will meet next Saturday, Mine 26th, i had just returned 4 p. m. All members are urged to visit to relatives in present. J. F. N is bet, President. Mill, and was en ___________________________ oster, who recently I/ofl/llf 1/^ 4 ^ p h A1 in The News at the MVullU V IVllwllvl w here she is a teacher *J I, after a few days' randies, fruits, Soda Water, Canr I Timmonsville, has Moods, all kinds confectioneries, Cigi r school at the I ni- and Tobaccos. We sell Main and F Lunches at 5c each, and can give thi larion ltlackmon, of to >'<m l???i"vely in two minutes. ? spent last Saturday ?ne when you want a quick lunch. 'Z"s r. W. Abraham Main Street. Mavis Corn g OUNDED X' o\ 4 ITERLYjjjT |? UT S I DUR & 3 ?NEY I si ro I 3 ORK IN "S Bank j ^ I 30 incaster I ^ NDED X o| UARTERLY *t |?|| 11. t To Lovers of ? Good, Fine Smoke cry " "Refined" s ?? ' <t The manufacturers have pat- ^ | ented a process by which this t; ie brand of smoking tobacco stands * at the "head of the list as a per- H ' i fection for the Pipe or Cigarette." v Try a package and be convinced of its merit. Sickle size. That box of nt Florida Oranges to just in and are all that the lovers ? of a good, sweet orange could deot sire. See them and you buy. Bananas !r" ! are all right too. Drop in and ^ u- look round when we think we i tf. j can interest you in something in I our line. tid A Coraial^Welcome ire , and a desire to please the trade ] sit awaits each and every one. * You know tlie Place also style of the firm, he, With best wishes of the season, ^ to, 1 r _ ; Kespectfully, ^ >?, ? A. W. Chance S ,n? At the Same Old Stand ily i '.o Business Notices^ ?a- ? [ AM Notices inserted undet I ; this head at the rate of ONE (JKN'I y A WORD for each insertion. No i notice to be counted less than 25 words on FOR RENT?Nice 5-room cottage on |r. | (.Cemetery street. Apply to Mrs. Jack . C. White, Lancaster. 78-tf he __ k. HO.PI.Y KEEPS PI,IKS OFF?Horses ltJ. [ and rattle. 2oc and 5oc. At all drug .stores. 69-76" ts. I WHEN THE QUESTION OK WEDire DING INVITATIONS gets to be one ,se of interest in your family, bear in mind is- that THE NEWS nFPICE lias a line of as fine as are made, and at lower prices than usual for such high quality, is- ?""" ~? FOR SALE.?< >nc fine pair well broken steers. Weight about 2500pounds. er* Pine for sa\< mill business. Apply to es. Gregory A stogner. 74-tf on I'KAS.?one linndred bushels of' peas al for sale. Plyler Brothers. ')p PAltASoL.?Taken by mistake at A. U. P. church Sunday. Letter "L" on end handle. Bring mine and get yours. H. A. Long. News office. 75 n WANTED KVF.RY BODY to try a pieoa o! that nice stall-Ted beef sold by J. J. Blaokmon. 67wtf . IU00 POI NDS of mixed nails at 2 1-2 1 cents per lb. Bennett-Ferguson Co. ?rs ONK Hl'N'DRKD and fifty bushels pea-. at $1.25. Bennett-Ferguson Co. m M ' Are yon tortnred to death daily with Eczema? why suffer when BLOODINE OINTMENT will give yon instant relief and permanently cure you, 60e a box mailed by The Bloodine Co , Inc., Boston, Mass. er. Crawford Bros., Special .4gents. 49-74