The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, June 23, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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# Agricultural ' ^ Depan BUSINESS FARM1 What the Editor of Geor( iog Agricultural Paper a Recent Visit to Carolina The Southern Cultivi We have (he followii of farmers in the South 1. Farmers who iuhei business. 2. Farmers who cat other kiuds of business. 3. Farmers who like dom and ease of the co 4. Farmers who a renters aud must make for their families. 5. Negro farmers. C. A few business fai in our travels over tin we find now and theu a are making farming a proposition, and are g with the same energy; same push and with t sound principles that th exercises in any other These men are usually in other lines, and ou country farmers are pro parage the success of tl claiming that they sp than they make. S this is true, and somet On a recent trip to Si olina we visited two mera and we want to I few thincs about them in Columbia we went c asylum to see Mr. J. \\ the efficient treasurer manager. Mr. Bunch y ed treasurer of this ticn several years age duties otjfarm manager gradually assumed on a his natural love for far his peculiar fitness for he took hold of the farm 260 acres lying withii limits of Columbia this not. self-?u9taining. B ing the farming to all 1 tilizers and other expe then crediting it by th< grown at regular prices, ed on this farm last yea His gross proceeds were His labor bill $9,000. 11,006 bushels of cort ing 72 bushels per a WOPA clinnrtl nnn ^ i I. /> '? V/A w t? II WHO 1U V 5,000 bushels of ear coi sight we had never see They had 175 head of ( tie and about 75 head They were all fat and tii ought to see the they make aud the two spreaders putting it laud. This was how he g crops of corn. Mr. B two of the largest silon ever seen. lie cnts all stalks into 9ilage. Sc want to discount Mr Bt torts by saying he has tl money to back him. I will no there he will i every item of expense each item of credit. Mr. success forever refutes i moot that you can not g in the South at a profit, ly-two bushels of corn is much more profita would be a bale of cr acre. The other instance much interested us was Fowler, of Anderson, he was preparing Ins cot Mr. Fowler works 30 wages hands. He has t seers. When they go piece of land they go ] to disturb its sleeping i t~ let in the sunshine at pulverize it fine, and to it liberally. Well, the sponds to such treatnr way entirely satisfactoi i ' \ X ?0 Fowler. But to our story?here , HOW TO M is what we saw?ihree two-horse j tment Syracuse plows bedding up cot ~ ton land, rows four1 feet wide. INC. Well, tbev looked pretty high, ^?me Sugges J. - L.J Wif* Wh | vuv uvio ^aiiic Uii'? lWU"t<OrB6 [ia's Lead- team to a spading harrow run ?f Only Saw on uing along the top of these rows South |cutting up any clods upturned, The Progivssr then came a cutaway harrow, The price r and finally a heavy log drawn made by tb< by another double team?in all milks two 01 inr CIA3S6S seven hands and 14 heavy mules below the c< ' j Well, it looked like business, and ter price ca rited their . , , it was business. 1 he rows were a fancy artic ^ ^ about level at the close, and the jug special soil fine and ready for the fertili- instead of zer distributors and the cotton grocer or i i 1110 |roc* ^ planters. We cau not conceive peddlers." un - * of a much better plan or how If the tow re P?or . could thoroughly prepare the large enou i a living ... . . , soil with less labor, except in 8pecial cust sandy lauds ; here one harrow combine \v and the log would do, and in and ship to rmers. . 1 some instances simply the log termaybes e country J , i few who w work. each week, bu mess ^r* *'ow'er *ias very equally in 'n at it ^ 0 can confidently ping. If vo 01 . predict that in the future the neighbors 1 with the 1 ...... . business farming is going to in- C1t,v who bu he same , , J , , crease, lor the simple reason a<>iiomo n> > [Oj nuuiu * Bv?v-.w K calling. ,hat i! wil1 be found 10 P?7 wo11 They will I engaged ^'nd ou' '^,a r regular Women Who Are Envied butter, to ge ? attractive women who are lovely , r . tie to dis- iu lace, form and temper ure the envy of along to PU fipqp mpn ma,n.y' wbo ,llignlx" i;kt' lhe!;- , A T?,k friends and i utfse men, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable end more Constipation or Kidney poisous show in butter i9 pu pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a . , ometiraes wretched complexion. I <>r all such, print8 anil electric Hitters Work wonders. They tea- .vili BHM fnr inies not. ulate Stomaoh, Liver and Kidneys, purify rmth fnr the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, city grocer, u u Vya - pUre breath, smohth velvety skiu. lovely . SUCll far complexion. Many women owe *' a gOOt , ,, their health and beauty to ti.em. 50c at ^ ro Lell VOU a J F Maokev Co., Fnnderbttrk Pharmacy, 1 i While Crawford w ter which \ ?ut to the ~~ ~ , fiweet lor i J. Bunch, lhe Recenl Successful Revival this, clean r and farm Meeting at Heath Springs. this comes vas elect- cows fed ou From uthern (.hris'ian Advocate. , i institu- 1fl . f ,, M ef for??e or ror 10 days following May . >, and the 0.> , , . *, . , . obnoxious ' 23rd, we had the greatest meethas been ' , . onions, rag ing this town has ever known. , , ccount of * i. ri ,, , r etc.?and i i Rev. D. II. oraann, ot Lenoir, ter drink ^ N. C., did the preaching. eu The Lord wonderfully blessed i a kino < i of about scrjpturea were opened The milk i "ie Cl1^ in a now way. 'lhe Word of God in a clean 'arm was wa(J g,ye|1 jn purity. No one, and dust, v charg tvei, the very aged, ever flanks shouli abor, fer- heard llie g09pei as Brother wiped dry * and (jomann presented it. And when Pa'l should produce physical man, Comann, left and sunned ' ^e^tdear" the people did not say so much should be i F oo ^ " about their lo* e for the man. through a cl i $ -.000. rphey gttVe sufficient proot ol that, As a rule, e ^rew what he left was an ever- churned wh i, ayera^g- iftStin? possession, even a pure cows are kej c?o. ??? Jove tor the things ot God. skimmed, tl cntainiug reagon why we liked tohear gift at once. rn, such a preach js because of what tor '8 n?^ P n befyie. pjjg gospel is purely ing so few iairy cat- 8Criptural. cold-setting ' ,0 Many adult members of the ticed 9ucc le. ^ on (Church remarked that much ot where tiowii manure ^e B,ble that they had never ed. 1 his pi manure uncjer8f00d was made clear. He, 20-inch pa cner l',e Brother Comann, is a wonderful with a strip rew euch man, because God is with him side. The unch .l is jteep3 right with God. otl trom the we have pj-fi C|,jef strength is in doctrine. by watel ' *lie *"rM He made made many of the Bible 8'^e when tl >me will (joctrtnes very clear even to the runout. 1 Jnch 8 ef*i children. CHn be usei ie Statt s The results of this meeting no be but the c ifyou man can e7er le;j Many pre- dipped otl. show you fe83eci conversion and sauctilica- I his can i and also -j j1Q writer sees this last 9et into cold Butuh s jn a Iiew wav a?,j believes it is cream will n the slate- trU() way. Many people rely in 10 hours, row corn on tho .Scriptures in a different ' kijkni Sever.- m urier Twenty one ioined .... P?racre the Church. ' Whether, bl* ,han May find absolutely bless ed< 'he Proc' >ttoti per i> .i /? i i H t'ie sa,ne ' Brother Comann ana send a , . ., , , . bo kept as c message to thousands vet who are that -o ... , . * ready tor rn i? r o waiting for him to give it to . , Mr. J. S. . ing should ., ,, them. A ..istener . .S. C , as for upon tin . . Heath Springs. . , ton land the tlavor ot standing quantity ? .Sometimes you may be told that there wo over - are other things .ust aj. good a^ I>e- cream mat Wilt'a b'irf. av or.,I tl 1 - ? on 10 a a\y\ ?i'-' " o -,irr ' "! < tasting butti That isn t so Nothing made isas good * prepared DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Fills will make h , . for any ailments of the kidneys or ,, leptns bladder, which aiway? result iu weak small fjuan' id air; to hack, backache, rheumat ic pains, rheu- mometer is matism and urinary disorders A trial manure of CeWitt'a Kidney and BlaJer Bills a higher ten: is sufficient to convince you how (rood . . land re. they arp. Kend your name to E. C. lie- in8 will ', lent in a Witt A Co , Chicago, for a free trial BUmmer?Sg box. They are sold here by J. F. Macky to Mr. ?y Co. w-s winter, and I THE LA^CXXSTER NEWS, JUNE 23/ top AKE GOOD BUTTER The cream should be held at thii IT HOME temperature, by keeping it eor rounded with warm water, until t a little acidity is detected anc itions to the Fanner s ^en jj; cooled aa much as por o Handles the Milk sible and kept cold until read] Two or Three for churning. The temperature Cows. at which to churn is governed b) r? Parmer. fhe reason and the sort of feed, secured for butter In summer, when cows are fed ) farmers wife who on pasture principally, a temper r three cows is often ature of 60 degrees is best, li ast of leed. A bet- winter, when dry feed is usee n be had by making altogether, 62 or 64 degrees, anc de of butter aud hav- if much cottonseed meal is fed customers to sell to a higher temperature, eveu ai bartering it to the high as 70 if cottonseed mea selling to "chicken and hulls are fed alone. THF CHURN AND THE CHURNING, /n near you is not . , , , ... . , .. , A barrel churn is the best. Ihi gh for you to find . . . _ churn should first be rinsed 11 omers in, you can ... , ... . scalding water and then a pai lth your neighbors & , , , , full of cold water dashed iu the city. I he cut- ... , ..... . After this is drawn out thecrean ent to dillerent homes .... ... , A .. , or milk is strained in through t so that all may share . ... . ** , . ,, t .. butter-milk strainer or a com the trouble of ship, mon gravv strainer. I he churn u or some of your . , , , . mg should proceed until tlx lave friends in the .... ...... . butter has 'come in small grau y butter, it is a good , ..... . . ,. ules about the size of No. 1 ihip direct to them. .... . , , . . . , , . ., birdshot. A cold brine is nov be glad, when they ... ii . j added to cause it to granulab L thev really get good , . more rapidly, it you to eeud enough ,r . , r 'he butter milk is then drawl Lpply some of their _ , , , , , ... ,? . oft and clean cold water added leighbors. Ifcouutry r.? . . , , , ... 1 his is drawn oft and the sami t up in neat uniform , ,. . . , .. process repeated un4il the wate: carefully shipped, it , . , . .. runs clear. I his removes flit a good price to the . . ... , . , ,, butter-mi'k which would other , wise cause the butter to sour ii 1 price is expected, ., . * , . a few days. When water is al ally mako good but- / , ... , , . , out the butter should appear ir vill keep fresh and , ... , r.. j granules; this is proof of prope many days, lo do , . _M , . .., . . , , . churning. lhe butter is now uilk must be had and . . , , , , ready for salting and working, onlv trom healthy ... C ... . ... I he salting should be done tc sweet grain and oth- .. , _ suit the customer. the work on pasture free from . , , ing must be done with woodei weeos?such as wild ... , . . ? .... , hdle or something else especially weed, bitter weed, , ? , . ... , , tor the purpose. Butter should vith pure, fresh wa! never be touched with the hand it will destroy the grain and causi are oi- iiik milk. lt tQ app0ar 0iiy Print into a: ing should be done neat cakes as possible and wraj place free from odor in specially prepared buttei The udder and the paper. Felix Williams, d be dampened and Carroll Co., Ua. uth clean cloth. The . . be carefully scalded Could Not Be Better or airpd The milk I N ' has ever made a khIvo, ointment ! lotion or balm to compare with Bucklen'i ramediately strained ArQiot Salve* Its the one perfect henle . of C.its. Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores Otll. < happed Hands, Scalds, Boris, Ulcers the whole milk is fialf Klieum. For sore eyes am Cold sores its nupreme. Infallible fo ere only two or three pile*. Only 2.r>c at .1 V Mnckey Co .Fund . . , .. . . , erburk Pharmacy and Crawford Bros, w Ot, but if It 13 fo be ie process must beThe hand separa- SENSATION IN ANNSITON. radical for one h <v cows, but the deep Alabama Cotton Man Shoots a plan may be prac- South Carolinian Whom He jessfully, especially1 Found In Wife's Comlg water may be ua- pany. an consists in using Anniston. Aia., June 20 ns, 9 inches wide, sensation was created here thii > ol glass down the afternoon when A. W, Falls, t [hkimmilk is drawn prominent cotton factor, tiret bottom and one can four shots from a revolver at K ling the gla-s in the Kipley, of Spartanburg, S. C. ie cream is ready fo *hen he found the latter at hit lie same sz d cans home 111 ,hB <>' Mrs 1 without Che glass J'.,U!* A1""?'ft|i the shots wen ... , fired at close range, none took ream will have to ,, . , ., ,, effect. Both liir>l?v and halh were arrested and placed in jail nust immediately he |ra|ia later furnishing bond. Mowing water. The . ? early all have risen } q y A M changes Ri|ua| Detroit, Michigan. June IS ? v. I'lIK cKI-am, .. , , ,k , i ho .National Junior Order of inilk or cream is us- | nited American Mechanics loess ol making butter passed a resolution changing! I lie milk shouldIthe ritual of t ho order so that it ool as possible until j wjjj CqtHin three de gree* instead lening. 1 he ripen- 0j f,ne> The resolution was passIn ctrefullyr done, ed accepting the offer of theTenns depends much of eHae0 State council to donate the butter and the grounds and buildings fora horn* lecured. Over-ripe ! tor 0j(i anj indigent members ol tes strong, cheesy-j the order. The institution is tr 3i , uiiuur-ripocream be located in Tennessee and its itrd churning and h co<?t is estimated at $75,000. ity. A dairy ther- ^ ^ needed. In winter ... . , . , . , Chamberlain n Cough remedy n lperaluro for ripen- sold on a guarantee ttiat if you ar< , .. not -atisrted after lining t wo-third.i ol ? recjuireu t.nan in a bottle according to directions, youi \ or 70 degrees in money wilt be refunded. It i* up t< you to try. Sold by J. F. Maokey Co 62 or b4 in summer, and Kunderburk Pharmacy, w-a I 4 >9 I Kodo r > For Dyspepsia and | If you Suffer from Indigestion, 1 the Stomach, Belching, Sour Ston i etc., a little Kodol will Relieve you 1 i Kodol supplies the same digestiYS So. don' Juices that are found in a healthy Don't bee stomach. Being a liquid, it starts Keep you digestion at once. strong by 3 Kodol not only digests your food. Xou,.^on' 1 but helps you enjoy every mouthful the time, you eat. you need I You need a sufficient amount of Kodol li good, wholesome food to maintain strength and health. Oi But, this food must be digested 3 thoroughly, otherwise the pains of oo to toui j Indigestion and dyspepsia are the HufS co'nt result. honMtly a?] ' When your stomach cannot do its E^'iiTrefu work properly, take something to %u Adeia; help your stomach. Kodol is the Don't i only thing that will gire the stom- pu^uitfe! acli complete rest. in a family. Why? Because Kodol does the * same work as a strong stomach, and Kodol is does it in a natural way. ies of E. C 3 Sold by J. F. MACKEY P Best For 1 M 1 We Sell the Best for the least money. Come to us for */r 1 n /- > i ^ i menu, v^uuee, ;sugar, canned uooas, 1 and Everything in the grocery line, i and new; our customers are highl) r know we can please you. Give us f Funderburk Co., and Carnes Bros. ? Don't Forget that we are giving the "I i Ferguson & li ; A Grand Opportunity '^JjL To see the PACIFIC COAST and i2Gth the Alaska-Yukon Exposition Entrance , tlie County I rho best ana most inexpensive way 2 at 0 a in to see the I'aeifl, t'oast and the (ireat C1'in couiplet . Western Country this summer, and scholarship! take in the Alaska-Vukon exposition freo tuition opened June 1st, is 10 "yo as you please ol .South oa s and pay as you u<>. and stay as lonu 11s room in Do r October ill, if j on desire." Why not ' spend your own money? Why not | plan your own trip and j?o in comfort, and when it suits you? This may he fllHHUHi done by planning your trip over the SMI TH KKN RAILWAY I AlUlO in eonnnction with an individual party I This loa villi; the Carolinus .Inly 3d, on the I year of 1 "Individual Kxpenso IMau, whieh will I Wish it t cost you about half as mtieh as a fi xed I Our tli oxpensive exeursion tour. I (g luinrii, M J i' L Y 3rd, ItiU'TK I ing us n Southern ItailwAy, tJoldsboro to llarri- " -v?l man Junction; Queen <& Cresoent, liar- I PU'chaai riinan Junction to Danville, K>: I write us Southern Hallway, Danville, Ky., to I ,or our 1 St. Louis, Mo; Wabash It. it., St. Don is I yf | o to Kansas City, Mo; In ion Pacific, I Kansas City to Denver; Denver ?k liio I 23-? 3 Grande, Denver to Salt Lake City; S. P. I: I.. A. A- S. I... Salt Lake t'ity to Los ^ 11 Angeles. _________ 1 lttil'XD Tit 11* It A1 LltOAD HAT KS Going via Any ticketing route selected [\jAljrA and returning via any ticketing route as desired. ' Via Portland, Seattle and san Francisco or vice versa, going or returning one wav via Portland and Seattle. Notice is ) signed, as i FHOM of It. K. A1 Spartanburg *07 4f> ' olumhia $0!S 20 ''ny, July t * lto.k 11111 98 :t > charlotte 90 75 turn and ap tirceiiville 1(6 (ii Charleston 90 75 Lancaster c ' Chester 98 3 > Sumter 90 75 SR' as s,M'h Hates i|iioted from other points on application. Tickets limited to October .'list, 1900, . , .. . .. . Ailms. and permit Stop-Overs at all points west of Chicago or St. Louis. Tickets ' ttlc II, 19( oil sale daily to September 20th. 1090. - Lower round trip rates to and from ' California unoted on application. lie F Y i fore completing arrangements for your trip give us an opportunity to talk with you about the details of it, ipiote ' ? t lieslc you best rates and tell you of the most i interestitnr noinls. and the l>,<si nn.i i clioaiirst \vhv l<i ->ee iliein. Write to I represent at i ve MM.rsK, Acrount Itivinion PHHSi'iiKcr A went, H,ls . '* .. . i i . .. w < Southern H i-'-ti < haiU'Klon, >. < . i . i round tri| Tickets w ill ' DR. DOUGLAS MclNTYRE i'.S d""" > DKNTAL MUKMKON Hound tr r ONIce over Heatti-Jones f.o.'a Store. lions as fol i Phone III), H. ks')nrK ) I .. ,. < oiumbia i Port I.awn, Thursdays, Koddey llouae. .1:11 1 Heath Springe, Tuesdays after Oth, at w'innslniro Hotel Morton. Children he : of aire half QHICHESTER S PILLS applyf"oth < IHAMONO IIRANO. a a.r,.,,|S or a UOni A.k|?<.riir,< A agents or a / )( Ukitt ( li|.rliM |cr'#IH?m,nf ltriiii/A\ r rill* In l(r<t In1 ?.ol.1 r.'?*nicVh^ ' >v ?l?m. %o]r<1 ?ith Blue K;i r W 9b wl Take no othrr llur of roar ri - ri "mifl't AUI?( l(|4<irKA.TKRN ) I t jr IHAMONO UK A.NO I'll.I.N, It* 15 VV Ju yrariknown ?t first. Safest, Alway, Krliat.l# SOIO BY DRtGOISIS EVtRYWHtRE 72-74 \ Mm x V ' I * ki 'A : > ' ** ' Indigestion r dyspepsia, Gaa on iach, Heart-burn, . l almost Instantly I 't neglect jour stomach, ome a chronic dyspeptic, ir stomach healthy and taking a little KodoL t have to take Kodol all You onlr talfA It vho It. t perfectly harmleae. xr Guarantee r druggist today and gat a MThan aftar you have used tha enta of the bottla It you can r that It baa not dona you amy i tha bottle to tha drugglat aula ind your money withoutaa?a> j. we will then pay tha draghesitate, all drugglata know la good. Tnla offer aparao bottle only and to but one The large bottla contains BH ich as the fifty cent bottla. prepared at the laboratorDeWitt Sl Co., ChioafOt & co? Least [ Groceries | 11 . ""=* your Flour, Meat, | Country Produce Our stock is fresh ^ r pleased, and we * a call. Between ,?== V Sest for the Least' Elliott. 1 *1900 ' eof Charleston $ year beging October 1st. examinations will beheld at', Court House cn Friday. July i All candidates for admission e in October for vucint Boyce I Mf >. which nnv Sloil n v?or . scholarship to each county roliua. Hoard and furnished 1 rmitory, $P2. Tuition $40. URISON RANDOLPH, Pre-. uncement being our twenty-fifth uninterrupted success, we .o l:e our "Haulier year." lousands of satisfied cusaiul fair dealing;, is bringmv customers daily, i arc contemplating tlie i; a of a piano or organ. Z at once for catalogs, and special proposition. NK'S MUSIC HOUSE, Columbia, S. C. .( oi Application For Discharge hereby given that the un Jeradministrators of the estate Iison, deceased, willon Moult?0U, make4their final re ply to the Probate Judge of ounty for testers of dlamis- J administrators. K. c. ALLISON", J. P. ALLISON. ) ate R. 1'".. Allison, Dec'd )9 . ' PlItKlO* RATES \ r. s. P. wud Return Via udicrii ICuHmuv. ( I nited Confederate Veter- # >n 01 ?outli Carolina th-r ail way annoiinceH vorj- low [> rales to < heater, s. ? i bo on sale Juno 22, 23, 21 d to return until June 28th, i|> rates from principal stalows: $1.00 Camden fl.40 1.30 Gatfttey 1.1 > \ .50 Sumter 2.00 .55 Yorkvillo .5*) itwoen live and twelve year* fare. / or information, tioketa, etc.. Southern Railway ticket ddreas, J. I.. MKKK, Asst. G. P. A Kent, Atlanta, <?a J. C. LUSK, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston. 8. 0.