r e DISAPPOINTED IN LOV1 A Charleston Man Attempts 1 Himself in Aiken. Aiken special in Coli State, June 16: Late yeM evening Ed. C'Neil of Ck ton attempted to commit e h6re by drinking several i of laudanum. The quick ence of a physician sav life, though the man avov intentiou of yet comra'.ttin rash act. He was placed city jail last night to p him carrying out hie avow tendons. CTNeil is a vomg man came to Aiken from Char] He ba6 been in the city foi time. Several days ago h heard to say that he int taking hie own life. Yes evening he went into Hall'i store, on Main street, an he had toothache and t some laudanum for the pu heeaid,of easing it. He Beated himself at a tabl called for a soft drink tro soda fountain. Instead of i ine Irom the soda glass he about ball the contend laudanum bottle and in moments he" arose, threw a across the counter to the and swooned A physicin with him in a moment anc a great deal ot effort he made to drink an emetic soon recovered from the 1 of the laudanum But he insisted that lie would k 11 self, saying he would jumj the hotel window. Accorc he was locked up tor the The note was addressed young lady of this city, an appointment in love see have weighed too heavily mind. Statement that Woman Cot Make Good Coffee Lead Fracas. Birmingham, Ala.. .June Resenting the imputation H. Carper that Mrs. Kelley not make good coffee, VV. T ley and his brother-in-law, ?parks, this morning met C at Boyle, suburb ot Birmin and proceeded to "settle" th "ter. As a result of the Carper is dead. Sparks is f injured, and Kelley is wo in the arm and Jetr. It is hhi Kelley attacked Carper \ club, whereupon Carper d a pistol, two other pistols immediately produced b brothers-in-law, and a gi fusilade of shots followed the above result. Four Cows of Abbeville Ma and Killed by Unknown P? Columbia special in the and Courier, June 17 : Gov Aosel today offered a rew fifty dollars for the appreh< and conviction of a certain or nartied whri ahfit and four cows belonging to M I*. Widenuan, of Abbeville ty, who lives on the rural from Troy. Several petitions were pre* to the Governor in refere the matter. Mr. Wideman letter states that he has ha fine Jersey cowp shot do his pasture in the pant a weeks, and that he believe if the Governor would cffei ward me frtnit\- person oi sons would be apprehended Sometime* you inay be told tha ar. other tiding* just ^ood Witt's Kidi.ey and R'adder T'uat isn't so Nothing made is i a PeWitt's Kidney and Btaddi for any ailments of 'he kidti bladder, which always result i back, backache, rheumatic (>aim matism and urinary disorders of Pe Witt's Kidney and Blade is sufficient to convince you ho< they are. .Send your name to K. Witt A Co., Chicago, for a I'r bo*. They are sold here by J. f ey Co. I. | UNIQUE WEDDING. Dead C o Kill1 Groom> Who had been Convicted Qlestt of Sedution, was Manacled \y (jeC( When He took Vows. tilated imbia Colombia, Record, Juno 17: yond i ierday Thomas Taylor is once more a ^ilfort larleg- free man, after having been con- Mr. M uicide victed of seduction and sentenc- wo?ds drams ed to serve three years in the Sunda prefi- penitentiary or pay a flue of a _ % L* 3tinOO Hnw ho hio liV> Mf. G ea nis - ? * ? his erty 18 an interesting story in Ieel)lc t^e which his' marriage to the woin the man' or r?ther in this instance a son? ' girl, Fanny Rabun, is the princi- ^ wai re\eut p#j fe#^^ure weddin|g cere- 'eave e< mony was performed yesterday w,thoi at noon in the office of Sheriff ??inK i, who Coleman in the presence of a tor a eston number of witnesses. Mag's- week some trate Fowlee officiated and after sence e was tie signed an affidavit to the ef- thougl ended ttii^t Taylor and the girl had relate terdav tieen duly wed. Judge Klugh is called 5 drug sue(* an or^er which resulted in e d said ! re'eape the man kho since ev'der his conviction hnR occupied a Physic ^ cell in the county jail. With his rpose? har?cis held in manacles, and 10n surrounded by several county e ai d officials and others he solemnly m the assumed the matrimonial vows. Tillmai drink- and soon he and his bride went of 1 drank out of the court home together. vv. >> HS of the Under a law of the State a tariff c a lew man who has wronged a man s; note woman may compensate lor his "Th clerk action by wedding the woman, asking n was>an'i was by the power of such very h 1 af'er a that Taylor escaped ? thev d I was *ieavv ^ne or a torm in the pent- buy tli , ,ntl;^n'i?ry. illuatrj eir-ci8 _ . ~ ; ; " ,icl,'s ; ratal Wreck in Lexington. Engi- free p 1 him- neer an(^ F?reman Killed. Sen? , , . . n , . _ foot d( ifrom, Columbia Itec? rd, June 17: o~ . with a ipyH or ii weak for the occasion. was * ?, rheu- . . Some A trial r J'ills (Jhamberiam'8 "stomach anil Liver Black w jfood Tableta will br?oe up the nerves, ban- . C. !>e- ish sick headache, prevent deaponilen- r*'' ee trial cy and invigorate the whole system. embei Mack- Hold by J. F. Maokey Co., ai.d Fundw-e erburk I'hdrmw.v. w-s I'elv | I lincly "y ue ueranmeni ?i ?:oo d cjOCR added: ni ht this morning of i xtra freight . train No. 275, southbound, on ? , the Savannah.C dumbia line of lg 'S ; the Southern railway's Columbia One ,nK ,0 division, ?t a water and ll ig stop, g^ai on bis j Stvx, located 7.4 miles southwest (lf of Columbia in Lexington noun- ever k ty, Engineer Win. H. Turner, ot ro(^ y(1 lid not 2315 Laurel etreet, was fatally cr(.ek < s to injured and died in a short p(j an( while, and Fireman J. ^ oung hail. Carlisle, 2311 Laurel street, is lijrhtni 1 supposed to have died al r a re- display for the reunion, both |)r;v r per-, putilic and private, are going to i Wiiin I. be the finest and nu st lavish ever | h'hii in this part of the country, I . , . worth r there a in I the l ndicat loi are that therei as De- u i to r, , is going to be an immense crowd ||P(] H good, on hand from every part of the PC ,,|"a gtate and from North Carolina " 1 THE LANCASTER NEWS. J ~ ?r ' Body of Aged Chesterfield itizen Found in Woods. jrfield Advertiser: In a badomposed condition and muI by buzzards almost be- W ecognition the body of Mr. B 1 ij Gulledge was found by . A. F. Hancock in the near Mt. Croghan last y. The horrible alfair was k to the whole community ) Vl ? d ulledge was a very old and man. being in his eighty | year. He lived with his! B,HouSo Mr. Gilford Gulledge Jr. s his custom it seems to Indigesti his son's home at any time Dl nt giving any notice of his |\ga|arj and visit nearby relatives Chill few days. Tuesday of last he went away hut his ab- I qinpnliac caused no alarm as it was i I Nerv ht he was with some of his B L res. Coroner Atkinson was n and all and rendered a verdict to I 'n? frorn ffect that there was noi 1 TAK ice of foul play. County; I TIIE OKNl ian Dr. I. R. Wagner went I e scene also and in his 11 the death of the deceas- i 5 due to heart trouble. , Bugil " " ~ In h Cnnadlu i Points Out inconsistency ?,,ods "nn Wi J morning. In I Protectionist Newspapers. wig tirm insert tisement in a It hington. June 17. In the ' "We desire t lebate today. Senator Till- <0 our respoet< l. loss by lire at ' ' ! that ttaolr nffa ese very papers that are justed as u. .. for free paper are the imbues* witim eadlightsof protection and j Th eny me the opportunity to some eonsuni is coat, or these shoes." ,,fty retailers t iting by pointing to his ar- X of attire, "yet they want them that oue ilhnllt tOA Tl. i mu 'wui w?*re - wt'c' nearis. -.1 , > 1 f.[ lniil?l iinmed an .'her mm ami tj;^, ,,K(iI, en ye.-tr1, ago loft -1 widow. ?? ?! on ?" 17 years ex] jearn later she i.urned vic\vn on the velvet carpet News. l resounding effect, as he , , ,, Best Know "1 hey are humbugs. A wl.in t m ? ?? ltOOMVVelt: "lit , ~ . V1 .. n i. the heat knowi il Storm in North Carolina. nnmi, HIM, f,..,n Man Killed by Lightning. ifort. N. C. June 1<>. -One u;k8 sorrj worst hail and rain storms jou have faiiet nown in this county occur- V?' 1 8tru8 , . . , i erytblUK nave sterday in the Harlow HIKl thl. lection. Fields were flood- enough to sett 1 crops damaged by the I0,11'"1 m>;;lf , , Liverpool Men One man was killed by j Wl,en n n a ; .it o n u cries t?f the pa ished by Steam Roller. A cop|,?r d|8 ago, June 17. Peter Zuai- cul l,> 11 watchman whose duty it x ut b , tool. \\ alk ahead el d sLeam j M8nppoHP do jwned by an asphalt pav- uot succeedv* mpany and warn pedes- M v , pieces. | In heaven is ? . . ? Farewell, dour r,. r. ? n, t There will he Big rire at Key West. wv shall meet ... r . r* On I he resur West. Ha., June 17.-FireITh?. thJI d> t istaurant, ( has. .Johnson's ..\s1,'**r", itore and the Victoria Hotel -s laid in ashes. f ittin whi.'h tit . . A prooioiis one \ voi.-e we I ?d Nurse Falls Heir to $25,000 A place i- \ a.'ii Which net e* i" k*. V i...June 16?Mrs. <.<>d in iiis wi,. . , , Tin* boon lli Majo, a trained nurse ol An ! -?* n nuhfird by H 'the x..ul is v lie. \\>., 1 m i r that Capt no II l?iackw> il, ?h'? di? d fvently. ieir his osta'e WIRK $'.'.>,000 out onenenmber- PQR p| 1 her. t yir! Mra. Mayo UNE /19. f?Q9" ' r~~ toe r The Gri SF* d....:. I UiMgiUI Headache! U on I /spepsia S Flatulency I Our Mr. H ls 4 Fjaundice| for the Ne^ sness B ousness I cure bargai oss of Appetite! disorders aris-8 obtained by 1 Torpid Liver. 1 J E IT NOW. I INK UKI) 7nn| f g Af /> f each |>Hckiig? mid tliel MM MM III Iwi Mm W d seal or j. h. /.kii.inI W W I VI v# M side, in KKI), ig ???court../, ge on the 1< in town recently it dry as burned out lir the ' ho ufternonn a eoropet- amine the bs oil the following adver- 1 wit 1 paper: o e.xlend our sympathy ed competitors in their j T X-I LT id to express the hope j Irs may soon be so ad- j liable t hem to ??.nt Inue I nt umlue loss of time." I I E 9 ?$3.98Kind. nirscn s iers wonder lioiv certain j nu soil chinchilla sots, I tosed of several skins, _____ i reputable furriers toll ' chinchilla skin Is worth UflD "MTTT? ay should consult Brer AAWrvAN X^IX nnolout writer tols us s are a wise folk."?Fur I n Man of His Time. j J- C. 1 Iom< ho Centurv s.iy.s of Mr. .. leaves the presidency classical. Scientific, and I , ,, ' ... the go\ eminent academies. ? man of his time. His niJtnIy oarrillB?. Aeadem> ires are known to more itti the principal nni ;hout the world today ut,.. <'ultivatcs mi l cdticai ny other living person." fare, no crowding. Host ii ?- lawn, athletic park, one ut 1 lost ev iny honor, itiank goodproperty 1 was wise NOTICE. le on my wife when 1 , .... Ibe county sinniner schi getting Into trouble. ? >>rs w ^ 0p,.n nt l.nn> aster uri'. | July .?. All teachers in lli 1st In china Is extract- | urgently re<|iiestedto nttein r n patron an assistant ! Ii will continue only two ;ong to drow n out the ' will be under Mho supeivi | I'linipcK'iii instructors, rri ('own, in Algebra and Ar k rotating slowly ran be ! ,?ro) A j Stoddard, in tend, but If' tin? disk i.- i t.?<. History. igh spend it will \animation. It is to the interest of all ' to the interest of the sell 'that von attend this school ir Dear Brother John. \.c. > '? in at times he d smile, 11 j avenly birth; I'ountvH angels called him home, rewell to carth. th now our treasure. To the tirand J oly casket keeps: ims love to linger. You will take notice tin tinted brother sleeps. , enee will not he re me ever wako to ri<1 their graves inav I??- | * .J ini? ?vor wake to \% eep 1 from us It a* gone, oved is stilled: int in our home B T f ll/l ?i | Hie n hue is atom has recalled. B s iov? h i <\ given, v , ,u \in * ?holy sluii,h,r, Ihtm, j Not th(> White Stej in Huavpii. .J The i< r, Mora Cnnmuirham. I White dewing 3 VOIR HOijSE | h made by tlie \V ito cptpii ' t itmitc people. Runs lil nCrRK LIGHTS White Steamer an I latest improvcnl rot M.nifi b?- don? w hi I.- , jn^ machine en the i.'f is ",ult,r fci today. Sold for ra nates cheerfully furn- | ythinjf Kleftrical My ' time. [iorieno.6 ia at your KAr. to mipi/a lass w ork in ?very I t>. 1H Aul\U _ I FRUIT JARS, CA 'OODWARD, 2 RUBBERS at ontractor. 17 W. 5th I 'L L. Mack I?. N. Phone 1815. I; I 'OT IS HOT i ) V ? \ ' ivy is Sizzling and . / is Are Rine /] - -~r 1 Hirsch has again left . 1 w York market to se- ^ ns which can only be \ f i iwake Buyers 1 i. ll * - - -i jukoui. can in ana exirgains we receive daily MONEY SAVER ... , +~ 'v Bargain House 7.'l-74 I MILITARY SCHOOL [ 1851-1909. < sr, Principal, Oxford, N. C. \nglish Courses. Prepares Tor college, university or Military training develops prompt ohedieiv e and ' ">K years old, with experienced teachers, t'adets 1 ladies of his family, securing the culture of home i es. Modern buildings, perfect sanitation, wholesome rioral, mental, physical, and social training. Shady v. nrter mile running track, Hot? acres. Ideal climate, he social atmosphere ol refund christian people. The \ try as an cdui'ational center. 74-H5-I0. O. W.-S. / 'u a ill el y?ur Household ') oard oyr Kd. Hxpenses weigh J Heavy lurors | i. your pres. on your mind? If you buy :i at the ap- your foods here it will lift < ouri. as no the weight considerably. We sell you high grade Gregory, yure foods at fair prices, ter county. and carry the best grades of canned eroods. cereals. ' mmmmamt coffees, teas and every- v * lmifcl thing that can be procured , f any where at . / f Bennett-Ferguson / Company. { Scholarship and Entrance J I Examinations Clemson, Agri-, ( / cultural College. ] VI At the < <.nnty t'oint-HoiiHP on Fri/ ilny July 2nd, at "J A. M ,'be 8c> ol?r ~ 1^hin and l-.nt rarx-.p V-y?miruitions to r Ij <'lems.,n Agrn uIt ural College will " he 11 in der t h" ii > recti on of the County i |\ {J[P Hoard of Education. O ! Applicant? must beat leant. 13 yeais . 1 fage and mi.st be prepared to enter j 'initT lillt j i he Freshman ("ana There -are no 1 Scholarship* in th Preparatory >_ ( Ih-?. This class is only open to a IM ,| . imited i.umber of b >y? who cannot / uacnine reach it I ^ || schools an I who are liv- (B ,ii ships are worth $ I oo.no and Free I Tuition. The next session of < lem<1 IS the ^on agricu'toral College will begin i' ary sew- Sept. s, 1909. ' market Ap;ly to the County Superin en- I sh c a Mt> ' nation for etitrance to the C dlege, adt h AJN1J P. II MEIX, President, / 72-77 Clemson Col ege, 8 C. / ?r<" 8' Send your Job Printing to ) wmmmmmJ The News Office. / V f