^ , --1 THE TOWN OF LANCASTER. V' ]&k '. " 1 Its History' from the First Sma Settlement Down to the Present, as Given by James D. Beaty in His Graduating Essay at the Recent GradedSchool Commencement. In the dark days prior to tli American Revolution; when ot laws came from England, whe the Bayage Indian roamed in io w 9 an ing grown in numbers, and tt people desiring a larger and better school,the Franklin Aca< emy was established and a lie building ejected where the ol < ? one had been. In this same yei / a new brick court house wi built, and in 1855 was enlargt by about half its original size. Lancaster steadily increase / ill population until at the tin Jp I of tho war between the State her inhabitants numbered abo seven hundred. Of this qui oer every man that was able (/ do so, shouldered his gun, joirn his fellows and marched to tig for the defence of his loved one his home and his rights. During the war,Sherman pat ed with his army through t town, and would probably ha stayed longer and done mo damage than he did, had n General Wheeler been so clo behind him with his cavalry, j ' v "V it vu though, he was here long enough to barn the jail, got into j| the court bouse and destroy all the town's records and every thing else of importance that he could find. Because of this tact the dates which are given concerning things previous to the war, are given from the memory, Mtlil mi Iho anthnritir nf gnma nl vm ?uv UW?UWA4VJ V? UV4UV V? ,e Lancaster's oldest and best cititr sens. n After the war, the people be y Kan to settle down again; with I- joyous hearts that the war was ov3) er?with sad ones that it ended as n it did and because some who left y would never return. The peoa pie worked however, aud other is people of other places, came into e the town uutil about 1870, the is population had increased to such ic an extent thai it was thought i. best to Jextend the limit of the n town to a radius of one mile from the Court House. This h was doue, but some doubted the d wisdom of it, so after a few years h the limit was again placed at one halt mile from the center, a' o which size it has remained unt.^ )f the present day. >f in me year 1870 the Bapr tist church was organized in Lu;j_ cas'er. This denomination had '8 services irregularly for some time j- previous to this, but was never g organized until then as a church, h In the year 1880. the Lancaster a; and Chester railroad which had e been started in Chester reached Lancaster and regular trains were i. operated between the two points, y This was an event of much imn portance to Lancaster. Just one \ year after this, in 1881, the Epise copalians in the town organized i. and built a church, the fourth a one for the town, h During the trying days of reconi. struction, and in fact at all times, it Lancaster was noted for its peace and quietness, but in the year jt 1882, while the negroes were ). holding a convention in the town, )f a fight was started between some j, white men and negroes which it ended in a general riot. The i- result was the death of two or is three negroes, and the running it out of town for the time being, ot of the entire colored population, r- This was the only trouble of that ie nature with which Lancaster has ever been disturbed, al In the year 1886 the Associate n Reformed Presbyterian church 1, was organized in Lancaster. The is next year one of the most im!9 portant events in the history of ie Lancaster happened. This was I- the building of the old Charleeoi ton, Cincinnati and Chicago rail e. road, which later became and is ie DOi< a branch of the Southern, i, This road gave the town connecs tion by rail with other towns, and e was a great help to it9 financial i- condition. In the year 1891 the old r- Franklin Academy was changed ie to the Lancaster (traded Snlinnl a In 1896 a corporation was organ! ized lor the purpoee ol erecting w a cotton mill. When this mill Id wa-1 completed about a year later *r it brought several hundred more is people to the ?own: and when in >d 1901 another and larger mill was built it caused the population of j the town to become almost doubled. In 190'2 the people saw the 18 ' necessit y of having a larger and li t " better school house, so a new one ^ was erected on the old school 9(* A Thrilling Rescue ht How liort K. Lean, of Cbeny, Wash, was )8 saved lroin a frightfal death ia a story to ' thrill the- world. "A hard cold," he writes brought on a desperate lung trouble that baffled an expert doctor here. Then I ,s" paid $10 to $15 a visit to a long specialist |je in Spokane, who did not help me. Then I weut to California, but withont benefit VB At last I used I>r. King's New Discovery which completely cured me and now I aui 1? as well as ever.*' For lung trouble, bronq? chit is, Coughs and colds, asthma, croup and whooping cough its supreme. 50c 86 and $1.00 Tiial bottle free. Guaranteed . by J F Maokey Oo. Funderbnrk I'har^9 macy, Crawford Bros. w \ THE LANCASTER NEWS. lot. This building is & two-story Eaterti brick structure, and is very Tuei nice, handsome, and well arranged school building. After the ^ building was completed, there gtreet) was much work done on the 8cj10Oj grouuds, such as leveling, sodding, ^ l)V plantingtrees and grass, and other ^ thinea whioh havo K?b_! - vm V UJUUV ? I 4 tiful campun, aud added greatly to j ^ ' ? the appearance of the building, t ^ ia,,a' In 19 >1 there was a corpor-! ation organized which built a I elm rue cotton seed oil mill. In this same ^ ^ year by an act of the Legislature . . . . , r I ton. pernnttiug it, part of the Lao-1 caster graded school became the Lancaster High School. In 1908 |8t 111^ Lancaster began to operate a: . . | ^ort water-works system, which sup- I T ... . . . Love, plies the town with as good waDr ter as could be desired. A move-' ment has recently been started j for the erection of an ice factory 1 in town. It is safe to say that Lancaster will be supplied with ?r^. electric power in a short time., ^ The town has recently been pre ; ... ... , , I Mist seuted with a handsome mouuinent to "Our Confederate Sol- ! p0^6^ iiers," by those noble women. D081 the Lancaster Chapter of United Daughters of the Confederacy. ^ farce i The town of Lancaster ia grow- jau jlf ing and is very prosperous in t ( every way. Its population of about six thousand people is e steadily increasing, new build- ^en inus are being erected in all parts gan(js of the town,and its financial con- p dition, considering the large amount ot public work it has re- pQj. cently had done is as good as ^uf. any town , of its size is usually found to be. People of other jren ^ places see these favorable conditions in Laueaster, and that is ohan the reason she continues to grow. Tablets ish sicl Lancaster is a strong raunici cy and pality, and is destined to become erburk still stronger. She is situated in a good, healthy location and has | plenty of water power. She is surrounded by some of the best ???u and most fertile farming land in Bixey the Piedmont section of the j pilot, state These things combined 0ff. < with the fact that her people are gengei true Southerners and Democrats the ri will enable her to stand her the v ground and hold her own in the vie.in world, no matter what may come I 9too to hinder her ( 11 James D. Beaty. ^et,9J j said f ? ? ? lickei If J ou are not satisfied after using according to directions two-thirds of W'hci a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach takes . and Liver Tablets, you can have your mighty money back. The tablets cleanse and ' digestif invigorate the stomach, improve the ! tiis one digestion, regulate the bowels. Oiva i healthy them a trial and get well. Sold by .1 and ki ii ? -fM-WW v/r. teth,.MthM,lDfMiTel ge. The play will begin i^S^XkK tly at 8 :30 p. m. Found i followius: is the cast of ?** j ^ p 5 5 3?D. B. Love. H ^ ^ jn e?Miss Lois Gregory. H W W \ ceman ? Llarry Gregory. S W 0 ic?Miss Kate Blackmon.'H f f nissinn AJiilta 9*\r? nh;i- '13m a. ^ ? 5c. Reserved seals 35c. 5$1 r aberlaiu's stomach and Liver ^ ^ I 2 i will brace up the nerves, ban- ? ? I \ headache, prevent despondeninvigorate the whole system. | H l J. K. Mackey Co., and FundPharmacy. w-s _ ie Liked His Straight. X 4 F # T (From Success.) \ IP M P temperauce," said Horace \#V# f , the oldest Mississippi 'Ms what kills most of us t Once we fished out a paer who had been soaking in ver lor half an hour. When ! ( rliiskay was brought, the 1 i's lips moved slightly, and ' ped to get his last words. ,1 loll me on a bar'l fust and 1 me o' this water out,' he : I \\7p TJU aintly. 'It'll weaken the I I S Trouble Makers Ousted g i it sailer irotn stomach trouble I Dr. King's New Ltt'e Fills he's _ onrl glad to see his Dyspepsia and In- I 1 O till LI >n fly, but ruore-he's tickled over I i r r, tine appetite, strong nerves, I V^CCKCQ vigor, all because Htomuch, liver B ineys now work right. 25c at >1 l; ; I a \" 2 ' Co.. Funderburk Pharmacy, Oraw- . M - ^ I Good P ^M^toveWiU^ IVIGI CABINET TOP 1 7 2 pair? "he New Perfection Wick Blue i 5^ ne Oil Cook-Stove differs and ] r all other oil stoves.? It has y ? CABINET TOP. This j -LaCHeS ns you can keep dishes and I j OOO ya isils within easy reach while . * cing, and can ktep food hot J 01*01(1 r removing it from th* blax*. 'rom its wonderful burners to I 1 f~\ acks for holding towels the I TCTION II Cook-Slnve 1 .V ? ? 25c UOX ted heat means that the work j ^q l)OX being heated to an unbearable j y and turned "high," "low" or 1 8. With or without Cabinet And i i our nearest agency. Too cornea as near D lamp perfeo- ? ^ ^ tion aa it's pot- CoiTK >le to get. Gives a clear, ^ farthest corner of a good-sired I rroughout ot nickeled brass; I lasnental. If not with your I j . I i runi II Company oreled) ? '"?* I 7 ^ v ??? EXOCKIilOIl BATBS e lor Piles No. ?o tut M*ia St T? Chester. 8. C. and Return Win Bloodioc Ointn.ot has ibtwauittiniwu] Southern Railway. crythiag *tM Ku fa (lad. ^M*ponntu*miM Acoount Cnited Confederate VeterMans Reunion of South Carolina the Southern Railway announces very low round trip rates to Chester, 8. C. Tickets will he on sale June 22, 23, 21, limited Kood to return until June 28th, 1909. Round trip rates from principal staa the world. IIwill poo tioris as follows: idurM,KMuutm, IJlacksburg $1.00 Camden $1.40 _ Columbia 1.30 <>attnev 1.15 at Lrhlt Rock Hill .50 Sumter 2.0O >. Charles BUnchard of Winnsboro .55 Yorkville .50 >teVi.ea.a'aod h!d*oi?d Children between live and twelve years it, but could not And * lialt fari*. ed to try Bloodino Oint- Kor furt ln?r intnrmdtion liolrulo ot,?. a J. I'. MEEK, Asst. (J. P. Agent, _ __ __ Atlanta, Oa. D BROS., i. o. LUSK, . . Division Passenger Agent, AgentS 72-74 Charleston, 8. C. f You Want rhe Best * or the least money, ?try FORDT GALVAN5ED RUBBER ROOFING and SANDED ASHALT ROOFING. Also the CHAS. H. BROWN PAINT CO.'S STATESMAN" WHITE LEAD and READY IXED PAINT. A little high in price but ; orth it. | We have a lot of OTHER GOOD MIXED AINTS which we are selling at cost. Place )ur orders with us for everything in the buildig Material line. n WOORE LUMBER ind Manufacturing Co. ilLE THEY LA5T rill Make the Following iPECIAL PRICES 12 i-2cents Lawns 8 1-3 cents, and Chambry style Ginghams cents. 'laids 4 cents, i's Pants 75cts I ; $5, Forbugh Oxfords $3.75.' I )zen Ladies Hemstitched | r?* i 1 ? T T 1 ?> ? r ^ tLmbroidered H dk t., at 5 cents fine Shoes at only 85 cents pr. rds 5, 7 1-2 and 10 cents Emery. ss Shirts 23cts 1 25c Vests for only 10 cents wo piece work suits for $1.98 wo piece Dress suits for $3.98 ? ui i ai^uiu x uwucib IUI lU CIS : of Talcum Powders for 5 cts. i Hundred Other Items Numerous to Mention * to see us, Jerburk Comp'y.