' * ' r "*" ''" " || Local Dots "Two York convicts escape from the county home farm few days ago. The court house at Bishopvil was struck by lightning Tuesdfi evening. The damage wi slight. Eli Gill, a negro who escape from the Chester chain gar sonje time ago, was captured i Atlanta Tuesday. Among the Citadel Academ graduates this week was a brig! young son of Lancaster count: Mr. Clarence M. McMurray. Miss Jennie Shelley, of Wa) haw, as school teacher, and M Edward Teague, of Granite Falls N. C., were married in Cheste Thursday morning. Mrs. J. H. Yarborough, ( Fort Lawn, who has been ver ill since Tuesday, is not improve today, and we understand thi 'there is very little hope of he recovery. ? Chester Reporter. Miss Hattie Robertson, stei daughter of Mr. W. EL IMylei who was taken to the Pryor hos pital in Chester last week, hs successfully undergone a surg cal ^operation and is now doin well. John Caldwell, colored, of th Beersheba neighborhood. ha two mules killed by lightnin last Saturday. He owned tw mules and a horse. The hors escaped unhurt.?Yorkville Er quirer. Mr. Wilson Rowell, the famou sweet potato raiser of the Tabei nacle section, has 21.000 of th plants set out and nicely growing He will set out about 10,000 mor as soon as the land gets dry c , nough to prepare for the pui pose. Mr. John W. Sill, of Westville and Miss Henrietta H. Mobley daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam D. Mobley, of Chester cour ty, were married Wednesda evening at the home of the bride' parents, the Rev. J. S. Snyde officiating. Mr. R. F. Marshall, of Pleas ant Hill, who has just complete' a term of service in Philadelphia Pn loQrninir tlio Imainooc n watchmaking and repairing, ha accepted a position in the' je elry store of Mr. F. C. Edg worth.?Kershaw Era. Mrs. Lucretia Alexander widow of Solomon A. Alexander formerly of Fort Lawn, died ii Charlotte Tuesday, of grip, a the home of her daughter, Mrs S. L. McCullough. She was 7 years old. The remains wer brought to Chester county fo burial. Olam, the 3-year-old son o Mr. C. J. Hughes, of Filbert Nc 1, was bitten by a garter snak last Saturday. The snake wa " a large one of its species an the sting was quite painful; bu Mrs. Hughes made prompt ap plication of tobacco and soda and the little fellow was soon a right. ? Yorkville Enquirer. Attention is directed to notic by the board of health in today' Tl ' 1 1 1 . i L?4 T > paper, it, win ue uoteu mat n liceman Bell has been appointe inspector by the board. He is faithful and efficient officer an (will discharge his duties withou fear or favor so you had bette clean up your premises, if yo have not already done so. A petition was circulated her Saturday to be presented to th board of commissioners of Yor county praying for the erectio of a stone abutment at the Yor side of Barber's bridge over Su gar creek. A like petition wi be presented to the Lancaste board. Barber's bridge has l>ee ??-^r?r.noKlo ain/m fKu Kirr roinu r\ I III [lit sna I'll; oiiivv v.i^ ......i, v> last month and those familia with the structure and the cree say it is useless to rebuild th bridge entirely of wood. ? For Mill Times. "* V !| W. S. Biggers is being trie j Charlotte for the killing of J 11 Hood last February. The deft - is insanity. ^ As will be seen by notice a where, the county summer scl for teachers will open her< le July 5. IV Read the new ads. of Fei 19 son & Elliott, W. Abraham, J Woodward, the Heath-Jones ( i(* and the First National Bank today's paper. Miss Nannie King, daughte Coroner John King, desiring iy learn the printer's art, has come a member of The N< force, which she joined yes day. c" Dr. H. B. Pratt, the dis r* guished Presbyterian divine 3' iting here, has accepted an ii ir tation to preach in the F Baptist church tomorrow nig ^ Mrs. Judson Carnes met v y a painful accident at the Met c* dist picnic at Craigsville Thi ! day, severely spraining her )r i kle. She was attended by | Poovey, who happened to be pi > j ent. r' The public cotton weigher he Mr. Jack Bailey, has weigl 18 13,600 bales thus far this seas 1_ as compared with 11,300 for ? whole of the past season. 1 present season doesn't expire e til the first of next September ^ Mrs. Marganna Helms, wife ^ Mr. Eber A. Helms, of Buf ? township, died last Sunday af e suffering a long while with dr sy. Mrs. Helms was about years old. Her maiden na s was Medlin.?Monroe Enquir The opening of the bids for e $10,000 school bond issue auth > ized some weeks ago, took pi e Tuesday at noon, according advertisement. The success bidders were S. A. Kean & C( pany, of Chicago, whose bid ?, $10,230.00 was the highest s r, mitted.?Fort Mill Times. Mr. Leonard Holland, who about two years clerked in I y C. N. Simpson's drug store h 8 and who left Monroe about th r years ago, was killed at Gastor his home, last Sunday night i- jumping from a train which \ r] iroinir at t.hp rnfp nf ahont Hii i, miles an hour Monroe Enquii 1 Mr. Thurlow Belk, of Chest s field,but formerly of this coun I stood civil service examinat wme time ago and has just ceived his rating containing , fact that there is the name , but one other person in the L n ted States civil service regis ,t of that department with a hig i. average than this. Time allov 7 for examination was four an e half hours. Mr. Belk got throi r in about three hours. ? Mon Enquirer. f Council is having the la ? rocks in the streets plowed e with the view of improving s town's thoroughfares. The si d walks are also in need of att f tion, a numl>er of them be disfigured with stones too la for comfortable walking, i H others being rank with we and grass. On Meeting stre e for instance, we are told that, si account of the numerous we >-1 on the pavements, ladies, in d der to protect their skirts, hi a to walk in the street in \ d j weather. ' i Rained Terrapins Wednesday Tank Section. e Mr. W. E. Fardue, carrier e mail route No. 3, presented us k [Thursday, with a young- terra n I which, with a number of othe k was "rained down" Wednest i- afternoon in the Tank sect U during a downpour of rain wh r'Mr. Pardue characterizes as n "gully digger and pine-knot m ifjer". The terrapin was unh ,r | by its precarious aerial trip, ; k ' when turned loose in this est e lishment. moved al>out as thoi t looking for the business ma j ger to subscribe to The News. J } J \ v THF LANCASTER NEWS, d in Personal. K. of G. Mr. Will Jones, of Stoneboro. was in D si ;nse town yesterday. Pre Editor Ilamul, of Kershaw, visited ,, n Koclc Hill this week. ? ISC* the 1c hool Miss Josie Sullivan, of Laureus, is - .. , visiting Miss Juanita Wylie. IOllOW " ed at Mrs. K. K. Cloud, of Uock Hill, is ... vialtincr hnr mnthar TVfpc TI/>n?i? tOllOW ? I mi- . led: I K Miss Paulino Lindsay, of Itock 11 ill, ; T. is visiting relatives in Lancaster. ?TSPOC Do Browi '* Miss Mary Moore returned Thursday j p ^ in irom a visit to relatives in Hook Kill. range Mr. K. N. Hilton, of Kershaw, spent p , T of a couple of days in Lam-aster this week. f to Mrs. Ktta Griffin, of Monroe, is visitt>0. ing relatives here, Col. and Mrs. J. N. vjOOd BWS Cr00k?fct* Lig! tgr- Mrs. J. I>. Caston and children of "Phe Ileath Springs are visiting relatives in Lancaster. day gl Mrs. J. 11. lloldridge has gone to 9? ^vi, ^ 'S- Chattanooga, Tenn., to see her mother, A"r* " ivi- who is siek. COUlltj it'St prof. Vernon Cook, of Kershaw, vis- ^lllt of flit. ited his uncle, Mr. .1. P. Gregory, and Mr. ith 'ftmdy, this week. Struck ^0- ^ Hoblnsou went to Pied- ing an niont Springs Wednesday afternoon, to which I spend a few days. , tajjied an- . ^ Miss Odessa Plyler of Lancaster 01 gl*a * county, S. C-, is visiting Miss Ilettiejgjj 'J 'OS- |?ate.?Monroe Enquirer. ! i Mr. J. C. F.lliott, whose health has n

r the size of the stalk sent us. [ a Hciioi* ( ' JUNE 19, I9Q9 P's Preparing to Entertain trict Lodge. paratory to the meeting of istrict Lodge K. of P. with >cal lodge in August, the ing committees were creatthe last meeting, and the ing committeemen appointilntprtainrvionf T U WitU VMIIIIIIVIIV) U ? ? I l/11 >n, R. E. Wylie, W. McD. i; Programme. H. Hines, Lazenby, A. J. Clark; Armerits, Paul Moore, W. H. and E. W. Sistare. ? 2 Farmer's Barn Fired by Ua^aa4 ltning and Destroyed. Kershaw Era of Wednes- L?^ ives the following account heavy loss sustained by C. Adams, one of the r's best citizens, as the re' a stroke of lightning; W. C. Adams' barn was by lightning Monday evend totally destroyed by fire ^ * resulted. The barn con- rnmmJ about a thousand bushels in all of which was destroy'he building was uninsurge of Popular Young Teach- t ^ Miss Paris Neal. I Kershaw Era of Wednes- | ys: The information has received here that Miss m i M. Neal, daughter of Mr. WAO Neal. of the Heath Springs i, who has been teaching at . Barnwell county, was mar? Mr. I). M. Jenkins, Jr., a " merchant at that place, ? : ith. The news was a com- Lancaster fl surprise to her relatives bution tc iends here, as no previous pun(j ncement of it had been reby them. Mr. and Mrs. The Colu is will make their home at nesday acki of another women's rr ter Negro Captured at Charles D. j0 $5.75, whic ' vious donat Chester Reporter of Thurs- : .ys: Sheriff D. E. Colvin, to fJate 1 the short time that he has ipttpr ' ffice has got right up in the ont with Sheriffs Hunter, rp() t^e i, Hood and others by his piease a ice and activity, located ()f contribu e Strain, colored, at Lando monument days ago and had Deputy o out and arrest him yes- Will ' and bring him here for Jack C. W1 ry to Deputy Horton, of John Gratis ster, Strain being wanted M. Cro> icaster for violation of con- W. ^yl Strain was working for ^ev- W. \ linclair near Lando when W. P. Robi } G. W. Bak aylor Was hirst Honor Grad- ioiai ! of Due West College. cover. 5 Hattie Taylor, the charm- Lancaste id talented Lancaster girl as graduated with distinc- D1 rom the Due West Female Utton B,0? e at the recent commence- Mr. C. A carried off the first, and stantial an( e second, honor, as stated of Flat Cre ednesday's issue of The found a cot as we learned yesterday, Thursday, 1 e hasten to correct the er- ing the firs hich was made upon incor- fice. i formation. >e a second honor graduate Picnics This e a distinction, of which udent might he proud, but l"e picni st is the highest, of course, in earnest, is for the latter that all and Mrs. J and ambitious scholars ^eir Sunc d attain. , pleasant pi Mr. Roy < la Gregory Elected Teacher W(>st ()f t( in Graded Srhnnl I o 1--- - > I ouiiuay sen i meeting of the board of picnic in th ?s a day or two ago, Miss Thursday, egory was elected teacher was a big 6th grade in the Central About two I school, Miss Eliza Hor- attended, a ?f Columbia, the former from Camd r, having declined to ac selection. Miss Gregory, ?j I ell known, is a talented tccomplished daughter of l*C*Il%l e Jackson Gregory, of this fandios. Pru and taught the past scho- uoods, ail kii year in the Greenville Fe- *nd Tobacco* College, of which institution Luncl,e8 Al r,< , . to you posith a graduate. . , . M mo whon you or any of your son* or Women's Monument I To Lovers of ? Good, I Fine Smoke cry mbia State of Wednow ledges the receipt remittance for the rl ^T| ||0fl lonumentfund by Mr. I B " ^ Jones, amounting to h added to the pre- The manufacturers have pat- | ;ions makes the total ?ntod. af i)rooLe8s h/. whlch? this brand of smoking tobacco stands . by Lancaster county at the "head of the list as a per- j 74.60. The following fectiou forthe Pipe or (Mgarette/' C Try a package and be convinced ft mpanied Mr. Jones's of its merit, sickle size. That box of or of The State: Florida Oranges I dd to Lancaster s list jus( j? amj are au u,at the lovers / ' tions to the women's1 of a good, sweet orange could de- / r i . ,, . I sire. See them and vou buy. fund the following: i iams $1.00 j Bananas jlljp | (H) I an> flH'" ""> I'roji in and ' look "round when we think we I iin 1.00 can interest you in something in 1 ;ton 1.00 our line. | er .50 A Cordial Welcome * Beckham , .>>0 and a desire to please the tradel^rNk nson .50 awaits each and every one. " ^ ( 0r You know the Place also style of the firm. ? With best wishes of the season, $0.75 Respectfully, find check for $5.75 to ( has. D. Jones. \ Cll OllOP r, June 14, 1909. \ At the Same Old Stand M . Bird, one of the sub-; . i progressive farmers , TlnoinPoo NntlPP*R ek, writes us that he 1 P^8j^e8B jj.0tlCeB ton bloom in his fields ?l^All Notices inserted under Iiu, 17th instant l>e. this head at the rate of ONE CENT ine 1 tin instant, oe A ^ORD for each insertion. No t reported to this of- notice to be counted less than '/* I words | 1 ? ?? HLAt'K SOW PIG?Taken up on my . premises last Sunday. Owner can get Week. same by paying for this advertisement. J.K. Reck ham. Pleasant Hill, S.C. 74 c season has opened Tr;r~r>7~T7? < _ ... ,. FOR RhNT?Nice. 5-room cottage on I ?*C? 1J M \A. trim ?..o. n. lj. ",y"ci Cemetery street. Apply to Mrs. Jack I. E. Stewman tfave ( - NVllito' i'?"ca?ter. 73-tf lay school classes a ho-fly keeps flies off?Horses icnic Wednesday, at gat^I!evvn. I he Methodist ding invitations gets to be one ool had a delitrhtful Of interest in your family, bear in mind ,, ... . til at TH e news offick has a lino e Lraiffsville section | offts ,inu as are made, and at lower On yesterday there prices than usual for such high uuality. picnic at Stoneboro. . .. ,, , , m Poll SALK.?one fin*- pair well brok11 ty-five Lancastrians en steers.. Weight about 2500pounds. s well as larpre parties mi" b,,8l,,e8S- Applv to ^ 1 Gregory A Stogncr. en and Liberty Hill. ????? ?? i T\V<> TRACTS FoR SALE.?17flacrea, 1 mile of the incorporate limits of' j 4 Lancaster, 50 acres in cultivation, balyli J j ; |~1 tfl anrn in original forest, two good tenant 1% I 1^1 ILL II houses on place. It has beon estimated that the timber on this place will out .. . ,,, . _ . one million feet of lumber. Known as its. Soda Water, t anned .. ? .. _ ' the R. K.l Allison l'lacc. Price on ids confectioneries, Cigars application. Also 350 acres, ?> miles i. We sell Ham and Egg and a half from the town ot l.anoaa each, and can give them t?r- on public road and tower line of ... . . ., Southern Power Co., 100 acres in cultiY ln two minutes. .see vR|ion balftnce |n timtM,r ino|uding a want a quick lunch , (p.antity of good saw timber, 2 sottlements, outbuildings, etc. Known as A rAfo Vl CX m the Haseltine-Brown Plate. For quick iiuianaui ? sale at $10.50 per acre. W. L. Plexlco, Davis Corner. Broker, Rock Hill, S.t . 74??,.o.?. <