r 4 Site ^atuasta p*ii (SEMI-WEEKLY.) Published Wednesdays end Saturd at I An caster, S. C., by The l.ancai Publishing Company. CHA8. T. CONNOKS F.u A. J. CLAItK Business Mans Kntered as second-class matter Oct.' 1905, at the postoftiee at l.ancaster.S under Act of Congress of March 3, .1 nati KDAV, irmi: u?, ?<> The C. & L. Road to Cha Hands ? We learn from a reliable sou that in all probability the CI terfield & Lancaster railroad i soon pass into the hands of Seaboard Air Line. Officials the latter system, it is said, cently made a tour of inspect over the C. & L. road with view of its purchase from ?ages, the present owners, the property shall be taken c by the Seaboard it remains t< seen, of course, what will done with it. The plans of the Seaboard | pie, if they have any, are known to the public. It is i sonable to suppose however, i they will extend the road Lancaster, as originally desigi It is now, we believe, wil about twenty miles of this pi its present western terminus ing but a short distance bey Lynches river. The effect of the extensio t Lancaster would be to afl transportation facilities wit! its consequent advantages to of the best and most prospei portions of the county, a sec / that is not traversed by any 1 f ,road. More than one thri\ I /' town would spring up betw here and Lynches river, to d trade which now goes pri pally to Monroe, some to 1 shaw and some to Lancas While the county as a wl would unquestionably be measurably benefited by the \ - tension, and for that reason coming of the road should cordially welcomed, there i be room for difference of opir 1 as to how the town of Lanca: would be affected. It would some trade, it is true, wouldn't .the loss be infinit . mally small in comparison v the benefits accruing from an ditional line of railway? In event Lancaster will alw maintain her supremacy a market in this part of the cc try** New Kind of Watermelon. A recent issue of the Andei .Daily Mail contains an inter tng editorial article on the i variety of watermelon with wl the national department of a culture is experimenting with parent marked success, article referred to is in pari follows: In its efforts to introduce i the United States the best gr; vegetables, and fruits of fore countries, the federal agricu cal department has never b more interested in its exp rnents along that line thar now is in a new watermelon. This particular variety of ? on was found by Horace Knowles, late American minis to Roumania. growing in foothills of the Carpathian Mo tains in Roumania. The mel have a very thin skin, and meat, which is less fibrous t our native melons, in coloi both yellow and red and flavor is exceedingly delick Besides its matchless flavor has another distinctive feat in its size, which is about tha a grapefruit. It occurred to Minister K nov that a watermelon of that siz just enough for- one perso would find great favor in United States. It seemed to I that it would he just the thinj serve in hotels, restaurai clubs and on dining- cars. Tl could be kept on ice, and a wl melon could be served as portion. Seeing the possible demand such a melon in the Uni States. Minister Knowles tained a large quantity of seed and sent them, through state department, to the depi ment of agriculture. Under the supervision of Da l-?g- Fairchild. of the bureau of plant FA ^ introduction of the agricultural department, who has achieved a ? ? wide reputation for the discov- \An *-V8 ery and successful introduction ster in this country of many valuable1 ? foreign fruits and vegetables, 1 ;t?r the melon seed were distributed in> l*er last year to a number of expeei- crj rth mental stations. uf c, The reports on the result of a79- the experiments were most satis- a,T factory, and proved that the soi melons can be grown successfully ' of i. i ^r ii 1 noo?'U' Atrn***' "i"" n> uvni IJ C'Ci.) Bt'CllUll Ui tilt* nge United States. A reix)rt from Massachusetts states that the melons have a most delicious aei rce flavor and present the flattering ed ,es_ "difficulty of finding any one Wl i-iiI person who will be satisfied with ;t ' , only one of the melons." The' e department, through Mr. Fair- f1* of child, is planning to grow a large 1 re- quantity of the melons this year, to jon and their merit being known to ; th< the managers of large hotels in nn , Philadelphia and New York, the i f"c entire crop this year has been*, ^ If bought for those two hostelries, j ?ver the price agreed on being three nu ) t,e times that of the prevailing price vr j of the native melons. \ Of course the man whose long ,C()_ su?t is watermelon eatiqg will not ()b.iect to the size of th* new j rea- Pr?duct. A melon fiend like old that man Har(Jy Montgomery, for int() stance, wouldn't be satisfied With 1 ell 1 I less than a dozen or more ofvem CI thin one siting. ea ace, v ; ' u Mr. Stokes has some of the th . best beans in Chester county and in< onc i naturally are very much in de- jn mand. A Lancaster lady spent n to one day last week with Mr. ford J ^tokos' family and among other s:l i all ! appetizing dishes some stringed ! sc! beans were on the table. The N? one, lady remerked that there were ^jr rous none in Lancaster large enough ; tion to eat. Mr. Stokes has been!11" ail- having beans for several weeks. ' fe ?Chester Lantern. tu ,(ipn And so have a number of <-iti- ev raw zens Lancaster, a fact of o\ which "a Lancaster ladv" eviIlll | ?er. 'dently was not aware. Pr ter. j ! hole' The publication in Wednesday's im-1 News of a letter from Texas ask- jn ex-1 ing some one here to furnish V> ( the proof of the service in the Con- jj * 1m? federate army of Veteran Stans nay! field, of Galveston, that State. ^ tion vvas productive of prompt rester suits. As soon as Capt. L. J. c.|. lose Perry saw the published letter e> but Wednesday he recalled the fact ()j esi- that Mr. Stransfield was a memvith ber of the Lancaster Grays, havad-1 big enlisted as a drummer. Capt. any i Perry remembers his old comays j rade well and has often vvonderain3 e(' w^at become of him. The y| letter referred to has been answered both by Sheriff Hunter, who received it. and Capt. Perry. () est- 1 be scout cars of the New York i11 iexv Herald and the Atlanta Journal. m lich en route from Atlanta to New l)J ^.,.j_|York, passed through several: ap. j South Carolina cities and towns i,n The ' t his week, among them Abbe- j sr t as ! vil'e. Greenwood. Columbia. aN 1 Camrlpn and DarlinurtMn Ac into I well known, an effort is being |tn ain, | made by those enterprising jour- Si sign 1 nals to establish a great automo'tu~ bile line between Washington Aj and Atlanta. If Lancaster had , made a united effort to get on ( ^ the proposed line, as urged by nel- The News, it might have sue*' ceeded, and it may not be too \.er late yet to do something about tne i , fr mn- J the matter. ' vv ons p. j1,' Death of iVlrs. Harriet Knight. s, Mrs. Harriet Knight, about <>0 au 1 years of ago. died at 2 o'clock ro ' jj Wednesday morning, at the home 'i11"o of her son. Mr. Burrell Knight. ,n L of east of Lancaster. She was a victim of cancer. The remains 1were buried Wednesday after-,0'' n noon in the Funderburk grave 'r' the 'yard. Mrs. Knight leaves four ,r< him sons, Messrs. Burrell, James, (t" ? f?|George and John Knight, all of ^ ?ts' this county. She is also survived aey u., fi,? ? the and yield* quickly to the free appli- ^. | thf, cation of < I) tmberlain'a Liniment.] This liniment is not only prompt ami > on I effectual, but in no way di agreeable i to use .Sold by J. K Mackey Co.. and I, ivid ; Funderburk I'uariiiacy. w-9 | I h . i V ; 1 HE LANCASTER NEWS, JU US 3,500 FEET AND UVES. ? m.? I man during the lateur Aviator in Nebraska Has hu{,band. Serial .... ,, . attracted oa*?e' Thrilling Experience. h?cara. ,rk.,??n Berwin, Neb, June 16. A local wa? captured, rentnr dromied 3 fiOO fWt. in a ?_ ppled aeroplane here today. British Steamer I ; was not seriously hurt. The jorD lateur aviator was U. Soreni, a blacksmith, who in view Viborg. Finla several hundred townsmen, A British stea ide the ascent in a balloon and upon by a Russi *n attempted a descent in an for approaching roplane that he had construct- ; bay on the Finni after several months labor, j Emperor Nichok ben he cut the aeroplane loose i William met to-( began to descend at a terrific The steamer is eed, turning over and over as Captain Robert dropped. The inventor clung hailed and fired the craft, and when it struck off Wirolahti, Is 2 ground he was in a sitting i The projectile f sture. The aeroplane was boat pierced a s maged, but'Sorenson. although ?ne member of ocked'senseless and sustaining T1"f ineider^f Ssh merous bruises was soon re- nervousness for zed, not seriously worse ot tor; Emperor Nichols s experience. j - - ? ?? Dr. Moffatt to I w Schedule to Go Into Effect i of Er on L. & C. Road. i Greenwood, Ji A new schedule will become tees of Erskine rective on the Lancaster & meeting here thi iester railroad tomorrow. The it will be good nc rltf t.,..;n l,,,,,,,. nr ii,? i Ijr II11M lllll^ ncllll N'V I I I iravc , "1 LIU* tuuc^c incaster 15 minutes earlier know that Dr, an at present, leaving at 6.30 withdrew his re stead of 6.45, and will arrive it had been rej Chester at 7 35 instead of 7.45. present. 'turning, will reach here at The trustees me time as under the old ies of the presic hedule. namely, at 11.30 a. m. 'sors. The hone ) change will be made in the LL. f). was con ne of departure of the after- F.Caldwell, edi on train, which leaves Lancas- lotto Observer, r at 1 o'clock, but it will re- ? rn here 5 minutes later in the Four Killed ening. at 8.05 instead of 8 _ clock as al present. Denver Col _ _ ; men were killed i ,. . u r x, ... in an explosion ii eaching at Home ot Venerable - fl ,, of Denver Gas a Mr. Win. Carnes. 1 puny last night. Mr. F.ditor: On the 5th Sabbath badly damaged. May. at 1 o'clock p. m.. there as preaching at the home of Cotton yesterd nele Wm. Carnes. He is about years of age, and is verv fee- c ? M e. The congregation was good, Special Notices. id the singing, rendered bv the u". *r' " , moot mi; ?>f the patr< ioir at tabernacle. was school i?istri<-t wii tcellent. He is a brother iious?on s?t , (o nominate a hoard Uncle Joshua Carnes. I hey *e near the same age and live lite close together. GOEE YOU On. Who Was There. No Need to Tal June 17, 1901). r> A. Ris dof f.eU 7 1-? YAire UhV I" ? ? ? - - ?vi win" tin- (jdii'i's otkidm in8 Man's Lasl Penny. , S^jj-g5*3l VT ~ \r I I 1 rnt _ |l) Itl'COTfl* Nc\\ ^ <>1 k, June 1 i. I holHciS r,.r|ft|n cure is olVt-n uayle was standing in front of im#n Kidney p Fulton street lodKinjr house one HT'ij.VuVy"ne.'i n. ght six months ajro. gazing if you imve any Uhetically at the last penny he id in the world, which lie held mights disease wet hand, when John Curran latched it from him and ran i Henry oiadtim > < he-ter. s. saj ' * ago I was suffering Curran has just been sentenced in the small ?>t my i a two a half year term in Sing X'i J: ,Z, n>if prison for the thett. that t touid hardly nl luiaii's Kidney I' llioin and it require ?ed Minister Hurt in Runaway. Spartanburg special in the 'T,',! ews and Courier: The Rro. A. m> kidneys since. i ~ n n i . , nuy Pill* art* a ve . J&IY16S, <>l I ACOletf H ft&cd an<| jjjujiy rooommi "esbyterian minister, \va> ]>ain- 1 r *aie i?y ati deai? . , , , rosier MiMittrn < ? , illy injured by being Thrown ,ni. . g. i.--i<,r t?..- n om his buggy while out or! vine t?rth?naii ? > ??t!. ith his granddaughter Viet een icolet and Jonesville. V . i?a . I he horse took fright ai an t> 11 Cli 10 I itomobile, containing a party |.,() . w. n. turning to I'nion from Spartan- i-mo.-i coia-omAu ., , ... Health, find ho is i II Vf .Ml. .latTH'S IS \\ ( 11 k no\ u riini'.' in thti lionrd this county, having Keen pas- ''n1 <"?iition ??i n ? .' . . . town of fjanoastor, r of one church tor liftv-eigh n. solution i ars. The Iniggv was ? v rturn l!o?1'1 l,mt "" . ,, . side rod unless inn , anil Mr. James was taken i (v tin- i?n 'im under the wreck, i eding han * an the nose, lie was carried i. e. i iioma>sun his home hy the men i -ers of sec n-tH e automohile party. i ~ Notice of Af >ung Man Charged With As- i\. ? saulting Aunt. j t? ? i Pi i i- a ||r?tloe Is horeby g 1 enacoJa, I ia., June ] < ?A. sign^'i as adminiat eeial from Andnlu> . AI a , j ^ vh 111 11 William Jeter. young Juuf Aeiurn and api lite man, h under arre-' there ^ 'usKion AS Hiiel the charge of attempted crimi- mb1 j, t. r I assault upon his aunt.aged 30. Ksl e assault is alleged t> nave^^Hy * NE 19, ?9Q9 home of the wo- S55SSSSS5ZSZSZSSSSSSSSSSS absence of her ns of the woman r?-by and Jeter ed and ran, but Nati< Fired on by Rus- TJ edo Boat. \ nd, June 17.? a i I utci was uieu an torpedo boat too close to the sh coast, where as and Emperor ??? lay. ? the Woodburn, ortecl he would' 4 per cent, inte raised the salar- T, A , . , * I he Unly Nationa lent and profes- 1 >rary degree of ferred on Mr. J. tor of the Char- . in Explosion. 1 find1 four injured | ViiV 1 II V i the power plant I M. \f I 1M. II. ? nd Electric com- jl V The plant was | ?T lou lay. 10i 11 inr t< niinouiii'O that a | J S lis of .Inckaonhani 1| | | II he held at '/ion * r VJIM unlay, 2oth instant, {li I of t rustecs. ?ti rR KIDNEYS 1 ^e' ke Any Further I colli ill i if to Miller I I ?y coinplaict, liack w Icrs, lauiciK ss, head- | 5 y allow themselves J invalids, when a id tliem? ills is the remedy to s to the kidneys the nrforni their work. LJ even of the JBa JLJ diseases, cure your ' * iahctes, dropsy or s in. ("an l.ancHHd mcic convincing A winjt. |m| 101 Forest Ave., ^ i*s: "Several years Irom a severe pain >ack which kept ine upon i so lame and sore itet up. Learning ills, I began using d but three boxes KB T n A 4 I gave a If I A 1?| nding this remedy IJ ft d am pleased to II HJa I i A \ 0 or no trouble w iih ? ? -B1 know I loan's Kidry reliable remedy rs Puce 50 cei !s. Ihlthdo. New York, ??. .,k. Bridges to Let. The following bridges, to tie re i and repaired, will be lot by the t'o thp Pllhlir Supervisor and Knginoer on the NIC I II III It. | day of June, vi/.: I * iicii nas noen up- '!*?? ItK KKI'AIKKI*. of tin- Hoard of! e o'clock |>. m. regularly passed by ilaint would be coil-1 1'' 111'. I'I'.Hl 11.'I. dc in writing ami j IJridge over South branch of Wil riy making U tt??l , creek at 1 I.:to o'clock a. in. r of ihe Hoard. . , tI/ ... II. III N KS, ' MOIII,K\ . ( I,airman, j 7X74 < utility Supervls ,ry. 74 _ ?r i c. foster iplication lor > * ! HhysMotan and ?urae drge. j Oftlca over Crawford Itros. Drug H All calls promptly attended ivan that the under- night and day. rator ot the estate deceased, will on u>. dr j. e. welsh, dent ,(adm^i?u?l'.'rll'rS OIHc?' Kmm?H? Building . MAHSlIAlifi, pnaite First National Banl tale Of VV. K Rhone No. 8. June 1ft. IftUft. liANCAMTKU, S. C. i . mal tank Safety -N * 22222222??2^??222??222?2 NO 5 ' 4 I Banks having a surplus per cent, of their capital ^ 5eing absolutely safe, this us fund amounting to more ( of its capital. rst nal Bank i I F Lancaster I I rest on savings account ' * il Bank in Lancaster County tiling That Want j oceries, ;etables and | \. " bruits 1 i $ 1 [ONE 0. 13 oxlon A Copo Notice of Election Whi nes .1. It. Mackerel), one of the "" Aldorm"n of the Town of Lancaster, >* /' !!'' \ <" . havinjr uiven in his resignation as " n< such Alderman And it having hoen ao oeptcd by the Town Council of the Town 4 of Lancaster, 8. thereby creating a \ I vacancy in said office. /M ' at 9 llesolved by the Mayor and Aider- i I men of the Town of Lancaster, in Conn- ft road ? il assembled and by the authority of All ; the same, that au election Is hereby / \ nrHitrorl In 4a 11 wanl * .w.otw.u ? ?;/! t1 . v.. ....... ...... . auu<|rf nam l,,W* / I. t ion to beholden t lit. 2*^ day of.f tine, 1909,\ the polls to be open from s o'clock A.f [ w * M. until 1 o'olook P. M., and that J. T. \ J V Anion, O. W . /OOM and J. T. Thomaa- I 1 son arc hereby appointed managers to iP* I or, hold said election. \ 1 Ratified this 10th day of June. 1909 M \ 1 T. M. Hughes, Mayor. \1 Attested by: John Crawford, Clerk w and Treasurer. on Notice. I .tore