The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, June 19, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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f 2 Agricultural ^ Department creas ~ ?-- wher CRIMSON CLOVER AND COW- been PEAS SOWN TOGETHER. test grow A Combination That Has Proved cayii Profitable in Many Ways and That Makes It Easier to Solt( Secure a Stand of i)er Clover. 8mo< froe' The Progressive Parmer. I have found from experience JSJ that it is absolutely essential to grow leguminous plants in order an ^ to utili ze fertilizer to a good advantage 'ure I have grown cowpeas and Pou' crimson clover extensively, and as soil improvers, as well as ex,e money and hay crops, these le- ')ast guinea will do to rely on. We ^iebave frequently sown the covs- ^?ot pea in our corn land at last plow- ?ne iug of corn and got more money 8 )1'* for 'his crop than we could out of the corn crop in which they'H"ai . . i iaap grew. 1 nree years ago we sowed} ' 13 bushels of \\ hippoorwill peas ')c 1 IS* in 13 acres of corn land at last plowing, and picked 130 bushels of seed ironi this sowing besides' tron leaving many that were down ?Vi"1 for the hogs. i hose peas were !1"'' Bold at $2.25 per bushel, bring : e e ing $292 50. The 120 bushels 110 s ot coru weie worth at that time atV $240, leaving $52.50 more money 1 ? ' lor the peas than the corn that j grew on the same land was worth. UUI On another lie Id we sowed 3-4 bushel of peas and 12 pounds of ^e(' crimson clover together at last plowing of corn and picked an f average of nine bu?hels of peas w per acre, besides getting an ex- ' tra heavy growth of crimson a clover. We sow crimson clover alone in our corn fields at last plowing, at the rate of 15 to 17 \?U pounds of seed per acre. From " this sowing we nearly always get a splendid winter crop for our soil. But after careful experi- u L meriting we have almost aban- *adoned sowing it alone at the last 'J plowing of corn. Ian llOW THE J'KAs IIELI* THE YOl'NO CLOVER. 1 We found by sowing i' with cowpeas that, in case clover ^ur failed, we still had one leguminous crop and could follow with l"*a rye just the same. But when ev01 sown with peas we have but lew : aPP failures with the clover. It is w*i< greatly shaded by the peas and )Me' thus protected while young fr on hay the hot sun and parching winds. 'erl The decaying pea vines also protect and nourish the clover' lnK through the winter season. We an'^ aUo sow crimson clover along alter wheat and oal harvest and get fine results. But here, as;d"r> . in our corn land, we get best re- u>e suits when sown with peas. By , war so sowing we can cut the peas|B*ar for hay and still have the clover, for a second hay crop, or to lie al"^ turned down lor green manure.! ' We do the latter, as we get all Vf*r the hay we can use from cow ' ^H1 peas, and it is a better grade of 10 *? bay. The cowpea liay is not so|"au good when sown with clover, as ' one must not sow over 3-4 bushel 1 >0 of pea seed per a 're. Theref >re rea the hay is coarse. sorj Wrt iind it pays to give land iiit"ii led !< r p a- and crim-on cl >ver a top dressing of 2."> ) to 300 pounds phosphoric acid per I a? re. By doing thn we are able and to take very thin land and get aj vie heavy crop of both pea* and vol clover. We have made many tir^ experimental teals to see the et- not fects of turning in a good growth hin ot peas and clover; and always sixfound the following crop to with-; hoi stand a drouth splendidly, niakejbor a very rapid growth, and yield J He frora 200 to 100 more pounds of J hor s^ed cotton to the acre. In one Ieve test we found the wheat vieldlHe: I ased 7 3-4 bushels, and onjthougt ler the corn yield was in- mornii ed 11 bushels per acre, did e e a growth of thia kind had everyt turned down. We made a tell mi with potatoes where a rank much th ot crimson clover and de- she ha ag peavines had been tamed, chew found that we had uot only hard; i n\ IS bushels more potatoes Auy a acre, but they were much appre' jther, more uniform, and Sil\ r from scab also TWO GRKAT CROPS. Comn nthint? will an;i?.l the r.nurn?a It v crimson clover sown together to co foung orchards. This mix- horns also makes a very valuable hollo* [try pasture. We have used after* i cowpeas ami crimson clover sick ci naively as cjttle and hog chewi ure and tiud tor this purpose belchi ' cannot be excelled. To get her lo 1 results from crimson clover sick, t must sow on well-prepared gestio ceases rhile on tins quest.on let me cow n thank Prof. Massey for tuber* hmg me liow to save good Her b hay. His method, in brief, a cous Cut the hay when the pods dread m to yellow, cut when tree her e 1 dew or raia. run tedder easily r the day following', and rake may I small heaps the second ply n ning. Let it remain so until good jap can he seen when 7ines good, twisted. At this stage haul her * tarn which is as near airtight cnw u )Oesible. In this pack away to te let it remain until ready for shoul lin?*. And you will h?ve hay leave: md to none. corn, W.C.CROOK. meal, lenderson Co , Tenu. whicl ? ? certai at is Best Fertilizer for Peas twigs nd Best Way to Sow Them. to ea' >outhern < ultivntor. If flu . L'lease inform me through do he r paper what is the best fercer to use {or peas on stubble ^ d : ft' HO, .... or Uire . u hen 1 s I tie best time to pills same, and which is the best j^1j] r to sow 1 aem' 'i,lt A*" . Is syrup cane as good lor il as pea-? Respectfully, .1. H. T. * "oecca. <ia. (t ro ?7 Th umeat by tlie hditor : rancl and 2. We generally sow a co|j s lo fer'ilize the land. How- & mQ r, they readily respond to the Hftttrc licatirn oi fertilizer, and pjace ;re you either want a large witj1( d of peas or a good crop of tQafe . then it will pay >ou to use insie ilizer. Il you are planting it up li the expectation oi gathei- jje j. the peas, would drill iu rows entlv use JOO poond- ot an S 2-2 ftmj no If you are planting for jlim then sow broadcast and use a^ou, pounds of guano. Would eij^e at time ot planting as you drop it to give the pea=? a good ol ,|J( d. clirnf Sorghum is fine for teed, we like to sow it with , only a combination is one of the -n ,^ y best, here in the South. jmye iv think torghum injurious h n lie land. It is not more ex way ; istive than any other crop , j t produce- a like amount 1, peas excepted. I'eas are a 1 benefit t<? the land. w^^e|neHr| r/hutn is not. Remedy for Sick Cow. il>(/ ' >outl?c>rn < iiltis an r . I am a reader of your paperij ; I want to a*k vou some ad- . appli e about my COW. hue has a j, mg calf nine days old. 1 he t day alter the calf came Home iced she was weak in ner ?re ?.t d-parts. She would reel as walked. 1 decided she had I>e low horn, called on my neighto help nie bore her horns. said she did not have hollow- of i>e n so 1 never bored them till mp"*] ning, nw they were hollow. fwix,lr' r tail also. She got down. I j ey Co / \ THE LANCASTE it she would be dead next J ag, but bhe was up. We verything we knew and hing other people would 0, but she don't seem to be better. She eats very little, is a cough and does not her cud; ge'6 her breath seems to be weak all over, idvice given will be gladly ciated. 11. G C. er Creek, Ga. lent by the Editor : rill take one hundred years nviuce our farmers that and tails ot all eow9 are r, before they get sick and rards. Also that no very 3\v chews her cud. The ng of her cud is simply her ng up and rechewiug of od. When a cow gets real die ceases to eat, her din ceases and she naturally ! chewing her cud. Your has decided symptoms of culosis or consumption, eing poor, weak and having ?h are all symptoms ol this disease. It we could see yes and her hair, could tell. It is possible she tie only run down ami simeeds luilding up. If so, treatment and plenty ol nutritious lood will bring iround all right- Such a leeds great variety ol foods til pt her appet ite. You d give her rye, cabbage s, turnip salad, fodder, oalp, cot ton-seed-meal, corn all by turns and see just i she relishes most. Often in weeds, old leaves and from trees will cause them t when nothing else will. > has consumption you can r no good. you have that dark brown taste in jouth every morning when you wake' you are bilious and should take twr ie ot those little liLOODINE 1.1 VEh >, easy to take, never sicken, weaken >e, '25c mailed by The Bloodme Oo. toston, Mass. Crawford ltros., .Spe jonts 49-71 fs Remarkable Intelligence. in the L >ndon Telegraph.] omas Jone?, who owns a bi* l on San Juan Island, losl ie dog lrtsi fall for nearly nth. and {or several day* tied the woods about hit i zea'ously for the animal nit success. (hie day h< d a b ne to another collie ad of gnawing it. he picket and started lor the woods ;ept turning hi- head appar to see it lie whs followed Junes concluded to follov The deg trot'ed along to t a mile hi d stopped at tin ot an abandone : well Hi ped tlie over tlie edgi e well. .Jones go' a ladder >ed down, and found the do| had been lost There wa about two inches ot wate e well, but the anini d wr ult starved to death had it no lor the other. The lost doi in good condition, ami as i be ?i mia-ing twenty-fou the other anima must hav it supplied with lood fo ly a month. young cane wh- complain I thr tiglit li' of his uniform V hV. lallier." he ioclnre i coll?r pres-os my Adam' b *o h:inl 1 cm tas'e idei!1 irper's Weekly. limes you imiy Ik-told tha' titer her things just ? ? good a* I)? s Kidney and bladder Pillt isn't so Xothing made is a- goo Witt's Kidney and liludder Pill ny ailments of the kidney a < er, which always result in ? ea backache, rheumat ic pains, rheu m and urinary disorder* A trif Witt's Kidney and likcler i'ilj ficient to convince you how goo ire. .Send your name to K. C. I>e & Co., Chicago, for a free trie I'hey are sold here by J. I Mack w R NEWS. JUNE >9. 19 Sponsors and Maids for Stale I union. Chester Lantern: The folio inn la a liet ot sponsors that ha sent in their names for the union : Walker Gas'on Camp?M <i. \V. Gajje, spoonsor, Mrs J tir _ 11 *Y fftiKt'I f 114 a ill Greenville?Miss Griffie D rob, sponsor, Mus Wilton Eai maid, Miss Liawie, Maid. GatTney?Mi*s Emma VVo sponsor, Miss Luiie Potter, mt Mi?s Grace Farr, maid. New BrookUud?Miss Ivat line Lumpkin, sponsor, ft Marie Sliull. maid, Miss N Lee, maid. Newberry ? Miss Carrie Pr sponsor. Miss Mary Burton, mi Bamberg?Miss Hattie ] Guess, sponsor. Lancaster?Miss Eva Cask sponsor. wmnaDoro?Alis9 L<aura V idas, sponsor. Miss Jessie Sc maid1st Brigade?MissGrace Lur kin. sponsor.Miss Sophia Aldr ; maid. 2nd Brigade?Miss Tinsi sponsor, Miss Annie May Pn maid. Sponsor-in-chiel lor stat Miss Mary Patterson. Chief maid?MissNauWall I II r ^ Oak Ridge Items. ,! Mr. and Mrs. Gillie Bov I spent last Sunday with the t tor's mother, Mrs. Mattie Ci > shaw. A Mr. Sam Adams spent I Friday night with Mr. Jol , Bra/.zil. Miss Nannie Croxton has fc ( spending a few day a with cousin, Miss I)ocia Crenshaw. Mr. Dully Crenshaw vie i Mr. John Shehaue la-t Satur . I n i f*h t ; ; ri Mr. R. L \ augbau aiid fa j Iv are visiting relatives in 1 O ?k Midge seel ion. Misses Fannie Harmon Mamie McM array spent Sunday and Sunday night i I M13s Floride Oauthen of Creek seel ion. There whs a heavy rain le (his community last Monday, (jeneral (ireen is sure lool * good in this community. 1 There will be an ice cr 1 supper at Mr. Lewis Yaugh Siturday night. Come b and bring your girl. News Meade Chased and Killed by a Buzz ' i I'ortland i or. Lt>s Angeles Tii v r Walter Terry, a woodsaw orator, was pursued and down by a woodsaw insecu b e ( fastened that broke away Iro wagon t<ed on which it ^ mounted, a' Ashland, <> todav. 8 i tie hnw was whirling < j high r?te ol speed and whe . broke irom us iastenuu;s it t j a' 'lorry, who tl"d. The i overtook him *od ripped hick lor a h-ng distance t *> complete!) -.*-v?red ni-> righ ju*t b<- low the ?\nee. Terry a as taken to the pilai at Ashland, where o\ 'i.ino possible w ?s done lor I bu< iie tiled within 30 min M I ' Deputy Sheriff Acquitted of ing Preacher. Uoanoke, Va? June 1 Deputy t^hon:! W. N. Mf p who on Sunday shot and k - 1 te\ . John W. I'llii 11ps in I well county, was last eve Is given a hearing belore Justi u tly- Peace Dillon at I'ocaht and acquitted. Morris was is ing\to serve a warrant on pre\cber, when the latter dr l' i revolver and attempted to e * | the oliicer. Morris fired fir I j V 0 9 ItEat ive - You want of tl rs. Kodol wi ira ????? ?? You need a sufficient amount o or- food wholesome food and more thai this you need to fully digest It. Else you can't gain strength, no can you strengthen your stomach I Qj It is weak. You must eat in order to lire ant l ' maintain strength. You must not diet, because th |u-_ body requires that you eat a suffic .. lent amount of food regularly. liss ,na But this food must be digested and it must be digested thoroughly When the stomach can't do It 10 1, you must take something that wil help the stomach. . The proper way to do Is to ea bee what, rnn wnnL ?.nrl l*t Vndnl ill gest the food. e-v , Nothing else can do this. Whei the stomach is weak it needs helt on- jou must help it bj glvinj it rest ()l? and Kodol will do that. Sold by J. F. I np- " 11 Rest F r'" ww* cer We Sell the I for the least money. Coi vers Meal, Coffee, Sugar, Can lrt(. and Everything in the gr reu, and new: our customers \ know we can please yoi . . Funderburk Co., and Car last | inie* Don't Forget that we are >een = Ferguson ited day mmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi i mi- A Grand Opportunity the To see the PACIFIC COAST ai the Alaska-Yukon Exposition w?st an(i most inexpensive ,Vith to see the l'aoiflo <'oast and the <ir?' Western Country this summer, a t>ry take in tin- Alaska-Yukon F.xpositi Oj>enetl June 1st, is to "jjo as you ploe and pay as you (jo, and stay as tonfj 11 ill October 81, if Jon desire." Why n spend your own money'.' Why r plan your own trip and go in oointti 4in,r lin'? w',on suits you? This may done by planning your trip over t sot "I'll KltN HAM.WAY e'ira in connection with an individual pai rlli'S leaving the Carolinas July Hd, on t "Individual Kxpense l'lau, whieh w 0y8, cost you about half as much as a li x expensive excursion tour. JI'I.Y 3rd, IUU TK r. Southern Railway, (.oldshoro to liar man Junction; (pieeti ?V Crescent, III S3W riman Junction to Wanville. K Southern Kailwav, Itanville, Ky., St. Louis. Mo: Wahash It. It., st. Lot 11 un< j to Kansas City, Mo; I'nion I'acil oj>- Kansas t itv to Henver: In-nvnr A I Crande, deliver to Salt Lake city: S. C 1,. A. A s. ],? salt Lake city to I peJy AllgOleK. ?m a THII' KAII.KOAl) It AT ?.<ing via any ticketing route seleel WH8 and returning via any ticketing roi rf?ir av desired. r"' Via Portland, Seattle and San Prt elseo or \ ieo versa, going or retnrni one wav via Portland and Seattle. it a n u FKON1 Spartanburg $97 l.r> ' olumhia ran itork inn 98 al charlotte on . lireon villa 9t> t?*> Charleston 99 Chester 98 d > sumtcr 99 hi- Kates "I'loted from other points on : plication. itliti Tickets limited to October .'list, 19 t j( 'and permit Stop.Overs at all poi " west of Chicago or si Louis. Tick on sale daily to Seplemhei 'J9th, 19 Lower round trip rates to and fr tlUH- ! , )l|if()rnjn tpioleil on application. I or\ . | : completing arrancements for y< .trip gi\e ns an opportunity to ti i 11111, ih yon about the details of it. <pi . you liest rates and tell you of the tin ^ ' inn resting points, and the lu st ? I elieapest way to ?,ee llu'lli. Write smi t' nreseiital i vi .1. i . 1.1 s K, lti\ision Passenger Agent, i 'hat lesion, S. i '-'DR. DOUGLAS McINTYI ,rn'.i DKNTAL HUKUKON li led j < ?l!,ee over Heat h-Jones Co.'a Sto I- _Q IMione 111) liAXdilNTKR, N. I il?c" | _ , r or' Lawn, Thursday-, Hodiley Hot IlltlL' 11? af h Snrlnar- Tneadai s after 9t h , Hot H or ton. CO ol 'T CHICHESTER S PILL tr\- V THK IIIAHOM) 1IRAM?. , , . I y*T?ijK Lartlrat A?b r?ur ruggNt f'r / I 1(1 /T*( OXa < hl i baa-lrr*a J TlrnnrisJ i "itffr I'lIU in If. <1 ml 4...I.I MrulllcV ^-Or-1 * th |v r KiM <>n. \ CW A fU w] Talc no olhrr lliif of Tour i / rtr ??"? *' ?- Asll rl II |.4 IIKK-TF. hoill I L- tM DIAMIIMI KIMMt IMI.I I.f , MWW' v? o ? St. ?r SOLOBYDRlGGISTSLVLfMHl ( j : j ,p% What he food you need 11 digest it. I Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today, and r purchase a dollar bottle, and if you f can honestly say, that you did not receive any benefits from It, after i using the entire bottle, the drug* gist will refund your money to yoa e without question or delay. > We will pay the druggist the prloa of the bottle purchased by you. . This offer applies to the large * bottle only and to but one in a i family. *? _____ il We could not afford to make such t an offer, unless we positively knew i. what Eodol will do for vou. It would bankrupt us. The dollar bottle contains 2ft times a as much as the flftj cent bottle. K i Rcdol Is made at the laboratories i of E. O. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. MACKEY & CO. or least [ Best Groceries | me to us for your Flour, Meat, J ned Goods. Country Produce ocery line. Our stock is fresh are highly pleased, and we j. Give us a call. Between nes Bros. giving the "Best for the Least" & El liott. I ITsr, my College of Charleston [1Q 125Ui j<ar beging October 1st. Entrance examinations will beheld at the County Court House on Friday. July ay 2. at Oa.m. All c-iiudi bites for admission. at < an complete in October for vacant Royce ml scholarships, wbicb pay $100 a year. One on free tuition scholarship to each county . lSc ot tSouth Carolina. Hoard and tarnished as room in Dormitory, $12. Tuition $ln. lot HARRISON RANDOLPH, Pres. lot ... ? - - ?. i rt' " 1 be Announcement tv This beiug our twenty-flflh ( lie year of uninterrupted success, w o 1 , ill wish It to 1 e our "Haulier year." - -J'? ed Our thousands of satisfied eus- C toniers, and fair dealing, is tiring- 1 ing us new customers daily. * If you are contemplating the ' ri"i purchase of a piano or organ, ; tr" I write us at once for catalogs, and v J'-l foY our special proposition. to lis MALONK'S MUSIC HOUSE, H lie. ! I . iH -ft* / ..! ?-!- " m VIU " * U1III1J ki, * . V' P. I I <* Notice of Application For Discharge Notice is hereby given that ibo uJide signed, as administrators of.the estate of H. K. Allison, deceased, w ill on Mon- \ ,,q day, July 12, l'JOO, niako their final reZ-t turn and apply to the Probate Judge of _1 Lanc aster county lor letters of dismis1' sa1 as such administrators, nj,! K. <ATiLlSON, J. P. ALLISON, r Adms. Kstate It, Is, Allison, Dec'd n!s Juno 11, lO'Mi. els ii'.t. j Dm 1 ELECTRICAL I =s; CONTRACTOR' Charlotte, - - N. C. | ? 1 Estimates furnished on ir?. I anything Electrical. Makes c'* | a specialty of wiring old '"atj finished buildings without j I defacing walls. Correspon- ; ^ dence solicited. Address ? J. T. Woodward V 17 West Fifth St., , "! charlotte, - n. c. > RE _____ /