VOL. 4. NO. 74. SEMI-WEEK] SENATOR TILLMAN EXPLAINS, man Ami In Letter to a Williston Friend He t ii nn ii iv ? 1 a . leus rrny ne voiea Against pnc< Patting Iron Ore on Free 8tan the i, h! Washington special in Columbia State, Jane 17: Senator a?d Tillman today gave out a cost letter which he wrote to Dr. W. P'us O. Smith of Williston as to his a?d vote against putting iron ore on ne?> the free list. Dr. Smith, being Ai always a "Tillmanitewrote to tion the senator for an explanation. Pa*t The two letters follow. meri Zach McGee. port % , Williston, S. C., May 27 1909. Senator B. R. Tillman, Washington. I). C Dear Senator : Having always been a 'Ttllmanite'' at the ballot , box, I am eroboldeued to ask if erjn you have ever stated your reason rt je, for voting; for a duty ou iron ore, {,jlv -and if such statement is in print j |ge that you will send it to me. ^rid 1 am curious to know why. e(j t Yours truly, g W. C. Smith H the Dr. W. H. Smith, Wilhston, S. C. j , My Dear Friend: Your letter of May 27 has remained unausw er ed because 1 have been overwhelm ' at. eel with work here and have spent k 1" several days in South Carol) ua reac looking after mutters at Clemtele, soil aud loet one day as I return WA9 v. ed by reason of a railroad wreck. ^nc 1 have never, printed anything I ,or 1 about my vote on iron ore and on ^ will very gladly give you an expla- Pror nation direct. 1 notice that my J P"98 Old enemies are making a great ne'v how) about my votes up here, ?Pre while many others who have not iu-gr been enemies are yelping in ' 8"or chorus, sunpiy because they *"e are iguornnt of conditiona. The rank . J trouble with many editors in (a^ei 11) P South Carolina is they take and read the Asociated Tress dis patches, which are colored in be- ^oc' half of the Republican party, and t^are garbled and condensed and 1> ,./give no adequate .conception of; Stat things as they really happeu. difii The tacts in regard-to iron ore A. 1 art simply these : There is over- ! Kirl whelming evidence thai there are was no independent steel or iron pro- | dau ducers. The steel trust has ab- K solute coutrol and enjoys a fice monoply of the iron and steel ghat business in this country. The so- thei calk } independent concerns are vioc dominated and controlled by it, Edv> though not all owned by it. The few steel trust fixes prices and the,Julc others conform. j Dot | v/'ij\f There are immense, wellnigh whe j \ J inexhaustible, table deposits of jog , iron ore in Michigan, Wiacon- ficul V Bin and Minnesota, and the steel by c ^ " trust controls immense deposits Ed* in these States: It also controls, phyi or some of its subsidiary com- rnai: paniep, large deposits in Cuba. f?|t 4 It. was brought out in the debate an() that some of the Eastern com the panies have contracts with the j^t, A Cuban mine owners to import HUCC , not less fhan 1,000,000 tons a effPI | \year of Cuban ore, and I do not nde Vhink it worth while lo let this rihs P ;ome in free when it would make | | no difference whatever to the thro consumers of iron and steel a? to left the price we would pay for these four articles. I believe that the Am ; arm erican producer of iron and steel cavi fihat is the steel trust mainly) his can compete with England, gra* Germany and France in the mar but kets of the world, and that the | hur whole scheme of protection of manufactured steel is a bare- r.h faced robbery of the American y peoplo. No one but an idiot will a boi contend that the duty on iron ore mon 1 you will increase the price of anything and I \ LY. ufactured of iron to the I COTTON mean consumer. If we could ' ice the tariff on manufactur- - .. iron we could get cheapen ?? u..t. a ; ~ P OB, UUli Ulli'ri UAIPUU^ uiiuuui- viup ces the tariff law bars out _ Maw C European competitor, wlio Iready handicapped by hav emocit the ocean freights to pay, 01 our people are charged the ' . ?"n of production in Europp, c '^ns a the freight, plus the tariff this is the source of Car. c,ease e'? millions. ab;>."t & J Tiki 1 3suring you of high appreciaof your friendship in the t u> t()n" and hoping to continue to nU.Kf?\^(> * I he * it your confidence and sup | ,1am adequate Sincerely yours, lsa a001 h it Till ma, 1 some se< _ Amonj Death at Wedding. lis^the ^ rillion, Wis., June 17. ? While 1 Tex: marriage vows of Miss Cath "That e Mulhaney and John Barfs, out a ( ading business man of this of the rr . were being solemnized, Mrs. may be ; ph Manlik, a friend of the to imagi e and groom and who attend- and to f he ceremony, fell dead from i is a sad plexy. "This er body was carried out of through* church on a stretcher precrd- and it is the wedding party. i conditio! State ai Negro Lynched in Florida west. I _ u cr?-i 1111 impa, Kla., June 1(3.? Word hed here just before the t'11^ sta^ iraph office at Arcadia, Fla., SO closed that a negro wae l)ai'son ' hed there late this afternoon this yeai in attempted criminal assault to lml)0 Irs. P. R Head, wife of a eptton ninent citizen of Arcadia. A l'me has e was formed as soon as the c'us,vc'> s of the attempted crime niethod. ad and within an hour the o was captured within a Negri t distance from the scene of Salem crime and lynched. This the Colli es the second lynching for Johnson mpted criminal assault in VV. J. M last six weeks. jn ( , seized > tor Shoots Patient's Brother, stander* Claims Self Defense open to illion special in Columbia J^S \Vl] . ? _ , , oaiuruu, c, June 16: Iu p l w,m|i| ,, culty today between Dr. H.; 5d wards of J.atta ard John by of Dillion, Dr. Edward? North painfully hurt and Kirbv gerously shot. Charl< irby was at Dr. Edward's of- Ljghtnii iu Latta this morning, where strUck p words passed between years ol n, growing out of some pre- j fjn(jer\v is misunderstanding. Dr. | mo^e tc rards and Kirby met again a yesterdt hours after at the home ot , (jucjng. i Kirby, brother of John, at; whieh p han, four miles from Dillon, able to ? re Dr. Edwards was atteud- tonitfht one of the family. The dif- scj0u8. Ity was at once renewed, Kudosing in and throwing Dr. pis|0| J)t rards to the floor. Kirby is sically much the stronger i. Dr. Edwards, it is said, l.aheli that his life was in danger duel too drawing his pistol, placed Carte muzzle against Itih antagon- here, lie tiring tour times in rapid intendei essoin, all the shots taking turing < et, three of them in the left Carter, a and front, about the short 'nP (on through liree of them passed entirely his hoc nigh Kirhy'a body just to the woundec of the spinal column. The having Rt Funderbark i'barrnaoy. w-? da) Agent i " > l. M, >'? / 1 < 'VVv.?i . ^ ? LANCASTER, S. C., JUNE 19, 1909. CROP IN POOR SHAPE WANTED HER GOLD FILLINl ??????? ecrease in Acreage?No Discarded Sweetheart Took Moi at all in Central Texas Instead, Then Shot Girl. )rleans, La.?The Times-i New York, June 17. - Af it. in Dublishiny its first takinirSK) fmm hor in li*?n nf I i the cotton crop of 1909, gold filling: in her teeth, wh norrow summarize con- he had paid for. Michael Mar s follows: nick, of Bayonne, N. J., toe has been a moderate de- shot Mary Kraschak. She is < in acreage?probably ing in a hospital, per cent. The pair had been engaged tig the belt as a whole, some time, but the young worr ition of the plant leaves grew tired of her lover, and 1 be desired. night they quarreled. Martyn supply of labor is fairly demanded that she return all ?, as a rule, though there gifts. J deal of complaint in She complied, but Martyn 2tions." said he had paid for filling ] a: the reports from the teeth, and wanted the gold, elt of unusual features Miss Krasnack said that s following from Austin, could not remove the filling, I gave him After biking Central Texas is with- money Martynick drew a ret cotton crop, with half ver and fired a bullet into M lonth of June gone by, Krasnick's breast, i state of affairs difficult . ne. yet such is the ease, PORK AT ITS HIGHEST. armers of this section it reality. ... . ,. , . Never m June nave Hogs bole is generally admitted nit the rural precincts, $8 Per Cwt. Since 1882. i believed that the same . , ir7 T1 . u . , , . Chicago. .June 17. ?The higr is exist throughout the . .' . ,. , . i * A o x? .June price tor live hogs since 1 nil most of the South- . ,. .... . ? _ .? was established this week at [he State department ot 1T . . , , . . , . Union stock vards when 1 ire in this city confirms . , . . . ,v it . porkers sold at the long predic emenl. Intact, there is a r been raised almost ex- . . r by the 'hot house' 1 ' ... ... ,, I he prevailing high prices due to unusually light recei of live hoes this snrinir at. j Bitten by Dying Mule western packing; centers, the' , Black River, special in tremely high price of grain 1 imbia State: One Norris year prompting many farmers , a negro tenant of Dr. dispose of their stock rather tl cKay, lost a fine mule, to pay exorbitant prices for fc death agony the mule stuff. Iorris' leg and the by- ?? ? ?? ; had to prize its mouth lore Father's Will to Pieces release the negro's leg. VT _ , Y 0 on Monday, 7th; on ^ m',, y his doctor said the ley I},: VV,lllam M--C- Mll!"n; a" ' avo to be amputated. "'"voe ,thov ' n,u"' Sta custom house at New Orleans t r> |. r. . c. , , his father's will to pieces wl larolina Cairl Struck by u .. , , .... 'he discovered that it gave m Lightning. property to him than to .itte, N. C., June 17. younger brother. This fact i ig from a clear sky disclosed today when the muti \iss Sailie Underwood, 16 ed document, that had b< Id, daughter of R. J. patched together, was filed in ood, at River Bend, are- civil district court'here for j iwn in Gaston county, bate. The amount of the prope ly, felling her and pro- I *nv?lved is ai>out $< ?ive the *ruilty ones away. This is the first robbery Cheraw this W has had in some years. Worl ^ ' There have oeen several kill-j . . inps amonp the lower class of W^pHi 'C whites on the Marlboro side of York Tr tv- I U. the Pee Dee First a man named speakmj , . Jacobs shot another man whom ence anc he discovered in his back yard of ' p and diagni.se' as a chicken thief. Mr. P After lingering several days, his! has not t victim die(i. Next, two men on f(> hp foi \ Mr. Olin Peg.ie's plantation got i ^xpresse into a est say that I will n< t under any cir- | sculptor ted cuinstances Ik? a candidate, it tirt* flit, will requirejsi me emergency now f had :his unforseen to bring me into the to hecoi for race, and I hope no such emer- dpred f ihy gency will arise." relaxati live This lette: is in answer to a ?PPortu ed- telegram calling his attention to Kalleriei what purported to be an official | London, . ' ' ' v" ' " ' "* ' v iklrnl n the man. 22 yearn ot ate and un. to Am? rvvo married. whone home w.??n about safe seven mi lee from Ctmden, wan *Vhyn vver killed tin? evening by lightning, /ay. He was going from bin barn to the the house when atrn^k ' special \ t t /" are statement that he would seek SH?*her pis the office. I sojoi all .- did not ex~ Hosue Destrovtc bv Lightning in BOnu, ? ast ? * people . t0 Greenwood. ?n?,lgh lan f I roc n w < .l-rn* It was occupied by West Arnold. I nop ites Fortunately ne was in the r did they did not know the evidence for?thi rer. against Dr. Byars. at least, day Mr. Stevenson said: "The ar- how Ion the rest of Dr. Byars was made pur- mg will ri y suant to directions from the com- how it pon mission and wa^ not hasty or raulti-n in- premature. When it reaches the sto inn the trial stay* the evidence will tins cot ?re, convince th* . ublic that it was wfll inc and not only a or >n< t .t an abso- of <,ur ] l is luteh necessary ex.-rcise of duty ihmr g? to arrest h :n v. hd- ir. the juris- of ihepi diction. eno-ugh 011 "More tha- thiv !: was not ,,e, fo , prudent to sa> as the court of ,n ^.jve general sessions must deal with j ews the case and manifestly nothing '.rh>*t of the evidence should be reveal- * g j .. ed in this discuss >n. ' . I. hurt] o are, ' , *ant tc .... Kershaw Kslled by Lightning nod the i .. v of the i cot I nniden >pen ? he ISews . . . . l",s mc ond aiof Courier , Junt ! , Helton .() Ppei 1.1_ < l/"i It ; uull L m.m ; Vi.iii.,' u htto ' - ' ? ' "+ i v 5 CENTS PER COPY H THE FRIEND OF ART. itor's Speech in the Senate reek Favoring Putting ks of Art on Free List. njrton ?pecial lu the New ibuue: Senator fillmao, r with his usual vehem- v 1 candor, said in support ira*. raph : resident, in rhis debate it been my eood fortune jinl endorsing the views id by the senators from nrk and Massachusetts, his question 1 feel bound i' humble and modest king no pretence whd*. benis: an r.rt connoisseur, hat poer who told us that. : of beauty is a joy for>ld the truth, this is not ;e where the American '**"* , should display a niggar'iuarrowness and i peony1 pound foolish policy, ontemplation of beaurtilings and statu ;ry .by e nv <-t ignorant person erf an elevating and r*- " f influence. Many a boy ;me inspired to do likes had his soul enthused mind lired with amoitiou me a great painter or % \ , by seeing great woi ke of \ J* the mistnriune last year " J ne very ill, and 1 was or- \ r o Europe as a means of f s on and rest. I had the nity to visit the great art ? b of Florence, l'aris and V to say nothing of the \ ones in other cities where ? trned briefly. Hhile 1 f get as enthusiastic over t these things as other \ (h, seemed to be, I saw I to convince me that the / in peop'e can afford to / ce the lmnort) rinn of / those masterpiece, some- / J iat we can get as a means I ^ tiiin the thought aud inthe artistic genius of. our ij ?d in London that a ht^lf^. ^ o' tlie finest collections*** . "" "*\lu' Dilated to the public by G * [ individuals, who had lifetime and a fortune, :>r three fortunes, in coli such as are no more to ered together on the globe, > they have scoured the rners of the earth almost these curios and artistic x hieh have been given to \ >eople and they are the ; treasures m London tor. \ we consider that a paint- * npenshable if it is cared it is, for several centuries , and one hardly knows V , ' j d a well cared for paint- .?./ I last?we can understand is in?f ossible that these ailhonares will not add to ck of artistic wealth in intJ\, and in time they rease the artistic genius people by merely having illeriep a.-feasible. i\1 n11y e> ricti people are liberal to allow their art caliche vi?ited t'V the public n davs. and others have their masterpieces to this pubite g ' i'erv. -uid, it ydii want to be o these rich people and > make them do this, that ! other, let u* cur out some method* by winch they get ?ney, but let us allow them nd it to bring as manv > tul glorious works of art rica as pnsaible. BLOODINB HHBUMATIU LI SIan cured ho many canea of lth*n> ?hy do yon softer witb this terriJOO. it relieves all pain inHtnntl , 5dc a bottle Crawford Bros., pentM. 49?74 ij