JF r? V. VOL. 4. NO. 71. SEMI-WEEK THE TOWN CAST] Impressions ol a Visiting Journa is Rapidly Growing Along All Feathers. The Wonderful D Last Few Years. Marked Also. The Good Roa William 1'. Klchison in The <'oliimbi* | gtai State j byg Probably no town in the State to^( blows its own horn less than Lan- (mv caster. These people here go ^ along in a quiet, unostentatious way, bringing things to pass with little talk and bluster. They arej an the poorest sort of press agents but some mighty good work is tmv being clone toward buildmg up a . a magnificent little city here. The conditionsof thesurround- ;,el ing country have everything to * ^1a do with the prepress of any town e'n and especially is this true of the South. On the other hand, the eas* cooperation and aid of the busi- * ness men in the town can he 01 a| made very helpful in bettering ' the conditions of the section from u which the town must draw much mat of its support. Happily for all s,) classes the days have passsd when u the farmer could be arrayed against the townsman and be Sc made to believe that the farming 1 classes were Ishmaelites against whoi.i the hands of all other ,c 1,1 classes were raised. All classes j . n now see that their interests are i110,1 mutual; that each has its own!1* honorable sphere and thatco-i operation is necessary and beneficial. .01 The manufacturing interests luI of Lancaster are very helpful to J a* the town, but the splendid finan- 0 cial condition of Lancaster county is a much a more potent fac-! * 1 tor in contributing towards the :X e healthy growth now taking nlace (,ue in this town, the evidence of t,ln which can be seen on all sides. jcou' It is safe to say that there is noj county in the State at present ? 1 better oft' financially than Lan- j \ caster. Farm conditions in this '< (" ' y . . , are ' county are improving each year. The soil is being tilled scienifically t There is a farming compound uo employed in this county compos- |aj.\ ed of brains, improved farming ? implements, intensive cultivation t(M and scientific plant study, and it's proving a mighty fine mixture, as is evidenced by the splendid 1,11 condition of the lands and farm t(^N houses. The value of lands here a ' is very rapidly increasing and J,ast 1 hf* the tendency is fast turning toward smaller and l>etter farms. V ^ The farmers of the county are H not moving into the town of . 11 9' l?ancaster and leaving their work- IR a ing capital, their lands, in the *} ? hands of indolent tenants who n< v< own no soil save the bountiful VVtl^ supply under their nails and con- L frequently know nothing and care J|HI" nothing about keeping up and ^ improving the lands of others. No town can claim a healthy and ^ ' t.s normal growth when its popula- ^ ^ tion is being increased by the . X .y farmers from its surrounding J1^ \a territory. This is an evil that is . t?K retarding the farming industry !M /donA in South Carolina. Many of tne ^ t th^'amaller towns are l>eing in this ^ ^ dfWay deceived to the detriment of j,l ' P both town and country. The far- >v : mer can not successfully attend *'? his farm and live in town, ere town of Lancaster attributes * vei '?es i of its present growth and -sed fvfure prosperity to v-nihg, bejonisting /oiiert.t 5 LY. L/ T"!* T i XT ' loirislat ivh nc\ in vvV Vjr LAIN- ter was one of the p ties. In about one M 1^ road system will err tically the entire cou give Lancaster conn list. A Community that roads of arty county i Lines Without Fuss and An expensive expert evelopment Within the being employed by t Progress in County ,hisS"enlh"si . ? 1 people here over goo ids Movement. a (le|eKation wi? ,1(. umbia in the inter itial. clever and progressive proposed automobi iness men who are all pulling through the South, jther for the advancement of of this county are b< n and county. concrete, crushed st< OTAL population of 5,500. ar|d a'l bridges of th< ancaster. the county seat of ^''ig built of soli caster county, has a present evei y one which illation of 3,000 inside the1 en(bire the strain o n limits and a suburban pop- <,ne 'HS* Augi ion of about 2,500, includ- county was mad the mill villages just outside nee>d of permanent ; town The town issituatedonthe ' <>a^s an(' bridges, rleston division of the South- ''le tovvn l-*am railway between Marion. N. the direct pathway o and Charleston. From Lan- ern P^tverjcompany, er also runs the railroad to 01 at*'cost foi splendi ster and the shops and gen- 1K)U(M is thus assure* offices of this road are locat- Lancaster tere. The town has an alti- am' recent improve ? of some 7(H) feet. The cli- splendid new waterw e and health conditions are 's niost highly pri ndid. Here is to he found 'us* he^n installed a it might he termed a model Pronounced by a re led school system and a Southeastern k)1 building modern in every c''al'()n as fhe best j ?ect and the equal of any in town in the State ol a State. There are handsome the size ot Lancaste rches of all denominations. 'owinK report of ar caster county has a popula- niade by the State boa of 30.(XX), the great majori- sh?vvs the splendn eing whites, and an area of Qualities ol this wa square miles. As previously none: chlorine, 10: fr itjoned, this county is noted albuminoid am the fertility of its lands ana nitrogen and nitrate the ^reat variety of crops trogen and nitrites, n< can be grown. The volume matter, none; hardne: usiness done annually in this liuity 7: bacteria per n is surprising and very like- metre, none; coli-gi unsurpassed by any town in isms, none. Remarks State of equal size. This is indications of cor to two things, first, the fer- Quality excellent, y of the lands, causing the ^or establish): lty to produce annually be- plant waterworks I en 20,000 and 25,000 bales issued by the city t< otton alone, to say nothing ?f $30,000 and as an he other fine crops raised, (own, it is interesi the farmers of this county prosperity not confined to cotton raising, that the town is h this large cotton yield, fully \ \N CASTER, S. C., JUNE 9, 1909 hch Lancas- officers of this bank art ioneer coun- Snrinirs. nrr?sine and clay The town of Lancaste e county are tifully laid off and mm id concrete, tion is paid to civic beat could ably sidewalks are of cen f floods like beautiful shade trees ; .jst in which streets. The town is a e to feel the very fortunately gover md durable set of progressive a awake business men. ; aster is in are devoting much of t f the South- to the attention of the t and a mod- M. Hughes is mayor, ai id lights and dermen are: L C. Pa 1. W. Sistare. W. P. 1 la1 's industries Mackorel, Dr. W. F. I mien is, the hosier Moore. ('. orks system oueath is the city and c zed. It has .uineer. Splendid polic nd has been departments are mainta presentative H. K. McManus, chief Tariff asso- and W. P. Davis, chie lant of any department, .nythinglike The Lancaster Mercai r. The fol- pany has a capital of lalysis. .iust Leroy Springs is preside rd of health, business and also pre: 1 and rare the cotton mill. Hank o iter: Color, ter and the Lancaster ee ammonia, railroad. This mercar monia, .040; cern does an annual In s. none: ni- $250,000. TheHeath-J< one; oryranic pany has a capital am ss. 20; alka- of $100,000 and does a cubic centi- business of about $250 roup organ- D. Jones is president of : Free from cern and also of the itamination. tional bank. Another 1 i**intile concern here is nent of this pie's Supply company. )onds were capital of $30,000, and ? the extent nett-Ferguson compan; evidence of capital of about $10.(MM tinvr to note ?are two splendidly man of the highly successful buil landling its loan associations here, 1 system has doing much for the i h by a local the town. Here is also ks composed cotton oil mill, which d< rman. VV. J. mense business and tur S. Carter. stream of ready mot NKS. year. or.i^..u;u There are many i U| ne business ^ hich would pay hand onservative '0c'a^e(' herd, and the | hold the re- v'te outside capital a of the }H?o- seekers to come here an I surplus of ^ate. assuring aid and agate over t,on an<' feeling sure > over $500,- next few years will ma >nal hank of of progress here that v nkin* house much to the investor a, to any city seok(#1.s tally a magdth degant r ^ " all modern "cn- ?0>? 'leased Witl a capital of tfr Company? t lour years' l> jit up a I'oluiuhia special in nearly ,on Sun',a-V ' >sits clos.- to BoV(l returned this mt.ri ers of this Bancastel'- where he w Jones, pre- s')<'c't thomilitan eonip; vice presi- a vi<>Vt ,M l?l?eing it in ?ri. cashier ar,li,"i-y. The compi ' \ :i ... II.. ... distant cash- 'A,,s " *l" ' '"Ul fl"M ' extra companies 11 r- > , , .. much pleased with the ias paid out. t .u . ' 'of the troop. 5. paying S inually. Its ? _ J l.ame-hmil'tfr \* almoMonservatism flauaed by iheuitntiiaiu ol < has paid in *:VU,H,V (\Tkii f? hf 1 of i I) ai ii n HUrplUS / hul lus alone exceed $250,000. , $200,000 and deposits ing the recent panic year it 0. The First Natic matter of pride to the |jeo- I>ancaster owns a ba >f Lancaster that their mill that would do ci^dit ?r closed for a single day and jn the State. It is n es were never reduced. nificent building. u t present there are many bank fixtures and Isome residences going up equipment. It has and also several new indus- $25,000. It is riot ye \ being proposed, one of <>ieen felt anil envjable record. |)lant is so well equipped in career 0f over op > y way that Mr. Hughes feels never lost a single d rdonahle pride in its estab- in)f thig period jt , Tlfn^' $120,000 in dividends ftBLPS '^HK COUNTY, TOO. per /cent semi-ar ^rmvn of Iancaster is policr is to combiner "?iv wuo Va^*w-Uy^;jtiy progress. It '* was disfc ( ^ rostlvlth^ H , Mr'S ^ m , .,'r. CHROXK Williams. (leo. W. ^ iml Trust one year Great Damage by Re ulid husi-. Mrs. Ezzell to V\ fidence of merit Citiz< apital of r^\ f $30,579. 011 . l,in>rle. 1 bet. vice < . Moore. The urent ^tunclance ( the la*t?-r ) kf' i ' 1 apt we. \ thrown y. ".f-nr.per on the fa r is beau- plane f< r "f.e ermine week L*h atten- but hr.w '.t,ty will have to ity. The when ? < r <:.*. i> prove riv tent and for wore hc&in. idorn the Wp recr#-: very much t< it present to giv'- cj our genial and neo Dy a natural *? wn^man. Br. S. nd wide- sell, and avraotive wile. ng trit *o Catawba. S. ( First Na- Wednesday, ai pre nun- The hvu'-e occupied by M the t eo- Maggev , Mr Ntsbet's vv i t h ?j . ,, wasile'T vt-.: bv lire en the Hen- . . . Ihurslfiy m riniic. ItiPtl .... ' that the tire waf caused b^ >. I here , .. . ., . fective ervf ti ie. hor.ti la^eri and ,, .. , .. . Mr. MH?pv i-Hveil mns| din^ and . , , . . , hnupeho'd t',r* Yrh/- "r '* A?ller>o a $60,000 >es an im- Comptroller General Afte ns loose a Auditors. kv t ac h Columbia. June 5. Con . or General Jones todav a< industries . . . . ... ed a verv sharp letter Isomely if ?, , . , , Marion and Anderson com ,,e,?p'e ,n" ditois f..r their alleged nd home , . , , . .to properly enforce the i d investi- , tax law. coopera- , . . . . . 4- in his letter to the An that the . , man he imitates he will i an eia ^jni removed if he docs Gil mean better. id home- He points out to hotli o that in case of refusal to n return on the part of a man It Lancas- K,TSS is Obeyed aliove $2.50n der oath as to what his inc< liivr from an<' '' necessary take tosi ent to in- ^ro,n "thers who are in p anv. with the nan's im'onn . I his is in accordance wn ' 1 "aM Ansel's sujrjrestion that t; nines at turns be made under the e the two (juisitoriai plan, he State. - - ??-I m the Government's Report on Cc and Acreage of Cotton C : saul this the Lan- Wa-hing'on, June 4 am very irro^ii.g r< p on Mav25 w ^condition pel o uT "f normal con li '-ami?' T';? 7 -i ye.af aivi ve?r rtv?TMC0 *?I SI 4. lit Pl?"t*d '? ? .?">* i- > "> '' I appli* oi thwart* pi?n>fii t?> ?^oi Muniment. pr< mpt nnii *e*r.fcmt "?Hbout '4S r rviv^rj o I ^ turi ;les of van vyck cent Rains. Removal of Dr. and /axhaw. Marriage of Promen. Dwelling Burned. ier Matters of Interest. if rh)ii i popular brick yard manager, wat' *k has | called to the bedside of his mormers' tber, who is dangerously ill at Oh. l.owryville, S. C., last week, move Mr. W. N. Ashe, the well orabie ! kno? u and enterprising proprie) tor of the Catawba brick yard, i have W1S married to Miss Edna Love. I good j 0f Jioek Hill, S. C., last ThursII Ez> i day. They arrived here last 0 have , Friday and will make the r home 1 makejaj Mr Massey's. Our best ireatly j wishes, we extend to them, admit- j ^e Kev. C. 1*. Carter made a s verv visit to Lancaster, S C , last S*t. h/.zell. urday. h""* H MIhppb (jreer and Athlee Nismi?ed, j Gf providence, N. C., are vis,tirelv-Siting Mrp m. J. Ninbet, at "Idle. ic?bt r>* | wild*', the lovely country home !e dur- of Mr?. Nisbet. 0 been On account of the recent heavy rain-s Mr. J. A. Hyatt, his sodr, Nisbet' ant^ William, who are . ,, I making those line roads in the , N.C., | , , 'upper part of the conntv, are at > sum- ' , home, joined Mr. W. N. Ashe was a visitor (, w to Lowryville, S. O., last week, nthropi ''le heavy rains last week put Hock I T^e rt^cr and creeks up considera! bly which caused a great amount lent of 8 *? the farmers on these me for streams. The heavy rains damaged the nade a , land* greatly. 2 . 1 a?t ' It is with regret that we learn i of the illness of Mrs. Marv J. r. Jim | ^isbet, who, tho, we are glad,is place, tiot dangerously ill. Our hopes ly last art hat Mrs. Nisbet will have a sought very speedy recovery, y a de- a good many ot the Van Wyck nately people had planned to attend of his the unveiling in Lancaster last | Friday, but the rains rained them n. the i out. Interested. r Two bureau's revised estimate o! last year's planted area. This waa to.. day's report of 'he agricultural lptroll- i r |(|resa .department. to the revis(,d estimate ot irbL itv au- >'ertr8,R planted area was 33 370, failure acres. The figures for the ncome area planted this year includes that already planted and expectderaon ed to he planted. I have p,y s?a'es the area planted in n t do acrea j|| 1909 and the coudition on May 25, respectively, follows: ! them Virginia, 28,000 and 8.5 per '^vhtse Cen' * ^ort^ 'ro^na? 1,430,000 and 83; South Carolina, 2,498,sdutv >ln,, Georgia, 4.873,000 \' and a,u' Florida. 206,000 and 91; lit un- Alabama 3,552,000 and 83; Mi? line is. desippi, 3,244,000 and 78; l.ouinion.N mjanat 1,155,000 anil 74; Texas, osit ion 0 710,000 and 78 ; Arkansas, 2,htlov. 304,000 and *4 ; IVm 754,i'ht i - """ an<' ^ ^ i"*"uri. 30,000 and 03; 0 Uh"nv?, lM 12.000 and 84. nulltion Georgia Lawyer Suicides. 'roP- VI: on, Cvi., June 5. ? William .? l l?e Brun-on. for several years solicia? 81.1 iur tieneral of the Macon circuit, lion, a- wa^ found living in his room this :i en- morning by members of the farae area i 1 y and there were indications ier cent that lie had fired a Vi?A Shis 1 ton last head with euici,^1 ' \ / f 31,018. Ho di?J^ **" W ?* 'vufeu MM