8 ?? ??mm Another Account of the Far . mers' Union Meetings at Lancaster and Kershaw. Editor Parrott, of the Farmers' Union Sun, has the following to ay in his paper of yesterday of the meetings at Kershaw and Lancaster last week, which he attended: On Thursday President Harris and the writer went to the town of Kershaw, which is just on the ' line between Kershaw and L&ncaster counties. Hanging Rock local, holding a membership in the Lancaster county union, is located at this place. President Harris made a new address at this place. He went into details as to the history of the organization. Editor Hamel, of the Kershaw Era, had a few remarks to make, after which President Hough, of the Hanging Rock local, closed the meeting with a few well chosen remarks. There is no reason why Hanging Kock local should not be one of the strongest in Lancaster county. It is certainly in live haud6. LANCASTKR COUNTY UNION. On Friday it was our pleasure to attend the Lancaster county , union. Mr. Williams, who was j called off from the Kershaw i meeting, was present at the Lan- f caster meeting, lie was the first speaker and made a stroug ap ? peal for organization. He pointed t out the benefits to be derived j from organization and co-opera- d tion. He was followed by President . Harris, who spoke on Orgauiza- ( tion, Co operation and Diveisi- , fication of Crops. The large { crowd present was an inspiration to him, and he was at his best. , His appeal to his brother farmers t was strong, and it is hard to Bee a how any farmer could resist them. v He was very much in earnest about what he said, and his re marks made an impression on his ~ hearers. ^ The Demorset Comedy Co. j Under "Waterproof Can- i vas. t The Demorset Comedy Co. is ' playing a successful engagement here of one week's repretoire of higtuclass plays, under their pretty canvas Theatre. One of the most important features of the company is the cleanliness of their plays, properly staged with pretty scenery. Their iarge and roomy stage being one of the best under canvas, the company is far above the average, each member being thoroughly capable of hand Jiug their parts. Monday night's I bill "The Miner's Daughter" j proved more than satisfactory. I Tuesday night"A Midnight Elope ment' was one of the beet farce comedies ever presented in our little city, the audience was kept in laughter from the rising of the curtain in the first act until the fall in the last. In addition to this lhe Demorests entertained the audience with one of the best 9 comedy musical acts ever pre- fl sented here. The act alone being I worth the price of admission. * Wednesday night "A Broken II Heart" kept the audience in a spell. Minn Ona Demurest in the leading role At "Ruth Walton"* gained the sympathy of all who attended. Too much praise can not be given to Miss Ona Demur eat for this part. Thursday night, bne of the greatest Pastorial f plays ever written, "The Parish ' 1'riest" was better than a sermon. Mr. J. Robs Wilson doing the ride v of the priest with remarkable I ability. Mr. Rob Demorest in A the comedy roles of all the plays ^ Kept the aiidietice roaring throughout. Mr. Demurest is considered oire of the best com "? edians on the American --tage fo~|B day. Friday night the I>emores? I Comedy Co. will present the J greatest play of them all, a play I that will appeal to every true ? southerner'The Ku Klux Klan" J one of the he??t plays ever pre. I* sented on an American stage. I . Saturday night "Little Partner" I Saturday matinee specially for I the children, "Peck's Had Hoy." I .?Camden Chronicle. Children especially like Kennedy's Ui- I itiro Cough Syrup an it taMe* nearly ?r I good am maple sugar- It not only heala ir- I ritation and allays in flam mat too, tbeerby I '* stopping the cough, but it also moves the I ?W>wels gently and in that way drives the t eold from the system. It containx no opi. I jt v ** Co. W'H w 1 I * , vT j % ^ THE LAWC Son Killed Negro Who je?r old son in chi Killed His Father. hor8e at the *a,e ot O^yks, Miss., 14.?W. H. k?meRamey, of Gillsburg, Miss., was ^ he son heari* a shot and instantly killed by I ^ inside. He found negro yesterdav evening Ram- body in a pool ot bv's eon avenged his father's young man seized tl death, killing ihe negro. Ramey during the struggle went ! the negro's house to col- were tired, all pierci lect an account and left his 19. ro's head. THE FUNDERBURK PRARMAC Becomes Agent for FAMOUS ANDES' REME Notable Enterprise Shown b caster's Progressive Drug! ?Large Stock of Famoi Medicines Now on HandThe announcement that the Funderburk Pharmacy, of this (elected as the local distributing agency for the Payne Mediciu ngton, Ky., Manufaolurers of Andes'fireat Prescription, And Andes* Halve and Andes' Emulsion will be received by the f :aster with interest. It is an important announcement, significant of t he enter jressiveness of a leading concet n of this city, and there is b hat the tremendous demand for these justly celebrated remei >arts of the south will he t quelled, if not surpassed. letnand. Mr. K. K. Wright, a member of the corps of no- workers accoti .ircat Andes, the noted advertise) who in now in Spartnaburg, aster personally a few days ago and entered into negotiations ierhurk Pharmacy with a view to appointing the local house i V odea' medicines. These medicines, particularly Andes' Great Prescription, vild-tire all over the south, every sale bringing about two or t be manner of the endless chain, such is its great merit, and a toon signed between the factory represented by Mr. Wright am mrk Pharmacy. The Great Andes, the famous man whose life work is the | listribution of these curatives, was urged to visit Lancaster wl spartanhurg, but as~he~had already made engagements to go t where he is now, at the Ht. John Hotel, he was forced to declim | Howevt r the hundreds of stories of remarkable cures wb published in the daily piess of e?outh Carolina as heing due to Preaerinfirm Imo nni hnun " - ' "" - - r V VM wiic- nun 'Aft^nrrttiru ; 1 Ilt*> Href housandH of others also, true, ?tartingly so. and if you] suffer f any part of the body Jstomach trouble of any kind.fliver." kid ler trouble, y"ou~wnuId ?lo]well to purchase Andes' Great 1'ren he KunderburU I'h.-trmacy and be restored to g;ood|health ?15 DAYS? CUT PRICE SAI ? I n order to move some surplus < OUICK we make the follow in duced prices for Fifteen Days C > 5.00 shoes reduced to * 3.50 shoes reduced to 2.00 shoes reduced to 1.50 shoes reduced to 1.25 shoes reduced to 5 5.00 pants reduced to i 4.00 pants reduced to 2.50 pants reduced to 1.00 pants reduced to 5000 yards 7 12c Ginghams 2000 yards yard wide Shirting 50 doz. 50, 65 and 75c Shirts cut to 39 25 dozen 50 cents job Shirts owl to 23 25 dozen ladies' 25c vests cut to 10 Big line of White Goods, \ Goods, Linens, Madras, etc., all meet same fate. If you want to e omize get our prices before ma purchases. Yours res, Funderburk Comp V f > EASTER NEWS. APRIL 17. *9 arge the > the negro's K|M lot and rush- I ga^ mm m m I v n I r x ur ^ ie and H H I ^ mm ng the negCrowds of shoppers Y delighted with the riving daily and are IMEC shoPPers- if you h |f|vian, as wc arc y Lan- To gist Don't orget that > lg April ONE W. B. spends TEN DOL At 10 Ce ell j, b.s l?eu 5 pieceg more <)f th0S( e i d., of Lex- cents Brown Linens ie? <1 reat Oil. aj>eople of I.apprise anil pro- ^5 CC ut little doubt ?rj? 3 pieces solid color DotU lies in other II in pink, litfht blue anc by tiie local II sicle band for trimmii II l^unti'fni trfuwlc for i .'VMMV.1U. X\#I npanying The and U big value at came to Lan- ?????? with the Fun- A t 1 0 itjffiitt for the x^. L X \J V^C 10 dozen Ladies' Whit h?vr >,>1.1 hk, tiful qua|jty an(1 a 2, very appeal for this contract was d the Funder- I??? promotion and At 29 )ile he was in <> harieston. We will sell during the i of this month 10 ya u h have been cents Colored I^awns Andes' Great Limit to each custome very one, and from catarrh A 4- OC p> nejTand blad- ^ L ^J cription from t>. ~ Big line of Belt Pins an received for this sal Be sure and att \ is very attractive. < to us and we will sh | us. We please othe Springs Block tZjm ",,ck IE K re- ?? >nly. Notice oi Teachers' Exami= nation. * "* s The next regular examination tur teachers* certificates will he he lit in 2.(^8 the Court House on Friday, May 14. 190!?, bet-inning at h a. in .arid closing aQ j at 1 p in. *T'< All persons coi.templa!ing teach- < ing in the county, will please hear l.I.S Hills in mind, positively no oue 11 will he pernii1 ted hi teach ir the pub| lie schools of ihe county, that does ' ) I not h< ill ? cert ificate of qualification, i , lie-pectfully, ? 3 75 A.c. ROWEI.II, i o. Supt. of Kducation ; 3.00 * '$ I SAM LEE FIRST CLASS |laun^ry 11 SHIRTS 3t 10c. I cents. I' COLLARS ^ 2c. I CUFFS. PAIR \ lc. I Cents. i HANDKERCHIEFS JlAc. I UNDERSHIRTS tie. I cents. DRAWP2RS. <>c. M I SOCKS . . 2c. I $ NECKTIES 2c. I Vash must Important Notice. ;COn- Any persona or persons cultivating ! land upon the public highways are . . I required by law to leave a apace on kin<* I either aide of the road IS feet from ^ I center of road, and this in notice to ail such person a that the county will (not pay for crops or fertilizers on ; that Kpace, in the event it should bo ? needed for building and maintaining the road. ro. Hup. L. C. *y 4!*-57 w. Ia your snfoeriptioa ta The NTe^ fr. I V# l? fa ?k... . - | I -r ? iv imrnur i ^ HMi lUr U? " fhrr fello* " ' * . ' i ' : BOOM are attending: our April Sale. great values we are offering. P? being added to our list of Barg; ave not attended this sale, be si ! sure you will be pleased with The Ladie -ve are giving FREE, during t CORSET, value $1.00, to ev< LARS in cash with us. Wear :nts At $6.. ? beautiful 15 i ]Qt Youths' Long Par for April sale $10.00. Very specij 1 0 Cents. only _ :nts At 25 C< ;d Swiss, comes | 1 lavender with Kitf lot of Hoys' and Mis lg. These are Hats and Caps put oi evening wear the remaining days ? 25 Cents. at only .. :nts Milline e Belts, beau- Big lot new Millinery ] [) cents value, day. You can sur sale only? here in a Hat and 10 Cents. I | I want to pay. :nts At 25 and 5 Big lot of Children's _ emaiMiiiK uays now on display at 2* rds of best 5 Come early and get for 29 Cents. these goods, r 10 yards. A . - ^ At 1.00, 1.25 TltS Bin lot of Ladies' fa Parasols now on s d Buckles just $1.25 and $1,50. ' le. Special at tiful goods at the pri 25 Cents. | to please you. end this April sale, as our lis ^et prices from other stores ai low you where it will pay you :rs and can please you. Come i E. CLOUD ?ii Excursion Rates Via Southern Railway to Char- 2jgMg2 lesion, S. C , Columbia, S. C. WkP Spartanburg, S. C. and Wash ington, D C. i=||l II) (;il.IKLKS'l(>N itinI return Ac ount Meeting of shriuers the Southern Railway announces very low round trip Q fj loies. Tickets) wdl be sold April 21 and jk-- 1 22 limited for return, leaving Charleston ' j^~r'\ liot later t ban lul< I 111 t* lit April 2d. I '.Hill. I TO OOI.l- M HI A and return : Account j Bfv/ Musical Festival very low round trip tick- j */ cs. i ts will bo sold April 21, 22 and 2d. limit- | ft I ed for return, leaving Col it in bin not later if! I\ than midnight \piil 24, l'.tu'.t |(i SI* a It T.VN 111" lit; and return : Account South Atlantic States Mnsioal Festival t^v very cheap round trip tickets will la- soldi UO Apr.I I'd 2(1, 21, 22 and for trains schedul- _ ed lo arrive Hpartanhnrg beiore noon Aptil T 2d, llltlt. I.iuiited tor return, leaving m . Spartanburg riot later than midnight April 2Ith, 10 :i TO N\ \slUNti l'< >N I). ' ., and return : kiTitillif uiinn.il mnolinrt I k ^ t>i inr uil y\. American devolution, Wmbii^ton. I). <- voiir very low round trip ticketu will b? ith. MM U. yUic Foi detailed mtorumtion, tickets, etc , I and c apply in Southern hailway ticket agents na or HtidresM I L MKEK. I \sst. < ten I'asMtiger Agent, COlFet Atlanta. tin. thine r t; LUSK. unng l?ivision Passenger Agent, iuiyw "iti-olt. I .'harloxton, S, 0. Ber Organ and | Piano Bargains. I ? Homo good s?iu*re Piano* from K| $ !.') to $75. Home good used t ?r- I I gam* from $25 to $45. Should the I i purchasers of those instrument a I desire to exchange them in a few rtUiom> years for a new piano, we will al- If0 # " low thoir market value aa a credit cot ou fan Write at once for particulars, as , bargains go quickly. 96 66 K IVfA I/ON K'H MU8IC HOU8K, A Columbia, S. C. WlMB ' t< i . ^ - n j I ure and make 'J our offerings. f I S { he month of T sry lady that one FREE. if v tm 50 Y its Suits, value > il for this sale m ... -- $6.50. ' :nts ises white Duck . || n sale Unlay for >f our April sale 25 Cents. put on sale to- 4 H ely be pleased , at prices you > ' n 0 Cents Fancy Parasols J 1 and 50 Cents, the choice of and 1.5 0 (1 ncy and plain >! ale at $1.00, ^<1 These are beauce and are sure ' JB t of Bargains id then come B to trade with n and see us. L | Lancaster, I \ 1 ^ ^Sout^ ^ ^ your Household expenses weigh I Heavv JS bM3* ' f V / S >ur mind? If you buu j t . foods here it will lift weight considerably: . sell you high grade ' foods at fair prices, \ arry the best grades t inned goods, cereals, J , es, teas and every: that can be procured ? here at J inett-Ferguson ; Company. J - I Honey to Loan. ? prepared to negotiate Iohoh ut \ .00 and upward* on improved I r to a, repayable in annual install V 8 per oent inlet eat, No oom sharped ; only k reMonablo fee 1 5t of title. 1 . E. WYLIE, Attorney-at-Law. ^