The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, April 17, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Agricultural ^ Department What Is Your Com Going to Cost You? The Progressive Farmer. Nart WQQ \r ar^ Ka nn f a nnklt.1% *?Vav ??vvn ff c UV^U VU ^ U U1 IC 1J some figures from Mr. C. R. Hudson, the State A tent of the Farmers' Co operative Demonstration Work, and some Irom Mr. E. S. Millsaps, the agent for Iredell County, as to the comparative cost of making corn under the methods taught by Dr. Kuapp and under those commonly followed. Whatever may be thought ot tbeefc figures, they "demonstrate" beyond all question .that the av erage yield of corn cau be greatly increased and the cost, per bushel greatly decreased by the use of better methods. Many farmers seem to have gene into the demonstration work with a great deal of caution, trying it on little patches of land and looking upon it as something radically new and yet unproved. ar * - ? rxow, as we understand it Dr. Knapp and his force lay the mo9t stress upon (1) good seed, (53 ) good preparation of the soil, (3) good cultivation afterward. We have been neglecting our seed or selecting it with a wrong ideal in mind for a lone time; but a deep, well-broken, humus-filled seed bed and level, shallow cultitrnli ? -4 ' ? ? Ii'aiiwu aic tcrmilliv IIUI IIIII g new or 9trauge. They have beeu recognized as essentials of successful corn culture iu those sections where the best corn crops are g?-own for a long time, and were the established means to the most profitable yield of corn long before the demonstration work had been dreamed ot. There is nothing radical, nothing new, nothing doubtiu) about these methods Dr. Knapp and his co-workers are ''demonstrating." They are the methods, lollowed by the best corn grow, ers everywhere. There is no money in growing! twenty or twenty-five bushels of j corn to the acre by the use ot several hundred pound's of commercial fertilizer. With decent treatment of our land w *'h ?u!d average more than that in live j years without any fertilizers a' ! all. As it is, we make (in N .rib Caroline) 12.8 bushels per acre, j We shall never gel rich rai-ing auch corn crops as that. As a step t"wanl building up your corn land, begin now toget ready to sow peas in the c<?rn when you lay-by 'and crimson clover on the land next fall. As a means to making I lie most out ot this crop, prepare to cul-j uvaie it wnt'ii^vci n cm' \ tivation? whenever the soil begins to "crust" or get hard.? and to Cultivate with tools that will fine the first two or three inches of the soil without tear ing up the roots of the corn. Prepare to "demonstrate" on your farm this year that you c*u i grow more than 1*2 8 bushels to the acre and that you can grow it at a reasonable cost. 4 ?- ? ? How to Care for the Plnats You Buy. When plants are received by the customer, they should be got home as soon as possible and taken from the package. Don't stop and talk with your neighbor when you are taking home a shipment of strawberry plants The package should be put under shade, preferably in a cool wood-ahed or cellar, and opened at once and the plants taken out iinri counted. If all are right, % ^ tite sot upright on r Jkz P TP / new\1pei Wick Blue Flam ensures quick work sad s cool k has a substantial CABINET T( iof food hot after it is cooked* act small cooking utensils?en for holding towels. 6 Made in three or without Cabine write our neatest a f powerful light and I ur nfe, convenient?jus' < If not with your d STAND the bottom of ihe room, with wet moss next to the roots, on the bottom and at the sides. It they are wilted, it is a stood plan 'o take each bunch and set it in a pail of water lor a short time, I long enough to lake up sufficient mois ure to revive the plaints. Failure with plants is almost always due to keeping them too long alter they are received from the nursery before planting out, to exposure ot the roots to heat, winds or hosts, or to putting them in a warm, humid place where they will mo d and spoil. The sooner the roots are i:o' into | the soil the belter, an 1 the less exposure they have, the surer the good results. Before you j blame the nur.-erymen. think wen whether you tve p? rfonned y -ur p trt ?Country Go , le m a n. , .. \ou should not (l lay under my circumstance* in cas.s ot Kidney an 1 It.adder trouble. Von should take oui.tkititf promptly that you know is reliable, something like DeVVttt's Kidney and Bladder l'dls. 1 hey are unequaltd for weak back, backache, iullamtnutiou of the bladder, rlieniuuiic pains, etc. When you ask for De\\ itt's Kidney and I ladder 1'iw be sure you i^et tin in. 1'bey are antiseptic. Vecej i no substitutes: insist upon netting j tbe rioht kind. Sold by J. 1'. .Maekey o. j w-s I Provisions of New Law Prohibiting Importation ot Diseased Live Stock into State. I Ed. The News: Kudos -d herewith you will lind c >py <>t , Ac1 recently pus-ed by th" (teneral As-embly ot South Carolina which i> ot ureal importance to stock breeders of this and other st ates. Tiii? ;?ct prohibits the impor. iati??n ol dis-used live stock hi to the State oi South Carolina. Su h n law became necessary owing to the passage of similar laws by other st?tes and unless this protection bad been aflforded, this state would soon become a I dumping ground for diseased! ' 9tock from other slates. Brietly summarized the Act is a- follows : "All shipments of live stock, except those for | immediate slaughter, must be ac Icompanied by certificate of health showing that the animals are free from contagious or infectious diseases. This certificate can be issued by the state veterinarian or assistant state veterinarian of the stale from which shipment is^raade, or by a veterinarian in the employ of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry or by any competent veterinarian authorized by the state veterinarian of South Carolina All health certificates must be in r THE L?WC?STEB NEWS. AP( ' Don't Heat " the Kitchen All the necessary family cook- TQ ing may be done as well on a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove as on Tc the best coal or wood range. devo By using the "New Perfection" Oil Stove, the annoyance patri of an overheated and stuffy win kitchen is entirely avoided,even legia in midsummer. The scientific construction of the creei erect nrrrTinu ! ?rou IVrttlM\ prop e Oil Cook-Stove t?: itchcn. The "New Perfection- thou )P for warming; plates and keep- had Aba drop shelves on which to to (fa try convenience, even to bars Soot A C sixes. Can be had either with t Top. If not at your dealer's, *? CB g;ency. Act ????????? ed b r% Lamp ^ finely nickeled adop and very handsome. Gives a , ns lor hours with one filling. Portable^ 11011 what every home needs. '> J lealcr, write our nearest agency. 811(1 | ARD OIL COMPANY . 1 (Incorporated) SllOU _ ~ preci duplicate (these cer(ifica'e9 will (0 t]1 be furnished qualitied veterina; an(j ( rians and transportation coin- nf t; panics at actual cos! ) the origin- take al of which must he forwarded aHnj; to the state veterin irian of South lfl Carolina and the duolicate must |cun(j be attached to bill of lading for jt said animals''. Conf) All cattle over s;x months of feder ai:e, except those for immediate fhoe slaughter, must he tested with U9> w tuberculin and mu-t he free of COmf tuberculosis before tliev are them brought in this state. Tempera build ture reports of the test ??r a cer- ( wj,n , uiied copv of snrne must Hocom- umeii pauy ti e health certificate. The, j.j1(,u tuberculin tost must bo made ,i)at within 30 davs prceedins ship- are ment. honoi The penalty f r violation of A t litis A t is h fine of n >t less than edtw $500 ami not more tinn $1000 hrs. or imptis mnient lor not more be ra th in one v< nr. 1 his Act also news atlows in lemni'V for tuberculo Co.ui -is and ghinderfd animals de- buh > atioyed hy the slate authorities. Previous to th?' p issavte of ibis Act no indemnity has been all^wed. i Ids act will undoubted- (j0 Iv prove o' great value to stock owners in iliis -taie and to faci- i)uri litu'e shipments o! live stock into South Carolina, the pubiiea- kidney ami il tion of this Act in your papers the ki. would be highly appreciated. V^VnV! Any turiher inquiries regarding "v*1 |J* this law will ne promptly answered. liespectfully yours, Trac M. Kav 1'owers, , have State Veterinarian. ^ Clem-on College. s C. mo s few ( i t-ople I'HKt middle life n.-nlly have some ., kidney or Madder disorder 11:>?t saps the Itastf ituity. which n.ttur.iMv lower m ohl age Foley's Kidney itemed} corrects urinary stores strength and vigor. It that cnr. s uric ncid troubles by strengthening the kiduoys sd they will strum out the uric O'hei i>< i.l I I...t ..HI-. ... o.. ..I? i . I ... . -vniv - >11 inn in uivivn UUII ,|?111W 'I'L I ausiun rlieuni.ttisni Fnncierlmrk i'harUittov. li. W. 1 i rt j 11 LiioQ* I A Co.. ileatb f?aV6 Sprlniis s S:ll Ul We Lynching in Florida. 3(m.: Arraoia, Fla., April 13.? B. Fi John Smith, the negro who ves? pi ay < ter.lay dragged Mi?s Mary Steel | were Kwing Irom her buggy, twojtolli mi lea from Arcalia, in an at- show tempt at criminal assault, was word taken away from the sheriff and little his deputies at. an early hour a mi tins morning and handed to a time tree. your ^ be Mr. F. G. Fritts, Oneonta, N. Y.. writes: child ' My little girl witi greatly benefited by whot taking Foley's Orino Laxative, ami 1 think it is tne l>e?t remedy for constipation and pri/e liver trouble.'' Foley's Orina Laxative is nest for women and children, as it is mild, pleasant and effective, and in a splendid spring medicine, as it cleannes the syntem and clears the complexion. Funderbark Pharmacy, K W. Hammond A Co., Heath | Springs.' s lr / - / APRIL 17, 1309 >eal to Confederate Vetans and Sons of Veterans. i Every Camp of Confederate Veterans in South Carolina. ; You ' > Every Camp of Sons of Veterans iu South Carolina. > commemorate the courage, lion, fortitude and eternal You nead , , r? .... i foodwholasc lotism of ?he South Caro.ina, thls you nee ien of the Confederacy, the' Else you a Into re at Us last session He. can you stre 1 (ha a monument should be ^You'must td upon the State House maintain sti nds in Columbia, and ap- You must riated for that purpose seven ^tVmount sand five hundred dollars, to: .... | % But this t variable only when seven, ^ ltmuatl sand five hundred dollars. When the been voluntarily subscribed you must tal le same object by citizens of ^Th^prope h Carolina. what you wr Commission was provided for f**1, *** '0<> irry out the provisions of the ?... i. , r, . . . . Nothing el That Commission, appoiut- the stomach y the Governor, recently or- yoo must he r,3d, and its first act was the 18,1 Kodo1 w ition of the following resolutesolved, That the Veterans kSons ot Veterans are and 1J J 1? -Li!. ? v W iu ue mure aeepiy oougaiea i ^ uild a lasting tribute of ap- 9^ lalion, love and veneration 9^ 11 e women of the Confederacy, 9^ iacb Camp of Veterans and 9^ ons of Veterans is urytd t" 9^ rp immediate steps for an or g^ sed canvass for con1 ribution 9^ the Woman's Monument 9^ K is not necessary to ur>:e the S^r ^derates or the Sons of Conates to act without delay. 9^ e women who are yet with 3^ ho sustained the men in war, 9^ ortcd them in defeat, a'ded *3^ in the dread task oi reing a ruined country, and j||$ - ^ dolled the South with m<m- g^ ,?? i^ i e?A???i 1 ?T no >w two \ iiuioueinio uenu, ^ Id not be given cause to leel x the men of South Carolina ^ lardv in rendering them P i\ i his date The St ite'haa c dlect |p o'housand five hundred dol B^ Ten thousand mure should fl i ???? ? ised in titty nays b 'oal mbwt-?r. .sc. papers and Tne S ate ? mbia will publish all contriWilliatn K (i .nzales, Sec'v Treas. W unan's Monument Comm.--ion r|SSBB*'^ lurnbia, S. C. Apr. 7, 15)09. ng the spring every niic won I 1 he ed by taking Foley's Kidney lie- rB^A , It tnrnishi'H a needed t<>nie to the 1 |BF/' s after the extra strain of winter, bM I I in iti?-ss the olood by ->tininlatiii" f tjj Ineya, and canning titeni to elendn> imparities from it. Foley's <?i Itiey H ly no parts new life and vigor. Fleastake. Funderhurk Fharuiacy, K. H | uimond v Co., Heath Springs. h iesville Dots-Children i Interesting Egg Hunt. [11 r. Kditor: l'lease allow S pace in your columns for ? I ; lots Irorn fradesviile. S. C. 1 \ hi tr ha-t come and gone once , and we are Very thunklul of life is we were spared to see an- ?h<>rfc th when you one this suit* of *iio river. run tlmvi Spring IIill Sunday School flonh; hat the children an ee?? Imnt bud <lren . . your han< rday afternoon at d < cIock have pail met promptly and ha.l h in nriiu;; Hiul were led in prayer by J. ?'*d wore iiuderburk. Then theorganis; itHnate^o od a march and the children it, you h marched out of the church Go or hoi c hunting ground, and were Mir. A C n the ground, and when the op their run. i , i pains and all was given to hunt, the ( /_11 ? - lenuws went to wotk with *"k bloodin ( NTIIMCN? I yhi. They had a delightful isduced ? try yc . ?n>i>U bolll*. ; all enjoyed the hunt, both # r ig and old. I think it will tiii blood in long remembered by the ren. We had a certain egg "" w?iinlriii iver tound it would get a Such po , shown to us i. Master hdwin (lordon Bloodins coi the lucky one. Irs* Bsmpi Kespt. yours, \ Bloo< L. J. Funderburk, , I adebville, April 12, 1909. < , ^ ^ H\V I . J ' I \ mi. ,?! in , ....4^ Eat What ft* want of the food you need Kodol will digest it. _ H ? a sufficient amount of Alir P >me food and more than WUr Vvliar&IlteQ d to fully digest It. Qo to your druggist today, and an't Rain st rength, nor purcliase a dollar bottle, and if you nRthen your stomach If can honestly say, that you did no# receive any benefits from tt? after eat in order to live and using the entire bottle, the drug* enRth. gist will refund your money to you w not diet, because the without question or delay, s that you eat a sufflo We will pay the druggist the prion ' oMood regularly. of the bottle purchased by you. ood.must bo dlgeeted, ??er *f"'.'"w*. 'J*"* m digested thoroughly! J*** ou!7 wd t? Imt ? ta ? itomich eon't do It, tm0' Ice something that will mach. We could not afford tojtefcf foot r way to do Is to eat ** offer' unless we positively fewmm A ant, and lat Kodol dl- What Kodol WW do for you. d. It Would bankrupt m .TT... ."SffirffiKaner-" 1 Is weak It needs help; i lp It by fftrlnff It rait, Kodol Is mada at the laboratortui 4 L. Ill do that. of ?. C. DeWitt & Co.. Chicago. Sold by J. F. MACKEY &. COVVn W iklI KVikiwilmuv H vvc ucii uvn vuiuig K hat Goes to Build a Cot- J tage or a Mansion" ? AND- 2k I will be glad to have you fig- Q lire with us lor anything in ^ our line. We will make it ^ to your advantage. See our mantels before buying else- ? where. They are superior. W We have on hand a big line of ^ eady - Mixed Paints ? which we are selling at cost. ^ 1 )on't miss the paint bargain. A IOORE LUMBER S -j id Manufacturing Co, ,, ? 7 -#***> < &v8samnt- rdssx. xtg&'VMmiptiGma* -"in nrsri wiiir-m uncertain ? it may be long* or may M tis largely depends upon your heaJth^nUitf [ find ti?e spans weakening and vou feel aV ii, nervous, irritable, melancholy ; loosing c no appetite; feel fnint; cimt sloop; have ins; dizziness or swinuninp of the head ils and feet get cold, tingle and get numb ns in your side or back; brick-dust depfliw/ have acid stomach or heartburn; feel iltifi across the shoulders; have shooting pains/ at the body; have to strain or a desire ta1 ften, or a burning sensation when passing Mould commence to take llloodine to-day id to your druggist now for a bottle. bouv slays are dangerous ! ! , J. Taintor, Colchester, Conn., tolls how any woman oan build ( down system. They can be peimaueutly oured of monthly I female diseases. H,<. ) (*hbst?r, Conn . Mirth jo. 1904. I ,h, Mmp|e bottle ! hope you will give it praapt K I O.. Huston, Mm.: mention u4 1 em needing it v*ry much, rhrourh a friend in Mitford I >m Your* Terr truly-, iur Hloodine 1 enclose ioc. (or Mm. A. C. Tsilt" ' ' Yours truly. M*s. A. C. Tainto*. Coiciitst**, Comm., July *A. i chs tss. Conn., April n, 1904 THR RLOODINF. CO., Boston, M*u t I K CO.. Boston, Mass i C.snt ijsis ? 1 Ancles* a ?o money <vrdf nrloi* f 1 $0 f"r sit (6) bottles of (u) twelve bottles of your Ktuodino. nvtnced it i? what I need to build promptly. Yours truly, thange for the better after taking Mas. A. C. I ft, .100 if the originals of the above letters proving genuineness esnn >t b* prod sit've proof of the remarkable merits of Bloodlne hav that we do not hesitate to guarantee every bottle w its 50c a bottle for the usual 91-00 sise. Mail orders e Bottle by mail lOo. ^ lint Idvsr Pills curs Constipation, 25c. a box. ord Bros., Special/Age ' J j